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Stress and Fracture Analysis of a Class of Bonded Joints in Wind Turbine BladesChen, Chang 03 October 2013 (has links)
A simplified model is proposed to investigate the stress fields and the strain energy release rate (SERR) associated with cracks in bonded joints in wind turbine blades. The proposed two-dimensional model consists of nonparallel upper and lower shells with adhesive between the shells at the tapered end. Nonlinear finite element analysis (FEA) is performed in a systematic parametric study of material and geo- metric properties. Two failure modes and their locations are predicted at different combinations of parameters: yielding at the outside end of the adhesive and interface cracking at the inside end of the bondline. Effect of the shell curvature on the stress fields is also considered.
Based on the classic beam theory and the beam-on-elastic-foundation (BOEF) assumption, stress and displacement fields of the adhesively-bonded joint were determined by a new theoretical model to support the results from the numerical computation. The failure analysis is continued by studying the effects of manufacturing defects in the adhesive bond. Single and multiple voids are embedded to simulate air bubble trapped in the interface. The numerical and analytical studies are conducted to investigate SERR associated with the voids and results are provided to illustrate the effects of void position and void size.
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Teoretické aspekty učebnice češtiny pro Ukrajince - úroveň A1 SERR / Theoretical Aspects of the Czech Textbook for Ukrainian Speakers - Level A1 CEFRMacurová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The recent political and economic changes in Ukraine aroused interest in studying foreign languages. Though Czech is a language with a relatively small number of speakers, it has a substantial audience of learners in Ukraine. Among the reasons, one can surely mention close cultural and political relations between both countries and traditionally attractive image of the Czech republic as a target country for the Ukrainian migrants. The doctoral thesis meets the learning needs of a target group, which is currently being short of relevant learning materials of Czech. Beforehand it concerns adult learners studying Czech as a foreign language for strictly practical reasons (not as a subject of a high school curriculum), with a great deal of autonomy in their studying. The profile of the target group specifies the main parameters of the language textbook outlined in the doctoral thesis. Beside the general and particular theory of designing language textbooks, the following problems are also discussed: studying of close relative languages, differences between studying a foreign language and the second language, a foreign language on the early stages of learning/aquisition, self-study of foreign language and so on. The practical part of the doctoral thesis presents a digest of methodical approaches applied...
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Důležité osobnosti didaktiky francouzštiny jako cizího jazyka od roku 1950 / Important personalities of the didactics of French as a foreign language since 1950Stammová, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
This work presents the chronological development of foreign languages teaching methods, with a focus on French especially. With these methods, we provide an overview of the learning materials development. The aim of this work is to introduce the didacticians of French language from the 1950s who worked on teaching methodologies. The first part briefly presents the French language extension history and, then, the traditional, direct and audio-lingual teaching language methods details that we encounter before the 1950s. The second part deals with the second half of the last century. On the background of the audiovisual structurally global approach, we encounter the main persons linked to this method. Consequently, we continue with the communication approach and the Speech acts of J. L. Austin and J. Searl, followed by Daniel Coste and his"Niveau Seuil". The last part deals with the Common European Framework of Reference, followed by 21st century most representative didacticians. Keywords Didactics, French language, teaching methods, CEFR, history of teaching methods
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Průřezové téma mediální výchova ve výuce anglického jazyka na gymnáziích. / The Cross-Cutting Theme of Media Education in English Language Classes at Grammar Schools.SMRŽOVÁ, Magdaléna January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on integration of the Cross-Cutting Theme of Media Education in the English language teaching at grammar schools. The theoretical part defines the concept of media, incorporates Media Education in the Czech educational environment and presents its thematic areas. Further on, the thesis deals with educational fields of the Framework Education Programme and the common reference levels B1 and B2 according to The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The thesis also focuses on the methodical approach of the teaching of Media Education, then on the educational sources and the system of the approval clauses for English language textbooks of the Ministery of Education. The practical part deals with analysis of the English language textbooks for secondary general education and their activities that focus on Media Education. Then the practical part presents the corpus of suggested activities created on the basis of recommended expected outcomes of Media Education and their integration in the English language teaching at grammar schools.
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Testování žáků v německém jazyce na základní škole. / Testing of pupils in German language at basic schoolKOSOBUD, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to find out, if the level of knowledge of German language at pupils at basic schools in the Czech Republic is increasing, stagnating or decreasing and what factors influence their results. In the theoretic part I am going to deal with testing of pupils in Europe and in the Czech Republic. After that there is introduced a list of all standard assessment tests of German language on level A1 and A2. Then there are compared standard assessment tests ?Fit in Deutsch? and ?Start Deutsch? with the tests of Czech School Inspection from 2012/2013. In the research part I focus on the development of pupils? knowledge of German language at basic schools. The research is based on the assigned tests from 2007, 2010 and 2013. On the basis of these tests and filled questionnaires I am trying to find answers on the set research questions and to check correctness of the set hypotheses or alternatively to find other factors that influence pupils? knowledge of German language.
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Rozvíjení sociokulturní kompetence žáků a vybrané učebnice češtiny pro cizince / Developing socio-cultural competence of students and selected textbooks of Czech for foreignersSkoumalová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The presented thesis focuses on the analysis of selected Czech for foreigners textbooks in terms of socio-cultural competence. In the first three chapters the term of socio-cultural competence is explained and its definition in the Common European Framework of Reference and in the descriptions of reference levels A1, A2, B1 and B2 for Czech is examined. Chapter four deals with a chosen research method - criteria catalogue. In chapter five selected textbooks (Česky, prosím I, Čeština pro cizince: Úroveň B1, Čeština pro cizince: Úroveň B2, Čeština pro středně a více pokročilé, Čeština pro život, Čeština pro život 2, Mluvme česky) are analyzed separately and in chapter six individual results of previous examinations are compared with regard to how the publications contribute to the development of socio-cultural competence of students. 1
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Kvalitativní a kvantitativní parametry prezentace lexikální zásoby ve vybraných učebnicích češtiny pro cizince / Qualitative and quantitative parameters of the presentation of vocabulary in selected textbooks of Czech for foreignersOuřadová, Zdeňka January 2020 (has links)
This thesis aims at the issue of teaching vocabulary and ways how it is processed in textbooks of Czech as a foreign language. Theoretical part of the thesis explains most important terms of language and linguistic didactics, describes the curriculum for teaching vocabulary in Czech as a foreign language and the role of textbooks in the educational process. Based on this information the research part analyzes a representative sample of textbooks of Czech as a foreign language. It compares its vocabulary with the appropriate level of vocabulary recommended by CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference). Based on the findings of the analysis thesis provides recommendations for the practice of lingvistic didactics. Key words: vocabulary, teaching vocabulary, Czech as a foreign language, linguistic didactics, textbooks, textbooks of Czech as a foreign language, CEFR
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Průřezové téma Multikulturní výchova v hodinách anglického jazyka / The Cross-curricular topic Multicultural Education in English classesHessová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
Abstract In our dissertation we address the needs rooting in the ongoing process of systematic efforts to improve the Czech educational system. Mainly, we focus on the question of how to implement the cross-curricular topic Multicultural Education into English language classes at lower and upper secondary schools. As Multicultural Education, along with the other cross-curricular topics, has become an obligatory and essential part of the reformed Czech curricula. The author of this dissertation is employed with the English Department at the Faculty of Education of The University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. That is why we aim to introduce the theoretical background and history of the cross-curricular topic Multicultural Education in the Czech educational system. Then, based on that theoretical background, we shall design and run a course at the Pedagogical faculty for our students (teachers-to-be) that will provide them with sufficient amount of theory. Within the course the students will be given enough practical examples of the implementation of Multicultural Education into English classes when combining cultural and linguistic aims and at the end of the course we will allow the students to design and try such a class during their peer teaching. We will also publish the results of the course for...
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