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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Physically Based Simulation and Visualization of Fire in Real-Time using the GPU

Rødal, Knut Erik Samuel, Storli, Geir January 2006 (has links)
Fire is a powerful natural effect which can greatly enhance the immersion of virtual environments and games. In this thesis we describe the theory and GPU implementation of a physically based approach for simulating and visualizing 3D fire in real-time. Previous approaches are generally lacking either in visual quality, turbulence and flickering, or flexibility and extensibility. We attempt to address all these issues by using an underlying fluid simulation, modeling the mass and heat transfer aspects of the physics of fire, in combination with an explicit combustion process. The fluid simulation is used to control the behavior of a velocity field governing the motion of fuel gas, hot exhaust gas, and temperature fields, and the combustion process models the conversion of fuel gas to exhaust gas when the temperature is above the ignition temperature of the fuel gas. The velocity field is among other affected by vorticity confinement, causing a more turbulent and flickering fire, and a buoyancy force modeling upward motion. We perform the fire simulation both in 3D and in a set of 2D slices using volumetric extrusion to define an implicit 3D domain. In order to achieve satisfying visual quality, we visualize the fire using a particle system of textured particles guided by the results from the fire simulation. The particle colors are based on black-body radiation from the hot exhaust gas, and the particles move according to the velocity field from the fluid simulation. A similar particle system is used to visualize the cooled exhaust gas or smoke. As an alternative to particle systems we have also implemented a volume rendering approach for visualizing fire, but it falls short both in performance and visual quality. Finally, we model dynamic illumination, approximating the illumination from the fire on the surrounding scene by a set of point lights, whose intensities are computed in a similar fashion as the fire particle colors. The point lights are either stationary positioned near the center of the fire, or set to follow the velocity field just like the particles of the fire and smoke particle systems. Both the simulation and visualization of fire are implemented completely on the GPU, ensuring high frame rates without sacrificing visual quality. We have achieved a flickering and turbulent fire which compares favorably to previous approaches and works well in virtual environments, especially due to the dynamic illumination. The fire visualization also has realistic colors and intensity, and thus captures important elements of real fire. Our underlying physically based simulation enables us to efficiently simulate a variety of different kinds of small-scale fires, by altering a set of simulation parameters. One of our main contributions is implementing the explicit combustion process with fluid simulation on the GPU, as well as using it in combination with vorticity confinement and volumetric extrusion. Our contributions also include the dynamic illumination already mentioned, simulation domain advection, a novel method for modeling the behavior of fire as it is moved, and using time-dependent noise curves to model dynamic wind affecting the fire.

Parallel Methods for Real-Time Visualization of Snow

Saltvik, Ingar January 2006 (has links)
Using computer generated imaging is becoming more and more popular in areas such as computer gaming, movie industry and simulation. A familiar scene in the winter months for most us in the Nordic countries is snow. This thesis discusses some of the complex numerical algorithms behind snow simulations. Previous methods for snow simulation have either covered only a very limited aspect of snow, or have been unsuitable for real-time performance. In this thesis, some of these methods are combined into a model for real-time snow simulation that handles both snowflake motion through the air, wind simulation, and accumulation of snow on objects and the ground. With a goal towards achieving real-time performance with more than 25 frames per second, some new parallel methods for the snow model are introduced. Focus is set on efficient parallelization on new SMP and multi-core computer systems. The algorithms are first parallelized in a pure data-parallel manner by dividing the data structures among threads. This scheme is then improved by overlapping inherently sequential algorithms with computations for the following frame, to eliminate processor idle time. A speedup of 1.9 on modern dual CPU workstations is achieved, while displaying a visually satisfying result in real-time. By utilizing Hyper-Threading enabled dual CPU systems, the speedup is further improved to 2.0.

Neighborhood Mining in Biological Networks

Stenersen, Kristoffer, Sundsdal, Sverre January 2006 (has links)
Biologists are constantly looking for new knowledge about biological properties and processes. Bio-molecular interaction networks model dependencies among proteins and the processes they participate. By studying patterns of interaction in these networks, it may be possible to discover implicit information embedded in the network topology. In this thesis we improve existing and develop new methods for investigating similarities between proteins, and for discovering protein interaction sub-patterns. Cytoscape (Shannon et al., 2003) is a tool for visualization and analysis of interaction networks used by biologists. We have developed an extension to Cytoscape that lets biologists perform the following tasks: - Compare proteins based on neighborhood information - Find interaction sub pattern in an interaction network. - Discover sub patterns in one or several networks. Our main contributions are improvements to graph mining algorithms gSpan by Yan and Han (2002) and Apriori by Inokuchi et al. (2003) whose original task was the discovering of frequent sub-patterns in a very large set of networks. We have enabled mining a single network and enabled less exact matches. The graph mining algorithm runs on labeled graphs, and we have used various clustering techniques for this task. The clustering is done through similarity measures between proteins, which we have based on Gene Ontology annotations and experimental data obtained from a ChIP-chip experiment. Our plug-in may easily be extended by adding other cluster techniques or similarity measures. We verify the results of our implementations and test them for speed. We find that of the two mining algorithms gSpan shows the most promise for mining biological graphs.

Simulations of imitative learning

Barakat, Firas Risnes January 2006 (has links)
This Master thesis presents simulations within the field of imitative learning. The thesis starts with a review of the work done in my depth study, looking at imitative learning in general. Further, forward and inverse models are studied, and a case study of a Wolpert et al article is done. An architecture using the recurrent neural network with parametric bias (RNNPB) and a PID-controller by Tani et al is presented, and later simulated using MATLAB and the breve simulation environment. It is tested if the RNNPB is suitable for imitative learning. The first experiment was quite successful, and interesting results were discovered. The second experiment was less successful. Generally, it was confirmed that RNNPB is able to reproduce actions, interact with the environment, and indicate situations using the parametric bias (PB). It was also observed that the PB values tend to reflect common characteristics in similar training patterns. A comparison between the forward and inverse model and the RNNPB model was done. The former appears to be more modular and a predictor of consequence of actions, while the latter predicts sequences and is able to represent the situation it is in. The work done to connect MATLAB and breve is also presented.

Marvin - Intelligent Corridor Guide

Hartvigsen, Ole Kristian January 2006 (has links)
Intelligent helpers are becoming increasingly popular as computer systems are being used in new areas and by new users every day. Programs and robots that communicate with users in a human-like way offer friendlier and easier use, especially for systems that are used by a random selection of people who shouldn't need prior knowledge of the interface. This project considers an intelligent helping system that performs a specific human-like task in a real world environment. The system is named Marvin and is going to be a guide for people who are unfamiliar with a building. Imagine entering a building full of hallways and doors, not knowing where to go, and having a robot greet you. You can speak to the robot just as if it was a human being and it will give you the information that you need or even lead you to the place where you want to go. In this project, a prototype simulator of Marvin is implemented to work in the third floor of the building of The Department of Computer and Information Science at Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Questions and requests to Marvin can be made through written natural language. The program answers questions with natural language sentences, additional map presentations, and simulated robot movement.

Dynamic Selection of MPI Intra-copy Routines Based on Program Characteristics

Borg, Øystein Lauen January 2006 (has links)
The Message Passing Interface(MPI) has become a de-facto standard for parallel programming. The ultimate goal of parallel processing is high performance and this brings a motivation for a highly optimized MPI - implementation. When an application calls an MPI communications routine, data is copied between user memory and the memory areas managed by the MPI library. The speed of this transfer depends on a multitude of factors, including the architecture, amount of data, data layout and whether the data is referenced right before or after a transfer. There are numerous ways to copy data from one location to another, and their characteristics combined with the data properties will yield different efficiency. The information needed to select the best way to copy data is only available during application execution. In this Master's Thesis, we present and implement a method to improve the performance of parallel applications by dynamically perform a close-to-optimal selection of intra-copy routines within an MPI implementation. Our method detect loops of MPI calls, and exploit loop predictability to time their performance while varying the routine selections. In order to obtain a good routine selection reasonably fast, a global optimization heuristic, simulated annealing, is used. In particular, our solution method is employed within Scali MPI Connect (SMC), an MPI implementation providing 35 different intra-copy routines. Through various benchmarks, it is observed that our method introduce low overhead and find a good selection fast, thus reducing the execution time of the given benchmark. In benchmarks where the difference between an optimal routine selection and the standard selection within SMC allows it, a bandwidth improvement of 40% is observed.

Bandwidth-Aware Prefetching in Chip Multiprocessors

Grannæs, Marius January 2006 (has links)
Chip Multiprocessors (CMP) are an increasingly popular architecture and increasing numbers of vendors are now offering CMP solutions. The shift to CMP architectures from uniprocessors is driven by the increasing complexity of cores, the processor-memory performance gap, limitations in ILP and increasing power requirements. Prefetching is a successful technique commonly used in high performance processors to hide latency. In a CMP, prefetching offers new opportunities and challenges, as current uniprocessor heuristics will need adaption or redesign to integrate with CMPs. In this thesis, I look at the state of the art in prefetching and CMP architecture. I conduct experiments on how unmodified uniprocessor prefetching heuristics perform in a CMP. In addition, I have proposed a new prefetching scheme based on bandwidth monitoring and prediction through performance counters, suited for embedded CMP systems. This new prefetching scheme has been simulated with SimpleScalar. It offers lower bandwidth usage (up to 47.8 %), while retaining most of the performance gains from prefetching for low accuracy prefetching heuristics.

Visualization of water surface using GPU

Gustavsen, Jostein, Harkestad, Dan Lewi January 2006 (has links)
Several methods for simulating a body of water and a water surface has been investigated. A method by Layton & van de Panne based on a simplification of the Navier-Stokes equations was selected. A number of simplifications was made to increase the performance of the method, and it was implemented on the programmable graphical processing unit (GPU) using the Jacobi method to solve the linear equations. A conjugate gradient solver was also implemented on the GPU. The performance of the methods were measured and recorded.

User Interface for 3D Visualization with Emphasis on Combined Voxel and Surface Representation : Design Report

Lyngset, Runar Ylvisåker January 2006 (has links)
The thesis presents a user interface design aimed at the scenario where a dual representation of a volume is desired in order to emphasize certain parts of a volume using surface graphics while the rest of the volume is rendered using direct volume rendering techniques. A typical situation in which this configuration can prove useful is when studying images acquired for medical purposes. Sometimes the user wants to identify and represent an organ using an opaque surface in an otherwise partly opaque visualization of the volume data set. The design is based on the visualization library VTK along with Trolltech Qt, a GUI Toolkit in C++. The choice of using VTK as a visualization library was made after evaluating similar systems. The report includes a state of the art chapter, the requirements for the system, the system design and the results achieved after implementing the design are shown.

Benchmarking Catastrophic Forgetting in Neural Networks

Moe-Helgesen, Ole-Marius January 2006 (has links)
Catastrophic Forgetting is a behavior seen in artificial neural networks (ANNs) when new information overwrites old in such a way that the old information is no longer usable. Since this happens very rapidly in ANNs, it leads to both major practical problems and problems using the artificial networks as models for the human brain. In this thesis I will approach the problem from the practical viewpoint and attempt to provide rules, guidelines, datasets and analysis methods that can aid researchers better analyze new ANN models in terms of catastrophic forgetting and thus lead to better solutions. I suggest two methods of analysis that measure the overlap between input patterns in the input space. I will show strong indications that these measurements can predict if a back-propagation network will retain information better or worse. I will also provide source code implemented in Matlab for analyzing datasets, both with the new suggested measurements and other existing ones, and for running experiments measuring the catastrophic forgetting.

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