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Polská menšina na Těšínsku (Československo-polský spor o území Těšínska v letech 1918-1920) / The Polish minority in the region of western Cieszyn Silesia (The Polish-Czechoslovak conflict over Teschen in years 1918-1920)Šutová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
Má diplomová práce pojednává o sporu mezi Československem a Polskem o území Těšínska v letech (1918-1920). Po ukončení první světové války vznikly dva nové nástupnické státy, které začaly projevovat velký zájem o toto území. Hlavní důvody zájmu ze strany Československa byly především ekonomické, strategické, ale také historické. Polsko jako hlavní důvod k získání tohoto území uvádělo příčiny etnické. V roce 1919 došlo k válce mezi těmito státy (tzv. Sedmidenní válka). Celý tento spor byl nakonec ukončen v roce 1920 na konferenci v belgickém Spa, kde byly stanoveny konečné hranice území. Klíčová slova: Těšínko, spor, Sedmidenní válka, Polsko, Československo. Summary This work is describing the conflict between Czechoslovakia and Poland over Teschen in years (1918-1920). After the end of World War I., both of the two created independent states Polish Republic and Czechoslovak Republik claimed the area of Cieszyn Silesia. Czechoslovakia claimed the area partly especially on economic and strategic grounds, but so historic. The Polish side based its claim to the area on ethnic criteria. In 1919 was a military confrontation between Czechoslovakia and Poland, known in Czech as the Seven day war. A final line was set up at the Spa Conference in Belgium on July 28, 1920. Key words: Teschen, conflict, Seven...
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Řešení mezinárodních sporů - vybrané aspekty / International Dispute Settlement - selected aspectsLaušmanová, Dominika January 2018 (has links)
International Dispute Settlement - selected aspects Abstract This diploma thesis deals with selected aspects of the international dispute settlement not only in current international public law but also in its history. The thesis is divided into five chapters which are also further divided into a number of subchapters depending on the complexity of each topic. The first chapter is dedicated to the definition of international dispute. Apart from that the chapter also deals with the obligation of states to settle their disputes and to settle them by peaceful means. The historical background of the international dispute settlement is described in the second chapter. Important events such as Hague Peace Conferences, founding of the League of Nations, the Briand-Kellog Pact and founding of the United Nations among others are all mentioned in this chapter because of their impact on the course of this field of international relations. The third chapter focuses on the analysis of the principle of the peaceful settlement of disputes and its link to other related principles of international law. The fourth chapter is dedicated to individual means of peaceful settlement. Every method is described individually, with a brief historical background, comparison to other methods and analysis of the application on specific...
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Geochemistry of the Fluorine- and Beryllium-Rich Spor Mountain Rhyolite, Western UtahDailey, Shane Robert 01 June 2016 (has links)
The Miocene rhyolites of the Spor Mountain Formation hosts the world's largest beryllium deposit which produced 85% of the world's beryllium in 2010. The fresh lava is extremely enriched in Be (up to 75 ppm in matrix glass). We have examined the rhyolite to understand the Be enrichment. The Spor Mountain rhyolite contains ~40% quartz, ~40% sanidine, ~10% biotite, and ~10% plagioclase, along with accessory fluorite, columbite, euxenite, fergusonite, monazite, thorite, and zircon. Two types of rhyolite erupted within the Spor Mountain Formation, a less evolved magma (1150 ppm Rb, 42 ppm Be, 0.68 wt% F in matrix glass) and an evolved magma (1710 ppm Rb, 75 ppm Be, 1.56 wt% F in matrix glass). Eruption temperatures estimated using zircon saturation, feldspar-liquid, two feldspar, and Ti-in-quartz geothermometers converge on 718 °C for the less evolved magma and 682 °C for the evolved magma. Using the Ti-in-Qz equation of Huang and Audetat (2012), the pressure of the Spor Mountain rhyolite system is estimated to be around 2 kbar at 700°C. Water content of the rhyolite melt was less than <5 wt%, based on the presence of all four major mineral phases at 700°C and the magma was water undersaturated (Webster et al., 1987). Viscosity of the rhyolite was about 6.2 log Pa·s for the less evolved rhyolite and 5.8 log Pa·s for the evolved rhyolite. Magma viscosities calculated using the Einstein-Roscoe question suggest the evolved magma has a slightly higher viscosity than the less evolved magma (7.0 log Pa·s in the evolved magma vs 6.7 log Pa·s in the less evolved magma) because of higher phenocryst content. Fluorine lowered the melt viscosity, though not by a significant amount (less than 0.5 log units at 1.7 wt% F). Partition coefficients for 32 elements have been calculated for biotite, for 21 elements for sanidine and plagioclase, and for 6 elements for quartz, using data acquired by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Partition coefficients for feldspars in the Spor Mountain rhyolite are generally higher than other silicic magmas, and lower for biotite. Beryllium is one of the most incompatible trace elements in the Spor Mountain rhyolite, with a bulk partition coefficient <0.1. Volatile content of the melt (specifically F), melt composition, and the low temperature of crystallization act as the major controls of trace element partitioning. Trace element models using these partition coefficients suggests that crystal fractionation is the dominant magmatic enrichment process within the rhyolite, requiring ~45% crystallization (f = 55%) of the observed phenocrysts to get compositions from the less evolved to evolved rhyolite. Accumulation of batches of melt formed by different degrees of partial melting cannot explain the great depletion of compatible elements.
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A tale of two RLPAs : studies of cell division in Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosaJorgenson, Matthew Allan 01 July 2014 (has links)
Rare lipoprotein A (RlpA) has been studied previously only in Escherichia coli, where it localizes to the septal ring and scattered foci along the lateral wall, but mutants have no phenotypic change. In this thesis, we show rlpA mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa form chains of short, fat cells when grown in media of low osmotic strength. These morphological defects indicate RlpA is needed for efficient separation of daughter cells and maintenance of rod shape. Analysis of peptidoglycan sacculi from a ΔrlpA mutant revealed increased tetra and hexasaccharides that lack stem peptides (hereafter called "naked glycans"). Incubation of these sacculi with purified RlpA resulted in release of naked glycans containing 1,6-anhydro N-acetylmuramic acid ends. RlpA did not degrade sacculi from wild-type cells unless the sacculi were subjected to a limited digestion with an amidase to remove some of the stem peptides. Collectively, these findings indicate RlpA is a lytic transglycosylase with a strong preference for naked glycan strands. We propose that RlpA activity is regulated in vivo by substrate availability, and that amidases and RlpA work in tandem to degrade peptidoglycan in the division septum and lateral wall.
Our discovery that RlpA from P. aeruginosa is a lytic transglycosylase motivated us to reinvestigate RlpA from E. coli. We confirmed predictions that RlpA of E. coli is an outer membrane protein and determined its abundance to be about 600 molecules per cell. However, multiple efforts to demonstrate that E. coli RlpA is a lytic transglycosylase were unsuccessful and the function of this protein in E. coli remains obscure.
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Územní spory v Jihočínském moři / Territorial Disputes in South China SeaRožnovská, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
Territorial Disputes in South China Sea Abstract This diploma thesis deals with territorial disputes in the South China Sea and its participants. The aim of the thesis is to describe legal titles of all participants of the dispute and analyse their claims for areas in the South China Sea. The reason of the territorial dispute is based on the proximity of countries and the fact that the South China Sea contains a number of features that are claimed by surrounding countries whose claims exclude. Moreover, one of the participants - China, claims nearly 90% of the whole area. The thesis also describes provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea that are significant for the territorial dispute, as well as, means of the conflict solutions of the dispute provided in the Convention. The Philippines as one of the participants of the dispute decided to initiate arbitrary trial in order to find amicable settlement. The arbitrary tribunal ruled in favour of the Philippines in that matter, however as final chapter provides, China decided to ignore the arbitrary award and continues to supress other countries. Thus, an amicable solution of the dispute seems very unlikely in the near future. Key words South China Sea, exclusive economic zone, territorial dispute
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Náhrada škody v investičních sporech / Damages in Investment DisputesStanek, Michal January 2016 (has links)
I Summary Master's thesis "Damages in Investment Disputes" concentrates on some of the current and controversial questions in this field. The aim of the thesis is to set light to the system of investment disputes and to elaborate on burning questions that arise within its scope. This concerns namely questions about its status under international law as such, but also questions connected to the nature of investment disputes which concern one private party and one sovereign party. Moreover, the aim of this thesis is to present an overview of the law of damages that forms the key remedy sought by investors. This concerns questions about the forms of remedies available as well as limitation of the amount of damages due to legal or factual reasons. It deliberately leaves out discussion on methods of calculation of damages as this discussion, even though important for assessment of final amount of damages for a particular investor, is not essential for the functioning of the system of international foreign investment law. In the first part (Chapters 1 - 4), this thesis concerns itself with the functioning of the system of investment disputes and analyses its historical as well as current context. After setting the system into its context, it presents (shortened) analysis of the nature of this dispute settlement...
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Lobbování v EU se zaměřením na oblast 1.pilíře / Lobbying in the EU, focusing on the 1st PillarsSetničková, Tereza January 2008 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce popisuje současný stav lobbování v Evropské unii. Cílem práce je nalézt a popsat cesty, které zájmové skupiny mohou využít na podporu jejich postoje k problému. První část práce je teoretická a je zaměřena na definici lobbování, jeho legitimitu a úlohu, kterou hraje v rozhodovacím procesu EU. Stručně zmíněna je historie lobbování a zájmových skupin na evropské úrovni, s důrazem na reprezentaci obchodních zájmů. Dále jsou představeny hlavní instituce Evropské unie, protože porozumění jejich rozdílům je klíčové pro posouzení jejich významu pro lobbování. Následně jsou popsány rozdíly v lobbování dle institucí, se souhrnným srovnáním institucí podle teorie přístupu. Druhá část práce ukazuje, jak lobbování může ovlivnit politiku na případové studii týkající se trhu s banány v Evropě. Nejprve je popsána situace na trhu s banány, s důrazem na producenty a dovozce. Poté je uveden vývoj legislativy pro jednotný evropský trh s banány spolu se změnami, které byly učiněny v souladu s rozhodnutími WTO. Následně jsou analyzovány zájmy a lobbistické aktivity subjektů, kterých se spor týkal. Zhodnocení výsledků strategií, které je možno učinit s ohledem na to, že spor není ještě uzavřený, tvoří závěrečnou část práce.
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Řešení spotřebitelských sporů / The Consumer dispute resolutionMarková, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the consumer dispute and ways how to resolve it. The main aim of this thesis is to analyze and evaluate if disadvantages of court proceeding in the Czech republic still overweight its advantages, and thus whether the topic of alternative disputes resolution of consumer disputes is actual, then to give an overview and evaluation of alternative disputes resolution for consumer dispute which the Czech republic offers in the context of Community Law of the European Union, and finally to outline the development of future initiatives in this area.
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Obchodní politika Kanady / Canada's trade policyBradáčová, Pavlína January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis titled Canada's trade policy is to analyze the current Canadian trade policy including its objectives, trade policy instruments that Canada uses for the implementation of its trade policy and how Canada is trying to contribute to the liberalization on the world trade. The first part of the thesis explains the concept of trade policy, introduces the current economic situation of Canada and analyzes the Canadian foreign trade. The most important chapter is devoted to the autonomous and contractual instruments of the trade policy of Canada. The aim of the last chapter is to show through two examples of Canadian trade disputes at the WTO how the decisions taken in these disputes can affect Canadian trade policy.
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Řešení konfliktů v organizaciFerenčáková, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with finding out how three companies in Brno solve conflicts in their work teams and their comparison and whether they use mediation as a tool for conflict resolution. Then the thesis deals with overall satisfaction of workers with working conditions in the company. The finding itself is preceded by a theoretical overview of conflict resolution. The findings were carried out by means of conflict analysis and by means of a primary survey for which the technique of questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews were chosen. Subsequently, the results are processed and described at the end of the thesis.
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