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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Понашање моментих веза са чеоном плочом и четири завртња у реду / Ponašanje momentih veza sa čeonom pločom i četiri zavrtnja u redu / Behaviour of end-plate moment connections with four bolts per row

Jovanović Đorđe 05 June 2020 (has links)
<p>У овом раду спроведене су опсежна експериментална и нумеричка<br />испитивања понашања веза са чеоном плочом и четири завртња у реду,<br />као и карактеристичне компоненте ових веза - Т-елемента.<br />Експериментална испитивања укључују тестирања 36 узорака<br />Т-елемената у природној величини, као и четири везе греда-стуб са<br />чеоном плочом и четири завртња у реду, такође у природној величини.<br />Нумеричке анализе, спроведене у софтверском пакету ABAQUS, су<br />обухватале све типове нелинеарности, али и отказ материјала, те се као<br />такве сврставају међу ретке којима су слични проблеми нумерички<br />испитивани. Параметарска студија обухвата 33 различите конфигурације<br />Т-елемената са четири завртња и представља највећу такву студију<br />изведену за ову компоненту. Као основни још увек нерешен проблем,<br />круцијалан за понашање Т-елемената, препознати су положај сила услед<br />ефеката полуге, али и савијање завтњева. Приказан је и предложен нови<br />аналитички модел прорачуна носивости Т-елемената са четири завртња,<br />и квантификована његова предност над до сада постојећим моделима.</p> / <p>U ovom radu sprovedene su opsežna eksperimentalna i numerička<br />ispitivanja ponašanja veza sa čeonom pločom i četiri zavrtnja u redu,<br />kao i karakteristične komponente ovih veza - T-elementa.<br />Eksperimentalna ispitivanja uključuju testiranja 36 uzoraka<br />T-elemenata u prirodnoj veličini, kao i četiri veze greda-stub sa<br />čeonom pločom i četiri zavrtnja u redu, takođe u prirodnoj veličini.<br />Numeričke analize, sprovedene u softverskom paketu ABAQUS, su<br />obuhvatale sve tipove nelinearnosti, ali i otkaz materijala, te se kao<br />takve svrstavaju među retke kojima su slični problemi numerički<br />ispitivani. Parametarska studija obuhvata 33 različite konfiguracije<br />T-elemenata sa četiri zavrtnja i predstavlja najveću takvu studiju<br />izvedenu za ovu komponentu. Kao osnovni još uvek nerešen problem,<br />krucijalan za ponašanje T-elemenata, prepoznati su položaj sila usled<br />efekata poluge, ali i savijanje zavtnjeva. Prikazan je i predložen novi<br />analitički model proračuna nosivosti T-elemenata sa četiri zavrtnja,<br />i kvantifikovana njegova prednost nad do sada postojećim modelima.</p> / <p>In this research, extensive experimental and numerical investigations of<br />behaviour of end-plate moment connection with four bolts per row are<br />performed, as well as specific component of the connection &ndash; T-stub element.<br />Experimental research comprises tests on 36 unscaled specimens of T-stub<br />elements and 4 specimens of beam-to-column joints with end-plate connection<br />and four bolts per row, also in full-size. Numerical analyses, performed with<br />software ABAQUS, included all types of nonlinearities, and material<br />deterioration, hence they can be considered as one of the few most<br />sophisticated analyses used for investigation of the considered problem. The<br />parametric study comprises 33 different configurations of the T-stub element<br />with four bolts per row and it presents the biggest study of this kind for this type<br />of component. Bending of the bolts and position of the prying forces are<br />recognized as the largest, still unsolved problem, crucial for the behavior of the<br />T-stub elements. A new theoretical model for the resistance of the T-stub<br />element with four bolts per row is proposed and its advantage over the existing<br />models is presented and quantified.</p>

Structural Optimization of Thin Walled Tubular Structure for Crashworthiness

Shinde, Satyajeet Suresh January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Crashworthiness design is gaining more importance in the automotive industry due to high competition and tight safety norms. Further there is a need for light weight structures in the automotive design. Structural optimization in last two decades have been widely explored to improve existing designs or conceive new designs with better crashworthiness and reduced mass. Although many gradient based and heuristic methods for topology and topometry based crashworthiness design are available these days, most of them result in stiff structures that are suitable only for a set of vehicle components in which maximizing the energy absorption or minimizing the intrusion is the main concern. However, there are some other components in a vehicle structure that should have characteristics of both stiffness and flexibility. Moreover, the load paths within the structure and potential buckle modes also play an important role in efficient functioning of such components. For example, the front bumper, side frame rails, steering column, and occupant protection devices like the knee bolster should all exhibit controlled deformation and collapse behavior. This investigation introduces a methodology to design dynamically crushed thin-walled tubular structures for crashworthiness applications. Due to their low cost, high energy absorption efficiency, and capacity to withstand long strokes, thin-walled tubular structures are extensively used in the automotive industry. Tubular structures subjected to impact loading may undergo three modes of deformation: progressive crushing/buckling, dynamic plastic buckling, and global bending or Euler-type buckling. Of these, progressive buckling is the most desirable mode of collapse because it leads to a desirable deformation characteristic, low peak reaction force, and higher energy absorption efficiency. Progressive buckling is generally observed under pure axial loading; however, during an actual crash event, tubular structures are often subjected to oblique impact loads in which Euler-type buckling is the dominating mode of deformation. This undesired behavior severely reduces the energy absorption capability of the tubular structure. The design methodology presented in this paper relies on the ability of a compliant mechanism to transfer displacement and/or force from an input to desired output port locations. The suitable output port locations are utilized to enforce desired buckle zones, mitigating the natural Euler-type buckling effect. The problem addressed in this investigation is to find the thickness distribution of a thin-walled structure and the output port locations that maximizes the energy absorption while maintaining the peak reaction force at a prescribed limit. The underlying design for thickness distribution follows a uniform mutual potential energy density under a dynamic impact event. Nonlinear explicit finite element code LS-DYNA is used to simulate tubular structures under crash loading. Biologically inspired hybrid cellular automaton (HCA) method is used to drive the design process. Results are demonstrated on long straight and S-rail tubes subject to oblique loading, achieving progressive crushing in most cases.

Městské divadlo v Kuřimi / Theatre House in Kuřim

Petr, Radovan January 2015 (has links)
The theme of the master´s theses is to design a wooden structure of city theater with internal steel construction. The concept of wooden structure is developed in two versions according to standard ČSN EN. The theses solve the static effect of the construction and design of individual parts and materials. Theater has dimensions 49.0 x 25.6 m, max. height of 12.5 meters. The construstion is devise to withstand a weight and applicability. The supporting structure of the roof is solved using by 13 arched plate girders. The second variant is designed as arched truss girders. The gable wall is glassed-in, glass envelopes support by wooden structure with columns and side runners. The work also includes solutions for joins and construction details. The structure was solved in the program RSTAB Dlubal 8. The assessment of the components was done using additional module TIMBER Pro. First Variant of plate girder was checking by manual report. The work includes drawings.

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