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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pasvalio rajono savivaldybės veiklos stiprinant gyventojų saugumą vertinimas / Evaluation of Pasvalys region municipality‘s activities strengthening safety of the inhabitants

Želvytė, Odeta 27 January 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe yra nagrinėjama savivaldybės ir suinteresuotų institucijų veikla saugumo užtikrinimo srityje. Siekiama įvertinti, ar savivaldybės teritorijoje veikiančių institucijų bendra veikla stiprinant gyventojų saugumą yra rezultatyvi. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje nagrinėjami teoriniai požiūriai į saugumo užtikrinimą vietos savivaldos lygiu. Antroji dalis skirta analizuoti Lietuvos savivaldybių veiklos ypatumus Saugios savivaldybės koncepcijos požiūriu. Apžvelgiama Saugių savivaldybių Lietuvoje kūrimo patirtis ir pasiekimai 2011 ir 2012 metais. Atliktas empirinis tyrimas, apklausiant Pasvalio rajono savivaldybės teritorijoje saugumo užtikrinimo funkcijas vykdančias institucijas. Trečioji darbo dalis skirta šio tyrimo rezultatų analizei. Nagrinėjamas ir vertinamas šių institucijų bendradarbiavimas siekiant kurti saugesnę aplinką Pasvalio rajono savivaldybėje. / This Master Work investigates activities of municipality‘s and responsible institutions in safety assurance. The goal is to evaluate if actions taken by regional institutions to increase the safety level for inhabitants is bringing desired results. The theoretical attitudes to safety assurance in local municipality are evaluated first. The second part covers analysis of Lithuanian municipalities activities features, in respect to Safe community concept. The experience of the establishment of Safe communities in Lithuania in 2011 and 2012 is presented. The empirical test is performed by interviewing the institutions in Pasvalys region that are responsible for safety. The third part of this work analyses the results of this investigation. The cooperation of these institutions in creating a safer environment in Pasvalys municipality are investigated and evaluated.

WHO CC Affiliate Safe Community Support Centres og deres rolle i Safe-Community bevegelsen : En studie av organisering, utvikling og framtid / WHO CC Affiliate Safe Community Support Centres and their role in the Safe Community movement. : A study of organisation, development and future

Nygaard, Bjørn January 2007 (has links)
Den internasjonale Safe-Community (SC) bevegelsen vokser stadig. Denne studien setter søkelyset på de såkalte Affiliate Safe Community Support Centres (ASC) og deres rolle i bevegelsen. SC-begrepet blir behandlet både som en innovasjon og som en organisasjons- modell som utbres etter Rogers og Røviks teorier. ASCene ses på som ”forandrings-agenturer” i følge disse teoriene. Studien er en case-study i følge Yin, og dekker 9 av ialt 15 ASCer. Tre av dem har mistet sin status som ASC, seks av dem har sin status i behold. De følgende fem påstander blir studert: 1)Det er ingen forskjell i hvordan sentrene har utøvet sin rolle som årsak til at noen mister sin status og andre ikke. 2)Årsakene til at noen mister sin status ligger i interne organisasjonsmessige, personalmessige eller økonomiske forhold. 3) ASC’ene og deres oppgaver er ikke særlig godt kjent blant ”brukerne” 4)ASC’ene har et svakt eller lite bevisst forhold til det teoretiske og vitenskapelige grunnlag for spredningsprosesser 5)SC-begrepet oppfattes i liten grad som en organisasjonsmodell på linje med andre organisasjonsmodeller. Data ble samlet inn fra spørreskjemaundersøkelser, skriftlig materiale og intervju. Materialet omfatter alle ”nivåer” i SC-bevegelsen. Alle fem påstander ble styrket av materialet. Studien har ledet til følgende konklusjoner og anbefalinger som forhåpentligvis kan styrke både renommé og effektivitet i SC-bevegelsen og lette arbeidet i ASCene: Organisasjonsteori og organisasjonsspørsmål må i langt større grad settes på dagsorden i bevegelsen. Vekst og utbredelse av SC-”ideén” får for stor plass i forhold til konsolidering. Det forekommer konflikter mellom ASC-arbeidet og andre arbeidsoppgaver. Det gjelder særlig når det gjelder prioriteringen mellom forsking og arbeidet med å utbre SC-modellen. ASCene har ikke tilstrekkelig kapasitet til å følge opp veksten i SC-bevegelsen. Begge disse forhold synes hovedsakelig å bunne i mangel på finansiering og mangel på planmessig utbygging. Mangel på planmessig organisering av bevegelsen er foruroligende. Dersom det ikke blir tatt tak i denne manglende organiseringen, vil det kunne være til hinder for videre utbredelse og i verste fall virke ødeleggende for bevegelsen. Det må også pekes på kvinnenes sterke, til dels dominerende stilling / The international Safe-Community (SC) movement is steadily growing. This study highlights the so-called Affiliate Safe Community Support Centres (ASC) and their role in the movement. The concept of SC is treated as an innovation and an organisational model diffusing according to the theories of Rogers and Røvik. The ASCs are looked upon as ”change agencies” according to these theories. This is a case-study according to Yin of 9 out of 15 ASCs. Three of them have lost their status as ASC, six still have their status. The following five propositions are examined: 1.There are no differences in how the ASCs have executed their role that can explain why some have lost their status and some not. 2.The reason why some have lost their status can be explained by internal organisational, personal or economic conditions. 3.The ASCs and their tasks are not well known by the ”users”. 4.The ASCs have a weak or little conscious relations to the theoretical and scientific foundation of diffusion processes. 5.The SC-concept is to a very little degree considered as an organisational model. Data was collected from surveys and interviews with people at all ”levels” of the SC-movement as well as written material. All five propositions were strengthened by the material. The study leads to the following conclusions and recommendations which hopefully can improve the reputation and efficiency of the SC-movement and ease the work of the ASCs: The ASCs have an important role in the movement, but they are too few to serve an increasing number of SCs. The development of new ASCs should go on simultaneously with the increase of SCs. It is also necessary with a geographical distribution corresponding with the distribution of the SCs. The economy of the ASC-work has a very weak foundation, and this should be taken more seriously. There are conflicts between ASC-work and other tasks. There are no indications that certain models of internal organisation or company construction are more functional than others. Organisational matters are not considered sufficiently important. This is alarming, and may threaten the existence of the whole movement if not taken more seriously. It must be a responsibility of the WHO Collaborating Centre to bring these matters to discussion. There are few other arenas for these discussions than the regional and world-wide conferences. But in addition the institutions teaching SC-issues have a responsibility for taking up these topics in their education programmes. Women have a very strong position in the ASC. But it is not possible from this material to draw conclusions as to whether their position has influenced the priorities or choice of topics in the ASC-work. / <p>ISBN 978-9185721-08-5</p>

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