Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cafety first"" "subject:"cafety hirst""
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Downside Risk Constraints and Currency Hedging in International Portfolios: the Asian and Late-2000 CrisisZhou, Ying 2010 December 1900 (has links)
MV is the traditional method to treat international portfolio selection problems, which bases its theory on the assumption of Normal Distribution. However, during economy recession the portfolio return turns out to be a fat tail distribution. Therefore, in this sense, we explore Roy’s SF criterion and apply the extreme theory to the historical data. We demonstrate how such portfolios would perform during the Asian Crisis, IT Bubble Bust and the Financial Crisis separately. We also compare the SF portfolio’s performance to the MV portfolio’s performance, therefore to check, SF and MV portfolio, which will outperform during bust and boom of the economy. The Asian Crisis was marked with great currency devaluation and lower currency return on equity. The Dot.Com Bubble Busts was known for its sharp plummet in the stock market, while, the Financial Crisis was known as the large falls in the US stock market and elsewhere. They are the extreme events of the world capital markets, which in some way contribute to the non-normal distribution.
Simulated results over the 1997-2010 period which include six busts and booms: the Asian Crisis, period after Asian Crisis, IT Bubble Bust, period after IT Bubble Bust, The Financial Crisis and period after The Financial Crisis, indicate that SF portfolio outperforms MV portfolio during most of the times, this result is especially obvious for Indonesian and Thailand.
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Empirical Analysis of Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall in Portfolio Selection ProblemDing, Liyuan 1988- 14 March 2013 (has links)
Safety first criterion and mean-shortfall criterion both explore cases of assets allocation with downside risk. In this paper, I compare safety first portfolio selection problem and mean-shortfall portfolio optimization problem, considering risk averse investors in practice. Safety first portfolio selection uses Value at Risk (VaR) as a risk measure, and mean-shortfall portfolio optimization uses expected shortfall as a risk measure, respectively. VaR is estimated by implementing extreme theory using a semi-parametric method. Expected shortfall is estimated by two nonparametric methods: a natural estimation and a kernel-weighted estimation.
I use daily data on three international stock indices, ranging from January 1986 to February 2012, to provide empirical evidence in asset allocations and illustrate the performances of safety first and mean-shortfall with their risk measures. Also, the historical data has been divided in two ways. One is truncated at year 1998 and explored the performance during tech boom and financial crisis. the mean-shortfall portfolio optimization with the kernel-weighted method performed better than the safety first criterion, while the safety first criterion was better than the mean-shortfall portfolio optimization with the natural estimation method.
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Theory of rational decision-making and its applications to adaptive transmissionKotelba, A. (Adrian) 21 September 2013 (has links)
In this thesis, adaptive transmission power control algorithms for reliable communication in channels with state are explored and further developed. In channels with state, strict adherence to Shannon-sense capacity may lead to very conservative system designs. In many practical systems, error-free communication is not required because these systems can cope with decoding errors. These considerations give rise to other information-theoretic notions where the rate of reliable communications is considered a random variable which depends not only on the statistical properties of the channel but also on the adaptive transmission strategy. Numerous studies on adaptive transmission in channels with state have already been conducted using expected value of communication rate or information outage probability as the relevant performance metrics. However, these metrics, although intuitively pleasing, have usually been introduced without rigorous justification.
This thesis contributes to the state of the art in a number of ways. These include the development of new conceptual viewpoints on performance assessment of adaptive communication systems in channels with state as well as a new set of adaptive transmission power control algorithms. In particular, the models and methods of rational decision theory are introduced and systematically used in developing a unified framework for analysis and optimization of adaptive transmission in channels with state. The proposed framework properly addresses the limitation of finite coding length, takes into account the decision maker's preferences, considers uncertainties relevant in a given decision, and determines the optimal decision by maximizing some numerical index. A central finding of the theoretical studies is that many of the previously proposed performance metrics can be rigorously justified within the newly proposed framework.
In addition, adaptive transmission power control in parallel Gaussian channels is considered with the aim of obtaining new classes of algorithms. The safety-first approach, risk theory, and expected utility theory are applied to derive novel transmission power control algorithms. The performance of the proposed power control algorithms is evaluated by computer simulations and compared against the performance of some other well-known algorithms. / Tiivistelmä
Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan ja kehitetään edelleen adaptiivisia lähettimen tehonsäätöalgoritmeja luotettavaan tietoliikenteeseen kanavissa, joilla on tila. Tällaisissa kanavissa Shannonin määrittelemän kapasiteetin tiukka noudattaminen saattaa johtaa konservatiivisiin järjestelmiin. Monissa käytännön järjestelmissä virheetöntä tiedonsiirtoa ei vaadita, koska niissä voidaan helposti selviytyä dekoodausvirheistä. Nämä pohdinnat johtavat toisenlaisiin informaatioteoreettisiin näkökulmiin, joissa luotettavan tietoliikenteen nopeutta pidetään satunnaismuuttujana, joka ei riipu ainoastaan kanavan tilastollisista ominaisuuksista vaan myös adaptiivisesta lähetysstrategiasta. Adaptiivisesta siirrosta kanavissa, joilla on tila, on jo tehty lukuisia tutkimuksia käyttäen tietoliikennenopeuden odotusarvoa tai informaation katkostodennäköisyyttä asiaankuuluvina suorituskykymittareina. Näitä mittareita on käytetty tavallisesti ilman tarkkaa perustelua, vaikka ne ovat intuitiivisesti houkuttelevia.
Tämä väitöskirja tuottaa uusia tuloksia alan kehityksen nykytasoon monella tavalla. Näihin kuuluvat uudet käsitteelliset näkökulmat adaptiivisten tietoliikennejärjestelmien suorituskyvyn arviointiin kanavissa, joilla on tila, sekä uusi joukko adaptiivisia tehonsäätöalgoritmeja. Erityisesti rationaalisen päätöksenteon malleja ja menetelmiä on otettu käyttöön systemaattisesti kehitettäessä yhtenäistä puitetta adaptiivisen siirron analyysiin ja optimointiin kanavissa, joilla on tila. Ehdotettu puite arvioi asianmukaisesti äärellisen koodauspituuden rajoitusta, ottaa huomioon päätöksentekijän mieltymykset, tarkastelee määrättyyn päätökseen liittyviä oleellisia epävarmuuksia ja määrittää optimaalisen päätöksen maksimoimalla jonkin numeerisen päätösmuuttujan. Keskeinen löytö on se, että monet aikaisemmin ehdotetut suorituskykymittarit voidaan perustella tarkasti uuden, tässä ehdotetun puitteen sisällä.
Lisäksi tarkastellaan adaptiivista lähettimen tehonsäätöä rinnakkaisissa Gaussin jakaumaa noudattavissa kanavissa. Tavoitteena on saada aikaan uusia lähettimen tehonsäätöalgoritmien luokkia. Turvallisuus ensin -lähestymistapaa, riskiteoriaa ja odotetun hyödyn teoriaa sovelletaan uusien lähettimen tehonsäätöalgoritmien johtamiseen. Ehdotettujen tehonsäätöalgoritmien suorituskykyä on mitattu tietokonesimuloinneilla ja verrattu joidenkin muiden hyvin tunnettujen algoritmien suorituskykyyn.
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Bezpečnost práce a zacházení s chemikáliemi ve středoškolské laboratoři / Safety and risks in high school laboratorySouček, Vlastimil January 2014 (has links)
Czech Law concerning work safety in high school laboratory in the Czech Republic is constantly changing, while these changes in the law might go unnoticed by high school teachers. These teachers are often not informed which law is currently in effect and if it has any impact on their teaching in chemical laboratories. Therefore, this work presents compiled laws that influence teaching in chemical laboratories, translates their meaning into comprehensible sentences and then puts them together to a summary of these laws. To keep this information up to date, a basic web design is included in this work that will be put on web www.studiumchemie.cz, where it will be actualized by author of this thesis. On this web high school teachers will have the opportunity to easily access both original formulations and translated meaning of the law. Basic instructions for first aid in chemical laboratories, especially concerning exposition to dangerous chemical compounds will also be included in this work. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Industrial Welfarism in Australia 1890-1965Balnave, Nikola Robyn January 2002 (has links)
This thesis examines industrial welfarism in Australia from 1890 to 1965. This period witnessed the gradual spread of the welfarism movement throughout Australian industry as employers sought ways to increase productivity and control in the face of external challenges. Once reaching its peak in the immediate post-War period, the welfarism movement was gradually subsumed as part of the increasing formalisation of personnel management. Waves of interest in welfare provision coincided with periods of labour shortage and/or labour militancy in Australia, indicating its dual role in the management of labour. Firstly, by offering benefits and services beyond that made necessary by the law or industrial awards, welfarism was designed to create a pool of good quality workers for management to draw from. Secondly, managers sought to enhance their control over these workers and their productive effort, using welfarism as a technique to build worker consent to managerial authority. This could be achieved through subtle methods aimed at boosting loyalty and morale, or through more direct programs designed to increase worker dependency on the company. In both ways, individual and collective worker resistance could be minimised, thereby reinforcing managerial prerogative. Despite its adoption by a variety of companies, a number of economic, political and institutional factors limited the extent of industrial welfarism in Australia. These include the small-scale of most enterprises prior to the Second World War, state involvement in the area of industrial relations and welfare provision, and the strength of organised labour. While the welfarism movement did not reach the heights experienced overseas, it nonetheless provided an important contribution to the development of formal labour management in Australia.
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Industrial Welfarism in Australia 1890-1965Balnave, Nikola Robyn January 2002 (has links)
This thesis examines industrial welfarism in Australia from 1890 to 1965. This period witnessed the gradual spread of the welfarism movement throughout Australian industry as employers sought ways to increase productivity and control in the face of external challenges. Once reaching its peak in the immediate post-War period, the welfarism movement was gradually subsumed as part of the increasing formalisation of personnel management. Waves of interest in welfare provision coincided with periods of labour shortage and/or labour militancy in Australia, indicating its dual role in the management of labour. Firstly, by offering benefits and services beyond that made necessary by the law or industrial awards, welfarism was designed to create a pool of good quality workers for management to draw from. Secondly, managers sought to enhance their control over these workers and their productive effort, using welfarism as a technique to build worker consent to managerial authority. This could be achieved through subtle methods aimed at boosting loyalty and morale, or through more direct programs designed to increase worker dependency on the company. In both ways, individual and collective worker resistance could be minimised, thereby reinforcing managerial prerogative. Despite its adoption by a variety of companies, a number of economic, political and institutional factors limited the extent of industrial welfarism in Australia. These include the small-scale of most enterprises prior to the Second World War, state involvement in the area of industrial relations and welfare provision, and the strength of organised labour. While the welfarism movement did not reach the heights experienced overseas, it nonetheless provided an important contribution to the development of formal labour management in Australia.
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Základní škola / Primary SchoolForman, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
Thesis Theme is a primary school, namely the outbuilding primary school Havlíčkův Brod, Konečná 1884. I suggest first grade pavilion and pavilion with school canteen with kitchens. Pavilions are based on the footings. Pavilions are designed as a two-way system from the wall HELUZ. Construction of ceiling are from ferroconcrete slabs are cross reinforced, single-layer roof is flat with a classic sequence of layers. In addition to construction and process layout I solved also the statics of building in specialize of concrete structures. The following are also evaluated heat and acoustic requirements and requirements for fire safety of buildings. New pavilions are solved as wheelchair accessible. Pavilion of the first grade has two floors with 5 classes of stem, 1 vocational and 2 classes are earmarked for after-school clubs. This pavilion is connected to the connecting neck between the former pavilon A and pavilion B. Dining pavilion has one floor, which is divided in the school canteen and kitchen is connected to the connecting neck leading to the gym. The land is mildly sloping to the south side. All consstructions comply with the applicable standards and recommendations ČSN.
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