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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Schematic calculi for the analysis of decision procedures

Tushkanova, Elena 19 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis we address problems related to the verification of software-based systems. We aremostly interested in the (safe) design of decision procedures used in verification. In addition, we alsoconsider a modularity problem for a modeling language used in the Why verification platform.Many verification problems can be reduced to a satisfiability problem modulo theories (SMT). In orderto build satisfiability procedures Armando et al. have proposed in 2001 an approach based on rewriting.This approach uses a general calculus for equational reasoning named paramodulation. In general, afair and exhaustive application of the rules of paramodulation calculus (PC) leads to a semi-decisionprocedure that halts on unsatisfiable inputs (the empty clause is then generated) but may diverge onsatisfiable ones. Fortunately, it may also terminate for some theories of interest in verification, and thusit becomes a decision procedure. To reason on the paramodulation calculus, a schematic paramodulationcalculus (SPC) has been studied, notably to automatically prove decidability of single theories and oftheir combinations. The advantage of SPC is that if it halts for one given abstract input, then PC haltsfor all the corresponding concrete inputs. More generally, SPC is an automated tool to check propertiesof PC like termination, stable infiniteness and deduction completeness.A major contribution of this thesis is a prototyping environment for designing and verifying decisionprocedures. This environment, based on the theoretical studies, is the first implementation of theschematic paramodulation calculus. It has been implemented from scratch on the firm basis provided bythe Maude system based on rewriting logic. We show that this prototype is very useful to derive decidabilityand combinability of theories of practical interest in verification. It helps testing new saturationstrategies and experimenting new extensions of the original (schematic) paramodulation calculus.This environment has been applied for the design of a schematic paramodulation calculus dedicated tothe theory of Integer Offsets. This contribution is the first extension of the notion of schematic paramodulationto a built-in theory. This study has led to new automatic proof techniques that are different fromthose performed manually in the literature. The assumptions to apply our proof techniques are easyto satisfy for equational theories with counting operators. We illustrate our theoretical contribution ontheories representing extensions of classical data structures such as lists and records.We have also addressed the problem of modular specification of generic Java classes and methods.We propose extensions to the Krakatoa Modeling Language, a part of the Why platform for provingthat a Java or C program is a correct implementation of some specification. The key features arethe introduction of parametricity both for types and for theories and an instantiation relation betweentheories. The proposed extensions are illustrated on two significant examples: the specification of thegeneric method for sorting arrays and for generic hash map.Both problems considered in this thesis are related to SMT solvers. Firstly, decision procedures areat the core of SMT solvers. Secondly, the Why platform extracts verification conditions from a sourceprogram annotated by specifications, and then transmits them to SMT solvers or proof assistants to checkthe program correctness.

Schematic calculi for the analysis of decision procedures / Calculs schématiques pour l'analyse de procédures de décision

Tushkanova, Elena 19 July 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, on étudie des problèmes liés à la vérification de systèmes (logiciels). On s’intéresseplus particulièrement à la conception sûre de procédures de décision utilisées en vérification. De plus, onconsidère également un problème de modularité pour un langage de modélisation utilisé dans la plateformede vérification Why.De nombreux problèmes de vérification peuvent se réduire à un problème de satisfaisabilité modulodes théories (SMT). Pour construire des procédures de satisfaisabilité, Armando et al. ont proposé en2001 une approche basée sur la réécriture. Cette approche utilise un calcul général pour le raisonnementéquationnel appelé paramodulation. En général, une application équitable et exhaustive des règles ducalcul de paramodulation (PC) conduit à une procédure de semi-décision qui termine sur les entréesinsatisfaisables (la clause vide est alors engendrée), mais qui peut diverger sur les entrées satisfaisables.Mais ce calcul peut aussi terminer pour des théories intéressantes en vérification, et devient ainsi uneprocédure de décision. Pour raisonner sur ce calcul, un calcul de paramodulation schématique (SPC)a été étudié, en particulier pour prouver automatiquement la décidabilité de théories particulières etde leurs combinaisons. L’avantage de ce calcul SPC est que s’il termine sur une seule entrée abstraite,alors PC termine pour toutes les entrées concrètes correspondantes. Plus généralement, SPC est unoutil automatique pour vérifier des propriétés de PC telles que la terminaison, la stable infinité et lacomplétude de déduction.Une contribution majeure de cette thèse est un environnement de prototypage pour la conception etla vérification de procédures de décision. Cet environnement, basé sur des fondements théoriques, estla première implantation du calcul de paramodulation schématique. Il a été complètement implanté surla base solide fournie par le système Maude mettant en oeuvre la logique de réécriture. Nous montronsque ce prototype est très utile pour dériver la décidabilité et la combinabilité de théories intéressantes enpratique pour la vérification.Cet environnement est appliqué à la conception d’un calcul de paramodulation schématique dédié àune arithmétique de comptage. Cette contribution est la première extension de la notion de paramodulationschématique à une théorie prédéfinie. Cette étude a conduit à de nouvelles techniques de preuveautomatique qui sont différentes de celles utilisées manuellement dans la littérature. Les hypothèses permettantd’appliquer nos techniques de preuves sont faciles à satisfaire pour les théories équationnellesavec opérateurs de comptage. Nous illustrons notre contribution théorique sur des théories représentantdes extensions de structures de données classiques comme les listes ou les enregistrements.Nous avons également contribué au problème de la spécification modulaire pour les classes et méthodesJava génériques. Nous proposons des extensions du language de modélisation Krakatoa, faisant partiede la plateforme Why qui permet de prouver qu’un programme C ou Java est correct par rapport à saspécification. Les caractéristiques essentielles de notre apport sont l’introduction de la paramétricité à lafois pour les types et les théories, ainsi qu’une relation d’instantiation entre les théories. Les extensionsproposées sont illustrées sur deux exemples significatifs: tri de tableaux et fonctions de hachage.Les deux problèmes traités dans cette thèse ont pour point commun les solveurs SMT. Les procéduresde décision sont les moteurs des solveurs SMT, et la plateforme Why engendre des conditions devérification dérivées d’un programme source annoté, qu’elle transmet aux solveurs SMT (ou assistants depreuve) pour vérifier la correction du programme.Mots-clés: / In this thesis we address problems related to the verification of software-based systems. We aremostly interested in the (safe) design of decision procedures used in verification. In addition, we alsoconsider a modularity problem for a modeling language used in the Why verification platform.Many verification problems can be reduced to a satisfiability problem modulo theories (SMT). In orderto build satisfiability procedures Armando et al. have proposed in 2001 an approach based on rewriting.This approach uses a general calculus for equational reasoning named paramodulation. In general, afair and exhaustive application of the rules of paramodulation calculus (PC) leads to a semi-decisionprocedure that halts on unsatisfiable inputs (the empty clause is then generated) but may diverge onsatisfiable ones. Fortunately, it may also terminate for some theories of interest in verification, and thusit becomes a decision procedure. To reason on the paramodulation calculus, a schematic paramodulationcalculus (SPC) has been studied, notably to automatically prove decidability of single theories and oftheir combinations. The advantage of SPC is that if it halts for one given abstract input, then PC haltsfor all the corresponding concrete inputs. More generally, SPC is an automated tool to check propertiesof PC like termination, stable infiniteness and deduction completeness.A major contribution of this thesis is a prototyping environment for designing and verifying decisionprocedures. This environment, based on the theoretical studies, is the first implementation of theschematic paramodulation calculus. It has been implemented from scratch on the firm basis provided bythe Maude system based on rewriting logic. We show that this prototype is very useful to derive decidabilityand combinability of theories of practical interest in verification. It helps testing new saturationstrategies and experimenting new extensions of the original (schematic) paramodulation calculus.This environment has been applied for the design of a schematic paramodulation calculus dedicated tothe theory of Integer Offsets. This contribution is the first extension of the notion of schematic paramodulationto a built-in theory. This study has led to new automatic proof techniques that are different fromthose performed manually in the literature. The assumptions to apply our proof techniques are easyto satisfy for equational theories with counting operators. We illustrate our theoretical contribution ontheories representing extensions of classical data structures such as lists and records.We have also addressed the problem of modular specification of generic Java classes and methods.We propose extensions to the Krakatoa Modeling Language, a part of the Why platform for provingthat a Java or C program is a correct implementation of some specification. The key features arethe introduction of parametricity both for types and for theories and an instantiation relation betweentheories. The proposed extensions are illustrated on two significant examples: the specification of thegeneric method for sorting arrays and for generic hash map.Both problems considered in this thesis are related to SMT solvers. Firstly, decision procedures areat the core of SMT solvers. Secondly, the Why platform extracts verification conditions from a sourceprogram annotated by specifications, and then transmits them to SMT solvers or proof assistants to checkthe program correctness.

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