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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of initial nutritional status on the responses to a school feeding programme among school children aged 6 to 13 years in the Millennium Villages Project, Siaya, Kenya

Masibo, Peninah Kinya 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Aim: To assess the effects of initial nutritional status on the responses to a school feeding programme (SFP) among school children in the Millennium Villages Project (MVP), Siaya District, Kenya. Objectives: To establish baseline data on the dietary intake, prevalence of undernutrition, body composition, prevalence of anaemia, body iron stores and vitamin A status in order to assess the impact of the SFP over a 30-month period on the same outcomes. Further, the study assessed the effect of initial nutritional status on the responses to the SFP on growth, the prevalence of anaemia, body iron stores and vitamin A status. Methods: In the MVP, a school meal additional to the children’s usual daily food intake was provided consisting of locally available foods (containing whole fish omena and beef). The meals contributed approximately 25% of the Estimated Energy Requirement (EER), 70% of the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) for protein, and 18% of EAR for fat. A school meal, additional to the children’s usual daily food intake, was introduced to the control group 6 months into the study as a project scale up initiative. The meal provided 15% EER, 49 % EAR for protein and 10% EAR for fat. A total of 235 children participated in the study and were followed up for 30 months, with 118 in the MVP and 117 in the control group. Statistical analysis included descriptive, Pearson’s chi-square test, repeated measures ANOVA and multivariate logistic regression models. Results: The mean subject age was 7.9 years (2.0 SD) at baseline, and half (51.4%) were boys. More than half of the children (66%) had energy intakes less than the EER. At baseline, the prevalence of stunting, wasting and underweight was 16.9%, 6.0% and 3.6% respectively. Prevalence of linear growth deficit based on height-for-age z-score ≤-1 standard deviation was 48%. Anaemia was higher in the MVP group (82.2%; P < 0.0001) compared to controls (58.1%) while depleted body iron stores was observed in 10.7% of the children. Half of the children in the control group and 30% in the MVP group had an inadequate vitamin A status while 11% of the children had infection/inflammation. At six months after initiation of the intervention, anaemia prevalence was reduced to 41.2% among the controls and 9.3% in the intervention group (P < 0.001). Among the MVP group, children with initial inadequate nutritional status based on weight-for-age z-score WAZ ≤ -1 SD had a higher (P < 0.01) height velocity (2.3 cm/six months) by the 24th month study interval compared to those who had an initial adequate nutritional status based on weight-for-age z-score WAZ > -1 SD. Conclusion: SPF menus were associated with potential for improved growth, gain in lean body mass and reduced anaemia prevalence when inadequate nutritional status was present at baseline. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Doel: Om die verband tussen skoolkinders se aanvanklike voedingstatus en die respons op ’n skoolvoedingsprogram (SVP) in die Millennium Villages Project (MVP), Siaya-distrik, Kenia, te bepaal. Doelwitte: Om basislyn data te versamel ten opsigte van dieetinname, prevalensie van ondervoeding, liggaamssamestelling, prevalensie van anemie, ysterstore en vitamine A status ten einde die impak van die SVP oor ‘n 30-maande periode op genoemde uitkomste te bepaal. Verder het die studie ook die effek van aanvanklike voedingstatus op die respons tot die SVP bepaal ten opsigte van groei, die prevalensie van anemie, ysterstore en vitamine A status. Metode: In die MVP is ‘n skoolmaaltyd addisioneel tot die kinders in beide studiegroepe se daaglikse voedselinname voorsien. Die SVP se spyskaarte het bestaan uit plaaslik beskikbare voedsel (bevattende die vissoort omena en beesvleis) en het ongeveer 25% van die kinders se geraamde energievereistes (EER), 70% van hul proteïenvereistes (EAR) en 18% van hul vetvereistes (EAR) voorsien. ‘n Skoolmaaltyd is addisioneel tot die kinders in die kontrolegroep se gewoontelike daaglikse voedselinname ingesluit 6 maande na aanvang van die studie as deel van die MVP se uitbreidingsinisiatief. Dié maaltyd het in 15% van die kinders se energievereistes (EER), 49% van hul proteïenvereistes (EAR) en 10% van hul vetvereistes (EAR) voorsien. Altesaam 235 kinders is by die studiegroep ingesluit – 118 in die MVP en 117 in kontrolegroepe – en is vir 30 maande bestudeer. Statistiese ontleding het beskrywende ontleding, Pearson se chi-kwadraattoets, ANOVA met herhaalde metings, en multivariansie logistiese regressiemodelle ingesluit. Resultate: Die gemiddelde ouderdom van die kinders by basislyn was 7.9 jaar (2.0 SD) en die helfte (51.4%) van die respondente was seuns. Meer as die helfte van die kinders (66%) het ‘n energieinname minder as die EER getoon. By basislyn was die prevalensie van belemmerde groei, uittering en ondergewig onderskeidelik 16.9%, 6.0% en 3.6%. Die voorkoms van onvoldoende lengtegroei gebaseer op lengte-vir-ouderdom z-telling < -1SD was 48%. Anemie was hoër in die MVP groep (82.2%; p<0.0001) vergeleke met die kontroles (58.1%), terwyl 10.7% uitgeputte ysterstore getoon het. Onvoldoende vitamine A status het voorgekom in die helfte van die kinders in die kontrolegroep en 30% van die MVP groep, en infeksie / inflammasie was teenwoordig in 11% van die kinders. Die voorkoms van anemie op ses maande na aanvang van intervensie het verbeter tot 41.2% in die kontrolegroep en 9.3% in die intervensiegroep (P < 0.001). Op 24 maande het kinders met aanvanklike onvoldoende voedingstatus (WAZ < -1SD) in die MVP-groep groter lengtetoename (2.3 cm/6 maande) getoon as hul groepgenote met aanvanklike voldoende voedingstatus gebaseer op WAZ > -1 SD (P < 0.01). Gevolgtrekking: Die skoolvoedingsprogram spyskaarte het die potensiaal getoon tot ‘n verbetering in groei, toename in maer liggaamsmassa en ‘n verlaagde voorkoms van anemie onder kinders wie se basislynvoedingstatus onvoldoende was.

Comparative analysis of five different school feeding strategies in the Vaal region

Kearney, Jeanette Emmerentia 22 July 2010 (has links)
Thesis (D. Tech. (Food Service Management, Dept. of Hospitality))--Vaal University of Technology, 2008 / School feeding programmes are defined as interventions that deliver a meal or snack to children in the school setting, with the intent of improving attendance, enrolment, nutritional status and learning outcomes. The Primary School Nutrition Programme (PSNP) was introduced in South Africa as a Presidential Lead Project in 1994 with the specific aim to improve education by enhancing active learning capacity, school attendance and punctuality. However, not all children qualify to participate in the PSNP and a variety of alternative products, of which little information is known, are used as part of school feeding programmes implemented by non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The aim of this study was to investigate such programmes used in the Vaal Region. Five different products used in school feeding programmes in a primary school in Eatonside and two primary schools in Orange Farm were compared in terms of the nutritional content of the products, the impact of these products after a seven month intervention on the nutritional status of the children by analysing their dietary intakes as well as biochemical and anthropometrical measurements, menu cost, compliance of the products by conducting sensory analyses and shelf life studies, and the impact on school attendance. Based on the results of this study, guidelines on the optimal school feeding strategy would be provided to NGO’s and to the Gauteng Department of Education. The five products were a micronutrient dense “vetkoek”, PSNP, two commercial products namely Corn Soya Blend (CSB) and Sejo and, lastly, fruit, which was used as the control. In the Sethlabotja school in Eatonside, the sample consisted of 160 randomly selected boys and girls (40 children participating in the PSNP, and 60 children in each of the vetkoek and fruit groups) and in Sinqobile and Reitumetse schools in Orange Farm the sample included 45 randomly selected children in each of the CSB and Seja groups. Pre-intervention results indicated poor nutritional status. Mean daily energy intake of all the children was below the Dietary Reference Intakes for children between seven and ten years. A mainly carbohydrate-based diet was followed, with inadequate fruit and vegetable intake. The anthropometric indices indicated acute and chronic food shortage. The biochemical results indicated that normal values were present for the majority of the parameters. The post-intervention results indicated that the food consumption patterns did not change substantially during the intervention but the mean energy intake of the children as well as weight, height and body mass index increased with all the interventions. Although few statistically significant differences were observed between the five groups with regard to nutritional status indices, positive changes were observed in each of the groups. The products evaluated in this study proved to be within the range of the provincial school feeding budget. CSB and Sejo were the cheapest programmes because they are subsidised. Compliance to the products was good. No significant differences between commercial and home-prepared food items were found. School attendance was not formally recorded in all the groups. However, a decrease in absenteeism was noted in those groups where it was recorded. It is recommended that further research is conducted on the impact of school feeding on the cognitive performance of school learners in the Vaal Region. / National Research foundation ; Central Research Council

The development of a nutrition teaching programme for foundation phase learners in rural schools / by M. Jerling

Jerling, Michelle January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

The development of a nutrition teaching programme for foundation phase learners in rural schools / Michelle Jerling

Jerling, Michelle January 2007 (has links)
Healthy nutrition is indispensable for the advancement and maintenance of an individual's health during the whole life cycle. A huge percentage of young and developing children in South Africa are subjected to undernourishment and malnourishment. Malnourishment and undernourishment can signify permanent negative consequences for the physical, intellectual and psycho-social development of the child. The aim of the research was to: • ascertain to which extent provision is made for nutrition education in the various learning areas of the National Curriculum Statement for learners in the Foundation Phase; • ascertain to which extent Foundation Phase teachers in rural schools are on the Curriculum guidelines for nutrition; • ascertain how knowledgeable Foundation Phase teachers in rural schools are on the basic aspects of nutrition; • to ascertain to which extent these teachers address aspects of nutrition education in the various Learning Areas; • to investigate the teaching strategies used by teachers when teaching aspects related to nutrition; • to ascertain whether these teachers have the necessary knowledge and skills to develop a nutrition teaching programme for Ground Phase learners in rural schools; and • to develop a nutrition teaching programme for Ground Phase learners in rural schools. Qualitative research methods were used in the empirical research. Data was collected by means of structured interviews and classroom observations at four farm schools which were identified by the Department of Education (North-West Province) to take part in the research project on nutrition in rural areas. The following findings emerged from the research: • The National Curriculum Statement provides for nutrition outcomes in the Learning Area Life Orientation, but the assessment standards are too vague and general. • All educators knew that nutrition education would form a part of the Learning Area Life Orientation. • Although teachers are trained on how to implement the National Curriculum Statement, some of them were uncertain on what was expected from them when teaching a nutrition lesson. • The basic nutritional knowledge of the teachers was good and they knew that nutrition can be taught in all three Learning Areas of the Foundation Phase. • Teachers in the four farm schools did not use different teaching strategies in presenting their lessons. • The educators in the four farm schools did not have the necessary knowledge and skills to develop a nutrition teaching programme for rural learners in the Foundation Phase. On the basis of the findings of the research the researcher has developed a nutrition education programme for educators in rural schools with a view to be able to offer more effective nutrition education for Foundation Phase learners. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

The development of a nutrition teaching programme for foundation phase learners in rural schools / Michelle Jerling

Jerling, Michelle January 2007 (has links)
Healthy nutrition is indispensable for the advancement and maintenance of an individual's health during the whole life cycle. A huge percentage of young and developing children in South Africa are subjected to undernourishment and malnourishment. Malnourishment and undernourishment can signify permanent negative consequences for the physical, intellectual and psycho-social development of the child. The aim of the research was to: • ascertain to which extent provision is made for nutrition education in the various learning areas of the National Curriculum Statement for learners in the Foundation Phase; • ascertain to which extent Foundation Phase teachers in rural schools are on the Curriculum guidelines for nutrition; • ascertain how knowledgeable Foundation Phase teachers in rural schools are on the basic aspects of nutrition; • to ascertain to which extent these teachers address aspects of nutrition education in the various Learning Areas; • to investigate the teaching strategies used by teachers when teaching aspects related to nutrition; • to ascertain whether these teachers have the necessary knowledge and skills to develop a nutrition teaching programme for Ground Phase learners in rural schools; and • to develop a nutrition teaching programme for Ground Phase learners in rural schools. Qualitative research methods were used in the empirical research. Data was collected by means of structured interviews and classroom observations at four farm schools which were identified by the Department of Education (North-West Province) to take part in the research project on nutrition in rural areas. The following findings emerged from the research: • The National Curriculum Statement provides for nutrition outcomes in the Learning Area Life Orientation, but the assessment standards are too vague and general. • All educators knew that nutrition education would form a part of the Learning Area Life Orientation. • Although teachers are trained on how to implement the National Curriculum Statement, some of them were uncertain on what was expected from them when teaching a nutrition lesson. • The basic nutritional knowledge of the teachers was good and they knew that nutrition can be taught in all three Learning Areas of the Foundation Phase. • Teachers in the four farm schools did not use different teaching strategies in presenting their lessons. • The educators in the four farm schools did not have the necessary knowledge and skills to develop a nutrition teaching programme for rural learners in the Foundation Phase. On the basis of the findings of the research the researcher has developed a nutrition education programme for educators in rural schools with a view to be able to offer more effective nutrition education for Foundation Phase learners. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Sustainability of corn soya blend use in the Orange Farms school feeding programme

Chibe, Mumsy Evidence 09 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M. Tech. (Food Service Management, Dept. of Hospitality and Tourism)--Vaal University of Technology / Most of the world's children between 5 and 15 years of age attend school, though many do so under difficult circumstances. A large percentage of school children is underfed and poorly nourished (Engelbrecht 2005: l; Worsley 2005:135; DoE 2004:1). The aim of the Joint Aid Management (JAM) school-feeding programme was to reduce malnutrition by providing a mid-morning snack to alleviate short-term hunger, support nutrient intake, enhance active learning capacities and improve school attendance (JAM 2004:4). The equivalent of lOOg raw com-soya blend (CSB) was to be provided to the children on a daily basis. The main objective of this study was to determine the sustainability of CSB porridge use in the Orange Farms school-feeding programme. Regulatory compliance and product acceptability over time was addressed. Adjustments to the ratio of ingredients and portion size (83g) of the porridge served were calculated within practical limitations. The South African school feeding guidelines indicated that 25 percent of the energy needs for the 7-1 0 year olds, and 20 percent for the 11-14 year olds should be provided; while JAM indicated that 70 percent of the RDA recommendations (according to UNICEF 2002) should be provided by the product. A comparison between the applicable RDA for gender and age against daily dietary intake (habitual intake plus CSB porridge)revealed that the needs for vitamin A, riboflavin, niacin, folate, iron and zinc have been met, while calcium could not be provided in full. The needs for vitamins C and Bl2 were provided for in full through the CSB intake. Overall, the CSB intake made a substantial contribution to nutritive intake. Both the perceptions for taste (Reitumetse 75-80% and Sinqobile 88-83%) and texture (Reitumetse 74-82% and Sinqobile 71-78%) increased over time. As several learners (25%) consumed second servings twice (34%) but up to five times a week (21%), it can be assumed that the additional nutrient intake benefited the neediest children the most. It is recommended that CSB porridge should be introduced in areas where the dietary intake is compromised. / National Research Foundation (NRF)

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