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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Influence of the Home and Hospital Program on Pregnant School-Age Girls

Thorsted, Alice Randall 01 May 1972 (has links)
The effects of the Home and Hospital Program upon entry, as contrasted with termination, on the neurotic tendencies and attitudes of pregnant school-age girls were studied using a sample of 25 pregnant junior and senior high school students in the Ogden City School District. Of the Four areas tested for neuroticism no difference was found between the time of entry and exit from the program. These pregnant girls did not test in the neurotic range and rate above the general population in only one component of neuroticism, "Submissiveness". The other components tested in the average range. Of the 8 areas on attitudes which were tested there was a difference from unfavorable to favorable attitude change toward school related subjects such as, school personnel, class participation, and preparation, and future educational goals.. The attitudes which seemed not to be affected to any great extent by the Home and Hospital Program were those towards circumstances and persons outside the school, such as , parents, husbands, peers and frustrations.

Efekti eksperimentalnog tretmana na razvoj brzinske izdržljivosti kod devojčica / The Effects of Experimental Treatment on Development of Girls' Speed Endurance

Šolaja Milan 21 September 2016 (has links)
<p>U na&scaron;oj zemlji je malo objavljenih istraživanja iz oblasti kako brzinske izdržljivosti kod devojčica, tako i eksperimentalnih tretmana koji bi doveli do povećanja ove motoričke sposobnosti. U samoj atletici ova tema nije dovoljno istraživana s&rsquo; obzirom da je veoma puno prisutna u praksi. Osnovni cilj studije bio je da se utvrdi efekat eksperimentalnog tretmana na brzinsku izdržljivost devojčica.<br />Uzorak ispitanika ovog istraživanja činilo je 100 devojčica, uzrasta između 13 i 15 godina iz&nbsp; Novog Sada, koje su uključene u trenažni proces u sportskim klubovima. Uzorak ispitanika je bio podeljen na eksperimentalnu grupu, koju je činilo 50 devojčica i koja je realizovala eksperimentalni plan i program i kontrolnu grupu, sa takođe, 50 devojčica, koja je realizovala treninge po programu Evropske atletske federacije &ldquo;Kid&rsquo;s athletics&rdquo;, u trajanju od 15 nedelja. Testirane su razlike u antropolo&scaron;kim karakteristikama i u motoričkim sposobnostima, koje su se ogledale u efikasnosti primenjenog eksperimentalnog tretmana grupa.<br />U istraživanju je primenjeno 18 varijabli: 6 antropometrijskih, 10 motoričkih i 2 varijable za procenu specifičnih motoričkih sposobnosti. Razlike u antropolo&scaron;kim karakteristikama, motoričkim sposobnostima i brzinskoj izdržljivosti između eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe analizirane su multivarijatnom analizom varijanse, univarijatnom analizom varijanse i diskriminativnom analizom, dok su sami efekti eksperimentalnog tretmana utvrđeni na osnovu multivarijatne analize kovarijanse.<br />Program rada eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe realizovan je u okviru redovnih treninga u sportskim klubovima. Trenažni plan i program je sprovođen tri puna nedeljno, za obe testirane grupe. Eksperimentalna grupa je realizovala trenažne jedinice po modelovanom eksperimentalnom tretmanu, koji je sačinjen u skladu sa osnovnim principima trenažnog procesa i periodizacijom istog, i na osnovu bogatog vi&scaron;egodi&scaron;njeg iskustva autora i adekvatne literature najboljih svetskih autora aktuelne oblasti. Kontrolna grupa je realizovala trenažne jedinice po programu Evropske atletske federacije &ldquo;Kid&rsquo;s athletics&rdquo;.<br />Dobijeni rezutati u pogledu antropometrijskih karakteristika ukazuju da je primenjeni eksperimentalni tretman uticao na postojanje statistički značajnih razlika u sistemu pojedinih primenjenih antropometrijskih varijabli. U prostoru motoričkih sposobnosti takođe su utvrđene statistički značajne razlike između grupa nakon primenjenih različitih tretmana.<br />Kada su u pitanju specifične motoričke sposobnosti, odnosno varijable za procenu brzinske izdržljivosti devojčica, analiza kovarijanse je takođe ukazala na statističku značajnost razlika u sistemu primenjenih varijabli. Eksperimentalna grupa je statistički značajno napredovala u obe varijable kojima je testirana brzinska izdržljivost devojčica.<br />Osnovni cilj studije bio je da se utvrdi efekat eksperimentalnog tretmana na brzinsku izdržljivost devojčica, a rezultati univarijantne analize kovarijanse i multivarijatne analize kovarijanse su potvrdili statistički značajnu razliku u korist eksperimentalne grupe.<br />Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je predloženi eksperimentalni tretman u eksperimentalnoj grupi doprineo značajnim razlikama u brzinskoj izdržljivosti. Rezultati koji su dobijeni u finalnom merenju i upoređivanjem motoričkih sposobnosti između eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe, potvrdili su dosada&scaron;nja naučna i teorijska znanja, da prostor specifične izdržljivosti u brzini egzistira kao posebna sposobnost na koju se adekvatnim tretmanom može pozitivno uticati i doći do napretka koji je statistički značajan. Značaj ove studije je u direktnoj i neposrednoj primeni, ovog tretmana, gde se bolji rezultati postižu usmeravanjem tretmana na ciljane distance koje su po strukturi i vremenskom trajanju slične onim koje su testirane kao kriterijske varijable.</p> / <p>There is little published research in our country in girls&rsquo; speed endurance and experimental treatments which would&nbsp; increase this motor ability. This issue is not sufficiently investigated in the athletics, despite the fact that it is very much present in practice. The main objective of the study was to determine the effect of experimental treatment on girls&rsquo; speed endurance.<br />The sample of this study consisted of 100 girls, aged between 13 and 15 years old, from Novi Sad, who are involved in the training process in sports clubs. The sample was divided into an experimental group, which consisted of 50 girls and implemented experimental plan and program and the control group with 50 girls as well, which&nbsp; conducted trainings according to the program of the European Association of Athletics Federations&#39; &ldquo;Kid&#39;s athletics&rdquo;, in a&nbsp; 15 weeks period. The differences in the anthropological characteristics and motor skills were tested, which were reflected in the efficiency of the applied experimental treatment of the groups.<br />18 variables were&nbsp; applied in the study: 6 anthropometric, 10 motor variables and 2 motor variables for assessment of specific motor abilities. Differences in anthropological characteristics, motor skills and speed endurance between the experimental and control groups were analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance, univariate analysis of variance and discriminant analysis, while the actual effects of the experimental treatment were determined on the basis of multivariate analysis of covariance.<br />The working program of the experimental and control groups was carried out in the framework of regular training in sports clubs. The training plan and program was executed three times per week, for both tested groups. The experimental group has implemented the training units by modeled experimental treatment, which is made in accordance with the basic principles of the training process and its periodization, and based on author&#39;s extensive experience and adequate literature of the world&#39;s best authors of the current field. The control group&nbsp; implemented the training units of the program of the European Athletics Federation &quot;Kid&#39;s athletics.&quot;<br />The obtained results of anthropometric characteristics indicate that the applied experimental treatment influenced the existence of statistically significant differences in the system of individual anthropometric variables which were applied. Statistically significant differences were determined between groups in the area of motor abilities, after applaying different treatments.<br />As to the specific motor skills, variables for evaluation of girls&#39; speed endurance, covariance analysis also indicated statistically significant differences in the system of applied variables. The experimental group significantly progressed in both variables by which&nbsp; girls&#39; speed endurance had been tested.<br />The main objective of the study was to determine the effect of experimental treatment on girls&#39; speed endurance, and the results of the univariate analysis of covariance and multivariate analysis of covariance confirmed a statistically significant difference in favor of the experimental group.<br />Based on these results, it can be concluded that the proposed experimental treatment in an experimental group contributed to the significant differences in the speed endurance. The final measuring results obtained by comparison of&nbsp; motor abilities between the experimental and control group, confirmed the recent scientific and theoretical knowledge that specific endurance space in speed exists as a special skill on which the appropriate treatment can positively influence and the statistically significant progress can be reached. The significance of this study is in a direct and immediate application of this treatment, where better results are achieved by focusing the treatment on the target distances which are similar by the structure and duration to those that have been tested as a criterion variable.</p>

Assertion and accommodation : a study of the assertive language in the conversations of school-age (5-13 years) girls

Topham, Emma January 2018 (has links)
This study aimed to investigate the use of accommodation of assertive utterances (AUs) in the conversations of 49 girls aged 5;0-13;1. Based on the findings of earlier research that the use of such language is more closely related to age than to gender, it was predicted speakers would accommodate their use of and response to assertive utterances as a result of their partner's age. Naturalistic language from these speakers was collected over a year, and evidence of accommodation was observed in all speakers. Fewer AUs were used with younger speakers compared to older ones, and those used with younger girls were more likely to be produced with the sole purpose of controlling the hearer's behaviour. In addition, AUs were more likely to be complied with, or accepted, when they were produced by older girls. Given what is known about the types of language used by powerful/powerless individuals, it appears that these speakers consider age to be an indicator of status. A particularly interesting finding was that it was the age of a speaker in relation to other members of the conversation that influenced their use of and response to AUs, rather than the age of the speaker alone.

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