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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tirisano' : die verkenning van uitdagings en meganismes tot vennootskap met drie landelike skole in die Wes-Kaap

Jansen, Zenda B 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd (Special education))--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The value of partnerships within the South African education system has for many years been emphasised by various researchers. It is only since the first democratic election in South Africa in 1994 that the government was committed to the extension of partnerships between schools, parents, learners and the community on both local and national level. In Article 29 of the Constitution (RSA, 1996a) parents are given the assurance that the state will execute their role as educational partner. The state also gives other partners enough scope to implement their educational partnerships according to their worldview and philosophy of life. The aim of this study was the exploration of challenges and mechanisms for partnership between three rural primary schools and the Department of Educational Psychology and Specialized Education, now referred to as the University of Stellenbosch (US), as tertiary institution. The needs expressed by the particular schools, the social consciousness role of the US within the community and thirdly the empowerment role of partnerships served as motivation for the study. A constructivist, interpretative paradigm was used and the research design can be classified as empirical research with primary data generating textual data. The literature review explored the challenges within systems, mechanisms for partnerships and different systems within partnerships in view of a meta-theoretical frame of reference. The research results regarding challenges within specific systems are summarized under three headings, namely positive findings, negative findings and differences of opinion. Results regarding the exploration of the partnership shows that the researcher throughout the study consistently recognised the uniqueness of each school; trusting relationships were established; the schools were continuously involved in all the processes; a partnership of collaboration was emphasised; the processes were continuously evaluated and the schools were predominantly positive about the collaborative partnership with the US. The findings of this study have important implications for the further exploration of partnerships between schools and persons and/or institutions on both local and national level. The positive results accomplished through this partnership with the three schools acts as motivation for further extension of partnerships. Recommendations serve as foundation for a partnership of consultation, collaboration and teamwork between schools and other systems. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die waarde van vennootskappe binne die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwys is reeds vir jare deur verskeie navorsers beklemtoon. Dit is egter eers sedert Suid-Afrika se eerste demokratiese verkiesing in 1994 dat die regering hom verbind het tot die uitbou van vennootskappe tussen skole, ouers, leerders en die gemeenskap op beide plaaslike en nasionale vlak. In Artikel 29 van die Grondwet (RSA, 1996a) word aan ouers die versekering gegee dat die staat sy rol as opvoedingvennoot sal deurvoer. Die staat gee ook aan ander vennote genoeg ruimte om hulopvoedende vennootskappe volgens hul bepaalde wêreld- en lewensbeskouing in skole uit te leef. Die doel van hierdie studie was die verkenning van uitdagings en meganismes tot vennootskap tussen drie landelike primêre skole en die Departement Opvoedkundige Sielkunde en Spesialiseringsonderwys, voortaan na verwys as die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (US), as tersiêre instelling. Die behoeftes uitgespreek deur die betrokke drie skole, die US se sosiale bewustheidsrol binne die gemeenskap en derdens die bemagtigingsrol wat vennootskappe inhou het as motivering gedien. Daar is vanuit 'n konstruktivistiese, interpretatiewe paradigma gewerk en die navorsingsontwerp kan geklassifiseer word as empiriese navorsing met primêre databronne wat tekstuele data genereer. Die literatuuroorsig het gepoog om aan die hand van 'n meta-teoretiese verwysingsraamwerk ondersoek in te stel na uitdagings binne sisteme, meganismes tot vennootskappe en verskillende sisteme binne vennootskappe. Die navorsingsbevindinge rakende uitdagings binne bepaalde sisteme word bondig saamgevat onder drie hoofde, naamlik positiewe bevindinge, negatiewe bevindinge en meningsverskille. Bevindinge ten opsigte van die verkenning van die vennootskap het aangetoon dat die navorser deurentyd die uniekheid van elke skool erken het; dat In vertrouensverhouding gebou is; dat die skole sover moontlik op In deurlopende basis in al die prosesse betrek is; dat die navorser deurlopend klem gelê het op In vennootskap van samewerking; dat prosesse deurlopend geëvalueer is en dat die skole oorwegend positief was oor die vennootskap van samewerking met die US. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie hou belangrike implikasies in vir die verdere verkenning van vennootskappe tussen skole en persone en/of instansies op beide plaaslike en nasionale vlak. Die positiewe resultate behaal deur hierdie vennootskap met die drie skole moet dien as aansporing vir verdere uitbouing van vennootskappe. Aanbevelings wat dien as grondslag vir 'n vennootskap van samewerking, konsultasie en spanwerk tussen skole en ander sisteme word gedoen.

Motivation as a catalyst for staff development in underperforming secondary schools in South Africa

Terhoven, Rene B. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: With the aim of promoting learner achievement, development is regarded as indispensable for the teaching and learning process. Many schools however, face the challenge of teachers who are not willing to participate in development activities. Motivation is viewed as a catalyst that may aid in teachers‟ participation in development activities, as motivation provides a reason to display certain behaviour. In the case of this research behaviour refers to the behaviour to participate in development activities. Participation in development activities refers to teachers‟ inclination to submit to self-development, engage in daily development activities of the school or engaging in formal development activities arranged by the school or Department of Education. This research addressed some of the factors that motivate staff in underperforming secondary schools to participate in staff development activities. Schools are categorised as underperforming if they do not obtain a pass rate of at least 60% in the National Senior Certificate examinations. Underperforming schools are mainly townships schools with peculiar contexts. This study focuses on the particular context of underperforming schools and the role of the principal in staff‟s motivation to participate in development activities as these are important aspects in the development of a school from an underperforming to a performing categorisation. The literature was reviewed on aspects of activities of staff development, the motivation theories and adult learning principles. Teachers are adults and therefore the factors that motivate adults to participate in development activities are important as they require a different approach than children‟s learning. Qualitative research was conducted with the principal and four teachers from each of two township schools located in the same education district, but two different circuits. Both schools were categorised as underperforming two years ago, but have developed to performing schools. The data were gathered through semi-structured interviews. The findings indicated that teachers in this study are intrinsically motivated to participate in development activities. Factors such as passion, empowerment, collaboration and the child‟s wellbeing are mentioned as factors that motivate these teachers to participate in development activities. Despite these intrinsic factors, teachers mentioned extrinsic factors that impact on their inclination to participate in development activities. These factors include contextual and organisational factors. The role of the principal is emphasised as the principal is accountable for the development of staff. Furthermore, the principal, having the highest authority at a school has an influence on the factors that motivate staff as well as those factors that may deter staff from participating in development activities. Recommendations for the motivation of staff and staff development activities are made, as well as recommendations for further studies. This research is significant as it indicates factors that motivate staff and factors which impact on their motivation to participate in development activities. These factors are important in the pursuit of development from an underperforming to a performing school. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ontwikkeling het ten doel om leerder prestasie te verhoog. Dus word ontwikkeling beskou as onontbeerlik vir die onderrig en leer proses. Baie skole staar egter die uitdaging van opvoeders wie onwillig is om deel te neem aan ontwikkelingsaktiwiteite in die gesig. Motivering kan beskou word as 'n katalisator wat assisteer in die deelname van opvoeders aan ontwikkelingsaktiwiteite, aangesien dit aan opvoeders 'n rede verskaf om sekere gedrag ten opsigte van ontwikkeling te openbaar. In hierdie navorsing verwys gedrag na die gedrag om deel te neem aan ontwikkelingsaktiwiteite. Deelname aan ontwikkelingsaktiwiteite verwys na die neiging van opvoeders om hulself te verryk deur selfontwikkeling, deelname aan die daaglikse aktiwiteite van die skool of aan formele aktiwiteite wat deur die skool of Departement van Onderwys gereël word. Hierdie navorsing addresseer sommige van die faktore wat personeel in onderpresterende sekondêre skole motiveer om deel te neem aan personeel ontwikkelingsaktiwiteite. Skole word gekategoriseer as onderpresterend indien hulle „n slaagpersentasie van minder as 60% verkry in die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat eksamen. Onderpresterende skole is kenmerkend van die informele nedersettings met hul sonderlinge agtergrond. Hierdie studie fokus op die bepaalde agtergrond van onderpresterende skole en die rol van die prinsipaal in die motivering van personeel om aan ontwikkelingsaktiwiteite deel te neem. Hierdie word beskou as belangrike aspekte in die ontwikkeling van 'n skool vanaf onderpresterend na presterend. Die literatuur oorsig is gedoen op aspekte van aktiwiteite van personeelontwikkeling, motiveringsteorieë en volwasse leer beginsels. Opvoeders is volwassenes en daarom is die faktore wat volwassenes motiveer om aan ontwikkelingsaktiwiteite deel te neem belangrik, aangesien hulle 'n verskillende benadering as kinders se leer benodig. Kwalitatiewe navorsing was gedoen met die prinsipale en vier opvoeders van elk van twee skole wat informele nedersettings bedien. Die skole is geleë in dieselfde opvoedkundige distrik, maar uit twee verskillende kringe. Beide skole was twee jaar gelede as onderpresterend geklassifiseer, maar het in die tussentyd tot presterende skole ontwikkel. Data was deur middel van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude ingesamel. Die bevindinge toon dat opvoeders in hierdie studie intrinsiek gemotiveer is om aan ontwikkelingsaktiwiteite deel te neem. Faktore soos passie, bemagtiging, samewerking en die kind se welstand word genoem as faktore wat die opvoeders motiveer om aan ontwikkelingsaktiwiteite deel te neem. Behalwe hierdie intrinsieke faktore het opvoeders ook ekstrinsieke faktore genoem wat 'n impak het op hul ingesteldheid om aan ontwikkelingsaktiwiteite deel te neem. Hierdie ekstrinsieke faktore sluit in kontekstuele en organisatoriese faktore. Die rol van die prinsipaal word beklemtoon aangesien die prinsipaal verantwoordbaar is vir die ontwikkeling van die personeel. Verder, aangesien die prinsipaal die hoogste gesagsfiguur is in die skool, het hy/sy 'n invloed op die faktore wat die personeel motiveer, sowel as daardie faktore wat personeel mag weerhou van deelname aan ontwikkelingsaktiwiteite. Aanbevelings rakende die motivering van personeel en personeel ontwikkelingsaktiwiteite word gemaak, sowel as aanbevelings vir verdere studie. Hierdie navorsing is noemenswaardig aangesien dit faktore aandui wat personeel kan motiveer, asook dit wat 'n invloed het op hul motivering om deel te neem aan ontwikkelingsaktiwiteite in die strewe na ontwikkeling vanaf 'n onderpresterende na 'n presterende skool.

Management systems used in secondary school nutrition programmes in the city of Tshwane

Berejena, Tendaiishe. January 2015 (has links)
M. Tech. Food and Nutrition Tshwane University of Technology / The aim of this study was to explore and evaluate the management systems which are used for the NSNP (National School Nutrition Programme) in the City of Tshwane. The objectives of this study were set to include inter alia the evaluation of the human resource management system, quality and monitoring management system, the financial management system, purchasing and procurement system, the communication management system and capacity building management in the NSNP (National School Nutrition Programme).

The role of school management teams in cultivating moral purpose in Limpopo secondary schools

Ramalepe, Matome Liphy 08 1900 (has links)
In the twenty-first century, many educational systems are embracing a new paradigm of educational management that utilises team management in schools. The democratic nature of this notion in South Africa involves the use of School Management Teams (SMTs). Reflecting on this movement, this research explored the capacity of these SMTs to cultivate moral purpose in six purposively sampled schools in Limpopo Province. The data collection methods included a series of semi-structured interviews with SMT members, examination of relevant documents, and scheduled observations. The data from the interviews was transcribed manually and this, together with document analysis and scheduled observations, was analysed in three interrelated stages using the four research questions as guides (Miles & Huberman, 1994). The research highlighted that the moral purpose is a relatively new concept to the majority of SMTs. Only a few school managers presented explicit references to the notion, perceiving it as a “compelling moral imperative” or “moral goal of achievement” or “whole-school vision for academic success” or simply “respect”. Notwithstanding the different perceptions, this moral purpose is directed towards raising the level of learner achievement and it is realised when the SMTs articulate the values of commitment, discipline and responsibility. The SMTs members affirmed their commitment to various aspects of instructional leadership. Furthermore, teamwork exemplified in participative decision-making was highlighted as a notion that enhances learner achievement. The findings also affirmed the opportunities that shared leadership offered schools to share moral purpose. However, the findings also enumerate lack of parent involvement, learners discipline, and teachers’ lack of commitment to moral purpose as crucial factors that inhibit the sharing of moral purpose in schools. The two critical responsibilities accepted by the SMTs to address the constraints of sharing moral purpose are highlighted as consulting with legitimate stakeholders and reinforcing policy in the schools. As a result of this research, a number of recommendations and opportunities for further research are offered to Limpopo schools and their SMTs, the systemic authorities responsible for Limpopo education and for those responsible specifically for policy making and curriculum development in the South African education system. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Educational Leadership and Management)

The community of the resurrection's involvement in African schooling on the Witwatersrand, from 1903-1956.

Winterbach, Heidi January 1994 (has links)
A Research Project Submitted to the Faculty of Education University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg for the Degree of Master of Education / THE COMMUNITY OF THE RESURRECTION'S INVOLVEMENT IN AFRICAN SCHOOLING ON THE WITWATERSRAND, FROM 1903 TO 1956 This research project is an historical reconstruction of the schools established and run by the Community of the Resurrection (CR) on the Witwatersrand from 1903 40 1956. The aim of this research is to contribute to knowledge and understanding of missionary education in South Africa, through a study of the educational work of this particular missionary body, as embodied in their schools. The report examines key aspects of the schools, including their financial and organizational structures, the education they offered and their ethos. The CR schools varied in physical size, numbers of pupils and level of sophistication, from the well established St Peter's Secondary School, to numerous one-roomed wood and iron shacks. Similarly, the products of these schools varied from well-known African leaders and academics to domestic servants. Although a definitive judgement on the merits of missionary education is not the focus of this study, the project concludes that the initial Eurocentric attitude of the CR towards Africans and their education was transformed to one of genuine sympathy and the CR brethren became leaders in the fight for equal education for Africans in the face of Government opposition. This project is based on primary source material located in the Church of the Province Archives of South Africa at the University of the Witwatersrand and is influenced by secondary sources such as historical works and theories on missionary education. as well as works by CR members themselves. / Andrew Chakane 2019

Successful instructional leadership practices in challenging circumstances: a case study of one Qwaqwa township secondary school

Mofokeng, Lehlohonolo Israel January 2017 (has links)
Submitted in accordance with the partial requirements for the degree of Master of Education at the University of the Witwatersrand February 2016 / This study sought to explore successful instructional leadership practices in challenging circumstances. One township secondary school located in QwaQwa, Free State province, was used as the case study. The purpose of this study was to understand how the school has managed to consistently produce meritorious academic performances over the years despite facing multiple deprivations such as poverty, high crime rates and dilapidated learning infrastructure, among others. To better understand the instructional leadership approach, the study identified three key characteristics of successful instructional leaders and used them to form the basis for understanding whether the identified school principal applied them in responding to their learners‘ socio-economic challenges. This study was located within qualitative methodological approach with interpretivism as the research paradigm. The main data source was the in-depth interviews. The participants included the principal, head of department and two senior teachers. The study found the following to be key to the school‘s consistent plausible academic performance: (a) the main focus of the school was on ensuring the availability and efficient use of the instructional materials (b) the school principal took professional development of his academic staff seriously (c) there was a strong focus on managing teaching and learning (d) goal setting was seen as a driver towards achieving the academic goals of the school and (e) the effective use of the school‘s allocated instructional time was of great importance. / MT2017

An analysis of public schools' financial management : with specific reference to selected secondary schools in Soshanguve

Sefolo, Essau Tabane. January 2015 (has links)
M. Tech. Public Management Tshwane University of Technology / This study aims at making recommendations on how to improve the public financial management of secondary schools that were left unattended by the previous, apartheid-led, White government. According to South African School Act (SASA) (1996), no learner, especially of the mandatory school-going age, should ever have to encounter any financial or material difficulties to gain access to good-quality education.

Factors that influence educators intention to adopt information technology in Tshwane University of Technology

Tsharane, Johanna Setati. January 2014 (has links)
M. Tech. Business Administration / This study examines public secondary school teachers technology acceptance as another form of pedagogical method in the classroom. The widely used Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was used to determine the factors associated with either acceptance or non-acceptance of technology in the classroom. In this study, only secondary school teachers from disadvantaged schools in one of the biggest townships in South Africa were sampled. The sample size was 271 respondents from a population of approximately 455. TAM was tested on the use of any of the Microsoft Softwares (Powerpoint, Word, Excel) in the classrooms for teaching purposes. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyse the data and five hypothesis statements were tested. The results revealed fundamental determinants (e.g. perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use) as primary contributors for their acceptance of technology.

Effectiveness of corporate social responsibility initiatives : a case of a high school in Gauteng

Kruger, Margo. January 2013 (has links)
M. Tech. Business Administration / The aim of this study is to determine whether there is a higher performance in the academic results of those pupils who had been assisted by the educational corporate social responsibility intervention and the academic results of those pupils who had not participated in the educational intervention.

Investigates the levels of awareness, knowledge and attitude of South African secondary school learners and educators about environmental pollution in a coal mining area.

Olufemi, A. C. January 2013 (has links)
D. Tech. Education / Investigates the levels of awareness, knowledge and attitude of South African secondary school learners and educators about environmental pollution in a coal mining area.

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