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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo comparativo dos sambaquis Caipora, Lageado e Jaboticabeira I: interpretações acerca da mudança de material construtivo ao longo do tempo / Comparative Study of Capiora, Lageado and Jaboticabeira I sambaquis: interpretations about the change of constructive material along time.

Tânia Ferraz de Oliveira 26 March 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta o estudo das camadas estratigráficas de três sambaquis situados nos municípios de Jaguaruna e Treze de Maio, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Partimos do princípio de que eles são estruturas erigidas intencionalmente por uma população que habitou a região por aproximadamente 6000 anos, e que para a construção de seus cemitérios se apropriavam do material malacológico disponível na região. O desmembramento dos componentes de cada camada nos forneceu informações a respeito do material construtivo dos sítios, e a partir destes resultados foi possível testar algumas hipóteses sobre a mudança da matriz construtiva verificada nos sambaquis. / This work presents the study of stratigraphical layers of three sambaquis located on Jaguaruna and Treze de Maio, Santa Catarina, Brazil. We assume that such structures were intentionally built by a population that inhabited the region for over 6000 years, and that for the pilling up of their burial grounds they gathered malacological material available within the area. The breakdown of the elements of each layer provided us information regarding the construction material of the sites, and based on these results it was possible to test some hypothesis regarding a change on the constructive matrix recorded on the sambaquis.

Aspectos biogeográficos e paleogeográficos de costões rochosos de Ubatuba - São Paulo / Biogeographic and paleogeographic aspect of Ubatuba\'s rocky coast (São Paulo)

Wagner Ferreira Vilano 18 November 2013 (has links)
Dentre os ecossistemas presentes na região entre-marés e habitats da zona costeira, os costões rochosos são considerados um dos mais importantes por conter uma alta riqueza de espécies de grande importância ecológica e econômica. Desta forma estudos biogeográficos e paleogeograficos são importantes ferramentas para o entendimento dos padrões de distribuição da biota: o espaço (área geográfica de ocorrência dos organismos), o tempo (eventos históricos que influenciaram os padrões atuais de ocorrência) e a forma dos grupos de organismos. Este estudo teve como objetivo principal abordar a distribuição da biota relacionando-a com a geologia e a morfologia dos costões rochosos alem de caracterizar a presença de indicadores de paleoníveis marinhos de três costões rochosos localizados nas Baías do Flamengo e da Fortaleza, em Ubatuba (SP). Os resultados desse estudo indicam que as distribuição da fauna foi muito homogênea sendo encontrado em todos os costões estudados as cracas do genêro Chtamalus, Balanus e Tetraclita, moluscos do genêro Thais, Littorina (mais abundantes), alem de colonias de Phragmatopoma e extensas bancos de algas do gênero Sargassum que estiveram presentes durante toda amostragem. A ocupação das zonas pela biota vai depender mais do declive da rocha do que da composição mineralógica, juntamente com o regime de ondas atuante no local, que vai ditar a amplitude das faixas de ocupação dos organismos, essa inclinação da rocha pode diretamente interferir nos padrões de distribuição, alterando a taxa de substituição das espécies. Um grupo de moluscos gastrópodes vermetideos do gênero Petaloconchus merece especial destaque, pois, foi registrada a primeira ocorrência deste grupo no Estado de São Paulo, além disso seu remanescentes fósseis são importantes indicadores de paleoníveis marinhos. As estimativas de variações de nível do mar foram mais eficientes com a utilização de vermetídeos e paleotocas de ouriços somada as medições de campo dos vermetideos vivos e sua localização geográfica, permite determinar paleoníveis mais precisos, foram registrados níveis mais elevados no período de 3810 ± 30 Cal. anos AP, atingindo o máximo de 3,87m ± 0,5 m e o menor em 1340 ± 30 Cal. anos AP, registrando 1,00m ± 0,5 m. / Among the ecosystems in the region and intertidal habitats of the coastal zone, the rocky shores are considered one of the most important because it contains a high number of species of great ecological and economic importance. Thus paleogeographic and biogeographic studies are important tools for understanding the distribution patterns of biota: space (geographical area of occurrence of organisms), time (historical events that influenced the patterns of occurrence) and the form of groups of organisms.The present study aimed to approach the distribution of biota relating it to the geology and morphology of rocky coasts in addition to characterize the presence of indicators of marine paleolevels three rocky shores located in Bays Flamengo and Fortaleza, Ubatuba (SP) . The results indicate that the distribution of the fauna was very homogeneous being found in all the studied shores, barnacles of the genus Chtamalus, Balanus and Tetraclita, clams genus Thais, Littorina (most abundant), in addition to extensive colonies Phragmatopoma and banks Sargassum algae that were present during the whole sampling. The occupation of areas for biota will depend more on the slope of the rock that the mineralogical composition, together with the active wave regime in place that will dictate the extent of occupancy ranges of organisms, the inclination of the rock can directly interfere with the patterns distribution changing the rate of substitution of species. A group of gastropod mollusks vermetids of the genus Petaloconchus deserves special mention because it was the first recorded occurrence of this group in the State of São Paulo, besides its fossil remains are important indicators of marine paleolevels. Estimates of changes in sea level were more efficient with the use of vermetid and paleotocas urchins added field measurements of vermetid alive and their geographic location, to determine paleolevels most accurate, highest levels were recorded in the period 3810 ± 30 Cal. years BP, reaching a maximum of 3.87 m ± 0.5 m lower in 1340 ± 30 Cal. years BP, registering 1.00 m ± 0.5 m.

Reconstruction des changements océanographiques et atmosphériques dans l’Océan Indien Oriental (NO-Australie, IODP Exp 356) pendant le quaternaire / Reconstruction of oceanographic and atmospheric changes in the Eastern Indian Ocean (NW­Australia, IODP Exp 356) during the Quaternary

Courtillat, Margot 19 December 2019 (has links)
Les sédiments marins des sites de forage U1460 et U1461 recueillis pendant l’expédition IODP 356 constituent l’un des rares enregistrements au niveau du plateau australien Nord-Ouest. Ils fournissent des informations sur l’intensité de l’aridité en Australie pendant les principaux cycles glaciaires-interglaciaires du Quaternaire, en raison de leur proximité avec le continent. Outre la reconstitution du climat continental, ces sériés sédimentaires permettent de reconstruire le fonctionnement des courants océaniques passés au large de la côte Ouest australienne.Sur le site U1461, la chronostratigraphie a permis d’identifier deux glaciations majeures du Pléistocène (MIS 2 et MIS 12). Les assemblages de la microfaune benthique (principalement les foraminifères benthiques, les coraux et les bryozoaires) ont été analysés afin de reconstruire les paléo-environnements et les paléo-profondeurs du milieu sédimentaire. Malgré la présence d’un hiatus dans l’enregistrement (incluant une partie du MIS 2 et l’ensemble du MIS 3-MIS 7), l’excellente conservation du contenu de la microfaune benthique suggère que les sédiments préservés peuvent être considérés comme in situ.Sur ce même site, les isotopes du Nd et du Sr ainsi que d’autres traceurs (à citer) déterminés dans les sédiments indiquent d’une part que les apports fluviaux ont probablement été réduits en raison de l'aridité accrue au cours du MIS 12, et d’autre part que la source des sédiments (principalement transportés par voie atmosphérique) pourrait se trouver au centre (Lake Eyre) ou à l’Est du continent (Murray-Darling Basin) australien. Le MIS 2 s’avère être l’une des périodes les plus sèches enregistrées en Australie avec des sources de poussière mixtes provenant de l’Est et de l’Ouest du continent. Des conditions plus humides pouvant correspondre au maximum de la Mousson d’été Indo-Australienne ont suivi après le maximum glaciaire.Sur le site U1460, une étude approfondie des assemblages de la méiofaune benthique et de l'abondance d’une espèce de foraminifère planctonique (Globorotalia mernardii ) donne de bons indices prouvant un changement majeur et soudain de la circulation océanique au cours de l'événement de Bruhnes Moyen (Mid-Bruhnes Event, MIS 11). L'une des hypothèses privilégiées pour ce changement pendant cette période serait liée à la mise en place du courant de Leeuwin moderne. / IODP Expedition 356 Site U1461 and Site U1460 represents ones of the few records in the NW sector of the Australian shelf that provides information about aridity fluctuations in Australia during major glacial cycles of the Quaternary because of their proximity to the continent. At the same time, they are also providing information about former ocean currents around Australia.For the Site U1461 a combination of chronostratigraphic indicators revealed the (partial) preservation of two major glaciations (MIS 2 and MIS 12) in the sedimentary record. The faunal content (mainly benthic foraminifera, corals and bryozoans) was analyzed for estimating paleo-environments and depths in order to determine if these sediments have been remobilized by reworking processes. Despite the occurrence of a depositional hiatus (that includes part of the MIS 2 and the whole MIS 3-MIS 7 time interval), the excellent preservation of faunal content suggests that the preserved sediment can be considered in situ.The geochemical composition of the sediments (Nd and Sr radiogenic isotopes and major elements) measured in the U1461 indicates, riverine input was likely reduced because of enhanced aridity during the MIS 12, and the sediment provenance (mainly atmospheric dust) might come from the Central (Lake Eyre) or the eastern (Murray Darling Basin) parts of the continent. MIS 2 is confirmed to be one of the driest periods recorded in Australia with mixed dust sources from the eastern and western parts of the continent. More humid conditions followed the glacial maximum that might correspond to the peak of the Indian-Australian Summer Monsoon.For the Site U1460 a thorough study of the benthic meiofauna assemblages and of the abundance of G. mernardii give some strong evidences of a major and suddenly change in the oceanographic circulation during the Mid-Bruhnes –Event (MIS 11). One of the preferred hypothesis for this change is related to the set-up of the modern Leeuwin Current at this period.

The Contribution of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment to Past and Contemporary Relative Sea-Level Rise Along the Atlantic Coast of Europe

Chapman, Geoffrey Alan 06 February 2024 (has links)
Contemporary and future relative sea-level (RSL) rise that can be attributed to anthropogenic climate change sees significant spatial variability as a result of the processes that underlie it. Some of the processes that contribute to RSL rise unrelated to anthropogenic climate change can and have had significant contributions. In this work, we examined the contributions of one of these processes, glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA), in the coastal regions of Atlantic Europe. These regions have seen significant RSL rise associated with a collapsing peripheral bulge throughout the Holocene and are expected to see more throughout the Anthropocene. Using the recently published paleo sea level database (García-Artola et al., 2018) which follows the HOLSEA RSL data assessment and reporting protocol (Khan et al., 2019) we determined optimal Earth model parameters for much of Atlantic Europe. These optimal parameters fit the data well and largely agree with values determined for previous works on peripheral bulges along the coasts of North America. We further used these results to perform a rudimentary sea-level budget analysis at 10 tide gauge stations, yielding results with high uncertainties and significant discrepancies between observed and projected rates of RSL change for half (5) of the tide gauge stations. Our results lead to the conclusion that GIA remains an important factor when predicting present and future RSL change.

Speleogenesis of large flank margin caves of the Bahamas

Lascu, Ioan 06 August 2005 (has links)
Flank margin caves of the Bahamas are formed by mixing dissolution in a fresh-water lens. As they evolve, the probability of intersecting neighboring voids increases, and they enlarge in a nonlinear fashion. Large flank margin caves become constrained by surface topography and their morphology is influenced by the shape of the enclosing land mass as a result. High phreatic ceilings can be dissolved if the fresh-water lens is distorted by lithological heterogeneities or hydrologic loading due to storm events. Early diagenesis of the host rock causes the reorganization of porosity and permeability through dissolution and cementation processes. Meteoric overprinting occurs but cannot be used as a tool in determining the age of eolianites or the climatic conditions at the time of deposition. Current evidence indicates an OIS 5e speleogenesis of large flank margin caves. An OIS 11 origin can be advanced only with compelling evidence of a pre-OIS 5e highstand.

Depositional dynamics of a giant carbonate platform-the Famennian Palliser Formation of Western Canada

Peterhänsel, Arndt 06 February 2003
Carbonate platforms dominated by great thicknesses of ostensibly uniform, thick bedded, poorly fossiliferous and burrow-mottled, subtidal limestones are found throughout the Phanerozoic, yet are poorly understood. Deposited in the aftermath of the FrasnianFamennian extinction event, the Palliser/Wabamun Formation with a thickness of up to 600 m and an extent of about 600 000 km2 represents one of the largest of such platforms to have ever existed.<p>The architecture and palaeoenvironment of the western side of this epeiric platform is reconstructed based on lateral and vertical variations of microfacies properties. It can be divided into inner and outer ramp and shelf belts that remained submerged virtually throughout the life of the platform. A new subdivision of the Palliser Formation is proposed based on long-term vertical facies patterns in sections with differing facies reflecting relative sealevel dynamics. <p>Limestones of the Palliser Formation record a rather limited benthic community. The soft substrate and abundant bioturbation deterred the settlement of sedentary organisms. Frequent physical disturbance, including storms and bioturbation, augmented water turbidity causing smothering and destruction. For these reasons at least, reef growth was impeded. <p>Furthermore, within the apparent facies monotony, two thirds of non-skeletal grains are generated by obliteration processes. Microendolithic bioerosion and diminution destroyed a substantial proportion of the skeletal particles, mostly crinoids, resulting in small micritized grains. Pervasive bioerosion is linked to excess nutrient flux caused by perturbations to the regional biogeochemical cycle. The Ellesmerian Orogeny and increased colonization of land surfaces by deep-rooting gymnosperms are identified as the cause of mesotrophy. Early seafloor dissolution consumed a vast amount of aragonite skeletons, dasycladalean algae in particular, leaving ample amounts of micritic steinkerns, which in turn broke down into peloids and small intraclasts. These discoveries suggest that large areas of the giant ramp-shelf system were characterized by subtidal dasycladalean and crinoid meadows. Finally, established carbonate classifications are re-evaluated and a revised classification for allochthonous limestones for both outcrop and laboratory is introduced. Special emphasis is laid on clastmatrix relationships. <p>-----------------------------------------------<p> ZUSAMMENFASSUNG<br> Die Palliser/Wabamun Formation ist eine von zahlreichen phanerozoischen Karbonatplattformen, die sich durch große Mächtigkeiten vermeintlich monotoner, fossilarmer, bioturbierter Kalke auszeichnen. Diese 600 m mächtige Abfolge sedimentierte im Schatten des Aussterbeereignisses an der Frasne-Famenne Grenze über einen Zeitraum von 69 Ma. Sie gehört mit einer Ausdehnung von etwa 600.000 km2 zu einer der größten Plattformen dieser Art, die auf unserem Planeten entstanden. Mit Hilfe lateraler und vertikaler Trends mikrofazieller Parameter konnte das Ablagerungsmilieu und die Architektur das westlichen Teils dieser epikontinentalen Plattform rekonstruiert werden. Es werden innere und äußere Rampe und Schelf voneinander unterschieden, die praktisch durchgehend über die ganze Plattformentwicklung überflutet blieben. Die vorgestellte Neugliederung der Palliser Formation basiert auf langfristigen vertikalen Faziesmustern in Profilen mit unterschiedlicher Fazies. Faziesmuster spiegeln relative Meeresspiegelschwankungen wider. <p>Die Palliser Kalke sind durch einen eher eingeschränkten Benthos gekennzeichnet, wobei weiches Substrat und intensive Bioturbation die Besiedlung durch sesshafte Organismen erschwerten. Während häufige Bewegung, zum Beispiel durch Stürme und Bioturbation, zu weitreichender mechanischer Zerstörung von Kalkskeletten zur Folge hatte, führte Sedimentaufschlämmung zum Ersticken eines großen Teils des Benthos. Zumindest auf Grund dieser Umstände war das Riffwachstum auf der Palliser Plattform stark reduziert. <p>Etwa zwei Drittel der non-skeletal grains" entstanden durch Klastenalterationsprozesse. Mikroendolithische Bioerosion und Komponentenverkleinerung verwandelten einen großen Teil der Bioklasten, hauptsächlich Krinoiden, zu kleinen mikritischen Körnern. Durchdringende Bioerosion steht in Verbindung mit Nährstoffüberschuss, ausgelöst durch Veränderungen im regionalen biogeochemischen Zyklus. Diese Mesotrophie steht in Zusammenhang mit der Ellesmere Orogenese und zunehmender Besiedlung von Landgebieten durch tiefwurzelnde Gymnospermen. Zusätzlich hinterließ die früh einsetzende Auflösung einer großen Anzahl aragonitischer Kalkskelette, insbesondere Dasycladaleen, am Meeresboden eine beträchtliche Anzahl mikritischer Steinkerne. Diese zerbrachen zu Peloiden und mikritischen Intraklasten. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit legen nahe, dass weite Bereiche des riesigen Palliser Rampen-Schelf Systems durch subtidale Dasycladaleen-Krinoiden-Wiesen charakterisiert waren. Die detaillierte Untersuchung der riesigen Palliser Plattform zeigt, dass etablierte Karbonatklassifikationen nicht ausreichen, um die Fazies treffend zu beschreiben. Die revidierte Version für allochthone Kalke kann sowohl im Aufschluss als auch im Labor angewendet werden und legt besonderes Augenmerk auf Klasten-Matrix-Beziehungen. <br>-----------------------------------------------</br>RÉSUMÉ<br> Les plateformes carbonatées, dominées par d'épaisses couches de calcaires subtidaux prétendument uniformes, en bancs épais, peu fossilifères et creusés de terriers se rencontrent à travers tout le Phanérozoïque. Pourtant, ces plateformes sont encore mal comprises. Déposée à la suite de l'extinction en masse du Frasnien-Famennien, la Formation Palliser/Wabamun, de 600 m d'épaisseur maximale et s'étendant sur environ 600 000 km2, représente une des plus vastes plateformes carbonatées ayant jamais existées. L'architecture et les paléoenvironnements de la marge occidentale de cette plateforme peu profonde ont été reconstruits en se basant sur les variations latérales et verticales des microfaciès. Elle est constituée d'une rampe interne et externe ainsi que d'une plateforme au sens strict, qui sont restées pratiquement ennoyées durant toute la durée de vie de cette plateforme. Basée sur la distribution verticale à long-terme des faciès, avec les changements de faciès reflétant les dynamiques du niveau marin, une nouvelle subdivision de la Formation Palliser est proposée. Les calcaires de la Formation Palliser renferment une communauté benthique plutôt restreinte. Le substrat meuble et le phénomène de bioturbation intense ont empêché la colonisation des organismes sédentaires. Les perturbations physiques et fréquentes comme les tempêtes et la bioturbation ont augmenté la turbidité de l'eau de mer, entraînant asphixie et destruction. Au moins pour ces raisons le développement des récifs a été entravé. De plus, malgré l'apparente monotonie des faciès, les deux tiers des grains "non squelettiques" sont issus de processus de destruction. La bioérosion et diminution par microorganismes endolithiques a détruit une proportion substantielle des particules squelettiques, principalement de crinoïdes, résultant en de petits grains micritiques. Cette bioérosion étendue est liée à un excès de nutriments généré par des perturbations d'ordre géographique du cycle biochimique. L'orogénèse Ellesmere et le développement de la colonisation terrestre par les gymnospermes à racine profonde sont proposés comme cause de cette mésotrophie. La dissolution précoce du sédiment des fonds marins a consummé une importante proportion des squelettes aragonitiques, en particulier des algues dasycladales, laissant de grande quantité de steinkerns micritiques, qui à leur tour ont été décomposés en péloides et petits intraclastes. Ces découvertes suggèrent qu'une large partie de ce système de vaste rampe plateforme était caractérisée par des prés subtidaux à dasycladales et crinoïdes. Enfin; la classification longtemps établie des carbonates a été réévaluée et une classification révisée des calcaires allochtones pour leur étude à l'affleurement et en laboratoire est proposée. Un intérêt partulier est porté sur les relations grains-matrices.

Depositional dynamics of a giant carbonate platform-the Famennian Palliser Formation of Western Canada

Peterhänsel, Arndt 06 February 2003 (has links)
Carbonate platforms dominated by great thicknesses of ostensibly uniform, thick bedded, poorly fossiliferous and burrow-mottled, subtidal limestones are found throughout the Phanerozoic, yet are poorly understood. Deposited in the aftermath of the FrasnianFamennian extinction event, the Palliser/Wabamun Formation with a thickness of up to 600 m and an extent of about 600 000 km2 represents one of the largest of such platforms to have ever existed.<p>The architecture and palaeoenvironment of the western side of this epeiric platform is reconstructed based on lateral and vertical variations of microfacies properties. It can be divided into inner and outer ramp and shelf belts that remained submerged virtually throughout the life of the platform. A new subdivision of the Palliser Formation is proposed based on long-term vertical facies patterns in sections with differing facies reflecting relative sealevel dynamics. <p>Limestones of the Palliser Formation record a rather limited benthic community. The soft substrate and abundant bioturbation deterred the settlement of sedentary organisms. Frequent physical disturbance, including storms and bioturbation, augmented water turbidity causing smothering and destruction. For these reasons at least, reef growth was impeded. <p>Furthermore, within the apparent facies monotony, two thirds of non-skeletal grains are generated by obliteration processes. Microendolithic bioerosion and diminution destroyed a substantial proportion of the skeletal particles, mostly crinoids, resulting in small micritized grains. Pervasive bioerosion is linked to excess nutrient flux caused by perturbations to the regional biogeochemical cycle. The Ellesmerian Orogeny and increased colonization of land surfaces by deep-rooting gymnosperms are identified as the cause of mesotrophy. Early seafloor dissolution consumed a vast amount of aragonite skeletons, dasycladalean algae in particular, leaving ample amounts of micritic steinkerns, which in turn broke down into peloids and small intraclasts. These discoveries suggest that large areas of the giant ramp-shelf system were characterized by subtidal dasycladalean and crinoid meadows. Finally, established carbonate classifications are re-evaluated and a revised classification for allochthonous limestones for both outcrop and laboratory is introduced. Special emphasis is laid on clastmatrix relationships. <p>-----------------------------------------------<p> ZUSAMMENFASSUNG<br> Die Palliser/Wabamun Formation ist eine von zahlreichen phanerozoischen Karbonatplattformen, die sich durch große Mächtigkeiten vermeintlich monotoner, fossilarmer, bioturbierter Kalke auszeichnen. Diese 600 m mächtige Abfolge sedimentierte im Schatten des Aussterbeereignisses an der Frasne-Famenne Grenze über einen Zeitraum von 69 Ma. Sie gehört mit einer Ausdehnung von etwa 600.000 km2 zu einer der größten Plattformen dieser Art, die auf unserem Planeten entstanden. Mit Hilfe lateraler und vertikaler Trends mikrofazieller Parameter konnte das Ablagerungsmilieu und die Architektur das westlichen Teils dieser epikontinentalen Plattform rekonstruiert werden. Es werden innere und äußere Rampe und Schelf voneinander unterschieden, die praktisch durchgehend über die ganze Plattformentwicklung überflutet blieben. Die vorgestellte Neugliederung der Palliser Formation basiert auf langfristigen vertikalen Faziesmustern in Profilen mit unterschiedlicher Fazies. Faziesmuster spiegeln relative Meeresspiegelschwankungen wider. <p>Die Palliser Kalke sind durch einen eher eingeschränkten Benthos gekennzeichnet, wobei weiches Substrat und intensive Bioturbation die Besiedlung durch sesshafte Organismen erschwerten. Während häufige Bewegung, zum Beispiel durch Stürme und Bioturbation, zu weitreichender mechanischer Zerstörung von Kalkskeletten zur Folge hatte, führte Sedimentaufschlämmung zum Ersticken eines großen Teils des Benthos. Zumindest auf Grund dieser Umstände war das Riffwachstum auf der Palliser Plattform stark reduziert. <p>Etwa zwei Drittel der non-skeletal grains" entstanden durch Klastenalterationsprozesse. Mikroendolithische Bioerosion und Komponentenverkleinerung verwandelten einen großen Teil der Bioklasten, hauptsächlich Krinoiden, zu kleinen mikritischen Körnern. Durchdringende Bioerosion steht in Verbindung mit Nährstoffüberschuss, ausgelöst durch Veränderungen im regionalen biogeochemischen Zyklus. Diese Mesotrophie steht in Zusammenhang mit der Ellesmere Orogenese und zunehmender Besiedlung von Landgebieten durch tiefwurzelnde Gymnospermen. Zusätzlich hinterließ die früh einsetzende Auflösung einer großen Anzahl aragonitischer Kalkskelette, insbesondere Dasycladaleen, am Meeresboden eine beträchtliche Anzahl mikritischer Steinkerne. Diese zerbrachen zu Peloiden und mikritischen Intraklasten. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit legen nahe, dass weite Bereiche des riesigen Palliser Rampen-Schelf Systems durch subtidale Dasycladaleen-Krinoiden-Wiesen charakterisiert waren. Die detaillierte Untersuchung der riesigen Palliser Plattform zeigt, dass etablierte Karbonatklassifikationen nicht ausreichen, um die Fazies treffend zu beschreiben. Die revidierte Version für allochthone Kalke kann sowohl im Aufschluss als auch im Labor angewendet werden und legt besonderes Augenmerk auf Klasten-Matrix-Beziehungen. <br>-----------------------------------------------</br>RÉSUMÉ<br> Les plateformes carbonatées, dominées par d'épaisses couches de calcaires subtidaux prétendument uniformes, en bancs épais, peu fossilifères et creusés de terriers se rencontrent à travers tout le Phanérozoïque. Pourtant, ces plateformes sont encore mal comprises. Déposée à la suite de l'extinction en masse du Frasnien-Famennien, la Formation Palliser/Wabamun, de 600 m d'épaisseur maximale et s'étendant sur environ 600 000 km2, représente une des plus vastes plateformes carbonatées ayant jamais existées. L'architecture et les paléoenvironnements de la marge occidentale de cette plateforme peu profonde ont été reconstruits en se basant sur les variations latérales et verticales des microfaciès. Elle est constituée d'une rampe interne et externe ainsi que d'une plateforme au sens strict, qui sont restées pratiquement ennoyées durant toute la durée de vie de cette plateforme. Basée sur la distribution verticale à long-terme des faciès, avec les changements de faciès reflétant les dynamiques du niveau marin, une nouvelle subdivision de la Formation Palliser est proposée. Les calcaires de la Formation Palliser renferment une communauté benthique plutôt restreinte. Le substrat meuble et le phénomène de bioturbation intense ont empêché la colonisation des organismes sédentaires. Les perturbations physiques et fréquentes comme les tempêtes et la bioturbation ont augmenté la turbidité de l'eau de mer, entraînant asphixie et destruction. Au moins pour ces raisons le développement des récifs a été entravé. De plus, malgré l'apparente monotonie des faciès, les deux tiers des grains "non squelettiques" sont issus de processus de destruction. La bioérosion et diminution par microorganismes endolithiques a détruit une proportion substantielle des particules squelettiques, principalement de crinoïdes, résultant en de petits grains micritiques. Cette bioérosion étendue est liée à un excès de nutriments généré par des perturbations d'ordre géographique du cycle biochimique. L'orogénèse Ellesmere et le développement de la colonisation terrestre par les gymnospermes à racine profonde sont proposés comme cause de cette mésotrophie. La dissolution précoce du sédiment des fonds marins a consummé une importante proportion des squelettes aragonitiques, en particulier des algues dasycladales, laissant de grande quantité de steinkerns micritiques, qui à leur tour ont été décomposés en péloides et petits intraclastes. Ces découvertes suggèrent qu'une large partie de ce système de vaste rampe plateforme était caractérisée par des prés subtidaux à dasycladales et crinoïdes. Enfin; la classification longtemps établie des carbonates a été réévaluée et une classification révisée des calcaires allochtones pour leur étude à l'affleurement et en laboratoire est proposée. Un intérêt partulier est porté sur les relations grains-matrices.

Beachrocks do Rio Grande Do norte: correla??o entre os dep?sitos costeiros e os de zona costa-afora com base na faciologia, petrografia e diag?nese

Cabral Neto, Izaac 14 April 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-13T17:08:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IZAACCN_DISSERT.pdf: 2446448 bytes, checksum: 471b19d7ee3e89cd19644f2868c686c5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-04-14 / Beachrocks s?o rochas sedimentares formadas pela cimenta??o de sedimentos praiais por carbonato de c?lcio em especial, calcita e/ou aragonita em zona de estir?ncio. A ocorr?ncia dessas rochas ? bastante comum em diversas partes do globo, sobretudo em regi?es com latitudes inferiores a 40?. O Rio Grande do Norte possui grande quantidade de beachrocks, os quais afloram tanto em regi?es costeiras quanto em zona costa-afora. Os dep?sitos de beachrocks de zona costeira do referido estado t?m sido estudados por diversos autores, os quais abordaram os mais variados temas desde o in?cio do s?culo XX. Por outro lado, os dep?sitos de zona costa-afora apesar de terem sido estudados por poucos autores t?m ganhado aten??o apenas nos ?ltimos anos. Por?m, nenhum trabalho at? o presente fez algum tipo de estudo comparativo de cunho geol?gico entre os corpos de beachrocks presentes em ambas as zonas: costeira e costa-afora. Sendo assim, a presente disserta??o teve o intuito de correlacionar os corpos de beachrocks que afloram em zona costeira aos que est?o atualmente dispostos em zona costa-afora, pr?ximo a is?bata de 25 m, levando em considera??o seus aspectos petrogr?ficos, diagen?ticos e sedimentol?gicos. Para isso, foram percorridos cerca de 260 km de litoral, correspondendo ao trecho entre os munic?pios de Extremoz e Tibau, em busca de afloramentos de beachrocks. Se??es colunares foram confeccionadas e amostras coletadas em esta??es de amostragem representativas da zona costeira, ao passo que da zona costa-afora apenas se??es delgadas foram analisadas. Trabalhos dispon?veis na literatura sobre o tema e ?rea em pauta tamb?m foram utilizados. A partir dos dados levantados, observou-se que os beachrocks s?o formados por diferentes camadas ao longo de um perfil vertical. Estas camadas s?o claramente identificadas em afloramento pela diferen?a existente na composi??o, textura e estruturas sedimentares peculiares a cada uma delas. Se??es delgadas foram confeccionadas e analisadas a partir de amostras coletadas nas diferentes camadas de diversos afloramentos. Um afloramento foi escolhido como afloramento modelo sendo este o de S?o Bento do Norte por apresentar a maior espessura de rocha aflorante (1,9 m). Este tem sido muito bem estudado tanto no corrente trabalho quanto em trabalhos de outros autores. A este foram comparados todos os outros afloramentos analisados. A partir da an?lise micropetrogr?fica, foram identificadas 03 microf?cies para os beachrocks do Rio Grande do Norte, sendo elas: Quartzaren?tica (< 2,9% de bioclastos), Quartzaren?tica Biocl?stica (entre 3 e 9,9% de bioclastos) e Bio-quartzaren?tica (> 10% de bioclastos). Associando essas microf?cies ?s an?lises sedimentol?gicas realizadas foi poss?vel propor que as microf?cies Quartzaren?tica e Bio-quartzaren?tica foram depositadas em zona de estir?ncio enquanto que a microf?cies Quartzaren?tica Biocl?stica foi depositada em zona de face litor?nea superior. A hist?ria diagen?tica dos beachrocks estudados ? marcada por quatro principais processos: compacta??o mec?nica, cimenta??o, dissolu??o e gera??o de porosidade secund?ria, e oxida??o. Dentre esses, o processo de cimenta??o ? o mais importante, sendo caracterizado por precipita??o de cimento de calcita rica em Mg sob cinco morfologias, a saber: cut?culas criptocristalinas, franjas prism?ticas is?pacas, calcita esp?tica microcristalina, calcita esp?tica equante e agregados pseudo-peloidais. Todas estas morfologias foram formadas durante o est?gio de eodiag?nese, nas zonas fre?tica marinha ativa ou fre?tica mete?rica ativa, corroborando assim com a id?ia de que beachrocks t?m sua litifica??o completa a pequenas profundidades. Associando as an?lises microfaciol?gicas ?s diagen?ticas foi poss?vel sugerir que a sucess?o vertical de camadas vista em alguns beachrocks costeiros representam registros de varia??es de mais alta frequ?ncia do n?vel do mar durante o Holoceno. A partir da?, baseando-se em informa??es obtidas atrav?s de curvas de varia??o do n?vel do mar relativo no Holoceno para o Rio Grande do Norte, dispon?veis na literatura, e na correla??o aqui realizada entre os beachrocks costeiro e aqueles de zona costa-afora, foi poss?vel inferir que estes ?ltimos representam uma antiga linha de costa formada a idades relativas superiores a 7.000 anos A.P / Beachrocks s?o rochas sedimentares formadas pela cimenta??o de sedimentos praiais por carbonato de c?lcio em especial, calcita e/ou aragonita em zona de estir?ncio. A ocorr?ncia dessas rochas ? bastante comum em diversas partes do globo, sobretudo em regi?es com latitudes inferiores a 40?. O Rio Grande do Norte possui grande quantidade de beachrocks, os quais afloram tanto em regi?es costeiras quanto em zona costa-afora. Os dep?sitos de beachrocks de zona costeira do referido estado t?m sido estudados por diversos autores, os quais abordaram os mais variados temas desde o in?cio do s?culo XX. Por outro lado, os dep?sitos de zona costa-afora apesar de terem sido estudados por poucos autores t?m ganhado aten??o apenas nos ?ltimos anos. Por?m, nenhum trabalho at? o presente fez algum tipo de estudo comparativo de cunho geol?gico entre os corpos de beachrocks presentes em ambas as zonas: costeira e costa-afora. Sendo assim, a presente disserta??o teve o intuito de correlacionar os corpos de beachrocks que afloram em zona costeira aos que est?o atualmente dispostos em zona costa-afora, pr?ximo a is?bata de 25 m, levando em considera??o seus aspectos petrogr?ficos, diagen?ticos e sedimentol?gicos. Para isso, foram percorridos cerca de 260 km de litoral, correspondendo ao trecho entre os munic?pios de Extremoz e Tibau, em busca de afloramentos de beachrocks. Se??es colunares foram confeccionadas e amostras coletadas em esta??es de amostragem representativas da zona costeira, ao passo que da zona costa-afora apenas se??es delgadas foram analisadas. Trabalhos dispon?veis na literatura sobre o tema e ?rea em pauta tamb?m foram utilizados. A partir dos dados levantados, observou-se que os beachrocks s?o formados por diferentes camadas ao longo de um perfil vertical. Estas camadas s?o claramente identificadas em afloramento pela diferen?a existente na composi??o, textura e estruturas sedimentares peculiares a cada uma delas. Se??es delgadas foram confeccionadas e analisadas a partir de amostras coletadas nas diferentes camadas de diversos afloramentos. Um afloramento foi escolhido como afloramento modelo sendo este o de S?o Bento do Norte por apresentar a maior espessura de rocha aflorante (1,9 m). Este tem sido muito bem estudado tanto no corrente trabalho quanto em trabalhos de outros autores. A este foram comparados todos os outros afloramentos analisados. A partir da an?lise micropetrogr?fica, foram identificadas 03 microf?cies para os beachrocks do Rio Grande do Norte, sendo elas: Quartzaren?tica (< 2,9% de bioclastos), Quartzaren?tica Biocl?stica (entre 3 e 9,9% de bioclastos) e Bio-quartzaren?tica (> 10% de bioclastos). Associando essas microf?cies ?s an?lises sedimentol?gicas realizadas foi poss?vel propor que as microf?cies Quartzaren?tica e Bio-quartzaren?tica foram depositadas em zona de estir?ncio enquanto que a microf?cies Quartzaren?tica Biocl?stica foi depositada em zona de face litor?nea superior. A hist?ria diagen?tica dos beachrocks estudados ? marcada por quatro principais processos: compacta??o mec?nica, cimenta??o, dissolu??o e gera??o de porosidade secund?ria, e oxida??o. Dentre esses, o processo de cimenta??o ? o mais importante, sendo caracterizado por precipita??o de cimento de calcita rica em Mg sob cinco morfologias, a saber: cut?culas criptocristalinas, franjas prism?ticas is?pacas, calcita esp?tica microcristalina, calcita esp?tica equante e agregados pseudo-peloidais. Todas estas morfologias foram formadas durante o est?gio de eodiag?nese, nas zonas fre?tica marinha ativa ou fre?tica mete?rica ativa, corroborando assim com a id?ia de que beachrocks t?m sua litifica??o completa a pequenas profundidades. Associando as an?lises microfaciol?gicas ?s diagen?ticas foi poss?vel sugerir que a sucess?o vertical de camadas vista em alguns beachrocks costeiros representam registros de varia??es de mais alta frequ?ncia do n?vel do mar durante o Holoceno. A partir da?, baseando-se em informa??es obtidas atrav?s de curvas de varia??o do n?vel do mar relativo no Holoceno para o Rio Grande do Norte, dispon?veis na literatura, e na correla??o aqui realizada entre os beachrocks costeiro e aqueles de zona costa-afora, foi poss?vel inferir que estes ?ltimos representam uma antiga linha de costa formada a idades relativas superiores a 7.000 anos A.P

Záznam změn mořské hladiny, cirkulace a disperze sedimentu v hemipelagitech svrchního turonu české křídové pánve / The record of sea-level changes, water circulation and sediment dispersion in the Upper Turonian hemipelagic strata of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin

Hrnková, Magdalena January 2013 (has links)
The Bohemian Cretaceous Basin was a sediment accumulation, which was deposited as an integral part of the central European epicontinental sea during the Late Cretaceous sea level highstand. It acted as a marine strait and was suited for preserving both nearshore coarse- clastic successions and hemipelagic deposits, allowing for the study of interplay between tectonics, eustatic sea level and paleoceanographic conditions. While the north-western part of the basin was extensively studied in the recent years, little information has yet been collected about the coeval along-shore environments. This thesis is aimed at bringing a new insight into these fine-grained deposits through a detailed lithological, multiproxy and time-series analysis investigation of the Late Turonian record in the Bch-1 drill core, Běchary, Czech Republic. The secular onset of carbonate-rich hemipelagic sedimentation coeval to the base of Teplice Formation is characterised by increased micrite content and changes in geochemical proxies, which are interpreted as changes in the pathway of clay distribution and silt source proximity, combined with elevated bioproductivity. Three orders of statistically significant variability were identified by time-series analysis of selected geophysical properties, two of which are carrying the...

A evolução sedimentar do Canal de São Sebastião, no litoral norte do estado de São Paulo, estudada a partir de uma abordagem sismoestratigráfica / The sedimentary evolution of São Sebastião Channel, north coast of São Paulo State, stuied with a seismostratigraphy approach

Alves, Daniel Pavani Vicente 31 August 2012 (has links)
A sismoestratigrafia, em geral, não é utilizada em estudos de curto espaço de tempo geológico, como os de quinta e sexta ordem. Entretanto, o estudo da Baía do Araçá, no Canal de São Sebastião, no litoral norte do estado de São Paulo mostrou que este tipo de abordagem é possível para ciclos desta magnitude. Utilizando um sistema de aquisição de dados sísmicos, composto por uma fonte boomer, um pinger e um chirp, foi feito um levantamento da região, que resultou em cerca de 60 km de perfis sísmicos de alta resolução, foi possível reconhecer um conjunto de unidades sísmicas que pode ser entendida no conceito de tratos de sistema. Com a interpretação destes sismogramas, gerou-se um modelo evolutivo para a sedimentação no Araçá tendo sido encontrados tratos de sistemas de mar alto, de mar baixo e transgressivo muito bem definidos. Estes tratos foram relacionados com as curvas de variações eustáticas do Pleistoceno Superior e Holoceno conhecidas, possibilitando a proposição de duas hipóteses distintas: a primeira considerando um período de mar alto no Estágio Isotópico 5e e a segunda com um período de mar alto no Estágio Isotópico 3, em uma posição superior àquela considerada pela maioria dos autores, mas corroborada por outros. Além disso, foram encontradas evidências claras de tectônica Neoquaternária na região. / It is not that common to use the seismic stratigraphy in studies of short geological time as those from fifth and sixth orders. However, the study of Araça\'s Bay, at São Sebastião Channel, at the north coast of São Paulo State, showed that this kind of approach is in fact possible for cycles of this magnitude. Using a seismic setup composed with one boomer seismic source, as well as one pinger and one chirp, a seismic survey was taken in the area, which resulted in about 60 km of seismic profiles of high resolution. Analyzing those seismograms, we propose an evolution model for the sedimentation at Araçá area, and we found records of highstand systems tract, lowstand systems tract and transgressive systems tract very well marked. These tracts were then related to the known sea level change curves for Late Pleistocene and Holocene, allowing a proposition of two distinct hypothesis: the first one considers a highstand period at Isotopic Stage 5e and the second one a highstand period at Isotopic Stage 3, in a higher position than that considered for most authors, but corroborated for some others. Also, it was found clear evidences of Neoquaternary tectonics at the area.

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