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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of Microbial Communities from Extreme Environments as Inocula in a Carboxylate Platform for Biofuel Production from Cellulosic Biomass

Cope, Julia Lee 16 December 2013 (has links)
The carboxylate biofuels platform (CBP) involves the conversion of cellulosic biomass into carboxylate salts by a mixed microbial community. Chemical engineering approaches to convert these salts to a variety of fuels (diesel, gasoline, jet fuel) are well established. However, prior to initiation of this project, little was known about the influence of inoculum source on platform performance. The studies in this dissertation test the hypothesis that microbial communities from particular environments in nature (e.g. saline and/or thermal sediments) are pre-adapted to similar industrial process conditions and, therefore, exhibit superior performances. We screened an extensive collection of sediment samples from extreme environments across a wide geographic range to identify and characterize microbial communities with superior performances in the CBP. I sought to identify aspects of soil chemistry associated with superior CBP fermentation performance. We showed that CBP productivity was influenced by both fermentation conditions and inocula, thus is clearly reasonable to expect both can be optimized to target desired outcomes. Also, we learned that fermentation performance is not as simple as finding one soil parameter that leads to increases in all performance parameters. Rather, there are complex multivariate relationships that are likely indicative of trade-offs associated within the microbial communities. An analysis of targeted locus pyrosequence data for communities with superior performances in the fermentations provides clear associations between particular bacterial taxa and particular performance parameters. Further, I compared microbial community compositions across three different process screen technologies employed in research to understand and optimize CBP fermentations. Finally, we assembled and characterized an isolate library generated from a systematic culture approach. Based on partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing, I estimated operational taxonomic units (OTUs), and inferred a phylogeny of the OTUs. This isolate library will serve as a tool for future studies of assembled communities and bacterial adaptations useful within the CBP fermentations. Taken together the tools and results developed in this dissertation provide for refined hypotheses for optimizing inoculum identification, community composition, and process conditions for this important second generation biofuel platform.

System studies of forest-based biomass gasification

Wetterlund, Elisabeth January 2012 (has links)
Bioenergy will play an important role in reaching the EU targets for renewable energy. Sweden, with abundant forest resources and a well-established forest industry, has a key position regarding modern biomass use. Biomass gasification (BMG) offers several advantages compared to biomass combustion-based processes, the most prominent being the possibility for downstream conversion to motor fuels (biofuels), and the potential for higher electrical efficiency if used for electricity generation in a biomass integrated gasification combined cycle (BIGCC). BMG-based processes in general have a considerable surplus of heat, which facilitates integration with district heating or industrial processes. In this thesis integration of large-scale BMG, for biofuel or electricity production, with other parts of the energy system is analysed. Focus is on forest-based biomass, with the analysis including techno-economic aspects as well as considerations regarding effects on global fossil CO2 emissions. The analysis has been done using two approaches – bottom-up with detailed case studies of BMG integrated with local systems, and top-down with BMG studied on a European scale. The results show that BMG-based biofuel or electricity production can constitute economically interesting alternatives for integration with district heating or pulp and paper production. However, due to uncertainties concerning future energy market conditions and due to the large capital commitment of investment in BMG technology, forceful economic support policies will be needed if BMG is a desired route for the future energy system, unless oil and electricity prices are high enough to provide sufficient incentives for BMG-based biofuel or electricity production. While BMG-based biofuel production could make integration with either district heating or pulp and paper production economically attractive, BIGCC shows considerably more promise if integrated with pulp and paper production than with district heating. Bioenergy use is often considered CO2-neutral, because uptake in growing plants is assumed to fully balance the CO2 released when the biomass is combusted. As one of the alternatives in this thesis, biomass is viewed as limited. This means that increased use of bioenergy in one part of the energy system limits the amount of biomass available for other applications, thus increasing the CO2 emissions for those applications. The results show that when such marginal effects of increased biomass use are acknowledged, the CO2 mitigation potential for BMG-based biofuel production becomes highly uncertain. In fact, most of the BMG-based biofuel cases studied in this thesis would lead to an increase rather than the desired decrease of global CO2 emissions, when considering biomass as limited. / Bioenergi spelar en viktig roll för att nå EU:s mål för förnybar energi. Sverige har med sina goda skogstillgångar och sin väletablerade skogsindustri en nyckelposition vad gäller modern bioenergianvändning. Förgasning av biomassa har flera fördelar jämfört med förbränningsbaserade processer - i synnerhet möjligheten att konvertera lågvärdiga råvaror till exempelvis fordonsdrivmedel. Används gasen istället för elproduktion kan en högre verkningsgrad nås om gasen används i en kombicykel, jämfört med i en konventionell ångturbincykel. De förgasningsbaserade processerna har i allmänhet ett betydande överskott av värme, vilket möjliggör integrering med fjärrvärmesystem eller industriella processer. I denna avhandling analyseras integrering av storskalig biomassaförgasning för drivmedelseller elproduktion, med andra delar av energisystemet. Skogsbaserad biomassa är i fokus och analysen behandlar såväl teknoekonomiska aspekter, som effekter på globala fossila CO2-utsläpp. Forskningen har gjorts på två olika systemnivåer - dels i form av detaljerade fallstudier av biomassaförgasning integrerat med lokala svenska system, dels i form av systemstudier på europeisk nivå. Resultaten visar att förgasningsbaserad biodrivmedels- eller elproduktion kan komma att utgöra ekonomiskt intressanta alternativ för integrering med fjärrvärme eller massa- och papperstillverkning. På grund av osäkerheter i fråga om framtida energimarknadsförhållanden och på grund av de höga kapitalkostnaderna som investering i förgasningsanläggningar innebär, kommer kraftfulla ekonomiska styrmedel krävas om biomassaförgasning är en önskad utvecklingsväg för framtidens energisystem, såvida inte olje- och elpriserna är höga nog att i sig skapa tillräckliga incitament. Medan förgasningsbaserad drivmedelsproduktion kan vara ekonomiskt attraktivt att integrera med såväl fjärrvärme som med massa- och papperstillverkning, framstår förgasningsbaserad elproduktion som betydligt mer lovande vid integrering med massa- och papperstillverkning. Användning av bioenergi anses ofta vara CO2-neutralt, eftersom upptaget av CO2 i växande biomassa antas balansera den CO2 som frigörs när biomassan förbränns. Som ett av alternativen i denna avhandling ses biomassa som begränsad, vilket innebär att ökad användning av bioenergi i en del av energisystemet begränsar den tillgängliga mängden biomassa för andra användare, vilket leder till ökade CO2-utsläpp för dessa. Resultaten visar att när hänsyn tas till denna typ av marginella effekter av ökad biomassaanvändning, blir potentialen för minskade globala CO2-utsläpp med hjälp av förgasningsbaserade tillämpningar mycket osäker. I själva verket skulle de flesta av de förgasningsbaserade drivmedel som studerats i denna avhandling leda till en utsläppsökning, snarare än den önskade minskningen.

Dimensionamento de plantas Biomass-to-Liquids para produção de óleo diesel sintético no Brasil / Sizing of Biomass-to-Liquid plants for synthetic diesel oil production in Brazil.

Duarte, Aires 13 December 2013 (has links)
Há uma demanda global pelo abastecimento de combustíveis veiculares menos poluentes, tanto por questões energéticas quanto sócio-ambientais. Uma potencial alternativa, que traduz a possibilidade de um biocombustível sem as limitações da Primeira Geração, é a rota tecnológica conhecida como Biomass-to-Liquids (BTL) que, através da gaseificação e da síntese Fischer-Tropsch, possibilita a obtenção de biocombustíveis líquidos, como o óleo diesel sintético, provenientes da biomassa moderna, nesse estudo, a biomassa lignocelulósica. Para a produção em escala comercial de um biocombustível da Segunda Geração, um complexo planejamento e altos investimentos são demandados dado seu pioneirismo e ausência de histórico de mercado ou modelos precisos. Uma metodologia desenvolvida em 2006 pelo pesquisador Harold Boerrigter propõe o dimensionamento ideal de uma planta BTL a partir de uma planta Gas-to-Liquids (GTL); são aqui propostas correções e atualizações para esta metodologia, sugerindo-se uma curva capaz de apontar a influência da economia de escala em plantas BTL e uma fórmula para o cálculo estimado do Total Capital Investment (TCI) destas plantas até o momento o Brasil não dispõe de nenhuma planta que opere pela rota BTL. Segue-se com considerações sobre a oferta de resíduos florestais no território brasileiro e a constatação de que a mesma seria insuficiente como matéria-prima para sustentar grandes plantas BTL, fazendo-se necessário o emprego de culturas planejadas na forma de florestas energéticas. Uma vez feita tal análise, apresenta-se o histórico, desde sua concepção até o seu fechamento, da primeira planta a operar pela rota BTL e a produzir o designer fuel batizado de SunDiesel®: construída na Alemanha, a CHOREN Industritechnik contribui com sua experiência de anos e também com a tecnologia de gaseificação Carbo-V® para as pesquisas com os biocombustíveis sintéticos. Seu exemplo pode sinalizar um alerta com relação ao dispêndio de esforços em projetos desta natureza dadas as incertezas econômicas que circundam as fronteiras tecnológicas dos combustíveis da Segunda Geração. / There is a global demand for the supply of less polluting vehicular fuels as much by energy issues as socio-environmental. A potential alternative meaning the possibility of a biofuel without the limitations from the First Generation is the technological route known as Biomass-to-Liquids (BTL) which via gasification and the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis turns possible to obtain liquid biofuels such synthetic diesel oil from modern biomass, in this study, the lignocellulosic biomass. For commercial-scale production of a Second Generation biofuel, a complex planning and high investments are required given its pioneering and absence of market history or precise models. A methodology developed in 2006 by researcher Harold Boerrigter proposes the ideal sizing for a BTL plant assuming a Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) plant; here are proposed corrections and updates for this methodology, suggesting a curve able to point the influence of economy of scale in BTL plants and a formula for the calculation of an estimated Total Capital Investment (TCI) of these plants by the present time Brazil has no plant operating by BTL route. The research follows up with issues regarding forest residues provision in the Brazilian territory and conlcuding that the same would be insufficient as a raw material to sustain large BTL plants, making necessary the use of planned crops in the form of energy forests. Once made such analysis, it is presented the history since its beginning until its closing for the first plant to operate by the BTL route and to produce the designer fuel called SunDiesel®: built in Germany, the CHOREN Industritechnik contributes with its experience of years and also with the gasification technology Carbo-V® for researches with synthetic biofuels. Such example may indicates an alert regarding the expenditure of efforts on projects of this nature, given the economic uncertainties that surround the Second Generation fuels technological frontiers.

Dimensionamento de plantas Biomass-to-Liquids para produção de óleo diesel sintético no Brasil / Sizing of Biomass-to-Liquid plants for synthetic diesel oil production in Brazil.

Aires Duarte 13 December 2013 (has links)
Há uma demanda global pelo abastecimento de combustíveis veiculares menos poluentes, tanto por questões energéticas quanto sócio-ambientais. Uma potencial alternativa, que traduz a possibilidade de um biocombustível sem as limitações da Primeira Geração, é a rota tecnológica conhecida como Biomass-to-Liquids (BTL) que, através da gaseificação e da síntese Fischer-Tropsch, possibilita a obtenção de biocombustíveis líquidos, como o óleo diesel sintético, provenientes da biomassa moderna, nesse estudo, a biomassa lignocelulósica. Para a produção em escala comercial de um biocombustível da Segunda Geração, um complexo planejamento e altos investimentos são demandados dado seu pioneirismo e ausência de histórico de mercado ou modelos precisos. Uma metodologia desenvolvida em 2006 pelo pesquisador Harold Boerrigter propõe o dimensionamento ideal de uma planta BTL a partir de uma planta Gas-to-Liquids (GTL); são aqui propostas correções e atualizações para esta metodologia, sugerindo-se uma curva capaz de apontar a influência da economia de escala em plantas BTL e uma fórmula para o cálculo estimado do Total Capital Investment (TCI) destas plantas até o momento o Brasil não dispõe de nenhuma planta que opere pela rota BTL. Segue-se com considerações sobre a oferta de resíduos florestais no território brasileiro e a constatação de que a mesma seria insuficiente como matéria-prima para sustentar grandes plantas BTL, fazendo-se necessário o emprego de culturas planejadas na forma de florestas energéticas. Uma vez feita tal análise, apresenta-se o histórico, desde sua concepção até o seu fechamento, da primeira planta a operar pela rota BTL e a produzir o designer fuel batizado de SunDiesel®: construída na Alemanha, a CHOREN Industritechnik contribui com sua experiência de anos e também com a tecnologia de gaseificação Carbo-V® para as pesquisas com os biocombustíveis sintéticos. Seu exemplo pode sinalizar um alerta com relação ao dispêndio de esforços em projetos desta natureza dadas as incertezas econômicas que circundam as fronteiras tecnológicas dos combustíveis da Segunda Geração. / There is a global demand for the supply of less polluting vehicular fuels as much by energy issues as socio-environmental. A potential alternative meaning the possibility of a biofuel without the limitations from the First Generation is the technological route known as Biomass-to-Liquids (BTL) which via gasification and the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis turns possible to obtain liquid biofuels such synthetic diesel oil from modern biomass, in this study, the lignocellulosic biomass. For commercial-scale production of a Second Generation biofuel, a complex planning and high investments are required given its pioneering and absence of market history or precise models. A methodology developed in 2006 by researcher Harold Boerrigter proposes the ideal sizing for a BTL plant assuming a Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) plant; here are proposed corrections and updates for this methodology, suggesting a curve able to point the influence of economy of scale in BTL plants and a formula for the calculation of an estimated Total Capital Investment (TCI) of these plants by the present time Brazil has no plant operating by BTL route. The research follows up with issues regarding forest residues provision in the Brazilian territory and conlcuding that the same would be insufficient as a raw material to sustain large BTL plants, making necessary the use of planned crops in the form of energy forests. Once made such analysis, it is presented the history since its beginning until its closing for the first plant to operate by the BTL route and to produce the designer fuel called SunDiesel®: built in Germany, the CHOREN Industritechnik contributes with its experience of years and also with the gasification technology Carbo-V® for researches with synthetic biofuels. Such example may indicates an alert regarding the expenditure of efforts on projects of this nature, given the economic uncertainties that surround the Second Generation fuels technological frontiers.

Energy systems studied of biogas : Generation aspects of renewable vehicle fuels in the transport system

Magnusson, Mimmi January 2012 (has links)
The transport sector is seen as particularly problematic when concerns about climate change and dependency on fossil energy are discussed. Because of this, bioenergy is strongly promoted for use in the transport sector, both on a European level and nationally in Sweden. Even though bioenergy is considered one of the key solutions, it is generally agreed that both supply- and demand-side measures will be needed to achieve a change to a more sustainable transport system. One of the reasons for this is the limited availability of biomass, especially agricultural feedstocks competing with food or feed production. Woody biomass, however more abundant, is also exposed to tough competition from other sectors. In this thesis, the role of biogas as a vehicle fuel in a future sustainable transport system is discussed together with the prerequisites needed to realise such a transport system. Biogas is a biofuel that could be produced in several different ways: by anaerobic digestion, which is a first-generation production route, by gasification, which is a second-generation process, and by catalytic reduction of carbon dioxide, a third-generation technology. The main focus in this thesis is on biogas produced by anaerobic digestion and the results show that there is a significant potential for an increase compared to today’s production. Biogas from anaerobic digestion, however, will only be able to cover a minor part of the demand in the Swedish transport sector. Considering biogas of the second and third generations, the potential for production is more uncertain in a mid-term future, mainly due to competition for feedstock, the possibility to produce other fuels by these processes, and the present immaturity of the technology. The limited potential for replacing fossil vehicle fuels, either by biogas or other renewable fuels, clearly shows the need for demand-side measures in the transport system as well. This thesis shows the importance of technical and non-technical means to decrease the demand for transport and to make the transport as efficient as possible. The results show that both energy-efficient vehicles and behavioural and infrastructural changes will be required. Policies and economic incentives set by governments and decision-making bodies have a prominent role to play, in order to bring about a shift to a more sustainable transport system, however, measures taken on individual level will also have a great impact to contribute to a more sustainable transport system. / <p>QC 20121116</p>

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