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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Seismic Stratigraphy and Sedimentation along the Ninetyeast Ridge

Eisin, Amy Elizabeth 2009 August 1900 (has links)
The Ninetyeast Ridge (NER) is a ~5000 km-long aseismic volcanic ridge trending NS in the eastern Indian Ocean basin. It is widely accepted that NER formed from the trace of a single hotspot as the Indian plate moved northward during the Late Cretaceous and Early Cenozoic due to the linear age progression from 43 Myo at the southern end to 77 Myo at the northern end. What is not fully understood is the geologic history of the ridge since its formation. This study examines the stratigraphy and sediment thickness on the ridge using new seismic data to describe the sedimentary history of NER. More than 3700 km of 2D multichannel seismic reflection profiles were collected along NER at seven sites between 5.5 degrees N and 26.1 degrees S during cruise KNOX06RR of the R/V Roger Revelle in 2007. Scientific objectives were to obtain site survey data for proposed drilling and to understand the sedimentary layers, sediment distribution, and geologic history of NER. Seismic survey sites were chosen primarily based on proximity to existing Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) drill holes (Sites 758, 216, 214, and 253) for interpretation and correlation with existing lithologic data. Seismic data were processed (filtered, stacked, and time-migrated) and interpreted using standard seismic stratigraphy principles. Three major horizons were interpreted, correlated with those previously recognized at the DSDP and ODP sites, and traced throughout the seismic data. Seismic data were categorized into three units based on distinct acoustic properties including changes in reflector amplitude, wavelength, continuity, and geometry. Seismic Unit I comprises a succession of pelagic sediments and sedimentary rock draped over Seismic Unit II, which consists of pelagic carbonates mixed with volcaniclastics. Seismic Unit III is volcanic basement. Sediment layer thicknesses and distribution were mapped at each site, and bathymetric data were correlated with seismic data to interpret geologic features. Seismic and core data indicate a common sedimentary history at each site: volcaniclastic-rich sediments deposited during or shortly after ridge formation topped by a thick drape of pelagic sediments. This history likely happened in three stages over the last ~77 My: 1) the initial subaerial or submarine emplacement of the volcanic ridge, 2) the deposition of shallow water sediments and volcaniclastics, and finally 3) the subsidence of the ridge followed by deep water pelagic sediment deposition.

Deep sea seismic stratigraphy

Biart, B. N. M. January 1980 (has links)
Horizons responsible for the reflection of seismic waves within deep-sea sediments are shown to be less reliable for the purposes of correlation than their counter-parts in shallow margin sequences. Similar surfaces, such as abrupt lithological changes and unconformities, in the two different realms are not neccessarily produced by the same processes. It is the nature of these processes which control the chronostratigraphic significance of a reflector. Thus reflectors may be correlated with reference to their genetic process. Horizons caused by time-restricted physical processes have enhanced chronostratigraphic significance. In the deep-sea, layers in which the physical properties change slowly with depth (transition layers) are also important for reflector formation. In as much as these transitions can be affected by temperature, pressure and sediment geochemistry, as well as time, the equation of an horizon at two different localities does not neccessarily imply correlation in time (i.e. the horizon is not neccessarily a chronostratigraphic time line). The two most important factors affecting impedance are the primary sedimentary geochemical composition and the nature of the grain to grain contacts within the sediment. Impedance increases with increasing grain density and increased rigidity of the sedimentary frame. The inter-dependance of all sediment physical properties greatly complicates the study of the relationships between them. Modelling can be used to demonstrate the affects of variation of individual properties. Synthetic seismograms can be generated using either physical properties data measured from discrete samples or from wire-line data. While quality is a limiting factor to the performance of .-. physical properties modelling, the latter is of value in that it enables modelling at many more localities than is possible with wire-line techniques alone. Abrupt impedance contrasts that produce reflectors important in deep-sea seismic stratigraphy may be grouped into a) Compaction horizons produced by gradual increase in over-burden pressure, b) Cementation horizons produced by variation in diagenesis with depth c) Calcite compensation depth (CCD) controlled horizons characterised by marked variation in primary sedimentary content and d) Unconformities produced by bottom current action.

Tectonic and depositional history of an active forearc basin, Sandino basin, offshore Nicaragua

Stephens, Jason Henry 03 July 2014 (has links)
High-resolution (20-250 Hz) multichannel seismic (MCS) reflection data with record lengths of 4-8 s TWT, totaling approximately 4620 line km on the shelf and slope of the Sandino forearc basin of offshore western Nicaragua, were acquired in November-December 2004 (cruise EW04-12) and subsequently processed at the University of Texas Institute for Geophysics. Seismic sequence interpretation was conducted using these MCS data in conjunction with deeper penetration (16-20. s TWT) MCS profiles from a previous survey (cruise EW00-05). Age estimates were based on cuttings from intersecting industry wells. Structure and isochron maps were created for 16 sequences and used to identify structural and depositional trends within the Sandino basin. The Tectonostratigraphic evolution of the basin varies considerably along-strike and is divided into five general stages from Late Cretaceous to recent. Evidence for multiple episodes of terrane accretion is observed from Late Eocene to Late Oligocene and potentially during Mid- to Late Miocene as well. Stratal stacking patterns suggest the Nicaraguan margin has not been dominated by subduction erosion during its history and extensional features beneath the slope are interpreted to have originated as a result of processes related to collision of allochthonous terrane of the downgoing plate, sediment underplating, and slab roll-back. With more precise age control, the stable northwestern region of the Sandino basin, where sediment is relatively undeformed since Late Oligocene and measures ≥ 16 km thick, offers a unique convergent margin setting for investigations of forcings on sequence development. / text

Late Quaternary seismic stratigraphy and structure of the western insular shelf margin of Puerto Rico

Hanzlík-Valentín, Martín 15 May 2015 (has links)
The modern insular shelf and slope of western Puerto Rico is characterized by reef carbonate and siliciclastic sedimentary environments controlled by the complex interplay of tectonic arching and faulting, vigorous erosion of the elevated island of Puerto Rico, fluvial incision and sedimentation pulses, reef growth, and rapid late Quaternary eustatic sea-level changes. For this study, I interpret 725 km of high-resolution, single-channel seismic lines that were collected over the western insular shelf and slope by the RV Isla Magueyes in 2000 to better understand tectonic, erosional, and eustatic controls on late Quaternary history. The seafloor geology of the western shelf and slope area of Puerto Rico has been well studied and mapped mainly from grab and short cores collected by geoscientists at the U.S. Geological Survey and at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagü̈ez. Because of low tectonic uplift rates from the western coast of Puerto Rico, the onland late Quaternary sedimentary history is not recorded in Quaternary coastal outcrops. The results of my seismic interpretation and correlation with multi-channel seismic data collected in 1972, reveal four main units defined by characteristic stratal reflection terminations and seismic facies. These units include: Unit 1 (basement) - a gently folded and faulted basal section correlated to the Oligocene-early Pleistocene carbonate shelf of Puerto Rico; deeper penetration, industry multi-channel seismic lines show that these rocks are deformed in a broad east-west-trending arch; Unit 2 (lowstand systems tract, LST) - chaotic channel fill deposits filling deep (~ 30 meter) incisions formed during the Last Glacial Maximum about 20 ka; Unit 3 (transgressive system tract, TST) - poorly stratified deposits truncating the top of Unit 2 and deposited during early Holocene transgression of the shelf margin; Unit 4 (highstand system tract, HST) - late Holocene, highly stratified deposits related to aggradation as the Holocene transgression began to slow. The base of unit 4 is a downlap surface interpreted as a maximum flooding surface likely formed about 8 ka. East-northeast-striking faults are observed that offset the late Quaternary units in three separate zones off the west coast of Puerto Rico. Because of a lack of wells and long cores from the shelf and slope area, age estimates for the four units are based on correlations with sea-level curves derived from dated coral samples in the Caribbean and western Atlantic region. All four units are deformed by faulting that should be considered active and possibly hazardous for the rapidly developing west coast of Puerto Rico. In one area, a large, late Holocene-slump (~ 0.016 km³) is mapped using seismic, sidescan sonar and bathymetric data. Onland continuations of these faults are likely, but have not been identified due to cultural overprint of natural scarps on late Quaternary floodplains. / text

Mapeamento e caracterização das acumulações de gás raso na lagoa dos Patos, sul do Brasil - RS

Vasconcellos, Vinícius Eduardo Bestetti de January 2009 (has links)
A presença abundante de gás nos sedimentos quaternários do substrato da Lagoa dos Patos, detectada através de perfis sísmicos de alta resolução (3,5 kHz) tem sido evidenciada (Weschenfelder,2005; Weschenfelder et al. 2005; Vasconcellos, 2006). Com a crescente necessidade e procura por novos reservatórios de hidrocarbonetos, a Lagoa dos Patos, localizada na Bacia de Pelotas, merecer ser avaliada mais cuidadosamente com relação ao gás presente em seu substrato, fato esse, até recentemente desconhecido. O estudo tem por finalidade o reconhecimento e mapeamento das acumulações de gás raso na Região da Lagoa dos Patos, assim como estabelecer modelos de formação e reconhecer os fatores que condicionam as acumulações. A análise sísmica de alta resolução (3,5 kHz), juntamente com um sistema de posicionamento por satélite dos perfis levantados, mostra-se um importante instrumento para o mapeamento das feições indicativas de gás raso presentes em perfis sísmicos, sendo notadas por sua impedância acústica anômala, configuração interna quase sempre caótica e terminações laterais abruptas, características desse tipo de gás. É possível diferenciar duas formas principais de acumulações, que são os bolsões de gás e o gás disseminado no sedimento. O objetivo do estudo é integrar dados do projeto temático em geologia “Acumulações de Gás Raso no substrato da Lagoa dos Patos reveladas por sísmica de alta resolução: Caracterização, Mapeamento e Fatores Condicionantes” com dados sísmicos inéditos, adquiridos na campanha intitulada “Operação LAGUPATOS II” do projeto de pesquisa “Levantamento sísmico da Laguna dos Patos na caracterização dos depósitos sedimentares com presença de gás no fundo lagunar”; realizado em julho de 2006. Quer-se aqui desenvolver mapas que reflitam a distribuição do gás raso, diferenciando suas variadas formas de acumulações no sedimento e ainda determinar os processos que geraram as camadas selantes e reservatórias, paleotopografia, assim como outros fatores que propiciaram a geração e armazenamento e, por vezes, o escape do gás. Devido a atual importância do gás natural na economia nacional e ao provável potencial da Bacia de Pelotas como geradora de gás, é importante localizar suas reservas, mesmo que estas acumulações estejam a pequenas profundidades. Diferenciar, através da sísmica, as propriedades acústicas das acumulações para a determinação de possíveis alvos de interesse econômico e ambiental é outro fator importante de aplicação deste trabalho. / The abundant presence of gas in the Quaternary sediments of the substrate of the Patos Lagoon, detected by high resolution seismic profiles (3.5 kHz) has been evidenced (Weschenfelder, 2005; Weschenfelder et al. 2005; Vasconcellos, 2006). With the growing need and demand for new reservoirs of hydrocarbons, the Patos Lagoon, located in the Pelotas Basin, deserve to be evaluated more carefully with respect to the gas present in the substrate, a fact that, until recently unknown. The study aims at the recognition and mapping of shallow gas accumulations in the region of Lagoa dos Patos and establishes generation models and recognizes the factors that influence the accumulations. The analysis of high resolution seismic (3.5 kHz), with a global positioning system satellite of the raised profiles, show an important tool for mapping the indicative features of shallow gas present in seismic profiles and is noted for its anomalous acoustic impedance, internal configuration almost always chaotic and abrupt lateral terminations, characteristics of this type of gas. It is possible to distinguish two main forms of accumulation, which are pocket gas and disseminated gas in the sediment. The objective is to integrate data in geology theme “Acumulações de Gás Raso no substrato da Lagoa dos Patos reveladas por sísmica de alta resolução: Caracterização, Mapeamento e Fatores Condicionantes" with unpublished seismic data acquired in the campaign entitled "Operação LAGUPATOS II "the research project "Levantamento sísmico da Laguna dos Patos na caracterização dos depósitos sedimentares com presença de gás no fundo lagunar”, held in July 2006. The objective of the study is to develop maps that reflect the distribution of shallow gas, differentiating its various forms of accumulation in sediment and also determine the processes that generated the sealant layers and reservoirs, paleotopography as well as other factors that contributed to the generation and storage, and sometimes the gas seeps. The current importance of natural gas in the national economy and the likely potential of the Pelotas Basin as a generator of gas, it is important to locate their stores, even if these accumulations are in small depths. Differentiate, through the seismic, the acoustic properties of the accumulations to determine possible targets of economic and environmental interest is another important application of this work.

The Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic Geological History of the Outer Continental Margin off Nova Scotia, Canada: Insights into Margin Evolution from a Mature Passive Margin

Campbell, Donald Calvin 04 November 2011 (has links)
The continental margin off Nova Scotia (the Scotian margin) forms the northern edge of the North American Basin. The Cenozoic stratigraphy and geological history of the outer margin is not well known. This study examines aspects of the Upper Cretaceous-Cenozoic geological history of the outer Scotian margin addressing the following objectives: 1) determine the geological history of a large deep-water depocenter, 2) investigate processes that led to deep-water unconformity formation in the study area, 3) determine the role of deep-ocean circulation in margin evolution, 4) examine the effects of morphological heritage on subsequent depositional patterns. High quality 2-D and 3-D seismic reflection data along with lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic data from hydrocarbon exploration wells provide the basis for this investigation. The seismic stratigraphy of a large deep-water depocenter along the western Scotian margin was broadly divided into four units. Unit 1 (Upper Cretaceous-Upper Eocene) is attributed to repeated, widespread erosion events interspersed with periods of hemipelagic and pelagic, carbonate-rich sedimentation. Unit 2 (Lower Oligocene-Middle Miocene) consists of a variety of seismic facies overprinted by dense, small-offset faults. Unit 3 (Middle Miocene-Upper Pliocene) is dominated by sediment drift deposition. Unit 4 (Upper Pliocene-present) is characterized by channel development and gravity flow deposition. The processes that led to regional seismic stratigraphic horizons were complex. Both large mass-wasting events and along-slope bottom currents contributed to the formation of unconformities in the study area. Most of the succession preserved in the depocenter belongs to seismic units 2 and 3. These deposits are mainly confined to the area seaward of the Abenaki carbonate bank and landward of shallow salt structures below the slope. Locally, however, modification of the slope profile through mass-wasting and bottom current processes greatly influenced subsequent depositional patterns. The Cenozoic geological evolution of the study area was strongly affected by northeast-to-southwest flowing bottom currents. The earliest indication of bottom current activity was in the Eocene. Upper Miocene and Pliocene sediment drifts represent >50% of the preserved stratigraphic section in the thickest part of the depocenter. It is clear that along-slope sedimentary processes were far more important in shaping the margin than previously understood.

Análise sismoestratigráfica da seção rifte da Bacia de Campos

Ene, Patrycia Leipnitz January 2014 (has links)
A Bacia de Campos está limitada pelo Alto de Vitória ao Norte e pelo Alto de Florianópolis ao sul, possuindo uma área de aproximadamente 100.000 km2. Sua seção rifte é composta pela porção basal a mediana do Grupo Lagoa Feia, e inclui a principal rocha geradora da bacia, reconhecidamente rica em matéria orgânica, sendo a maior produtora de hidrocarbonetos do Brasil, e rochas reservatório carbonáticas. O presente estudo foca sua análise no intervalo rifte, onde foi realizada uma interpretação e mapeamento sistemático de linhas sísmicas 2D em uma área chave da bacia. Esta análise é baseada em adaptações de modelos já existentes de evolução de bacias rifte, e nos conceitos de estratigrafia de sequências aplicados à sismoestratigrafia. Através da interpretação e mapeamento das seções sísmicas, foi possível elaborar um modelo evolutivo para a fase inicial da Bacia de Campos, com a elaboração de uma carta cronoestratigráfica e estabelecimento dos tratos de sistemas que distinguem as diferentes fases de evolução dos meio-grábens reconhecidos. O resultado foi a delimitação de três tratos de sistemas tectônicos, que permitiram uma compreensão detalhada da complexa evolução e desenvolvimento das calhas da Bacia de Campos durante a fase rifte. / The Campos Basin is limited northward by the Vitória High and southward by the Florianópolis High, with an area of approximately 100,000 km2. The rift section in the Campos Basin comprises the basal and median portions of the Lagoa Feia Group, and includes the main source rocks in the basin, which is known to be rich in organic matter and is the best hydrocarbon producer in Brazil, as well as carbonate reservoir rocks. The present study focuses its analysis on the rift section, where a systematic mapping and interpretation of 2D seismic lines in a key area of the basin was carried out. This analysis is based on adaptations of existing evolution models for rift basins, and the concepts of sequence stratigraphy applied to seismic stratigraphy. Through the interpretation and mapping of seismic sections, it was possible to propose an evolution model for the initial phase of the Campos Basin, with the construction of a chronostratigraphic chart and the establishment of systems tracts that distinguish different stages on the evolution of the recognized half-grabens. The result was the delimitation of three tectonic systems tracts that allowed the detailed understanding of the complex evolution and trough development of the Campos Basin during the rift phase.

Mapeamento e caracterização das acumulações de gás raso na lagoa dos Patos, sul do Brasil - RS

Vasconcellos, Vinícius Eduardo Bestetti de January 2009 (has links)
A presença abundante de gás nos sedimentos quaternários do substrato da Lagoa dos Patos, detectada através de perfis sísmicos de alta resolução (3,5 kHz) tem sido evidenciada (Weschenfelder,2005; Weschenfelder et al. 2005; Vasconcellos, 2006). Com a crescente necessidade e procura por novos reservatórios de hidrocarbonetos, a Lagoa dos Patos, localizada na Bacia de Pelotas, merecer ser avaliada mais cuidadosamente com relação ao gás presente em seu substrato, fato esse, até recentemente desconhecido. O estudo tem por finalidade o reconhecimento e mapeamento das acumulações de gás raso na Região da Lagoa dos Patos, assim como estabelecer modelos de formação e reconhecer os fatores que condicionam as acumulações. A análise sísmica de alta resolução (3,5 kHz), juntamente com um sistema de posicionamento por satélite dos perfis levantados, mostra-se um importante instrumento para o mapeamento das feições indicativas de gás raso presentes em perfis sísmicos, sendo notadas por sua impedância acústica anômala, configuração interna quase sempre caótica e terminações laterais abruptas, características desse tipo de gás. É possível diferenciar duas formas principais de acumulações, que são os bolsões de gás e o gás disseminado no sedimento. O objetivo do estudo é integrar dados do projeto temático em geologia “Acumulações de Gás Raso no substrato da Lagoa dos Patos reveladas por sísmica de alta resolução: Caracterização, Mapeamento e Fatores Condicionantes” com dados sísmicos inéditos, adquiridos na campanha intitulada “Operação LAGUPATOS II” do projeto de pesquisa “Levantamento sísmico da Laguna dos Patos na caracterização dos depósitos sedimentares com presença de gás no fundo lagunar”; realizado em julho de 2006. Quer-se aqui desenvolver mapas que reflitam a distribuição do gás raso, diferenciando suas variadas formas de acumulações no sedimento e ainda determinar os processos que geraram as camadas selantes e reservatórias, paleotopografia, assim como outros fatores que propiciaram a geração e armazenamento e, por vezes, o escape do gás. Devido a atual importância do gás natural na economia nacional e ao provável potencial da Bacia de Pelotas como geradora de gás, é importante localizar suas reservas, mesmo que estas acumulações estejam a pequenas profundidades. Diferenciar, através da sísmica, as propriedades acústicas das acumulações para a determinação de possíveis alvos de interesse econômico e ambiental é outro fator importante de aplicação deste trabalho. / The abundant presence of gas in the Quaternary sediments of the substrate of the Patos Lagoon, detected by high resolution seismic profiles (3.5 kHz) has been evidenced (Weschenfelder, 2005; Weschenfelder et al. 2005; Vasconcellos, 2006). With the growing need and demand for new reservoirs of hydrocarbons, the Patos Lagoon, located in the Pelotas Basin, deserve to be evaluated more carefully with respect to the gas present in the substrate, a fact that, until recently unknown. The study aims at the recognition and mapping of shallow gas accumulations in the region of Lagoa dos Patos and establishes generation models and recognizes the factors that influence the accumulations. The analysis of high resolution seismic (3.5 kHz), with a global positioning system satellite of the raised profiles, show an important tool for mapping the indicative features of shallow gas present in seismic profiles and is noted for its anomalous acoustic impedance, internal configuration almost always chaotic and abrupt lateral terminations, characteristics of this type of gas. It is possible to distinguish two main forms of accumulation, which are pocket gas and disseminated gas in the sediment. The objective is to integrate data in geology theme “Acumulações de Gás Raso no substrato da Lagoa dos Patos reveladas por sísmica de alta resolução: Caracterização, Mapeamento e Fatores Condicionantes" with unpublished seismic data acquired in the campaign entitled "Operação LAGUPATOS II "the research project "Levantamento sísmico da Laguna dos Patos na caracterização dos depósitos sedimentares com presença de gás no fundo lagunar”, held in July 2006. The objective of the study is to develop maps that reflect the distribution of shallow gas, differentiating its various forms of accumulation in sediment and also determine the processes that generated the sealant layers and reservoirs, paleotopography as well as other factors that contributed to the generation and storage, and sometimes the gas seeps. The current importance of natural gas in the national economy and the likely potential of the Pelotas Basin as a generator of gas, it is important to locate their stores, even if these accumulations are in small depths. Differentiate, through the seismic, the acoustic properties of the accumulations to determine possible targets of economic and environmental interest is another important application of this work.

Mapeamento e caracterização das acumulações de gás raso na lagoa dos Patos, sul do Brasil - RS

Vasconcellos, Vinícius Eduardo Bestetti de January 2009 (has links)
A presença abundante de gás nos sedimentos quaternários do substrato da Lagoa dos Patos, detectada através de perfis sísmicos de alta resolução (3,5 kHz) tem sido evidenciada (Weschenfelder,2005; Weschenfelder et al. 2005; Vasconcellos, 2006). Com a crescente necessidade e procura por novos reservatórios de hidrocarbonetos, a Lagoa dos Patos, localizada na Bacia de Pelotas, merecer ser avaliada mais cuidadosamente com relação ao gás presente em seu substrato, fato esse, até recentemente desconhecido. O estudo tem por finalidade o reconhecimento e mapeamento das acumulações de gás raso na Região da Lagoa dos Patos, assim como estabelecer modelos de formação e reconhecer os fatores que condicionam as acumulações. A análise sísmica de alta resolução (3,5 kHz), juntamente com um sistema de posicionamento por satélite dos perfis levantados, mostra-se um importante instrumento para o mapeamento das feições indicativas de gás raso presentes em perfis sísmicos, sendo notadas por sua impedância acústica anômala, configuração interna quase sempre caótica e terminações laterais abruptas, características desse tipo de gás. É possível diferenciar duas formas principais de acumulações, que são os bolsões de gás e o gás disseminado no sedimento. O objetivo do estudo é integrar dados do projeto temático em geologia “Acumulações de Gás Raso no substrato da Lagoa dos Patos reveladas por sísmica de alta resolução: Caracterização, Mapeamento e Fatores Condicionantes” com dados sísmicos inéditos, adquiridos na campanha intitulada “Operação LAGUPATOS II” do projeto de pesquisa “Levantamento sísmico da Laguna dos Patos na caracterização dos depósitos sedimentares com presença de gás no fundo lagunar”; realizado em julho de 2006. Quer-se aqui desenvolver mapas que reflitam a distribuição do gás raso, diferenciando suas variadas formas de acumulações no sedimento e ainda determinar os processos que geraram as camadas selantes e reservatórias, paleotopografia, assim como outros fatores que propiciaram a geração e armazenamento e, por vezes, o escape do gás. Devido a atual importância do gás natural na economia nacional e ao provável potencial da Bacia de Pelotas como geradora de gás, é importante localizar suas reservas, mesmo que estas acumulações estejam a pequenas profundidades. Diferenciar, através da sísmica, as propriedades acústicas das acumulações para a determinação de possíveis alvos de interesse econômico e ambiental é outro fator importante de aplicação deste trabalho. / The abundant presence of gas in the Quaternary sediments of the substrate of the Patos Lagoon, detected by high resolution seismic profiles (3.5 kHz) has been evidenced (Weschenfelder, 2005; Weschenfelder et al. 2005; Vasconcellos, 2006). With the growing need and demand for new reservoirs of hydrocarbons, the Patos Lagoon, located in the Pelotas Basin, deserve to be evaluated more carefully with respect to the gas present in the substrate, a fact that, until recently unknown. The study aims at the recognition and mapping of shallow gas accumulations in the region of Lagoa dos Patos and establishes generation models and recognizes the factors that influence the accumulations. The analysis of high resolution seismic (3.5 kHz), with a global positioning system satellite of the raised profiles, show an important tool for mapping the indicative features of shallow gas present in seismic profiles and is noted for its anomalous acoustic impedance, internal configuration almost always chaotic and abrupt lateral terminations, characteristics of this type of gas. It is possible to distinguish two main forms of accumulation, which are pocket gas and disseminated gas in the sediment. The objective is to integrate data in geology theme “Acumulações de Gás Raso no substrato da Lagoa dos Patos reveladas por sísmica de alta resolução: Caracterização, Mapeamento e Fatores Condicionantes" with unpublished seismic data acquired in the campaign entitled "Operação LAGUPATOS II "the research project "Levantamento sísmico da Laguna dos Patos na caracterização dos depósitos sedimentares com presença de gás no fundo lagunar”, held in July 2006. The objective of the study is to develop maps that reflect the distribution of shallow gas, differentiating its various forms of accumulation in sediment and also determine the processes that generated the sealant layers and reservoirs, paleotopography as well as other factors that contributed to the generation and storage, and sometimes the gas seeps. The current importance of natural gas in the national economy and the likely potential of the Pelotas Basin as a generator of gas, it is important to locate their stores, even if these accumulations are in small depths. Differentiate, through the seismic, the acoustic properties of the accumulations to determine possible targets of economic and environmental interest is another important application of this work.

Análise sismoestratigráfica da seção rifte da Bacia de Campos

Ene, Patrycia Leipnitz January 2014 (has links)
A Bacia de Campos está limitada pelo Alto de Vitória ao Norte e pelo Alto de Florianópolis ao sul, possuindo uma área de aproximadamente 100.000 km2. Sua seção rifte é composta pela porção basal a mediana do Grupo Lagoa Feia, e inclui a principal rocha geradora da bacia, reconhecidamente rica em matéria orgânica, sendo a maior produtora de hidrocarbonetos do Brasil, e rochas reservatório carbonáticas. O presente estudo foca sua análise no intervalo rifte, onde foi realizada uma interpretação e mapeamento sistemático de linhas sísmicas 2D em uma área chave da bacia. Esta análise é baseada em adaptações de modelos já existentes de evolução de bacias rifte, e nos conceitos de estratigrafia de sequências aplicados à sismoestratigrafia. Através da interpretação e mapeamento das seções sísmicas, foi possível elaborar um modelo evolutivo para a fase inicial da Bacia de Campos, com a elaboração de uma carta cronoestratigráfica e estabelecimento dos tratos de sistemas que distinguem as diferentes fases de evolução dos meio-grábens reconhecidos. O resultado foi a delimitação de três tratos de sistemas tectônicos, que permitiram uma compreensão detalhada da complexa evolução e desenvolvimento das calhas da Bacia de Campos durante a fase rifte. / The Campos Basin is limited northward by the Vitória High and southward by the Florianópolis High, with an area of approximately 100,000 km2. The rift section in the Campos Basin comprises the basal and median portions of the Lagoa Feia Group, and includes the main source rocks in the basin, which is known to be rich in organic matter and is the best hydrocarbon producer in Brazil, as well as carbonate reservoir rocks. The present study focuses its analysis on the rift section, where a systematic mapping and interpretation of 2D seismic lines in a key area of the basin was carried out. This analysis is based on adaptations of existing evolution models for rift basins, and the concepts of sequence stratigraphy applied to seismic stratigraphy. Through the interpretation and mapping of seismic sections, it was possible to propose an evolution model for the initial phase of the Campos Basin, with the construction of a chronostratigraphic chart and the establishment of systems tracts that distinguish different stages on the evolution of the recognized half-grabens. The result was the delimitation of three tectonic systems tracts that allowed the detailed understanding of the complex evolution and trough development of the Campos Basin during the rift phase.

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