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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Públicos idosos e museus no Brasil: formas de atuação e perspectivas - estudo exploratório / Elderly visitors and museums in Brazil: ways of action and perspectives - exploratory study

Silva, Luana Gonçalves Viera da 30 September 2016 (has links)
Públicos idosos e museus no Brasil: formas de atuação e perspectivas - estudo exploratório Esta pesquisa apresenta um estudo sobre as iniciativas que vêm sendo ou foram desenvolvidas nos museus brasileiros e/ou por museus brasileiros para os públicos idosos. Com base nos conceitos relacionados ao envelhecimento e na investigação sobre o envelhecimento populacional no Brasil, bem como a sua relação com a cultura; procuramos, por meio dos dados levantados em pesquisa empírica, refletir sobre os museus e os públicos idosos tendo como perspectiva a comunicação museológica. / This research presents a study of the initiatives that have been or are developed in Brazilian museums and/or by Brazilian museums for the elderly visitors. Based on the concepts related to aging and on the research of population aging in Brazil and its relation to culture, we try through the data collected in an empirical research, consider about museums and the elderly visitors having museological communication as perspective

Públicos idosos e museus no Brasil: formas de atuação e perspectivas - estudo exploratório / Elderly visitors and museums in Brazil: ways of action and perspectives - exploratory study

Luana Gonçalves Viera da Silva 30 September 2016 (has links)
Públicos idosos e museus no Brasil: formas de atuação e perspectivas - estudo exploratório Esta pesquisa apresenta um estudo sobre as iniciativas que vêm sendo ou foram desenvolvidas nos museus brasileiros e/ou por museus brasileiros para os públicos idosos. Com base nos conceitos relacionados ao envelhecimento e na investigação sobre o envelhecimento populacional no Brasil, bem como a sua relação com a cultura; procuramos, por meio dos dados levantados em pesquisa empírica, refletir sobre os museus e os públicos idosos tendo como perspectiva a comunicação museológica. / This research presents a study of the initiatives that have been or are developed in Brazilian museums and/or by Brazilian museums for the elderly visitors. Based on the concepts related to aging and on the research of population aging in Brazil and its relation to culture, we try through the data collected in an empirical research, consider about museums and the elderly visitors having museological communication as perspective

Návrh aktivizačních programů pro seniory / The devising of activation programs for seniors

Římalová Aksamítová, Pavlína January 2014 (has links)
This Diploma thesis is focused on the social group of seniors and deals with issues of activation programs, intergenerational contact and management of volunteers at the Center of activation programs (CAP) at Prague 8. The theoretical part provides the theoretical and methodological thesis on the definition and definitions related to the senior age, intergenerational relations description and presentation of the functioning of social services in the Czech Republic with an emphasis on activation services for seniors. In the following chapters the theoretical part is examined in detail and the issue of volunteerism is discussed as well as the possibility of activation of seniors. The practical part presents concrete proposals for new programs for seniors organized by the CAP including a detailed description of their implementation and operational solutions. Second part of the practical section is devoted to a proposal to streamline the management of volunteers at the CAP. Conclusion evaluates the proposed solutions and their contribution to the CAP and especially for their clients, which are active seniors from Prague 8.

„Transformacioni morfo-funcionalni i motorički efekti specijalno programiranih treninga kod fudbalera različitih rangova takmičenja“ / "Transformational Morpho-Functional and Motoric Effects of Specially Programmed Training for Football Players in Different Levels of Competition"

Krulanović Ranko 25 February 2016 (has links)
<p>Predmet istrživanja ove doktorske disertacije predstavljaju morfo-funkcionalni i motorički status fudbalera, odnosno specijalno programirani sistem treninga u letnjem pripremnom periodu kod fudbalera seniorskog uzrasta različitih rangova takmičenja. U okviru rada na disertaciji sprovedeno je inicijalno i finalno merenje morfo-funkcionalnih i motoričkih sposobnosti fudbalera kao i efikasnost efekata tretmana. Imajući u vidu da se na fudbalskim utakmicama ostvaruju mnogobrojni zadaci, a koji se odnose na različite segmente psihosomatskog statusa, u centar ovog istraživanja postavljena je problematika koja je vezana za iznalaženje puteva za efikasniju realizaciju fudbalske igre.<br />U metodologiji fudbalskog treninga postoji veliki broj vežbi. Važno je odabrati najpotrebnije od njih. Još je važnije da se te vežbe međusobno kombinuju i povežu na takav naćin koji će omogućiti da se kompleksno rešavaju potrebni zadaci, odnosno da uče igrače komponentama na kojima se temelji fudbal. Ona adaptacija koja se stvara kod fudbalera u pripremnom periodu pomoću određenog modeliranja tokom treninga, treba da se prenese na utakmicu i da se u njoj ispolji. Dakle treba težiti da fizički trening koji se primenjuje u pripremnom periodu daje momentalne i trajnije efekte, a strateški cilj celokupnog trenažnog procesa je uspešnost u takmičenju. Neposredni značaj ovog istraživanja ogleda se u mogućnosti stručne, teorijske i praktične nadgradnje fudbalskih trenera u pogledu modifikacije treninga. Dalje značaj rada ogleda se u traganju za novim sredstvima i metodama kako bi inovirali trenažni proces, u cilju ostvarenja što boljih vrhunskih rezultata.</p> / <p>The topic of this PhD thesis are morpho -functional and motoric status of football players specially programmed system of training in summer preparation period with professional football players in different levels of competition. Initial and final measuring of morpho-functional and motoric capabilities of football players are given as a part of this thesis, also as the efficiency of treatment effects. Considering the fact that many tasks are completed during football matches and many of them are related to different segments of psycho somatic status, the care of this research are problems connected to finding solutions to more efficient football play. There are many exercises in methodology of football training. It is very It important to choose those that are the most needed. The more important is to combine and connect those exercises in the way that will ensure complex solution of needed tasks and therefore to teach players all components of<br />football. The adaptation achieved with football players in training period using specific modeling should be transferred to the match and shown during it. The aim of physical training in preparation period is to give longer effects. The strategic goal of training process is success in competition. Immediate significance of this research is in it&acute;s ability of professional, theoretical and practical upgrade of football couches concerning modification of training process. Further significance of the research is in the search for mew methods and assets for innovation of training process in order to achieve best results.</p>

Informovanost o službě tísňové péče na území Prachaticka. / Foreknowledge about service of telecare in area of Prachatice.

AMBROZKOVÁ, Edita January 2019 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis was to find out what extent there is to the awareness of emergency care service in the Prachatice territorial administrative district. The thesis is divided into two parts, a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part deals with the emergency care service itself, with the issue of aging, with the needs and life quality of aging people. The qualitative part of the research used the method of a semi-structured interview. Data was analysed via the grounded theory methodology. Ten informants were interviewed. The research file consisted of municipality mayors or responsible workers of municipal offices. Quantitative research has shown that respondents were aware of social services, however, only 25 % were aware of the emergency care service. The interviews also proved that most informants were aware of available social services within Prachatice, however, only a minimum of informants were aware of the specific emergency care service. Acquired information may be useful not only for students of the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, but they may as well improve wider population´s awareness, perhaps they may be used within community planning in the individual municipalities of Prachatice.

Péče o klienty chráněného bydlení v seniorském věku a v době umírání / Care of clients of sheltered housing in the senior age and at the time of dying

Nozarová, Štěpánka January 2017 (has links)
This thesis of diploma entitled Care of clients of sheltered housing in the senior age and at the time of dying deals with the care for old persons in sheltered housings for mentally disabled persons. The goal of the thesis is to identify and to describe obstacles, which, at present, prevent sheltered housings for mentally disabled persons from providing care for clients, who have grown old in the facility, who what to spend there their declining years and who wish to die in their familiar environment with dignity. Such care should be available regardless of the location of the sheltered housing, regardless of clients' financial situation and the type of governing authority of the sheltered housing. The second goal of the thesis is to find satisfactory solutions to all the identified obstacles, in order to realize the clients' right to choose their environment and suitable care at the end of their life. The thesis consists of three sections. In the first section, the author defines basic terms and describes two variants of sheltered housing - a basic option with age restriction and an option with enhanced program for old persons. The following chapters of the first section deal with theoretical background in support of the enhanced program and characterize the needs of old persons. The author also...

Nové koncepty a modely péče o seniory v pobytových zařízeních sociálních služeb / New Concepts and Models of Care in Residential Facilities for Elderly

Němcová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis on the topic of New concepts and models of care for seniors in social service residential facilities is divided into theoretical and practical part. The initial three chapters are focused on problems of old age and ageing, needs of retired clients of social service residential facilities and concepts of long-term care for the elderly people in the Czech Republic. The fourth chapter forms a basic for this work. It describes selected approaches and models of the care that were applied mainly in western European countries and are being adopted by some of residential facilities in our country. The practical part of the thesis consists in quantitative research among social workers and staff of registered residential facilities. The aim of the questionnaire survey was to determine knowledge level of the individual concepts and models of care among employees and to find out to which extent the selected facilities apply new concepts and models in their everyday life. Because these new concepts and models emphasize an individual approach and constant improvement their application is considered a viral part of care for clients of old age. The conclusion of the research confirms that application of newly introduced concepts and models increased quality of provided services in 95,3 % of...

Psychosociální práce s vězni v seniorském věku / Psychosocial work with prisoners in senior age

JELÍNKOVÁ, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with psychosocial work with prisoners in senior age. The theoretical part focuses on the performance of the prison system in general, its development, legal and organizational structure, penal principles and specifics of specialized departments. The theoretical part also contain psychosocial characteristics of senior age, which includes psychological aspects and specifics of social work in prison. Research section includes interviews with convicted seniors that focus on the evaluation of psychosocial work with them. The aim of thesis is make a conclusion whether the theoretical bases correspond with actual practice.

Aktivní životní styl seniorů / Active senior lifestyle

Dušková, Iveta January 2013 (has links)
Subject: Active senior lifestyle Author's name: Bc. Iveta Dušková Supervizor: profesor Ing. Václav Bunc CSc. Objective: To verify whether biological age of tested seniors is in line with their calendar age. The differnce towards calendar age will be evaluated via ECM/BCM ration based on body content analysis. I will investigate the influence of physical activity on slower ageing physiology and the effect of physical activity on status of net muscle mass and on frequency of civilazation diseases. The goal is to figure out if active lifestyle is available also for seniors. Methods: The core of the work is qualitative and quantitative survey mapping antropometric parameters by bioimpedancy method. The functional values were collected by motorical step est and by handgrip. Further the subjective quality life judgment interview with yes/no options was used for the target senior group. Results: The relationship was found for the bioimpedancy results and the the volume of physical weekly activity (in hours) and level of BMI and pecentage of body fat. Further the realtionship was found for physical activity volume and for the dynamometric and motorical test results. Thjere is a difference between men and women. There was no relationship found for ECM/BCM coefficient and physical activity volume. The type...

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