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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A genetic study of early growth traits and ewe productivity in merino sheep

Jaleta, Gemeda Duguma 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The objectives of this study were to investigate genetic parameters of early growth traits, lifetime ewe productivity (total number born, number weaned and weight weaned per ewe lifetime production) and testis measurements in the Merino flock maintained at the Tygerhoek Experimental Farm. Non-genetic fixed factors influencing these traits were evaluated by using appropriate models. The influence of non-genetic factors on preweaning lamb survival rate and the effect of scrotal circumference on ewe fertility was also studied. Fixed effect models were fitted to the data using either Procedure GLM or CATMOD in SAS (1996) depending on the parameters being estimated. Variance components were estimated by Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) procedures, fitting an animal model. Records of 8310 lambs born from 2538 ewes and sired by 681 rams covering the period 1970 to 1998 were used in the analysis of birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW) and preweaning average daily gain (ADG). All three traits were affected (p < 0.001) by type of birth of lambs (single, multiple), sex, year of birth of lambs, group of animals (selection, control) and age of dam at lambing (2- to 6-yr old). Male lambs and singles were heavier both at birth and weaning and grew faster (p < 0.001) than females and multiples, respectively. Non-selected animals were lighter than selected animals at birth and weaning with an inferior growth rate. BW increased with increasing dam age at lambing until a maximum of 3.7 kg was reached at 6-yr of age. However, WW and ADG reached a maximum at 4.5- and 4.2-yr of age, respectively. Variance components for BW, WW and ADG were estimated using Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) procedures. Four different animal models were fitted, differentiated by including or excluding maternal effects. The direct heritability estimates (h") ranged from 0.19 to 0.38, 0.25 to 0.40 and 0.26 to 0.40 for BW, WW and ADG, respectively. Estimates of direct heritability (h") were substantially higher when maternal effects were ignored. The direct heritability (h") estimate for BW decreased from 0.38 to 0.19 when both or either of the maternal effects, genetic or environmental, were fitted in the model. The h2 estimate for WW was 0.36 when both maternal effects were ignored from the model and decreased to 0.29 and 0.25 when maternal effects were fitted. A similar trend was observed for ADG. The maternal heritability (rn-) for BW ranged from 0.38 to 0.41 when only maternal additive genetic effects were fitted in the model, and decreased to 0.25 and 0.27 when the maternal permanent environmental effect (c") was fitted. The m" for WW and ADG ranged from 0.02 to 0.11 and from 0.01 to 0.10, respectively. The respective c2 estimates ranged from 0.05 to 0.10 and from 0.02 to 0.09. Moderate negative genetic correlations (ram) between direct and maternal additive genetic effects were observed in BW, while close to zero estimates were obtained for WW and ADG. The direct additive genetic correlation estimates between BW and WW and BW and ADG were 0.16 and 0.04, respectively. The corresponding maternal additive genetic correlation estimates were 0.93 and 0.60. The direct and maternal additive genetic correlation estimates between WW and ADG were 0.99 and 0.85, respectively. Data of 3272 lambing records collected on 818 ewes born from 689 dams and sired by 371 rams were used in the evaluation of ewe lifetime productivity (total number born, number weaned and total weight weaned). These records were collected from ewes born from 1969 to 1994 and gave birth from 1971 to 1999. Year of birth of ewe and ewe two-tooth liveweight affected (p < 0.001) the ewe reproduction traits investigated. Multiple born ewes were superior both in total number of lambs born and weaned than singles. Heritability estimates of 0.23, 0.17 and 0.20 were obtained for total number of lambs born (TLB), total number of lambs weaned (TLW) and total weight of lambs weaned per ewe lambing over four lambing opportunities (TWW), respectively. For total weight weaned per ewe lambing over the first lambing opportunity (TWWl) a heritability estimate of 0.02 was computed. Genetic correlation estimates of -0.10, 0.57 and 1.00 were obtained between TWW1 and TLB, TWW1 and TLW and TWWl and TWW, respectively. High and positive genetic correlations ranging from 0.61 to 0.92 were estimated between ewe lifetime reproduction traits. Data from 1380 rams born from 1986 to 1998 were used to investigate genetic parameters for scrotal circumference (SC), testis diameter (TD) and two-tooth liveweight (LW). The other objective of this study was to estimate the magnitude of the effect of SC on ewe fertility. Year of birth, selection group and LW were significant (p < 0.001) sources of variation both for SC and TD. Heritability estimates ranged from 0.29 to 0.40, 0.25 to 0.38 and 0.49 to 0.52 for SC, TD and LW, respectively. Adjustment for LW decreased heritability estimates of SC and TD by 11.0 and 8.0 %, respectively. The genetic correlation between SC and TD was unity. Rams with larger SC had a significant effect on ewe fertility (ewes lambing per ewe mated). Average survival rate from birth to 100 days of age was 0.79 and was influenced by lamb birth weight, year of birth, age of dam at lambing, type of birth (single, multiple) and sex of lambs. Lambs with a liveweight between 4.0 to 4.9 kg at birth showed the highest survival rate while lambs with a liveweight of:s 2.0 kg showed the lowest survival rate. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: '0 Genetiese studie van vroeë groei-eienskappe en ooiproduktiwiteit by Merinoskape: Die doel van die studie was om genetiese parameters VIr vroeë groei-eienskappe, ooileeftydsproduksie (totale aantal gebore, aantal gespeen en totale gewig gespeen) en testismaatstawwe in die Merinokudde van die Tygerhoek Navorsingstasie te beraam. Niegenetiese vaste effekte wat hierdie eienskappe beïnvloed, is met behulp van gepaste modelle geëvalueer. Die invloed van nie-genetiese faktore op voorspeense lamoorlewing en die invloed van skrotumomvang op ooivrugbaarheid is ook ondersoek. Vaste-effek modelle is, afhangende van die parameters wat beraam is, deur middel van of die GLM of CATMOD prosedures van SAS (1996) op die data gepas. Variansiekomponente is met behulp van die Beperkte Maksimum Aanneemlikheidsprosedure (REML), deur die passing van 'n dieremodel, beraam. Rekords van 8310 lammers wat tussen 1970 en 1998 van 2538 ooie gebore is en die nageslag van 681 ramme was, is vir die ontleding van geboortegewig (BW), speengewig (WW) en voorspeense daaglikse toename (ADG) gebruik. Al drie eienskappe is deur geboortestatus (enkeling, meerling), geslag, jaar van geboorte, groep (seleksie, kontrole) en ouderdom van die moeder met lamming (2- tot 6-jr oud) beïnvloed (p<0.001). Ramlammers en enkelinge was met beide geboorte en speen swaarder en het vinniger (p<O.OOI) as onderskeidelik ooilammers en meerlinge gegroei. Nie-geselekteerde lammers was ligter as dié van die seleksiegroep met beide geboorte en speen en het ook stadiger gegroei. BW het met toename in moederouderdom tot 'n maksimum van 3.7 kg by 6-jr oud ooie gestyg. Maksimum WW en ADG is egter by 3- en 5 jr oud ooie onderskeidelik bereik. Variansiekomponente vir BW, WW en ADG is met behulp van Beperkte Maksimum Aanneemlikheidsprosedures (REML) beraam. Vier verskillende modelle is gepas, waarin mateme effekte óf in- óf uitgelaat is. Die direkte oorerflikhede (h2 ) het van 0.19 tot 0.38, 0.25 tot 0.40 en 0.26 tot 0.40 vir BW, WW en ADG onderskeidelik gevarieer. Beramings van die direkte oorerflikheid (h2 ) was aansienlik hoër waar die mateme effekte geïgnoreer is. Die direkte oorerflikheidsberaming (h2 ) vir BW het vanaf 0.38 tot 0.19 verlaag toe beide of een van die mateme effekte, geneties of omgewings, in die model ingesluit is. Die h2 beraming vir WW was 0.36 toe beide mateme effekte geïgnoreer is en het tot 0.29 en 0.25 gedaal toe beide in die model gepas is. 'n Soortegelyke tendens is vir ADG waargeneem. Die mateme oorerflikheid (rrr') van BW het vanaf 0.38 tot 0.41 gevarieer waar slegs die direkte mateme effek gepas is maar tot 0.25 en 0.27 gedaal toe die mateme permanente omgewingseffek (c2 ) additioneel gepas is. Die m2 vir WW en ADG het onderskeidelik van 0.02 tot 0.11 en van 0.0 I tot 0.10 gewissel. Die ooreenstemmende c2 beramings het vanaf 0.05 tot 0.10 en vanaf 0.02 tot 0.09 gewissel. Matige negatiewe genetiese korrelasies (ram) tussen die direkte en mateme genetiese effekte is vir BW gevind, terwyl bykans zero beramings vir beide WW en ADG gevind is. Die direkte genetiese korrelasies tussen BW en WW en tussen BW en ADG was onderskeidelik 0.16 en 0.04. Die ooreenstemmende mateme genetiese korrelasies was 0.93 en 0.60. Die genetiese korrelasies tussen die direkte en mateme genetiese effekte tussen WW en ADG was onderskeidelik 0.99 en 0.85. Data van 3272 lamrekords van 818 ooie vanaf689 moeders en 371 vaders is vir die evaluasie van ooileeftydsproduktiwiteit (totale aantal gebore, aantal gespeen en totale speengewig) gebruik. Hierdie rekords is van ooie wat tussen 1971 en 1999 gelam het, versamel. Jaar van geboorte van die ooi en ooi-tweetandgewig het die reproduksie-eienskappe ondersoek, beïnvloed (p<O.OOI). Meerlinggebore ooie was beter as enkelgebore ooie ten opsigte van aantal lammers gebore en gespeen. Oorerflikheidsberamings van onderskeidelik 0.23, 0.17 en 0.20 is vir aantal lammers gebore (TLB), totale aantal lammers gespeen (TLW) en totale gewig oor vier lamgeleenthede gespeen (TWW), gevind. Vir totale gewig per ooi met die eerste lamgeleentheid gespeen (TWWJ), is 'n oorerflikheidsberaming van 0.02 bereken. Genetiese korrelasies van -0.10, 0.57 en 1.00 is onderskeidelik tussen TWW, en TLB, TWW, en TLW en TWW, en TWW beraam. Hoë en positiewe genetiese korrelasies wat tussen 0.61 en 0.92 gevarieer het, is tussen ooileeftydsreproduksie-eienskappe beraam. Data van 1380 ramme wat tussen 1986 en 1998 gebore is, is gebruik om genetiese parameters van skrotumomvang (SC), testisdeursnee (TD) en tweetandgewig (LW) te beraam. 'n Ander doel van die ondersoek was om die effek van SC op ooivrugbaarheid te ondersoek. Jaar van geboorte, seleksiegroep en LW was betekenisvolle (p<0.001) bronne van variasie vir beide SC en TD. Oorerflikheidsberamings het van 0.29 tot 0.40, 0.25 tot 0.38 en 0.49 tot 0.52 vir onderskeidelik SC, TD en LW gevarieer. Korrigering vir LW het die oorerflikhede van SC en TD met onderskeidelik 11.0 en 8.0 % verlaag. Die genetiese korrelasie tussen SC en TD was een. Ramme met hoër SC het 'n betekenisvolle invloed op ooivrugbaarheid (ooie gelam per ooie gepaar) gehad. Die gemiddelde oorlewingstempo vanaf geboorte tot 100 dae was 0.79 en is deur geboortegewig van die lam, jaar van geboorte, ouderdom van die ooi, geboortestatus (enkeling, meerling) en geslag van die lam beïnvloed. Lammers met 'n geboortegewig van tussen 4.0 en 4.9 kg het die hoogste oorlewingstempo gehad, terwyl lammers met 'n geboortegewig van ~2.0 kg die laagste oorlewingstempo gehad het.

Regulation of wool and body growth : nutritional and molecular approaches

Bray, Megan. January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
"May 2002" Includes bibliographical references (leaves 148-164) Describes a series of novel experiments designed to enhance our understanding of nutrient utilisation for growth of wool and the whole body.

Regulation of wool and body growth : nutritional and molecular approaches / Megan Bray.

Bray, Megan January 2002 (has links)
"May 2002" / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 148-164) / xi, 164 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Describes a series of novel experiments designed to enhance our understanding of nutrient utilisation for growth of wool and the whole body. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Animal Science, 2002

An economic analysis of an intensive sheep production system on cultivated pastures in South Africa, incorporating creep feeding- and accelerated breeding practices

Terblanche, Stefan January 2013 (has links)
The South African sheep industry has experienced an increase in the price of meat and wool over the past several years. This has led to an interest in intensification of sheep production off planted pastures. Due to this phenomenon an economic viability study was done on the intensification of sheep production on cultivated pastures under irrigation. When intensifying sheep production, certain management practices need to be incorporated in order to enhance the output obtained per hectare and to overcome the higher input cost of production. Management practices that could be included are creep feeding, accelerated breeding and feedlotting of lambs after weaning. In order to determine the economic viability of such a system, certain production parameters need to be obtained for producing sheep intensively from cultivated pastures. Three studies were conducted to obtain the required production parameters; these were then followed by an economic evaluation incorporating the parameters obtained from the studies. All the studies were conducted at Kromme Rhee and Langgewens, two research farms of the Department of Agriculture in the Western Cape.

Livestock Production Costs of Small Ranches on the Central Altiplano

Lopez, Alfredo Benito 01 January 2001 (has links)
One of the more important economic activities in the Altiplano region is raising livestock, the exploitation of cattle, sheep, and llamas which are raised and adapted to the conditions surrounding this activity. Livestock production plays a fundamental role in the economy of farming families by providing them products such as meat, milk, cheese, fiber, skins, and other products that each translate into monetary revenues. The present study was carried out in the community of "Chama 6 de julio," Ingavi Province, Department of La Paz, about 83 km. (51.6 miles) outside of La Paz at an elevation of 3,792 m. (12,440 ft.) above sea level. The annual precipitation is 370 mm. (14.6 inches) and average annual temperature is 12° C (53.6° F). The set objectives of this investigative work were: To evaluate the economic behavior of the livestock production (cattle, sheep, and llamas) at the small ranchers 14 level. To quantify in monetary units the structure of costs and revenues of livestock activity. To carry out a socio-economic analysis of the activity. The statistic parameters used were: measures of means, deviations, and percentages. Techniques used for gathering information include the following: semi-structured interviews, dynamic polls, dialogues, conversations, key informants, and direct observation. In studying the costs and revenues of livestock activity the conventional model of fixed and variable costs was used. The method utilized to evaluate the activity is an adaptation of the economic evaluation expressed by the indicating gauges Cost-Benefit Relationship (RBC) and Annual Investment Profitability (RI). 42 families dedicated to agricultural and livestock activity were involved in the study. They were functionally classified according to the number of cattle that they have on their land, a classification that resulted in four groups. The first group contained families possessing from 4 to 6 cattle; the second, from 7 to 9; the third, from 10 to 12; and the fourth, the families with 13 to 15 cattle. Also, the number of samples for each class was calculated to be 5 families. As livestock activity is the most important for families in this community, these families have most of their money invested in their herds, investments ranging from 73% to 86% of all their active livestock investments. The other 14% to 27% of their investment is in the livestock infrastructure, tools, materials, and equipment. The amount of land possessed by families in this community ranges from 8 to 40 hectacres (19.8 to 98.8 acres). The meat (cattle, sheep, and llama) is the most important product for commercial purposes. Accordingly, families from class IV achieved the highest production with 812 kg. (180.7 lbs) per year, followed by classes III and II. The lowest annual amount came from families grouped into class I with only 235 kg. (518 lbs). Another product of utmost importance after meat is cheese for which the families of class IV were those that had the highest annual production with 476 units, with an average weight of 0.6 kg (1.3 lbs). They were followed by families in classes III and I. Finally, the families in class II achieved the smallest output with 337 units. 69% to 79% of the total production of meat and cheese is destined for market. The families consume only 10% to 31% of what is produced. Variable costs represent 87.25% of the total expenses. On the other hand, fixed costs amount to only 12.73% of the total. Labor represents the greatest expense, reaching an average of 71.17% of the total expense. Relative to gross annual revenue, families in class IV reached the highest average numbers with 7,996.00 Bs. (Bolivianos). The lowest gross annual revenues correspond to those in class I with only 3,124.00 Bs. Classes III and II occupy intermediate positions between both former classes. Comparing the sources of gross annual revenue, cattle meat occupies the greatest portion with 40.81%. This is followed by cheese production, lamb, and llama meat with 30.84%, 23.30%, and 2.17% respectively. At the same time, cattle meat and cheese provide these farming families with 71.65% of their total gross annual revenue. The net annual revenues are positive only for families in classes IV and III with numbers at 312.00 and 156.00 Bs. On the other hand, classes II and I have negative net revenues at -3,039.00 and -2,455.00 Bs. The indicative Cost-Benefit Relationship (RBC) shows viability of the activity for families from classes IV and III with figures of 1.04 and 1.02. It is not as viable for families in classes II and I with numbers at 0.62 and 0.50. Estimates provided by the annual investment profitability (RI) are only satisfactory for those in classes IV and III with percentages of 4.6% and 2.13%. Unsatisfactory percentages result for classes II and I with -35.45% and -49.31%. According to the results obtained for the four classes, livestock activity carried out by farming families does not provide an acceptable profitability, even for families that have greater numbers of livestock (more than 12 cattle). It would be much less profitable for the families that have smaller herds of livestock.

The effect of supplementary light on the productive performmance of dorper lambs fed intensively

Vos, Pieter Johannes Andreas 01 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M. Tech.) - Central University of Technology, Free State, 2010 / The objective of this research study was to quantify the differences in average daily gain (ADG), back fat thickness (BFT), eye muscle area (EMA), fat thickness (FT) on different body parts, the feed conversion ratio (FCR) and body dimensions (by means of body measurements) of Dorper lambs exposed to supplemented light. For this study 120 Dorper lambs (115 ± 10 days old) weighing (29.76 ± 5.01kg) were used. The lambs were randomly divided into three homogeneous groups (20 castrated and 20 intact males). The three groups were then exposed to different levels of supplemented light at 145 lux (16h, 24h and normal photoperiod). The animals were fed ad libitum with pellets containing 9.5 MJ ME/kg DM and 12% CP in open pens. The animals were weighed every 7 days while ultrasound scanning of the EMA and the BFT was done at the beginning and the end of the 35 day trial. The ADG, FCR and feed intake (FI) were calculated at the end of the trial. Linear body measurements including shoulder height, body length and heart girth were taken at day 1 and day 35 respectively. All the animals were slaughtered at the end of the trail. The carcasses were then weighed, graded and the FT was measured with a caliper. The final results of the study showed that no significant differences between the three treatment groups (consisting of wethers and rams) in terms of body measurements, ultrasound scanning ADG and FCR could be detected. However, a significant difference was found between the wethers and the rams in the whole trial for ADG. The ADG of the rams exposed to 16 hours of supplemented light was significantly better than the normal photoperiod and the 24 hour light supplementation group.

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