Spelling suggestions: "subject:"silty play"" "subject:"silty clay""
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Anisotropic properties of compacted silty clayKim, Huntae January 1996 (has links)
No description available.
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The liquefaction resistance of undisturbed soil samples collected from a selected location in Carbondale, Southern Illinois was evaluated by conducting cyclic triaxial tests. Index property tests were carried out on the sample for identification and classification of the soil. Cyclic triaxial tests were conducted on undisturbed sample after saturation, undisturbed sample at natural water content and remolded samples prepared by compaction in the lab. The results were used to evaluate the effect of saturation and remolding on liquefaction resistance of the local soil. Effect of effective confining pressure on dynamic properties of soil (Young's Modulus and Damping ratio) was also studied. Forty five stress controlled cyclic triaxial tests were performed. Three different values of initial effective confining pressure (5 psi, 10 psi and 15 psi) were used and cyclic stress ratio was varied from 0.1 to 0.5 in order to apply different cyclic shear stresses. The results show that the cyclic load resistance of soil decreases as a result of remolding. Saturated undisturbed samples show increase in resistance to liquefaction with increase in initial confining pressure. Remolded samples were prepared by compaction in the lab keeping unit weight and water content equal to that of undisturbed samples. Remolded samples show increase in liquefaction resistance with increase in confining pressure. Undisturbed samples at natural water content show increase in resistance to develop axial strain with increase in confining pressure. Both the rate of excess pressure development and axial strain development increase significantly as a result of remolding. While investigating the effect of saturation of undisturbed samples on liquefaction resistance of soil, interesting observations were made. The excess pressure buildup rate was faster in case of saturated undisturbed samples compared to that in samples with natural water content. On the other hand, rate of strain development was significantly high in case of sample with natural water content compared to that in saturated sample. Also, results obtained from cyclic triaxial tests on saturated undisturbed samples were compared with results obtained from similar tests on Ottawa Sand (Lama 2014) sample. The comparison shows that the saturated undisturbed soil samples of the selected local soil have very high resistance to liquefaction both in terms of initial liquefaction and development of 2.5% and 5% axial strain. Modulus of Elasticity and damping ratio were studied as important dynamic properties of soil. Young's Modulus was observed to decrease significantly at higher strain levels for all three types of samples. Young's modulus increased with increase in effective confining pressure, the effect of confining pressure being large at low strain level and almost insignificant at higher strain level. Damping ratio was highest in undisturbed sample at natural water content and smallest in remolded sample and damping ratio for saturated undisturbed sample falls in between. The damping ratio did not show any definite correlation with strain and confining pressure at lower strain level. But, for strain higher than 1% double amplitude axial strain, damping ratio significantly decreases with increase in strain. Damping ratio increases with increase in confining pressure as observed at high strain for all samples.
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Evaluating the Availability of Organic Nitrogen in SoilsRomaih, Saleh M. 01 May 1975 (has links)
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the organic N in silty clay loam soil as an indicator of soil fertility. The incubation method was used in this study. The N03 -N, the total N percent, and the organic matter were determined. The soil which was used in this study came from Evans Research Farm. The samples were taken from two different N experiments which were adjacent to each other. The soil samples were taken in October-November, 1973, after the crop had been harvested. These two experiments had different cropping histories.
The results of the first experiment which had continuous corn for four years indicated that there was no correlation between the mineralizable-N and the crop performance, but there was a good correlation between the No3 -N and crop yield. The results of the second experiment which had alfalfa for three years prior to corn indicated that there was a good correlation between N03-N and the crop performance and also there was a correlation between mineralizable-N and crop performance.
It was concluded that cropping history could be used as a guideline as to whether mineralizable-N should be tested as an indication of soil N availability. In situations where the cropping history is unknown, N03-N could be used exclusively since it was a good fertility predictor in both of these field experiments.
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Análisis del comportamiento de las propiedades mecánicas de un suelo limo arcilloso mediante la incorporación de tereftalato de polietileno (PET) triturado / Analysis of the behavior of the mechanical properties of a silty clay soil incorporating crushed polyethylene terephthalate (PET)Palomino Miranda, Renzo Elehazar, Trujillo Vidal, Alessandra Patricia 21 March 2021 (has links)
El presente documento presenta un estudio basado en el análisis del comportamiento de las propiedades mecánicas de un suelo limo arcilloso con la incorporación de fibras de PET triturado.
Para conocer el comportamiento de un suelo, es necesario conocer primero su génesis. Las muestras analizadas provienen de la capa de subrasante de una carretera que une las ciudades de Munichis y Yurimaguas, en el departamento de Loreto, Perú. El tipo de suelo en las zonas de selva baja suele tener características como bajo índice de soporte, media a elevada plasticidad, y demás características que lo hacen considerar como un suelo problemático, esto debido a factores como el clima, humedad, y ubicación geográfica. Para realizar un análisis preciso del comportamiento de este suelo en combinación con el PET, se llevó a cabo ensayos como la prueba del hidrómetro, Proctor modificado y CBR con porcentajes variables de PET respecto a la masa de la muestra de suelo. Cada uno de ellos, principalmente, para conocer bien el tipo de muestra, y el índice de soporte con cada porcentaje incorporado. Los resultados son evidencia que mientras mayor sea el porcentaje de PET, el suelo pierde características resistentes, por lo que su índice de soporte disminuye; por el contrario, mientras menor es el porcentaje de PET incorporado, el índice de soporte se incrementa. En suma, para poder conocer el comportamiento esperado, es necesario realizar distintas pruebas, y haciendo uso de distintos tipos de suelos. / This study is based on the analysis of the behavior of the mechanical properties of a silty clay soil with crushed PET fibers incorporated.
To understand the behavior of a soil, it is necessary to know its origin. The analyzed samples come from the subgrade layer of a highway that connects the cities of Munichis and Yurimaguas, in the region of Loreto, Peru. The material in this area usually has characteristics such as low support index, medium to high plasticity, and other characteristics that make it considered a problematic soil, this due to factors such as climate, humidity, and geographical location. To perform a precise analysis of the behavior of this soil in combination with PET, tests such as the hydrometer test, Modified Proctor and CBR with different percentages of PET, were carried out. to the mass of the sample. Each of them mainly to know well the type of sample, and the support index with each percentage incorporated. The results show that as higher the percentage of PET, the soil loses resistant characteristics, so its support index decrease, on the other hand, the lower percentage of PET used, the support index increases. In summary, to know the expected behavior, it is necessary to carry out different tests, and make use of different types of soil. / Trabajo de investigación
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Etude de la variabilité des propriétés physiques et hydrodynamiques d'un sol argileux sous l'effet de conduites en protection intégrée contre les adventices / Study of the variability of physique and hydrodynamique properties of a clayey soil under the effect of Integrated Weed Management in cropping systemsUgarte Nano, Claudia Carolina 03 March 2015 (has links)
Les systèmes de culture en Protection Intégrée de Cultures contre les adventices (systèmes PIC-adventices) sont d’un grand intérêt pour réduire significativement l’utilisation des herbicides en les substituant par une combinaison complexe de différentes techniques culturales. L’objectif principal de notre travail a été de contribuer au volet environnemental de l’évaluation multicritère des systèmes PIC-adventices mis en place depuis 2000 sur le domaine expérimental de l’INRA à Bretenière (21). La variabilité des propriétés physiques et hydrodynamiques qui interviennent dans le transfert de l’eau dans le sol a été étudiée dans les 5 systèmes de culture présents sur le site (1 système de référence et 4 systèmes PIC-adventices). Le premier volet du travail a consisté à étudier la rétention de l’eau dans la couche du sol travaillée dans les 5 systèmes de culture. La rétention de l’eau a été comparée dans des échantillons de sol dont la structure a été soit « conservée », soit « remaniée » afin d’identifier la part de la variabilité liée aux caractéristiques physiques intrinsèques du sol de celle induite par les pratiques culturales. Les résultats ont montré que le sol du système de culture avec suppression totale des herbicides, associant une teneur élevée en argile, une teneur moyenne en C organique et un travail superficiel intensif, présentait les valeurs les plus élevées de rétention de l’eau dans la couche de sol travaillée. Le second volet a porté sur l’étude de la variabilité de la conductivité hydraulique proche de la saturation, K(h), aux échelles de l’année culturale et du profil du sol. Pour cette étude, 3 systèmes PIC-adventices (système de culture en semis direct et systèmes de culture avec travail du sol modéré à intensif) ont été caractérisés pendant 2 ou 3 années culturales consécutives, en considérant 3 profondeurs de sol incluant la couche du sol travaillée et l’horizon sous-jacent. Les résultats n’ont montré aucune variabilité de K(h) à l’échelle verticale. Par contre, ils ont mis en évidence les effets à long terme des systèmes PIC-adventices sur les valeurs de K(h). Enfin, le dernier volet a étudié la dynamique de l’eau dans le sol de 2 systèmes PIC-adventices contrastés (système avec conduite du sol en semis direct et système sans herbicide avec travail du sol intensif) en suivant une approche d’hydraulique agricole et par le biais de la caractérisation in situ du potentiel matriciel de l’eau dans le sol et de la mesure des quantités d’eau collectée au moyen de lysimètres à mèche. L’approche utilisée a permis la description de la dynamique de l’eau du sol pendant la période de drainage, la validation du fonctionnement des lysimètres à mèche et le calcul de la surface de sol équivalente qui contribuait au transfert de l’eau dans ces dispositifs. Ces premiers résultats prometteurs nécessiteront néanmoins d’être validés au cours de prochaines campagnes de mesure. L’ensemble des résultats recueillis constituent une première évaluation du fonctionnement physique et hydrodynamique du sol des systèmes PIC-adventices présents sur le dispositif expérimental. La base de données constituée permettra ultérieurement la poursuite du travail engagé en modélisant le transfert de l’eau, de solutés, de pesticides ou d’autres polluants dans le sol de ces systèmes PIC-adventices. / Integrated weed management (IWM)-based cropping systems are of great interest due to their significant reduction of herbicide inputs by using a complex combination of agricultural techniques. The main objective of our work was to contribute to the environmental dimension of the multi-criteria evaluation of IWM-based cropping systems which were set up since 2000 on the experimental domain of the National Institute for Agronomical Research (INRA) to Bretenière (France). The variability of physical and hydrodynamic soil properties involved in the transfer of water through the vadose zone was studied for the 5 cropping systems present on the experimental site (1 reference cropping system and 4 IWM-based cropping systems). The first section of our study consisted in studying the water retention of the tilled soil layers for the 5 cropping systems. Water retention values were compared between undisturbed and repacked soil samples in order to distinguish the part of the variability due to the intrinsic soil properties from the one induced by the agricultural practices. Our results show that the soil from cropping system without any herbicides, associating high clay content, average organic C content and intensive superficial tillage, may increase soil water retention in the tilled soil layer. The second section carried on the study of the annual and vertical variability of the near-saturated hydraulic conductivity, K(h). For this study, 3 IWM-based cropping systems (no-tilled cropping system and moderate to intensive tilled cropping systems) were characterized during 2 or 3 consecutive years and considering 3 depths including the soil tilled layer and the underlying no-tilled layer. The results showed no vertical variability of K(h). However, they highlighted the long-term effect of IWM-based cropping systems on K(h). Finally, the third section studied the soil water dynamics of 2 contrasted IWM-based cropping systems (no-tilled and zero herbicide cropping systems with intensive tillage) by using ,a hydraulic agricultural approach and by the means of the in situ characterization of soil matric potential and the measure of the amounts of water collected with wick lysimeters. This approach allowed the description of the water dynamics during the drainage season, the validation of the wick lysimeters functioning and the calculation of the surface contributing to water flows collected by the wick lysimeters. These promising results will need to be validated during forthcoming campaigns of measurement. All data collected provided constitute a first evaluation of the soil physical and hydraulic functioning of IWM-based cropping systems present on the experimental site. The established database will allow later the pursuit of work by modeling the water transfer and the transport of solutes, pesticides or other pollutants through the vadose zone of these IWM-based cropping systems.
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