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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Společenstva Chitinozoí na vybraných silurských profilech v Barrandienu (Pražská pánev, ČR) / Chitinozoans on selected Silurian outcrops in the Barrandian (Prague basin, Czech Republic)

Morávek, Radek January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Oberflächenquantifizierung an Schwarzpeliten unterschiedlicher Verwitterungsgrade

Fischer, Cornelius. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Universiẗat, Diss., 2002--Jena.

Geo- and biodynamic evolution at the northern margin of Gondwana during late Silurian to early Devonian time (Hazro area, SE Turkey)

Kranendonck, Oliver. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Techn. Hochsch., Diss., 2004--Aachen.

Diversity and Evolution of Silurian Radiolarians / Diversitet och evolution hos siluriska radiolarier

Tetard, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The three approaches followed herein aim to improve our understanding of the paleobiodiversity andevolution of Silurian radiolarians. The first approach provides an exhaustive taxonomic description ofan entirely new radiolarian fauna recovered from two sections of the Cape Phillips Formation in theCanadian Arctic which accumulated in two different paleoenvironmental settings. The samples are datedby graptolites of the Gorstian Lobograptus progenitor Zone. The obtained radiolarian fauna includes 28species, of which 3 are new, and exhibits some of the best preserved Silurian radiolarians known so far.The stratigraphic range of several species was also extended. Then, in a second approach, a CT-Scan3D reconstruction of a specimen of Gyrosphaera cavea was conducted in order to resolve significantinternal structure taxonomic issues. Higher level radiolarian classification is based on internal structures,and classical methods of observing these features repeatedly failed to uncover them. The 3D imagingrevealed a «double» coiling of the specimen that has proved useful in understanding how it grew.Eventually, the third approach is a completion of published taxonomic works in the Silurian with theaim of providing diversity trends through analyses of these radiolarian occurrences. A biotic crisis canbe observed in the Homerian, exhibiting both high extinction and low origination rates, and may belinked with enhanced marine productivity. / De tre projekten som utvecklas här har som mål att fokusera på trender inom evolutionen ochmångfalden av en grupp planktoniska mikroorganismer från Silur (från -443 till -419 Ma). I ett förstaprojekt beskrivs en helt ny fauna radiolarier som hittats i två lokaliteter på de kanadensiska arktiskaöarna, och som har deponerats i olika miljöförhållanden under Silur. Detta material daterades med hjälpav graptoliter, en grupp utdöda svalgsträngsdjur som är mycket användbara för paleozoiska dateringar,till en ålder överensstämmande med Gorstian (-427 till -425 Ma). Denna kanadensisk-arktiska fauna avradiolarier består av 28 arter (varav 3 är nya) och uppvisar några av de bäst bevarade fossilerna frånSilur överhuvudtaget. Den stratigrafiska bredden, vilket är livstiden, av flera arter har också förlängts.Därefter, i ett andra projekt, skapades en 3D-rekonstruktion av ett exemplar av Gyrosphaera cavea medhjälp av mikrotomografi för att observera och beskriva komplexa interna strukturer. Faktum är attklassificeringen av Radiolaria består till stor del av analysen och beskrivningen av dessa internastrukturer och många klassiska metoder som har använts för att observera dem, såsom med hjälp avsvepelektronmikroskop, har misslyckats konsekvent. 3D-avbildningen visade en komplex dubbelrullandeav strukturen i exemplaret, som har visat sig vara användbart i sökandet för att förstå dennesutveckling. Det tredje projektet är slutförandet av en samling av samtliga publicerade arbeten röranderadiolarier från Silur med syfte att klargöra trender inom diversitet för hela perioden genom analyser avförekomsten av dessa radiolarier. Ett utdöende kan observeras under Homerian (-430 till -427 Ma), somtroligen orsakades av frekventa utdöenden och en låg artbildningshastighet.

Skolekodonti barrandienského siluru / Silurian Scolekodonts of the Barrandian area

Tonarová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
Scolecodonts (= jaws of the polychaete worms) have always been a relatively neglected group of microfossils. In the Prague Basin (Czech Republic), only two major studies exclusively focused on scolecodonts have been published. The aim of the present research was to fill in this gap - by a restudy of the historical collections of Žebera and Šnajdr, and its comparison with results gained from newly collected late Silurian samples and scolecodont faunas from other areas. It has turned out that the jawed polychaete fauna in the Prague Basin was much more diversified than previously reported. The last report on late Silurian scolecodonts by Šnajdr (1951) concluded that there are four determined and two species left in open nomenclature present. Restudy of the original collection has shown that there are at least 11 different species from families Mochtyellidae, Polychaetaspidae, Ramphoprionidae, Paulinitidae, Atraktoprionidae, Skalenoprionidae and Hadoprionidae. The new collection from similar stratigraphical level gained at least 25 species, including one newly described ("Mochtyella" pragensis). The taxonomic re-study also focused on the species Kettnerites kosoviensis that is a type species of the genus and was described in the Prague Basin. The new samples come from the limestone which is in contrast to...

A Multi-Evidence Approach to the Affinity of Tylodus deltoides Rohon 1893 / Flera analysmetoder testar ett problematiskt fossils (Tylodus deltoides Rohon 1893) systematica tillhörighet

Claybourn, Thomas January 2015 (has links)
Early gnathostome evolution has recently undergone revision due to newly published phylogenies. Within this new framework, early gnathostomes in the fossil record can be revised, particularly the subject of this paper Tylodus deltoides (Rohon, 1893), vertebrate microremains from the Silurian Ohesaare Formation of Estonia. Multiple analytical approaches are performed in order to offer insight into a phylogenetic position for the enigmatic T. deltoides. A three-dimensional model, based on synchrotron x-ray phase contrast microtomography of a small polyodontode morphotype and virtual thin sections show a unique palaeohistology. A survey of wear patterns shows the presence of tooth plates, comprising the larger cusp and plate morphotypes. Histological observations show a mosaic of vertebrate hard-tissues and organisations, including a tripartitie layered structure, descending rows of odontodes on a large primary odontode, an osteodentine or mesodentine base, pleromic dentine middle layer and capping layer of unknown tissue type.Two interpretations of this collection of observations are given. Both assume the large morphotypes are teeth, one that the smaller polyodontodes are scales, the other, that they are developing teeth. Histology alone demonstrates the remains are the teeth of a holocephalan, but with some uncertainty. A model for attachment by acrodonty and developmental model for conserved lyodont development are given to help explain the unusual histology and morphology of T. deltoides, but greater certainty in the phylogenetic position of T. deltoides requires a more detailed histological analysis based on thin sections and a broader comparison with 3D data of relevent taxa. This willnecessarily be improved by formal phylogenetic analysis. / De käkförsedda ryggradsdjurerens (gnathostomernas) uppkomst och tidiga evolution är ett forsknings-område där nya fossila fynd och paleontologiska forskningsinsatser på senare tid har medfört en bättre övergripande förståelse. Gnathostomerna kan delas in i två grupper: chondrichthyider (broskfiskar så som haja och rockor) och osteichthyider (s.k. benfiskar från vilket landlevande ryggradsdjur också har sitt ursprung). En utdöd grupp av fiskar, de s.k. taggpansarhajarna (acanthoder), har på senare tid ansetts representera de former från vilken broskfiskarna har sitt ursprung. Detta har medfört ett nytt perspektiv till vilket paleontologer måste relatera när de studerar de fossila gnathostomerna och dess tidiga utveckling. Dessutom bidrar även nya tekniker, så som högupplöst skiktröntgen av fossil med hjälp av synkrotronstrålning, till vår förståelse. Dessa tekniker kan ge oss detaljerade tredimensionella modeller av den inre konstruktionen utan att behöva skada de ofta sällsynta fossil som finns till- gängligaDetta arbete avhandlar ett enigmatiskt fiskfossil, Tylodus deltoides, som endast är känt från mer eller mindre mikroskopiska vertebratrester. Dessa fossil beskrevs för första gången så tidigt som 1893, men man har fortfarande inte har lyckat komma fram till var bland ryggradsdjuren dessa hör. Med hjälp av nämnda tekniker och nya perspektiv, är målet med denna studie att ge en ny beskrivning och tolkning av dessa ganska udda fossila rester. Genom att studera skrapmärken på ytan av de individu- ella fossilen så har jag kunna konstatera att åtminstone de större exemplaren är fungerande tänder, medan de mindre troligen är tänder under utveckling och som ännu inte brutit igenom huden i munnen. Genom att via högupplöst skiktröntgen skapa och studera en tredimensionell modell av den inre strukturen så har jag dessutom kommit fram till att dessa tänder troligen hör hemma bland en tidig grupp av broskfiskar som vi kallar helhuvudfiskar (Holocephali). Denna tolkning är inte helt utan problem, men innan man kan komma till mer slutgiltiga slutsatser måste kompletterande studier göras som innefattar jämförbara tredimensionella modeller av andra levande och fossila grupper, samt att med  hjälp  av  dessa  nya  data  även  inkludera  T.  deltoides  i  en  större  analys  rörande  släktskaps-förhållanden.

Korelace zástupců čeledi Spathognathodontidae (Conodonta) na hranici silur/devon v profilech Na Požárech a Praha-Radotín (pražská synforma) / Family Spathognathodontidae (Conodonta) from the Silurian/Devonian boundary (sections Na Požárech and Praha-Radotín; Prague Synform) and its biostratigraphical correlation

Hušková, Aneta January 2017 (has links)
This work is focused on conodont biostratigraphy of the Silurian/Devonian boundary interval in the Prague Synform. The Na Požárech and Praha-Radotín sections were selected in order to study conodont diversity and changes in conodont faunas in different carbonate facies - shallower and deeper-water limestones around the Silurian/Devonian boundary and also to test the assumption, whether differences in bathymetry affect the diversity of taxa of the family Spathognathodontidae. In total 22 samples were analysed, particularly 13 samples from the section Praha-Radotín and 9 samples from the section Na Požárech. All samples were processed in laboratory and the obtained conodont material was studied in detail. The conodont material is abundant in both sections (more than thousand elements) and shows a high diversity and disparity in the family Spathognathodontidae. In total 17 taxa were identified and a new species Zieglerodina petrea is described. This new taxon is easily recognizable because of a distinct morphology and could be usefull for the identification of the base of Devonian in the Prague Synform. Its potential use in global correlation will, however, need further and thorough studies. Also conodonts of the family Icriodontidae are surprisingly abundant in both sections. Thin sections (13 from...

Vybraní hlavonožci (Cephalopoda) ordoviku pražské pánve a Baltiky(Estonsko a Švédsko): taxonomie, paleobiogeografie a paleoekologie / Selected cephalopods from the Ordovician of the Prague Basin (Bohemia) and Baltica (Estonia and Sweden): taxonomy, paleobiogeography and paleoecology

Aubrechtová, Martina January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation thesis is a summary of five studies published in peer- reviewed, impacted scientific journals. All of the publications are taxonomic revisions of previously unknown or little known collections of fossil cephalopods from the Early Paleozoic strata of Bohemia, Estonia and Sweden. Paleogeogra- phical and stratigraphical distributions of the respective taxa were summarized, refined and compared with contemporary fossil assemblages known from other regions. Implications on the paleoecology of the cephalopods and original envi- ronmental conditions were made. The text of the thesis is divided into three main parts. In the first part, the morphology of cephalopods is explained, stressing out the most important diagnostic characters used for their descriptions. The current systematics of the Cephalopoda is overviewed and the main cephalopod groups during the Ordovician are briefly introduced. The second part of the thesis describes the geological development and settings of the regions, from which the studied fossil cephalopods originate. The third and final part of the thesis provides a discussion and interpretation of the results of the published studies in the context of the previously published research. The genus Bactroceras Holm, 1898 and some members of the order Litui- tida were studied...

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