Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cocial drivers"" "subject:"cocial frivers""
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“Do external factors (i.e. social drivers) nurture individuals' sensitivity (i.e. personal drivers) towards Corporate Hypocrisy and vice versa?” : A study on companies’ actions and individuals’ responsesWerwick, Niklas, Lust, Dennis January 2024 (has links)
Organizations are working to develop a good image for themselves towards society.However, the practice of corporate hypocrisy is referring to the opposite. Companies thatshow a discrepancy between words and actions claim to be something they are not.Previously, most focus has been on the institutional side regarding corporate hypocrisy.However, more recent academic research has focused on the effects that influence corporatehypocrisy and the individual's perception of it. Moreover, there is an explicit need toinvestigate the power dynamics of these drivers. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the balance between personal and socialdrivers and whether one is always dominant or if there can be situational switches. This isachieved by answering the research question: Do external factors (i.e. social drivers) nurtureindividuals’ sensitivity (i.e. personal drivers) towards corporate hypocrisy and vice versa?This study will give insight into the individual's perception of corporate hypocrisy and howit is built by examining this question. Thus, we analyzed eight individuals from sevendifferent countries to obtain a diverse response. Further, this study used a qualitative researchapproach in which eight semi-structured interviews were conducted, and the empirical datawas later derived through the use of a thematic analysis. With the application of both the Corporate Social Responsibility Framework (CSR) and Self-congruity Framework, it has been found that both social and personal drivers can be dominantin different situations. However, the analysis further found that an additional driver can bedictating both previous drivers. This was identified to be "the level of affectedness". Thismakes it reasonable to suggest that companies should put additional focus on such drivers asthey may decide how a company is viewed by the public. On a societal level, these researchfindings suggest that it can be valuable to understand the origin and drivers that form anotherperson's opinion, which in turn could contribute as a building block to a society andworkforce that is coloured by equality and inclusion.
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Politiques et choix des produits plasmatiques ou recombinants en hémophilie : enjeux sécuritaires et déterminants institutionnels, médicaux et psycho-sociaux / Policy and choices of plasma-derived versus recombinant products in haemophilia treatment : safety issues and the instutional, industrial, medical and psycho-social driversAouba, Achille Eric 23 June 2015 (has links)
Introduction et problématiques: Les politiques et choix des produits plasmatiques (PP) ou recombinants (PR) en hémophilie divergent selon les pays en dépit de recommandations internationales consensuelles. A la différence d'autres pays, la politique française en ce sens ne fait aucune priorité de choix entre les PP versus les PR en dépit de l'avènement de variante (v) de la maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob (MCJ) dont le risque transfusionnel affecté à ces premiers est jugé être infinitésimal. L'adhésion des soignants et des patients à cette politique ainsi que les répercussions psychologiques des retraits de lots de PP pour le risque de vMCJ sur ces derniers, sont inconnues et suscitent des questions éthiques. Méthodologie: Des enquêtes mono et multicentriques ont été menées auprès de patients et médecins français afin d'évaluer leurs sentiments envers la politique de maintien sans restriction des PP et celle de leurs procédures de retrait de lots. Une discussion des problématiques éthiques inhérentes est conduite à partir des rapports des expertises scientifiques et de nos propres données. Résultats: L'analyse des politiques et choix des PP versus PR en hémophilie a permis d'identifier un modèle français aux côtés des trois modèles nord-américain, britannique et européen. Ce premier modèle apparaît être le moins astreignant alors que la France pointe à la haute deuxième place de la prévalence mondiale de la vMCJ après le Royaume Uni qui a tout simplement banni la prescription des PP pour les hémophiles, à la faveur des PR dénués de ce risque. Nous avons identifié nombre de tensions dans la prise en charge des patients et dans la gestion des risques de ces produits en France. Celles-ci sont principalement le fait de quatre problématiques qui correspondent à des paradoxes français de la politique de gestion de risque de ces produits, notamment: 1) multiplication injustifiée des procédures de retrait de lot de PP, essentiellement en rapport avec les formes sporadiques de la MCJ pourtant non transmissibles par ce biais. 2) absence de formalisation précise de l'organisation des procédures de retrait de lot dont les sources, les méthodes, les moyens et les délais de contact des médecins et leur relais aux patients sont divers et variés, ce qui témoigne d'une certaine improvisation et d'un cafouillage dans ce processus. 3) maintien sans restriction d'indication ni de source des PP. 4) information systématique traumatisante à posteriori des patients à l'occasion des retraits de lots pour ce risque très infime, au lieu d'une approche au cas par cas. Les problématiques éthiques induites sont: traumatisme psychologique rémanent des patients et leur famille à l'occasion de l'information, mal conduite et mal comprise, du risque de la vMCJ lors des procédures de retrait de lots de PP conduisant à leur switch massif pour des PR; inefficacité de ces procédures à éliminer les lots incriminés car souvent déjà consommés; diminution drastique, voire bannissement de la prescription des PP; vécu difficile et désapprobation majoritaire des médecins de la politique du maintien sans restriction des PP et des procédures de retrait de lot; faible respect des procédures de retrait de lots, appliquées de façon confuse et inégale; crise de confiance des patients et médecins envers cette politique; sentiments de conflits d'intérêts des autorités politiques en rapport avec un protectionnisme supposé de l'industrie nationale de fabrication des PP en l'absence de motifs solides à leur maintien sans restriction à des indications précises. Conclusion: Un recadrage institutionnel de procédures de retrait de PP en France apparait nécessaire, celles-ci étant majoritairement injustifiées car relatives aux formes sporadiques de la MCJ. La limitation de l'usage des PP à des indications spécifiques nécessite d'être discutée à l'heure de la grande disponibilité des PR. De larges enquêtes et réflexions aideraient aux futures orientations de la politique nationale. / Introduction and issues: The policy and local choices of plasmatic (PP) or recombinant products (RP) in hemophilia vary according to the country, despite consensus international recommendations. In contrast to other countries, French policy in this context gives no priority in the choice between plasmatic and recombinant ones, despite the appearance of variant Creutzeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) involving risks in transfusions, albeit miniscule, in the former. Caregivers and patient adherence to this policy and its likely psychological impact on them, are unknown and raise ethical questions. Methodology: Single- and multi-site surveys of French doctors and patients were carried out to evaluate their feelings about the French policy of unrestricted continued use of plasmatic products and their procedures of batch recall. A discussion of inherent ethical problems is conducted, based on reports of scientific expertise and our own data. Results: This analysis allowed a French model to be defined and compared to the North American, British, and European ones. This French model seems to be the least strict in terms of the use of PP, while France is in second place in terms of the worldwide prevalence of vCJD, just after U.K who have simply banned the prescription of these first products for hemophiliacs in favor of RP, which are risk-free. We identified many ethical tensions in the management of patients and in risk management of these products in France. These are mainly due to four issues that correspond to the paradoxes of French policy of hemophilia product risk management, including: 1) unjustified multiplication of recall procedures concerning batches of PP, primarily those related to sporadic forms of CJD even though incommunicable through it; 2) lack of accurate formalization concerning the organization of batch removal procedures, the sources, methods, means and time of contact for physicians and their patients that are very varied, reflecting some improvisations and a mess in the process; 3) maintaining of unrestricted indication and source of PP; 4) systematic retrospectively traumatic information for patients, especially during the batch recalls for this very small risk, rather than a case-by-case basis. The induced ethical issues are : residual psychological trauma for patients and their families on the occasion of information, poorly managed and poorly understood, the risk of vMCJ during batches removal procedures of PP leading to their massive switch RP ; ineffectiveness of these procedures to remove incriminated batches since they are often consumed; drastic reduction or even banishment of the prescription of PP; difficult experience and majority disapproval of physicians maintaining unrestricted PP and batch removal procedures; low respect for batch removal procedures, applied unevenly; crisis of confidence of patients and physicians concerning this policy; feelings of conflict of interest from political authorities in connection with an alleged protectionism of the domestic industry manufacturing PP in the absence of strong reasons to their retention without restriction to specific indications. Conclusion: An institutional reframing of PP recall in France appears to be necessary, these being mainly unjustified since relative to sporadic CJD forms. Restrictions on the use of PP at specific directions need to be discussed at this time of high availability of RP. Extensive surveys would help the future direction of national policy.
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Politiques et choix des produits plasmatiques ou recombinants en hémophilie : enjeux sécuritaires et déterminants institutionnels, médicaux et psycho-sociaux / Policy and choices of plasma-derived versus recombinant products in haemophilia treatment : safety issues and the instutional, industrial, medical and psycho-social driversAouba, Achille Eric 23 June 2015 (has links)
Introduction et problématiques: Les politiques et choix des produits plasmatiques (PP) ou recombinants (PR) en hémophilie divergent selon les pays en dépit de recommandations internationales consensuelles. A la différence d'autres pays, la politique française en ce sens ne fait aucune priorité de choix entre les PP versus les PR en dépit de l'avènement de variante (v) de la maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob (MCJ) dont le risque transfusionnel affecté à ces premiers est jugé être infinitésimal. L'adhésion des soignants et des patients à cette politique ainsi que les répercussions psychologiques des retraits de lots de PP pour le risque de vMCJ sur ces derniers, sont inconnues et suscitent des questions éthiques. Méthodologie: Des enquêtes mono et multicentriques ont été menées auprès de patients et médecins français afin d'évaluer leurs sentiments envers la politique de maintien sans restriction des PP et celle de leurs procédures de retrait de lots. Une discussion des problématiques éthiques inhérentes est conduite à partir des rapports des expertises scientifiques et de nos propres données. Résultats: L'analyse des politiques et choix des PP versus PR en hémophilie a permis d'identifier un modèle français aux côtés des trois modèles nord-américain, britannique et européen. Ce premier modèle apparaît être le moins astreignant alors que la France pointe à la haute deuxième place de la prévalence mondiale de la vMCJ après le Royaume Uni qui a tout simplement banni la prescription des PP pour les hémophiles, à la faveur des PR dénués de ce risque. Nous avons identifié nombre de tensions dans la prise en charge des patients et dans la gestion des risques de ces produits en France. Celles-ci sont principalement le fait de quatre problématiques qui correspondent à des paradoxes français de la politique de gestion de risque de ces produits, notamment: 1) multiplication injustifiée des procédures de retrait de lot de PP, essentiellement en rapport avec les formes sporadiques de la MCJ pourtant non transmissibles par ce biais. 2) absence de formalisation précise de l'organisation des procédures de retrait de lot dont les sources, les méthodes, les moyens et les délais de contact des médecins et leur relais aux patients sont divers et variés, ce qui témoigne d'une certaine improvisation et d'un cafouillage dans ce processus. 3) maintien sans restriction d'indication ni de source des PP. 4) information systématique traumatisante à posteriori des patients à l'occasion des retraits de lots pour ce risque très infime, au lieu d'une approche au cas par cas. Les problématiques éthiques induites sont: traumatisme psychologique rémanent des patients et leur famille à l'occasion de l'information, mal conduite et mal comprise, du risque de la vMCJ lors des procédures de retrait de lots de PP conduisant à leur switch massif pour des PR; inefficacité de ces procédures à éliminer les lots incriminés car souvent déjà consommés; diminution drastique, voire bannissement de la prescription des PP; vécu difficile et désapprobation majoritaire des médecins de la politique du maintien sans restriction des PP et des procédures de retrait de lot; faible respect des procédures de retrait de lots, appliquées de façon confuse et inégale; crise de confiance des patients et médecins envers cette politique; sentiments de conflits d'intérêts des autorités politiques en rapport avec un protectionnisme supposé de l'industrie nationale de fabrication des PP en l'absence de motifs solides à leur maintien sans restriction à des indications précises. Conclusion: Un recadrage institutionnel de procédures de retrait de PP en France apparait nécessaire, celles-ci étant majoritairement injustifiées car relatives aux formes sporadiques de la MCJ. La limitation de l'usage des PP à des indications spécifiques nécessite d'être discutée à l'heure de la grande disponibilité des PR. De larges enquêtes et réflexions aideraient aux futures orientations de la politique nationale. / Introduction and issues: The policy and local choices of plasmatic (PP) or recombinant products (RP) in hemophilia vary according to the country, despite consensus international recommendations. In contrast to other countries, French policy in this context gives no priority in the choice between plasmatic and recombinant ones, despite the appearance of variant Creutzeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) involving risks in transfusions, albeit miniscule, in the former. Caregivers and patient adherence to this policy and its likely psychological impact on them, are unknown and raise ethical questions. Methodology: Single- and multi-site surveys of French doctors and patients were carried out to evaluate their feelings about the French policy of unrestricted continued use of plasmatic products and their procedures of batch recall. A discussion of inherent ethical problems is conducted, based on reports of scientific expertise and our own data. Results: This analysis allowed a French model to be defined and compared to the North American, British, and European ones. This French model seems to be the least strict in terms of the use of PP, while France is in second place in terms of the worldwide prevalence of vCJD, just after U.K who have simply banned the prescription of these first products for hemophiliacs in favor of RP, which are risk-free. We identified many ethical tensions in the management of patients and in risk management of these products in France. These are mainly due to four issues that correspond to the paradoxes of French policy of hemophilia product risk management, including: 1) unjustified multiplication of recall procedures concerning batches of PP, primarily those related to sporadic forms of CJD even though incommunicable through it; 2) lack of accurate formalization concerning the organization of batch removal procedures, the sources, methods, means and time of contact for physicians and their patients that are very varied, reflecting some improvisations and a mess in the process; 3) maintaining of unrestricted indication and source of PP; 4) systematic retrospectively traumatic information for patients, especially during the batch recalls for this very small risk, rather than a case-by-case basis. The induced ethical issues are : residual psychological trauma for patients and their families on the occasion of information, poorly managed and poorly understood, the risk of vMCJ during batches removal procedures of PP leading to their massive switch RP ; ineffectiveness of these procedures to remove incriminated batches since they are often consumed; drastic reduction or even banishment of the prescription of PP; difficult experience and majority disapproval of physicians maintaining unrestricted PP and batch removal procedures; low respect for batch removal procedures, applied unevenly; crisis of confidence of patients and physicians concerning this policy; feelings of conflict of interest from political authorities in connection with an alleged protectionism of the domestic industry manufacturing PP in the absence of strong reasons to their retention without restriction to specific indications. Conclusion: An institutional reframing of PP recall in France appears to be necessary, these being mainly unjustified since relative to sporadic CJD forms. Restrictions on the use of PP at specific directions need to be discussed at this time of high availability of RP. Extensive surveys would help the future direction of national policy.
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Change and Growth of Australian Music Value ChainsSteedman, Sam, sam.steedman@gmail.com January 2009 (has links)
The Australian music industry is growing and developing yet specific information about the ways in which distribution systems develop is limited. In this study I examined the growth and change of the Australian music value chain. This includes the development of digital distribution systems and the effect that peer-to-peer technology has on system development, specifically the disintermediation between consumers and artists to the detriment of the multinational value chains. The drivers of this change are broken into social and technical elements in order to describe the growth and change occurring. The method used included a comprehensive literature review and use of secondary data from key music industry associations. The Australian music industry is a subset of the global industry and is led by foreign markets and their methods in which music content moves from the creators to the consumers. The consumption patterns of Australian music consumers are changing. The overall value of the music industry is dropping as the new digital downloads market emerges and the overall volume of sales increases; this reflects similar trends in foreign markets. CD single sales have dropped and digital single sales (in MP3 format) have increased. However, there needs to be a balance in the future development of Australian music distribution systems between the needs of music consumers and the sustainability of music companies, where there is both connectivity and steady revenue flow. There are technical elements that have caused a movement away from the traditional forms of music distribution as new technologies facilitate the change, such as Apple's iPod and broadband Internet connections. Advancement of distribution systems has increased piracy levels and the response has been the implementation of digital rights management (DRM), which prevents connectivity. There are also social elements that affect growth and change such as connectivity, or the consumers freedom to choose when, where and how to listen to their music. When music product has a restriction placed upon it its value to the consumer drops. Multinational music companies have failed to recognise the value users place on the freedom to pick and choose and have tried to control rather than to co-develop systems that meets both parties needs.
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