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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparison of Soil and Vegetation Properties Using Salt Extractor and Conventional Soil Amendments From Irrigation With Coal Bed Natural Gas Product Water

January 2011 (has links)
abstract: Coal bed natural gas (CBNG) production has become a significant contribution to the nation's energy supply. Large volumes of water are generated as a byproduct of CBNG extraction, of which this "product water" is relatively high in sodium. High sodicity reduces water quality and limits environmentally compliant disposal options for producers. Crop irrigation with CBNG product water complies with state and federal laws and is a disposal method that also provides a beneficial use to private landowners. However, this disposal method typically requires gypsum and sulfur soil amendments due to the high levels of sodium in the water, which can reduce soil infiltration and hydraulic conductivity. In this study, I tested a new product called Salt Extractor that was marketed to CBNG producers to ameliorate the negative effects of high sodicity. The experiment was conducted in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming. I used a random block design to compare the soil and vegetation properties of plots following application with CBNG product water and treatments of either Salt Extractor, gypsum and sulfur (conventional), or no treatment (control). Data was analyzed by comparing the amount of change between treatments after watering. Results demonstrated the known ability of gypsum and sulfur to lower the relative sodicity of the soil. Plots treated with Salt Extractor, however, did not improve relative levels of sodicity and exhibited no favorable benefits to vegetation. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Biology 2011

Changes in properties of vineyard red brown earths under long - term drip irrigation, combined with varying water qualities and gypsum application rates

Clark, Louise Jayne January 2004 (has links)
Irrigation water of poor quality can have deleterious effects on soils. However, the effect of drip irrigation on seasonal and long term (e.g. over 50 years) changes in soil chemical properties is poorly understood, complicated by the two-dimensional water flow patterns beneath drippers. Field and laboratory experiments were conducted, along with computer modelling, to evaluate morphological and physio-chemical changes in a typical Barossa Valley Red Brown Earth (Palexeralf, Chromosol or Lixisol) when drip irrigated under various changing management practices. This work focused on the following two management changes : (i) switching from long-term irrigation with a saline source to less saline water and (ii) gypsum (CaSO₄) application. A literature review (Chapter 1) focuses on the distribution, features, properties and management of Red Brown Earths in the premium viticultural regions of the Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale, South Australia. The effects of irrigation method and water quality on the rate and extent of soil deterioration are emphasised. The review also discusses the irrigation of grapes (Vitis vinifera) and summarises previous research into the effect of sodicity and salinity on grape and wine characteristics. This chapter shows the importance of Red Brown Earths to Australian viticulture, but highlights their susceptibility to chemical and physical degradation. Degradation may be prevented or remediated by increasing organic matter levels, applying gypsum, modifying cropping and through tillage practices such as deep ripping. Chapter 2 provides general information on the two study sites investigated, one in the Barossa Valley and the other at McLaren Vale. Local climate, geology, geomorphology and soils are described. Chapter 3 details laboratory, field and sampling methods used to elucidate changes in soil chemical and physical properties following irrigation. The genesis of the non-irrigated Red Brown Earth in the Barossa Valley is described in Chapter 4, and is inferred from geochemical, soil chemical, layer silicate and carbonate mineralogical data. Elemental gain and loss calculations showed 42% of original parent material mass was lost during the formation of A and A2 horizons, while the Bt1 and Bt2 horizons gained 50% of original parent material mass. This is consistent with substrate weathering and illuviation of clay from surface to lower horizons. The depth distributions of all major elements were similar ; the A horizon contained lower amounts of major elements than the remainder of the profile, indicating this region was intensely weathered. This chapter also compares the non-irrigated site to the adjacent irrigated site (separated by 10 m) to determine if the sites are pedogenically identical and geochemical changes from irrigation. Many of the differences between the non-irrigated and irrigated sites appear to be correlated with variations in quartz, clay, Fe oxide and carbonate contents, with little geological variation between the sample sites. In Chapter 5 morphological, chemical and physical properties of a non-irrigated and irrigated Red Brown Earth in the Barossa Valley are compared. Alternating applications of saline irrigation water (in summer) and non-saline rain water (in winter) have caused an increase in electrical conductivity (EC [subscript se]), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), bulk density (ρ b) and pH. This has resulted in enhanced clay dispersion and migration. Impacts on SAR and ρ b are more pronounced at points away from the dripper due to the presence of an argillic horizon, which has greatly influenced the variations in these soil properties with depth and distance from the dripper. Dispersion and migration of clay were promoted by alternating levels of EC, while SAR remained relatively constant, resulting in the formation of a less permeable layer in the Bt1 horizon. Clay dispersion (breakdown of micro-aggregate structure) was inferred from reduced numbers of pores and voids, alterations in colouring (an indication that iron has changed oxidation state) and increased bulk density (up to 30 %). Eleven years of irrigation changed the soil from a Calcic Palexeralf (non-irrigated) to an Aquic Natrixeralf (irrigated) (Soil Survey Staff, 1999). These results, combined with data from Chapter 4, were used to develop a mechanistic model of soil changes with irrigation. Chapters 6, 7 and 8 describe field experiments conducted in the Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale regions. This data shows seasonal and spatial variations in soil saturation extract properties ( EC [subscript se], SAR [subscript se], Na [subscipt se] and Ca [subscript se] ). At the Barossa Valley site (Chapter 6) non-irrigated soils had low EC [subscript se], SAR [subscript se], Na [subscript se] and Ca [subscript se] values throughout the sampling period. The irrigated treatments included eleven years of drip irrigation with saline water (2.5 dS / m) and also gypsum application at 0, 4 or 8 tonnes/hectare in 2001 and 2002. Salts in the profile increased with gypsum application rate, with high levels occurring midwinter 2002 prior to rainfall leaching salts. SAR has declined with gypsum application, particularly in the A horizon and at 100 cm from the dripper in the Bt1 horizon ; this has the potential to reflocculate clay particles and improve soil hydraulic conductivity. Chapter 7 presents further results from the Barossa Valley site, this treatment had been irrigated for 9 years with saline water (2.5 dS / m) prior to switching to a less saline water source (0.5 dS / m). The soil also received gypsum at 0, 4 or 8 tonnes / hectare in 2001 and 2002. It was found that the first few years are critical when switching to a less saline water source. EC declines rapidly, but SAR requires a number of years, depending on conditions, to decline, resulting in a period during which the Bt1 horizon may become dispersed. Gypsum application increased the EC [subscipt se] but not to the EC [subscript se] levels of soil irrigated with saline water. Chapter 8 examines soil chemical properties of a McLaren Vale vineyard, irrigated with moderately saline water (1.2 dS / m) since 1987 and treated with gypsum every second year since establishment. This practice prevented the SAR (< 8) rising and a large zone of the soil profile (20 to 100 cm from dripper) has a high calcium level (> 5 mmol / L). However, irrigation caused the leaching of calcium beneath the dripper in both the A and B horizons (0 to 20 cm from dripper) (< 4 mmol / L). Chapters 9 and 10 interpret and discuss results from continuous monitoring of redox potential (Eh) and soil solution composition in the Barossa Valley vineyard, irrigated with saline or non-saline water, and gypsum-treated at 0 and 4 tonnes / hectare. Soil pore water solution (Chapter 9) collected by suction cups is compared to results obtained in chapters 6 and 7. The soil has extended zones and times of high SAR and low EC. This was particularly evident in the upper B horizon, where the SAR of the soil remained stable throughout the year while the EC was more seasonally variable with EC declining during the winter months. The A horizon does not appear to be as susceptible to clay dispersion (compared to the B horizon) because during periods of low EC the SAR also declines, which may be due to the low CEC (low clay and organic matter content) of this horizon. Chapter 10 presents redox potentials (Eh) measured using platinum redox electrodes installed in the A, A2 and Bt1 horizons to examine whether Eh of the profile varies with irrigation water quality and gypsum application. Saline irrigation water caused the B horizon to become waterlogged in winter months, while less saline irrigation water caused a perched watertable to develop, due to a dispersed Bt1 horizon. Application of gypsum reduced the soil Eh particularly in the A2 horizon (+ 500 to + 50 mV) during winter. Thus redox potential can be influenced by irrigation water quality and gypsum applications. Chapter 11 incorporated site data from the Barossa Valley non-irrigated site into a predictive mathematical model, TRANSMIT, a 2D version of LEACHM. This model was used to predict zones of gypsum accumulation during long-term irrigation (67 years). When applied over the entire soil surface, gypsum accumulated at 60 to 90 cm from the dripper in the B horizon; higher application rates caused increased accumulation. When applied immediately beneath the irrigation dripper, gypsum accumulated in a 'column' under the dripper (at 0 to 35 cm radius from the dripper), with very little movement away from the dripper. Also, the zone of accumulation of salts from high and low salinity irrigation water was investigated. These regions were found to be similar, although concentrations were significantly lower with low salinity water. In low rainfall years salts accumulated throughout the B horizon (35 - 150 cm), while in periods of high rainfall (and leaching) the A, A2 and Bt1 horizons (0 - 60 cm) were leached, although at greater depths (80 - 150 cm) salt concentrations remained high. Chapter 12 summarises results and provides an understanding of soil processes in drip irrigated soils to underpin improved management options for viticulture. This study combines results from redox and soil solution monitoring, mineralogy, elemental gains and losses, and seasonal soil sampling to develop a mechanistic model of soil processes, which was combined with computer modelling to predict future properties of the soil. Major conclusions and recommendations of this study include : - Application of saline irrigation water to soil then ameliorated with gypsum - The first application of gypsum was leached by the subsequent irrigation from extended regions of the soil. As Na continues to enter the system via irrigation water, gypsum needs to be regularly applied. Otherwise calcium will be leached through the soil and SAR increases. - Application of non-saline irrigation water to soil then ameliorated with gypsum - The soil was found to only require one application at 8 tons / ha as this reduced SAR sufficiently. As less salt is entering the soil, subsequent gypsum applications can be at a lower rate or less frequently than required for saline irrigation water. - Gypsum applied directly beneath the dripper systems distributes calcium to a narrow region of the soil, while large regions of the soil require amelioration (high SAR) and are not receiving calcium. Therefore, gypsum application through the drip system or only beneath the dripper should be combined with broad acre application. - A range of methods to sample vineyards is recommended for duplex soils, including the use of saturation extracts, sampling time, sampling location (distance from dripper) and depth of sampling. This work is critical for vineyard management and may be applicable to other Australian viticulture regions with Red Brown Earths. / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2004.

An investigation into modification of the engineering properties of salt affected soils using electrokinetics

Jayasekera, Samudra . University of Ballarat. January 2008 (has links)
Soil salinity (due to ingress of excess amounts of dissolved salts in soil pores) and soil sodicity (due to excess amounts of sodium ions attached to the clay surface) are significant forms of land degradation in many parts of the world in particular in arid and semi arid regions. In Australia, soil salinity has long been identified as the major form of land degradation and the greatest environmental threat. Saline soils cover almost 6% of Australia’s land mass and impose severe threats on agricultural productivity and built infrastructure with an estimated annual loss of $250 million. In recent years, ‘soil sodicity’ is recognised as a far more significant form of land degradation and a severe environmental problem both in terms of affected land area and impact on the environment than is salinity as a problem in Australia. One third of Australian land mass is occupied by sodic soils costing an estimated $2 billion each year in lost production alone, with further significant impacts on the economy due to extensive damage to infrastructure facilities and the environment. [...] / Doctor of Philosophy

Changes in properties of vineyard red brown earths under long - term drip irrigation, combined with varying water qualities and gypsum application rates

Clark, Louise Jayne January 2004 (has links)
Irrigation water of poor quality can have deleterious effects on soils. However, the effect of drip irrigation on seasonal and long term (e.g. over 50 years) changes in soil chemical properties is poorly understood, complicated by the two-dimensional water flow patterns beneath drippers. Field and laboratory experiments were conducted, along with computer modelling, to evaluate morphological and physio-chemical changes in a typical Barossa Valley Red Brown Earth (Palexeralf, Chromosol or Lixisol) when drip irrigated under various changing management practices. This work focused on the following two management changes : (i) switching from long-term irrigation with a saline source to less saline water and (ii) gypsum (CaSO₄) application. A literature review (Chapter 1) focuses on the distribution, features, properties and management of Red Brown Earths in the premium viticultural regions of the Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale, South Australia. The effects of irrigation method and water quality on the rate and extent of soil deterioration are emphasised. The review also discusses the irrigation of grapes (Vitis vinifera) and summarises previous research into the effect of sodicity and salinity on grape and wine characteristics. This chapter shows the importance of Red Brown Earths to Australian viticulture, but highlights their susceptibility to chemical and physical degradation. Degradation may be prevented or remediated by increasing organic matter levels, applying gypsum, modifying cropping and through tillage practices such as deep ripping. Chapter 2 provides general information on the two study sites investigated, one in the Barossa Valley and the other at McLaren Vale. Local climate, geology, geomorphology and soils are described. Chapter 3 details laboratory, field and sampling methods used to elucidate changes in soil chemical and physical properties following irrigation. The genesis of the non-irrigated Red Brown Earth in the Barossa Valley is described in Chapter 4, and is inferred from geochemical, soil chemical, layer silicate and carbonate mineralogical data. Elemental gain and loss calculations showed 42% of original parent material mass was lost during the formation of A and A2 horizons, while the Bt1 and Bt2 horizons gained 50% of original parent material mass. This is consistent with substrate weathering and illuviation of clay from surface to lower horizons. The depth distributions of all major elements were similar ; the A horizon contained lower amounts of major elements than the remainder of the profile, indicating this region was intensely weathered. This chapter also compares the non-irrigated site to the adjacent irrigated site (separated by 10 m) to determine if the sites are pedogenically identical and geochemical changes from irrigation. Many of the differences between the non-irrigated and irrigated sites appear to be correlated with variations in quartz, clay, Fe oxide and carbonate contents, with little geological variation between the sample sites. In Chapter 5 morphological, chemical and physical properties of a non-irrigated and irrigated Red Brown Earth in the Barossa Valley are compared. Alternating applications of saline irrigation water (in summer) and non-saline rain water (in winter) have caused an increase in electrical conductivity (EC [subscript se]), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), bulk density (ρ b) and pH. This has resulted in enhanced clay dispersion and migration. Impacts on SAR and ρ b are more pronounced at points away from the dripper due to the presence of an argillic horizon, which has greatly influenced the variations in these soil properties with depth and distance from the dripper. Dispersion and migration of clay were promoted by alternating levels of EC, while SAR remained relatively constant, resulting in the formation of a less permeable layer in the Bt1 horizon. Clay dispersion (breakdown of micro-aggregate structure) was inferred from reduced numbers of pores and voids, alterations in colouring (an indication that iron has changed oxidation state) and increased bulk density (up to 30 %). Eleven years of irrigation changed the soil from a Calcic Palexeralf (non-irrigated) to an Aquic Natrixeralf (irrigated) (Soil Survey Staff, 1999). These results, combined with data from Chapter 4, were used to develop a mechanistic model of soil changes with irrigation. Chapters 6, 7 and 8 describe field experiments conducted in the Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale regions. This data shows seasonal and spatial variations in soil saturation extract properties ( EC [subscript se], SAR [subscript se], Na [subscipt se] and Ca [subscript se] ). At the Barossa Valley site (Chapter 6) non-irrigated soils had low EC [subscript se], SAR [subscript se], Na [subscript se] and Ca [subscript se] values throughout the sampling period. The irrigated treatments included eleven years of drip irrigation with saline water (2.5 dS / m) and also gypsum application at 0, 4 or 8 tonnes/hectare in 2001 and 2002. Salts in the profile increased with gypsum application rate, with high levels occurring midwinter 2002 prior to rainfall leaching salts. SAR has declined with gypsum application, particularly in the A horizon and at 100 cm from the dripper in the Bt1 horizon ; this has the potential to reflocculate clay particles and improve soil hydraulic conductivity. Chapter 7 presents further results from the Barossa Valley site, this treatment had been irrigated for 9 years with saline water (2.5 dS / m) prior to switching to a less saline water source (0.5 dS / m). The soil also received gypsum at 0, 4 or 8 tonnes / hectare in 2001 and 2002. It was found that the first few years are critical when switching to a less saline water source. EC declines rapidly, but SAR requires a number of years, depending on conditions, to decline, resulting in a period during which the Bt1 horizon may become dispersed. Gypsum application increased the EC [subscipt se] but not to the EC [subscript se] levels of soil irrigated with saline water. Chapter 8 examines soil chemical properties of a McLaren Vale vineyard, irrigated with moderately saline water (1.2 dS / m) since 1987 and treated with gypsum every second year since establishment. This practice prevented the SAR (< 8) rising and a large zone of the soil profile (20 to 100 cm from dripper) has a high calcium level (> 5 mmol / L). However, irrigation caused the leaching of calcium beneath the dripper in both the A and B horizons (0 to 20 cm from dripper) (< 4 mmol / L). Chapters 9 and 10 interpret and discuss results from continuous monitoring of redox potential (Eh) and soil solution composition in the Barossa Valley vineyard, irrigated with saline or non-saline water, and gypsum-treated at 0 and 4 tonnes / hectare. Soil pore water solution (Chapter 9) collected by suction cups is compared to results obtained in chapters 6 and 7. The soil has extended zones and times of high SAR and low EC. This was particularly evident in the upper B horizon, where the SAR of the soil remained stable throughout the year while the EC was more seasonally variable with EC declining during the winter months. The A horizon does not appear to be as susceptible to clay dispersion (compared to the B horizon) because during periods of low EC the SAR also declines, which may be due to the low CEC (low clay and organic matter content) of this horizon. Chapter 10 presents redox potentials (Eh) measured using platinum redox electrodes installed in the A, A2 and Bt1 horizons to examine whether Eh of the profile varies with irrigation water quality and gypsum application. Saline irrigation water caused the B horizon to become waterlogged in winter months, while less saline irrigation water caused a perched watertable to develop, due to a dispersed Bt1 horizon. Application of gypsum reduced the soil Eh particularly in the A2 horizon (+ 500 to + 50 mV) during winter. Thus redox potential can be influenced by irrigation water quality and gypsum applications. Chapter 11 incorporated site data from the Barossa Valley non-irrigated site into a predictive mathematical model, TRANSMIT, a 2D version of LEACHM. This model was used to predict zones of gypsum accumulation during long-term irrigation (67 years). When applied over the entire soil surface, gypsum accumulated at 60 to 90 cm from the dripper in the B horizon; higher application rates caused increased accumulation. When applied immediately beneath the irrigation dripper, gypsum accumulated in a 'column' under the dripper (at 0 to 35 cm radius from the dripper), with very little movement away from the dripper. Also, the zone of accumulation of salts from high and low salinity irrigation water was investigated. These regions were found to be similar, although concentrations were significantly lower with low salinity water. In low rainfall years salts accumulated throughout the B horizon (35 - 150 cm), while in periods of high rainfall (and leaching) the A, A2 and Bt1 horizons (0 - 60 cm) were leached, although at greater depths (80 - 150 cm) salt concentrations remained high. Chapter 12 summarises results and provides an understanding of soil processes in drip irrigated soils to underpin improved management options for viticulture. This study combines results from redox and soil solution monitoring, mineralogy, elemental gains and losses, and seasonal soil sampling to develop a mechanistic model of soil processes, which was combined with computer modelling to predict future properties of the soil. Major conclusions and recommendations of this study include : - Application of saline irrigation water to soil then ameliorated with gypsum - The first application of gypsum was leached by the subsequent irrigation from extended regions of the soil. As Na continues to enter the system via irrigation water, gypsum needs to be regularly applied. Otherwise calcium will be leached through the soil and SAR increases. - Application of non-saline irrigation water to soil then ameliorated with gypsum - The soil was found to only require one application at 8 tons / ha as this reduced SAR sufficiently. As less salt is entering the soil, subsequent gypsum applications can be at a lower rate or less frequently than required for saline irrigation water. - Gypsum applied directly beneath the dripper systems distributes calcium to a narrow region of the soil, while large regions of the soil require amelioration (high SAR) and are not receiving calcium. Therefore, gypsum application through the drip system or only beneath the dripper should be combined with broad acre application. - A range of methods to sample vineyards is recommended for duplex soils, including the use of saturation extracts, sampling time, sampling location (distance from dripper) and depth of sampling. This work is critical for vineyard management and may be applicable to other Australian viticulture regions with Red Brown Earths. / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2004.

Changes in properties of vineyard red brown earths under long - term drip irrigation, combined with varying water qualities and gypsum application rates

Clark, Louise Jayne January 2004 (has links)
Irrigation water of poor quality can have deleterious effects on soils. However, the effect of drip irrigation on seasonal and long term (e.g. over 50 years) changes in soil chemical properties is poorly understood, complicated by the two-dimensional water flow patterns beneath drippers. Field and laboratory experiments were conducted, along with computer modelling, to evaluate morphological and physio-chemical changes in a typical Barossa Valley Red Brown Earth (Palexeralf, Chromosol or Lixisol) when drip irrigated under various changing management practices. This work focused on the following two management changes : (i) switching from long-term irrigation with a saline source to less saline water and (ii) gypsum (CaSO₄) application. A literature review (Chapter 1) focuses on the distribution, features, properties and management of Red Brown Earths in the premium viticultural regions of the Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale, South Australia. The effects of irrigation method and water quality on the rate and extent of soil deterioration are emphasised. The review also discusses the irrigation of grapes (Vitis vinifera) and summarises previous research into the effect of sodicity and salinity on grape and wine characteristics. This chapter shows the importance of Red Brown Earths to Australian viticulture, but highlights their susceptibility to chemical and physical degradation. Degradation may be prevented or remediated by increasing organic matter levels, applying gypsum, modifying cropping and through tillage practices such as deep ripping. Chapter 2 provides general information on the two study sites investigated, one in the Barossa Valley and the other at McLaren Vale. Local climate, geology, geomorphology and soils are described. Chapter 3 details laboratory, field and sampling methods used to elucidate changes in soil chemical and physical properties following irrigation. The genesis of the non-irrigated Red Brown Earth in the Barossa Valley is described in Chapter 4, and is inferred from geochemical, soil chemical, layer silicate and carbonate mineralogical data. Elemental gain and loss calculations showed 42% of original parent material mass was lost during the formation of A and A2 horizons, while the Bt1 and Bt2 horizons gained 50% of original parent material mass. This is consistent with substrate weathering and illuviation of clay from surface to lower horizons. The depth distributions of all major elements were similar ; the A horizon contained lower amounts of major elements than the remainder of the profile, indicating this region was intensely weathered. This chapter also compares the non-irrigated site to the adjacent irrigated site (separated by 10 m) to determine if the sites are pedogenically identical and geochemical changes from irrigation. Many of the differences between the non-irrigated and irrigated sites appear to be correlated with variations in quartz, clay, Fe oxide and carbonate contents, with little geological variation between the sample sites. In Chapter 5 morphological, chemical and physical properties of a non-irrigated and irrigated Red Brown Earth in the Barossa Valley are compared. Alternating applications of saline irrigation water (in summer) and non-saline rain water (in winter) have caused an increase in electrical conductivity (EC [subscript se]), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), bulk density (ρ b) and pH. This has resulted in enhanced clay dispersion and migration. Impacts on SAR and ρ b are more pronounced at points away from the dripper due to the presence of an argillic horizon, which has greatly influenced the variations in these soil properties with depth and distance from the dripper. Dispersion and migration of clay were promoted by alternating levels of EC, while SAR remained relatively constant, resulting in the formation of a less permeable layer in the Bt1 horizon. Clay dispersion (breakdown of micro-aggregate structure) was inferred from reduced numbers of pores and voids, alterations in colouring (an indication that iron has changed oxidation state) and increased bulk density (up to 30 %). Eleven years of irrigation changed the soil from a Calcic Palexeralf (non-irrigated) to an Aquic Natrixeralf (irrigated) (Soil Survey Staff, 1999). These results, combined with data from Chapter 4, were used to develop a mechanistic model of soil changes with irrigation. Chapters 6, 7 and 8 describe field experiments conducted in the Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale regions. This data shows seasonal and spatial variations in soil saturation extract properties ( EC [subscript se], SAR [subscript se], Na [subscipt se] and Ca [subscript se] ). At the Barossa Valley site (Chapter 6) non-irrigated soils had low EC [subscript se], SAR [subscript se], Na [subscript se] and Ca [subscript se] values throughout the sampling period. The irrigated treatments included eleven years of drip irrigation with saline water (2.5 dS / m) and also gypsum application at 0, 4 or 8 tonnes/hectare in 2001 and 2002. Salts in the profile increased with gypsum application rate, with high levels occurring midwinter 2002 prior to rainfall leaching salts. SAR has declined with gypsum application, particularly in the A horizon and at 100 cm from the dripper in the Bt1 horizon ; this has the potential to reflocculate clay particles and improve soil hydraulic conductivity. Chapter 7 presents further results from the Barossa Valley site, this treatment had been irrigated for 9 years with saline water (2.5 dS / m) prior to switching to a less saline water source (0.5 dS / m). The soil also received gypsum at 0, 4 or 8 tonnes / hectare in 2001 and 2002. It was found that the first few years are critical when switching to a less saline water source. EC declines rapidly, but SAR requires a number of years, depending on conditions, to decline, resulting in a period during which the Bt1 horizon may become dispersed. Gypsum application increased the EC [subscipt se] but not to the EC [subscript se] levels of soil irrigated with saline water. Chapter 8 examines soil chemical properties of a McLaren Vale vineyard, irrigated with moderately saline water (1.2 dS / m) since 1987 and treated with gypsum every second year since establishment. This practice prevented the SAR (< 8) rising and a large zone of the soil profile (20 to 100 cm from dripper) has a high calcium level (> 5 mmol / L). However, irrigation caused the leaching of calcium beneath the dripper in both the A and B horizons (0 to 20 cm from dripper) (< 4 mmol / L). Chapters 9 and 10 interpret and discuss results from continuous monitoring of redox potential (Eh) and soil solution composition in the Barossa Valley vineyard, irrigated with saline or non-saline water, and gypsum-treated at 0 and 4 tonnes / hectare. Soil pore water solution (Chapter 9) collected by suction cups is compared to results obtained in chapters 6 and 7. The soil has extended zones and times of high SAR and low EC. This was particularly evident in the upper B horizon, where the SAR of the soil remained stable throughout the year while the EC was more seasonally variable with EC declining during the winter months. The A horizon does not appear to be as susceptible to clay dispersion (compared to the B horizon) because during periods of low EC the SAR also declines, which may be due to the low CEC (low clay and organic matter content) of this horizon. Chapter 10 presents redox potentials (Eh) measured using platinum redox electrodes installed in the A, A2 and Bt1 horizons to examine whether Eh of the profile varies with irrigation water quality and gypsum application. Saline irrigation water caused the B horizon to become waterlogged in winter months, while less saline irrigation water caused a perched watertable to develop, due to a dispersed Bt1 horizon. Application of gypsum reduced the soil Eh particularly in the A2 horizon (+ 500 to + 50 mV) during winter. Thus redox potential can be influenced by irrigation water quality and gypsum applications. Chapter 11 incorporated site data from the Barossa Valley non-irrigated site into a predictive mathematical model, TRANSMIT, a 2D version of LEACHM. This model was used to predict zones of gypsum accumulation during long-term irrigation (67 years). When applied over the entire soil surface, gypsum accumulated at 60 to 90 cm from the dripper in the B horizon; higher application rates caused increased accumulation. When applied immediately beneath the irrigation dripper, gypsum accumulated in a 'column' under the dripper (at 0 to 35 cm radius from the dripper), with very little movement away from the dripper. Also, the zone of accumulation of salts from high and low salinity irrigation water was investigated. These regions were found to be similar, although concentrations were significantly lower with low salinity water. In low rainfall years salts accumulated throughout the B horizon (35 - 150 cm), while in periods of high rainfall (and leaching) the A, A2 and Bt1 horizons (0 - 60 cm) were leached, although at greater depths (80 - 150 cm) salt concentrations remained high. Chapter 12 summarises results and provides an understanding of soil processes in drip irrigated soils to underpin improved management options for viticulture. This study combines results from redox and soil solution monitoring, mineralogy, elemental gains and losses, and seasonal soil sampling to develop a mechanistic model of soil processes, which was combined with computer modelling to predict future properties of the soil. Major conclusions and recommendations of this study include : - Application of saline irrigation water to soil then ameliorated with gypsum - The first application of gypsum was leached by the subsequent irrigation from extended regions of the soil. As Na continues to enter the system via irrigation water, gypsum needs to be regularly applied. Otherwise calcium will be leached through the soil and SAR increases. - Application of non-saline irrigation water to soil then ameliorated with gypsum - The soil was found to only require one application at 8 tons / ha as this reduced SAR sufficiently. As less salt is entering the soil, subsequent gypsum applications can be at a lower rate or less frequently than required for saline irrigation water. - Gypsum applied directly beneath the dripper systems distributes calcium to a narrow region of the soil, while large regions of the soil require amelioration (high SAR) and are not receiving calcium. Therefore, gypsum application through the drip system or only beneath the dripper should be combined with broad acre application. - A range of methods to sample vineyards is recommended for duplex soils, including the use of saturation extracts, sampling time, sampling location (distance from dripper) and depth of sampling. This work is critical for vineyard management and may be applicable to other Australian viticulture regions with Red Brown Earths. / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2004.

The effects of salinity and sodicity on soil organic carbon stocks and fluxes

Wong, Vanessa, u2514228@anu.edu.au January 2007 (has links)
Soil is the world’s largest terrestrial carbon (C) sink, and is estimated to contain approximately 1600 Pg of carbon to a depth of one metre. The distribution of soil organic C (SOC) largely follows gradients similar to biomass accumulation, increasing with increasing precipitation and decreasing temperature. As a result, SOC levels are a function of inputs, dominated by plant litter contributions and rhizodeposition, and losses such as leaching, erosion and heterotrophic respiration. Therefore, changes in biomass inputs, or organic matter accumulation, will most likely also alter these levels in soils. Although the soil microbial biomass (SMB) only comprises 1-5% of soil organic matter (SOM), it is critical in organic matter decomposition and can provide an early indicator of SOM dynamics as a whole due to its faster turnover time, and hence, can be used to determine soil C dynamics under changing environmental conditions.¶ Approximately 932 million ha of land worldwide are degraded due to salinity and sodicity, usually coinciding with land available for agriculture, with salinity affecting 23% of arable land while saline-sodic soils affect a further 10%. Soils affected by salinity, that is, those soils high in soluble salts, are characterised by rising watertables and waterlogging of lower-lying areas in the landscape. Sodic soils are high in exchangeable sodium, and slake and disperse upon wetting to form massive hardsetting structures. Upon drying, sodic soils suffer from poor soil-water relations largely related to decreased permeability, low infiltration capacity and the formation of surface crusts. In these degraded areas, SOC levels are likely to be affected by declining vegetation health and hence, decreasing biomass inputs and concomitant lower levels of organic matter accumulation. Moreover, potential SOC losses can also be affected from dispersed aggregates due to sodicity and solubilisation of SOM due to salinity. However, few studies are available that unambiguously demonstrate the effect of increasing salinity and sodicity on C dynamics. This thesis describes a range of laboratory and field investigations on the effects of salinity and sodicity on SOC dynamics.¶ In this research, the effects of a range of salinity and sodicity levels on C dynamics were determined by subjecting a vegetated soil from Bevendale, New South Wales (NSW) to one of six treatments. A low, mid or high salinity solution (EC 0.5, 10 or 30 dS/m) combined with a low or high sodicity solution (SAR 1 or 30) in a factorial design was leached through a non-degraded soil in a controlled environment. Soil respiration and the SMB were measured over a 12-week experimental period. The greatest increases in SMB occurred in treatments of high-salinity high-sodicity, and high-salinity low-sodicity. This was attributed to solubilisation of SOM which provided additional substrate for decomposition for the microbial population. Thus, as salinity and sodicity increase in the field, soil C is likely to be rapidly lost as a result of increased mineralisation.¶ Gypsum is the most commonly-used ameliorant in the rehabilitation of sodic and saline-sodic soils affected by adverse soil environmental conditions. When soils were sampled from two sodic profiles in salt-scalded areas at Bevendale and Young, SMB levels and soil respiration rates measured in the laboratory were found to be low in the sodic soil compared to normal non-degraded soils. When the sodic soils were treated with gypsum, there was no change in the SMB and respiration rates. The low levels of SMB and respiration rates were due to low SOC levels as a result of little or no C input into the soils of these highly degraded landscapes, as the high salinity and high sodicity levels have resulted in vegetation death. However, following the addition of organic material to the scalded soils, in the form of coarsely-ground kangaroo grass, SMB levels and respiration rates increased to levels greater than those found in the non-degraded soil. The addition of gypsum (with organic material) gave no additional increases in the SMB.¶ The level of SOC stocks in salt-scalded, vegetated and revegetated profiles was also determined, so that the amount of SOC lost due to salinisation and sodication, and the increase in SOC following revegetation relative to the amount of SOC in a vegetated profile could be ascertained. Results showed up to three times less SOC in salt-scalded profiles compared to vegetated profiles under native pasture, while revegetation of formerly scalded areas with introduced pasture displayed SOC levels comparable to those under native pasture to a depth of 30 cm. However, SOC stocks can be underestimated in saline and sodic landscapes by setting the lower boundary at 30 cm due to the presence of waterlogging, which commonly occurs at a depth greater than 30 cm in saline and sodic landscapes as a result of the presence of high or perched watertables. These results indicate that successful revegetation of scalded areas has the potential to accumulate SOC stocks similar to those found prior to degradation.¶ The experimental results from this project indicate that in salt-affected landscapes, initial increases in salinity and sodicity result in rapid C mineralisation. Biomass inputs also decrease due to declining vegetation health, followed by further losses as a result of leaching and erosion. The remaining native SOM is then mineralised, until very low SOC stocks remain. However, the C sequestration potential in these degraded areas is high, particularly if rehabilitation efforts are successful in reducing salinity and sodicity. Soil ecosystem functions can then be restored if organic material is available as C stock and for decomposition in the form of either added organic material or inputs from vegetation when these salt-affected landscapes are revegetated.

Recycled organic products to reduce the negative impact of salinity and sodicity on acidic soil properties and plant growth

Raue, Judith Doris January 2008 (has links)
Salt affected soils and their effects on land and water resources have been identified as one of the most severe environmental problems facing Australia. This current study focused on the incorporation of recycled organic products (RO) into an acidic saline soil that had been irrigated with an industrial effluent (IE), specifically to investigate the potential for these organics to be used in rehabilitation. Compost incorporated into the acidic saline soil was able to raise pH to more favourable levels required for plant growth (pH 6 – 7.5). Plant growth was however dependent on the input material of the compost as well as the irrigation scheme. The soils amended with this compost generally showed higher and more rapid microbial activity, measured by CO2 emissions, in all amendment rates than the plant derived compost. Overall it could be concluded that the application of RO on saline soils improved the establishment and growth of plants and alleviated to some degree the negative effects of IE. However great care should be taken at the selection of the input material, as high rates of ammonium, calcium and other soluble salts can increase the EC of an amended soil further.

An investigation into modification of the engineering properties of salt affected soils using electrokinetics

Jayasekera, Samudra January 2008 (has links)
Soil salinity (due to ingress of excess amounts of dissolved salts in soil pores) and soil sodicity (due to excess amounts of sodium ions attached to the clay surface) are significant forms of land degradation in many parts of the world in particular in arid and semi arid regions. In Australia, soil salinity has long been identified as the major form of land degradation and the greatest environmental threat. Saline soils cover almost 6% of Australia’s land mass and impose severe threats on agricultural productivity and built infrastructure with an estimated annual loss of $250 million. In recent years, ‘soil sodicity’ is recognised as a far more significant form of land degradation and a severe environmental problem both in terms of affected land area and impact on the environment than is salinity as a problem in Australia. One third of Australian land mass is occupied by sodic soils costing an estimated $2 billion each year in lost production alone, with further significant impacts on the economy due to extensive damage to infrastructure facilities and the environment. [...] / Doctor of Philosophy

Soil conditions and early crop growth after repeated manure applications

Japp, Mitchell Thomas 31 July 2007
Development of the swine and cattle industries has led to an increase of manure application to agricultural lands in Saskatchewan. Studies have been conducted to determine the nutrient benefits of swine manure application. However, a need was also identified for information on the effects of manure application on soil physical and chemical properties. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of repeated applications of manure on soil physical and chemical properties and to relate those effects to early plant growth and development.<p>Four experimental sites were used, representing the Dark Brown (Plenty), Brown (Riverhurst irrigated), Black (Dixon) and Gray (Melfort) Soil Zones of Saskatchewan, where liquid swine manure had been applied for four to seven years. At each site, treatments were 1) a control treatment, 2) a nitrogen based agronomic rate of manure application, 3) a high rate of manure application (2-4x the agronomic rate) and 4) a urea fertilizer treatment. At the Dixon site, the same two manure treatments with cattle manure were also examined.<p>Soil strength, as determined by penetration resistance measurements and barley (<i>Hordeum vulgare</i>) emergence were measured at two experimental sites (swine and cattle manure trials at Dixon, SK) in a field study. Penetration resistance was measured at 5, 10, 15 and 20 cm depths, 20, 39 and 123 days after seeding using a recording cone penetrograph. Twenty days after seeding, there were no significant differences among treatments at the 10, 15 and 20 cm depths. But, at the 5 cm depth, the control treatment had soil strength 0.11 MPa lower than the two manure rates. The manure treatments were not significantly different from the urea treatment. Thirty-nine days after seeding, the soil strength of the low rate manure treatment was 1.1 MPa greater than the control at the 10 cm depth, but not significantly different from the urea treatment. One hundred and twenty three days after seeding, the control treatment had greater soil strength than the high rate of manure at 5 and 10 cm depths by 0.28 and 0.71 MPa respectively. At the 20 cm depth, the high rate of manure had the greatest soil strength. Barley emergence on the two manured treatments did not differ significantly from the control. Aggregate size was measured in field samples collected from all sites. Aggregate size for the manured treatments did not differ from the control at any site.<p>Soil crust strength, flax emergence, infiltration rate, salinity, sodicity, coefficient of linear extensibility (COLE) and modulus of rupture were measured under controlled conditions in intact cores of soil removed from all five experimental sites. All soils were treated with a simulated rainfall from a Guelph Rainfall Simulator II. Following the simulated rainfall, crust strength was measured with a hand-held penetrometer. Soil crust strength was measured daily for 10 days as the cores dried. Repeated applications of liquid swine manure at either low or high rates decreased soil strength in the Plenty, Riverhurst and Melfort soils, and increased soil strength in the Dixon soil. Repeated applications of liquid swine manure at low rates caused flax emergence to decrease for the Riverhurst soil compared to its control and had no significant effect at the other sites. There were no notable differences in infiltration rates among treatments. Repeated applications of liquid swine manure caused salinity (EC) to increase slightly for the Plenty and Riverhurst soils, and sodicity (ESP) to increase slightly for the Melfort and Dixon soils relative to their control. The COLE and modulus of rupture measurements indicated no significant effects and were inconclusive due to difficulties in measurement. <p>None of the properties measured in any of the treatments exceeded threshold values for soil productivity, or where plant injury might be considered an issue. It is concluded that repeated (four to seven) annual applications of liquid swine or cattle manure would not cause any large alterations in soil strength, aggregation, infiltration, salinity, or sodicity that would affect early plant growth and development. This was supported by field and lab measurements of emergence that showed limited effect.

Soil conditions and early crop growth after repeated manure applications

Japp, Mitchell Thomas 31 July 2007 (has links)
Development of the swine and cattle industries has led to an increase of manure application to agricultural lands in Saskatchewan. Studies have been conducted to determine the nutrient benefits of swine manure application. However, a need was also identified for information on the effects of manure application on soil physical and chemical properties. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of repeated applications of manure on soil physical and chemical properties and to relate those effects to early plant growth and development.<p>Four experimental sites were used, representing the Dark Brown (Plenty), Brown (Riverhurst irrigated), Black (Dixon) and Gray (Melfort) Soil Zones of Saskatchewan, where liquid swine manure had been applied for four to seven years. At each site, treatments were 1) a control treatment, 2) a nitrogen based agronomic rate of manure application, 3) a high rate of manure application (2-4x the agronomic rate) and 4) a urea fertilizer treatment. At the Dixon site, the same two manure treatments with cattle manure were also examined.<p>Soil strength, as determined by penetration resistance measurements and barley (<i>Hordeum vulgare</i>) emergence were measured at two experimental sites (swine and cattle manure trials at Dixon, SK) in a field study. Penetration resistance was measured at 5, 10, 15 and 20 cm depths, 20, 39 and 123 days after seeding using a recording cone penetrograph. Twenty days after seeding, there were no significant differences among treatments at the 10, 15 and 20 cm depths. But, at the 5 cm depth, the control treatment had soil strength 0.11 MPa lower than the two manure rates. The manure treatments were not significantly different from the urea treatment. Thirty-nine days after seeding, the soil strength of the low rate manure treatment was 1.1 MPa greater than the control at the 10 cm depth, but not significantly different from the urea treatment. One hundred and twenty three days after seeding, the control treatment had greater soil strength than the high rate of manure at 5 and 10 cm depths by 0.28 and 0.71 MPa respectively. At the 20 cm depth, the high rate of manure had the greatest soil strength. Barley emergence on the two manured treatments did not differ significantly from the control. Aggregate size was measured in field samples collected from all sites. Aggregate size for the manured treatments did not differ from the control at any site.<p>Soil crust strength, flax emergence, infiltration rate, salinity, sodicity, coefficient of linear extensibility (COLE) and modulus of rupture were measured under controlled conditions in intact cores of soil removed from all five experimental sites. All soils were treated with a simulated rainfall from a Guelph Rainfall Simulator II. Following the simulated rainfall, crust strength was measured with a hand-held penetrometer. Soil crust strength was measured daily for 10 days as the cores dried. Repeated applications of liquid swine manure at either low or high rates decreased soil strength in the Plenty, Riverhurst and Melfort soils, and increased soil strength in the Dixon soil. Repeated applications of liquid swine manure at low rates caused flax emergence to decrease for the Riverhurst soil compared to its control and had no significant effect at the other sites. There were no notable differences in infiltration rates among treatments. Repeated applications of liquid swine manure caused salinity (EC) to increase slightly for the Plenty and Riverhurst soils, and sodicity (ESP) to increase slightly for the Melfort and Dixon soils relative to their control. The COLE and modulus of rupture measurements indicated no significant effects and were inconclusive due to difficulties in measurement. <p>None of the properties measured in any of the treatments exceeded threshold values for soil productivity, or where plant injury might be considered an issue. It is concluded that repeated (four to seven) annual applications of liquid swine or cattle manure would not cause any large alterations in soil strength, aggregation, infiltration, salinity, or sodicity that would affect early plant growth and development. This was supported by field and lab measurements of emergence that showed limited effect.

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