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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Numerical Investigation for Slope Stability of Expansive Soils and Large Strain Consolidation of Soft Soils

Qi, Shunchao January 2017 (has links)
Several geotechnical processes can only be reliably interpreted by taking account of the soil-atmosphere interactions. This thesis investigates two geotechnical problems involving soil-atmosphere interactions that drive water flow through the soil skeleton in two opposite directions; Problem 1: slope failure in expansive soils induced by water infiltration, Problem 2: large strain consolidation of soft soils induced by water evaporation. Both problems are of practical interest for safe and economical design of various geotechnical infrastructures. Two major geotechnical activities in the world; namely, the construction of water transfer canal in expansive soil area in China and the deposition of oil sands and hard rock tailings in Canada can be cited as classic examples of Problems 1 and 2, respectively. In such problems, substantial zones of the domain may switch between an unsaturated and saturated condition. Therefore, rational analysis requires simultaneous modelling of both unsaturated and saturated soil behaviour. The first goal of this thesis is to investigate the influence of swelling (the most characteristic behaviour of expansive soils) on slope stability using numerical methods. Swelling of expansive soils contributes to slope instability during rainfall because of two key reasons (i) soil swelling affects the flow process that actually induces swelling, (i.e. a typical coupling phenomenon), and (ii) swelling-induced stress redistribution and displacement development. In this thesis, the first effect is studied by a coupled (mechanical-hydraulic) numerical analysis of the response of a slope to rainfall using commercial software (GeoSlope). The second effect, the swelling-induced stress redistribution and displacement development after wetting, is tracked using a newly developed numerical program. In the program strain softening behaviour is introduced into the elasto-plastic Mohr-Coulomb Model for modelling unsaturated soil. A novel stress (net stress and suction)-dependent model for moduli of elasticity, combined with the predictive model for shear strength based on Soil Water Retention Behaviour are incorporated into the numerical program to achieve a smooth transition between saturated and unsaturated states. The results show that soil swelling can decrease the factor of safety by accelerating the wetting front depth due to hydro-mechanical coupling, while changes of sliding mass geometry has a negligible influence. The change of stress regime associated with soil swelling is significant to induce plastic strain softening (swelling-induced softening) and contribute to the slope failures. The second goal of thesis is to develop a novel computer program for simulation of large strain consolidation of soft soil under both self-weight and evaporation conditions. This program is both theoretically sound and practically applicable. Several basic/advanced constitutive models for unsaturated soils, including State Surface Model (SSM), Barcelona Basic model (BBM), Glasgow Coupled model (GCM) and bounding surface water retention model, are innovatively implemented into a piece-wise linear framework solved using finite difference technique. The developed program is referred to as UNSATCON-(ML), which has been tested using (a) existing analytical/numerical solutions and (b) various laboratory and field studies for single-layer and multiple-layer deposition of hard rock and oil sands tailings. Features of UNSATCON-(ML) that are improvements over existing models typically used to analyze consolidation-desiccation in soft soils include: (i) coupling of soil large deformation with true unsaturated water flow; (ii) correct reproduction of the shrinkage behaviour of soil under evaporation-induced desiccation; (iii) smooth transition between saturated and unsaturated states despite that some selected models are established using two independent stress variables, (iv) ensuring strictly mass conservation of water, and (v) simulation of irrecoverable volume change and hydraulic hysteresis to properly analyze multilayer tailings deposition. A number of hypothetical field case analyses are carried out using UNSATCON-ML, illustrating its applicability to industry.


19 February 2016 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo do presente trabalho é estudar a compressibilidade de um aterro de grandes dimensões construído há 18 anos na Barra da Tijuca (Rio de Janeiro) sobre de solo extremamente mole com aproximadamente 4 metros de espessura, onde foram observados recalques pós-construtivos de grande magnitude. A espessura constante do aterro e pouca variabilidade de espessura da camada mole envolvida permitem assumir condições de compressão próximas da unidimensional. Para o estudo, foi instalada instrumentação para medição de recalques por nivelamento geométrico de precisão. Um procedimento específico foi desenvolvido para possibilitar a medição de baixíssimas variações no desnível. Esse acompanhamento transcorreu por um período de 21 meses e mostrou que o aterro lançado 18 anos atrás continua em compressão. Foi realizada, também, uma campanha de ensaios de campo, contemplando CPTu (piezocone), dissipação e palheta, ensaios de caracterização completa em laboratório, incluindo ensaios químicos e mineralógicos, e ensaios oedométricos de longa duração em amostras indeformadas tipo Shelby. Por fim, com base em todas essas informações, procurou-se estimar os recalques ainda por ocorrer, especulando, ao final, sobre o tempo necessário para a estabilização dos recalques. / [en] The aim of this work is to study the compressibility of a large dimension embankment built 18 years ago at Barra da Tijuca (Rio de Janeiro) over a layer of extremely soft soil with thickness of about 4 meters, where large post-constructive settlements were observed. The constant thickness of the embankment and the low variability of the soft soil thickness allow one dimensional condition to be assumed. Geotechnical instrumentation has been installed for monitoring settlements by optical levelling. A specific procedure has been developed which allows measurement of very small settlement changes. Monitoring took place over 21 months and showed that the embankment built 18 years ago is still settling. Field tests have been carried out comprising CPTu with dissipation, vane shear test. Characterization tests, including chemical and mineralogical, and oedometric consolidation long term tests on undisturbed Shelby tube samples have also been carried out. Based on the collected data, an attempt at forecasting future settlements has been carried out including speculations about the time needed for the stabilization of the settlements.


21 August 2018 (has links)
[pt] O uso da sobrecarga a vácuo como um método eficiente no tratamento de solo mole é discutido através de ensaios de laboratório, usando solo indeformado. As características do adensamento a vácuo foram investigadas em laboratório através de ensaios edométricos, comparando carregamento com uso de vácuo ou carga convencional. Foram realizados ensaios na câmara triaxial, comparando o uso da pressão de vácuo e pressão atmosférica. Os resultados indicam que: (1) Os resultados dos ensaios edométricos sugerem que a aplicação de vácuo funciona de maneira equivalente ao incremento de carga convencional e induz a valores de recalques maiores quando comparado com a aplicação de uma carga convencional de mesma magnitude. (2) A partir dos resultados dos ensaios triaxiais, verificou-se que o uso da pressão de vácuo acelera a dissipação da poropressão quando comparado ao adensamento com a ação da pressão atmosférica. (3) As características de adensamento do solo não mostram discriminação contra a natureza da pressão de pré-adensamento, se são sob condições de pressão de vácuo, pressão atmosférica ou carregamento convencional. / [en] The use of vacuum surcharge as an effective technique in the treatment of soft soil is discussed in analysis in laboratory behavior. Laboratoy tests using undisturbed soil were performed to investigate the use of the technique. The characteristics of the vacuum consolidation were studied in the laboratory by oedometer tests comparing loading with the use of vacuum or conventional load. Tests were performed in triaxial chamber comparing the use of vacuum pressure and atmospheric pressure. The results indicate that: (1) The test results of oedometer test indicate that vacuum application operates in a manner equivalent to the conventional incremental load and induces the largest values of settlement when compared with the conventional application of a load of the same magnitude. (2) The results of the triaxial tests, it was found that the use of vacuum pressure accelerates the dissipation of pore pressure when compared with the action of atmospheric pressure. (3) The consolidation characteristics of the soil show no discrimination against the nature of the consolidation pressure, whether they are consolidated under vacuum pressure, atmospheric pressure or loading conventional.


06 February 2019 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo analisa o caso de um aterro experimental construído em escala real ao lado de um estaqueamento, em um terreno composto por uma espessa camada de argila mole, situado na baixada de Jacarepaguá, Rio de Janeiro. No local do aterro, foi realizada uma vasta investigação geotécnica e um monitoramento composto por placas de recalque, piezômetros e inclinômetros instalados ao longo da profundidade do terreno e das estacas adjacentes ao aterro. O movimento horizontal do solo na extremidade do aterro devido à natureza assimétrica do carregamento gera esforços ao longo da profundidade das estacas instaladas na adjacência dessa sobrecarga. Esse fenômeno, conhecido na literatura brasileira como Efeito Tschebotarioff é influenciado por diversos fatores, entre eles pelo adensamento do solo, pelo efeito de grupo e pela distância do estaqueamento em relação à base do aterro, cujas análises de suas influências fazem parte do objetivo desse trabalho. A influência do adensamento no desenvolvimento dos deslocamentos horizontais em profundidade foi analisada com base nos resultados obtidos por meio da instrumentação de campo. Já as influências do efeito de grupo e da distância do estaqueamento em relação à base do aterro foram analisadas por meio de uma análise numérica bidimensional utilizando o programa Plaxis 2D. Os resultados da instrumentação mostraram que a razão entre os deslocamentos horizontais máximos e os recalques é de cerca de 0,16 ao longo de todo o alteamento do aterro. Com relação à modelagem numérica, seus resultados mostraram que o efeito de grupo pode reduzir os deslocamentos horizontais nas estacas traseiras em cerca de 14 por cento e os momentos fletores em até 58 por cento. Além disso, foi observado que os deslocamentos horizontais e esforços nas estacas somente podem ser considerados desprezíveis a partir de distâncias correspondentes a cerca de 2,5 vezes a espessura de solo mole. / [en] This study analyzes the case of an experimental embankment constructed in real scale alongside a pile group in a field composed of a thick layer of soft clay, located in the lowland of Jacarepaguá, Rio de Janeiro. The monitoring of the experiment was composed by settlement plates, piezometers and inclinometers installed throughout the depth of the ground and piles adjacent to the embankment. The horizontal movement of the soil at the border of the embankment generates stresses along the depth of the piles installed adjacent to the surcharge due to the asymmetric nature of this load. This phenomenon, known in the Brazilian literature as the Tschebotarioff Effect, is influenced by several factors. In this work, the influence factors that were studied are the soil consolidation, the group effect and the distance of the piles from the base of the embankment. The influence of the consolidation on the development of deep horizontal displacements was analyzed based on the results obtained through field instrumentation. On the other hand, the influence of the group effect and the distance of the piles from the embankment base were analyzed using a two-dimensional numerical analysis in the Plaxis 2D program. The results of the instrumentation showed that the ratio between the maximum horizontal displacements and the settlements is around 0,16 throughout the entire embankment elevation. Regarding numerical modeling, their results showed that the group effect can reduce horizontal displacements in the rear piles by around 14 per cent and the bending moments by up to 58 per cent. In addition, it has been observed that horizontal displacements and stresses on the piles can only be considered negligible from distances corresponding to about 2.5 times the soft soil thickness.


MIRYAN YUMI SAKAMOTO 26 June 2023 (has links)
[pt] Na presente pesquisa, foi realizada a interpretação de comportamento da obra de reforço em um dique de contenção para resíduos de mineração construído sobre solos moles. Foram definidos o perfil geotécnico e as etapas de alteamento a serem analisadas pelo método de elementos finitos, no software Plaxis 2D. Para definição dos parâmetros, foram interpretados ensaios de campo e laboratório, sendo que nos ensaios de laboratório em que as curvas eram conhecidas, foi possível aplicar a otimização de parâmetros com a simulação de ensaios em uma extensão do Plaxis (Soil test). No caso dos solos silto arenosos e dos materiais de aterro, as interpretações foram feitas com o modelo Hardening Soil Model. Já para as camadas argilosas, foram simulados cinco diferentes cenários com os modelos: Soft Soil Creep, Hardening Soil e Mohr Coulomb com parâmetros de resistência efetivos e Hardening Soil e Mohr Coulomb com resistência não drenada. Os resultados de deslocamentos foram comparados entre si e com os dados do monitoramento de campo. Para análise da estabilidade os cinco cenários foram comparados entre si e com os resultados de uma análise convencional com equilíbrio limite em termos de tensões totais. Foi realizada também a aplicação do Método dos Volumes Deslocados como uma forma de verificar sua adequação para acompanhamento in situ da estabilidade da obra em cada etapa construtiva. / [en] In this present research, it was done an interpretation of the reinforcement work s behavior in a containment dike/dam for mining waste built on soft soils. It was defined the geotechnical profile and the heightening steps to be performed using the finite element method in the Plaxis 2D software. To define the parameters, the field and laboratory tests were interpreted, and in the laboratory tests in which the curvatures were known, it was possible to apply parameters with the simulation of tests in an extension of Plaxis (Soil test). In the case of sandy silt soils and embankments materials, as was done with the Hardening Soil Model. For the clay layers, five different scenarios were simulated with the models: Soft Soil, Hardening Soil and Mohr Coulomb with effective strength parameters and Hardening Soil and Mohr Coulomb with undrained strength parameters. The displacement results were compared with each other and with field monitoring data. For the stability analysis the five scenarios were analyzed among themselves and with the results of a conventional analysis with limit equilibrium in terms of total strength. Also the application of the Displaced Volumes Method as a way of verifying its suitability to in situ monitoring of the stability of the work at each constructive stage.


FERNANDO DUARTE AZEVEDO 28 October 2015 (has links)
[pt] O acompanhamento dos recalques de aterros, por meio de nivelamento topográfico periódico, permite estimar a evolução dos mesmos, bem como retroanalisar os parâmetros adotados em determinado projeto. Neste trabalho, recalques foram medidos em um aterro experimental sobre um depósito com 12 m de espessura de solos moles em Camboinhas, Niteroi (RJ), construído entre o final de 1977 e o início de 1978. O aterro serviu como modelo em escala real para a realização de estudos geotécnicos diversos na PUC-Rio, auxiliando o projeto de um empreendimento imobiliário da época. A obra foi embargada pouco tempo após seu início e, desde então, nenhum empreendimento foi realizado. Em 2013, novas amostras Shelby foram extraídas, para a realização dos ensaios de laboratório desta pesquisa. Ensaios de campo também foram realizados. Verificou-se que os recalques causados pela construção do aterro ainda estão ocorrendo, 37 anos após sua execução. Compararam-se, também, os valores de OCR de laboratório com os obtidos por meio de correlações empíricas com os resultados de campo. Por fim, foram feitas previsões da evolução do recalque médio com o tempo e da magnitude do valor total médio. / [en] Monitoring of embankment settlements using periodic topographic leveling allows one to preview their evolution, and to assess the parameters used in a specific design. In this research, settlements of an experimental embankment constructed between the end of 1977 and the beginning of 1978, over a 12 m thick soft soils deposit in Camboinhas, Niteroi (RJ), were monitored. At that time, the embankment served as large model to help designing of a commercial housing development. The work was hampered shortly after the end of embankment s construction and, since then, no enterprise was held. In 2013, in this research, new Shelby samples were obtained in order to carry out series of laboratory tests. Settlements due to the embankment construction were noted to be still progressing. Also, OCR values from laboratory tests were compared to those empirically evaluated from field results. Finally, the magnitude of total settlement and its progress with time were estimated.

Viscoplastic modelling of embankments on soft soils

Manivannan, Ganeshalingam, Aerospace, Civil & Mechanical Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
A major instrumented geosynthetic reinforced approach embankment was constructed to 5.5 m elevation above ground, with prefabricated vertical drains, over a soft compressible clay deposit at Leneghan, Newcastle, Australia in May 1995. The field monitoring of settlements for over six years shows that the embankment manifests significant creep. The instrumentation, field performance and the finite element analyses for predicting the long-term performance of this embankment are described in this thesis. The maximum settlement of 1.1 m was observed one year after the completion of construction. However, the embankment continued to settle at a rate of 0.4 mm/day for the next 5 years. The horizontal displacements of 0.09-0.14 m at various locations and the maximum reinforcement strains of 0.67% were recorded. A numerical model was developed to perform a fully coupled large deformation elasto-viscoplastic finite element analysis for this performance prediction based on creep model proposed by Kutter and Sathialingam (1992). The foundation soil was modelled with creep material behaviour using six noded linear strain triangular elements. A well-documented case history ??? Sackville embankment, New Brunswick, Canada was analysed using this model as a benchmark problem and the model was found to predict all the behaviour characteristics reasonably well. The results obtained from finite element analysis using this model are shown to be in reasonable agreement with the observed performance of Leneghans embankment in terms of settlements, horizontal displacements, excess pore pressures and geosynthetic strains. But, the prediction of settlements was less than satisfactory beyond April 1999. Finite element analyses were performed to study the sensitivity of this embankment behaviour on the variation of hydraulic conductivity values and geosynthetic reinforcement properties. This sensitivity study indicated that the kv variation, the kh/kv ratio and the nominal values of geosynthetic properties adopted in the benchmark analysis are reasonable enough for the long-term behaviour prediction.

Viscoplastic modelling of embankments on soft soils

Manivannan, Ganeshalingam, Aerospace, Civil & Mechanical Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
A major instrumented geosynthetic reinforced approach embankment was constructed to 5.5 m elevation above ground, with prefabricated vertical drains, over a soft compressible clay deposit at Leneghan, Newcastle, Australia in May 1995. The field monitoring of settlements for over six years shows that the embankment manifests significant creep. The instrumentation, field performance and the finite element analyses for predicting the long-term performance of this embankment are described in this thesis. The maximum settlement of 1.1 m was observed one year after the completion of construction. However, the embankment continued to settle at a rate of 0.4 mm/day for the next 5 years. The horizontal displacements of 0.09-0.14 m at various locations and the maximum reinforcement strains of 0.67% were recorded. A numerical model was developed to perform a fully coupled large deformation elasto-viscoplastic finite element analysis for this performance prediction based on creep model proposed by Kutter and Sathialingam (1992). The foundation soil was modelled with creep material behaviour using six noded linear strain triangular elements. A well-documented case history ??? Sackville embankment, New Brunswick, Canada was analysed using this model as a benchmark problem and the model was found to predict all the behaviour characteristics reasonably well. The results obtained from finite element analysis using this model are shown to be in reasonable agreement with the observed performance of Leneghans embankment in terms of settlements, horizontal displacements, excess pore pressures and geosynthetic strains. But, the prediction of settlements was less than satisfactory beyond April 1999. Finite element analyses were performed to study the sensitivity of this embankment behaviour on the variation of hydraulic conductivity values and geosynthetic reinforcement properties. This sensitivity study indicated that the kv variation, the kh/kv ratio and the nominal values of geosynthetic properties adopted in the benchmark analysis are reasonable enough for the long-term behaviour prediction.


06 February 2019 (has links)
[pt] Um grande movimento de massa ocorrido em 28 de Março de 2013 no Porto de Santana, na região da foz do Rio Amazonas, no Amapá, motivou o estudo das características de compressibilidade de argilas moles a partir do material reconstituído. Os solos naturais diferem dos solos reconstituídos devido à influência da micro e macroestrutura. O conceito de linha de compressão intrínseca (ICL) proposto por Burland (1990) permite uma avaliação quantitativa da diferença no comportamento de compressão do solo nestas duas condições. Neste estudo, são analisados dois depósitos de solo mole da costa brasileira (Tijucas, SC e Porto de Santana, AP) e uma mistura artificial obtida em laboratório com caulim e bentonita na proporção de 98:2 em peso. Um total de 8 amostras são reconstituídas com teor de umidade igual a 1,25 vezes o limite de liquidez e submetidas a ensaios convencionais de adensamento (SIC - standard incremental consolidation tests). As curvas de adensamento das amostras reconstituídas apresentam boa concordância com a ICL proposta por Burland (1990), principalmente no intervalo de tensões de 100 a 1.000kPa. As análises evidenciam a presença de estrutura do solo natural, sendo encontrada uma maior influência nas argilas do Porto de Santana, as quais apresentam índice de vazios normalizado (Iv) de até 1,85. As correlações empíricas para obtenção dos parâmetros intrínsecos de compressibilidade e100 e Cc propostas por Burland (1990) não apresentaram bons ajustes para os resultados experimentais aqui reportados. / [en] A large mass movement occurred on March 28, 2013 at the Port of Santana, in the region of the mouth of the Amazon River in Amapá, motivated the study of compressibility characteristics of soft clays from the reconstituted material. Natural soils differ from reconstituted soils due to the influence of micro and macrostructure. The concept of the intrinsic compression line (ICL) proposed by Burland (1990) allows a quantitative evaluation of the difference in soil compression behavior in these two conditions. In this study, two soft clay deposits of the Brazilian coast (Tijucas, SC and Porto de Santana, AP) were analyzed and an artificial mixture made in the laboratory with kaolin and bentonite in the proportion of 98: 2 by weight. A total of 8 samples are reconstituted with moisture content equal to 1.25 times the liquid limit and subjected to conventional consolidation tests (SIC - standard incremental consolidation tests). The consolidation curves of the reconstituted samples show good agreement with the ICL proposed by Burland (1990), especially in the stress range of 100 to 1,000 kPa. The analyzes show the presence of natural soil structure, with a higher influence in the Santana Port clays which have a normalized void index (Iv) up to 1.85. The empirical correlations to obtain the intrinsic parameters of compressibility e 100 and Cc proposed by Burland (1990) did not present good adjustments for the experimental results here reported.

Role of Composition, Structure and Physico-Chemical Environment on Stabilisation of Kuttanad Soil

Suganya, K January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Soft soil deposits of coastal regions and lowland areas pose many geotechnical problems but it is indispensable to utilize these grounds to meet the growing demand for infrastructure with ever increasing urbanization and industrial development. Soft soils are generally associated with high compressibility and low strength characteristics which augment the risk of huge settlements and foundation failure. It is essential to understand the complex behaviour of the ground consisting of soft clays as construction and maintenance of infrastructure in these areas is challenging. Marine sediments mostly possess open microstructure irrespective of the differences in their mineral composition and sedimentation environment. Also this particular microstructure in marine sediments is generally accompanied by the presence of a great amount of organic residues and fragments of marine organisms. Formation of pyrite is also possible because of the presence of decomposable organic matter, dissolved sulfate and reactive iron minerals. These soils due to their inherent mineralogy and microstructure have high void ratios and consequently high water holding capacity which explains the reason for their low shear strength and high compressibility characteristics. And often the formation environment is conducive for incorporation of organic content in the soft clay deposits which further aggravates the problem. A complete characterization of the soil can enhance the understanding of soil behavior and therefore can play a crucial role in suggesting suitable and sustainable ground improvement method. Soft clay deposits of Kuttanad area in Kerala, India extending to varying depths below the ground level, present a challenge as a foundation soil due to low bearing capacity and high settlement. Geologically Kuttanad is considered as a recent sedimentary formation. In the geological past, the entire area was a part of the Arabian Sea. Presently Kuttanad area covers an area of about 1,100 km2. Many intriguing reports of distresses to structures founded on this soil are available. An over view of specific characteristics of soft clays along with the comprehensive description of soft clays from various parts of the world is presented in the introductory Chapter. Deep soil mixing and mass stabilization methods are found to be relatively advantageous in reducing differential settlements and in achieving expeditious construction. A more detailed review of literature on Kuttanad soil problems and various ground improvement methods adopted are presented. The different ground improvement techniques attempted are soil reinforcement, stone columns, preloading etc. Soil mixing can be relatively advantageous over the other conventional ground improvement methods. Laboratory studies carried out earlier with different binders such as cement, lime and lime fly ash combinations did not exhibit appreciable improvement in soil strength. It is reasoned that the lack of understanding of the soil characteristics is responsible for the limited success of these attempts. Based on the review of literature the detailed scope of the work is presented at the end of Chapter 1. The method of collection of the soil from Kuttanad region, methods adopted for characterization of soil, characteristics of various binders used and testing procedures adopted for assessing the geotechnical behavior with and without binders are described in Chapter 2. In order to characterize the soil for understanding its behaviour under different conditions as well as to gauge its response to different stabilizers, a detailed physico¬chemical, mineralogical, morphological and fabric studies are carried out and presented in Chapter 3. An attempt has been made to explain the role of components of soils such as organic substances, pyrite and sesquioxides for variations in its properties with change in water content. The high water holding capacity of the soil reflected in its Liquid limit along with relatively low plasticity characteristics of the soil has been explained as due to the presence of minerals such as metahalloysite and gibbsite, the flocculated fabric, porous organic matter and water filled diatom frustules (amorphous silica). Based on the study conducted on the plasticity characteristics of Kuttanad soil under different conditions of drying and treatment, it was brought about that the organic content plays a dominant role in particle cementation and aggregation causing a substantial reduction in plasticity upon drying. Further, the presence of minerals such as pyrite and iron oxides also account for the plasticity changes. The significant changes in soil properties upon drying have also been successfully explained in Chapter 4. Attempts made to stabilize the soil using conventional chemical stabilizers are described in Chapter 5. The effect of binders on the strength improvement of soil has been explained based on the changes occurring in the composition, fabric and physico-chemical characteristics of soil upon addition of the binders. Lack of strength development in soil with lime has been attributed to the inherent composition of the soil hindering the formation of pozzolanic compounds and unfavourable modification of the fabric. On the other hand the soil responded well to cement stabilisation. The influence of various parameters such as Water/Cement (W/C) ratio, Initial water content, curing period and additive dosage on the strength development of cement treated soil has been examined. Cement improved the strength of the soil by binding the soil particles without depending on the interaction with the soil. It was observed that the role of initial water content is insignificant and the strength improved with reducing W/C ratio. The dependence of strength development with cement addition on the fabric at different W/C ratios has been assessed. Also the role of other additives such as Lime, Sand, Fly Ash, Ground granulated blast furnace slag, Silica fume and Sodium silicate to enhance the strength of cement treated soil has been analysed in Chapter 5. It was shown that only Sodium Silicate (NS) along with cement meets with good success. The studies on the undrained shear strength and compressibility characteristics of cemented soil carried out to understand the strength and deformation behaviour of the cemented soil are presented in Chapter 6. It is clear from the compressibility characteristics of the cemented soil that there is a well defined yield stress demarcating the least compressible pre-yield zone and more compressible post yield zone. Generally the yield stress increases with reducing water cement ratio. It is interesting to note that the post yield compressibility of the cemented soil is controlled more by the fabric of soil than by cementation effect. The study on the undrained shear behavior of cemented soil revealed that the cohesion intercept and angle of internal friction increases with addition of cement. However the impact of cementation is reflected more as increase in cohesion intercept with increasing cement content. The uniqueness of failure envelope observed for the cemented soil irrespective of whether the confining stress is above or below the yield stress has been explained in detail. A case study on the performance of embankment founded on Kuttand soil improved with Deep mixed cement columns (DMCC) has been evaluated through numerical simulations using FLAC 2D and this forms the subject matter of Chapter 7. For this work the soil properties of the Kuttanad soil determined by experimental investigations have been used. The simulation results showed that the introduction of DMCC columns improved the factor of safety against failure and reduced settlements. This study clearly endorses the analysis and the results of the test carried out on Kuttanad soil. The final chapter summarizes the details of the work carried out which brings out the importance of characterization of the soil in terms of soil components, physico-chemical environment as well as the micro structure of the soil in predicting the behaviour of the soil in changing environment and to understand the stabilization response of the soil with different binders which intern helps to select appropriate binder and or binder combinations.

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