Spelling suggestions: "subject:"soil mineralogy"" "subject:"soil mineraloge""
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Extratores de fósforo disponível para solos do Estado de RoraimaCarlos Henrique Lima de Matos 31 March 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Os solos da região tropical úmida do Brasil são diversificados devido ao seu material de origem, clima e relevo. São, na sua maioria, de baixa fertilidade, sendo o fósforo (P) disponível nesses solos, geralmente, baixo. A dinâmica do P no solo torna sua determinação complexa, sobretudo pelas características distintas dos extratores. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a capacidade máxima de adsorção de fósforo (CMAP) e a eficiência dos extratores Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3, Bray-1 e Resina na determinação do P disponível em solos representativos do estado de Roraima. Sete solos foram coletados em três regiões do Estado e determinadas suas propriedades morfológicas, mineralógicas, físicas e químicas. Para avaliar a CMAP dos solos, foi determinado o P remanescente (P-rem) dos solos em triplicata no laboratório para cada solo e quatro repetições. O P-rem de cada solo foi empregado para definir os padrões de P em solução a serem utilizados na determinação da CMAP por intermédio de isotermas de Langmuir. Para testar a eficiência dos extratores, foi conduzido experimento em condições de casa de vegetação. O delineamento empregado foi em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 7 x 5, com quatro repetições. O primeiro fator consistiu dos sete solos (LA (ITÃ), LV (ITÃ), LA (SERRA DA PRATA), LA (CCA), PA (CCA), FT (BONFIM), SN (SURUMU)) e o segundo fator de cinco doses de P estimadas com base na CMAP de cada solo (0, 25, 50, 75 e 100% da CMAP). A parcela consistiu de um vaso de polietileno preto com 5 dm3 de solo e cinco plantas. A espécie utilizada foi o milho, híbrido 30F35YH Pioneer, cultivada em duas fases de 30 dias com intervalos de dois dias. As doses de P foram aplicadas cinco dias antes do plantio utilizando o fosfato monopotássico (KH2PO4) como fonte. Amostra de solo de cada parcela (200 g) foi retirada antes do plantio para determinação do P disponível empregando os extratores. Ao final de cada período, fez-se o corte das plantas, acondicionando-as em saco tipo Kraft e levando-as à estufa de circulação forçada a 60 C para obtenção da massa seca. Foram realizados teste de correlação para CMAP versus energia de ligação, pH, matéria orgânica, argila e CTC, além da matéria seca x extrator e extrator x extrator. A CMAP é superior no FT (BONFIM) e LV (ITÃ) devido ao tipo de argila e teor da fração respectivamente. Considerando os solos representativos do estado, a CMAP não se correlaciona com nenhuma das propriedades do solo analisadas, obtendo relação forte com a argila quando elencados apenas os Latossolos e Argissolos. Os extratores Mehlich-3 e Bray-1 são mais sensíveis às variações das propriedades dos solos, não sendo indicados para grupos heterogêneos de classes de solos. O método da Resina apresenta as maiores correlações com os diferentes solos individualmente e agrupados. Este extrator demonstra-se adequado na determinação do P disponível para as plantas para os solos da região tropical úmida do país. / The soils of the humid tropical region of Brazil are diversified because of its source material, climate and topography. They are mostly low fertility, with available phosphorus (P) in these soils generally low. The dynamic of soil P becomes a complex determination, especially by the distinct characteristics of the extractors. The objective of this study was to evaluate the maximum phosphorus adsorption capacity (MPAC) and the efficiency of Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3, Bray-1 and Resin extractors in the determination of available P in soils of the state of Roraima. Seven soils were collected in three regions of the state and determined its properties morphological, mineralogical, chemical and physical. To evaluate the MPAC of the soils, was determined the remaining P (P-rem) of the soil in triplicate for each soil in the laboratory and four replications. The P-rem of each soil was used to define the patterns of P in solution to be used in determining the MPAC by Langmuir isotherm. To test the efficiency of extracting, the experiment was conducted in greenhouse conditions. The design applied was in a randomized blocks design, in factorial scheme 5 x 7 with four replications. The first factor consisted of the seven soils (LA (ITA), LV (ITA), LA (SERRA DA PRATA), LA (CCA), PA (CCA), FT (BONFIM), SN (SURUMU)) and the second factor of five P rates estimated based on the MPAC of each soil (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of MPAC). The plot consisted of a black pot polyethylene with 5 dm3 of soil and five plants. The species used was corn, hybrid 30F35YH - Pioneer, grown in two phases of 30 day within interval of two days. The P was applied five days before planting using potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4) as a source. Soil samples from each plot (200 g) were collected before planting to determine the available P using the extractors. At the end of each period, the plants were cut, packed in kraft bag and taking them to the forced circulation oven at 60 C to obtain the dry mass. Correlation test for MPAC versus binding energy, pH, organic matter, clay and T were performed, in addition to dry matter x extractor and extractor x extractor. The MPAC is higher in FT (BONFIM) and LV (ITA) due to the type and content of clay fraction respectively. Considering the representative soils of the state, the MPAC is not correlated with any of the soil properties analyzed, obtaining strong relationship with the clay when listed only the Oxisols and Ultisols. The Mehlich-3 and Bray-1 extractors are more sensitive to changes in soil properties and are not suitable for heterogeneous groups of soils. The resin method exhibit the highest correlation with the different soils individually and grouped. This extractor is demonstrated appropriate in determining of the available P for plants to soils of the humid tropical region of the country.
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Atributos mineralógicos e eletroquímicos, adsorção e dessorção de sulfato em solos paulistas. / Mineralogical and electrochemical properties, sulfate adsorption and desorption in soils from São Paulo state.Marcelo Eduardo Alves 09 April 2002 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal avaliar as relações entre a composição mineralógica de solos representativos do Estado de São Paulo e alguns de seus atributos eletroquímicos como o ponto de efeito salino nulo (PESN) e a capacidade de troca aniônica (CTA). Especial atenção foi dada também à quantificação de cargas negativas de caráter permanente e à contrastação dos resultados com a composição mineralógica da fração argila, a qual foi avaliada de forma qualitativa e semiquantitativa. Além dos atributos eletroquímicos supracitados, a adsorção e a dessorção de sulfato, principal forma inorgânica de enxofre presente nos solos sob condições aeróbicas, foram estudadas visando-se à determinação de índices representativos desses fenômenos e à associação dos mesmos com atributos mineralógicos, químicos e eletroquímicos dos solos. Em uma primeira etapa, amostras coletadas em camadas subsuperficiais de quinze solos localizados em diferentes regiões do Estado de São Paulo foram submetidas à uma intensa caracterização mineralógica, química e eletroquímica. Além dessas avaliações, as amostras foram utilizadas como adsorvedores em estudos de adsorção e dessorção de sulfato. Em um momento posterior e por meio do tratamento estatístico dos dados, procurou-se analisar as relações individuais dos diversos atributos avaliados com o ponto de efeito salino nulo, capacidade de troca aniônica, adsorção e dessorção de sulfato. Os resultados experimentais obtidos durante a avaliação do ponto de efeito salino nulo das amostras permitiram o desenvolvimento de um programa computacional para o tratamento matemático dos referidos dados visando-se à determinação analítica do valor desse atributo eletroquímico. Testes realizados com dados obtidos por outros autores demonstraram a adequação do programa para a determinação rápida e não-subjetiva do PESN. Em relação às cargas elétricas negativas de superfície, pôde-se verificar uma significativa presença de cargas de caráter permanente, fato que apresentou razoável concordância com a composição mineralógica das amostras. Contudo, faz-se necessária a contrastação de resultados obtidos com o método da adsorção de césio com quantidades de cargas permanentes determinadas por meio do uso de outros procedimentos metodológicos. Ao avaliar-se a capacidade de troca catiônica (CTC) das amostras, utilizando-se diferentes métodos, pôde-se observar que os solos com caráter ácrico estiveram dentre aqueles em que as maiores discrepâncias foram verificadas, fato que sugere a necessidade da reavaliação dos métodos empregados para a determinação da CTC efetiva nesses solos. Os procedimentos adotados permitiram verificar que os óxidos de alumínio mal cristalizados, pres entes na fração argila, são os componentes mais diretamente associados ao ponto de efeito salino nulo e à capacidade de troca aniônica das amostras estudadas. Em relação à adsorção de sulfato, novamente observou-se acentuada relação direta entre o teor dos óxidos de alumínio mal cristalizados e a capacidade adsortiva das amostras bem como com a afinidade apresentada pela fase sólida em relação ao referido ânion. A gibbsita e os óxidos de alumínio mal cristalizados são os constituintes inorgânicos da fase sólida mais diretamente associados à restrição à dessorção de sulfato nas amostras avaliadas, ao passo que a liberação do sulfato retido apresentou relação direta com o teor de caulinita. Esses dados indicam que as aplicações de gesso agrícola devem ser feitas com maior cautela em solos cauliníticos. Em relação aos atributos de fácil e rápida determinação, o pH das amostras medido em solução de fluoreto de sódio (pH NaF) apresentou estreita relação com a presença de óxidos de alumínio nas amostras estudadas e, por essa razão, mostrou-se como um índice bastante promissor para a avaliação indireta da capacidade de retenção aniônica de amostras de camadas subsuperficiais de solos das regiões tropicais. Finalmente, um grande número de correlações não significativas obsevadas entre os teores de óxidos de ferro cristalinos (hematita e goethita) tanto para com atributos eletroquímicos quanto para com a adsorção e dessorção de sulfato parece indicar a existência de acentuada variabilidade comportamental para esses minerais nas amostras estudadas. Desse modo, novos estudos devem ser realizados com os referidos óxidos de ferro visando-se analisar a influência da morfologia, tamanho de cristais e grau de cristalinidade sobre os atributos eletroquímicos e propriedades adsortivas desses minerais. Igualmente, o desenvolvimento de trabalhos de pesquisa de natureza similar envolvendo a gibbsita são também necessários, haja vista a completa ausência de informações relacionadas à variabilidade comportamental desse óxido de alumínio. / The present research aimed at studying the relationships between the mineralogical composition of representative soils from São Paulo State and some of their electrochemical properties, particularly the point of zero salt effect (PZSE) and the anion exchange capacity (AEC). Additionally, it was given special attention to the presence of permanent negative charges in those soils, whose magnitudes were also associated with the mineralogical composition of their clay fractions, which was evaluated by using qualitative and semiquantitative approaches. Besides the above mentioned electrochemical properties, the adsorption and desorption of sulfate, the main inorganic form of sulfur found in soils under aerobic conditions, were studied in order to associate the representative indexes of these phenomena with mineralogical, chemical and electrochemical soil properties. Initially, samples collected in subsurface layers of fifteen soils situated in different regions of São Paulo State were highly characterized as for their mineralogical, chemical and electrochemical properties Besides these evaluations, the soil samples were used as adsorbents in studies of sulfate adsorption and desorption reactions. After this, and through the statistical analyses of data, it was aimed at verifying the individual relationships of the evaluated properties with the PZSE, AEC, sulfate adsorption and desorption indexes. The experimental results obtained during the evaluation of the PZSE values of samples, gave us the possibility of the development of one software for mathematical manipulation of them in order to allow the analytical determination of the above mentioned electrochemical property. The software was evaluated through the analyses of potentiometric titration data from experiments of other authors. The results showed very good agreement between PZSE values calculated by the software and those determined by the authors. By this reason, this approach can be considered very useful for this determination. In relation to surface charges, it was possible to verify reasonable amounts of permanent negative charges in evaluated soil samples and good correspondence of them with soil mineralogical properties. However, more studies are necessary in order to compare the results of cesium adsorption method, employed for this determination in the present research, with ones from other methodologies. The determination of cation exchange capacity (CEC) values through different approaches have shown that the soil samples with acric character were among the ones that present the biggest discrepancies. These results suggest the necessity of reevaluation for the usual methods employed to measurements of CEC values in soils with acric character. The methods used in this research allowed us to verify that the contents of amorphous aluminum oxides in the clay fraction present direct associations with PZSE and AEC values determined in soil samples. In relation to sulfate adsorption, it was also observed the positive effect of amorphous aluminum oxides on the sulfate adsorptive capacities of the studied soils. In the same way, the content of above mentioned oxides present significative and direct correlation with the affinity of surfaces by sulfate ions. The gibbsite and amorphous aluminum oxides are the clay fraction constituents associated with the restriction to sulfate desorption in evaluated soil samples; on the other hand, the transference of sulfate ions from solid surfaces to soil solutions was favored by the high kaolinite contents. These data suggest that the use of gypsum in kaolinitic soils with low contents of oxides must be done with more criteria.Considering the soil properties whose determinations are not time consuming, the pH values evaluated in suspensions of soil-NaF 1 mol L -1 solution (pH NaF) presented very good associations with the aluminum oxides contents of soil samples and, by this reason, it showed also significative correlations with soil sulfate adsorption capacity. These founds indicate that the pH NaF is a very promising index for the indirect evaluation of the anion retention capacity of samples from subsurface layers of tropical soils. Finally, the great number of non-significative correlations verified in this research between crystalline iron oxides (hematite and goethite) contents and electrochemical properties or sulfate adsorption/desorption indexes suggest the existence of non-systematic variations in their intrinsic properties. So, it is very important the establishment of new researches with the objective of acquiring more information about the influence of morphology and crystals size and crystallinity of these adsorbents on their electrochemical properties and adsorptive capacities. These considerations are also applied to gibbsite, since there is no information about this topic associated to this mineral.
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Geochemistry and mineralogy of soils around Atok, Limpopo Province, South AfricaRamakadi, Kgoetja Abrinah January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (M. Sc. (Geology)) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / Mining activities for mineral resources over the years have, according to certain people, resulted in soil damage in the Atok area because of huge amounts of waste earth and rock that was brought to the surface, this waste often becomes toxic when it comes into contact with air and water. However, the geology of the area which is mafic in composition has caused major damage to the soil in the area as well. Due the removal process of desired mineral materials, soil textures have been destroyed, various nutrient cycles disturbed, and microbial communities altered, changing the vegetation and leading to the format of land in the area. Therefore, soil restoration of mining lands became a very important part of sustainable development strategies and also prescribed by law in South Africa. The geochemistry and mineralogy of soil samples taken from the area of Atok were studied using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and physio-chemical parameter analysis. These methods are used for investigating the element and mineral associations and the distribution of heavy metals in these soils around the mine. The chemical and mineralogical data from soil and tailings were collected from each of the following areas around Atok: (Sefateng, Moonametsi, Mohlahlaneng, Sefateng Tailing Dam and Mafeo), the samples were collected at various depths; at each sampling points. The results of XRF analysis indicated that the soils are rich in MgO, CaO and Fe2O3 with minerals such as pyroxenes, plagioclase feldspar and occasional olivine being dominant. An excess of these minerals caused the soil to be infertile. The physio-chemical analysis showed that the soil texture is sandy, therefore this is the reason that the soil has low water holding capacity (27%) and low soil moisture (1.2%), the pH (8.50) and EC (<0.50 dS/m).
Keywords: Soil composition, chemical properties, heavy metal, contamination.
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Denitrification and mineralization in agricultural soil in eastern Canada, as affected by nitrogen fertilizer, tillage, and crop rotationAbbott, Melissa January 1996 (has links)
No description available.
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Response of corn to high levels of CuSO₄ and ZnSO₄ applicationsWijesundara, Chandra 21 November 2012 (has links)
High levels of Cu and Zn application to agricultural soils are considered to pose a potential hazard to plants and animals. The levels of Cu and Zn which can be safely added to cropland have yet to be established. This study was conducted on a Davidson silty clay (Rhodic Paleudult) to determine the response of corn (<u>Zea mays</u> L.) to cumulative application of up to 469 kg Cu and 1032 kg Zn ha⁻¹ as sulfates over the 22-year period from 1967 through 1988. Neither corn grain nor silage yield was affected by the metal additions even though the cumulative amount of Cu and Zn added exceeded the maximum allowable Cu and Zn loading rates based on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency guidelines (i.e., 250 kg Cu and 560 kg Zn ha⁻¹) for this soil. The twenty-first annual application of Cu as CuSO₄, increased Cu concentrations in ear leaves. However, Cu concentrations in ear leaves were unaffected by the twenty-second year of Cu application. Concentrations of Zn in ear leaves were increased by the high level of Zn application during the two years of the study. Twenty-first year Cu and Zn concentrations in com grain were not increased by the high levels of Cu and Zn sulfates. All grain and ear leaf Cu and Zn concentrations were within the normal ranges from the high amount of metal application. The DTPA extractable Cu and Zn in the soil increased with an increase in level of applied Cu and Zn. More Cu and Zn were extracted from the soil by the Mehlich-3 method than by the DTPA method. This higher rate of extraction was attributed to the ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) in the Mehlich-3 solution. / Master of Science
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Soil mineralogy of an upper coastal plain landscape in VirginiaVanwormhoudt, An 07 April 2009 (has links)
A heavy mineral mining company (RGC Inc.) faces challenging mining and reclamation practices for its proposed operation in the Upper Coastal Plain of Virginia due to the high clay content of the deposit. The original intent of this study was to identify the mineralogy present in the proposed mining area and to determine similarities and differences among sampled pedons. Twenty-eight typical pedons were sampled throughout the profile and these samples were prepared for mineralogical analysis. The pedon comparisons were performed to determine differences due to location and geomorphic surface, and due to drainage. Statistical results were then used to relate mineralogy, together with data on pH, CEC, and particle size distribution to pedogenesis in the area. Coastal Plain soils had sandier subsurface horizons than Piedmont soils. The above-scarp soils (> 75 meters) were the most mature Coastal Plain soils and approached the kaolinitic Piedmont soils reasonably well in mineralogy and particle size distribution. Coastal Plain soils were dominated by kaolinite, HIV, and gibbsite. Wet soils were less mature in mineralogy due to the lack of weathering activity. All but the Piedmont soils contained a surface mica enrichment, believed to be eolian additions. Well-drained and moderately well-drained soils had a more mature mineralogy than somewhat poorly and poorly drained soils. Kaolinite contents increased with depth whereas HIV contents tended to be concentrated in the A horizon. Despite the large clay content, the low charge nature of all soils should limit problems associated with clay dispersion practices during the mining. The low charge nature of the soils is reinforced by low ECEC data. / Master of Science
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No description available.
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Studies of specific gene expression of phosphate transporters in sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense crantz) and cattail (Typha domingensis pers.)Unknown Date (has links)
In the Florida Everglades, sawgrass has been displaced by cattail, predominantly resulting from phosphate enrichment. It has been found that phosphate transporters and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi play an important role in phosphate uptake in the plants. This study aimed to reveal the symbiosis between AM fungi and sawgrass and cattail and identify the phosphate transporters, especially AM-specific phosphate transporters in these two species. AM colonization was only found in sawgrass roots, not cattail, at low phosphate concentrations in lab and field samples by trypan blue staining. AM fungi could increase sawgrass growth and had little effect on cattail growth. Four phosphate transporters were identified in sawgrass. CjPT1, CjPT2 and CjPT3 were expressed in roots and shoots independent of AM fungi and phosphate availability, while CjPT4 appeared to be an AM regulated phosphate transporter gene and its expression was induced by AM fungi. / by Li Lin. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2010. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2010. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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Alteração mineralógica em solos do sul do Brasil : evolução pedogênica e impacto antrópico / Evolutions mineralogiques des sols du sud du Bresil : Processus d’alteration pedogenetique et impact anthropique / Mineralogical alteration in the soil of the south of brazil: Pedogenetic evolution and anthropic impactBertolazi, Vanessa Thoma January 2017 (has links)
Le Sud du Brésil est une région où l'agriculture est très intensive et la pression sur les sols est beaucoup plus importante que dans la région amazonienne. Ainsi, il est nécessaire de développer des études qui relient le développement du sol avec son matériau source respectif, en détaillant les transformations dans la zone de transition sol-roche et ses implications pour les activités environnementales et humaines. Dans ce contexte, ce travail vise à: (i) caractériser les aspects minéralogique, pédochimique et géochimiquedes profils d'altération développés en l'absence d'action humaine ou avec une intervention minimale; (ii) caractériser qualitativement et semi-quantitativement les minéraux primaires et les minéraux pedogenic dans les sols insérés dans les régions importantes de l'écosystème du Rio Grande do Sul; et (iii) évaluer l'impact des différentes intensités de pâturage sur la minéralogie d’un Oxisol sous système intégré de production soja-élevage dans le sud du Brésil. Cette étude concerce des sols du Rio Grande do Sul dont le climat subtropical (températures moyennes annuelles ~17°C, précipitations moyennes annuelles ~1800 mm/an) favorise l’accumulation de matiére organique ainsi que la formation de minéraux argileux 2:1. Les indices d'altération (Weathering Intensity Scale - WIS et Chemical Index of Alteration - CIA) établis à partir de la composition chimique des profils d'altération permettent de classer les profils selon leur degré d’altération qui correspond également à des compositions minéralogiques différentes (smectite, smectite + kaolinite, kaolinite). L'étude a montré que des sols formés à partir de la même roche ont des différences importantes liées aux différences climatiques et de relief. Finalement, après 12 ans de culture des sols avec un système intégré culture-élevage, les surfaces non pâturées présentent une proportions moins important de minéraux 2:1. D'autre part, les surfaces sous pâturage intensif et pâturage modéré présentent un comportement similaire attribué à une aluminisation plus élevée de la couche interfoliaire de minéraux 2:1. L'aluminisation plus élevée sous gestion intensive et modérée peut fixer une partie de l'aluminium dans la phase solide du sol, ce qui pourrait le rendre moins disponible pour les plantes et diminuer sa phytotoxicité. / O sul do Brasil é uma região com uma agricultura muito intensa e com grande pressão de uso do solo, consideravelmente mais intenso do que na região da Amazônia. Assim, é necessário desenvolver estudos que relacionem o desenvolvimento do solo com seu respectivo material de origem, detalhando as transformações na zona de transição solo-rocha e suas implicações para as atividades ambientais e humanas. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo: (i) caracterizar os aspectos mineralógicos, pedoquimicos e geoquimicos dos perfis de alteração desenvolvidos na ausência ou mínima ação humana; (ii) caracterizar qualitativa e semi-quantitativamente os minerais primários e os minerais pedogênicos em solos inseridos em regiões ecossistêmicas importantes do Rio Grande do Sul; e (iii) avaliar o impacto de diferentes intensidades de pastejo na mineralogia de um Latossolo, sob sistema de produção integrada soja-bovinos de corte no sul do Brasil.Este estudo foi realizado em solos do Rio Grande do Sul, onde o clima subtropical (temperatura média anual ~ 17°C, precipitação anual média de 1800mm/ano) favorece o acúmulo de matéria orgânica ea ocorrência de argilominerais 2:1.Os índices de intemperismo (Weathering Intensity Scale - WIS e Chemical Index of Alteration - CIA), considerando a composição mineralógica dos perfis de alteração, indicaram a seguinte sequência crescente do grau de intemperismo: esmectita < caulinita - esmectita < caulinita. O estudo mostrou diferenças importantes nos solos, mesmo entre aqueles formados a partir do mesmo material de origem, devido às diferenças climáticas e de relevo. Por fim, após 12 anos sob um sistema integrado de produção de soja-bovinos de corte, as áreas não pastejadas apresentaram menor intensidade para os argilominerais 2:1. Por outro lado, as áreas sob pastejo intensivo e pastejo moderado apresentaram comportamento semelhante, devido à maior aluminização da entrecamada dos argilominerais 2:1. A maior aluminização sob pastejo intensivo e moderado pode ser um dreno de alumínio na fase sólida do solo, tornando-o menos disponível para as plantas e diminuindo sua fitotoxicidade. / The Southern Brazil is a region with a very intensive agriculture and the pressure on soil use is considerably more intense than in the Amazonian region. Thus, it is necessary to develop studies that relate the soil development with its respective source material, detailing the transformations in the soil-rock transition zone and its implications for the environmental and human activities. In this context, this work aims to: (i) characterize the mineralogical and pedochemical alterations and geochemical evolution the profiles of the alteration developed in the absence, or the minimal human action; (ii) characterize both qualitatively and semi-quantitatively the primary and pedogenic minerals present in soils of important ecosystems in Rio Grande do Sul; And (iii) evaluate the effect of grazing intensities on the mineralogy of an Oxisol, in an integrated soybean-cattle beef production system of southern Brazil. This study concerns soils of Rio Grande do Sul, where the subtropical climate (mean annual temperature ~17°C, mean annual precipitation 1800mm/yr) favored the accumulation of organic matter and occurrence of 2:1 clay minerals. The indexes of weathering (Weathering Intensity Scale - WIS and Chemical Index of Alteration - CIA), considering the mineralogical composition of the alteration profiles, indicated the following increasing sequence of the degree of weathering: smectite composition <kaolinite-smectite composition <kaolinite composition. The study showed that the soils have important differences, even between those formed from the same material of origin, due to climatic differences and relief. Lastly, after 12 years under an integrated soybean–beef cattle production system, the ungrazed areas presented lower intensity of 2:1 minerals. On the other hand, areas under intensive grazing and moderate grazing presented similar behaviour due to the higher aluminization of the interlayer of 2:1 minerals. The higher aluminization under intensive and moderate grazing managements may be a drain on aluminum in the soil solid phase, making it less available to plants and decreasing its phytotoxicity.
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Determinação da cor do solo e sua utilização na predição dos teores de hematita. / Soil color determination and its use on the estimative of hematite contents.Campos, Rogério Costa 21 January 2002 (has links)
Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram: (a) Determinar e avaliar a cor dos solos pelo método convencional e com equipamento colorímetro e sua implicação na classificação de solos: (b) Estimar teores de hematita a partir da cor do solo. O matiz de 80 amostras de solos foi determinado por cinco experientes pesquisadores pela comparação com a carta de Munsell e diretamente com um colorímetro. A cor de 15 amostras de solos pertencentes a diferentes regiões do Estado de São Paulo foi determinada utilizando um colorímetro e a partir de dados de reflectância obtidos por radiômetro. As cores foram determinadas no sistema L*a*b* e Munsell. Para cada amostra foram determinados os teores de hematita e calculados os índices de avermelhamento (IAV) a partir das cores obtidas. Os coeficientes de correlação, variando de 0,68 a 0,94 entre as determinações do matiz, constataram que os pedólogos produziram dados que validaram o estudo. No entanto, houve confirmação de que as medidas realizadas por pedólogos não coincidem, sendo difeprentes também das determinações feitas pelo colorímetro. Índices de precisão (IP) indicaram haver concordância em apenas 8,75 % das determinações em amostras úmidas e 17,5 % nas amostras secas, sendo constatado que as divergências resultariam em erros na classificação dos solos. Os IAVs apresentaram alta correlação com os teores de hematita das amostras, sendo maior para correlações com índices determinados a partir de cores no sistema L*a*b* do que no sistema Munsell. Modelos exponenciais mostraram-se mais adequados na predição dos teores de hematita. / The objectives of the present work were: (a) Determine and evaluate color by the conventional method, and its comparison with colormeter equipment and their implication with soil classification; (b) Estimate of hematite contents by using soil color data. The hue of 80 samples of soils was determined by five experienced soil scientists by the comparison with the Munsells soil color charts and by a colorimeter. Color of 15 soil samples from different sites of São Paulo State were determined by colorimeter and from reflectance data obtained with radiometer. The correlation coefficients, varying from 0,68 to 0,94 of hue determinations, showed that the soil scientists produced data that validated the study. However, there was confirmation that the measures accomplished by soil scientists were not coincident and also differed from the colormeter. The values of precision index (PI) indicated an agreement of only 8,75% in moist samples and 17,5% in the dry samples, which would result in mistakes in the soil classification. Colors were achieved by L*a*b* and Munsell systems. For each sample, hematite content were determinated and the redness indexes (RI) calculated. The RI presented high correlation with hematite contents, and higher correlations for colors obtained in L*a*b* than those obtained in Munsell system. Exponential models were more effective in predicting hematite contents.
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