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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude de l’impact de la température et de l’humidité sur la survie et la dynamique de la ponte de la mouche du chou (Delia radicum L.)

Lepage, Marie-Pier 10 1900 (has links)
On dénombre divers modèles de simulation de la mouche du chou (Delia radicum L.), mais plusieurs comportent d’importantes lacunes au niveau des différences génotypiques de l’insecte et des paramètres utilisés. L’objectif principal de ce projet est de rassembler les informations manquantes afin de créer dans le futur un modèle bioclimatique permettant de simuler efficacement la dynamique des populations de ce ravageur. L’effet de la température et de l’humidité du sol a été mesuré sur les œufs et les larves de la mouche du chou. L’humidité n’influence la survie des œufs qu’en dessous de 25% [m/m]. L’exposition graduelle des œufs à des températures élevées au dessus de 33°C affecte également la survie. La survie des larves augmente avec la hausse des températures et de l’humidité. Nous croyons que la mouche du chou est bien adaptée aux conditions des sols organiques au Québec, et nous recommandons l’intégration de la température du sol pour les stades au sol plutôt que de l’air dans l’élaboration d’un nouveau modèle. La ponte a également été étudiée à partir de différents critères préétablis pour chacun des génotypes hâtifs et tardifs, à différentes températures. Excepté pour la pré-oviposition qui est plus longue chez les hâtifs, aucune différence n’a été observée entre les génotypes. La majorité des critères, excepté la durée d’un épisode de ponte et la mortalité des œufs, a réagit à la température. Les nouvelles informations serviront à l’élaboration ou le perfectionnement d’un modèle de simulation de la dynamique de la ponte de la mouche du chou. / Few simulation models for the cabbage maggot (Delia radicum L.) had been seen, but several include significant weaknesses for the insect genotypic differences and parameters used. The main objective of this project is to collect the missing information to create, in the future, a bioclimatic model that will efficiently simulate the dynamics of the populations of this pest. The effect of soil temperature and moisture had been measured on eggs and larvae of the cabbage maggot. Humidity affects egg survival below 25% [w/w]. Gradual exposure of eggs to high temperature above 33°C also affects survival. Under tested conditions, larvae survival increases with rising temperatures and humidities. We believe that the maggot is well adapted to muck soil in Quebec, and we recommend to incorporated soil temperature rather than air temperature for above-ground stages into the development of a new model. Egg-laying activity has also been studied from various pre-established criterions for each of the early- and late-emerging genotypes, at different temperatures. Except for the pre-oviposition which is longer for the early genotype, no differences were observed between genotypes. The majority of criterions, except for the duration of oviposition bouts and egg mortality, responded to temperature. The new information will be used for the preparation and development of a simulation model of the egg-laying dynamic of the cabbage maggot. / Réalisé en cotutellle avec Gaétan Bourgeois et avec la participation de Guy Boivin, d'Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada, du Centre de Recherche et Développement en Horticulture à Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC J3B 3E6, Canada

Measurement of 222Rn Exhalation Rates and 210Pb Deposition Rates in a Tropical Environment

Lawrence, Cameron Eoin January 2006 (has links)
This thesis provides the measurements of 222Rn exhalation rates, 210Pb deposition rates and excess 210Pb inventories for locations in and around Ranger Uranium Mine and Jabiru located within Kakadu National Park, Australia. Radon-222 is part of the natural 238U series decay chain and the only gas to be found in the series under normal conditions. Part of the natural redistribution of 222Rn in the environment is a portion exhales from the ground and disperses into the atmosphere. Here it decays via a series of short-lived progeny, that attach themselves to aerosol particles, to the long lived isotope 210Pb (T1/2 = 22.3 y). Attached and unattached 210Pb is removed from the atmosphere through wet and dry deposition and deposited on the surface of the earth, the fraction deposited on soils is gradually transported through the soil and can create a depth profile of 210Pb. Here it decays to the stable isotope 206Pb completing the 238U series. Measurements of 222Rn exhalation rates and 210Pb deposition rates were performed over complete seasonal cycles, August 2002 - July 2003 and May 2003 - May 2004 respectively. The area is categorised as wet and dry tropics and it experiences two distinct seasonal patterns, a dry season (May-October) with little or no precipitation events and a wet season (December-March) with almost daily precipitation and monsoonal troughs. November and April are regarded as transitional months. As the natural processes of 222Rn exhalation and 210Pb deposition are heavily influenced by soil moisture and precipitation respectively, seasonal variations in the exhalation and deposition rates were expected. It was observed that 222Rn exhalation rates decreased throughout the wet season when the increase in soil moisture retarded exhalation. Lead-210 deposition peaked throughout the wet season as precipitation is the major scavenging process of this isotope from the atmosphere. Radon-222 is influenced by other parameters such as 226Ra activity concentration and distribution, soil porosity and grain size. With the removal of the influence of soil moisture during the dry season it was possible to examine the effect of these other variables in a more comprehensive manner. This resulted in categorisation of geomorphic landscapes from which the 222Rn exhalation rate to 226Ra activity concentration ratios were similar during the dry season. These results can be extended to estimate dry season 222Rn exhalation rates from tropical locations from a measurement of 226Ra activity concentration. Through modelling the 210Pb budget on local and regional scales it was observed that there is a net loss of 210Pb from the region, the majority of which occurs during the dry season. This has been attributed to the fact that 210Pb attached to aerosols is transported great distance with the prevailing trade winds created by a Hadley Circulation cell predominant during the dry season (winter) months. By including the influence of factors such as water inundation and natural 210Pb redistribution in the soil wet season budgeting of 210Pb on local and regional scales gave very good results.

An ecophysiological approach to determine problems associated with mine-site rehabilitation : a case study in the Great Sandy Desert, north-western Australia

Grigg, Alasdair M January 2009 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Establishment of vegetation and ecosystem functioning is central to the mitigation of environmental impacts associated with mining operations. This study investigated the ecophysiological functioning of mature plants in natural vegetation and applied this knowledge to diagnose problems affecting plant health and causes of poor plant cover at a mine-rehabilitation site. Ecophysiological parameters, including plant water relations and mineral nutrition, were studied in conjunction with soil physical, hydraulic and chemical properties. The natural ecosystem at the study location in the Great Sandy Desert is characterised by sand dunes and interdunes with distinct plant communities on each. One of the most notable features of the vegetation is the presence of large Corymbia chippendalei trees high on the dunes and relatively small scattered shrubs in the interdunes. Triodia grasses (spinifex), dominate the vegetation in both habitats but different species occur in each; T. schinzii is restricted entirely to the dunes, and T. basedowii occurs only in the interdunes. It was hypothesised that the deep sandy dunes afford greater water availability but lower nutrient supply to plants in this habitat compared with those occurring in the lower landscape position of the interdunes. Water-relations parameters (leaf water potentials, stomatal conductance, d13C) revealed that dune plants, particularly woody species, displayed higher water status and water use than closely related and often congeneric plants in the interdunes. Nutrient concentrations in soils were significantly higher in the interdunes, but concentrations in foliage were similar for related species between habitats. It is concluded that the dunes provide a greater store of accessible water than the soil profile in the interdunes. ... Following an experimental wetting pulse equivalent to a summer cyclone event, A. ancistrocarpa plants displayed significant increases in stomatal conductance, leaf water potential and sap velocity in lateral roots within three days of irrigation at the natural site and two days at the rehabilitation site. Secondary sinker roots originating from distal sections of lateral roots were evidently supplying water to maintain hydraulic function in laterals, thus enabling a fast pulse response. This was accentuated at the rehabilitation site where roots were confined closer to the surface. These results indicate that plants at the rehabilitation site are more dependent on small pulses of water and have less access to deep reserves than plants at the natural site. It is concluded that high runoff losses and insufficient soil depth are major factors contributing to plant water stress, and combined with the direct impacts of erosion, are largely responsible for plant death and ultimately poor plant cover. These issues can be alleviated if cover soil depth is increased to more than 0.5 m and slope angles are reduced to <12o. This study demonstrates the value of an ecophysiological approach for diagnosing problems affecting plant establishment at mine-rehabilitation sites. Furthermore, it has provided recommendations that will improve the rehabilitation strategy and lead to the development of a well vegetated, resilient ecosystem on a stable and non-polluting land form.

Soil water movement through swelling soils

Ekanayake, Jagath C. January 1990 (has links)
The present work is a contribution to description and understanding of the distribution and movement of water in swelling soils. In order to investigate the moisture distribution in swelling soils a detailed knowledge of volume change properties, flow characteristics and total potential of water in the soil is essential. Therefore, a possible volume change mechanism is first described by dividing the swelling soils into four categories and volume change of a swelling soil is measured under different overburden pressures. The measured and calculated (from volume change data) overburden potential components are used to check the validity of the derivation of a load factor, ∝. Moisture diffusivity in swelling soil under different overburden pressures is measured using Gardner's (1956) outflow method. Behaviour of equilibrium moisture profiles in swelling soils is theoretically explained, solving the differential equation by considering the physical variation of individual soil properties with moisture content and overburden pressure. Using the measured volume change data and moisture potentials under various overburden pressures, the behaviour of possible moisture profiles are described at equilibrium and under steady vertical flows in swelling soils. It is shown that high overburden pressures lead to soil water behaviour quite different from any previously reported.

Water use, ecophysiology and hydraulic architecture of Eucalyptus marginata (jarrah) growing on mine rehabilitation sites in the jarrah forest of south-western Australia

Bleby, Timothy Michael January 2003 (has links)
[Truncated abstract. Please see the pdf format for the complete text. Also, formulae and special characters can only be approximated here. Please see the pdf version for an accurate reproduction.] This thesis examines the water use, ecophysiology and hydraulic architecture of Eucalyptus marginata (jarrah) growing on bauxite mine rehabilitation sites in the jarrah forest of south-western Australia. The principal objective was to characterise the key environment and plant-based influences on tree water use, and to better understand the dynamics of water use over a range of spatial and temporal scales in this drought-prone ecosystem. A novel sap flow measurement system (based on the use of the heat pulse method) was developed so that a large number of trees could be monitored concurrently in the field. A validation experiment using potted jarrah saplings showed that rates of sap flow (transpiration) obtained using this system agreed with those obtained gravimetrically. Notably, diurnal patterns of transpiration were measured accurately and with precision using the newly developed heat ratio method. Field studies showed that water stress and water use by jarrah saplings on rehabilitation sites were strongly seasonal: being greatest in summer when it was warm and dry, and least in winter when it was cool and wet. At different times, water use was influenced by soil water availability, vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and plant hydraulic conductance. In some areas, there was evidence of a rapid decline in transpiration in response to dry soil conditions. At the end of summer, most saplings on rehabilitation sites were not water stressed, whereas water status in the forest was poor for small saplings but improved with increasing size. It has been recognised that mature jarrah trees avoid drought by having deep root systems, however, it appears that saplings on rehabilitation sites may have not yet developed functional deep roots, and as such, they may be heavily reliant on moisture stored in surface soil horizons. Simple predictive models of tree water use revealed that stand water use was 74 % of annual rainfall at a high density (leaf area index, LAI = 3.1), high rainfall (1200 mm yr-1) site, and 12 % of rainfall at a low density (LAI = 0.4), low rainfall (600 mm yr-1) site, and that water use increased with stand growth. A controlled field experiment confirmed that: (1) sapling transpiration was restricted as root-zone water availability declined, irrespective of VPD; (2) transpiration was correlated with VPD when water was abundant; and (3) transpiration was limited by soil-to-leaf hydraulic conductance when water was abundant and VPD was high (> 2 kPa). Specifically, transpiration was regulated by stomatal conductance. Large stomatal apertures could sustain high transpiration rates, but stomata were sensitive to hydraulic perturbations caused by soil water deficits and/or high evaporative demand. No other physiological mechanisms conferred immediate resistance to drought. Empirical observations were agreeably linked with a current theory suggesting that stomata regulate transpiration and plant water potential in order to prevent hydraulic dysfunction following a reduction in soil-to-leaf hydraulic conductance. Moreover, it was clear that plant hydraulic capacity determined the pattern and extent of stomatal regulation. Differences in hydraulic capacity across a gradient in water availability were a reflection of differences in root-to-leaf hydraulic conductance, and were possibly related to differences in xylem structure. Saplings on rehabilitation sites had greater hydraulic conductance (by 50 %) and greater leaf-specific rates of transpiration at the high rainfall site (1.5 kg m-2 day1) than at the low rainfall site (0.8 kg m-2 day1) under near optimal conditions. Also, rehabilitation-grown saplings had significantly greater leaf area, leaf area to sapwood area ratios and hydraulic conductance (by 30-50 %) compared to forest-grown saplings, a strong indication that soils in rehabilitation sites contained more water than soils in the forest. Results suggested that: (1) the hydraulic structure and function of saplings growing under the same climatic conditions was determined by soil water availability; (2) drought reduced stomatal conductance and transpiration by reducing whole-tree hydraulic conductance; and (3) saplings growing on open rehabilitation sites utilised more abundant water, light and nutrients than saplings growing in the forest understorey. These findings support a paradigm that trees evolve hydraulic equipment and physiological characteristics suited to the most efficient use of water from a particular spatial and temporal niche in the soil environment.

The influence of Acacia Mearnsii invasion on soil properties in the Kouga Mountains, Eastern Cape, South Africa

Van der Waal, Benjamin Wentsel January 2010 (has links)
The invasion of Acacia mearnsii in the Kouga catchment, Eastern Cape, South Africa, has various negative impacts on the ecosystem. These impacts include: reduced species richness, increased water use, increased nutrients and increased N cycling rates. The native shrubby fynbos vegetation has adapted to the acidic nutrient poor soils and Mediterranean climate of the Kouga Mountains. Fynbos, however, is currently being out competed by the much taller Acacia mearnsii trees, due to their competitive nature and ability to fix nitrogen, thereby enriching the soil. The invaded sections of the valley bottoms and lower hill slopes are characterised by an almost complete monoculture of Acacia mearnsii, with very few fynbos species still present. The Department of Water and Environmental Affairs sponsored Working for Water programme started clearing Acacia mearnsii in 1996 in the Kouga Mountains. Cleared sites have remained bare for long periods, indicating that soil properties are not favourable for indigenous propagule re-establishment. The aim of this research was to assess how A. mearnsii invasion and clearing affect fynbos recovery through its impact on soils. This was done by characterising vegetation and soil properties on fynbos, infested and cleared slopes. Vegetation cover for various growth forms was determined and a species list was compiled for each plot. The slope angle, surface hardness, litter cover, bare ground cover and soil depth were measured in the field, whereas water repellency, particle size and the chemical composition were measured in the laboratory. Furthermore, the plant establishment capacity of soils from fynbos, infested and cleared slopes was calculated. This was done by germinating fynbos seeds and growing fynbos plants in soils from the various slopes. The effect that invasion and clearing has on soil erosion was quantified using erosion plots on fynbos, infested and cleared slopes. The invasion and clearing of Acacia mearnsii led to an increase in soil nutrients, especially nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, carbon and manganese. Furthermore, soils became more acidic, with increased water repellency and reduced surface hardness. The vegetation changed to a tree-dominated structure, replacing the native species. Native plant germination was relatively unaffected by invasion and clearing, with an increase in germination just after clearing. Plant growth of a native grass, Themeda triandra, and herb, Helichrysum umbraculigerum, has increased on soils from cleared slopes. This study showed that soil movement increased on slopes which are invaded and cleared of Acacia mearnsii, with erosion rates doubling on invaded slopes

Vegetation succession in old fields at broad landscape scales / Vegetation succession in old fields at broad landscape scales

JÍROVÁ, Alena January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is focused on succession in old fields in Central Europe. Repeated sampling, analysis of surrounding vegetation and soil measurements were conducted in the Bohemian Karst Landscape protected area. Samples from the Doupovské hory Mountains and the rest of the Czech Republic were added to discover basic principles of old field succession at the larger scale of landscapes.

Ecological and Edaphic Correlations of Soil Invertebrate Community Structure in Dry Upland Forests of Eastern Africa

Mauritsson, Karl January 2018 (has links)
Natural forests are characterised by great vegetation diversity and create habitats for a major part of Earth’s terrestrial organisms. Plantation forests, which are mainly composed of a few genera of fast-growing trees, constitute an increasing fraction of global forests, but they only partly compensate for loss of area, habitat and ecological functions in natural forests. Plantation forests established near natural forests can be expected to serve as buffers, but they seem to be relatively poor in invertebrate species and it is not clear why. This bachelor’s degree project aimed at establishing the ecological and edaphic factors that correlate with soil invertebrate diversity in dry upland forests and surrounding plantation forests in eastern Africa. Some aspects of the above-ground vegetation heterogeneity were investigated since this was assumed to influence the heterogeneity of the soil environment, which is considered as critical for soil biodiversity. The obtained knowledge may be valuable in conservation activities in East African forests, which are threatened by destruction, fragmentation and exotic species. The study area was Karura Forest, a dry upland forest in Nairobi, Kenya. Three different sites were investigated; a natural forest site characterized by the indigenous tree species Brachylaena huillensis and Croton megalocarpus, and two different plantation forest sites, characterized by the exotic species Cupressus lusitanica and Eucalyptus paniculata, respectively. For each forest type, six plots were visited. Soil invertebrates were extracted from collected soil and litter samples by sieving and Berlese-Tullgren funnels. The invertebrates were identified, and the taxonomic diversity calculated at the order level. The ecological and edaphic factors, measured or calculated for each plot, were tree species diversity, ratio of exotic tree species, vertical structure of trees, vegetation cover, vegetation density, litter quality, soil pH, soil temperature and soil moisture. One-way ANOVA was used to compare soil invertebrate diversity and other variables between different forest types. Akaike’s Information Criterion and Multiple Linear Regression were used to establish linear models with variables that could explain measured variations of the diversity. There was some evidence for higher soil invertebrate diversity in natural forests than in surrounding plantation forests. The abundance of soil invertebrates was also clearly higher in natural forests, which indicates that natural forests are more important than plantation forests for conservation of soil invertebrate populations. Soil invertebrate diversity (in terms of number of orders present) was found to be influenced by forest type and litter quality. The diversity was higher at places with high amounts of coarse litter, which here is considered as more heterogenous than fine litter. The dependence on forest type was partly a consequence of differences in soil pH since Eucalyptus trees lower soil pH and thereby also soil biodiversity. No relation to heterogeneity of above-ground vegetation was found. For future conservation activities in Karura Forest Reserve it is recommended to continue removing exotic plant species and replanting indigenous trees, to prioritize the removal of Eucalyptus trees before Cypress trees, to only remove a few trees at a time and to establish ground vegetation when doing so.

Influences de la pluviométrie sur la stabilité de talus routiers: méthodologie adaptée pour l'évaluation du profil hydrique temporel du sol et sa prise en compte dans les calculs de stabilité en Haïti

Rameau, Hugues Georges 15 December 2010 (has links)
Les routes sont normalement pourvues de systèmes de drainage dimensionnés et exécutés conformément aux règles de l’art en vue d’évacuer, le plus rapidement possible de l’emprise de la route, les eaux des précipitations à considérer sur la base des périodes de retour prises en compte. Toutefois, il subsiste souvent des écoulements d’eau indésirables au niveau des talus et parfois dans les accotements et/ou les surfaces de roulement non imperméabilisées. Une succession de pluies entraîne des infiltrations d’eau qui varient notamment en fonction des conditions climatiques et suivant la texture et la structure du sol. De telles infiltrations ont pour conséquence la réduction des coefficients de sécurité des talus.<p><p>Bien qu’il existe plusieurs publications scientifiques traitant de pluies qui ont conduit à des glissements de terrain (Lim et al. 1996 ;Cho et al. 2001 ;Kim et al. 2004 ;Xue et al. 2007 ;Gavin et al. 2008), les incidences des infiltrations résultant de pluies successives sur le comportement des couches superficielles des sols non saturés ne sont généralement pas prises en compte. Les modèles permettant le calcul de la stabilité de talus des massifs de sols non saturés exigent beaucoup de paramètres parfois difficiles à évaluer et se rapportent ordinairement aux cas d’instabilité provoqués par une remontée du niveau piézométrique des nappes phréatiques.<p><p>Sur la base des essais réalisés en laboratoire, une méthodologie adaptée permettant d’évaluer la variation spatio-temporelle de la teneur en eau du sol en fonction d’une suite de pluies a été développée. Cette méthodologie facilite la prise en compte des effets cumulés des taux d’infiltration associés aux évènements pluvieux et permet d’en déduire le profil de succion ainsi que celui de la cohésion apparente à utiliser en vue de calculer, pour une inclinaison β du talus, l’intervalle de variation du coefficient de sécurité Fs. La méthodologie développée présente un intérêt particulier dans le cas de budgets et infrastructures limités.<p><p>ABSTRACT<p><p>Roads are normally equipped with drainage systems sized and implemented in accordance with the rules of art to evacuate as quickly as possible to the right of way, water precipitation to be considered on the basis of return periods taken into account. However, there are often water flows at the slope side and sometimes in the shoulders and / or running surfaces that are not waterproof. A succession of rain causes a certain amount of water infiltration, which varies according to climatic conditions and depending on the soil texture and structure. Such infiltrations have resulted in reduced safety factor of slopes.<p><p>Although there are several scientific publications on rainfall leading to landslides (Lim et al. 1996; Cho et al. 2001, Kim et al. 2004; Xue et al. 2007; Gavin and al. 2008), impacts resulting from infiltration of successive rains on the behavior of surface layers of unsaturated soils are usually not taken into account. Models for calculating the slope stability of unsaturated soils require many parameters that can be, in certain circumstances, difficult to assess and refer generally to cases of instability caused by a rise in groundwater level.<p><p>Based on laboratory tests, a suitable methodology for assessing the spatial and temporal variation of soil water content induced by a set of rains has been developed. This methodology facilitates the inclusion of the cumulative effects of the infiltration rates associated with rain events and infers from them the profile of suction and that of the apparent cohesion to be used to calculate, for a slope angle β, the range of variation of the safety factor Fs. This methodology is particularly relevant in the case of limited budgets and infrastructures. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Pedotransferové funkce pro odhad vlhkostních retenčních křivek středně těžkých půd jižní Moravy / Pedotransfer functions for estimation of moisture retention curves of medium-heavy soils of South Moravia

Gavlasová, Iva January 2014 (has links)
The most important characteristics of each soil is its hydro-physical properties, which include retention curve. Retention curve expresses the relationship between humidity and pressure head. It is course affected by many factors such as grain size and mineralogical composition, humus content, structure and bulk density of dry soil. This thesis deals with direct and indirect determination of one of the basic hydraulic characteristics of the soil, soil moisture retention curve. For laboratory determination of moisture retention curves were used for sand tank and pressure instruments. Measured body retention curves were optimized RETC program.For indirect determination of retention curves were used Pedotransfer function by Wösten et . al .(1998 ) , derived from the European soils and under HYPRES Šútora and Štekauerová (2000). As in the project Wösten et al . (1998), PTF were processed for arable land in the area. The accuracy of both models PTF was assessed by the correlation coefficient R and standard error RMSE. Simple models PTF provide estimates of retention curves with sufficient accuracy for practical use in the locality.

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