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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An analysis of solute transport on a harvested hillslope in the southern Appalachian Mountains

Moore, Erin Amanda 06 June 2008 (has links)
Interest in transport of dissolved nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) in forested ecosystems is growing because of potential effects of these solutes on streamwater quality and implications for C sequestration. Additional research will further the understanding about the dynamics of these soil solutes, particularly in response to harvesting of forests. Also, the purported role of riparian buffers, where logging is restricted along stream channels, in retaining soil solutes is not well studied in the steeply sloping terrain of the southern Appalachian Mountains. I examined solute transport in a first-order watershed in the Nantahala National Forest in North Carolina that was harvested in February 2006 with retention of a 10-m riparian buffer. To quantify the movement of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), four transects of lysimeters, approximately 30 m apart, were installed perpendicular to the stream on one hillslope. Porous ceramic cup (2-bar) lysimeters were installed in each transect 1, 4, 10, 16, 30, and 50 m from the stream in the A horizon and B horizon, and 4, 16, and 50 m from the stream in the saprolite layer. Samples were removed from the lysimeters 24 hr after 50 centibars of tension were placed on them, and riparian groundwater well and stream samples were collected at the same time as lysimeter samples. Collection of samples from the lysimeters, wells, and stream occurred every four to six weeks for one calendar year beginning March 2007. A 16-wk laboratory N mineralization study was conducted on A horizon soils. Mean nitrate values in the soil solution of the A horizon in the spring were 1.53mg-N/L and decreased through the growing season to 0.030mg-N/L. Mean soil solution nitrate values in the B horizon and saprolite layer were 0.40mg-N/L in the spring and summer and decreased to 0.031mg-N/L in the winter. Mean soil solution ammonium concentrations were higher in the A horizon (0.090mg-N/L) than the B horizon and saprolite layer (0.034mg-N/L) and were lowest during the summer and fall. Dissolved organic C was significantly higher in the A horizon, with values ranging from 2.3mg/L to 599mg/L, than in the relatively stable B horizon and saprolite (1.9mg/L to 36.6mg/L). Dissolved organic C was logarithmically correlated to DON (r2 = 0.64), and DON values were highest in the A horizon (0.70mg/L). Cumulative N mineralization potential ranged from 48.1mg-N/kg to 75.6mg-N/kg and was not a useful predictor for nitrate soil solution values. Nitrate leached vertically, and a large percentage of nitrate was stored in the B horizon and saprolite. Ammonium, DON, and DOC did not appear to leach vertically because they did not increase in the B horizon or saprolite layer. Ammonium, DON, and DOC are less mobile in soil solution than nitrate. The 10-m riparian zone had little impact on nitrate, ammonium, DON, and DOC removal. Nitrate remaining in the A horizon was likely removed through plant uptake in the harvested area before reaching the riparian zone. There was no detectable difference between ammonium concentrations in the harvested area and riparian zone likely because of limited mobility. The riparian zone did not remove excess DON or DOC, and in some transects was a source of DON and DOC. Nitrate and DOC concentrations were highly variable among transects and locations within transects. This may be caused by sensitivity of these solutes to site heterogeneity. This suggests that a large number of lysimeters should be used to account for this variability in future studies to ensure accuracy. This study observed limited vertical leaching of ammonium, DON, and DOC through the profile. However, excess nitrate was observed moving from the A horizon into the B horizon and saprolite layer, suggesting the potential for delivery to the stream via subsurface transport and the need for attenuation of nitrate by the riparian zone. Because of low concentrations of nitrate entering the riparian zone during this study, the capacity for riparian attenuation of nitrate was not demonstrated. / Master of Science

Groundwater impact assessment and protection

Eliasson, Åse January 2001 (has links)
<p>In the recent decades, therehave been frequent conflicts between groundwater waterresources and environmentally hazardous activities. Newmethodologies for aiding decision-making in groundwater impactassessment and protection areneeded and in which issues ofincreased awareness, better understanding of the groundwaterresources processes, and validation of predictive mathematicalmodels are addressed.</p><p>A framework fordecision–aid, based on predictive simulations that a)predicts the environmental impacts b) provides the totaleconomical value c) visualises the impacts and the groundwaterproperties and d) describes the uncertainties in the results isproposed herein. The framework can be applied in environmentalimpact assessments, strategic environmental assessments andprotection and management of water resources. The results ofthe model are used as feedback for determining new scenarios,depending on the required uncertainties, and if the plannedactivity is sustainable, and/or fulfils the legislative andpolicy measures. This framework is applied to a particular casestudy, Nybroåsen, in the south-eastern part of Sweden,where the highway E22 is constructed through the importantglaciofluvial esker aquifer, passing the protection zone of thewater supply for the Kalmar municipality.</p><p>The impacts from the new highwayand the existing road have been predicted by two-dimensionalphysically based time-variant flow and solute groundwatermodelling. The results, breakthrough curves of contaminantconcentration in wells and maps of concentration distributions,as well as travel times, flow paths, and capture zones forwells determined by particle tracking have been presented.</p><p>The constructed model of theNybroåsen study area was calibrated by comparing observedand simulated groundwater levels for 15 observation wells forten years of measurements. The model has been evaluated bothgraphically and numerically and the calibration target wasfulfilled for 13 of the 15 observation wells. The model workincludes investigations of the catchment information, a waterbalance study, simulation of the groundwater recharge,consideration of the unsaturated zone by a numerical columnsimulation, and sensitivity analysis.</p><p>From the sensitivity analysis ofthe flow and transport parameters, it has been shown that theuncertainties are mainly due to the hydraulic conductivity.Comparison of the derived conductivity from the steady-stateautomatic calibration and the time-variant calibration showedthat there are major differences in the derived parameters,which illustrates the importance of a time dependentcalibration over both wet and dry periods and in more than onepoint in the area of interest of the model predictions.</p><p>In addition, a multi-criteriadecision analysis has been carried out for four roadalternatives (including the new highway E22) and the existingroad in the case study concerned. The multi-criteria decisionaid is applied as an illustration of how it can be used in thestudy area to identify a) interest groups of actors and theirconcerns b) ranking of alternative road scenarios according toactors’preferences and c) coalition groups of actors<i>i.e.</i>groups that have similar views with regard to theroad alternatives.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Physically-based groundwater modelling,contamination, flow and solute transport, glaciofluvialdeposits, Nybroåsen, Sweden, and multi-criteriadecision-aid.</p>

Transit time distributions and StorAge Selection functions in a sloping soil lysimeter with time-varying flow paths: Direct observation of internal and external transport variability

Kim, Minseok, Pangle, Luke A., Cardoso, Charléne, Lora, Marco, Volkmann, Till H. M., Wang, Yadi, Harman, Ciaran J., Troch, Peter A. 09 1900 (has links)
Transit times through hydrologic systems vary in time, but the nature of that variability is not well understood. Transit times variability was investigated in a 1 m(3) sloping lysimeter, representing a simplified model of a hillslope receiving periodic rainfall events for 28 days. Tracer tests were conducted using an experimental protocol that allows time-variable transit time distributions (TTDs) to be calculated from data. Observed TTDs varied with the storage state of the system, and the history of inflows and outflows. We propose that the observed time variability of the TTDs can be decomposed into two parts: internal variability associated with changes in the arrangement of, and partitioning between, flow pathways; and external variability driven by fluctuations in the flow rate along all flow pathways. These concepts can be defined quantitatively in terms of rank StorAge Selection (rSAS) functions, which is a theory describing lumped transport dynamics. Internal variability is associated with temporal variability in the rSAS function, while external is not. The rSAS function variability was characterized by an inverse storage effect, whereby younger water is released in greater proportion under wetter conditions than drier. We hypothesize that this effect is caused by the rapid mobilization of water in the unsaturated zone by the rising water table. Common approximations used to model transport dynamics that neglect internal variability were unable to reproduce the observed breakthrough curves accurately. This suggests that internal variability can play an important role in hydrologic transport dynamics, with implications for field data interpretation and modeling.

Numerical modeling of fluid flow and solute transport in rock fractures

Zou, Liangchao January 2016 (has links)
This study focuses on numerical modeling of fluid flow and solute transport in rough-walled rock fractures and fracture-matrix systems, with the main aim to investigate the impacts of fracture surface roughness on flow and transport processes in rock fractures. Both 2D and 3D fracture models were built from laser-scanned surface tomography of a real granite rock sample, to consider realistic features of surface tomography and potential asperity contacts. The flow was simulated by directly solving the Navier-Stokes equations (NSE) and the transport was modeled by solving the advection-dispersion equation (ADE) in the entire domain of fracture-matrix system, including matrix diffusion process. Such direct simulations provided detailed flow and concentration fields for quantitatively analysis of flow and transport behavior. The detailed analysis of surface roughness decomposition, complex flow patterns (i.e., channeling, transverse and eddy flows), effective advective flow apertures, effective transmissivity, effective dispersivity, residence time, transport resistance and specific surface area demonstrated significant impacts of realistic fracture surface roughness on fluid flow and solute transport processes in rock fractures. The results show that the surface roughness and shear displacement caused asperity contacts significantly enhance nonlinearity and complexity of flow and transport processes in rough-walled fractures and fracture-matrix systems. The surface roughness also causes invasion flows in intersected fractures which enhance solute mixing at fracture intersections. Therefore, the fracture surface roughness is an important source of uncertainty in application of such simplified models like cubic law (CL) for fluid flow and analytical solutions for solute transport in rock fractures. The research conducted advances our understanding of realistic flow and transport processes in natural fractured rocks. The results are useful for model validation/extension, uncertainty analysis/quantification and laboratory experiments design in the context of various applications related to fracture flow and transport. / Denna studie fokuserar på numerisk modellering av vätskeflöde och transport av lösta ämnen i frakturer med ojämna väggar samt fraktur-matrissystem, med det huvudsakliga syftet att undersöka effekterna av frakturernas ytjämnhet på flödes- och transportprocesser i bergsfrakturer. Både 2D och 3D modeller skapades utifrån laser skannad tomografi av ett verkligt bergartsprov av granit, för att överväga de realistiska egenskaperna hos ytan och potentiell skrovlighet. Flödet simulerades genom att lösa Navier-Stokes ekvationer (NSE) och transporten modellerades genom att lösa advektion-dispersion ekvation (ADE) i hela domänen av fraktur-matrissystemet, inklusive diffusions process i matrisen. Sådana direkta simuleringar resulterade i detaljerade flödes- och koncentrationsfält för att kvantitativt kunna analysera flödet och transportbeteendet. En detaljerad analys av upplösningen av ytjämnhet, komplexa flödesmönster (dvs kanalisering, tvärgående och virvelströmmar), effektiv advektiv flödesöppning, effektiv transmissivitet, effektiv dispersivitet, uppehållstid, transport motstånd och specifik yta visade signifikanta effekter av realistiska ojämna frakturväggar på vätskeflöde och lösta transportprocesser i bergssprickor. Resultaten visar att ytjämnhet och skjuvningssystemsorsakade asperitetskontakter avsevärt förbättrar olinjäritet och komplexitet av flödes- och transportprocesser i frakturer med ojämna väggar samt fraktur-matrissystem. Ytråheten orsakar också intrång av flöde i tvärgående frakturer vilket ökar blandingen av lösta ämnen i korsningarna. Därför är ytjämnhet av frakturerna en viktig källa till osäkerhet i tillämpningen av sådana förenklade modeller som kubisk lag (CL) för vätskeflöde och analytiska lösningar för transport av lösta ämnen i bergsfrakturer. Studien har ökat förståelsen för realistiska flödes- och transportprocesser i naturligt sprucket berg. Resultaten är användbara för modellvalidering/förlängning, osäkerhetsanalys/kvantifiering och design av laboratorieexperiment i samband med olika tillämpningar av flöde och transport i bergsfrakturer. / <p>QC 20161010</p>

Mechanistic numerical modeling of solute uptake by plant roots / Modelagem numérica de extração de solutos pelas raízes

Bezerra, André Herman Freire 19 February 2016 (has links)
A modification in an existing water uptake and solute transport numerical model was implemented in order to allow the model to simulate solute uptake by the roots. The convection-dispersion equation (CDE) was solved numerically, using a complete implicit scheme, considering a transient state for water and solute fluxes and a soil solute concentration dependent boundary for the uptake at the root surface, based on the Michaelis- Menten (MM) equation. Additionally, a linear approximation was developed for the MM equation such that the CDE has a linear and a non-linear solution. A radial geometry was assumed, considering a single root with its surface acting as the uptake boundary and the outer boundary being the half distance between neighboring roots, a function of root density. The proposed solute transport model includes active and passive solute uptake and predicts solute concentration as a function of time and distance from the root surface. It also estimates the relative transpiration of the plant, on its turn directly affecting water and solute uptake and related to water and osmotic stress status of the plant. Performed simulations show that the linear and non-linear solutions result in significantly different solute uptake predictions when the soil solute concentration is below a limiting value (Clim). This reduction in uptake at low concentrations may result in a further reduction in the relative transpiration. The contributions of active and passive uptake vary with parameters related to the ion species, the plant, the atmosphere and the soil hydraulic properties. The model showed a good agreement with an analytical model that uses a linear concentration dependent equation as boundary condition for uptake at the root surface. The advantage of the numerical model is it allows simulation of transient solute and water uptake and, therefore, can be used in a wider range of situations. Simulation with different scenarios and comparison with experimental results are needed to verify model performance and possibly suggest improvements. / Uma modificação em um modelo existente de extração de água e transporte de solutos foi realizada com o objetivo de incluir nele a possibilidade de simular a extração de soluto pelas raízes. Uma solução numérica para a equação de convecção-dispersão (ECD), que utiliza um esquema de resolução completamente implícito, foi elaborada e considera o fluxo transiente de água e solutos com uma condição de contorno à superfície da raiz de extração de soluto dependente de sua concentração no solo, baseada na equação de Michaelis- Menten (MM). Uma aproximação linear para a equação de MM foi implementada de tal forma que a ECD tem uma solução linear e outra não-linear. O modelo considera uma raiz singular com geometria radial sendo sua superfície a condição de contorno (limite) de extração e sendo o limite extremo a meia-distância entre raízes vizinhas, função da densidade radicular. O modelo de transporte de soluto proposto inclui extração de soluto ativa e passiva e prediz a concentração de soluto como uma função do tempo e da distância à superfície da raiz, além de estimar a transpiração relativa da planta, que por sua vez afeta a extração de água e solutos e é relacionado com a condição de estresse da planta. Simulações mostram que as soluções linear e não-linear resultam em predições de extração de solutos significativamente diferentes quando a concentração de solutos no solo está abaixo de um valor limitante (Clim). A redução da extração em baixas concentrações pode resultar em uma redução adicional na transpiração relativa. As contribuições ativa e passiva da extração de solutos variam com parâmetros relacionados à espécie de íon, à planta, à atmosfera e às propriedades hidráulicas do solo. O modelo apresentou uma boa concordância com um modelo analítico que aplica uma condição de contorno linear, à superfície da raiz, de extração de solutos dependente da concentração no solo. A vantagem do modelo numérico sobre o analítico é que ele permite simular fluxos transientes de água e solutos, sendo, portanto, possível simular uma maior gama de situações. Se faz necessário simulações com diferentes cenários e comparações com dados experimentais para se verificar a performance do modelo e, possivelmente, sugerir melhorias.

Dynamics of saline water evaporation from porous media

Shokri-Kuehni, Salomé Michelle Sophie January 2018 (has links)
Saline water evaporation from porous media with the associated salt precipitation patterns is frequently observed in a number of industrial and environmental applications and it is important in a variety of topics including, but not limited to, water balance and land-atmosphere interaction, terrestrial ecosystem functioning, geological carbon storage, and preservation of historical monuments. The excess accumulation of salt in soil is a global problem and is one of the most widespread soil degradation processes. Thus, it is important to understand the dominant mechanisms controlling saline water evaporation from porous media. This process is controlled by the transport properties of the porous medium, the external conditions, and the properties of the evaporating fluid. During saline water evaporation from porous media, the capillary induced liquid flow transports the solute towards the evaporation surface while diffusive transport tends to spread the salt homogeneously thorough the porous medium. Therefore, the solute distribution is influenced by the competition between the diffusive and convective transport. As water evaporates, salt concentration in the pore space increases continually until it precipitates. The formation of precipitated salt adds to the complexity of the description of saline water evaporation from porous media. In this dissertation, the effects of salt concentration, type of salt, and the presence of precipitated salt, on the evaporation dynamics have been investigated. The obtained results show that the precipitated salt has a porous structure and it evolves as the drying progresses. The presence of porous precipitated salt at the surface causes top-supplied creeping of the evaporating solution, feeding the growth of subsequent crystals. This could be visualized by thermal imaging in the form of appearance and disappearance of cold-spots on the surface of the porous medium, brought about by preferential water evaporation through the salt crust. My results show that such a phenomenon influences the dynamics of saline water evaporation from porous media. Moreover, a simple but effective tool was developed in this dissertation capable of describing the effects of ambient temperature, relative humidity, type of salt and its concentration, on the evaporative fluxes. Additionally, pore-scale data obtained by synchrotron x-ray tomography was used to study ion transport during saline water evaporation from porous media in 4D (3D space + time). Using iodine K-edge dual energy imaging, the ion concentration at pore scale with a high temporal and spatial resolution could be quantified. This enabled us to reveal the mechanisms controlling solute transport during saline water evaporation from porous media and extend the corresponding physical understanding of this process. Within this context, the effects of particle size distribution on the dispersion coefficient were investigated together with the evolution of the dispersion coefficient as the evaporation process progresses. The results reported in this dissertation shed new insight on the physics of saline water evaporation from porous media and its complex dynamics. The results of this dissertation have been published in 3 peer-reviewed journal papers together with one additional manuscript which is currently under review.

Discriminating between Biological and Hydrological Controls of Hyporheic Denitrification across a Land Use Gradient in Nine Western Wyoming Streams

Myers, Andrew Kenneth 01 May 2008 (has links)
I studied nine streams near Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, covering a land use gradient (urban, agricultural, and forested) to assess influences of land use on denitrification rates and hyporheic exchange. I hypothesized denitrification in the hyporheic zone is governed by availability of chemical substrates and hydrologic transport. I tested this hypothesis by coupling measurements of denitrification potentials in hyporheic sediments with a 2-storage zone solute transport model. Denitrification potentials were lowest on average in hyporheic sediments from forested streams and highest from agricultural streams. Modeling results suggest, on average, agricultural sites are transport-limited by having the slowest exchange rate with hyporheic zone and longest transport before entering storage. Land use influences the capacity for hyporheic denitrification in two ways 1) agricultural and urban practices supply substrates that build the microbial potential for denitrification and 2) agricultural and urban activities alter channel form and substrates, limiting hyporheic exchange.

Upscaling of solute transport in heterogeneous media : theories and experiments to compare and validate Fickian and non-Fickian approaches

Frippiat, Christophe 29 May 2006 (has links)
The classical Fickian model for solute transport in porous media cannot correctly predict the spreading (the dispersion) of contaminant plumes in a heterogeneous subsoil unless its structure is completely characterized. Although the required precision is outside the reach of current field characterization methods, the classical Fickian model remains the most widely used model among practitioners. Two approaches can be adopted to solve the effect of physical heterogeneity on transport. First, upscaling methods allow one to compute “apparent” scale-dependent parameters to be used in the classical Fickian model. In the second approach, upscaled (non-Fickian) transport equations with scale-independent parameters are used. This research aims at comparing upscaling methods for Fickian transport parameters with non-Fickian upscaled transport equations, and evaluate their capabilities to predict solute transport in heterogeneous media. The models were tested using simplified numerical examples (perfectly stratified aquifers and bidimensional heterogeneous media). Hypothetical lognormal permeability fields were investigated, for different values of variance, correlation length and anisotropy ratio. Examples exhibiting discrete and multimodal permeability distributions were also investigated using both numerical examples and a physical laboratory experiment. It was found that non-Fickian transport equations involving fractional derivatives have higher upscaling capabilities regarding the prediction of contaminant plume migration and spreading, although their key parameters can only be inferred from inverse modelling of test data.

Modeling Molecular Transport and Binding Interactions in Intervertebral Disc

Travascio, Francesco 10 December 2009 (has links)
Low back pain represents a significant concern in the United States, with 70% of individuals experiencing symptoms at some point in their lifetime. Although the specific cause of low back pain remains unclear, symptoms have been strongly associated with degeneration of the intervertebral disc. Insufficient nutritional supply to the disc is believed to be a major mechanism for tissue degeneration. Understanding nutrients' transport in intervertebral disc is crucial to elucidate the mechanisms of disc degeneration, and to develop strategies for tissue repair (in vivo), and tissue engineering (in vitro). Transport in intervertebral disc is complex and involves a series of electromechanical, chemical and biological coupled events. Despite of the large amount of studies performed in the past, transport phenomena in the disc are still poorly understood. This is partly due to the limited number of available experimental techniques for investigating transport properties, and the paucity of theoretical or numerical methods for systematically predicting the mechanisms of solute transport in intervertebral disc. In this dissertation, a theoretical and experimental approach was taken in order to investigate the mechanisms of solute transport and binding interactions in intervertebral disc. New imaging techniques were developed for the experimental determination of diffusive and binding parameters in biological tissues. The techniques are based on the principle of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, and allow the determination of the anisotropic diffusion tensor, and the rates of binding and unbinding of a solute to the extracellular matrix of a biological tissue. When applied to the characterization of transport properties of intervertebral disc, these methods allowed the establishment of a relationship between solute anisotropic and inhomogeneous diffusivity and the unique morphology of human lumbar annulus fibrosus. A mixture theory for charged hydrated soft tissues was presented as a framework for theoretical investigations on solute transport and binding interactions in cartilaginous tissues. Based on this theoretical framework and on experimental observations, a finite element model was developed to predict solute diffusive-convective-reactive transport in cartilaginous tissues. The numerical model was applied to simulate the effect of mechanical loading on solute transport and binding interactions in cartilage explants and intervertebral disc.

Applied tracers for the observation of subsurface stormflow at the hillslope scale

Wienhöfer, Jan, Germer, Kai, Lindenmaier, Falk, Färber, Arne, Zehe, Erwin January 2009 (has links)
Rain fall-runoff response in temperate humid headwater catchments is mainly controlled by hydrolo gical processes at the hillslope scale. Applied tracer experiments with fluore scent dye and salt tracers are well known tools in groundwater studies at the large scale and vadose zone studies at the plot scale, where they provide a means to characterise subsurface flow. We extend this approach to the hillslope scale to investigate saturated and unsaturated flow path s concertedly at a forested hill slope in the Austrian Alps. Dye staining experiments at the plot scale revealed that crack s and soil pipe s function as preferential flow path s in the fine-textured soils of the study area, and these preferenti al flow structures were active in fast subsurface transport of tracers at the hillslope scale. Breakthrough curves obtained under steady flow conditions could be fitted well to a one-dimensional convection-dispersion model. Under natural rain fall a positive correlation of tracer concentrations to the transient flows was observed. The results of this study demon strate qualitative and quantitative effects of preferential flow feature s on subsurface stormflow in a temperate humid headwater catchment. It turn s out that / at the hill slope scale, the interaction s of structures and processes are intrinsically complex, which implies that attempts to model such a hillslope satisfactorily require detailed investigation s of effective structures and parameters at the scale of interest.

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