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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Compiler-based Framework For Automatic Extraction Of Program Skeletons For Exascale Hardware/software Co-design

Dakshinamurthy, Amruth Rudraiah 01 January 2013 (has links)
The design of high-performance computing architectures requires performance analysis of largescale parallel applications to derive various parameters concerning hardware design and software development. The process of performance analysis and benchmarking an application can be done in several ways with varying degrees of fidelity. One of the most cost-effective ways is to do a coarse-grained study of large-scale parallel applications through the use of program skeletons. The concept of a “program skeleton” that we discuss in this paper is an abstracted program that is derived from a larger program where source code that is determined to be irrelevant is removed for the purposes of the skeleton. In this work, we develop a semi-automatic approach for extracting program skeletons based on compiler program analysis. We demonstrate correctness of our skeleton extraction process by comparing details from communication traces, as well as show the performance speedup of using skeletons by running simulations in the SST/macro simulator. Extracting such a program skeleton from a large-scale parallel program requires a substantial amount of manual effort and often introduces human errors. We outline a semi-automatic approach for extracting program skeletons from large-scale parallel applications that reduces cost and eliminates errors inherent in manual approaches. Our skeleton generation approach is based on the use of the extensible and open-source ROSE compiler infrastructure that allows us to perform flow and dependency analysis on larger programs in order to determine what code can be removed from the program to generate a skeleton.

A qualitative study: how Solution Snippets are presented in Stack Overflow and how those Solution Snippets need to be adapted for reuse

Weeraddana, Nimmi Rashinika 22 March 2022 (has links)
Researchers use datasets of Question-Solution pairs to train machine learning models, such as source code generation models. A Question-Solution pair contains two parts: a programming question and its corresponding Solution Snippet. A Solution Snippet is a source code that solves a programming question. These datasets of Question-Solution pairs can be extracted from a number of different platforms. In this research, I study how Question-Solution pairs are extracted from Stack Overflow (SO). There are two limitations of datasets of Question-Solution pairs extracted from SO: (1) according to the authors of these datasets, some Question-Solution pairs contain Solution Snippets that do not solve the question correctly, and (2) these datasets do not contain the information on how Solution Snippets need to be reused, and such information would enhance the reusability of Solution Snippets. These limitations of datasets of pairs could adversely affect the quality of the code being generated by machine learning models. In this research, I conducted a qualitative study to categorize various presentations of Solution Snippets in SO’s answers as well as how Solution Snippets can be adapted for reuse. By doing so, I identified eight categories of how Solution Snippets are presented in SO’s answers and five categories of how Solution Snippets could be adapted. Based on these results, I concluded several potential reasons why it is not easy to create datasets of Question-Solution pairs. The first categorization informs that finding the correct location of the Solution Snippet is challenging when there are several code blocks within the answer to the question. Subsequently, the researcher must identify which code within that code block is the Solution Snippet. The second categorization informs that most Solution Snippets appear challenging to be adapted for reuse, and how Solution Snippets are potentially adapted is not explicitly stated in them. These insights shed light on creating better quality datasets from questions and answers posted on Stack Overflow. / Graduate

Vývojové prostředí pro generování client/server databázových aplikací / Development Environment (IDE) for developing client/server applications.

Lempera, Milan January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the development environment for generating client/server database applications. The thesis defines the characteristics of good architecture of database applications and proposes appropriate concepts for the unification of system parts of the application. It also analyzes the characteristics of the development environment to facilitate the implementation of database applications. In thesis is proposed data model. There is implemented a prototype of development enviroment and verified its functionality and correctness of the proposed concepts.

Formatabhängige hochdynamische Bewegungen mit Servoantrieben / Automatic SPS source code generation for high-speed motions

Nolte, Rainer 08 June 2017 (has links) (PDF)
OPTIMUS MOTUS (R) ist ein grafischer Editor, um komplexe Bewegungsabläufe zu modellieren, zu optimieren, zu testen und schließlich als Funktionsbausteine für die SPS-Welt zu exportieren. So können SPS-Bewegungsprogramme erheblich schneller entwickelt und geändert werden als bei manueller Programmentwicklung. Die aus der Kurventechnik bekannte Bewegungsqualität kommt damit auch bei Servoantrieben zum Tragen. Das Debugging entfällt, weil die Quelltexte maschinell erzeugt werden.

Formatabhängige hochdynamische Bewegungen mit Servoantrieben

Nolte, Rainer 08 June 2017 (has links)
OPTIMUS MOTUS (R) ist ein grafischer Editor, um komplexe Bewegungsabläufe zu modellieren, zu optimieren, zu testen und schließlich als Funktionsbausteine für die SPS-Welt zu exportieren. So können SPS-Bewegungsprogramme erheblich schneller entwickelt und geändert werden als bei manueller Programmentwicklung. Die aus der Kurventechnik bekannte Bewegungsqualität kommt damit auch bei Servoantrieben zum Tragen. Das Debugging entfällt, weil die Quelltexte maschinell erzeugt werden.

Прилог пројектовању, консолидацији и трансформацијама ограничења торке шеме базе података, заснован на платформски независним моделима / Prilog projektovanju, konsolidaciji i transformacijama ograničenja torke šeme baze podataka, zasnovan na platformski nezavisnim modelima / An Approach to Design, Consolidation and Transformations of Database Schema Check Constraints Based on Platform Independent Models

Obrenović Nikola 10 October 2015 (has links)
<p>Употреба платформски независног моделовања и генерисања<br />прототипова у развоју информационих система скраћује време<br />њиховог развоја и побољшава квалитет тог процеса. При томе,<br />циљ је обезбеђење могућности да развој свих аспеката<br />информационих система буде подржан оваквим приступом.<br />Ова дисертација треба да пружи одговарајући допринос у<br />остварењу наведеног циља. У дисертацији представљени су<br />алгоритми за трансформацију модела ограничења вредности у<br />извршив к&ocirc;д и консолидацију подшема са јединственом<br />шемом базе података, са аспекта ограничења вредности.</p> / <p>Upotreba platformski nezavisnog modelovanja i generisanja<br />prototipova u razvoju informacionih sistema skraćuje vreme<br />njihovog razvoja i poboljšava kvalitet tog procesa. Pri tome,<br />cilj je obezbeđenje mogućnosti da razvoj svih aspekata<br />informacionih sistema bude podržan ovakvim pristupom.<br />Ova disertacija treba da pruži odgovarajući doprinos u<br />ostvarenju navedenog cilja. U disertaciji predstavljeni su<br />algoritmi za transformaciju modela ograničenja vrednosti u<br />izvršiv k&ocirc;d i konsolidaciju podšema sa jedinstvenom<br />šemom baze podataka, sa aspekta ograničenja vrednosti.</p> / <p>The usage of platform-independent modelling and generation of<br />prototypes in information systems development reduces the<br />development time and improves the process quality. By that, the<br />goal is to have all elements of an information system supported by<br />this approach.<br />This dissertation should provide a contribution towards fulfilling the<br />given goal. In the dissertation, author presents algorithms for<br />check constraint model into executable code transformations and<br />algorithms for testing subschema consolidation with respect to<br />check constraints.</p>

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