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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gesinsbeplanningsopleiding aan verpleegkundiges

Pienaar, Daniel Theodorus 12 June 2014 (has links)
M.Cur. (Nursing Education) / A National Family Planning Programme was launched during 1974 by die Government in the Republic of South Africa (R.S.A). The rendering of the clinical family planni~g services was assigned to medicalpractitioners and nurses. Special courses were instituted in the main centres of the R.S.A with the aim of supplementing knowledge which wasgained by nurses during their basic training. Since no curriculum can be considered as being perfect, it was intended withthis study to evaluate the present curriculumand to determine whether the methods of presentation are effective. A literature study was conducted and it was found that the family planning programme is directed towards the improvement of health and not population control. Curriculum building was studied in depth and a survey was conducted by means of a questionnaire. The curriculum, teaching methods and techniques implemented to prepare nurses to practice as clinical family planning nurses were researched. The findings indicated that the course content included subject matter that was already known to the nurse. The importance of having training officers to conduct the course who are proficient in adult teaching became evident. It is therefore recommended that only certain aspects of the present course be presented bypersonswho are skilled in adult teaching.

Riglyne vir die skep van 'n kultuursensitiewe leerkonteks

Van der Merwe, Elizabeth 20 February 2014 (has links)
M.Cur. (Professional Nursing) / The purpose of this study is to describe the guidelines for creating a cultural sensitive learning context. In present- day South Africa the learning accompanist is faced with the challenge to create a didactic situation which accommodates the cultural diversity of students. In the dynamic interactive relationship between the learning accompanist and the student, the student has the right to be treated with respect and human dignity. This right can only be respected if the learning accompaniment takes place from a cultural- sensitive perspective. The paradigmatic perspective that guides this research is described by means of metatheoretlcal, theoretical and methodological assumptions. The Nursing Theory for the Whole Person was used as meta- theoretical assumption. the theoretical assumptions were set from the Nursing Theory for the Whole Person. the U Model vir begeleide selfstudie .. (Klopper 1994) and Chrisman's (1991) .. Cultural Sensitive Nursing Care u. The methodological assumptions of the study are based on Botes" research model (1992) implying a functional approach to practice of science. The experience of the learning accompanists and students in a multicultural learning context was explored and supported by literature. From this data statements were generated indiVidually for phase I and phase II of the research. Eight statements were generated from each phase. In chapter four the conceptual framework is described from concepts of phases I and II and relevant national and international literature. With the description of the conceptual framework main concepts and related concepts were determined analytically. A total of nineteen statements were generated from the main and related concepts. A total of thirty five statements were generated from phases I and II and the conceptual framework. The guidelines for creating a cultural- sensitive didactic situation were inferred by means of deductive and inductive reasoning from these statements. The guidelines focus on the actions a learning accompanist should carry out within a multicultural didactic situation in order to carry create a cultural- sensitive didactic situation. The unique contribution of this research arises from the description of a multicultural didactic situation of nursing within the constructivist learning perspective.

Evaluering van 'n brugkursus vir professioneel ongekwalifiseerde onderwysers aan die Onderwyskollege van Suid-Afrika

Rogers, Eugene Alfred 23 April 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Tertiary and Adult Education) / The technical teacher often enters the teaching profession via industry. He/she comes to realise that, because he/she is professionally unqualified, the posibilities for the development of his/her career are extremely limited. since 1986 the College of Education of South Africa has made provision for these teachers by offering a course that enables them to gain admission to a Higher Diploma in Education. The study showed that the adult learner differs from the typical bridging course student. Among other things, the CESA bridging course student differs in respect of age and finality of vocational choice, and generally has no particular academic needs requiring academic support. The technical teacher as a bridging course student receives no academic support; neither is he/she offered any course to compensate for underachievement or educational deprivation. The connotation in the term bridging course leads to comparisons with traditional bridging courses, and a change of name for the existing course would be advisable. The bridging course covers the acquisition of additional techical qualifications, thus complying with the reguirements for admission to a Higher Diploma in Education (Technical) . The empirical investigation revealed that these teachers are to a large extent academically under-qualified, almost 74% of them have not been promoted at all, with only 8,2% being granted a single promotion to post level 2. From the research it appears that the bridging course student's course should be adapted in such a way that its completion will enable the teacher to complete both his/her technical and professional qualifications simultaneously. After the successful completion of the course a Teachers Diploma should be awarded.

Telephonic service intervention for female sexual dysfunction

Solomon, Woolf 19 November 2014 (has links)
D.Phil. / Please refer to full text to view abstract

The use of peer review as an evaluative tool in science

Eigelaar, Ilse 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Peer review as an institutional mechanism for certifying knowledge and allocating resources dates back as far as 1665. Today it can with confidence be stated that it is one of the most prominent evaluative tools used in science to determine the quality of research across all scientific fields. Given the transformation within the processes of knowledge production, peer review as an institutionalised method of the evaluation of scientific research has not been unaffected. Peer reviewers have to act within a system of relevant science and find themselves responsible to the scientific community as well as to public decision-makers, who in turn are responsible to the public. This dual responsibility of reviewers led to the development of criteria to be used in the evaluation process to enable them to measure scientific excellence as well as the societal relevance of science. In this thesis peer review in science is examined within the context of these transformations. In looking at the conceptual and methodological issues raised by peer review, definitions of peer review, its history and contexts of application are examined followed by a critique on peer review. Peer review in practice is also explored and the evaluation processes of four respective funding agencies are analysed with regards to three aspects intrinsic to the peer review process: the method by which reviewers are selected, the review criteria by which proposals are rated, and the number of review stages within each review process. The thesis concludes with recommendations for possible improvements to the peer review process and recommended alternatives to peer review as an evaluative tool. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Portuurgroep-evaluering as 'n geïnsitutsionaliseerde meganisme in die sertifisering van kennis en die toewys van hulpbronne dateer terug so ver as 1665. Huidiglik kan dit as een van die mees prominente metingsinstrumente van die kwaliteit van navorsing in alle wetenskaplike velde beskou word. Die transformasies wat plaasgevind het binne die prosesse waar kennis gegenereer word, het ook nie portuurgroep-evaluaring as 'n geïnstitusionaliseerde metode van evaluering ongeraak gelaat nie. Portuurgroep-evalueerders bevind hulself binne 'n sisteem van relevante wetenskap. Binne hierdie sisteem het hulle 'n verantwoordelikheid teenoor die wetenskaplike gemeenskap sowel as die publiekebesluitnemers wat op hul beurt weer verantwoordelik is teenoor die publiek. Hierdie dubbele verantwoordelikheid het tot gevolg die saamstel van kriteria waarvolgens evalueerders wetenskaplike uitmuntendheid sowel as relevansie tot die breër samelewing kan meet. Hierdie tesis ondersoek portuurgroep-evaluering teen die agtergrond van hierdie transformasies. Die konseptueie en metodologiese aspekte van portuurgroepevaluering word ondersoek deur eerstens te kyk na definisies van portuurgroepevaluering, die geskiedenis daarvan en kontekste waarbinne dit gebruik word. Tweedens word gekyk na kritiek gelewer op portuurgroep-evaluering. Portuurgroep evaluering binne die praktyk word ook ondersoek waar vier onderskeie befondsingsagentskappe se evaluerings prosesse geanaliseer word. Hierdie analise word gedoen in terme van drie essensiële aspekte binne portuurgroep- evaluering. Hierdie drie aspekte is as volg: 1) die wyse waarop evalueerders geselekteer word, 2) die evalueringskriteria waarvolgens navorsingsvoorstelle gemeet word en 3) die hoeveelheid evalueringsfases binne die protuurgroep-evaluerings proses. Laastens word aanbevelings ter verbetering van die portuurgroep-evaluerings proses as ook voorstelle tot moontlike alternatiewe tot portuurgroep-evaluering as 'n evaluerings instrument gebied.

The evaluation of the outcome of a thinking skills programme for middle management in a financial services industry organisation

Hermanson, Christina Magdalena 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The globalisation of business is probably the most important topic of discussion in business around the world. Globalisation impacts on business processes, and changes in the processes of economic and political liberalisation signify a radical shift in thinking about how the world works and how it should be organised. The process of change consequently means having to deal with increasing complexity. It is the complexity of change that prompts the urgency to improve the thinking of management in an organisation. As adult learners, managers need different competencies to operate; in addition their thinking skills need to be developed, as they are the key drivers in an organisation going through transformation. In a needs' assessment in a financial services organisation operating in the global environment, a need for training of middle managers to help them improve their thinking skills in order to become more effective thinkers was determined. The need to train adults to develop cognitive skills prompted a specific thinking skills intervention and the facilitation thereof. A Thinking Skills Programme aimed at teaching thinking dispositions and thinking skills was implemented as a programme to teach the managers to become effective thinkers. The study was approached from a programme evaluative perspective. The purpose of the programme was an improvement-orientated evaluation and was designed to evaluate the outcomes of the programme. Qualitative data was collected through a pre- assessment and postassessment process. Open-ended questionnaires as well as other qualitative methods were used in the assessment to capture the data. The data analysis was done through content analysis. In the process of determining the patterns and processes in the preassessment, observations, semi-structured interviews, field notes and post-assessment, the researcher looked for themes or interconnections that emerged in the units, sub-categories and categories. The sub-categories that emerged were derived from the frequency of appearance in the answers of the participants in the questionnaires. The post-assessment feedback categories indicated that a shift in effective thinking had taken place in the participants. The most significant difference in their thinking was the awareness of their thinking. They reflected on their thinking while solving problems, which is evidence of effective thinking. They used the thinking tools to help them solve problems. The intervention influenced the participants to be more creative in solving problems, which was not evident in the pre-assessment. The evaluation of the outcome of the programme through the application of a Thinking Skills Programme was successful. This was demonstrated by the fact that in the measurement of the outcome of the programme it was evident that the middle managers had become more aware of their thinking and that they applied the thinking dispositions and thinking tools in their daily managerial activities. They had become more effective thinkers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die globalisering van die sakewêreld is waarskynlik die belangrikste besprekingspunt in dié sektor regoor die wêreld. Globalisering het 'n impak op sakeprosesse, en veranderings in die prosesse van ekonomiese en politieke liberalisering dui op 'n radikale verandering in denke oor hoe die wêreld werk en hoe dit georganiseer behoort te word. Die proses van verandering dui gevolglik daarop dat daar rekening gehou moet word met toenemende kompleksiteit. Dit is die kompleksiteit van verandering wat aanleiding gee tot die belangrikheid daarvan om die denkvaardighede van die bestuur in 'n organisasie te verbeter. As volwasse leerders benodig bestuurders verskillende vaardighede om hulle taak te verrig, en hulle denkvaardighede moet ontwikkel word aangesien hulle die dryfkrag is van 'n organisasie wat transformasie ondergaan. In 'n behoeftebepaling in 'n finansiële dienste organisasie wat op die wêreldmark meeding, is die behoefte geïdentifiseer aan opleiding vir middelvlak bestuurders om hulle denkvaardighede te help verbeter, ten einde van hulle meer effektiewe denkers te maak. Die behoefte om volwassenes op te lei in die ontwikkeling van kognitiewe vaardighede het aanleiding gegee tot In spesifieke denkvaardigheidsintervensie en die fasilitering daarvan. 'n Denkvaardigheidsprogram gemik op die onderrig van denkdisposisies en -vaardighede is as 'n program ingestelom bestuurders op te lei om effektiewe denkers te word. Die studie is benader vanuit 'n programevaluasie-perspektief. Die doel van die program was 'n verbeteringsgeoriënteerde evaluasie en dit is ontwerp om die uitkomstes van die program te evalueer. Kwalitatiewe data is versamel deur middel van 'n pre- en postassesseringsproses. Oopeindevraelyste asook ander kwalitatiewe metodes is in die assessering gebruik om data te versamel. Die data-analise is gedoen deur inhoudsanalise. Vir die bepaling van die patrone en prosesse in die pre-assessering, is observasies, semigestruktureerde onderhoude en veldaantekeninge gebruik. Vir die postassessering het die navorser gesoek na temas of interkonneksies wat na vore gekom het in die eenhede, subkategorieë en kategorieë. Die subkategorieë wat na vore gekom het, is geïdentifiseer op grond van die frekwensie van voorkoms in die antwoorde van die deelnemers wat die vraelyste voltooi het. Die terugvoeringskategorieë in die postassessering het aangetoon dat 'n verandering in effektiewe denke by die deelnemers plaasgevind het. Die mees beduidende verandering in hulle denke was die bewustheid van hulle denke. Deelnemers het gereflekteer op hulle denke tydens probleemoplossing, wat as bewys dien van effektiewe denke. Hulle het die denkinstrumente gebruik om hulle te help om probleme op te los. Die intervensie het tot gevolg gehad dat die deelnemers meer kreatief tydens probleemoplossing was, wat nie tydens die pre-assessering geblyk het nie. Die evaluering van die uitkoms van die program deur die toepassing van 'n Denkvaardigheidsprogram was suksesvol. Dit is gedemonstreer deur die feit dat in die meting van die uitkoms van die program dit duidelik geblyk het dat die middelvlak bestuurders meer bewus geraak het van hulle denke en dat hulle die denkdisposisies en denkinstrumente in hulle daaglikse bestuursaktiwiteite toegepas het. Hulle het meer effektiewe denkers geword.

'n Gerasionaliseerde modulêre kurrikulum vir tegniese vakke met verwysing na die elektriese studierigting

Human, Marthinus Cornelius 25 February 2015 (has links)
D.Ed. / The school is an institution that came into being on demand of the community and as such is also responsible to the community for all its activities. This entails that the teaching provided by the school should be directed, amongst other things, to the interests and needs of the learners and the community. To ensure that the teaching is systematic, purposeful and progresses according to specified contents, all school activities are organized by a programme, known as a curriculum. This research was directed at a definite aspect of formal teaching provision, viz. vocationally-oriented education and more specifically to technical education at secondary school level. Observation and commentary from various sources indicate that the relevance of technical education at school level is questioned by post-school "users of technical education". This is particularly pertinent if it is considered against the background of, inter alia, the appeal for a greater shift in emphasis of vocationally-oriented and vocational education, the revision of the broad curriculum for pre-tertiary education that is currently being undertaken and the economic, social and political climate that prevails in the RSA at present. The problem for the present research was defined against this background as the search for measures to ensure that the curricula for the technical field of study at school level comply with the needs and demands of the community with specific reference to the post-school "users of technical education". The purpose of the study centres around the development of a curriculum for technical education. As a result of restrictions imposed on the extent of the study the developmental activities were curtailed to the design of a part-theory that comprises a situation and goal analysis followed by the setting of guidelines for a structure whereby the contents for the electrical field of study (as exemplar for the technical field of study) can be selected and organized. In achieving this aim, brief consideration was initially given to the didactic-pedagogic founding of the school curriculum and curriculum development as a process. An extensive literature study was subsequently undertaken regarding technical education at school level (as a form of vocationally - oriented and vocational education). This literature investigation mainly covered two fields, viz. the historical development of technical education at school level in the RSA and definite aspects directly related to the provision of vocationally-oriented vocational education and specifically technical education at school level. Regarding the latter, consideration was given, amongst others, to relevance and differentiation as principles of educational provision, the task of the school with reference to the provision of generally-oriented and specialized education (vocationally-oriented and vocational education), the status of technical education as well as the rationalization of technical subjects at school level...

Patient perception survey : Durban University of Technology Homoeopathic Day Clinic

Herr, Benjamin Jamie January 2008 (has links)
Mini-dissertation in partial compliance with the requirements for the Masters Degree in Technology: Homoeopathy, in the Department of Homoeopathy at the Durban University of Technology, 2008. / Within healthcare, patient satisfaction is a combination of need, expectation and the experience of care being provided. Patient satisfaction is an intermediate outcome, and is an important measure of the quality of the overall care provided. Healthcare which does not satisfy the patient is usually less effective, because less satisfied patients tend not to comply with instructions, they take longer to follow up with appointments and they have a poor understanding of their medical condition (Wilkin, Hallam and Dogget, 1994; AI-Assaf, 1998). The provision of overall quality healthcare for patients is a key motivation for many service providers. Therefore, determining the level of patient satisfaction forms a very important part of managing and fulfilling the patients' healthcare needs (Smith, 2001a). Furthermore, surveys of patient satisfaction form an essential role in assessing public opinion of the service provided. Thus, the evaluation of the service provided by a clinic can be reflected in the degree of satisfaction perceived by individuals receiving the services as elicited by a patient perception survey. This study assess patient’s perception of the service provided at the Homoeopathic Day Clinic (HDC) at the Durban University of Technology (DUT). The use of a self-administered questionnaire to establish patient satisfaction was applied. No names were required and all data has been kept strictly confidential. This information will subsequently be used to improve the quality of the service offered at this facility and increase the degree of patient satisfaction experienced. The sample group of the first 100 patients that consulted the HDC at the DUT between July and November 2007 that voluntarily participated in this study were included in the study by means of convenience sampling.In this study there is generally a high degree of satisfaction with the healthcare and services provided. Areas of particularly high satisfaction are related to patients’ arrival to the clinic where they were both promptly and politely greeted, as well as in relationship to the approachability/friendliness of the Homoeopathic student, and the instructions given on how to take the medicine. Areas that revealed lower degrees of satisfaction are advertising, both in media and by signage, as well as the accessibility of the clinic for disabled patients.

The perceptions of selected stakeholders on the integration of chiropractic into the KwaZulu-Natal healthcare system

Wise, Ivan Robin January 2010 (has links)
Dissertation in partial compliance with the requirements for a Master's Degree in Technology: Chiropractic, in the Department of Chiropractic, Durban University of Technology, 2010. / Background: Chiropractic in South Africa seems to be gaining acceptance by medicine with increased recognition from the private healthcare sector. This trend is reflected by the recognition of private healthcare providers of chiropractic services. Integration would accelerate the growth of the chiropractic profession in this country. It is therefore important to understand how chiropractic is currently perceived with respect to integration into the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) healthcare system. As well as to determine factors perceived to facilitate or hinder this integration. Objectives: To explore and describe the perceptions of selected stakeholders about the integration of the chiropractic profession into the KZN healthcare system. Method: The sample included ten selected stakeholders within the KZN healthcare sector. Each participant participated in a semi-structured interview. Questions included participants‟ experience of chiropractic, the role and scope of chiropractic practice, and key developmental issues affecting integration. Interviews were captured on a digital voice recorder and transcribed into text. Data was analysed by the use of NVivo software (NVivo 8, developed and designed in Australia, copyright 2008 QSR International Pty Ltd. ABN 47 006 357 213). Results: The majority of participants (n = 7) had a positive experience of chiropractic, but few (n= 2) recognised the diagnostic role of chiropractic. All participants, except two doctors, believed that integrating chiropractic into the public healthcare system would benefit the healthcare fraternity, the chiropractic profession and patients. However, hindering factors perceived by the participants included: chiropractors practicing non-evidence based techniques; chiropractic being registered with a different council and being taught at a different institution to conventional medical professionals; and most importantly a lack of knowledge of the profession. Facilitating factors were III perceived to be: increased education of stakeholders about chiropractic; improved communication between chiropractors and medical doctors; improved marketing strategy; and lastly improved patient management. Conclusions: A positive experience of chiropractic is directly affected by a positive exposure to the profession. The profession itself is responsible for dispelling some of the confusion it has created, by collectively practicing evidence based medicine, and marketing a united message to stakeholders.

The perception, knowledge and utilization of the chiropractic profession amongst Durban University of Technology students

Ralekwa, Melvin Ikobeng January 2010 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for the Master's Degree in Technology: Chiropractic, Durban University of Technology, 2010. / Objectives: To investigate the perception, knowledge and utilization of chiropractic profession by Durban University of Technology students. Methods: One thousand quantitative questionnaires were handed to students during lecture times. The sample was selected through representative sampling of all the Durban University of Technology students. The questionnaire was developed utilizing a Delphi process of focus group refinement and piloting. Data was entered on the spread sheet into the computer using SPSS version 15.0. Results: A response rate of 94,6% (946/1000) was obtained. There was a low level of knowledge, perception and utilization of chiropractic amongst Durban University of Technology students, only 37% had knowledge about chiropractic which most of them admitted to having a fair knowledge . White females had a higher knowledge about chiropractic than any other group. The perceptions about the suitability of chiropractic to treat different conditions were low. Low back pain was the condition for which respondents most commonly consulted a chiropractor, with 30% of participants being referred by a doctor and another 30% referred by family members. Conclusions: The overall knowledge of chiropractic in this population was relatively poor but a better perception of chiropractic existed in some ethnic groups which was not statistically significant. The results indicated that no statistic significance relationship exists between demographic factors and perception and knowledge of DUT students with respect to chiropractic.

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