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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Turning points : exploring power transitions in an incremental upgrading process in Enkanini, Stellenbosch

Wessels, Berry Steenkamp 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explored whether co-production of knowledge could contribute to shifting power from government to citizens in an incremental upgrading process. It is premised on the notion that such a shift is desirable. The title of the study Turning points: Exploring power transitions in an incremental upgrading process in Enkanini, Stellenbosch indicates the complex, transient and shifting power dynamics at play in the illegal settlement of Enkanini in Stellenbosch. The study was conducted within a larger transdisciplinary research framework seeking to implement socio-technical innovations, generated through a co-production of knowledge process with settlement residents, to move Enkanini towards becoming a sustainable human settlement. A case study provides an overview of engagement the residents have had with the local Stellenbosch Municipality, NGOs and academic researchers from the Sustainability Institute, Stellenbosch University. It is complemented by the personal narrative of one of the first residents who moved there in 2006. From personal observations, interaction with residents and coresearchers, meeting notes, the literature review and a grounded experience over the three-year study period, four turning points were identified. These four turning points, interpreted as bifurcations that could open up new ways of engaging with the present to determine alternative futures are explored dialectically. The initial problem for each is described, followed by the response and the resultant challenge that emerged. The four turning points were the initiation of the iShack concept, the start of the iShack Project, the iShack stakeholders meeting and the establishment of the Enkanini Research Centre. As power, in both visible and invisible forms, manifested itself in this volatile settlement and in awareness that the researchers role held power and that the researcher’s sets of knowledge, assumptions and prejudices could affect both research process and outcome, there was a need to find complementary methodologies to the main transdisciplinary research framework. Indigenous research methodologies spoke directly to power and the importance of capacity building and empowering research participants (shifting them to coresearchers), while reflexive research methodologies allowed the disciplined reflection and re-reflection to ameliorate influencing of process and outcome. In addition, each overcame the limitations of the other, in particular the limitation of transdisciplinary research that does not take power dynamics into account. This resulted in the creation of a methodological triad and a conceptual mechanism through which to view the results, termed co-arising. The three themes that had emerged during the process – understanding through knowledge co-production, capacity building through the awareness of power dynamics and engagement with the research space – are fused in this notion of coarising served by the methodological triad. The turning points, or bifurcations, were analysed through an “open” coding system used in grounded theory to minimise pre-conditions determining the outcome. Three dominant categories emerged – empowerment, identity and agency – as determinants for shifting power from government to citizens through effective coproduction of knowledge in an incremental upgrading process. The study concludes with recommendations for future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie wou vasstel of die medeproduksie van kennis kan bydra tot ’n magsverskuiwing vanaf die regering na burgers in ’n trapsgewyse opgraderingsproses. Dit het van die veronderstelling uitgegaan dat so ’n verskuiwing wenslik sal wees. Die titel van die studie, Turning points: Exploring power transitions in an incremental upgrading process in Enkanini, Stellenbosch, dui op die komplekse, veranderlike en verskuiwende magsdinamiek in die onwettige nedersetting Enkanini op Stellenbosch. Die navorsing is binne ’n groter kruisdissiplinêre navorsingsraamwerk onderneem wat toegespits was op die inwerkingstelling van sosio-tegniese innovasies om Enkanini in ’n volhoubare menslike nedersetting te omskep. Die innovasies is deur medeproduksie van kennis in samewerking met inwoners van die nedersetting ontwikkel. ’n Gevallestudie bied ’n oorsig van skakeling tussen inwoners en die plaaslike Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit, nieregeringsorganisasies en akademiese navorsers van die Volhoubaarheidsinstituut aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch. Dit word aangevul deur die persoonlike verhaal van een van die eerste Enkaniniinwoners, wat in 2006 daar ingetrek het. Persoonlike waarnemings, interaksie met inwoners en medenavorsers, aantekeninge by vergaderings, die literatuuroorsig en praktiese ervaring oor die studietydperk van drie jaar het vier keerpunte na vore gebring. Hierdie vier keerpunte kan vertolk word as bifurkasies wat kan lei tot ’n nuwe benadering tot die hede vir die skep van ’n alternatiewe toekoms. ’n Dialektiese verkenning van die keerpunte is gevolglik onderneem. Die aanvanklike probleem word in elke geval beskryf, gevolg deur die reaksie en die uiteindelike uitdaging wat daaruit ontstaan het. Die vier keerpunte was die bekendstelling van die iShackkonsep, die aanvang van die iShack-projek, die vergadering van iShackbelanghebbendes, en die vestiging van die Enkanini-navorsingsentrum. Aangesien sowel sigbare as onsigbare vorme van mag in hierdie onstuimige nedersetting te sien was, en gedagtig daaraan dat die navorser oor ’n magsrol beskik het en die navorser se kennis, aannames en vooroordele die navorsingsproses sowel as -uitkoms kon beïnvloed, moes bykomende metodologieë ter aanvulling van die hoof- kruisdissiplinêre navorsingsraamwerk gevind word. In dié verband het inheemse navorsing direk betrekking gehad op mag en die belang van vermoëbou en bemagtiging onder navorsingsdeelnemers (om hulle as’t ware in medenavorsers te omskep). Oordenkingsnavorsing het weer ’n geleentheid gebied vir gedissiplineerde besinning en herbesinning om enige beïnvloeding van die proses en uitkoms te temper. Daarbenewens het elke benadering die beperkinge van die ander ondervang, veral die geneigdheid by kruisdissiplinêre navorsing om magsdinamiek buite rekening te laat. Sodoende is ’n metodologiese drietal en ’n konseptuele meganisme genaamd mede-ontstaan (“co-arising”) geskep, waarmee die resultate ondersoek kon word. Die drie temas wat gedurende die proses uitgewys is – begrip deur die medeproduksie van kennis, vermoëbou deur ’n bewustheid van magsdinamiek, en betrokkenheid by die navorsingsruimte – is byeengetrek onder die gedagte van mede-ontstaan, wat deur die metodologiese drietal onderstut is. Die keerpunte, of bifurkasies, is deur ’n ‘oop’ koderingstelsel uit gegronde teorie ontleed om die invloed van enige voorafbestaande toestande op die uitkoms te beperk. Hieruit is drie dominante kategorieë afgelei – bemagtiging, identiteit en vrye wil – synde bepalende faktore vir doeltreffende medeproduksie van kennis en die gevolglike verskuiwing van mag vanaf die regering na burgers in ’n trapsgewyse opgraderingsproses. Die studie sluit af met sekere aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing.

Delivery of environmental health services to Ducats informal settlement

Sompani, Thozamile Matthews January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Environmental Health))--Cape Technikon, 2003 / This study provides information on the provision of environmental health services to informal housing settlements by local authorities. A standard for Environmental Health Service delivery according to Government policies and legislation has been provided. Actual environmental health services delivered to Ducats informal settlement at the time (1992), have been compared to the services that should have been delivered by law. Baseline data have been compiled by means of questionnaires, in order to assist the different levels of government in addressing the housing and environmental health needs of the Ducat community. The nature of Environmental Health and the history of informal housing, more specific that of the Ducat informal housing settlement, have been determined. Limited environmental health services were rendered to informal housing settlements occupying land illegally during 1992. These environmental health services were limited to basic sanitation, water supply and refuse removal. Only pit latrines or bucket latrines were required as a means of sanitation, tanks for water supply and skips for the disposal of waste. Amatola Regional Services Council however rendered all the environmental health services required. Other environmental health aspects such as pest control, communicable disease control, air pollution control, radiation, occupational health issues, temperature extremes, lighting, ventilation, noise, social environment, food and meat hygiene were not required. This study has provided a set of Government policies and legislation, which should be considered in rendering environmental health services for housing in future. Uncertainty of the past decade, about rendering of Environmental Health services to people occupying land illegally, still persists. The Municipal Structures Act, 117 of 1998 requires the rendering of Environmental Health services by local authorities, but it does not state whether these services should be rendered to people occupying land illegally as well. Since this has been the biggest restriction in providing environmental health services in the past, it is recommended that Government address this uncertainty.

Implementation of green measures for sustainable low-income housing in developing countries : guidelines for the design of new settlements in the South African context.

Murru, Barbara. 26 September 2014 (has links)
In South Africa, about 15,3% of the households were living in 2011 in formal state-subsidised low-income houses (houses for households with income lower than R 3500 - about $ 350 - per month), whereas 12,1% were living in informal dwellings. The sustainable development of low-income housing is therefore one of the main challenges for developing countries addressing the green Agenda as South Africa, especially considering the quality of life of inhabitants and the complex socioeconomic implications. Furthermore, the energy consumption patterns of low income households have emerged as one of the most important factors influencing the national electricity demand, as marked by the National Housing Code of 2009. The complex social and environmental issues related to the living conditions of low-income communities need to be addressed with an integrated approach to the design of the settlements. Rethinking and greening the low-income housing design principles firstly represent an opportunity to strive social inequity and improve the quality of life of households. The rationale of this study is to investigate how a strategic bottom-up approach and multi-scale low-cost green measures, implemented in the design process of South African low-cost housing, can potentially achieve environmental and social sustainability targets with affordable solutions. The dissertation analysed a representative case study of a low-cost housing development in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. The research adopted a bottom-up approach combining participatory methods through a survey and interviews with the local community, and a scenario analysis investigating design alternatives and multiscale green strategies (i.e. alternative building typologies, densification, passive design strategies). The proposed scenario evaluated the potential benefits of the green implementation, through qualitative and quantitative assessments based on sustainability indicators as environmental and energy impacts, social implications, safety and cost effectiveness, supported also by experimental methods using dynamic building energy modelling. The study promoted an integrated and holistic research and design approach to foster the sustainability in low-cost housing development. The outcome of this integrated bottom-up approach defined a framework of good criteria and methods for the design process, which can be intended as a guideline to effectively implement green measures and reach sustainability targets for low-cost settlements. / Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2014.

Teachers' experiences of teaching children from informal settlements

Manga, Nalini 07 September 2012 (has links)
D.Ed. / With the dawning of the new democratic South Africa the 'dream' of a a unified education system was realised. Children who previously attended racially segregated schools are now all being educated in desegregated schools. This meteoric change has been eagerly embraced by most of the people of South Africa. Change at macro level often means change at micro level as well. For teachers within the education system this meant the challenge of providing equitable education for all. Schools in Lenasia, previously administered by the House of Delegates (concerned specifically with the education of Indian), began admitting black children from Soweto and the informal settlements around Lenasia since 1989. Soon after their admission teachers from some of the schools requested assistance from the school psychologist attached to the now defunct House of Delegates. They reported that they were experiencing difficulty teaching the children from the informal settlements. This request by the teachers provided the impetus for the research. The overriding aim was to determine what the concerns were and to develop strategies for addressing the concerns. A review of the research literature revealed that the concerns would be most appropriately identified within the naturalistic paradigm. The teachers were chosen as the unit of analysis. This was based on the finding that there was a dearth of research studies which focused on "teachers' voices". Listening to the teachers themselves is important. The aims of the research were a) to gather information on the teachers' experiences of teaching children from the informal settlements b) to describe the conditions which prevail, beliefs and attitudes which are held, processes which are going on and trends which are developing and c) to present strategies that may assist the teachers in their task. The research was conducted at primary schools in Lenasia. The participants were teachers teaching primary school children at these schools. A pilot study was conducted to eliminate potential unforeseen difficulties in the planned research. Data was gathered by means of a combination of methods, namely, four focussed group interviews, four phenomenological interviews, analysis of pupils' workbooks, analysis of pupils' school reports, analysis of the proceedings at a conference on Multilinguality and field notes. Interviews were audio-taped and transcribed verbatim. The proceedings at the conference were video-taped and also transcribed verbatim. The data was content and phenomenologically analysed by using Kerlinger's Method of Content Analysis (1986) and Giorgi's Method of Data Analysis (1985). Quality was built into the research by the application of strategies such as triangulation, persistent observation, referential adequacy materials, peer debriefing, member checks, purposive sampling, reflexive journals, dependability audits, confirmability audits and literature control. Several categories and themes emerged from the analysis of the data. The experiences of the teachers were categorised into the following divisions: pupil related experiences; parent related experiences; community related experiences; administration related experiences; didactic experience; personal experiences; strategies and suggestions. Teachers' attributed the difficulties that the children from the informal settlements were experiencing primarily to their lack of knowledge of English. The schools being English medium schools they expected the children to know English. They perceived the difficulties as arising from a number of factors such as a) pupils' emotional vulnerability, lack of motivation, classroom misbehaviour, ethnic groupings and cultural differences b) mother tongue instruction at their previous schools c) parents socio-economic status and illiteracy and d) social problems and lack of support from the community. It was generally felt that teachers did not have the necessary training and experience needed to teach children who spoke languages other than English. In addition, the children were of a different cultural group and they did not have the expertise to deal with this issue. Teachers perceived the administrators and subject advisors as not been sufficiently supportive and unable to guide them in their efforts to teach the children from the informal settlements. Further, practical problems such as the large number of children per class, wide range of ability groups in their classes, inappropriate placement of children, syllabus demands, and the policy of condoned passes was complicating their teaching. This often led to frustration, resentment, and 'burn-out'. In spite of these difficulties most teachers had attempted to address the difficulties in innovative ways. Understanding and empathising with the children's difficulties and being flexible in their teaching was one of the strategies used by the teachers. Other strategies included the provision of extra tuition in English. The analysis also revealed that some teachers had reflected deeply about their teaching instruction. From their reflections they concluded that they themselves had to change to meet the new demands in teaching. The literature review and control revealed many similarities between studies undertaken in South Africa and some differences and uniqueness. Drawing the threads of the various studies resulted in the development of the strategies suggested. In essence it involves a) the need for teachers to get in touch with their own beliefs, attitudes, strengths and weaknesses and address the needs b) teachers need to empower the children from the informal settlements to meet the demands of the school. This can be accomplished by a) improving their knowledge, skills, and expertise in addressing the concerns expressed b) enlisting the assistance of the parents and the community c) demanding that administrators and subject advisors provide the necessary guidance support and resources need to accomplish their task. Administrators and education advisors need to support, guide and enhance the teachers' expertise. Ways in which this can be accomplished is by providing appropriate, relevant, practical and challenging in-service training, presenting workshops and seminars, initiating staff development programmes and "just being there" for the teachers by valuing them and encouraging them.

Livelihood strategies and service delivery in informal settlements in Buffalo City Municipality since 1994

Makhanya, Leroy Ayanda January 2011 (has links)
Service delivery and livelihood strategies in informal settlements‟ have been below par as communities find it hard to maintain a suitable standard of living. The provision of basic services, also social and economic upliftment initiatives to the community are very important in transforming Duncan Village: C-Section into a sustainable human settlement. The study analyses the level of service delivery and livelihoods, in-order to meet the required level of service delivery needed to meet the needs of the people in C-Section. Municipal plan(s) such as the Duncan Village Redevelopment Initiative have been adopted by the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality with the relevant government, private and public stakeholders onboard. The study involved qualitative and qualitative research methods with interviews, plans and policies being used to investigate the key aims and objectives. The lack of funding and the right number of staff (officials) has had implication on the efficient delivery of services, with the density and the terrain of the study also adding on the challenges facing the delivery of infrastructural service. Inward migration has also had a negative impact on service deliver efforts and this problem needs to be addressed by implementing better regional planning. Data collected also highlights a low literacy level within the community which limits peoples‟ participation and access economic activities which adversely affects their livelihoods. The study suggests that for better service delivery there needs to be better constructed business plans to sort out funding for projects for the area and the municipality has to also invest in the number of official needed to improve or better service delivery. An all round strategy needs to be adopted to improve all facets of life for the people in the study and the settlement as a whole with an aim of livelihood improvements.

An expression of South African youth identity : understanding deliquency, violence and vandalism amongst the youth in selected informal settlements

Mohale, Keneuoe January 2014 (has links)
This study sought to explore the perceptions of violence by the youth and to investigate the causes and consequences of violence amongst the youth. Specifically, the study aimed at exploring why the youth are predisposed to violence and violent crimes in informal settlements. A qualitative research design was used in this study. The researcher made use of the qualitative design because it allows for the richness of the personal experiences and meanings of the respondents to be explored, allowing the researcher to uncover variations between respondents. Based on the qualitative design, the study utilised the in-depth interview to solicit the views of young people living in New Brighton Township in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape Province. The objectives of the study were - To identify consequences of violence.- To assert if violence is normalised within a particular social environment.- To explore what predisposes the youth to violence.- To find out if parenting styles influence youth violence.- To explore the role of models in youth violence and crime. The respondents were selected through purposive sampling as the researcher sought typical and divergent data from the respondents. Data was collected through focus group interviews with nine young people aged nineteen to twenty- four years. The study established the following: Firstly, that violence is high in South African communities. It also found the following factors to be contributing to these high levels of violence: socialisation, unemployment, and family structures. The findings also indicated that some kinds of violence are normalised within the societies in which young people grow up in. Findings also indicate that, as a result of these violent behaviours, many South African youth lose their lives while others are imprisoned. This study also found that the environment in which a child grows up in has a greater impact on the child’s later behaviour in life. Overall, the study concluded that violence amongst the young people is a major problem facing South African communities. As one of the recommendations, the researcher indicated that punishing young people through imprisonment is not the solution, especially in a country where so many people are living in wretched poverty. Rather, the researcher recommended that minimising the levels of violence to which young people are exposed to on a daily basis could be one of the effective intervention strategies for decreasing this pandemic. This can be achieved by involving families, schools and communities in minimising this kind of exposure.

Dangerous development on dolomite: considering physical vulnerability of low-income human settlements in the Gauteng city region in South Africa

Storie, Judith Maryna January 2016 (has links)
Thesis is submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2016 / Keywords/key concepts: Dolomite, Dolomitic ground, Disaster Risk Management, Physical Vulnerability, Low-income settlements, Housing Policy, Services delivery, Responsibility, Living with risk, Human Behaviour, Basic Human Rights Ground underlain by dolomite may be hazardous to development due to the potential occurrence of subsidence and sinkholes. These potentially disastrous occurrences are in many instances caused by human interaction with the soil through the ponding of water or leaking of wet infrastructure such as water and sanitation services. Construction materials and techniques, as well as effective maintenance of waterborne services have traditionally been acknowledged as having a significant bearing on the level of risk that communities face when living on such potentially dangerous land. The spatial distribution of settlements on dolomite in the Gauteng City Region (GCR) is already widespread and expected to increase as urbanisation intensifies. Similarly, the challenge of considering the physical vulnerability of low-income settlements is expected to intensify. Welldefined procedures and guidelines govern the development of human settlements on dolomitic ground. However, the classification and characterisation of low-income and informal settlements are not as advanced as that of formal residential developments. In addition, the guidelines regarding management of settlements on dolomite focus significantly on geotechnical interventions, leaving a gap in the influence that human behaviour can play in possible disaster risk reduction on such ground. The thesis considers the significance of different low-income settlement types on dolomite, relative to perceived human behaviour in association with principles of disaster risk reduction. It hypothesizes that an understanding of settlement type in relation to human behaviour and a stronger emphasis on monitoring via official channels could address some of the conflicts in the development-on-dolomite debate and thereby reduces settlement vulnerability. The research methods included quantitative and qualitative components, commencing with a literature review that spanned multiple disciplines and sectors. Fieldwork included spatial investigation and consideration of low-income settlement types with regard to, for example building material use, dwelling size and dwelling layout, and wet services infrastructure provision and location. The thesis subsequently identify and explore low-income settlement types in the study area. The research explores a number of sample settlements to consider the physical vulnerability and potential key areas of intervention and risk reduction, outside of the traditional geotechnical arena. The evaluation then applies the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), a form of Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA), to identify important variables and indicators related to human behaviour and the physical vulnerability of settlements on dolomite that can be harnessed to intervene in the debate, and possible improve the safety of communities living with this risk. Although not affecting the research outcome directly, a specific observation during the course of engagement with specialists across disciplines was that experts in even closely related practice areas view low-income settlement development and upgrading on dolomite differently. The differences in viewpoints result in contradictions in approaches between housing officials, disaster managers, socio-environmental practitioners, engineers and geologists. Even small differences in approach have been shown to have significant effects on the practicalities surrounding decision making related to low-income settlements and especially informal settlement relocation or upgrading. The outcome is a set of prioritised indicators that could enable specialists, officials and the public to consider different elements of low-income settlements based on its physical vulnerability. By focussing on the indicators most likely to result in reduced vulnerability, actions that drive settlement development, upgrade and resettlement could be prioritised. Interestingly, one of the findings of the research is that it is not so much the settlement type based on informality that makes a difference in the exposure to risk – physical vulnerability is deemed to be significantly affected by official (municipal-sphere) actions, monitoring and awareness. Finally, the research enables the integration of technical knowledge with behavioural considerations when living on dolomite, thus highlighting opportunities to bring technical and non-technically skilled stakeholders in the debate closer together. / MT2017

Disaster risk management in local government : a case study of Foreman and Kennedy Road informal settlements, eThekwini Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal

Ngcamu, Bethuel Sibongiseni January 2011 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Technology: Public Management, Durban University of Technology, 2011. / Disasters have inflicted a heavy cost on human, materials and physical resources, and degradation to the environment. Furthermore, disasters have negative physical impacts (which include casualities and property damage) and social impacts (which include psych-osocial, socio-demographic, socioeconomic, and socio-political). A comprehensive review of the literature has revealed that the development of disaster management strategies must be undertaken before the event strikes. Moreover, disaster management requires effective community-based strategies which will include programmes and measures to prevent, prepare, mitigate and recover from the impacts of disasters. The purpose of the study is to contribute to the formulation of a robust disaster management framework and plan including the creation of a fully equipped disaster management centre within the eThekwini Municipality. Moreover, to enable the disaster management department within the eThekwini Municipality to function effectively and efficiently by applying new systematic strategies in disaster risk reduction. Futhermore, to add value to the body of knowledge in South Africa as there are limited number of research on disaster management, and to add value to policy, protmote investment and protect vulnerable communities by implementing disaster prevention, preparedness and mitigation. The research was undertaken at Foreman and Kennedy Road informal settlements located in Clare Estate within Ward 25. A disaster management survey was self-administered to the population size of 220 respondents from which 140 respondents completed the questionnaires thereby generating a response rate of 63.6%. Interveiws were also conducted amongst eThekwini Municipality officials dealing mainly with disaster reduction. The dimensions of the study are disaster preparedness, prevention, response, recovery and rehabilitation, financial implications and future expectations. The data was analysed using Statistical Packages for Social Scientists (SPSS). Associations between variables were determined using Pearson chi-square. This study presents the research findings on disaster management by using frequency iv tables, graphs and cross-tabulations tables which have been compiled for each question. Analysis of the data revealed significant differences between the biographical variables (age, gender, marital status, education, occupation, income, number of children, number of dependants, race and tenure) and the five dimensions (disaster preparedness, mitigation, response, recovery and rehabilitation, financial implications and future expectations) respectively. Interpretation of results indicated that there exists significant relationships amongst the key variables of the study relating to disaster management. This study contributes to various academic disciplines, local government and society at large as it suggests strategies and recommendations that may be implemented to overcome disaster management challenges and attain disaster risk reduction. The study recommends that eThekwini Municipality should comply with the Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002 which requires the establishment of a disaster management centre, disaster management framework and the plan. Furthermore, the study recommended that the council should develop a system to classify hazard mitigation strategies in terms of five categories which are hazard source control, community protection works, land-use practices, building construction practices and building contents protection. The study recommends that the eThekwini Municipality should recognise recovery period mitigation and incorporate this objective into recovery planning. On the financial implications aspect, the study recommends that eThekwini Municipality should provide financial assistance on the disaster management prevention and preparedness strategies.

Space and survival : the aftermath of a fire disaster in a Cape Town informal settlement

Stewart, Jackie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Psychology))—University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / This study is located in the Joe Slovo informal settlement, Langa, Cape Town. This is a settlement much like many other townships in South Africa in that it is a disaster-prone, marginalised community. On the 15 January 2005 a fire ravaged the area, destroying 2 590 dwellings and leaving 12 950 people homeless. This qualitative study attempted to explore the personal perspectives of the survivors of this shack fire within the wider context of communal and socio-political variables. A number of interviews were conducted, some with the fire survivors, and others with service providers in the field of disaster management. Conservation of Resources (COR) theory was found to be a useful lens through which to analyse the data. The fire event itself is shown to have been a precipitant of a far longer and more complex chain of events and ongoing struggles for survival. Reactions to the fire and subsequent events, furthermore, must be understood at a number of levels – including at inter-personal and inter-group levels. The principles and corollaries of COR theory enable a deeper exploration of the disaster especially in terms of resource loss and the implications of survivors having been disadvantaged prior to the fire taking place. A number of pre-event issues are presented in order for this context to be fully understood. Two obstacles to community intervention are emphasised as key. First, the reality of what COR theory terms ‘communities within communities’ has implications for survivor behaviour. Second, the focus on the acute aftermath of the fire, and what COR theory terms the ‘avoidance of long-term needs’ is also crucial. COR theory facilitated the visibility of a link between the data and the use of space at an intergroup level. Despite the abolition of apartheid, segregation between groups in South Africa remains high. The current study made use of the social psychology of segregation to explore the inter-group conflict that emerged as the most salient and ongoing feature of this disaster. Although the current study is exploratory, it is hoped that it will encourage future research into the interface between space, inter-group relations and disaster.

An assessment of the social impacts of water pollution on children in informal settlement : the case of Kliptown informal settlement, Soweto, Johannesburg

Kamusono, Jennifer Tadzei 09 1900 (has links)
The study investigated the causes of water pollution in Kliptown, an informal settlement 17km south of Johannesburg. The study further examined the impact of water pollution, sanitation and inadequate and low quality water provision on children’s social life, health and well-being in informal settlements. The subject of water pollution due to inadequate water supply and sanitation is one that brings a lot of debate, due to the overwhelming impacts it has on children’s social life as well as their health. In informal settlements, social impacts arising from inadequate water supply and sanitation such as the prevalence of water-related diseases like diarrhoea, skin rashes and eye infections have become a permanent feature. This study aimed at assessing the social impacts of water pollution in Kliptown’s Tamatievlei, Mandela View and Valentine Village informal settlements. It also looked at the factors that contribute to the social impacts of water pollution and propose recommendations on how to minimise the social impacts of water pollution on children in Kliptown’s informal settlements. The study applied a mixed method approach, utilising exploratory and descriptive questions to extrapolate both qualitative and quantitative data, which was also presented in quality and quantity form. Outcomes of the investigation indicated that diarrhoea is a major waterborne disease that affects children, mostly under-five years of age, in the informal settlements and that children sometimes missed school due to their being treated for diarrhoea and other water-related illnesses. It was also found that children lived in unhygienic conditions with smelling bucket system toilets and rotting garbage. The study established that children congregated for water at water points for long periods and in the process, they were deprived of time to take part in other social activities. The study recommends mitigating inadequate, low quality water supply, water pollution and sanitation in an integrated manner to gradually eliminate the negative social impacts on children’s social life, health and well-being in Kliptown informal settlement. / Environmental Science / M.Sc. (Environmental Management)

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