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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Does The Third-Dimension Play A Role in Shaping Urban Thermal Conditions?

Alavi Panah, Seyed Sadroddin 21 February 2019 (has links)
Zahlreiche Studien den Stand der Forschung in Bezug auf die Ökosystemdienstleistungen untersucht. Dennoch wurde die Dimension „Volumen und Höhe“, d.h. die dritte Dimension städtischer Systeme, in den Studien zu Ökosystemdienstleistungen in städtischen Gebieten ignoriert. Die Forschungsziele und Fragestellungen dieser Dissertation lauten: i) Stand der aktuellen Forschung zur dritten Dimension von Ökosystemdienstleistungen im städtischen Raum, ii) Beurteilung des Zusammenhangs von urbanen mehrdimensionalen Indikatoren (zwei- und dreidimensionalen Indikatoren) für die Oberflächentemperatur in der Stadt und iii) Unterschiede zwischen Innen- und Außentemperaturen in urbanen Räumen. Diese Dissertation ist in vier Kapitel gegliedert. Im ersten und zweiten Kapitel werden die Forschungslücken und das Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung erläutert. Kapitel 3 enthält die veröffentlichten Artikel. Das letzte Kapitel behandelt die Ergebnisse der veröffentlichten Artikel. Diese Dissertation betont die Bedeutung von dreidimensionalen Studien in urbanen Ökosystemen, um das Konzept der Nachhaltigkeit in Städten voranzutreiben. Deshalb werden kontinentübergreifende Forschungen für weitere Studien empfohlen, die die dreidimensionale Struktur aller städtischen Komponenten und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Außen- und Innentemperatur berücksichtigen. / Among the studies on ecosystem services undertaken in urban areas, a ‎dimension ‘volume and height’, i.e., the third-dimension of urban environment is largely ignored. More specific, three-dimensional spatial models will increase the knowledge of how complex environment ‎shape the micro-climate in urban ‎environment. The research objectives and questions of this dissertation is: i) the status of the current research addressing the third-dimension of ‎ecosystem services in urban area, ii) assessing the association of urban multi-dimensional (two- and three- ‎dimensional) indicators on urban surface temperature and iii) variation of indoor and outdoor urban temperature pattern. This dissertation is organized into four chapters. The ‎first and second chapter explain the gaps in literature and the aim of this research. Chapter 3 holds the published articles. The last chapter discusses the results of the published articles. This dissertation emphasizes the importance of three-dimensional studies in urban ecosystems to advance the concept of sustainability in cities. Therefore, cross-continental studies that consider the three-dimensional structure of all the urban components and its impact on outdoor and indoor temperature is recommended for future research. / به جرات می توان گفت که در مطالعات خدمات اکوسیستم، بخصوص خدمات اکوسیستم شهری ، بعد سوم که شامل "ارتفاع و حجم" می باشد اصلا مورد توجه قرار نگرفته است. هدف از این پایان نامه، تلفیق مفهوم بعد سوم در خدمات اکوسیستم شهری و استفاده از فواید آن می باشد. مطالعه بعد سوم دانش ما را در نحوه شکل گیری اقلیم خُرد شهری افزایش می دهد. هدف این پروژه دکتری پاسخ به سوالات ذیل می باشد: 1) سطح آگاهی تحقیقات از بعد سوم خدمات اکوسیستم شهری، 2) ارزیابی ارتباط شاخص های چندبعدی (دو و سه بعدی) با دمای سطح و 3) ارزیابی الگوی دمای درونی و بیرونی در شهر. جهت پاسخ دادن به سوال های مطرح شده، این پژوهش به چهار فصل تقسیم شده است. فصل اول و دوم، که جایگاه خدمات اکوسیستم را در مطالعات شهری بررسی و جای خالی مفهوم بعد سوم در مطالعات خدمات اکوسیستم شهری را جستجو می کند. فصل سوم، شامل سه مقاله چاپ شده در راستای این پروژه دکتری می باشد. فصل چهارم، که نتایج بدست آمده را تجزیه و تحلیل می کند. نتایج بدست آمده نشان می دهد که مطالعات خدمات اکوسیستم شهری از معنی کلی و بنیادی به سمت سازش پذیری شهرها با پدیده تغییر اقلیم در حال تغییر است. همچنین نتایج نشان می دهد که ساختار متفاوت شهری بر شکل گیری الگوی دمای بیرون و داخل ساختمان ها موثر می باشد. استنتاج نتایج بدست آمده از این پایان نامه دو مورد را پیشنهاد می کند. اول، بررسی نقش ساختار های دو بعدی و سه بعدی بر روی دیگر شهر ها و تاثیر آن بر شکل گیری دمای بیرون و درونی ساختمان ها.

Open geospatial data fusion and its application in sustainable urban development

Xu, Shaojuan 17 July 2020 (has links)
This thesis presents the implementation of data fusion techniques for sustainable urban development. Recently, increasingly more geospatial data have been made easily available for no cost. The immeasurable quantities of geospatial data are mainly from four kinds of sources: remote sensing satellites, geographic information systems (GIS) data, citizen science, and sensor web. Among them, satellite images have been mostly used, due to the frequent and repetitive coverage, as well as the data acquisition over a long time period. However, the rather coarse spatial resolution of e.g. 30 m for Landsat 8 multispectral images impairs the application of satellite images in urban areas. Even though image fusion techniques have been used to improve the spatial resolution, the existing image fusion methods are neither suitable for sharpening one band thermal images nor for hyperspectral images with hundreds of bands. Therefore, simplified Ehlers fusion was developed. It adds the spatial information of a high-resolution image into a low-resolution image in the frequency domain through fast Fourier transform (FFT) and filter techniques. The developed algorithm successfully improved the spatial resolution of both one band thermal images as well as hyperspectral images. It can enhance various images, regardless of the number of bands and the spectral coverage, providing more precise measurement and richer information. To investigate the performance of simplified Ehlers fusion in practical use, it was applied for urban heat island (UHI) analysis. This was done by sharpening daytime and nighttime thermal images from Landsat 8, Landsat 7, and the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER). The developed algorithm effectively improved the spatial details of the original images so that the temperature differences between agricultural, forest, industrial, transportation, and residential areas could be distinguished from each other. Based on that, it was found that in the study city the causes of UHI are mainly anthropogenic heat from industrial areas as well as high temperatures from the road surface and dense urban fabric. Based on this analysis, corresponding mitigation strategies were tailored. Remote sensing images are useful yet not sufficient to retrieve land use related information, despite high spatial resolution. For sustainable urban development research, remote sensing images need to be incorporated with data from other sources. Accordingly, image fusion needs to be extended to broader data fusion. Extraction of urban vacant land was therefore taken as a second application case. Much effort was spent on the definition of vacant land as unclear definitions lead to ineffective data fusion and incorrect site extraction results. Through an intensive study of the current research and the available open data sources, a vacant land typology is proposed. It includes four categories: transportation-associated land, natural sites, unattended areas or remnant parcels, and brownfields. Based on this typology, a two-level data fusion framework was developed. On the feature level, sites are identified. For each type of vacant land, an individual site extraction rule and data fusion procedure is implemented. The overall data fusion involves satellite images, GIS data, citizen science, and social media data. In the end, four types of vacant land features were extracted from the study area. On the decision level, these extracted sites could be conserved or further developed to support sustainable urban development.

Development of a building energy model and a mean radiant temperature scheme for mesoscale climate models, and applications in Berlin (Germany)

Jin, Luxi 07 July 2022 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird die Entwicklung eines Gebäudeenergiemodells (BEM) und eines Schemas für die mittlere Strahlungstemperatur ($T_mrt$) vorgestellt, das in das Doppel-Canyon basierte städtische Bestandsschichtsschema (DCEP) integriert ist. Das erweiterte DCEP-BEM Modell zielt darauf ab, eine Verbindung zwischen anthropogener Wärme und dem Stadtklima herzustellen, indem Gebäude in Straßenschluchten einbezogen werden, um die Energieflüsse auf städtischen Oberflächen, die Auswirkungen der anthropogenen Wärme auf die Atmosphäre, die Innenraumlufttemperatur und die Abwärme von Klimaanlagen zu untersuchen. Das DCEP-BEM wird mit dem mesoskaligen Klimamodell COSMO-CLM (COnsortium for Small-scale MOdelling in CLimate Mode, im Folgenden CCLM) gekoppelt und zur Simulation des Winters und Sommers 2018 in Berlin. Die Auswertung der Wintersimulationen zeigt, dass CCLM/DCEP-BEM den mittleren Tagesverlauf der gemessenen turbulenten Wärmeströme gut reproduziert und die simulierte 2-m-Lufttemperatur und den städtischen Wärmeinseleffekt (UHI) verbessert. Im Sommer bildet das CCLM/DCEP-BEM die Innenraumlufttemperatur richtig ab und verbessert die Ergebnisse für die 2-m-Lufttemperatur und die UHI leicht. Außerdem wird das CCLM/DCEP-BEM angewendet, um die Abwärmeemissionen von Klimaanlagen im Sommer zu untersuchen. Die Abwärmeemissionen der Klimaanlagen erhöhen die Lufttemperatur in Oberflächennähe erheblich. Der Anstieg ist in der Nacht und in hochurbanisierten Gebieten stärker ausgeprägt. Es werden zwei Standorte für die AC-Außengeräte betrachtet: entweder an der Wand eines Gebäudes (VerAC) oder auf dem Dach eines Gebäudes (HorAC). Die Auswirkung von HorAC ist im Vergleich zu VerAC insgesamt geringer, was darauf hindeutet, dass HorAC einen kleineren Einfluss auf die oberflächennahe Lufttemperatur und den UHI hat. Ein Schema für $T_mrt$ wird für das CCLM/DCEP-BEM entwickelt und umfassend validiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass dieses Schema eine zuverlässige Darstellung von $T_mrt$ bietet. / This work presents the development of a building energy model (BEM) and a mean radiant temperature ($T_mrt$) scheme integrated in the urban canopy scheme Double Canyon Effect Parametrization (DCEP). The extended DCEP-BEM model aims to establish a link between anthropogenic heat emissions and urban climate by including the interior of buildings in urban street canyons to investigate the energy fluxes on urban surfaces, the effects of anthropogenic heat on the atmosphere, the evolution of indoor air temperature, and waste heat from air conditioning (AC) systems. DCEP-BEM is coupled with the mesoscale climate model COSMO-CLM (COnsortium for Small-scale MOdelling in CLimate Mode, hereafter CCLM) and applied to simulate the winter and summer 2018 of Berlin. The evaluation for winter simulations indicates that CCLM/DCEP-BEM reproduces well the average diurnal characteristics of the measured turbulent heat fluxes and considerably improves the simulated 2-m air temperature and urban heat island (UHI). In summer, CCLM/DCEP-BEM accurately reproduces the indoor air temperature, and slightly improves the performance of the 2-m air temperature and the UHI effect. Furthermore, CCLM/DCEP-BEM is applied to explore the waste heat emissions from AC systems in summer. AC waste heat emissions considerably increase the near-surface sensible heat flux and air temperature. The increase is more pronounced during the night and in highly urbanised areas. Two locations for the AC outdoor units are considered: either on the wall of a building (VerAC) or on the rooftop of a building (HorAC). The effect of HorAC is overall smaller compared to VerAC, indicating that HorAC has a smaller impact on the near-surface air temperature and the UHI effect. A $T_mrt$ scheme is developed for CCLM/DCEP-BEM and extensively evaluated. It is shown that this scheme provides a reliable representation of $T_mrt$.

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