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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hydrodynamics of astrophysical winds driven by scattering in spectral lines

Feldmeier, Achim January 2001 (has links)
Liniengetriebene Winde werden durch Impulsübertrag von Photonen auf ein Plasma bei Absorption oder Streuung in zahlreichen Spektrallinien beschleunigt. Dieser Prozess ist besonders effizient für ultraviolette Strahlung und Plasmatemperaturen zwischen 10^4 K und 10^5 K. Zu den astronomischen Objekten mit liniengetriebenen Winden gehören Sterne der Spektraltypen O, B und A, Wolf-Rayet-Sterne sowie Akkretionsscheiben verschiedenster Größenordnung, von Scheiben um junge Sterne und in kataklysmischen Veränderlichen bis zu Quasarscheiben. Es ist bislang nicht möglich, das vollständige Windproblem numerisch zu lösen, also die Hydrodynamik, den Strahlungstransport und das statistische Gleichgewicht dieser Strömungen gleichzeitig zu behandeln. Die Betonung liegt in dieser Arbeit auf der Windhydrodynamik, mit starken Vereinfachungen in den beiden anderen Gebieten. <br /> Wegen persönlicher Beteiligung betrachte ich drei Themen im Detail. <br /> 1. Windinstabilität durch Dopplerde-shadowing des Gases. Die Instabilität bewirkt, dass Windgas in dichte Schalen komprimiert wird, die von starken Stoßfronten begrenzt sind. Schnelle Wolken entstehen im Raum zwischen den Schalen und stoßen mit diesen zusammen. Dies erzeugt Röntgenflashes, die die beobachtete Röntgenstrahlung heißer Sterne erklären können. <br /> 2. Wind runway durch radiative Wellen. Der runaway zeigt, warum beobachtete liniengetriebene Winde schnelle, kritische Lösungen anstelle von Brisenlösungen (oder shallow solutions) annehmen. Unter bestimmten Bedingungen stabilisiert der Wind sich auf masseüberladenen Lösungen, mit einem breiten, abbremsenden Bereich und Knicken im Geschwindigkeitsfeld. <br /> 3. Magnetische Winde von Akkretionsscheiben um Sterne oder in aktiven Galaxienzentren. Die Linienbeschleunigung wird hier durch die Zentrifugalkraft entlang korotierender poloidaler Magnetfelder und die Lorentzkraft aufgrund von Gradienten im toroidalen Feld unterstützt. Ein Wirbelblatt, das am inneren Scheibenrand beginnt, kann zu stark erhöhten Massenverlustraten führen. / Line driven winds are accelerated by the momentum transfer from photons to a plasma, by absorption and scattering in numerous spectral lines. Line driving is most efficient for ultraviolet radiation, and at plasma temperatures from 10^4 K to 10^5 K. Astronomical objects which show line driven winds include stars of spectral type O, B, and A, Wolf-Rayet stars, and accretion disks over a wide range of scales, from disks in young stellar objects and cataclysmic variables to quasar disks. It is not yet possible to solve the full wind problem numerically, and treat the combined hydrodynamics, radiative transfer, and statistical equilibrium of these flows. The emphasis in the present writing is on wind hydrodynamics, with severe simplifications in the other two areas. <br /> I consider three topics in some detail, for reasons of personal involvement. <br /> 1. Wind instability, as caused by Doppler de-shadowing of gas parcels. The instability causes the wind gas to be compressed into dense shells enclosed by strong shocks. Fast clouds occur in the space between shells, and collide with the latter. This leads to X-ray flashes which may explain the observed X-ray emission from hot stars. <br /> 2. Wind runaway, as caused by a new type of radiative waves. The runaway may explain why observed line driven winds adopt fast, critical solutions instead of shallow (or breeze) solutions. Under certain conditions the wind settles on overloaded solutions, which show a broad deceleration region and kinks in their velocity law. <br /> 3. Magnetized winds, as launched from accretion disks around stars or in active galactic nuclei. Line driving is assisted by centrifugal forces along co-rotating poloidal magnetic field lines, and by Lorentz forces due to toroidal field gradients. A vortex sheet starting at the inner disk rim can lead to highly enhanced mass loss rates.

Clumping in hot-star winds : proceedings of an international workshop held in Potsdam, Germany, 18. - 22. June 2007

January 2007 (has links)
Stellar winds play an important role for the evolution of massive stars and their cosmic environment. Multiple lines of evidence, coming from spectroscopy, polarimetry, variability, stellar ejecta, and hydrodynamic modeling, suggest that stellar winds are non-stationary and inhomogeneous. This is referred to as 'wind clumping'. The urgent need to understand this phenomenon is boosted by its far-reaching implications. Most importantly, all techniques to derive empirical mass-loss rates are more or less corrupted by wind clumping. Consequently, mass-loss rates are extremely uncertain. Within their range of uncertainty, completely different scenarios for the evolution of massive stars are obtained. Settling these questions for Galactic OB, LBV and Wolf-Rayet stars is prerequisite to understanding stellar clusters and galaxies, or predicting the properties of first-generation stars. In order to develop a consistent picture and understanding of clumped stellar winds, an international workshop on 'Clumping in Hot Star Winds' was held in Potsdam, Germany, from 18. - 22. June 2007. About 60 participants, comprising almost all leading experts in the field, gathered for one week of extensive exchange and discussion. The Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC) included John Brown (Glasgow), Joseph Cassinelli (Madison), Paul Crowther (Sheffield), Alex Fullerton (Baltimore), Wolf-Rainer Hamann (Potsdam, chair), Anthony Moffat (Montreal), Stan Owocki (Newark), and Joachim Puls (Munich). These proceedings contain the invited and contributed talks presented at the workshop, and document the extensive discussions.

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