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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teorinės ir praktinės baudžiamosios atsakomybės už neteisėtą stiprių alkoholinių gėrimų gaminimą, laikymą ir gabenimą problemos / Theoretische und Praktische Probleme der Strafrechtlichen Verantwortung für illegale Herstellung, Aufbewahrung und Transport von hochprozentigen alkoholischen Getränken / Theoretische und Praktische Probleme der Strafrechtlichen Verantwortung für illegale Herstellung, Aufbewahrung und Transport von hochprozentigen alkoholischen Getränken

Radzevičiūtė, Inga 03 April 2006 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe naudotos pagrindinės sąvokos: namų gamybos stiprūs alkoholiniai gėrimai, nedenatūruotas, denatūruotas ar techninis etilo alkoholis, alkoholio skiediniai (mišiniai), aparatai namų gamybos stipriems alkoholiniams gėrimams gaminti, nusikalstama veika, kvalifikavimas, baudžiamoji atsakomybė, nusikalstamos veikos sudėties požymis ir kt. Pirmiausia, darbe apžvelgiama norminių aktų, reglamentuojančių baudžiamąją atsakomybę už neteisėtą namų gamybos stiprių alkoholinių gėrimų, nedenatūruoto, denatūruoto ar techninio etilo alkoholio, jų skiedinių (mišinių) ir aparatų jiems gaminti gaminimą, laikymą, gabenimą ar realizavimą istorinė raida Lietuvoje bei aptariamas šiuo metu galiojančiais teisės aktais sukurtas ypatingas reglamentavimo režimas alkoholio produktams, jų apskaitai, gamybai, realizacijai, importui, eksportui, prekybai ir vartojimui. Toliau nagrinėjami teisiškai reikšmingi baudžiamajai atsakomybei kilti nusikalstamos veikos sudėties požymiai pagal Lietuvos Respublikos Baudžiamojo kodekso 201 straipsnį „Neteisėtas namų gamybos stiprių alkoholinių gėrimų, nedenatūruoto, denatūruoto ar techninio etilo alkoholio, jų skiedinių (mišinių) ir aparatų jiems gaminti gaminimas, laikymas, gabenimas ar realizavimas“, apibrėžiamos minėtų požymių sampratos. Darbe remiantis Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo nutartimis bei išaiškinimais nagrinėjami konkretūs nusikalstamos veikos už neteisėtą stiprių alkoholinių gėrimų gaminimą, laikymą ir gabenimą kvalifikavimo... [to full text] / -. / Als erstes wird in der Arbeit der Überblick über die historische Gesetzesentwicklung in Litauen präsentiert, die die strafrechtliche Verantwortung für illegale Herstellung, Aufbewahrung und Transport von hochprozentigen alkoholischen Getränken, des denaturierten und nichtdenaturierten oder technischen Ethylalkohols, verdünnten Alkohols (Mischsubstanzen) und der Geräte zu ihrer Herstellung bestimmen. Außerden wird das besondere, nach den heute geltenden Rechtsakten geschaffene Reglementierungsregime für Alkoholprodukte, deren Registrierung, Herstellung, Vertrieb, Einfuhr, Ausfuhr, Handel und Konsum besprochen. Weiter werden rechtlich relevante Straftatbestandsmerkmale für die Entstehung der strafrechtlichen Verantwortung nach dem Artikel 201 des Strafgesetzbuches der Republik Litauen „Illegale Herstellung, Aufbewahrung und Transport von hausgemachten hochprozentigen alkoholischen Getränken, des denaturierten und nichtdenaturierten oder technischen Ethylalkohols, verdünnten Alkohols (Mischsubstanzen) sowie der Geräte zu ihrer Herstellung“ untersucht und die Definitionen der genannten Tatbestandsmerkmale dargestellt. In der Arbeit werden anhand von Beschlüssen und Erläuterungen des Obersten Gerichtes Litauens konkrete Qualifizierungsfragen der Straftat der illegalen Herstellung, der Aufbewahrung und des Transports hochprozentiger alkoholischer Getränke untersucht. Außerdem stellt die Arbeit die aus im Gericht durchgeführten Strafverfahren entnommenen Beispiele vor. Sie... [to full text]

Editorial: Trend towards a new Punitivity? - Corporate criminal liability in focus

DeStefano, Michele, Schneider, Hendrik 02 December 2019 (has links)
This issue focuses on the sanctioning of corporate crime. The reason and background for this is a planned change in the law in Germany, which could have an impact on companies worldwide, if they engage in commercial activities in Germany.

Does Germany need a new corporate sanctioning act?

Jungermann, Sebastian 02 December 2019 (has links)
In summer 2019 the German Federal Ministry of Justice has unveiled a draft Corporate Sanctioning Act (Verbandssanktionengesetz) to combat corporate crime. In this article, the author comments on the intended changes and highlights some issues that could be better solved differently in practice.

Discipline and punish

Schneider, Henrik 02 December 2019 (has links)
In August 2019, the Federal Ministry of Justice submitted a draft for a corporate crime act. This draft will end a decade-long debate on the criminal liability of legal persons and profoundly change the criminal prosecution in the area of economic criminal law. The article classifies the legislative project in the current discourse on criminal policy, reports on the content of the draft and gives a critical commentary on individual points.

Draft bill on German corporate sanctions act

Grützner, Thomas, Momsen, Carsten, Menne, Jonas 02 December 2019 (has links)
After long discussions about the introduction of corporate criminal liability, the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection presented a first draft bill for a new Corporate Sanctions Act in August 2019. The act introduces a major shift in German Criminal law by proposing severe sanctions on companies for corporate criminal offenses. It includes regulations on internal investigations, compliance management systems and legal privilege. Since it was published, the act is discussed intensely among legal experts, politicians and the public. The following article presents the most important provisions of the draft bill. In addition, the authors compare the act to further jurisdiction’s legislation, discuss potential impacts on companies, and provide proposals for improvements for the further legislative process

Corporate criminal liability in Sweden

Näs, Elvira, Nyman, Michael 02 December 2019 (has links)
Swedish criminal law does not allow for corporate criminal liability as it is built on the basic principle of personal criminal liability, meaning that only private individuals are considered able to possess criminal liability and consequently commit crimes. However, a corporation may be subject to corporate fines and other sanctions if a crime has been committed during the corporation’s operations. Corporate fines are the closest equivalent to corporate criminal liability under Swedish law, which sole purposes is punitive although it has been deemed impossible to categorize corporate fines as a punishment in the strictest sense. This article will further explain the design of corporate fines today, the problems resulting from corporations not being able to possess criminal liability as well as the proposed changes to corporate fines from a critical perspective.

Criminal liability of legal entities under Belgian law: A high-level overview

De Smet, Karel, Janssens, Elke 02 December 2019 (has links)
The principle that legal entities can be held criminally liable was first introduced into Belgian law in 1999. Some 20 years later, Belgian Parliament reviewed the rules, and adopted a number of significant changes. The present article offers a high-level overview of the currently applicable legal regime.

Money laundering through consulting firms

Teichmann, Fabian M., Camprubi, Madeleine 02 December 2019 (has links)
The aim of this article is to illustrate potential conduits for money laundering in the consulting sector in Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland. A qualitative content analysis of 100 semi-standardized expert interviews with both criminals and prevention experts was conducted, along with a quantitative survey of 200 compliance officers, allowing for the identification of concrete methods of money laundering in the consulting sector. Due to their excellent reputation, consulting companies in German-speaking countries in Europe continue to be extraordinarily attractive to money launderers. Most notably, they can be used for layering and integration, as well as for working around various issues with tax codes. As the qualitative findings are based on semi-standardized interviews, they are limited to only the 100 interviewees’ perspectives. The identification of loopholes and weaknesses in the current anti-money laundering mechanisms is meant to provide compliance officers, law enforcement agencies, and legislators with valuable insights into how criminals operate, with the aim of helping them to more effectively combat money laundering. While the previous literature focuses on organizations fighting money laundering and on the improvement of anti-money laundering measures, this article illustrates how money launderers operate to avoid arrest. Prevention methods and criminal perspectives are equally taken into account.

Book Review

Teichmann, Fabian M., Falker, Marie-Christin 02 December 2019 (has links)
The book critically assesses cooperation in the German healthcare sector. In particular, it analyzes the role of bribery and discusses various forms of legal and illegal cooperation with and between healthcare institutions. In this context, it also provides a detailed overview of competition law implications. The book concludes by illustrating the practical role of bribery in the German healthcare sector and provides concrete suggestions for criminal defense lawyers.

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