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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A model of pension portfolios with salary and surplus process

Mtemeri, Nyika January 2010 (has links)
<p>Essentially this project report is a discussion of mathematical modelling in pension funds, presenting sections from Cairns, A.J.D., Blake, D., Dowd, K., Stochastic lifestyling: Optimal dynamic asset allocation for defined contribution pension plans, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 30, Issue 2006, Pages 843-877, with added details and background material in order to demonstrate the mathematical methods. In the investigation of the management of the investment portfolio, we only use one risky asset together with a bond and cash as other assets in a&nbsp / continuous time framework. The particular model is very much designed according to the members&rsquo / preference and then the funds are invested by the fund manager in the financial market. At the end, we are going to show various simulations of these models. Our methods include stochastic control for utility maximisation among others. The optimisation problem entails the optimal&nbsp / investment portfolio to maximise a certain power utility function. We use MATLAB and MAPLE programming languages to generate results in the form of graphs and tables</p>

Study on Architecture-Oriented Semiconductor Manufacturing Company R&D Laboratory Business Strategy Model

Tsai, Chao-hsin 04 January 2012 (has links)
Nowadays, world-wide enterprises have a new situation after the financial crisis in 2008. Environment faced by the enterprises is so sinister that a small mistake may bring fatal collapse. Business strategy becomes an important issue. The business strategy is used to guide the organization and people to the business vision and goals. It makes shareholders, customers, and members know why the enterprise exists, for what and whom they are fighting. Therefore, the first step of the ¡§business strategy management¡¨ is to construct the ¡§business strategy architecture. Business strategy architecture integrates multiple views of an enterprise to achieve the business strategy synergy. Strategy map uses text, graphics, and process-oriented languages to describe the business strategy. However, using these languages to express the business strategy will result in great difficulties of strategy implementation and resources distribution. Because the strategy map is a process-oriented model, it cares more on the organization behavior view and can not integrate with the organization structure view. In this study, we develop an Architecture-Oriented Research & Development Laboratory Business Strategy Model (AORDLBSM) which is based on the six fundamental diagrams of Structure-Behavior Coalescence (SBC) Architecture. AORDLBSM improves the strategy map model in integrating the structure and behavior views. The results of the study show that AORDLBSM is a macro to the micro, from whole to part of the strategy thinking. AORDLBSM integrates organization structure and organization behavior so tightly that it is able to transform implicit knowledge into explicit knowledge. We conclude that AORDLBSM is a description tool that can transform the abstract concept into a real system that enables the organization and people accomplish strategies successfully.

E-commerce strategy implementation : A comparison between theory and practice

Dittberner, Ellen, Johansson, Linda January 2015 (has links)
As a result of the continuous development of the business environment, many traditional organizations decide to implement electronic commerce (ecommerce). Implementing ecommerce successfully may generate highly rewarding results, while an inefficient implementation may lead to endan- germent of the organization's survival. The critical question is therefore what factors that are critical for an ecommerce strategy implementation to succeed. The purpose of this is to investigate what factors that are critical to achieve a successful implementation of an ecommerce strategy in retail businesses. According to this purpose, three research questions have been formulated to arrive at valuable findings within this field. In order to fulfill the purpose of this thesis a qualitative research method with an exploratory approach is being applied, data are collected through case study interviews. The cases are being arrived at by nonprobability sam- pling in form purposive sampling. When comparing critical success factors identified in theory and practice, the result suggests that integrated management teams, culture management, realistic expectation and compensation systems are not critical for success- ful ecommerce implementation. Factors that are critical for success are fi- nancial and time investments, sufficient knowledge and technological skills, committed leadership, communication, SEO, omni-channel, external part- ners and the pre phase.

A model of pension portfolios with salary and surplus process

Mtemeri, Nyika January 2010 (has links)
<p>Essentially this project report is a discussion of mathematical modelling in pension funds, presenting sections from Cairns, A.J.D., Blake, D., Dowd, K., Stochastic lifestyling: Optimal dynamic asset allocation for defined contribution pension plans, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 30, Issue 2006, Pages 843-877, with added details and background material in order to demonstrate the mathematical methods. In the investigation of the management of the investment portfolio, we only use one risky asset together with a bond and cash as other assets in a&nbsp / continuous time framework. The particular model is very much designed according to the members&rsquo / preference and then the funds are invested by the fund manager in the financial market. At the end, we are going to show various simulations of these models. Our methods include stochastic control for utility maximisation among others. The optimisation problem entails the optimal&nbsp / investment portfolio to maximise a certain power utility function. We use MATLAB and MAPLE programming languages to generate results in the form of graphs and tables</p>

Adapting to the Changes Enforced by EU’s Network Codes for Electricity : The Consequences for an Electricity Company from a Distribution System Operator’s Perspective

Falk, Karolina, Forsberg, Joel January 2014 (has links)
To reach EU’s climate and energy target an integrated electricity market is considered to be required (Klessmann, et al., 2011; Boie, et al., 2014; Becker, et al., 2013). As a result the European Commission decided to form a set of rules, named the Network Codes, to create a single European market (ENTSO-E, 2013b). The Network Codes will affect Distribution- and Transmission System Operators, grid users and production units as well as all the other actors on the electricity market (Eurelectric, n.d.a). Concerns regarding what the Network Codes’ actual consequences are have been expressed within the line of business (Swedish Energy, 2013a). Therefore the purpose of this master’s thesis was to determine and furthermore illustrate the consequences the Network Codes will have, in current version, for a Swedish non-transmission system connected electricity company and determine what actions need to be taken. The purpose has been addressed by conducting interviews, document studies and by utilizing a change management model, the Intervention Strategy Model, introduced by Paton &amp; McCalman (2000). The structured approach that is the nature of the model was used when determining the consequences the Network Codes enforce and what actions a non-transmission system connected electricity company has to take to cope with them. To further facilitate the determination of these actions this study was conducted on a non-transmission system connected electricity company, in this thesis named Electricity Company A. The investigation of the concerns expressed within the line of business illustrated that the concerns were diverse but a majority of them might be incorporated into either of the following groups, simulation models, demand side aggregator and information handling. Out of these groups information handling was by far the area of greatest concern with issues primarily connected to the Distribution System Operator. Consequently this thesis focused on the Distribution System Operator’s perspective. The analysis of the area of greatest concern, presented in two flow charts, clearly showed the increased amount of communication enforced by the Network Codes. This increased information handling results in numerous possible organisational consequences for the Distribution System Operator, for example might new systems be required and some existing systems be used with or without adaption. Furthermore, the extra workload could possibly be handled by the existing personnel, in some cases after complementary education, but it might also require new personnel. Finally the Network Codes open up for the possibility for the Distribution System Operator to define certain details which may be conducted individually or in cooperation with other Distribution System Operators. Which of these possible consequences that will affect a specific company is, however, dependent on its preconditions. The study on Electricity Company A reveals that the numerous actions required to handle the new communication were not as significant as the line of business might have feared. For Electricity Company A, primarily a new system is needed to handle the real-time values and some of the existing systems need to be updated. Additionally the combined extra work load might require extra personnel for Electricity Company A even though the individual work assignments are fairly small. The actions required should be fairly similar for companies of approximately equal size but might be more extensive for smaller non-transmission system connected electricity companies. All companies need, however, to conduct an individual analysis to determine which specific actions are required for them. The conclusions of this thesis aspired, and partly succeeded, to be generalizable on a European level. One example of this is the usage of the Intervention Strategy Model which proved applicable for determining which specific actions are required for all European electricity companies. Furthermore the concerns presented and the possible consequences of the increased information handling found, are generalizable but not complete for all European electricity companies. This thesis focused on one part of the complex Network Codes’ consequences and consequently further research is needed to fully understand the consequences for the electricity business in total.

ICT ve strategickém řízení podniků / ICT in Strategic Management of Companies

Šimková, Markéta January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals proposing of a business strategy for a newly established company. Further identify areas for effective use of ICT in the industry. The diploma thesis summarizes the theoretical background, analysis of the business environment and the design of business strategy with the support of ICT.

數位時代下平面媒體轉型之策略模式研究 / Study of Strategic Modeling for the Transformation of the Print media to the Digital Media in the Internet Age

王彩雲 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路的盛行,網路不但改變一般人的資訊收集方式、訊息閱讀方式、交友方式、娛樂方式,也影響企業研究顧客需要、銷售商品、打造品牌、服務客戶的方式。過去依靠讀者閱讀所帶來的發行收入,及廣告收入所創造營收的報紙、雜誌平面媒體,現在卻因為發行收入的減少,及廣告收入的滑落,而面臨了有史以來最嚴峻的挑戰。如果平面媒體因應大勢所趨轉型為數位媒體,應該採取哪種轉型策略模式? 本研究採文獻分析、觀察研究、專家深度訪談,及個案分析法,針對目前平面媒體轉型為數位媒體的策略模式,及美國Advertising Age與 AD WEEK這兩本行銷傳播專業雜誌,轉型為數位媒體的策略模式研究結論如下: 一、平面媒體轉型為數位媒體的三種轉型策略模式中,目前運用「產品延伸變革型」的最多,運用「市場開發變革型」、「多角整合變革型」的較少。 二、把原先平面的內容,移到數位媒體上的「產品延伸變革型」,是種比較安全,也很容易在激烈媒體競爭中,被各式各樣對手所取代的模式。 三、「市場開發變革型」是以網路閱讀者為主要對象,完全以網路為工具提供的服務,所開發出的模式。這種模式除了服務原有的顧客,也可能創造原來不是顧客的顧客而開創新市場。這種轉型模式雖有風險,美國幾家服務青少年的雜誌媒體經營者在衡量得失後,仍大膽採行這種模式。 四、在數位媒體上整合各種服務,提供讀者一指搞定所有需求的「多角整合變革型」模式,除了提供資訊服務,也整合目標對象的其他需求,一次完整提供。換句話說,過去平面媒體是把資訊印在紙上傳送給讀者,未來應該是透過更有效率、又互動的媒體工具,把讀者所需的各種服務傳送到讀者眼前,幫助讀者在工作上、生活上更成功。這種模式大部分是先建構一個平台,並結合同業、異業夥伴,甚至讓過去只是被動接收訊息的讀者,現在也参與一起創造內容。這種轉型模式由於收入多元化,成功機率也較高。 五、許多平面媒體在面對網路時代的衝擊,在轉型過程中,大多會先採取安全保險的做法,運用「產品延伸變革」轉型策略模式。也有的在觀察一段時間後,慢慢摸索朝「市場開發變革」模式、「多角整合變革」模式發展。但是現階段已有越來越多的平面媒體,在轉型初期就立即採取市場開發變革模式、多角整合變革模式,搶佔市場先機。而許多平面媒體與數位媒體的關係,一開始是平面為主附加數位媒體,接著是虛實共生,部分媒體是從平面換手由數位媒體接續經營。 關鍵字:平面媒體、數位媒體、轉型策略模式 / As use of the Internet has become more popular, it has not only changed the way people gather information, read messages, meet new friends and entertain each other; it has also changed the way companies carry out market researches on their customers, sell products, create brands and service their clients. In the past, newspaper and other print media have relied heavily on the revenues generated by publishing and advertising -. Revenues have now dropped dramatically, and the print media are facing their biggest challenge yet. Therefore the question has become obvious; if the print media are to keep up with the trends to evolve to digital, what strategic solution should they adapt? In finding a solution to this problem, this study uses the technique of case-study analysis of two American marketing and advertising magazines (Advertising Age and AD WEEK) to understand the strategies involved in their decision-making to evolve into the digital media. The findings are listed below: 1.Of the three ways of evolving into a digital medium, the product-extension transformation strategy model is the most commonly used, while market exploration and the diversified-integration transformation strategy models are less commonly used. 2. Shifting content into digital media from print. This product-extension transformation strategy model is a safer way, yet it cannot breach boundaries and can be easily wiped out from the market by a wide variety of competitors. (In the Internet age there are no differences between print and digital media.) 3. Market exploration focuses on Internet readers as their target group. This is purely a solution based on providing services using the Internet as a tool. In this way, besides providing services to customers, it is possible to create a new market for those who are not existing customers. Although risks are involved in this solution, some companies in the US that target teen-agers have gone this way after evaluating their situation. In combining all kinds of services, and offering to help their readers to solve all their need with the click of a mouse, the diversified-integration transformation strategy model not only offers information but also loops in target audiences' other needs, to provide a one-stop-shopping solution. For most of the companies that operate under this concept, they have created a platform and work together with other companies and even their readers could create contents. As their services are charged through different channels, this has a higher rate of success. Faced with the impact of ‘Internet Age’, many print media are taking the safest way to evolve into the digital media and choosing the product-extension transformation strategy model. While some others have decided to gradually ease their way toward a market development-transformation strategy model or a diversified-integration transformation strategy model. But more and more print media have decided to put their efforts into the market-development transformation strategy model and the diversified-integration transformation strategy model in the process of evolving into digital media. This puts them in the right spot in the market and protects them from the fate of elimination. The connections between many print media and digital media have changed from focusing on the print sector accompanied by digital means to both equally important. For some media, they have converted completely to the digital media. Key words: printed media, digital media, transforms strategy model

Návrh marketingové strategie / Proposal of Marketing Strategy

Šmakalová, Petra January 2010 (has links)
The Master’s thesis deals with the proposal of marketing strategy questions for store building materials in Velké Mezirící. Based on theoretical knowledge and analysis of present conditions of the store, marketing strategy was developed. It is supposed to improve incomes and strengthen awareness of existence store at the market in Velké Mezirící.

An evaluation of advertising strategies developed according to the FCB grid and the Bendinger formula

Yssel, J. C. (Johan Christiaan), 1936- 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis argues that the FCB (Foote, Cone and Belding) grid can not only be used by advertising students to write strategy, but also to write superior strategies. To demonstrate this, the research in this study identifies two versions of the FCB grid that can serve as guidelines for students when writing advertising strategy. The argument is substantiated by the results of a statistical analysis of strategies written according to the FCB grid and the Bendinger formula. A discussion of the areas which were researched and led to the introduction of the FCB grid, as well as an explanation of the FCB grid, provide the context in which the grid should be viewed as a guideline for writing advertising strategy. Thereafter, a summative overview of what advertising strategy and the Bendinger formula encompass, identifies the complexed nature of advertising strategy, as well as the minimum areas which need to be addressed when attempting to write strategy. A detailed discussion of the method which was employed and the instrument developed to evaluate the effectiveness of strategies, precedes the experimental results. A critical discussion of the results obtained from the statistical analysis and the literature on advertising strategy provide a theoretical foundation on which a model, to be used in conjunction with the FCB grid to write strategy, is designed. The model is then explained to illustrate how students can, in conjunction with the FCB grid, apply it to write advertising strategy. This thesis recommends that, in order to improve on the suggested method of evaluating strategies, the measurement scale developed in this study could be considered as a starting point. A further recommendation is that the experiment comparing strategies written according to the FCB sextant grid to those written according to the FCB quadrant grid, could provide the need for further research. The thesis concludes that as far as could be determined, this was the first time that a study of this nature was undertaken and that the need for future research to validate this study and its results, exists. / Communication Science / D. Litt et Phil. (Communication)

An evaluation of advertising strategies developed according to the FCB grid and the Bendinger formula

Yssel, J. C. (Johan Christiaan), 1936- 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis argues that the FCB (Foote, Cone and Belding) grid can not only be used by advertising students to write strategy, but also to write superior strategies. To demonstrate this, the research in this study identifies two versions of the FCB grid that can serve as guidelines for students when writing advertising strategy. The argument is substantiated by the results of a statistical analysis of strategies written according to the FCB grid and the Bendinger formula. A discussion of the areas which were researched and led to the introduction of the FCB grid, as well as an explanation of the FCB grid, provide the context in which the grid should be viewed as a guideline for writing advertising strategy. Thereafter, a summative overview of what advertising strategy and the Bendinger formula encompass, identifies the complexed nature of advertising strategy, as well as the minimum areas which need to be addressed when attempting to write strategy. A detailed discussion of the method which was employed and the instrument developed to evaluate the effectiveness of strategies, precedes the experimental results. A critical discussion of the results obtained from the statistical analysis and the literature on advertising strategy provide a theoretical foundation on which a model, to be used in conjunction with the FCB grid to write strategy, is designed. The model is then explained to illustrate how students can, in conjunction with the FCB grid, apply it to write advertising strategy. This thesis recommends that, in order to improve on the suggested method of evaluating strategies, the measurement scale developed in this study could be considered as a starting point. A further recommendation is that the experiment comparing strategies written according to the FCB sextant grid to those written according to the FCB quadrant grid, could provide the need for further research. The thesis concludes that as far as could be determined, this was the first time that a study of this nature was undertaken and that the need for future research to validate this study and its results, exists. / Communication Science / D. Litt et Phil. (Communication)

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