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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Physical and chemical limnological study of an acid mine lake in Sullivan County, Indiana

Broomall, Phillip A. January 1992 (has links)
Southwestern Indiana has numerous lakes developed in abandoned coal mine spoils which support recreational sports fisheries. Some lakes, due to exposure to acid mine drainage from coal wastes and pyritic spoils, are unsuitable habitats for fisheries development. This study examines a publicly owned acid mine lake with an area of approximately 51 ha, following reclamation and elimination of acid producing areas in its drainage basin. Fifteen physico-chemical sample collections were made over a thirteen month period (1991-1992). Parameters sampled included pH, total acidity, iron, manganese, and aluminum. Comparisons were made to historic pre-reclamation water quality data and to established models of acid mine lake recovery. Due to the local topography and exposure to prevailing winds, the lake was generally well mixed throughout the study. Virtually no summer stratification was found, but typical winter season stratification occurred. The water column was well oxygenated throughout the study. Secchi disk transparency varied from 2.5 m to clear to lake bottom (6 m). This study found no significant change in lake water pH (2.9-3.0 to 3.0-3.2 s.u.) since reclamation activities in 1988. However, changes in total acidity and total metal concentrations had occurred since reclamation which suggested that the lake was in early recovery stages. No trends in water quality improvement were determined which could assist in planning toward the eventual establishment of a sports fishery. / Department of Biology

Strip-mine rehabilitation in Namaqualand

Schmidt, Anel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFor)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Namaqualand has a very unusual diversity of plant life, with many endemic plant species. The fundamental question of this thesis is how this system, damaged by strip-mining activities, can be rehabilitated. The aim was to base the rehabilitation methods on ecological processes. In order to answer this question an overview of the relevant literature was needed in order to identify possible research needs and also to evaluate the work that has been done in the field of strip-mine rehabilitation in arid areas. An understanding of community and ecosystem dynamics would help to establish aims and methods for site-specific rehabilitation. In Namaqualand, South Africa, there is also a need for experimentation to establish which of the many factors is most limiting to long-term ecosystem recovery. It is important to have a good knowledge of the successional processes and disturbance history of the land which needs to be rehabilitated. The vegetation on unmined areas and mined areas of different ages and treatments after mining, were sampled. It was shown that some areas could be expected to show a large degree of recovery in the space of a few years, whilst others would show little or no recovery over a period of decades. It is important to recognise rehabilitation as a gradual process that takes place at different rates in different areas and in different years. The planting of Atriplex nummularia and sowing of Atriplex semibaccata did not facilitate the return of indigenous, perennial species, but rather seem to inhibit their return. In view of the importance of topsoil in terms of the fertility of the soil and the seed bank present in the topsoil, the influence of topsoil removal and stockpiling due to strip-mining activities were tested. The soil fertility was tested by means of radish bioassays and soil laboratory analysis, whilst species diversity and richness were tested with seedling emergence trials. As expected a higher plant species diversity was found on the unmined soils and radishes grew larger on these soils. The topsoil deteriorated in terms of plant species richness, diversity and soil fertility whilst it was stockpiled. Direct replacement of topsoil would ensure a planting medium closer to the pre-disturbance level that could lead to fairly rapid and successful recolonization of the mined area. Successful plant recruitment also depends on the microsites to which seeds are dispersed. The effect that different microsites had on seed germination, seedling growth and survival was tested. It was found that micro catchments always yielded the highest numbers. The establishment and survival of seedlings in the other microsite types (under single shrubs, under clumped shrubs and in the open) varied, depending on the amount of rainfall received in the particular year. Lastly, I experimented with the translocation of three local, indigenous, succulent plant species. These plants were transplanted either in clumps of three together or alone, since I hypothesized that planting them together would facilitate their survival. However, it was found that it depended largely on the morphology of the plant and the amount of rainfall received in a particular year, whether these plants will compete with each other for limiting resources or facilitate each other's survival. The thesis contributes to the understanding of vegetation dynamics in the Succulent Karoo after strip-mining has taken place. Guidelines are provided based on ecological processes, for strip-mine rehabilitation in the Succulent Karoo. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Namakwaland is bekend vir sy ongewone diversiteit van plante, met baie endemiese spesies. Die fundamentele vraag wat deur hierdie tesis gevra word is hoe hierdie sisteem, wat beskadig is deur oppervlak mynbou, gerehabiliteer kan word. Die doel is om die rehabilitasie metodes te baseer op ekologiese prosesse. 'n Oorsig van die relevante literatuur was nodig om moontlike areas van verdere navorsing te identifiseer en ook die navorsing wat reeds gedoen is oor rehabilitasie van oppervlak myne in ariede gebiede, te evalueer. 'n Goeie begrip van gemeenskap en ekosisteem dinamika sal help om doelwitte en metodes daar te stel vir die rehabilitasie van spesifieke areas. Dit is ook nodig om in Namakwaland, Suid -Afrika, uit te vind watter van die baie faktore, die lang-termyn herstel van 'n ekosisteem, die meeste verhinder. Dit is baie belangrik om In goeie kennis te hê van die versteurings geskiedenis van die area wat gerehabiliteer moet word, asook die suksessionele prosesse wat werksaam is. Plantegroei van areas wat op verskillende tye gemyn en verskillend behandel is, asook ongemynde areas is ondersoek. Sekere areas het In groot mate van herstel gewys in 'n tydperk van 'n paar jaar, terwyl ander, min of geen hersteloor 'n periode van dekades getoon het nie. Dit is belangrik om rehabilitasie as 'n geleidelike proses te sien, wat teen verskillende tempos plaasvind tydens verskillende jare en in verskillende areas. Daar is bevind dat die plant van Atriplex nummularia asook die saai van Atriplex semibaccata nie die terugkeer van inheemse, meerjarige spesies bevoordeel nie, maar dit eerder inhibeer. Aangesien die bo-grond so belangrik is in terme van die grondvrugbaarheid en ook die saadbank wat teenwoordig is, word die invloed van die verwydering en opberging van die bogrond getoets. Die grondvrugbaarheid was bepaal deur groei-toetse op radyse en laboratorium analise op die grond te doen. Die plant spesie diversiteit en rykheid was bepaal met In saad ontkieming studie. In ooreenstemming met die verwagte uitkoms, was die plant spesie diversiteit hoër op die ongemynde bo-grond en die radyse het groter geword op dieselfde grond. Dit kom voor asof die plant spesie diversiteit en rykheid, asook die grond vrugbaarheid afneem met tyd wat die bo-grond geberg word. Die direkte verspreiding van die bo-grond nadat dit verwyder is, sal In medium vir die plante verseker wat nader is aan die vlak voordat die grond versteur is. Dit sal oak sorg vir redelike vinnige en suksesvolle terugkoms van plante op die gemynde grond. Die suksesvolle vestiging van plante hang ook af van die mikro areas (klein areas in terme van die grootte van 'n saad, wat In eie mikro-klimaat vorm), waarna saad versprei word. Die effek van sulke mikro-gebiede op die ontkieming van saad, die groei van die saailinge en die oorlewing van die saailinge was bepaal. Mikro-water- opvanggebiede het in al drie bogenoemde gevalle die hoogste syfers getoon. Die vestiging en oorlewing van saailinge in die ander mikro-gebiede (die area onder enkel struike, die area onder groepe struike en oop areas) het gevarieer afhangend van die hoeveelheid reënval wat ontvang is in die spesifieke jaar. Laastens, is daar ge-eksperimenteer met die oorplant van drie plaaslike, inheemse, sukkulente spesies. Hierdie plante was alleen geplant of in groepies van drie, bymekaar. Die hipotese was dat huloorlewingskanse beter sal wees as hulle saam geplant word. Dit was egter bevind dat die hoeveelheid reënval in 'n spesifieke jaar en die morfologie van die plant, bepaal of hulle sal kompeteer vir die beperkte bronne en of hulle deur saam te groei huloorlewingskanse sal verhoog. Hierdie tesis dra by tot die verstaan van die plantegroei dinamika in die Sukkulente Karoo nadat oppervlak mynbou plaasgevind het. Riglyne vir die rehabilitasie van oppervlak myne, gebasseer op ekologiese prosesse, word ook voorgestel.

Opportunities for improved surface mine reclamation in the central Appalachian coal region

Zipper, Carl E. January 1986 (has links)
The Appalachian coal mining region is subject to a number of environmental and economic problems; many are a result of the steeply sloping topography. The extensive surface mining activities in the area appear to offer the opportunity to produce more favorable landforms at minimum marginal costs. Yet, despite this apparent opportunity and the success of research efforts to develop improved mine soil construction and revegetation techniques, the majority of the mining and reclamation activities in the Virginia coal region are carried out using conventional methods: reconstructing steeply sloping mining areas to their approximate original contours. The purpose of this research was to estimate the costs of coal surface mine reclamation methods designed to prepare mined lands for improved use in areas of steeply sloping topography. During the course of this research, a computer-based mining and reclamation cost estimating system was developed. COSTSUM is a set of seven programs designed to analyze data from active surface mining sites to determine spoil handling and reclamation costs. OPSIM is a surface mining simulator designed to estimate the differences in spoil handling costs among reclamation and postmining landform alternatives. This cost-estimating system was utilized during an intensive study of mining and reclamation costs at a surface mining site in Wise County, Virginia, where a number of improved reclamation practices were implemented. At this site, a steeply sloping premining topography was transformed to a postmining landform containing an extensive near-level area covered with deep, uncompacted, potentially productive mine soils. Analysis of daily records of operations revealed that the cost of mining and reclaiming this site was comparable to industry average costs in the area in spite of departure from conventional methods. The results of simulation procedures indicated that the cost of mining so as to produce this landscape was less than than the estimated cost of conventional mining methods. Since the topography of the site is typical of surrounding areas, there are opportunities to produce near-level landforms with deep, productive soils as a byproduct of coal surface mining activities. / Ph. D.

Alteration of the soil mantle by strip mining in the Namaqualand Strandveld

Prinsloo, H. P. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Soil Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / The purpose of this study was to investigate and identify the occurrence of specific soil properties that may be important for vegetation functioning and the possible effect of the loss of or changes in these properties on rehabilitation success on the sandy coastal plains of the West Coast, South Africa. The study area covered approximately 9 400 ha on the Namaqualand coast in the vicinity of Brand-se-Baai (31º18'S 17º54'E), approximately 350 km north of Cape Town and 70 km north-west of the nearest town, Lutzville. A soil survey was done to reveal the presence of important pedological features. The 20 soil profiles surveyed are situated within six vegetation communities. Pedological features such as surface water repellency, permeable apedal subsurface horizons, subsurface impediments such as cemented (calcrete or dorbank) hardpans and significantly more clayey (cutanic, luvic) horizons were identified. A comparative study between rehabilitated and natural soils indicates that mining operations result in the formation of saline sand tailings, stripped of a large portion of the clay and organic matter fraction. The natural leaching of solutes, over a period of 25 months, is sufficient to lower salinity of the tailings to levels comparable to natural soils. This leaching can also results in lowering of soil fertility. Removal of the dorbank and the dense neocutanic horizon in the western side of the mine, loss of topographical features such as small dune systems and heuweltjies, destruction of natural soil profile morphology and the lowering of organic carbon and clay plus silt fraction can have detrimental effects on attempts at rehabilitation of this area to a natural condition similar to that which preceded the mining operation. Infiltration fingering and deep percolation results in the development of an aquifer below the reach of shallow-rooted desert shrubs. A method of water acquisition by vegetation through water distillation is investigated as a possible solution to the apparent discontinuum between the shallow root systems and deeper-lying aquifer. Volumetric water content measurements indicated that precipitation of 29.5 mm, over a period of 10 days, did not result in any variation at 235 mm, 360 mm and 900 mm depths. An average volumetric water content increase of 0.4 mm per night was measured in the first 23.5 cm of soil surface. This amount is a significant source of water that can explain the shallow root distribution. Water vapour movement due to temperature gradients can explain the diurnal volumetric water content fluctuations observed. Further studies are necessary to determine to what extent the depth of water infiltration influences the capacity of subsurface dew to provide plants with a nocturnal water source. Findings of this study can be summarised into two concepts namely: • Heuweltjies, small dune systems, and variation in depth of cemented hardpans are the main features that contribute to pedosphere variation and possibly to biodiversity. • Pedogenic features such as topsoil hydrophobicity, and cemented dorbank and dense more clayey (cutanic, luvic) subsurface horizons are important components of a soil water distillation process that could be a driving force behind vegetation functioning in this region. Mine activities result in the loss of certain pedogenic features and soil properties that that could be key ingredients to ecosystem functioning. The inability to recognise their significance and ignorance thereof when planning rehabilitation methods might prevent sustainable restoration of the environment.

Monitoring rehabilitation success on Namakwa Sands heavy minerals mining operations, Namaqualand, South Africa

Blood, Jeremy Russell 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScConsEcol(Conservation Ecology and Entomology)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Anglo American Corporation’s Namakwa Sands heavy minerals mining and beneficiation operation has been strip-mining a heavy mineral deposit, rich in the commercially valuable minerals ilmenite, rutile and zircon, since September 1994. The mine is located in the vicinity of Brand-se-Baai on the west coast of South Africa, approximately 385 km north of Cape Town. Strip-mining causes total destruction of natural ecosystems through the removal of vegetation and soil in the area where mining is being undertaken. Namakwa Sands has been rehabilitating mined out areas as the mining front moves forward. Due to the difficulty of rehabilitating mined out areas as a result of harsh environmental factors, Namakwa Sands has initiated various research projects to gain an understanding of the baseline conditions and ecosystem function in order to increase plant cover and biodiversity on post-mined areas. This on-going research and the development of rehabilitation and mining techniques have resulted in the implementation of four rehabilitation techniques varying in investment of topsoil replacement, seeding and plant translocation. This study assesses the success and effectiveness of these techniques in terms of various vegetation and soil parameters. In addition, those parameters that are considered useful for monitoring are identified. This study indicated that topsoil replacement and plant translocation facilitate the return of similarity, species richness, species diversity and vegetation cover to post-mined areas. The rehabilitation site that had the greatest amount of biological input (topsoil replacement and plant translocation) appeared to be the most successful technique in facilitating vegetation recovery similar to reference sites. In comparison, the site that had the least amount of biological input performed the worst and requires adaptive management, e.g. reseeding and / or plant translocation. Namakwa Sands should continue to replace topsoil in all future rehabilitation efforts and, when possible (e.g. after sufficient winter rain), continue to translocate species in multi-species clumps. In terms of species selected for translocation, Othonna cylindrica, Ruschia versicolor and Lampranthus suavissimus should be considered for future large-scale translocation projects. Zygophyllum morgsana appears to be more difficult to re-establish under the current climatic conditions (below average rainfall). The long-term viability of rehabilitated Z. morgsana populations needs to be determined before considering this species for any future large-scale translocation purposes. No translocated Asparagus spp. individuals survived and should therefore not be considered for any further translocation purposes. The grass Ehrharta calycina, which is dominant in the site seeded, should continue to be considered for future seeding. Species and functional diversity appear to be the most limiting factors within all the rehabilitation sites and Namakwa Sands will not be able to meet their long-term objective of small-stock farming if diversity and the number of palatable species do not increase significantly. Adaptive management should seriously be considered in order to speed up this process. Alternatively, an appropriate grazing strategy, which is related to the Tetragonia fruticosa dominated vegetation within rehabilitation sites, would need to be determined and adopted.More time is needed to ameliorate the rehabilitated soil profiles to the same level as in reference sites, especially with regard to carbon, pH and sodium levels. In order to increase organic matter within rehabilitation areas, Namakwa Sands should consider creating clumps with cleared vegetation from the mining front. Since the long-term rehabilitation goal has not been achieved, Namakwa Sands will need to continue to monitor plant and soil changes until it has been achieved. The objectives of the current rehabilitation programme are limited and Namakwa Sands should develop additional objectives relating to the structure and function of the natural vegetation. This will give a better indication of whether rehabilitation sites are progressing towards the desired end point and if adaptive management is required. In addition, the current monitoring programme (vegetation survey) implemented at Namakwa Sands could be improved by increasing the vegetation parameters to be monitored. It is recommended that the following vegetation parameters be monitored as part of the long-term monitoring programme: species composition and similarity, species richness, species diversity, vegetation cover, species dominance, vertical structure and functional diversity of the vegetation (clumps and inter-clumps). It is also recommended that carbon, pH and sodium of soil profiles be monitored as part of the long-term monitoring programme. These parameters should not be seen as exhaustive as this study only considered various vegetation parameters and soil chemistry between rehabilitation and reference sites. The results of other studies on the fauna, mycorrhiza, insects, etc. should also be taken into consideration and the monitoring parameters expanded accordingly.

Strip mining rehabilitation by translocation in arid coastal Namaqualand, South Africa

Mahood, Kirsten 03 1900 (has links)
Degree of Master of Forestry (Conservation Ecology) / Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / Full text to be digitised and attached to bibliographic record. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the use of top-soiling, irrigation and translocating indigenous plants to facilitate the cost-effective return of a mined landscape to its former land-use (small stock farming) in an arid winter rainfall Succulent Karoo shrub land biome on the West Coast of South Africa. Effects of topsoil stockpiling and subsoil mineral concentration on soil fertility and chemistry were investigated, as soils are likely to determine rates of vegetation recovery on post-mined areas. Results of a radish bioassay show that stockpiling topsoil and mineral concentration subsoil decreased soil fertility. Mineral concentration decreased phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, carbon and nitrogen levels significantly relative to other soil treatments. Sodium in freshly deposited tailings was at potentially toxic levels and significantly higher than for all other soil treatments. Spreading of stockpiled topsoil over tailings may ameliorate harsh conditions created by mineral separation. Translocation of plants from pre-mined to post-mined areas was carried out on a trial basis in an effort to facilitate the return of natural vegetation and processes to strip-mined landscapes. Five local indigenous plant species: Asparagus spp., Ruschia versicolor, Othonna cylindrica, Lampranthus suavissimus and Zygophyllum morgsana were planted into multi-species clumps in a replicated experiment. Variables examined in the translocation trial included the effects of plant origin, soil treatment and/or irrigation on plant survival and establishment. The proportion of O. cylindrica transplants surviving for 15 months was greater than for other species. Whole plants survived better than salvaged plants, and Asparagus spp., R. versicolor, L. suavissimus and Z. morgsana survived better on stockpiled topsoil spread over tailings than on tailings alone. Irrigation had no consistent effect across species and treatment replicates. Salvaged-plant clumps were significantly larger than whole-plant clumps at planting, however, this effect was not observed after 12 months, indicating that whole-plant clumps grew faster than salvaged-plant clumps. The evergreen, leaf succulent shrubs O. cylindrica, L. suavissimus and R. versicolor appeared to be most suitable for large-scale translocation at Namakwa Sands. The return of biodiversity and changes in soil quality 15 months after translocation trials began were compared for combinations of top-soiling, irrigation, plant translocation and unmodified tailings. Irrigation may reduce biodiversity and seedling densities. Over a 15-month period following back filling and topsoil spreading, sodium, potassium and calcium appeared to return to levels observed for undisturbed soils. Magnesium remains at levels lower than in pre-mined soil conditions. Soil conditions may be more conducive to plant establishment and rehabilitation after back-filling of tailings and topsoil spreading. Electrical resistance increased over time indicating a reduction of free salts and salinity on rehabilitation sites. Phosphorus did not return to pre-disturbance levels, and carbon remained below pre-mining levels for at least 15 months after rehabilitation began, remaining a potential limiting factor in rehabilitation. Each rehabilitation technique that a mine employs has costs and benefits, and it is increasingly important that insights from ecology and economics are coupled if restoration efforts are going to succeed. A review of valuation systems indicates that Discounted Cash Flow Techniques (DCF) are suitable for valuation of rehabilitation operations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die gebruik van bogrond, besproeiing en die oorplanting van inheemse plante om die koste-effektiewe rehabilitasie van 'n stroopmynlandskap in die droë, winter reënval streek, Vetplant Karoo aan die Weskus van Suid-Afrika, wat vroeër gebruik is vir kleinvee boerdery, te bespoedig Die uitwerking van bogrondopberging en minerale konsentrasie op vrugbaarheid en chemise komposisie van grond is ondersoek, aangesien dié gronde gewoonlik die herstelspoed van plantegroei op 'n ou myn terein bepaal. Uitslae van radys proewe toon dat berging van bogrond en minerale konsentrasie van die onderliggende grond vrugbaarheid van grond laat afneem. Mynaktiwiteite en die minerale konsentrasie lei tot 'n betekenisvolle verlies aan fosfaat, kalium, kalsium, magnesium, koolstof en stikstof as die geval met ander bedrywighede. Die vlak van natrium in oorgeblywende sand na die minerale ekstraksie is hoogs giftig en is veel hoër as na ander bedrywighede. Die toediening van bogrond oor die oorblywende sand verbeter die toestand wat deur die skeiding van minerale veroorsaak is. Oorplasing van plante vanaf ongemynde na rehabilitasie gebiede is op proefbasis uitgevoer in 'n poging om die terugkeer van natuurlike plantegroei by die strookmyn te bespoedig. Vyf plaaslike inheemse plantspesies: Asparagus spp., Ruschia versicolor, Othonna cylindrical, Lampranthus suavissimus en Zygophyllum morgsana is in multi-spesie groepe geplant. Veranderlikes getoets tydens hierdie proef sluit in plantoorsprong, grond behandeling, en/of besproeiing, op die oorlewing en vestiging van plante. 'n Groter proporsie O. cylindrical as enige ander spesie het na 15 maande oorleef. Heel plante het beter oorleef as beskadigde plante. Asparagus spp., R. versicolor, L. suavissimus en Z. morgsana het beter oorleef op gebergde bogrond oor oorblywende sand as op oorblywende sand self. Besproeiing het nie 'n volgehoue uitwerking gehad op spesies of op herhaalde replisering nie. Beskadigde plantgroepe was groter as heelplant groepe toe hulle geplant is maar na 12 maande is opgemerk dat die heel-plante vinniger gegroei het. Die immergroen vetplante, 0. cylindrical, L. suavissimus en R. versicolor blyk die mees geskik vir grootskaalse oorplanting by Namakwa Sands. Herstel van biodiversiteit en veranderings in grondeienskappe 15 maande na proewe begin het, is vergelyk m.b.t. die toediening van bogrond, besproeiing, oorplanting en onbehandelde oorblywende sand. Besproeiing kan biodiversiteit en digtheid van saailinge verminder. Vyvtien maande na opvulling en die toediening van bogrond, het kalium, natrium en kalsium teruggekeer na vlakke in onversteurde grond. Magnesium vlakke was nog altyd laer as dié voordat mynaktiwiteite aangevang is. Terugplasing van sand en toediening van bogrond mag die vestiging en rehabilitasie van plante bespoedig. Weerstand vermeerder met tyd wat 'n verlaaging in vry soute en soutagtigheid in die grond wat gebruik is vir rehabilitasie aantoon. Fosfor het nie teruggekeer tot vlakke van voorheen nie en vlakke van koolstofhet na 15 maande verlaag gebly, en kan die potential tot rehabilitasie belemmer. Elke rehabilitasie tegniek wat die myn gebruik bring kostes sowel as voordele mee. Om restorasie pogings te laat slaag moet insigte vanaf ekologie en ekonomie saam ingespan word. 'n Oorsig van waardasie sisteme toon dat Afslag Kontant Vloei Tegnieke geskik is vir die evaluasie van rehabilitasie programme.

A greenhouse evaluation of plant species for use in revegetation of Black Mesa coal mine overburden material

Mitchell, Gregg F. January 1979 (has links)
No description available.

Effects of selenium and other surface coal mine influences on fish and invertebrates in Canadian Rockies streams

Kuchapski, Kathryn A January 2013 (has links)
Physical and chemical influences downstream of surface coal mines, including selenium (Se) release, water quality shifts, and habitat alterations can affect aquatic organisms. To evaluate these influences at the community level of organization, fish and macroinvertebrates were studied in mine-affected and reference streams. Se can be toxic to aquatic organisms and was measured in lotic food chains (water, biofilm, macroinvertebrates and juvenile salmonids). Invertebrate Se was significantly related to Se in juvenile fish muscle (westslope cutthroat, bull, rainbow and brook trout) and Se concentrations exceeded proposed individual-level reproductive effects thresholds in some rainbow and cutthroat trout. Community-level effects were only detected in rainbow trout where species specific biomass was negatively related to muscle Se concentration in stream reaches. Macroinvertebrate assemblages varied along a mineinfluence gradient defined by Se, alkalinity, substrate embeddedness and interstitial material size. Ephemeroptera were the most sensitive to mining effects and potential mechanisms influencing community composition included Se and ion toxicity and habitat degradation. This project highlights the need to study multiple organisms at different levels of ecological organization in order to understand and manage diverse mining impacts. / xi, 108 leaves : col. maps ; 29 cm

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