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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A new paradigm for the folding of ribonucleic acids

Parisien, Marc 10 1900 (has links)
De récentes découvertes montrent le rôle important que joue l’acide ribonucléique (ARN) au sein des cellules, que ce soit le contrôle de l’expression génétique, la régulation de plusieurs processus homéostasiques, en plus de la transcription et la traduction de l’acide désoxyribonucléique (ADN) en protéine. Si l’on veut comprendre comment la cellule fonctionne, nous devons d’abords comprendre ses composantes et comment ils interagissent, et en particulier chez l’ARN. La fonction d’une molécule est tributaire de sa structure tridimensionnelle (3D). Or, déterminer expérimentalement la structure 3D d’un ARN s’avère fort coûteux. Les méthodes courantes de prédiction par ordinateur de la structure d’un ARN ne tiennent compte que des appariements classiques ou canoniques, similaires à ceux de la fameuse structure en double-hélice de l’ADN. Ici, nous avons amélioré la prédiction de structures d’ARN en tenant compte de tous les types possibles d’appariements, dont ceux dits non-canoniques. Cela est rendu possible dans le contexte d’un nouveau paradigme pour le repliement des ARN, basé sur les motifs cycliques de nucléotides ; des blocs de bases pour la construction des ARN. De plus, nous avons dévelopées de nouvelles métriques pour quantifier la précision des méthodes de prédiction des structures 3D des ARN, vue l’introduction récente de plusieurs de ces méthodes. Enfin, nous avons évalué le pouvoir prédictif des nouvelles techniques de sondage de basse résolution des structures d’ARN. / Recent findings show the important role of ribonucleic acid (RNA) within the cell, be it the control of gene expression, the regulation of several homeostatic processes, in addition to the transcription and translation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) into protein. If we wish to understand how the cell works, we first need to understand its components and how they interact, and in particular for RNA. The function of a molecule is tributary of its three-dimensional (3D) structure. However, experimental determination of RNA 3D structures imparts great costs. Current methods for RNA structure prediction by computers only take into account the classical or canonical base pairs, similar to those found in the well-celebrated DNA double helix. Here, we improved RNA structure prediction by taking into account all possible types of base pairs, even those said non-canonicals. This is made possible in the context of a new paradigm for the folding of RNA, based on nucleotide cyclic motifs (NCM): basic blocks for the construction of RNA. Furthermore, we have developed new metrics to quantify the precision of RNA 3D structure prediction methods, given the recent introduction of many of those methods. Finally, we have evaluated the predictive power of the latest low-resolution RNA structure probing techniques.

A new paradigm for the folding of ribonucleic acids

Parisien, Marc 10 1900 (has links)
De récentes découvertes montrent le rôle important que joue l’acide ribonucléique (ARN) au sein des cellules, que ce soit le contrôle de l’expression génétique, la régulation de plusieurs processus homéostasiques, en plus de la transcription et la traduction de l’acide désoxyribonucléique (ADN) en protéine. Si l’on veut comprendre comment la cellule fonctionne, nous devons d’abords comprendre ses composantes et comment ils interagissent, et en particulier chez l’ARN. La fonction d’une molécule est tributaire de sa structure tridimensionnelle (3D). Or, déterminer expérimentalement la structure 3D d’un ARN s’avère fort coûteux. Les méthodes courantes de prédiction par ordinateur de la structure d’un ARN ne tiennent compte que des appariements classiques ou canoniques, similaires à ceux de la fameuse structure en double-hélice de l’ADN. Ici, nous avons amélioré la prédiction de structures d’ARN en tenant compte de tous les types possibles d’appariements, dont ceux dits non-canoniques. Cela est rendu possible dans le contexte d’un nouveau paradigme pour le repliement des ARN, basé sur les motifs cycliques de nucléotides ; des blocs de bases pour la construction des ARN. De plus, nous avons dévelopées de nouvelles métriques pour quantifier la précision des méthodes de prédiction des structures 3D des ARN, vue l’introduction récente de plusieurs de ces méthodes. Enfin, nous avons évalué le pouvoir prédictif des nouvelles techniques de sondage de basse résolution des structures d’ARN. / Recent findings show the important role of ribonucleic acid (RNA) within the cell, be it the control of gene expression, the regulation of several homeostatic processes, in addition to the transcription and translation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) into protein. If we wish to understand how the cell works, we first need to understand its components and how they interact, and in particular for RNA. The function of a molecule is tributary of its three-dimensional (3D) structure. However, experimental determination of RNA 3D structures imparts great costs. Current methods for RNA structure prediction by computers only take into account the classical or canonical base pairs, similar to those found in the well-celebrated DNA double helix. Here, we improved RNA structure prediction by taking into account all possible types of base pairs, even those said non-canonicals. This is made possible in the context of a new paradigm for the folding of RNA, based on nucleotide cyclic motifs (NCM): basic blocks for the construction of RNA. Furthermore, we have developed new metrics to quantify the precision of RNA 3D structure prediction methods, given the recent introduction of many of those methods. Finally, we have evaluated the predictive power of the latest low-resolution RNA structure probing techniques.

The mat sat on the cat : investigating structure in the evaluation of order in machine translation

McCaffery, Martin January 2017 (has links)
We present a multifaceted investigation into the relevance of word order in machine translation. We introduce two tools, DTED and DERP, each using dependency structure to detect differences between the structures of machine-produced translations and human-produced references. DTED applies the principle of Tree Edit Distance to calculate edit operations required to convert one structure into another. Four variants of DTED have been produced, differing in the importance they place on words which match between the two sentences. DERP represents a more detailed procedure, making use of the dependency relations between words when evaluating the disparities between paths connecting matching nodes. In order to empirically evaluate DTED and DERP, and as a standalone contribution, we have produced WOJ-DB, a database of human judgments. Containing scores relating to translation adequacy and more specifically to word order quality, this is intended to support investigations into a wide range of translation phenomena. We report an internal evaluation of the information in WOJ-DB, then use it to evaluate variants of DTED and DERP, both to determine their relative merit and their strength relative to third-party baselines. We present our conclusions about the importance of structure to the tools and their relevance to word order specifically, then propose further related avenues of research suggested or enabled by our work.

Įmonių kapitalo struktūros formavimą sąlygojantys veiksniai / Factors influencing formation of corporate capital structure

Karalevičiūtė, Kristina 27 June 2014 (has links)
Tinkamas kapitalo struktūros parinkimas lemia sėkmingą įmonės veiklą ir perspektyvas. Keičiantis rinkoms, finansinei ir ekonominei situacijai, keičiasi finansinių šaltinių pasirinkimo alternatyvos. Siekiant rasti optimalią įmonės kapitalo struktūrą reikia efektyviai subalansuoti skolintas ir nuosavas lėšas bei nustatyti kokie veiksniai sąlygoja kapitalo struktūros formavimą. Tai gali būti tiek vidiniai, tokie kaip įmonių galimybės skolintis, pelningumas, įmonės dydis ir kt., tiek išoriniai veiksniai: bendrasis vidaus produktas, infliacija, palūkanų norma ir kt. Šio darbo objektas – įmonių kapitalo struktūros formavimas. Darbo tikslas – ištirti Lietuvos įmonių kapitalo struktūrą sąlygojančius veiksnius bei sudaryti kapitalo struktūros ir tiriamų veiksnių ryšio modelį. Siekiant iškelto tikslo, yra nagrinėjami tokie uždaviniai: • remiantis moksline literatūra išanalizuoti įmonės kapitalo struktūros sudėtį bei pagrindines kapitalo struktūros formavimo teorijas ir principus; • atlikti empirinių tyrimų analizę, kuriuose užsienio ir Lietuvos autoriai tiria veiksnius, sąlygojančius kapitalo struktūros formavimą. Ištirti ir palyginti keleto autorių sukurtus kapitalo struktūros formavimo modelius; • sudaryti makroekonominių rodiklių ir finansinio sverto sąveikos modelį bei nustatyti makroekonominių veiksnių poveikį Lietuvos įmonių kapitalo struktūros formavimui. Išanalizavus įmonių kapitalo struktūros formavimo teorijas galima teigti, kad šios teorijos ir požiūriai neatsako į klausimą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Selection of appropriate capital structure determines the success and prospects of business. With changes in markets, financial and economic situation, there are changes also to the alternatives of funding sources. In order to find the optimal capital structure one has to balance the own and borrowed funds efficiency and to identify what factors determine the structure of capital formation. This can be both internal factors, such as business lending opportunities, profitability, company size, etc., as well as external factors: gross domestic product, inflation, interest rate and others. Objective of this work is corporate capital structure formation. The aim of this work is to explore the factors influencing the capital structure formation of Lithuanian companies and develop the communication model between the analysed factors. In order to achieve the objective, the following tasks are considered: • based on scientific literature, to analyze a company's capital structure composition and the basic theories and principles of the capital structure formation; • to carry out an analysis of empirical research where foreign and Lithuanian authors investigate the factors influencing the capital structure formation. To analyse and compare models for the formation of capital structure developed by several authors; • to develop a model for the interaction of macro-economic indicators and financial leverage and determine the influence of macroeconomic factors on the capital structure... [to full text]

Návrh a posouzení směsi pro asfaltové vrstvy se zvýšenou odolností proti šíření trhlin (SAL) / Desing and evaluation of Bituminous Stress Absorbing Pavement Layer

Coufalík, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the possibility of special asphalt-rubber mixture using - Stress Absorbing Layer (SAL). In the theoretical part the SAL and test methods are described. In the practical part, several different mixtures are designed and selected mixtures were tested. Low-temperature characteristics, permanent deformations, bending tensile relaxation, stiffness modulus and fatigue properties were determined. Based on the test results the mixtures were compared and their benefit is evaluated according to Performance Pavement Design Method, the pavement structure was evaluated by using of computer programme LayEps.

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