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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulation numérique et modélisation d’écoulements tridimensionnels instationnaires à surface libre. Application au système bateau-avirons-rameur / Numerical simulation and modelling of tridimensional freesurface flows. Application to the boat-oars-rower system

Robert, Yoann 29 September 2017 (has links)
La thèse s'intéresse aux deux écoulements présents en aviron, autour du bateau et de la palette, et aux interactions avec le système bateau-avirons-rameur. Le premier est inhabituel en hydrodynamique, à cause du cavalement important et des mouvements secondaires. La complexité du second provient de l'instationnarité et de la déformation de la surface libre. L'objectif consiste à mettre en oeuvre des méthodes numériques performantes et précises puis à les valider pour, à plus long terme, les réutiliser à des fins d'analyse et d’optimisation de la performance en aviron.Ces simulations instationnaires à surface libre sont coûteuses en ressources pour les codes RANS. Un algorithme de sub-cycling a été développé et validé sur plusieurs cas test, diminuant les temps CPU d'un facteur 3 à 4, sans perte de précision. Il est compatible avec la déformation et le raffinement automatique de maillage. Deux bases de données expérimentales sont exploitées pour chaque écoulement afin de valider le cadre de simulation. Pour celui autour de la palette, une campagne in situ et une autre en laboratoire sont utilisées. Dans les deux cas, les profils d'efforts sont bien capturés, compte tenu des incertitudes cumulées liées à la mesure indirecte de la cinématique de la palette par rapport à l'eau. Pour le skiff en configuration instationnaire, les efforts fluctuants sont bien capturés, en amplitude et en phase, pour des fréquences typiques. Des écarts inattendus (de l'ordre de 10%) sont constatés sur la valeur moyenne et restent pour le moment sans réponse probante. La structure d'une co-simulation entre les résolutions des écoulements et celle de la dynamique du système multicorps est initiée. / The thesis focuses on the two flows occurring in rowing,around the boat and the blade, and on interactions with theboat-oars-rower system. The first flow is unusual in hydrodynamics because of the large surge and secondary motions. The complexity of the second one comes from the unsteadiness and the free surface deformation. The goal is to set up efficient and accurate numerical methods to reproduce these flows and then to validate them for the purpose of analysis and optimisation of the performance in rowing.Those unsteady computations with free surface are cost lyin resources for RANS codes. A sub-cycling algorithm was developed and validated on several test cases, allowing to decrease the CPU time by a factor of 3 to 4, without loss of accuracy. It is compatible with mesh deformation and automatic grid refinement. Two experimental databases are exploited for each flow in order to validate the frame of simulation. For the flow around the blade, an in-situ campaign and a more controlled one conducted in laboratory, are used. In both cases, the profiles of the efforts are well captured, considering the cumulative uncertainties linked to the indirect measurement of the blade kinematics relative to the water. For the skiff in unsteady state, the fluctuating forces are well captured, in terms of amplitudes and phases, for typical frequencies. Unexpected errors (around10%) are observed for the mean value and remain unexplained for now. The structure of a co-simulation between the resolutions of the flows and the resolution of the dynamics of the multibody system is initiated.

Efficient seakeeping performance predictions with CFD

Lagemann, Benjamin January 2019 (has links)
With steadily increasing computational power, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can be applied to unsteady problems such as seakeeping simulations. Therefore, a good balance between accuracy and computational speed is required. This thesis investigates the application of CFD to seakeeping performance predictions and aims to propose a best-practice procedure for efficient seakeeping simulations. The widely used KVLCC2 research vessel serves as a test case for this thesis and FINEŠ/Marine software package is used for CFD computations. In order to validate the simulations, results are compared to recent experimental data from SSPA as well as predictions with potential ˛ow code SHIPFLOW® Motions. As for the calm water simulations, both inviscid and viscous ˛ow computations are performed in combination with three mesh refinement levels. Seakeeping simulations with regular head waves of different wavelengths are set-up correspondingly. Furthermore, different strategies for time discretization are investigated. With the given computational resources, it is not feasible to complete seakeeping simulations with a ˝ne mesh. However, already the coarse meshes give good agreement to experiments and SHIPFLOW® Motions' predictions. Viscous ˛ow simulations turn out to be more robust than Euler ˛ow computations and thus should be preferred. Regarding the time discretization, a fixed time discretization of 150 steps per wave period has shown the best balance between accuracy and speed. Based on these findings, a best-practice procedure for seakeeping performance predictions in FINEŠ/Marine is established. Taking the most efficient settings obtained from head wave simulations, the vessel is subjected to oblique waves with 160° encounter angle. Under similar wave conditions, CFD predictions of a similar thesis show close agreement in terms of added wave resistance. Compared to the previous head wave conditions of this study, added resistance in 160° oblique waves is found to be significantly higher. This underlines that oblique bow quartering waves represent a relevant case for determining the maximum required power of a ship. CFD and potential ˛ow show similar accuracy with respect to ship motions and added wave resistance, albeit potential ˛ow outperforms CFD in terms of computational speed. Hence, CFD should be applied in cases where viscous effects are known to have large influence on a vessel's seakeeping behavior. This can be the case if motion control and damping devices are to be evaluated, for instance. / Tack vare den stadigt ökande beräkningskraften kan beräkningsuiddynamik (CFD) idag användas på beräkningsintensiva problem som sjöegenskapssimulationer. Den här rapporten undersöker användning av CFD på sjöegenskapsprestanda och syftar till att foreslå ett best-practice förfaringssätt för effektiv sjöegenskapssimulationer. Forskningsskrovet KVLCC2 fungerar som ett testfall för denna rapport och FINE—/Marine-mjukvarupaketet används för CFD-beräkningar. Viktiga parametrar, såsom ödestyp, beräkningsnät och tidssteg varierars systematiskt. Resultaten jämförs med experiment gjorda vid SSPA. Baserat på resultaten förelås en best-practice. Den föreslagna best-practice användas vidare för berökningar av sjöegenskaper i sneda vågor. Jämförelse av resultaten med liknande studier visar god överensstämmelse. Genom att använda det föreslagna förfarandet för best-practice kan CFD-sjöegenskapssimulationer användas på fall där viskösa krafter måste beaktas, till exempel rörelseregleringsanordningar.

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