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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A PASSAGEM DO BASTÃO PARA HERDEIRAS: O CASO DE UMA EMPRESA DO ABC PAULISTA EM FASE DE PREPARAÇÃO PARA A SUCESSÃO FAMILIAR / Passing the baton to heiressees: The case of a company ABC Paulo in phase preparation for succession family

Eloi, Cristiany Bim Gurati 18 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-02T21:42:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CRIS.pdf: 1013051 bytes, checksum: 3e45bcc2aa69b0190aa91ccb18518163 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-18 / First objective of this study is to contribute to the specialized debate and its effort to point out ways to help family business ensuring continuityfrom the secondgeneration of leaders. Although inaccurate andoutdated, statistics show 70 por cento of family business succumbing before reachingthe second generationand, on average, only 15% survive tothe third generation. Successionis the most focused subjectforexperts. However, there are indications, although studiesmultiplyevery year, there is a relativestagnation in thetheoreticalfield. During the last yearsthere has been aslight increase inparticipation ofwomenin positions of family businesses CEO which, historically,influenced bypatriarchal culture, elect theirheirsas successors. This study, therefore, was guided by the general objective of identifying elements of the succession process that will allow a deeper understand of the apparent shift that is occurring in family businesses, evidenced by theslight increase in thecontroltransfer to women, which, in principle, contraries thepatriarchal tradition. Specifically, this study was guidedby the following objectives: i)examinethe practicesof a businessfamily that having openedthe succession processin their own company, is in preparationfora daughterto take overthe business in place of the father/founder; ii) under the light of the accumulated theoretical knowledge and practices of this business family, gather knowledge that will enable the formulation of hypothesis(s) that may contribute to the probation of the problems treated in this study. This isanexploratory researchthat employsthe followingmethods: qualitativemonographic/case study anddialectical. The unit of analysisisafamily ownedcompany basedin the ABCPaulistaregionfor 30 yearswhichis in processof preparing theheiress to take commandin placeof the father/founder. Evidences show that the succession decision was strategically made in order to ensure that the family estate remains controlled by the founder, as professed by the patriarchal patrimonialism model deep-rooted in Brazilian society. / Este estudo tem como finalidade primeira contribuir com o debate especializado que enfrenta o desafio de apontar caminhos que auxiliem as empresas familiares a garantirem a própria continuidade a partir da segunda geração de dirigentes. Embora imprecisas e desatualizadas, as estatísticas mostram que 70% dos negócios familiares sucumbem ao alcançarem a segunda geração e, em média, apenas 15% conseguem sobreviver até a terceira geração. A sucessão constitui o tema de maior atenção dos especialistas. Entretanto, há indicações de que, embora as pesquisas se multipliquem a cada ano, existe uma relativa estagnação teórica do campo. Nos últimos anos observa-se um discreto aumento de participação de mulheres em cargos de presidência das empresas familiares que, historicamente,influenciadas pela cultura patriarcal,elegem seus filhos herdeiros como sucessores. Este estudo, portanto, foi orientado pelo objetivo geral de identificar elementos do processo sucessório que permitam o aprofundamento da aparente mudança que está ocorrendo nas empresas familiares, evidenciada pelo discreto aumento do repasse do comando às mulheres, o que, a princípio, contraria a tradição patriarcal. De modo específico, este estudo foi orientado pelos seguintes objetivos: i) analisar a práxis de determinada família empresária que, tendo inaugurado o processo sucessório em sua empresa, encontra-se em fase de preparação de uma filha para assumir o comando do negócio no lugar do pai/fundador; ii) à luz do conhecimento teórico acumulado e da práxis da família empresária investigada reunir um conhecimento que permita a formulação de hipóteses que contribuam com o aprofundamento da problemática tratada neste estudo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter exploratório que emprega os seguintes métodos: qualitativo, monográfico/estudo de caso e dialético. A unidade de análise é a família proprietária de uma empresa sediada na região do ABC Paulista há 30 anosque se encontra em fase de preparação de uma filha (herdeira) para assumir o comando no lugar do pai/fundador. Existem evidências de que a decisão sucessória foi tomada estrategicamente com afinalidade de garantir que o patrimônio familiar continue sendo controlado pelo fundador, conforme preconiza o modelo de patrimonialismo patriarcal que se faz presente na sociedade brasileira.

Familjeföretag och generationsskifte : En fallstudie om två svenska familjeföretags generationsskifte / Family business and succession process : A case study on the succession process of two Swedish family businesses

Balqis, Mirna, Mustonen, Felicia, Toumah, Yamen January 2024 (has links)
Introduktion: Familjeföretag är betydelsefulla för den svenska ekonomin och utgör ungefär en tredjedel av Sveriges bruttonationalprodukt (BNP) och den totala sysselsättningen. Inom familjeföretag är det vanligt förekommande att ett generationsskifte sker, där den äldre generationen överlåter ägandet till den efterkommande yngre generationen. Med hjälp av teori och intervjuer analyseras bakgrundsfaktorerna till två svenska familjeföretag generationsskiften. Teorin som applicerades var sex-stegsmodellen, kultur och relationer. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka två familjeföretag och att med hjälp av sexstegmodellen och andra faktorer som familjerelationer och kultur. För att kunna identifiera anledningen till att företagen överlevt i flera generationer. Metod: Det genomfördes en kvalitativ fallstudie där två svenska familjeföretag analyserades. För att samla in material genomfördes 10 semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter från företagen Assbecks AB och KD Solskydd. För att analysera det insamlade materialet har en tematisk analys och kodning genomförts. Slutsats: Dessa två familjeföretag implementerar inte alltid hela sexstegsmodellen eller följer en skriftlig och strikt plan när de vill genomföra ett generationsskifte. De har emellertid genomgått processen flexibelt och utan några problem med hjälp av faktorerna såsom familjerelationer och företagskultur. Dessa faktorer kompletterar sexstegsmodellen. För ett framgångsrikt generationsskifte är det avgörande att upprätthålla balansen mellan kultur, värderingar, nytänkande och att bibehålla en stark familjerelation. / Introduction: Family businesses play a crucial role in the Swedish economy, which consists of about one-third of the gross domestic product (GDP) and total employment. The successionprocess is very common within family businesses, involving the transfer of ownership from the older to the younger generation. Different factors such as culture and relationshpis within the family buisness are analyzed usin theory and interviews from two Swedish family businesses. The applied theory includes the six-stairs model, culture, and relationships.  Purpose: The purpose of this thesis was to investigate two family businesses by utilizing the six-stairs model and other factors such as family relations and culture. In order to identify the reasons why these companies have survived across multiple generations. Method: Two Swedish family businesses were analyzed with a qualitative case study.. To collect material, 10 semi-structured interviews were implemented with respondents from the companies Assbecks och KD Solskydd. An thematic analysis and coding were used to analyze the collected material.  Conclusion: These two family businesses don't always implement the entire six-stairs model or follow a strict plan when executing a succession process. However, they have navigated the process flexibly and without any expirenced issues due to factors such as family relationships and family culture. These factors complement the six-stairs model. Which involves maintaining a balance between culture, values, innovation and maintaining a strong family relationship is crucial for a successful succession process.

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