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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Postmemorativni narativ vyhnání sudetských Němců v české literatuře a filmu. / The Postmemorial Narrative of the Expulsion of the Sudeten Germans in Czech Literature and Film.

Schwarz, Marie Bettine January 2017 (has links)
Cultural memory and its media have a productive power in constructing historical nar- ratives. Especially, in Central and Eastern Europe, memory is mostly created through bottom- up processes: The past is mediated in the public sphere and imagined in popular culture (Blacker, Etkind 2013: 10). The velvet revolution is followed by a memory boom in the Czech Republic, in which media acts as memory activists addressing tabooed memories. At a time where the last witnesses of the expulsion are passing away, the dying voice is taken up by media This thesis aims to explore the determinant patterns of the Czech narrative in post-1989 fiction. Particularly, it focuses on postmemorial representations. The thesis is based on an anal- ysis of five fictional works dealing with the expulsion of the Sudeten Germans. The expulsion is embedded in the century-long co-habitation with the Sudeten German depicted as a neigh- bour. However, the Sudeten Germans are only incorporated into a regional but not the national Czech identity. While the expulsion is reframed in an ethical-legal framework, on a narrative level strategies of individualisation and universalisation are employed to make the past acces- sible for those born later.

"Es kommt der Tag...Heim ins Reich?" Odsun sudetských Němců z území Československa na příkladu města Prachatice / "Es kommt der Tag...Heim ins Reich?" Expulsion of Sudeten Germans from Czechoslovakia on example of town Prachatice

ČADOVÁ, Aneta January 2016 (has links)
Presented diploma thesis with name "Es kommt der Tag...Heims ins Reich?" Expulsion of Sudeten Germans from Czechoslovakia on example of town Prachatice introduces in detail, on the basis of still existing archival materials with normality, steps against people with German nationality after the end of the Second World War. The issue was restriction of their own rights, loss of Czechoslovakia citizenship, in some cases also of freedom, their categorization, assembly for expulsion purpose and transfer of these persons outside borders of Czechoslovakia. The thesis describes in detail course of expulsion, from genesis of this idea to its assertion and preparation to its actual realization. Important part of this thesis is its subsequent application of the presented general facts at specific place town Prachatice. Thanks to it an extensive list with names of German citizens divided according to individual despatched transports and according to original house's numbers of people, who were put in these transports, was created.

Výchova mládeže a německé mládežnické organizace skautského typu v českých zemích / Outdoor education ane German scout-type youth organizations in the Czech lands

Jelínek, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
"Outdoor Education" and German Scout-Type Youth Organizations in the Czech Lands Title: "Outdoor Education" and German Scout-Type Youth Organizations in the Czech Lands Abstract: The thesis deals with the formation and history of German youth organizations in the Czech Lands. It especially covers those organizations that either directly referred to the Scout movement originating in the UK or US, or at least adopted the fundamental educational methods and principles of working with the youth which were typical for these movements. These organizations marked a revolutionary change in the approach to youth and their education. Such a change was possible thanks to a series of philosophical, pedagogical and political transformations in the society. Scout movements were especially built on the modern philosophical theories based on the ideas of American and German philosophers. However, the roots of this approach to nature and to human education can be traced to the early modern era, when the first modern approaches to teaching appeared and were generally applied under the changing economic and social environment of a modern society. In addition to philosophy, the movement was also influenced by a number of other social, political, ideological and cultural phenomena. The origins of these organizations can be seen...

Výchova mládeže a německé mládežnické organizace skautského typu v českých zemích / Outdoor education ane German scout-type youth organizations in the Czech lands

Jelínek, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
"Outdoor Education" and German Scout-Type Youth Organizations in the Czech Lands Title: "Outdoor Education" and German Scout-Type Youth Organizations in the Czech Lands Abstract: The thesis deals with the formation and history of German youth organizations in the Czech Lands. It especially covers those organizations that either directly referred to the Scout movement originating in the UK or US, or at least adopted the fundamental educational methods and principles of working with the youth which were typical for these movements. These organizations marked a revolutionary change in the approach to youth and their education. Such a change was possible thanks to a series of philosophical, pedagogical and political transformations in the society. Scout movements were especially built on the modern philosophical theories based on the ideas of American and German philosophers. However, the roots of this approach to nature and to human education can be traced to the early modern era, when the first modern approaches to teaching appeared and were generally applied under the changing economic and social environment of a modern society. In addition to philosophy, the movement was also influenced by a number of other social, political, ideological and cultural phenomena. The origins of these organizations can be seen...

Odraz sudetoněmecké otázky v česko-německých vztazích a jeho právní aspekty / Sudeten-German issue's reflection in Czecho-German relations and its legal aspects

Holý, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The basic aim of the thesis is to provide a sufficient image of the German minority's, the so-called "Sudeten-Germans'", legal status in the first Czechoslovak republic. The author of the thesis decided to include also a brief outline of the legal status of nations in the era of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy besides the analysis of all the three law of national minorities mainstays, the way they are specified by today's jurisprudence, together with the description of their origin circumstances. This was the time when both the real and theoretical basis of the issue were formed, going hand in hand with historical events that predetermined the following historical development in this case. Space is also given to the international political situation which had, together with the international legislation, essential influence on the origins of domestic legislation dealing with the German minority's status and its incorporation into the Czechoslovak republic itself. The thesis is divided in two basic parts - Cisleithanian Law of National Minorities and Czechoslovak Law of National Minorities and Protection of Minorities. The first of them is formed by two chapters, out of which one is aiming at outlining the legal and political dimension of the Czecho-German question on the background of the...

Sudetoněmecké nacionalistické tělovýchovné organizace a československý stát v letech 1918 až 1938 / Sudeten-German Nationalist Sports Associations and Czech State in the years 1918-1938

Burian, Michal January 2012 (has links)
TITLE: Sudeten-German Nationalist Sports Associations and Czech State in the years 1918-1938 ABSTRACT: This dissertation deals with activities of Sudeten-German sports associations which had an negative approach towards the state. Their activities regularly provoked reactions from the state authorities and so it is possible to track down a whole genesis of mutual relations between the Czech state and individual associations in the archives. Among the most important sports associations was DTV Union. This union played an important part in the history of interwar Czechoslovakia, not only in the field of sport but also in the political sphere. Many top leaders of Sudeten-German political representation came from its ranks. Among the most famous Konrad Henlein, Karl Hermann Frank, Walter Brand and many others. Apart from DTV Union this dissertation also describes the most militant Sudeten-German sports association Volksport, which in that time became a synonym for the threat of rising Nacizm. The activities of Sudeten-German negative oriented sports associations had a significant influence on the course of events in Czechoslovak state in the second half of the 1930's and their anti-Czech attitudes culminated during the year 1938 and especially during the period of Munich Agreement. AIMS: The aim of the...

Sudetoněmecké nacionalistické tělovýchovné organizace a československý stát v letech 1918 až 1938 / Sudeten-German Nationalist Sports Associations and Czech State in the years 1918-1938

Burian, Michal January 2012 (has links)
TITLE: Sudeten-German Nationalist Sports Associations and Czech State in the years 1918-1938 ABSTRACT: This dissertation deals with activities of Sudeten-German sports associations which had an negative approach towards the state. Their activities regularly provoked reactions from the state authorities and so it is possible to track down a whole genesis of mutual relations between the Czech state and individual associations in the archives. Among the most important sports associations was DTV Union. This union played an important part in the history of interwar Czechoslovakia, not only in the field of sport but also in the political sphere. Many top leaders of Sudeten-German political representation came from its ranks. Among the most famous Konrad Henlein, Karl Hermann Frank, Walter Brand and many others. Apart from DTV Union this dissertation also describes the most militant Sudeten-German sports association Volksport, which in that time became a synonym for the threat of rising Nacizm. The activities of Sudeten-German negative oriented sports associations had a significant influence on the course of events in Czechoslovak state in the second half of the 1930's and their anti-Czech attitudes culminated during the year 1938 and especially during the period of Munich Agreement. AIMS: The aim of the...

Longing to belong: musical practices in the expulsion of the Germans from the Bohemian lands

Präger, Ulrike Christa 22 January 2016 (has links)
In 1945/46, after the surrender of Germany in the Second World War, approximately twelve million German civilians living in Central and Eastern Europe were expelled (or fled before they received the inevitable expulsion order) mostly to Germany in what R.M. Douglas termed the "largest forced population transfer [...] in human history." Even though these events occurred over sixty years ago, the recollections of these expellees suggest the ongoing immediacy of their experiences. For this phenomenological-historical ethnography, I collected more than eighty life stories and oral histories specifically from ethnic Germans expelled from Bohemia, Moravia, and Czech Silesia (Sudeten Germans). Through the lenses of musical practice and musical repertoire, I investigate how these Sudeten Germans used and still continue to use music as a tool for both remembrance and adaptation in their new environments. I seek to understand music's significances for social and political integration in the Sudeten-Germans' "new sounding homeland" in West Germany. Taken one at a time, these recollections disclose the various ways in which music and musical practices retrieve memories of their Bohemian homelands and are able to mitigate both the loss of those homelands and the distressing overall effects of expulsion. Woven together, these recollections reveal how music offers emotional solace and facilitates the building of a new sense of belonging in the face of geographic displacement and material dispossession. I then compare these recollections to memories of Sudeten Germans expelled to the former East Germany as well as to the memories of Germans who were forced to stay in Czechoslovakia. This comparison highlights how the reframing and even silencing of musical practices in these environments affected processes of social identity reconstruction until the 1989 Velvet Revolution. I suggest that the analysis of the Sudeten Germans' individual musical experiences reveals new perspectives of how they used and still use musical practices to negotiate intercultural power relations and rebuild a sense of Heimat (notion of belonging to a place of origin). Broadly speaking, the results of this study facilitate an understanding of the phenomenon of forced migration and how music is able to reflect, reframe, and renegotiate it.

Česko-německé vztahy na Dačicku v 1. polovině 20. století / Czech -german relationships in Dacice region during the 1. part of 20. century

Vítková, Romana January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this work is to describe czech-german relationship in theneibourhood of the town Dačice with a view to villages Volfířov and Lipolec during the first part of twentieth century. These two villages were chosen for their different position after occupation of the borderland by Germany in 1938. Lipolec together with Slavonic's district were, after the event called Mnichov contract, taken by Germany but Volfířov wasn't. These villages, in spite of being distant just a few kilometres, passed through very different procession regarding of nationalities. Volfirov was always czech village and there did not exist not even a minority of Germans. On the contrary in Lipolec there was a majority of inhabitans of german's nationality, after 1918 with a minority of Czechs. Interesting point is the postwar situation in Lipolec where took place the wilde transfer of Germans. The subject of this work is to show czech-german relationship in the district and its changes in the named period and put them into the world context. Key words czech-german relationship, borderland, occupation, war, sudeten Germans, Proctectorate of Bohemia and Moravia

Obraz sudetských Němců v českém tisku v krizovém roce 1938 / The Reflection of Sudeten Germans in the Czech Press during the 1938 Crisis

Sálová, Anna January 2012 (has links)
Bibliografický záznam: SÁLOVÁ, Anna. Obraz sudetských Němců v českém tisku v krizovém roce 1938. Praha, 2012. 177 s. Diplomová práce. Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, Institut komunikačních studií a žurnalistiky. Katedra žurnalistiky. Vedoucí diplomové práce PhDr. Petr Bednařík Ph.D. Abstrakt: Diplomová práce "Obraz sudetských Němců v českém tisku v krizovém roce 1938" se zabývá mediálním obrazem německé menšiny v Československu v období mnichovské krize (od dubna 1938 do podpisu mnichovské dohody), a to formou komparace, která zahrnuje ústřední tiskové orgány hlavních politických proudů té doby: u ČSDSD - Právo lidu, u ČSNS - České slovo, u ČND (Národního sjednocení) - Národní listy, u KSČ - Rudé právo, u ČSL - Lidové listy a u agrárníků (Republikánské strany zemědělského a malorolnického lidu) - Venkov. Práce se rovněž dotýká postojů českých fašizujících proudů k sudetským Němcům. Výstupy stranických periodik nejsou zkoumány izolovaně, ale i vzhledem k politickým postojům jednotlivých stran a je zohledněn vývoj těchto postojů v čase s tím, jak se krize prohlubovala, rozdělením zkoumaných témat do tří hlavních období roku 1938. V neposlední řadě jsou tyto postoje konfrontovány i s postoji tisku sudetských Němců. Práce je obecně zarámována pojednáním o mezinárodních a historických souvislostech...

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