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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An evaluation of the preparations made for the successful implementation of dividends tax

Cason, Janine 29 July 2013 (has links)
Preparing for the implementation of any new tax is a mammoth task. This mammoth task was evident when the National Treasury, SARS, companies, professional bodies, industry bodies and advisory organisations alike were preparing for the introduction of the new dividend tax in South Africa. The preparations included extensive consultations, sharing of information and providing guidance in newsletters, journals, guidance notes, websites, blogs, magazines, news papers and the like. Companies, Regulated Intermediaries and shareholders do not only have to be informed of the legislative changes, they need to be informed about the when, what and how of the impact of the tax and about the preparation needed for the implementation of dividends tax. Several common themes were identified that are critical to the successful implementation of dividends tax. These themes include communication between the business community and the regulators, as well as communication within the organisations. Involvement in and by the industry bodies has also been identified as critical to the successful implementation of dividends tax, while the timely preparation and communication of the regulatory reporting requirements is essential to the process. Within organisations, centralised oversight enables the coordinated preparation and implementation of the new tax. AFRIKAANS : Die voorbereidings vir die implementasie van enige nuwe belasting is 'n reuse taak. Die omvang van hierdie taak het duidelik geword toe die Nasionale Tesourie, die Suid Afrikaanse Inkomstediens, maatskappye, professionele liggame, industrie-organisasies, ensomeer voorbereidings moes tref vir die implementasie van dividend belasting. Die voorbereidings het konsultasie met lede, die deel van inligting en die voorsiening van leiding in nuusbriewe, joernale, webtuistes, tydskrifte en koerante ingesluit. Maatskappye, gereguleerde tussengangers en aandeelhouers moes nie net ingelig word oor die veranderinge in die wetgewing nie, hulle moet ook ingelig word aangaande die wanneer, wat en hoe van die impak van die belasting en die voorbereidings vir die implementasie van dividend belasting. Verskeie gemeenskaplike temas wat krities is tot die suksesvolle implementering van dividend belasting is geidentifiseer. Hierdie faktore sluit in kommunikasie tussen die organisasies, die besigheids samelewing en die reguleerders, asook interne kommunikasie binne die organisasies. Betrokkenheid in en by die industrieorganisasies is ook geidentifiseer as krities tot die suksesvolle implementering van dividend belasting, terwyl die tydige voorbereiding en kommunikasie deur die reguleerders en die kommunikasie van die rapporterings vereistes van die reguleerders essensieel is tot die proses. Sentrale interne oorsig binne organisasies maak die gekoordineerde voorbereidings vir die implementasie van dividend belasting moontlik. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Taxation / unrestricted

Prediction of academic success of first year National Certificate Vocational (Level 2) students at FET colleges / by Colleen Smit.

Smit, Colleen January 2013 (has links)
Since 2006 Further Education and Training (FET) Colleges have been recapitalised through massive government investment in order to improve infrastructure, implement a more relevant curriculum and assist college learners financially to gain access to the different learning programmes. A new curriculum with 11 programmes was introduced and implemented under the National Certificate Vocational (NCV). The results of the 2007 examinations, were disappointing and in general, the national performance of the learners was dismal. Policy requirements for certification and promotion to the next level stipulated that learners need to pass all 7 subjects in a programme. The main aim of the study was to identify variables that are the best predictors of academic success of first year FET students. Thus, if these predictors are considered during the admission process of first year FET students, it could lead to overall improved first year pass rate at FET Colleges and contribute towards the enhancement of human resources and economical development of our country. In order to achieve the research aim and objectives, a literature study and an empirical investigation were conducted. The literature study focussed on cognitive and non-cognitive factors that contribute to academic success of students at colleges. The empirical investigation departed from a positivist paradigm to determine which variables contributed the best towards the prediction of academic success of first year NCV Level 2 students at FET Colleges and a quantitative non-experimental, ex post facto approach was followed .The results of the General Scholastic Aptitude Test (GSAT), the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory – High School version (LASSI-HS), grade mark average and biographical details of the registered first year NCV Level 2 students of the Vuselela FET College (Potchefstroom and Klerksdorp campuses) in 2008 (n=309), were used to determine whether any of these variables significantly predicted the academic success of these students. The investigation revealed that: • None of the LASSI-HS scales were predictors of academic success of the first year NCV Level 2 students; • The GSAT (Total) was a predictor of academic success of these students; • None of the biographical variables, i.e. age or gender, were predictors of academic success; and • Grade mark average on students’ last school reports, was a predictor of academic success. These findings revealed that Grade mark average, and GSAT-(Total) (which is also an indication of intelligence quotient (IQ)) were the best predictors of academic success of first year NCV Level 2 students at the Potchefstroom and Klerksdorp campuses of the Vuselela FET College. / Thesis (MEd (Educational Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Prediction of academic success of first year National Certificate Vocational (Level 2) students at FET colleges / by Colleen Smit.

Smit, Colleen January 2013 (has links)
Since 2006 Further Education and Training (FET) Colleges have been recapitalised through massive government investment in order to improve infrastructure, implement a more relevant curriculum and assist college learners financially to gain access to the different learning programmes. A new curriculum with 11 programmes was introduced and implemented under the National Certificate Vocational (NCV). The results of the 2007 examinations, were disappointing and in general, the national performance of the learners was dismal. Policy requirements for certification and promotion to the next level stipulated that learners need to pass all 7 subjects in a programme. The main aim of the study was to identify variables that are the best predictors of academic success of first year FET students. Thus, if these predictors are considered during the admission process of first year FET students, it could lead to overall improved first year pass rate at FET Colleges and contribute towards the enhancement of human resources and economical development of our country. In order to achieve the research aim and objectives, a literature study and an empirical investigation were conducted. The literature study focussed on cognitive and non-cognitive factors that contribute to academic success of students at colleges. The empirical investigation departed from a positivist paradigm to determine which variables contributed the best towards the prediction of academic success of first year NCV Level 2 students at FET Colleges and a quantitative non-experimental, ex post facto approach was followed .The results of the General Scholastic Aptitude Test (GSAT), the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory – High School version (LASSI-HS), grade mark average and biographical details of the registered first year NCV Level 2 students of the Vuselela FET College (Potchefstroom and Klerksdorp campuses) in 2008 (n=309), were used to determine whether any of these variables significantly predicted the academic success of these students. The investigation revealed that: • None of the LASSI-HS scales were predictors of academic success of the first year NCV Level 2 students; • The GSAT (Total) was a predictor of academic success of these students; • None of the biographical variables, i.e. age or gender, were predictors of academic success; and • Grade mark average on students’ last school reports, was a predictor of academic success. These findings revealed that Grade mark average, and GSAT-(Total) (which is also an indication of intelligence quotient (IQ)) were the best predictors of academic success of first year NCV Level 2 students at the Potchefstroom and Klerksdorp campuses of the Vuselela FET College. / Thesis (MEd (Educational Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Goal orientation, the growth mindset and coping strategies for success and failure in competitive sport

Potgieter, Roelof Daniel 12 December 2011 (has links)
In today’s sport careers there is no room for error. This is why athletes should be “on top of their game” every time they compete. It is very important for athletes to keep their emotions under control, because emotions can sometimes determine success or failure. But more important is how the athlete reacts to success and failure. Therefore, in this study the aim was to establish an athlete’s reaction to success and failure. An athlete should have the ability or strategy to handle success and failure. According to this statement, it underlines the importance of the current study. The fact that there are limited resources in this field accentuates the need for this study. Each athlete experiences and reacts to success or failure differently. An athlete can use success or failure as a facilitator or as a debilitator. If an athlete sees success or failure as a facilitator, he or she will use success or failure as a method to enhance his or her performance. But if an athlete sees success and failure as a debilitator, it means that the athlete does not have the ability or skills to use success or failure to his or her advantage. It seems that elite athletes may have the skills or ability to use success and failure as a facilitator and not as a debilitator owing to the fact that in the elite arena there is no place for errors. In this study, the researcher examines how elite and beginner athlete’s handle success and failure and what their reaction is towards success and failure. Each athlete has a unique way to develop his or her talents. Athletes who believe that they are born with limited talent or ability and cannot improve this talent by more practice or more effort can be classified as having a static mindset. When athletes believe that they can improve their talent or ability, they could be seen as athletes with a growth mindset. This study made use of a combination of convenient and random sampling. Each athlete had to comply with the criterium to be part of the study. The criterium stipulated that each athlete should be an active participant in sport either at school-, provincial-, national- or international level. To determine what goal orientation each athlete had, they were asked to fill out the task- and ego orientation in sport questionnaire. To determine what their reactions to success and failure were, athletes completed an assessment of success and failure questionnaire that was self-developed by the present researcher Roelie Potgieter and his study leader professor Ben Steyn. The self-theory questionnaire that was completed by the athletes determined whether an athlete was in the fixed or growth mindset. Using the results determined through the questionnaires that were completed by the athletes, correlations could be made to motivate the study. Task orientation and the growth mindset is more predominant than ego orientation and the fixed mindset. Athletes in general react more constructively towards success and failure. A strong correlation was found between task orientation and positive reaction to success and failure. Partial correlation between ego orientation and positive reaction to success was found. Positive relations were discovered between task orientation and the growth mindset, as well as ego orientation and the fixed mindset. AFRIKAANS : In vandag se sportloopbane is daar geen ruimte vir foute nie. Vir hierdie rede moet ‘n atleet ten alle tye op sy of haar beste wees. Dit is baie belangrik vir ‘n atleet om sy emosies in toom te hou, want somtyds kan die atleet se emosies bepaal of hy of sy sukses of mislukking gaan ervaar. Daarom is die doel van die studie om die reaksie van atlete op sukses en mislukking te bepaal. Die feit dat daar ‘n beperkte hoeveelheid navorsing oor die tema van die studie is beklemtoon weereens die belangrikheid van die studie. Elke atleet ervaar en reageer verskillend op sukses en mislukking. ‘n Atleet kan sukses of mislukking gebruik as ‘n fasiliteerder of as ‘n debiliteerder. As ‘n atleet sukses of mislukking sien as ‘n fasiliteerder, sal die atleet sukses of mislukking gebruik as ‘n metode om sy of haar prestasie/s te verbeter. Indien ‘n atleet sukses en mislukking sien as ‘n debiliteerder, beteken dit dat die atleet nie die vermoë of vaardighede het om sukses of mislukking te gebruik tot sy of haar voordeel nie. Dit wil voorkom dat elite atlete die vermoë of vaardighede het om sukses en mislukking te gebruik tot hulle voordeel, as gevolg van die feit dat daar geen plek vir foute tydens die kompetisie is nie. In die studie probeer die navorser bepaal hoe elite- en beginner atlete sukses en mislukking hanteer en wat hulle reaksie op sukses en mislukking is. Elke atleet het ‘n unieke manier om sy of haar talente te ontwikkel. Atlete wat glo dat hulle gebore is met ‘n talent of vermoë en kan nie die talent verbeter met oefening of ‘n groter poging kan geklassifiseer word as statiese instelling. Indien die atleet glo dat hulle, hulle talent kan verbeter, kan dit gesien word as ‘n groeiende instelling. Hierdie studie maak van die gemaklike sowel as die ewekamsige steekproefmetode gebruik. Elke deelnemer moes voldoen aan sekere kriterium om deel te wees van die studie. Die studie se kriteria het beklemtoon dat elke atleet aktief betrokke in ‘n sekere sportsoort moet wees, mag dit wees op skool-, provinsiale-, nasionale- of internasionale vlak. Om te bepaal watter tipe doeloriëntering elke atleet is was hulle gevra om die taak en ego oriëntasie vraelys in te vul. Deur die verwysing kan bepaal word wat hulle reaksie is tot sukses en mislukking, was daar van die atlete verwag om die vrae oor sukses en mislukking te voltooi. Die selfteorie vraelys wat deur die atlete voltooi is, het bepaal of die atlleet ‘n statiese of groeinde instelling het. Deur gebruik te maak van die resultate van die vraelyste wat voltooi is deur die atlete kon daar korrelasies gemaak word. Taakoriëntasie en die groeiende instelling is meer dominant as die ego oriëntasie en die statiese instelling. Atlete in die algemeen reageer meer konstruktief teenoor sukses en mislukking. ‘n Sterk korrelasie was gevind deur taakoriëntasie en positiewe reaksie tot sukses en mislukking. Gedeeltelike korrelasie kon gemaak word tussen ego oriëntasie en positiewe reaksie tot sukses. ‘n Positiewe korrelasie kon gemaak word tussen taakoriëntasie en groeiende instelling, asook ego oriëntasie en statiese instelling. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Biokinetics, Sport and Leisure Sciences / unrestricted

Negative acculturation context variables as predictors of acculturation outcomes in a mine in the North–West Province / Anneke Burckard

Burckard, Anneke January 2009 (has links)
This research project examines the acculturation process in order to predict the perceived work success and health (psychological and physical) of mineworkers in a mine in the North–West Province.1 Work success can also be described as that which is achieved when an employee enjoys his career for reasons of psychological experience of success and personal growth and development within both his/her current occupation and working environment. Health is defined as a condition of complete physical, mental and social well–being and not merely the absence of disease or frailty. Health is therefore about completeness, contentment and well–being at a physical, cultural, psychosocial, economic and spiritual level. Employees’ success and health is evaluated from an acculturation perspective, and therefore considered a result of the acculturation process. This proposition was explored by investigating the relationship between the acculturation context and individual intervening factors, mapped into variables, and acculturation outcomes (work success and health). A convenient sample of participants from the mine examined was taken (n = 288). English questionnaires using a cross–sectional survey design were used to gather the data. Modified measuring instruments and others developed for the project, which follow a five–point Likert format (‘strongly agree’ to ‘strongly disagree’) were used to investigate the mainstream domain (perceived mainstream segregation demands, perceived pressure to conform to management ideologies and practices, perceived racism at work, perceived discrimination at work, and relationships with mainstream members at work), an individual intervening factor (individual separation acculturation strategy practices), the ethnocultural domain (perceived pressure to conform to own culture, ethnic separation demands at work, and relationships with co–ethnics at work), psychological acculturation outcomes (health), and sociocultural acculturation outcomes (work success). The data was captured in a spreadsheet, controlled for errors, and statistically analysed using regression in SPSS. Descriptive statistics, Cronbach alpha coefficients, and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients were inspected, and effect sizes were used to determine the findings’ practical significance. The results did indicate practical and statistically significant relationships exist between acculturation context, individual and acculturation outcomes variables. Perceived pressure to conform to management ideologies and practices, perceived racism at work, perceived discrimination at work, and relationships with co–ethnics at work proved to be statistically significant predictors of meeting deadlines at work. Perceived pressure to conform to management ideologies and practices, perceived racism at work, perceived discrimination at work, and relationships with co–ethnics at work was statistically significant predictors of reputation and respect at work. Perceived mainstream segregation demands, perceived pressure to conform to management ideologies and practices, perceived racism at work, and relationships with mainstream members at work were statistically significant predictors of training and development opportunities at work. Individual separation acculturation strategy practices and ethnic separation demands at work were statistically significant predictors of psychological health. Perceived racism at work and ethnic separation demands at work proved to be statistically significant predictors of physical health. These findings demonstrate that success and health can be viewed from an acculturation perspective, and that the acculturation context and individual intervening factors, can be used to predict psychological and sociocultural acculturation outcomes. / Thesis (M.A. (Human Resource Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

Key success factors in managing the visitor experience at the Cape Town International Jazz Festival / Williams K.

Williams, Karen. January 2011 (has links)
The event tourism industry is one of the fastest growing tourism industries worldwide. One type of event that is growing immensely is festivals, especially music festivals such as the Cape Town International Jazz Festival. As a result of the fast growing pace of festivals, it has become crucial for a festival to sustain itself in the market place to stay competitive. The Cape Town International Jazz Festival (the Jazz Festival) is a fast growing music festival and hosts numerous well–known local and international jazz artists, as well as young up–and–coming artists. For this exciting Jazz Festival to keep growing, it needs to be sustainable. To achieve this, the organisers and managers of the Jazz Festival need to know what is important to the visitors of the Jazz Festival, so they can fulfil their needs. This in turn leads to satisfied visitors that will return to the Jazz Festival and keep the festival sustainable. Generally speaking, music festivals have a more professional management approach than other tourism events and thus are more likely to be more successful. Key Success Factors (KSFs) are a precondition for the success of any event and will influence the competitiveness of the event in the market place. It is imperative for organisers to identify the KSFs that are important to the visitors so as to provide them with a satisfactory experience. This will also assist in measuring the achievement of the event’s goals and objectives. The main purpose of this study was to determine the KSFs in managing the visitor experience at the Cape Town International Jazz Festival. To reach this goal, the study is divided into two articles. Research for both articles was conducted at the Cape Town International Jazz Festival through distributing 400 questionnaires randomly throughout the two days of the festival, which was held on 3 and 4 April 2010. Article 1 is titled: “Key aspects for efficient and effective management of the Cape Town International Jazz Festival: a visitor’s perspective”. The main purpose of this article was to identify the Key Success Factors in managing the Cape Town International Jazz Festival, to determine what visitors deemed as important when attending the Jazz Festival. A factor analysis was done to achieve this goal. Results indicated that Hospitality Factors, Quality Venues, Information Dissemination, Marketing and Sales, and Value and Quality are the KSFs that are of importance when managing the Jazz Festival. The results of this article provided festival managers with valuable information when organising an event such as the Cape Town International Jazz Festival. Article 2 is titled: “The importance of different Key Success Factors to different target markets of the Cape Town International Jazz Festival based on travel motives”. The main purpose of this article was to determine whether different target markets that are visiting the Jazz Festival, deemed different KSFs as important, depending on their travel motives. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was done to determine if there were statistically significant differences between the three clusters and the KSFs that they deemed important. Results showed that the three clusters, namely, Escapists, Culture Seekers and Jazz Lovers, deemed different KSFs as important when they are visiting the Jazz Festival. The results of this article gave festival organisers and marketing managers insight as to which markets to focus scarce marketing resources on and which markets to keep growing, as they will sustain the festival in the long term. Therefore, this research revealed the KSFs that are of utmost importance when managing the Cape Town International Jazz Festival, and that these aspects differ for certain markets. Organisers therefore need to assess the KSFs to provide products that will satisfy the visitor in order for him/her to return each year and keep the festival competitive and sustainable. / Thesis (M.Com. (Tourism))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Negative acculturation context variables as predictors of acculturation outcomes in a mine in the North–West Province / Anneke Burckard

Burckard, Anneke January 2009 (has links)
This research project examines the acculturation process in order to predict the perceived work success and health (psychological and physical) of mineworkers in a mine in the North–West Province.1 Work success can also be described as that which is achieved when an employee enjoys his career for reasons of psychological experience of success and personal growth and development within both his/her current occupation and working environment. Health is defined as a condition of complete physical, mental and social well–being and not merely the absence of disease or frailty. Health is therefore about completeness, contentment and well–being at a physical, cultural, psychosocial, economic and spiritual level. Employees’ success and health is evaluated from an acculturation perspective, and therefore considered a result of the acculturation process. This proposition was explored by investigating the relationship between the acculturation context and individual intervening factors, mapped into variables, and acculturation outcomes (work success and health). A convenient sample of participants from the mine examined was taken (n = 288). English questionnaires using a cross–sectional survey design were used to gather the data. Modified measuring instruments and others developed for the project, which follow a five–point Likert format (‘strongly agree’ to ‘strongly disagree’) were used to investigate the mainstream domain (perceived mainstream segregation demands, perceived pressure to conform to management ideologies and practices, perceived racism at work, perceived discrimination at work, and relationships with mainstream members at work), an individual intervening factor (individual separation acculturation strategy practices), the ethnocultural domain (perceived pressure to conform to own culture, ethnic separation demands at work, and relationships with co–ethnics at work), psychological acculturation outcomes (health), and sociocultural acculturation outcomes (work success). The data was captured in a spreadsheet, controlled for errors, and statistically analysed using regression in SPSS. Descriptive statistics, Cronbach alpha coefficients, and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients were inspected, and effect sizes were used to determine the findings’ practical significance. The results did indicate practical and statistically significant relationships exist between acculturation context, individual and acculturation outcomes variables. Perceived pressure to conform to management ideologies and practices, perceived racism at work, perceived discrimination at work, and relationships with co–ethnics at work proved to be statistically significant predictors of meeting deadlines at work. Perceived pressure to conform to management ideologies and practices, perceived racism at work, perceived discrimination at work, and relationships with co–ethnics at work was statistically significant predictors of reputation and respect at work. Perceived mainstream segregation demands, perceived pressure to conform to management ideologies and practices, perceived racism at work, and relationships with mainstream members at work were statistically significant predictors of training and development opportunities at work. Individual separation acculturation strategy practices and ethnic separation demands at work were statistically significant predictors of psychological health. Perceived racism at work and ethnic separation demands at work proved to be statistically significant predictors of physical health. These findings demonstrate that success and health can be viewed from an acculturation perspective, and that the acculturation context and individual intervening factors, can be used to predict psychological and sociocultural acculturation outcomes. / Thesis (M.A. (Human Resource Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

Key success factors in managing the visitor experience at the Cape Town International Jazz Festival / Williams K.

Williams, Karen. January 2011 (has links)
The event tourism industry is one of the fastest growing tourism industries worldwide. One type of event that is growing immensely is festivals, especially music festivals such as the Cape Town International Jazz Festival. As a result of the fast growing pace of festivals, it has become crucial for a festival to sustain itself in the market place to stay competitive. The Cape Town International Jazz Festival (the Jazz Festival) is a fast growing music festival and hosts numerous well–known local and international jazz artists, as well as young up–and–coming artists. For this exciting Jazz Festival to keep growing, it needs to be sustainable. To achieve this, the organisers and managers of the Jazz Festival need to know what is important to the visitors of the Jazz Festival, so they can fulfil their needs. This in turn leads to satisfied visitors that will return to the Jazz Festival and keep the festival sustainable. Generally speaking, music festivals have a more professional management approach than other tourism events and thus are more likely to be more successful. Key Success Factors (KSFs) are a precondition for the success of any event and will influence the competitiveness of the event in the market place. It is imperative for organisers to identify the KSFs that are important to the visitors so as to provide them with a satisfactory experience. This will also assist in measuring the achievement of the event’s goals and objectives. The main purpose of this study was to determine the KSFs in managing the visitor experience at the Cape Town International Jazz Festival. To reach this goal, the study is divided into two articles. Research for both articles was conducted at the Cape Town International Jazz Festival through distributing 400 questionnaires randomly throughout the two days of the festival, which was held on 3 and 4 April 2010. Article 1 is titled: “Key aspects for efficient and effective management of the Cape Town International Jazz Festival: a visitor’s perspective”. The main purpose of this article was to identify the Key Success Factors in managing the Cape Town International Jazz Festival, to determine what visitors deemed as important when attending the Jazz Festival. A factor analysis was done to achieve this goal. Results indicated that Hospitality Factors, Quality Venues, Information Dissemination, Marketing and Sales, and Value and Quality are the KSFs that are of importance when managing the Jazz Festival. The results of this article provided festival managers with valuable information when organising an event such as the Cape Town International Jazz Festival. Article 2 is titled: “The importance of different Key Success Factors to different target markets of the Cape Town International Jazz Festival based on travel motives”. The main purpose of this article was to determine whether different target markets that are visiting the Jazz Festival, deemed different KSFs as important, depending on their travel motives. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was done to determine if there were statistically significant differences between the three clusters and the KSFs that they deemed important. Results showed that the three clusters, namely, Escapists, Culture Seekers and Jazz Lovers, deemed different KSFs as important when they are visiting the Jazz Festival. The results of this article gave festival organisers and marketing managers insight as to which markets to focus scarce marketing resources on and which markets to keep growing, as they will sustain the festival in the long term. Therefore, this research revealed the KSFs that are of utmost importance when managing the Cape Town International Jazz Festival, and that these aspects differ for certain markets. Organisers therefore need to assess the KSFs to provide products that will satisfy the visitor in order for him/her to return each year and keep the festival competitive and sustainable. / Thesis (M.Com. (Tourism))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Die wiskundige bevoegdheid en prestasie van eerstejaar-ingenieurstudente / Leonie Ninette Labuschagne

Labuschagne, Leonie Ninette January 2013 (has links)
Basic mathematical competency seems to be lacking for engineering students starting their studies in this field. Students generally find the cognitive transition from secondary to tertiary mathematics challenging which in turn negatively influences their academic achievement in mathematics. The cognitive challenge is the transition from the application of mathematics to familiar questions to applying mathematical principles to varying practical application and problem solving. Mathematics provides the foundation for the cognitive toolset required for the development of skills required for analysing engineering systems and processes. It is therefore important to assess mathematical and cognitive competency and ability at the time of admission to a tertiary institution in order to identify and address gaps. This research demonstrates that first-year engineering students need to have a specific level of mathematical competency and cognitive ability to use mathematics within the context of engineering studies. This research attempts to connect the mathematic competency of first year engineering students to their academic results for subjects in the first year curriculum that rely heavily on mathematical competency. To satisfy the research question, the study firstly looks at relevant literature to identify the mathematical competency levels as well as the operational specification. Secondly, development theories and taxonomies were analysed to gain insight into the development processes associated with learning, cognitive development and the gap between cognitive competencies in transition from secondary to tertiary education. Further, cognitive competencies were identified that are essential for successful completion of first year engineering modules. Through synthesis of the different theories and taxonomies a framework was identified. This framework was used to analyse secondary data in order to measure mathematical and cognitive levels. Thirdly, the theoretical investigation was followed by a three-phase empirical study. A mixed quantative-qualitative (QUAN-qual) approached was followed. Phase 1 uses the assessment framework to measure first year students‟ mathematical competency at the inception of their studies as well as at the completion of their first semester. The mathematical competency at inception was measured with their Grade 12 mathematics marks and with relevant analysis of their initial bridging assessments, on a question by question basis. In addition, their first semester exams questions were analysed using the same approach as above. Phase 2 comprises the measurement of the relationship between the mathematical competency of first year enigineering students at admission and their achievement levels in selected first year subjects that required mathematical competency. Phase 3 includes the guidelines derived from the gaps and shortcomings identified. These gaps were identified in order to inform appropriate study support to first year students and to assists academic personnel with setting appropriate and dependable admission standards. The analysis of mathematical competency creates quality data that gives a clearer picture than a simple comparison of admission scores and first semester marks. The empirical study contributes to a better understanding of the problems associated with the transition from secondary to tertiary learning environments. From the study it was derived that study inception information of the students correlated only with their academic results on questions that tested mathematical and programming application. The inception information was not a predictor of mathematical achievement and results for both the lowest and highest mathematical competency levels. Futher study in this field is required to create frameworks for the measurements of both low and high levels of mathematical competency. / MEd (Mathematics Education), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Towards institutional success : an assessment of the practices and challenges of performance management systems in public universities in Ethiopia

Aklilu Gebreselassie Gebru 11 1900 (has links)
With the aim of identifying the challenges and determining the extent of the effect of these challenges on the effectiveness of the performance management systems, the performance management practices of selected public universities in Ethiopia were assessed. This assessment informed the identification of workable, customised balanced scorecard measurement variables that would ensure effective implementation of performance management systems and promote institutional success in the selected public universities in Ethiopia. An exploratory sequential mixed-methods design was adopted. First, literature was reviewed to learn about major concepts and theories on performance management systems and to establish the laws and directives that regulate performance management at public universities in Ethiopia. Qualitative interviews and quantitative questionnaires were used to collect data on the practices and the challenges experienced in implementing performance management systems in public universities in Ethiopia. The main practices and challenges identified include exclusion of employees from planning activities, management bias, supervisors’ failure to give feedback on performance appraisals, lack of experience among many of the professionals in the execution of performance management systems, and high employee turnover. The study presents and recommends a hexagonal hybrid balanced scorecard measurement model (the newly added variables being leadership and stakeholders) to make Ethiopian higher education institutions effective and efficient in measuring their overall performance. / Met die oog daarop om die uitdagings te identifiseer en die omvang van die uitwerking daarvan op die doeltreffendheid van die prestasiebestuurstelsels te bepaal, is die prestasiebestuurspraktyke van uitgesoekte openbare universiteite in Etiopië geassesseer. Hierdie assessering gee aanleiding tot die identifisering van werkbare, doelgemaakte veranderlikes van gebalanseerdetelkaart-meting, wat doeltreffende implementering van prestasiebestuurstelsels sal verseker en institusionele sukses in die uitgesoekte openbare universiteite in Etiopië sal bevorder. ʼn Verkennende sekwensiële gemengdemetodeontwerp is gebruik. Eerstens is literatuur bestudeer om meer te wete te kom oor deurslaggewende konsepte en teorieë rakende prestasiebestuurstelsels, en om te bepaal watter wette en voorskrifte prestasiebestuur by openbare universiteite in Etiopië reguleer. Kwalitatiewe onderhoude en kwantitatiewe vraelyste is gebruik om data in te samel oor die uitdagings en praktyke in die implementering van prestasiebestuurstelsels by openbare universiteite in Etiopië. Die grootste uitdagings en praktyke wat geïdentifiseer is behels uitsluiting van werknemers by beplanningsaktiwiteite, bestuursvooroordeel, toesighouers wat nie terugvoer gee oor prestasiebeoordelings nie, gebrek aan ondervinding by baie van die praktisyns in die implementering van prestasiebestuurstelsels, en hoë werknemeromset. Hierdie studie bied ʼn verteenwoordiging en aanbeveling van ʼn heksagonale hibriede gebalanseerde telkaartmetingmodel (die nuutbygevoegde elemente is leierskap en belanghebbers) vir hoëronderwysinstellings in Etiopië om hul algehele prestasie doeltreffend te meet. / Ngenhloso yokuhlonza izinselele, kanye nokuthola ububanzi nobukhulu bomthelela walezo zinselele ekusebenzeni ngendlela efanele kwezinhlelo zokuphatha nokulawula ukusebenza (performance), lolu cwaningo lwahlola futhi lwacubungula izinqubo zokuphatha nokulawula ukusebenza ezisetshenziswa ngamanyuvesi omphakathi athile, futhi akhethiweyo, ase-Ethiopia. Lokhu kuhlolwa kwezikhungo kwaholela ekutheni kuhlonzwe izindlela ezisebenzisekayo zombikokusebenza osekelwe phezu kwezinkomba ezine (balanced scorecard), okuyinto eyabe izoqinizekisa ukuqaliswa nokuqhutshwa ngendlela efanele kohlelo lokuphatha nokulawula ukusebenza futhi igqugquzele ukuthi yenziwe kahle, futhi ngempumelelo, imisebenzi yamanyuvesi omphakathi athile, akhethiweyo, ase-Ethiopia. Kulolu cwaningo kwasetshenziswa izindlela zokuhlola nokucwaninga ezixubile futhi ezilandelanayo. Okokuqala, kwabukezwa imibhalo ekhona njengamanje ephathelene nalesi sihloko ngenhloso yokufunda ngemiqondo engumongo futhi enohlonze, kanye namathiyori aphathelene nezinhlelo zokuphathwa nokulawulwa kokusebenza, futhi ukuze kutholakale ulwazi olunzulu mayelana nemithetho neziqondiso ezilawula ukuphathwa nokulawulwa kokusebenza emanyuvesi omphakathi e-Ethiopia. Izindlela zocwaningo ezasetshenziswa, yindlela yokuthola ulwazi ngokuxoxisana okujulile nababambiqhaza bocwaningo (qualitative interviews) kanye namaphephamibuzo ocwaningo (quantitative questionnaires), obekuhloswe ngakho ukuqoqa idatha mayelana nezinselele kanye nezinqubo okudlulwe kuzona ngenkathi kuqhutshwa izinhlelo zokuphathwa nokulawulwa kokusebenza emanyuvesi omphakathi e-Ethiopia. Izinselele ezinkulu kanye nezinqubo ezingumongo ezihlonziwe zibandakanya ukushiywa ngaphandle kwabasebenzi ngenkathi kwenziwa imisebenzi yokuhlela, ukuchema kwabaphathi, ukuhluleka kosuphavayiza ukuhlinzeka abasebenzi ngombiko noma umphumela obonisa ukuthi baqhube kanjani ngenkathi kuhlolwa umsebenzi wabo, ukungabi nesipiliyoni noma ulwazi olufanele kweningi labasebenzi abangogoti bemikhakha ethile (professionals) ngenkathi beqhuba izinhlelo zokuphatha nokulawula ukusebenza, kanye nezinga eliphakeme lokwesula kwabasebenzi emsebenzini. Lolu cwaningo lwethula futhi lwancoma ukuthi kusetshenziswe indlela yokukala ukusebenza ebizwa nge-hexagonal hybrid balanced scorecard measurement model (izinto ezintsha ezengeziwe eziphathelene nocwaningo wubuholi kanye nababambiqhaza) ngenhloso yokulekelela iziKhungo Zemfundo Ephakeme zase-Ethiopia ukuthi zikwazi ukukala kahle, vi futhi ngempumelelo, izinga lonkana lokusebenza kwazo. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

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