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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Review of forest plantation funding in South Africa

Motaung, Tsholofelo 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Developing sustainable forests has been acknowledged to be important, not just as a way of averting deforestation and land degradation, but as another opportunity to contribute positively towards rural development, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Forestry development has, however, not received the recognition it deserves. Its importance to economic development and its potential contribution have not been explicitly communicated and thus remain undervalued. The long rotations required for trees to mature, plus the associated risk from fires, pests and diseases has affected the sector’s ability to attract investment. In South Africa this reluctance is evident in both the public and private sectors alike. Access to finance for forestry remains a challenge, which negatively affects the supply to the processing part of the value chain. The objective of the study is to review current forestry funding mechanisms in South Africa, specifically plantations and their contributions to rural economic development. Using secondary data, the study reviewed the current sector funding from the state, development funding institutions and the private sector. The study also looked at alternative sources used in other countries and how they can be customised to the South African economy. In this study it was found that there are gaps between policies aimed at the development of the sector on the one hand, and the resources allocated to the sector on the other hand. The available schemes fail to support the sector policies’ objectives. These discrepancies can be attributed to the poor design of the current offering, the development of which failed to fully consider the dynamics of the sector. The conclusion of the study was that the government needs to play more of a leading role in developing the sector, especially with the small-scale growers who cannot be catered for by both commercial and development banks. The sector also stands to benefit significantly from better collaboration between the public and private sectors. Policies that create an enabling environment would also encourage the private sector to invest more. The study also suggested that, in view of the dynamics of the sector and its contribution to climate change risk mitigation, there is room to tap innovative funding such as that offered by environmental funding.

Quantification of the resource base and impact of harvesting of coastal hardwood species by a rural community.

Cleminson, Tania January 1993 (has links)
Research report submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Quantitative Conservation Biology at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. / The study aimed: (1) to provide baseline data on aspects of wood utilisation in a resource area and a communal area In KwaZulu, (2) to investigate the effects of this wood utilisation on the resource base, and (3) to discuss the sustainability of current wood. utilisation. Wood utilisation in this study refers to the harvesting of dead and livewood for fuelwood, building poles and fencing posts. (Abbreviation abstract) / AC2017

Small-scale timber growers' participation in the development of national principles, criteria, indicators and standards for sustainable forest management in South Africa.

Ngubane, Steven Zama. January 2005 (has links)
The aim of this study was to engage small-scale timber growers in the development of national principles, criteria, indicators and standards (PCI&S) for sustainable forest management (SFM) in South Africa (SA). To ensure effective participation of small-scale timber growers in the development PCI&S, an overview of sustainable and small-scale forestry was explored. Furthermore, because of the importance of globalisation on the SFM concept, its conceptual framework and small-scale forestry development in relation to SFM were investigated. Participatory rural appraisal (PRA) methods, and PCI&S evaluation and development processes were used to engage small-scale timber growers by identifying and integrating their perceptions into the process of SFM standards development. These small-scale timber growers' perceptions focused on social, economic, environment and policy issues. The stUdy indicates that the views of small-scale timber growers regarding SFM do not vary significantly from those held globally. However, they demonstrate that local conditions determined issues of relevance and importance to this specific group. The results further support the view that there is value in combining both top-down and bottom-up approaches in developing an appropriate set of PCI&S. This is critical because the perceptions of small-scale timber growers for SFM are scale sensitive. Finally, the results supported the view that there is a need to give attention to and strengthen socio-economic issues versus those of the physical environment to improve inequalities of the past, and influence future decisions. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.

Prospects for sustained harvesting of mopane (Colophospermum mopane) on the Venetia Limpopo Nature Reserve and its implications for browsing ungulates

Cunningham, Peter Low 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc) -- Stellenbosch University, 1996. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT:Principle objectives of this study were to investigate the ecological feasibility of sustained utilization of mopane, using Venetia Limpopo Nature Reserve as a pilot study area. The study was limited to three different mopane dominated vegetation types on the reserve with most research being conducted in C.mopane woodland. Results can be summarized as follows: 1. Colophospermum mopane is ubiquitous on VLNR. 2. C.mopane woodland has the deusest mopane growth of the three vegetation types and highest densities are found on soils (OaB, VaB, Du, SwB & VaA) in association with C.mopane woodland. There seems to be a correlation between mopane density and soil type. 3. Largest mopane trees according to height and circumference were found in C.mopane/C.apiculatum open woodland. There is no significant difference between height and circumference on different soil types. 4. Most senility occurs in C.mopane shrubland and there is a significant difference in senility between mopane associated with different soils on which this vegetation type occurs. 5. Oldest average ages per tree were fo•.md in C.mopane woodland while growth rates were fastest in C.moparse!C.apiculatum open woodland. 6. There is a significant positive correlation between total and charcoal weights for mopane. Total and charcoul weights per tree were highest for C.mopane/C.apiculatum open woodland, while weights per hectare were highest for C.mopane woodland. Soils could not positively be associated with this trend. 7. Mopar.e lends itself to harvesting, especially C.mopane ••10odland in the Endora, Lizzulea and Hilda areas. Winter months seem to be most desirable for harvesting activities. Hand felling in elongated patches (increases ecotone boundary) is recommended where labour is cheap. A harvesting strategy of between 25% and 50% would make the operation economically viable and ecologically acceptable. An optimum harvesting rate of 27% is suggested by a harvesting model developed specifically for this mopane data. 8. Total herbivore densities, distribution and species proportions can be expected to change following bush clearing. Habitat for grazers should increase due to an increased grass production. Habitat for browsers should not be influenced much. Effect of noise and human disturbance during harvesting, especially for elephants is negligible, as hunting activities already take place on VLNR. 9. Grass production would increase but quality should decrease after harvesting, due to an increase in low quality opportunistic species, especially if soil disturbance takes place. Grass quality is best in association with herbaceous species such as Salvadora angustifolia. Carrying capacity for grazers should increase after harvesting as a result of habitat change and grass biomass increase. 10. Total browse production would decrease but leaf biomass should increase on remaining trees as they have improved water availability due to Q lack of intra­ specific competition. Higher seed production and more flowering takes place at lower tree densities. Greatest advantages for browsers after harvesting, is the fact that leaves become senescent later in autumn and that spring leaf flush takes place earlier thus prolonging bro\'se availability. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:Die hoof doelwitte van hierdie studie was om te bepaal wat die invloed van die oes van mop nie op die ekologie sou wees as dit op 'n volgehoue basis plaasvind en tot w•atter mate mopanie geskik is vir hou skoolvervaardiging. Die navorsing is op die Venetia Limpopo Natuureservaat in slegs drie van die belangrikste mopanie veldtipes uitgevoer met die oorgrote meerderheid van die navorsing in die C.mopane bosveld. Die resultate van die studie kan soos volg opgesom word: 1. Colophospermum mopane is alomteenwoordig op die VLNR. 2. Die C.mopane bosveld het die hoogste digtheid van al drie veldtipes en word ook geassosieer met sekere grondtipes (OaB, VaB, Du, SwB & VaA) wat eie is aan hierdie spesifieke veldtipe. Daar blyk 'n korrelasie te wees tussen die digthede van mopanie en grondtipes. 3. Die grootste mopanie borne, ten opsigte van hnogte en omtrek, word in die C.mopane/C.apiculatum oop bosveld aangetref. Daar is nie 'n beduidende verskil tussen die hoogte en omtrek van mopanie op die verskillende grondtipes nie. 4. Die C.mopane struikveld toon die meeste seniliteit ten opsigte van die persentasie kruin dood. Daar is 'n definitiewe aanduiding dat seniliteit ooreenstem met sekere grondtipes veral met betrekking tot die mopanie struikveld. 5. Die C.mopane bosveld het gemiddeld die oudste borne terwyl die C.mopane/C.apiculatum oop bosveld die vinnigste groeikoers toon. Die bogenoemde feite het 'n ver0and met die grondtipes. 6. Daar is 'n posltiewe korrelasie tussen die totale gewig en die houtskoolgewig van mopanle. Die S\vaarste borne is in die C.mopane!C.apiculatum oop bosveld aangetref, terwyl die swaarste gewig per hektaar in die C.mopane bosveld aangetref is. Gewig kon nie met grondt pes gekorreleer word nie. 7. Die mopanie in die C.mopane bosveld is geskik vir die oes vir houtskool, veral in die Endora, Lizzulea en Hilda gebiede. Dit is raadsaam om die borne in verlengde stroke per hand af te kap (vergroot die ekotoongebied), veral waar arbeid goedkoop is. 'n Oesstrategie van tussen 25% en 50% vir mopanie word aanbeveel om dit ekonomies en ekologies aanvaarbaar te maak. 'n Optimum oesstrategie van 27% word aanbeveel deur 'n oes model wat spesifiak vir hierdie mopane data opgestel is. 8. Daar kan verwag word dat na die oes van mopanie die getalle asook verspreidingspatrone van alle hoefdierspesies kan verander. 'n Voordeel van lae mopanie digthede is dat die verspreiding van die blaarbiomassa ewerediger oor die seisoene sal geskied. Grasvreters word bevoordeel vanwee die verandering in habitat. Die effek van geraas en ander oesbedrywighede op olifante behoort klein te wees aangesien jagaktiwiteite alreeds op diereservaat toegepas word en hulle redelik gewoond daaraan behoort te wees. 9. Grasproduksie behoort toe te neem terwyl die kwaliteit daarvan afneem as gevolg van opportunistieslae kwaliteit grasspcsies wat toeneem na die oes van mopanie, veral as die grand tydens oesaktiwiteite versteur word. Die beste kwaliteit gras word in assosiasie met kruidagtige spesies, veral Salvadora angustifolia, gevi.nd. As gevolg van die verandering in habitat asook die toename in grasbiomassa neem die drakrag vir grasvreters na die oes an mopanietoe. 10. Di.e totale blaarbi.)massa behoort na die oes van mopanie af te neem, maar behoort terselfdertyd op die oorblywende borne as gevolg van die afname in kompetisie vi= watr en anrler natuurlike hulpbronne toe te neem. Hoer persentasies blomvorming en saadproduksie vind by laer boomdigthede plaas. Die grootste enkele voordeel vir blaarvreters, na die oes van mopanie, is die feit dat die blare later in die herfs afval en vroeer in die lente uitbot en dus die voedselbeskikbaarheid vir blaarvreters verleng.

Evaluating the sustainable management of the State indigenous forests in the Eastern Cape Province

Quvile, Nkosipendule January 2012 (has links)
This research assesses the state of sustainability of State indigenous forests in the Eastern Cape and provides recommendations to improve their sustainability. The Eastern Cape Indigenous Forest Management Audit (ECIFMA) report of 2009 provided the primary data for this assessment (DAFF, 2009). The research was inspired by the fact that the global challenge of forestry destruction and degradation where the extent of forests is being reduced at an alarming rate of 6% annually. It became essential for global leaders to develop policies and strategies that sought to promote sustainable forest management. The monitoring of sustainability of forests was only possible through use of globally and nationally developed sets of criteria and indicators. Eleven forest estates responsible for the management of State indigenous forests in the Eastern Cape were selected for this research. The choice was influenced by the availability of audit data from the ECIFMA report of 2009. This report contained performance information of 41 indicators under 18 criteria for monitoring sustainable forest management as extracted from the PCI&S assessment checklist developed for monitoring the sustainability of indigenous forests in South Africa (DWAF, 2005). The data was refined using the MCA methods (ranking and scoring) as described by Mendoza and Prabhu (2000). These methods yielded to the determination of the performance of indicators of forest sustainability. It was thus important to conclude the research by responding to the following questions: • What is the state of sustainability of the State indigenous forests in the Eastern Cape? • What recommendations could be made to improve the sustainability of State indigenous forests? It was found that the State indigenous forests were not managed in a sustainable manner. The research report is concluded by providing concrete recommendations to improve forest sustainability.

The impact of urban expansion and population growth on productivity of forestlands : study area: Rustenburg Local Municipality.

Seokwang, Modise. January 2007 (has links)
The survey has been carried out in North West Province within Rustenburg Local Municipality. This is an Urban Forestry research in which six sites including peri-urban, urban, suburban and semi-rural areas were selected for the study. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between households and their local trees and forests. Forest in this context included community gardens, vegetation cover, open spaces, soil, water, productive sites and animals that form part of forest. Data collection was mainly based on questionnaires and covered sample of 272 households. Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) 15.0 using 5% sampling intensity (confidence level) was used in which the data has been represented by numbers. Analysis was based on determining households’ relationship with their trees and local forest, and how they influence forest productivity or development. With SPSS two techniques, regression model and descriptive statistics were applied to analyze quantitative and qualitative data. Regression model was significant in prediction of the dependent variable (Y) using independent variables (X), and proved to be a good model to analyze data for fuelwood, timber and forest food production. Descriptive statistics was important in counting number of times each category or variable is used. Participants had varying perceptions regarding the use of forest due to factors such as availability of forest resource, type of residence, and their living standard. Generally, households in suburban and urban areas value the forests for economic and environmental benefit, while the peri-urban and semi-rural households utilized their trees and forest to meet their energy demand. A large number of households consume forest food as compared to timber and fuelwood due to the availability of the resources. The Municipality as a whole is undergoing rapid development expected to continue throughout years. These developments are stimulated by mining activities and influx of people in the area. All these factors threaten the existing natural resources especially forest areas and water. Areas of these resources are declining due to the current demand for housing, new mining sites and continuous establishment of informal settlements. Trees and forest within peri-urban and semi-rural areas are in poor conditions as compared to urban and suburban areas. Poor waste management and poverty are issues aggravating the situation especially in poor developing sites that have been studied. Most agricultural sites have been transformed into residential areas, and thus exacerbating problems of food insecurity in the whole country. Household size has major influence in fuelwood, timber and forest food production as an increase or decrease in the size will determine the amount of consumption, production or development. Value for forest, access to forest, level of interaction and restrictions regarding the use of forest are also significant aspects contributing to forest productivity and development as they show the relationship that exists between forest and households. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2007.

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