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UV-VIS spektrofotometrisk undersökning av aluminiumbaserade koaguleringsmedel för ytsjövattenrening / UV-VIS spectrophotometric evaluation of aluminum-based coagulants for surface lake water purificationvon Wowern, Philip January 2024 (has links)
Ytvattenberedningen i Vombs vattenverk börjar med att pumpa råvatten från Vombsjön genom mikrosilar som avskiljer vass, gyttja och större partiklar till ett flertal infiltrationsbäddar. Råvattnet får sedan långsamt genomtränga infiltrationsbädden som består av grövre lager av grus och finare lager av sand och alluvium som naturligt filtrerar vattnet från mindre fysiska föroreningar. Det filtrerade vattnet ansamlas i brunnar som sedan kan pumpas upp för vidare behandling. Anledningen till att detta går att utföra på vatten från Vombsjön är på grund utav den låga halten av NOM (Naturligt Organiskt Material) som är i Vomb-sjövattnet. NOM är den viktigaste byggstenen för mikrobiologisk tillväxt och har sitt ursprung från nedbrutet material av till exempel löv, grenar och döda djur. En hög halt av det i vattnet kommer att ledda till igensättning av infiltrationsbädden och måste därmed avskiljas innan det pumpas till bäddarna. Vombs vattenverk vill börja blanda in råvatten från sjön Bolmen till det råvatten som ska renas för att öka kapaciteten av råvatten, men detta är ett problem då råvatten från Bolmen har hög NOM-halt. Det mest effektiva och använda metoden för att avskilja NOM ur vattnet är att använda en fällningskemikalie som till exempel ALG (Aluminiumsulfattetradekahydrat) eller PAX-XL100 (Polyaluminiumklorid). En förberedande process måste därmed introduceras till Vombs vattenverk där vattnet först blandas, behandlas med koaguleringsmedel och genomgår en snabbsedimentering innan det pumpas ut till infiltrationsbädden på grund av den nya ökade NOM-halten från Bolmens råvatten. I detta arbete kommer PAX-XL100 och ALG’s effektivitet att avskilja NOM ur olika blandningar av Råvatten från Bolmen och Vomb att mätas, jämföras och diskuteras. Valet av koaguleringsmedel spelar stor roll då de är ofta olika i sin effektivitet att avskilja olika sorters föroreningar tillsammans med flera olika andra för och nackdelar. Testningen av koaguleringsmedel utförs i en 1 liters glasbägare som simulerar den verkliga miljön i en mindre skala, men som har fördelen att vara enklare att kontrollera. På Sydvatten AB som är ett kommunalägt vattenreningsföretag var det av intresse att utvärdera ifall en blandning av två koaguleringsmedel, PAX-XL100 och ALG kunde användas för att rena olika vattenblandningar av sjön Bolmen och sjön Vomb. Denna rening utvärderades med en spektrofotometrisk analys av vattnets absorbans på två våglängder. Den första våglängden som absorbansen mäts på är 254nm och är inom det ultravioletta spektrumet. Konjugerade och aromatiska kolföreningar absorberar ljus vid denna våglängd och är associerat med förekomsten av suspenderat organiskt material i vattnet. Den andra våglängden som absorbansen mäts på är 436nm och tillhör det visuella spektrumet. Absorbansen på våglängden 436nm mäts då ämnen som har färgen gult i vanligt solljus absorberar på denna våglängd och förekomst av organiskt material ofta färgar vatten gulbrunt. Ett högre värde på absorbansen vid 436nm våglängd visar en förhöjd förekomst av organiskt material. Gränserna som sattes för att vattnet skulle anses tillräckligt renat var A254nm=10m−1 och A436nm=0.700m−1. Efter tester var gjorde visade resultaten att en blandning av 50:50 (PAX-XL100:ALG) renade vattnet under dessa gränser med 𝐴254𝑛𝑚=8.12, 𝐴436𝑛𝑚=0.363 på en vattenblandning av 20:80(Vomb:Bolmen) och 𝐴254𝑛𝑚=7.56, 𝐴436𝑛𝑚=0.324 vid 50:50(Vomb:Bolmen). Skillnaden i avskiljningen mellan ren PAX-XL100 och ALG är 1.00±0.25 𝑚−1. Ingen NaOH behövdes tillsättas när en behandling med 100% PAX-XL100 användes i en vattenblandning av 20:80 (Vomb:Bolmen) tillsammans med ett mindre koldioxidavtryck. Detta betyder att frågan vid framtida användning blir ifall det är värt att avskilja 1.00±0.25 𝑚−1 extra NOM ur vattnet med ALG och påkosta 6.6 miljoner kronor i NaOH kostnader per år tillsammans med ett ökat koldioxidavtryck eller minska NOM avskiljningen med PAX-XL100 och minska kostnader och koldioxidavtryck. / Surface water preparation in Vombs water begins with pumping water from lake Vomb through micro-strainers that separate reeds, silt, and larger particles into several infiltration beds. The raw water is then allowed to slowly permeate the infiltration bed, which consists of coarser layers of gravel and finer layers of sand and alluvium that naturally filter the water from minor physical impurities. The filtered water is collected in wells which can then be pumped up for further treatment. The reason why this can be done on water from lake Vomb is because of the low NOM (Natural Organic Material) content in the Vomb lake water. NOM is the most important building block for microbiological growth and originates from decomposed material such as leaves, branches, and dead animals. A high content of it in the water will lead to clogging of the infiltration bed and thus must be separated before it is pumped to the beds. Vombs waterworks want to start mixing water from Lake Bolmen into the water to be purified to increase capacity and redundancy, but this is a problem as raw water from Bolmen has a high NOM content. The most effective and used method to separate NOM from the water is to use a precipitation chemical such as ALG (Aluminum sulfate tetra decahydrate) or PAX-XL100 (Poly aluminum chloride). A preparatory process must therefore be introduced to Vombs waterworks where the water is first mixed, treated with coagulants and undergoes rapid sedimentation before it is pumped out to the infiltration bed due to the newly increased NOM content from lake Bolmen. In this work, the efficiency of PAX-XL100 and ALG to separate NOM from different mixtures of water from Bolmen and Vomb will be measured, compared, and discussed. The choice of coagulant plays a major role in water purification as they are often different in their effectiveness to separate different kinds of impurities together with several other advantages and disadvantages. Testing of these coagulants is carried out in several samples with water that is aimed to be purified, on a smaller scale that is easy to control, these tests are called jar tests. At Sydvatten AB, which is a municipally owned water treatment company, it was of interest to evaluate if a mixture of two coagulants, PAX-XL100 and ALG, could be used to purify different water mixtures of lake Bolmen and lake Vomb. This purification was evaluated with a spectrophotometric analysis of the water at two wavelengths. The first wavelength measured was 254nm and is in the ultraviolet spectrum. Conjugated and aromatic carbon compounds absorb light at this wavelength and are associated with the presence of dissolved organic matter in the water. The second wavelength is 436nm and belongs to the visual spectrum. This wavelength is measured because substances that are observed to be yellow in ordinary sunlight absorb at this wavelength and the presence of organic material often colors water yellow. Thus, a higher value of 436nm will show an increased presence of organic material. The limits set for the water to be considered sufficiently purified at these wavelengths were A254nm=10m−1 and A436nm=0.700m−1. After tests were done, the results showed that a mixture of 50:50 (PAX-XL100:ALG) purified the water below these limits with 𝐴254𝑛𝑚=8.12, 𝐴436𝑛𝑚=0.363 on a water mixture of 20:80(Vomb:Bolmen) and 𝐴254𝑛𝑚=7.56, 𝐴436𝑛𝑚=0.324 at 50:50(Vomb:Bolmen). The difference in NOM separation between pure PAX-XL100 and ALG is 1.00±0.25 m-1. No NaOH needed to be added when a treatment with pure PAX-XL100 was used in a 20:80 water mixture (Vomb:Bolmen) along with a smaller carbon footprint. This means that the question for future use is whether it is worth separating 1.00±0.25 m-1 extra NOM from the water with ALG and spend 6.6 million kroner in NaOH costs per year together with an increased carbon footprint or reducing the NOM separation with PAX -XL100 and reduce costs and carbon footprint.
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Uticaj kvaliteta semena na dinamiku razvoja, prinosi kvalitet suncokreta / The effect of seed quality on the developmentaldynamics, yield and quality of sunflowerMrđa Jelena 30 December 2015 (has links)
<p>Izvod<br />IZ<br />Pet hibrida suncokreta (Sremac, Oliva, Cepko, NS-H-111 i Sumo 2 OR) gajena su tokom<br />vegetacionih sezona 2010. i 2011. godine na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i<br />povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, na Rimskim šančevima i na oglednom polju Poljoprivredne stručne<br />službe Zrenjanin. Laboratorijski deo ogleda izveden je u Laboratoriji za ispitivanje semena<br />Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo iz Novog Sada i Biohemijskoj laboratoriji<br />Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Novom Sadu. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi da li semenski<br />materijal, poreklom sa istog lokaliteta i iste parcele, u procesu dorade semena tj. odvajanja<br />semena po frakcijama menja kvalitet, kao i da li ovakav način dorade semenskog materijala<br />utiče na prinos i komponente prinosa semena, kao i na sadržaj i prinos ulja odabranih<br />hibrida suncokreta. Takođe, cilj je bio i da se utvrdi da li nedostatak primarnog korena kod<br />ponika suncokreta dovodi do statistički značajnog smanjenja prinosa semena i ulja, kao i<br />kakav uticaj ima na komponente prinosa suncokreta. Analizirane su sledeće osobine:<br />klijavost i vigor semena, enzimska aktivnost, nicanje u polju, nakupljanje suve materije (po<br />biljnim organima i ukupno po biljci), visina stabla, prečnik glave, prinos semena, masa 1000<br />semena, sadržaj ulja i prinos ulja. Statistička obrada podataka izvršena je primenom analize<br />varijanse trofaktorijalnog ogleda, prema modelu podeljenih parcela. Iz tabele analize<br />varijanse je prikazana verovatnoća značajnosti razlika po F-testu, a na osnovu učešća u<br />sumi kvadrata tretmana određen je procentualni udeo svakog faktora u ukupnoj<br />varijabilnosti. Takođe su izračunate i LSD vrednosti za poređenje razlika između tretmana<br />posmatranog faktora, na pragovima značajnosti od 1 i 5%. Utvrđena je i korelaciona<br />zavisnost posmatranih osobina. Rezultati analize varijanse pokazali su visoko značajno<br />učešće glavnih faktora (godine, lokaliteta, frakcije semena, tipa ponika), kao i njihovih<br />međusobnih interakcija za većinu ispitivanih osobina. Na vrednosti ispitivanih osobina<br />najveći uticaj imala je godina istraživanja, a zatim lokalitet. Frakcija semena je imala visoko<br />značajan uticaj na klijavost semena, nicanje u polju, nakupljanje suve materije, prinos<br />semena i prinos ulja. Tip ponika je imao visoko značajan uticaj na enzimsku aktivnost</p> / <p>Five sunflower hybrids (Sremac, Oliva, Cepko, NS-H-111, and Sumo 2 OR) were grown in<br />2010 and 2011, on experimental fields of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi<br />Sad - Rimski Šančevi, and experimental fields of the Agricultural Service Zrenjanin.<br />Laboratory tests were conducted at Laboratory for Seed Testing of the Institute of Field<br />and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad, and Biochemical Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture,<br />University of Novi Sad. The aim of this research was to determine whether seed material<br />from the same locality and the same field lot changes quality during seed processing, i.e.<br />dividing seed lot into fractions, and additionally whether this type of seed processing<br />affects seed yield, seed yield components, oil yield, and oil content of the selected<br />sunflower hybrids. The aim was also to determine if missing primary root in sunflower<br />seedlings results in statistically significant decrease of seed and oil yield, and establish how<br />it influences sunflower yield components. The following traits were examined: seed<br />germination and vigour, enzymatic activity, field emergence, dry matter accumulation (in<br />plant organs and in the whole plant), stem height, head diameter, seed yield, 1000 seed<br />mass, oil content and oil yield. Statistical analysis of data was performed by analysis of<br />variance of the trifactorial trial using the split-plot design model. Table of analysis of<br />variance shows the probability of significance of differences by F-test, and based on the<br />participation in the treatment sum of squares, percentage ratio of each factor was<br />calculated in the total variability. LSD values at 1 and 5% were computed to compare<br />differences between treatments of the observed factor. Correlation dependence between<br />the observed traits was determined. Results of the analysis of variance showed a highly<br />significant participation of the main factors (year, locality, seed fraction, type of seedling),<br />and their mutual interactions for the majority of the examined traits. Year and locality had<br />the highest effect on the value of the examined traits. Seed fraction had highly significant<br />effect on seed germination, emergence, dry matter accumulation, seed yield, and oil yield.<br />Type of seedling had a highly significant effect on the enzymatic activity, seed yield, oil<br />content, and oil yield.</p>
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Raicakacaka : 'walking the road' from colonial to post-colonial mission : the life, work and thought of the Reverend Dr. Alan Richard Tippett, Methodist missionary in Fiji, anthropologist and missiologist, 1911-1988Dundon, Colin George, History, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2000 (has links)
This thesis contributes to the literature on the history of the transition from colonial to post-colonial in the Pacific. It explores the contribution of an individual to this transition, Rev. Dr. Alan Richard Tippett, as a focus for illuminating the struggles in the transitions and the development of post-colonial theory for mission. Alan Richard Tippet sailed to Fiji as an ordained Methodist missionary in 1941. He was a product of a Methodist parsonage and heir to the evangelical and revival tendencies of the Cornish Methodism of his family. He began his missionary career steeped in the colonial visions of the mission enterprise fostered by the Board of Missions of his church. He was eager to study anthropology but was given no chance to do so before he left Australia. He pursued his study of anthropology and history in Fiji and began to question the paternalism of colonial theory. Early in his time in Fiji he made the decision to join with those who sought change and the death of colonial mission. In his work as a circuit minister, theological educator, writer and administrator he worked to this end. He developed his talent for writing and research, encouraging the Fijian church to take pride in its past achievements. He became alienated from the administrators of the Australasian Methodist Board of Missions and could find no place in the Australian church. In 1961 he left Fiji and began a course of study at the newly formed Institute of Church Growth in Eugene, Oregon. This led him into the orbit of Donald McGavran and the newly emerging church growth theory of Christian mission. Although his desire was to enhance the study of post-colonial mission in Australia he could not find a position to support him even after he gained a PhD in anthropology from the University of Oregon. After research in the Solomon Islands he returned to the USA to assist Donald McGavran in the formation of the now famous School of World Mission at Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena. While at Fuller he exercised considerable influence in the development of missiological theory and especially the application of anthropological studies in post-colonial mission. Although he contributed to both the ecumenical and evangelical debates on mission, he found himself caught up in the bitter debates of the 1960s and 1970s between them and, despite all efforts to maintain links, lost contact with the ecumenical wing. Retiring to Australia in 1977 he found that his world reputation was not recognised in his native land. He continued his work apace, although he was deeply saddened by the ignorance he found in Australia and by his continued rejection. He finally donated his library to St. Mark???s National Theological Centre. He died in 1988 in Canberra.
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Raicakacaka : 'walking the road' from colonial to post-colonial mission : the life, work and thought of the Reverend Dr. Alan Richard Tippett, Methodist missionary in Fiji, anthropologist and missiologist, 1911-1988Dundon, Colin George, History, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2000 (has links)
This thesis contributes to the literature on the history of the transition from colonial to post-colonial in the Pacific. It explores the contribution of an individual to this transition, Rev. Dr. Alan Richard Tippett, as a focus for illuminating the struggles in the transitions and the development of post-colonial theory for mission. Alan Richard Tippet sailed to Fiji as an ordained Methodist missionary in 1941. He was a product of a Methodist parsonage and heir to the evangelical and revival tendencies of the Cornish Methodism of his family. He began his missionary career steeped in the colonial visions of the mission enterprise fostered by the Board of Missions of his church. He was eager to study anthropology but was given no chance to do so before he left Australia. He pursued his study of anthropology and history in Fiji and began to question the paternalism of colonial theory. Early in his time in Fiji he made the decision to join with those who sought change and the death of colonial mission. In his work as a circuit minister, theological educator, writer and administrator he worked to this end. He developed his talent for writing and research, encouraging the Fijian church to take pride in its past achievements. He became alienated from the administrators of the Australasian Methodist Board of Missions and could find no place in the Australian church. In 1961 he left Fiji and began a course of study at the newly formed Institute of Church Growth in Eugene, Oregon. This led him into the orbit of Donald McGavran and the newly emerging church growth theory of Christian mission. Although his desire was to enhance the study of post-colonial mission in Australia he could not find a position to support him even after he gained a PhD in anthropology from the University of Oregon. After research in the Solomon Islands he returned to the USA to assist Donald McGavran in the formation of the now famous School of World Mission at Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena. While at Fuller he exercised considerable influence in the development of missiological theory and especially the application of anthropological studies in post-colonial mission. Although he contributed to both the ecumenical and evangelical debates on mission, he found himself caught up in the bitter debates of the 1960s and 1970s between them and, despite all efforts to maintain links, lost contact with the ecumenical wing. Retiring to Australia in 1977 he found that his world reputation was not recognised in his native land. He continued his work apace, although he was deeply saddened by the ignorance he found in Australia and by his continued rejection. He finally donated his library to St. Mark???s National Theological Centre. He died in 1988 in Canberra.
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Могућност гајења иђирота (Acorus calamus L.) у циљу смањења притиска на природну популацију / Mogućnost gajenja iđirota (Acorus calamus L.) u cilju smanjenja pritiska na prirodnu populaciju / Possibility of cultivating sweet flag (Acorus calamus L.) in the purpose of lowering the pressure on the natural populationŠkobić Slađana 29 September 2016 (has links)
<p> Acorus calamus L. је вишегодишња зељаста биљка влажних подручја, чија су лековита својства одавно позната. Дрогу иђирота чини ризом који се употребљава као чај, прах, сок, гел, уље или крема. Због прекомерне експлоатације и високог степена угрожености ове дивље лековите биљне врсте у Србији је уведена забрана његовог сакупљања из природе. Да би се задовољила повећана потражња од стране индустрија које га користе, гајење иђирота се намеће као једно од најпрагматичнијих решења. За потребе утврђивање начина гајења, прво се приступило истраживању услова успевања и варирање својстава иђирота са пет локалитета природних станишта: Обедска бара, Делиблатска пешчара, Засавица, Раковац и Дубовац. Потом је заснован двогодишњи пољски оглед на ком је испитиван утицај примене основних агротехничких мера, односно густине садње и ђубрења азотом, на својства биљака. Оглед је постављен 2013. године, на подручју засеока Ћумуране у насељу Рипањ. Код биљка са природних станишта и са огледног поља праћена су следећа својства: висина биљака, дужина ризома, број и дужина бочних грана на ризому, број пупољака на ризому и бочним гранама, број нодуса на ризому и бочним гранама, проценат суве материје ризома, маса свежег и сувог ризома, однос масе свежег и сувог ризома. Код гајених биљака праћен је и принос свежег и сувог ризома. Код свих узорака иђирота испитиван је садржај и састав етарског уља из ризома. Идентификоване су, такође, најзаступљеније компоненте и утврђен је садржаја β-азарона. За утврђивање нивоа плоидије популација из Србије рађено је пребројавање хромозома. Испитивањем биљака са природних станишта, констатовано је да на већину њихових морфолошких одлика, локалитет није имао утицаја. Утицај локалитета испољен је само на: број нодуса на ризому (највећи је био у Дубовцу - 58 а најмањи на Обедској бари - 15), проценат суве материје (највећи је био у Раковцу - 50,2%, а најмањи на Делиблатској пешчари - 37,9%) и однос масе свежег и сувог ризома (највећи је на Делиблатској пешчари - 2,64, а најмањи у Раковцу - 1,90). У пољском огледу добијени су следећи резултати: висина биљака је била највећа при најмањој густини усева (35000 биљака/ha) и најмањој дози азота (60 kg/ha) дужина ризома, као и број и дужина њихових бочних грана су највећи при средњој густини садње (48000 биљака/ha) и најмањој дози азота; број пупољака на ризому има највећу вредност при најмањој густини садње и најмањој дози азота. Број пупољака прве бочне гране је био највећи на највећој густини садње (62000 биљака/ha) и при најмањој дози азота, а број нодуса на ризому није зависио од густине садње, као ни од доза ђубрења. Највећа маса свежег и сувог ризома остварена је при средњој густини садње (48000 биљака/ha) и најмањој (62000 биљака/ha) дози азота, док је проценат суве материје био највећи при највећој густини и најмањој дози азота (60 kg/ha). На однос масе свежег и сувог ризома утицај нису имали ни ђубрење ни густина</p><p>садње усева, док су приноси свежег и сувог ризома били највећи на највећој густини садње и при најмањој дози азота. Садржај етарског уља иђирота из природе није показао значајна одступања између локалитета. Садржај етарског уља ризома гајеног иђирота опадао је са порастом густине садње, док различите дозе азота нису утицале на ову особину. Максимална концентрација β-азарона у етарском уљу иђирота са природног станишта била је 17,07 % (локалитет Раковац), док је највећи садржај β-азарона код гајеног иђирота био 21,41 %. Повећана концентрација β- азарона се објашњава интензивнијим метаболизмом азота, због повећане количине из ђубрива. обијени резултати потврђују да је концентрација β-азарона у етарском уљу ризома иђирота слична резултатима из других земаља Европе. Бројањем хромозома утврђено је да иђирот припада триплоидном, европском варијетету Аcоrus cаlаmus vаr. cаlаmus.</p> / <p> Acorus calamus L. je višegodišnja zeljasta biljka vlažnih područja, čija su lekovita svojstva odavno poznata. Drogu iđirota čini rizom koji se upotrebljava kao čaj, prah, sok, gel, ulje ili krema. Zbog prekomerne eksploatacije i visokog stepena ugroženosti ove divlje lekovite biljne vrste u Srbiji je uvedena zabrana njegovog sakupljanja iz prirode. Da bi se zadovoljila povećana potražnja od strane industrija koje ga koriste, gajenje iđirota se nameće kao jedno od najpragmatičnijih rešenja. Za potrebe utvrđivanje načina gajenja, prvo se pristupilo istraživanju uslova uspevanja i variranje svojstava iđirota sa pet lokaliteta prirodnih staništa: Obedska bara, Deliblatska peščara, Zasavica, Rakovac i Dubovac. Potom je zasnovan dvogodišnji poljski ogled na kom je ispitivan uticaj primene osnovnih agrotehničkih mera, odnosno gustine sadnje i đubrenja azotom, na svojstva biljaka. Ogled je postavljen 2013. godine, na području zaseoka Ćumurane u naselju Ripanj. Kod biljka sa prirodnih staništa i sa oglednog polja praćena su sledeća svojstva: visina biljaka, dužina rizoma, broj i dužina bočnih grana na rizomu, broj pupoljaka na rizomu i bočnim granama, broj nodusa na rizomu i bočnim granama, procenat suve materije rizoma, masa svežeg i suvog rizoma, odnos mase svežeg i suvog rizoma. Kod gajenih biljaka praćen je i prinos svežeg i suvog rizoma. Kod svih uzoraka iđirota ispitivan je sadržaj i sastav etarskog ulja iz rizoma. Identifikovane su, takođe, najzastupljenije komponente i utvrđen je sadržaja β-azarona. Za utvrđivanje nivoa ploidije populacija iz Srbije rađeno je prebrojavanje hromozoma. Ispitivanjem biljaka sa prirodnih staništa, konstatovano je da na većinu njihovih morfoloških odlika, lokalitet nije imao uticaja. Uticaj lokaliteta ispoljen je samo na: broj nodusa na rizomu (najveći je bio u Dubovcu - 58 a najmanji na Obedskoj bari - 15), procenat suve materije (najveći je bio u Rakovcu - 50,2%, a najmanji na Deliblatskoj peščari - 37,9%) i odnos mase svežeg i suvog rizoma (najveći je na Deliblatskoj peščari - 2,64, a najmanji u Rakovcu - 1,90). U poljskom ogledu dobijeni su sledeći rezultati: visina biljaka je bila najveća pri najmanjoj gustini useva (35000 biljaka/ha) i najmanjoj dozi azota (60 kg/ha) dužina rizoma, kao i broj i dužina njihovih bočnih grana su najveći pri srednjoj gustini sadnje (48000 biljaka/ha) i najmanjoj dozi azota; broj pupoljaka na rizomu ima najveću vrednost pri najmanjoj gustini sadnje i najmanjoj dozi azota. Broj pupoljaka prve bočne grane je bio najveći na najvećoj gustini sadnje (62000 biljaka/ha) i pri najmanjoj dozi azota, a broj nodusa na rizomu nije zavisio od gustine sadnje, kao ni od doza đubrenja. Najveća masa svežeg i suvog rizoma ostvarena je pri srednjoj gustini sadnje (48000 biljaka/ha) i najmanjoj (62000 biljaka/ha) dozi azota, dok je procenat suve materije bio najveći pri najvećoj gustini i najmanjoj dozi azota (60 kg/ha). Na odnos mase svežeg i suvog rizoma uticaj nisu imali ni đubrenje ni gustina</p><p>sadnje useva, dok su prinosi svežeg i suvog rizoma bili najveći na najvećoj gustini sadnje i pri najmanjoj dozi azota. Sadržaj etarskog ulja iđirota iz prirode nije pokazao značajna odstupanja između lokaliteta. Sadržaj etarskog ulja rizoma gajenog iđirota opadao je sa porastom gustine sadnje, dok različite doze azota nisu uticale na ovu osobinu. Maksimalna koncentracija β-azarona u etarskom ulju iđirota sa prirodnog staništa bila je 17,07 % (lokalitet Rakovac), dok je najveći sadržaj β-azarona kod gajenog iđirota bio 21,41 %. Povećana koncentracija β- azarona se objašnjava intenzivnijim metabolizmom azota, zbog povećane količine iz đubriva. obijeni rezultati potvrđuju da je koncentracija β-azarona u etarskom ulju rizoma iđirota slična rezultatima iz drugih zemalja Evrope. Brojanjem hromozoma utvrđeno je da iđirot pripada triploidnom, evropskom varijetetu Acorus calamus var. calamus.</p> / <p> Acorus calamus L. is a perennial herbaceous plant found in wet areas, whose medicinal properties have been long known. The drug of sweet flag is made from the rhizome which is used as tea, powder, juice, gel, oil or cream. Because of overexploitation and the high degree of endangerment of this wild medicinal plant species in Serbia collecting was banned. In order to meet the increased demand for this plant by industries that use it, cultivation of sweet flag is emerging as one of the most pragmatic solutions. For the purpose of determining the method for plant growth, the first approach was studying the growing conditions and the variation of properties of sweet flag from five natural habitats: Obedska pond, Deliblato Sands, Zasavica, Rakovac and Dubovac.After that a two-year field experiment was designed in which the effect of application of basic agrotechnical measures, i.e., different planting density and doses of nitrogen fertilization on the plants, was studied. The experiment was set up in 2013, in the area of the hamlet Ćumurana in the settlement Ripanj. In plants from natural habitats and the experiment, the following properties were measured: the height of the plants, the length of the rhizome, the number and length of lateral branches on the rhizome, the number of buds on the rhizome and lateral branches, the number of leaf scars on the rhizome and lateral branches, the percentage of dry matter of the rhizome, the mass of the fresh and the dry rhizome, the ratio of mass between the fresh and the dry rhizome. In the experiment with cultivated plants, the yield of the fresh and the dry rhizome was also measured. For all samples of sweet flag, the content and composition of the essential oil from the rhizome was measured. Also, the main components were identified and the content of the β-asarone was determined. For the purposes of identifying the ploidy, i.e., which varieties the sweet flag from Serbia belongs to, counting of chromosomes was done. By examining plants from natural habitats, it was noted that the site had no influence on the majority of morphological features of plants. The impact of the sites was manifested only in the number of leaf scars (the largest number was in Dubovac-58,0 and the smallest number was in Obedska pond-15,0), percentage of dry matter (the largest percentage was in Rakovac-50.2% and the smallest percentage was in Deliblato Sands-37,9 %) and the ratio of mass between a fresh and a dry rhizome (the largest ratio was in Deliblato Sands-2,6 and the smallest ratio was in Rakovac-2,2). In the field experiment, the following results were obtained: the height of the plants is the largest at the lowest planting density (35000 plants/ha) and lowest nitrogen dosage (60 kg/ha), the length of the rhizome, as well as number and length of lateral branches of the rhizome are largest at medium planting density (48000 plants/ha) and the lowest dosage of nitrogen (60 kg/ha), the number of buds on the rhizome has the highest value at the lowest planting density (35000 plants/ha) and the lowest dosage of nitrogen (60 kg/ha). The number of buds on the first lateral branch was largest at the largest planting density (62000 plants/ha) and the lowest dosage of nitrog (60 kg/ha) , and the number of leaf scars on the rhizome does</p><p>not depend on the planting dosage or the dosage of fertilizing. The largest mass of the fresh and the dry rhizome is accomplished at medium planting density and the lowest dosage of nitrogen, while the percentage of dry matter was largest at the largest density and the lowest dosage of nitrogen. The fertilization and the crop density had no effect on the ratio of mass between the fresh and the dry rhizome, while the yields of the fresh and the dry rhizome were largest at the largest planting density and the lowest dosage of nitrogen. The content of essential oils of natural sweet flag showed no significant discrepancies between the sites. The content of essential oil of cultivated sweet flag rhizomes declined with the increase of planting density, while different nitrogen doses had no effect on this property. The maximum concentration of β-asarones in the essential oil of natural sweet flag was 17,07 % (Rakovac), while the largest content of β-asarones in cultivated sweet flag was 21,41 %. The larger concentration of β-asarones is explained through increased nitrogen metabolism, because of increased amounts of fertilizer. The results confirm that the concentration of β-asarone in the essential oil of sweet flag rhizomes is similar to the concentration of essential oil of sweet flag rhizomes from Europe. By counting the chromosomes it is established that sweet flag belongs to the triploid, European variety of Аcоrus cаlаmus vаr. cаlаmus.</p>
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