Spelling suggestions: "subject:"synchrophasor"" "subject:"synchrophasors""
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A predictive out-of-step protection scheme based on PMU enabled distributed dynamic state estimationFarantatos, Evangelos 24 October 2012 (has links)
Recent widespread blackouts have indicated the need for more efficient and accurate power system monitoring, control and protection tools. Power system state estimation, which is the major tool that is used nowadays for providing the real-time model of the system, has significant biases resulting mainly from the complexity and geographic spread and separation of an electric power system. Synchrophasor technology is a promising technology that has numerous advantages compared to conventional metering devices. PMUs provide synchronized measurements, where synchronization is achieved via a GPS clock which provides the synchronizing signal with accuracy of 1 μsec. As a result, the computed phasors have a common reference (UTC time) and can be used in local computations, thus distributing the state estimation process. The first part of the work presents a PMU enabled dynamic state estimator (DSE) that can capture with high fidelity the dynamics of the system and extract in real time the dynamic model of the system. The described DSE is performed in a decentralized way, on the substation level based on local measurements which are globally valid. The substation based DSE uses data from relays, PMUs, meters, FDRs etc in the substation only, thus avoiding all issues associated with transmission of data and associated time latencies. This approach enables very fast DSE update rate which can go up to more than 60 executions per second.
The distributed state estimation architecture that synchrophasor technology enables, along with the fast sampling rate and the accuracy of the measurements that PMUs provide, enable the computation of the real-time dynamic model of the system and the development of numerous power system applications for more efficient control and protection of the system. In the second part of the work, a transient stability monitoring scheme is presented that utilizes the information given by the dynamic state estimation and enables real-time monitoring of the transient swings of the system and characterizes the stability of the system in real time. In particular, the real-time dynamic model of the system, as given by the DSE, is utilized to evaluate the system's energy function based on Lyapunov's direct method and extract stability properties from the energy function. The two major components of the scheme are a) the calculation of the center of oscillations of the system and b) the derivation of an equivalent, reduced sized model which is used for the calculation of the potential and kinetic energy of the system based on which the stability of the system is determined. Finally, as an application of the transient stability monitoring scheme, an energy based out-of-step protection scheme is proposed. The energy of the generator is continuously monitored and if it exceeds a predefined threshold then instability is asserted and a trip signal can be sent to the generator. The major advantage of the scheme is that the out-of-step condition is predicted before its occurrence and therefore relays can act much faster than today's technology. The scheme is compared to presently available state of the art out-of-step protection schemes in order to verify its superiority. Read more
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Unidade eletrônica microprocessada para tratamento de sinais de transformadores de instrumentação ópticos e convencionais para aplicações metrológicas in situ. / Microprocesse electronic unit for signal treatment from optical and conventional instrument transformersmfor on-site metrological applications.Nagao Junior, Shigueru 27 January 2017 (has links)
As elevadas perdas existentes no setor elétrico tem causado preocupação nas empresas de distribuição, aliadas ainda a necessidade crescente de um desenvolvimento econômico sustentável. Neste cenário a calibração periódica dos instrumentos destinados a medição (entre eles os transformadores de instrumentos) tornam-se essenciais e tais procedimentos encontram-se previstos no novo modelo de operação do setor elétrico. Porém, as dificuldades logísticas e operacionais de transporte a laboratórios metrológicos credenciados dificultam a execução de tais serviços. As técnicas e métodos desenvolvidos nesse trabalho visam a implementação de uma unidade eletrônica capaz de aquisitar e processar dados provenientes de transformadores de instrumentos, de natureza indutiva (denominado de convencional) e ópticos, bem como seus subsistemas de apoio, como ferramentas de medição e calibração portátil, móvel, para execução dos serviços metrológicos in situ nos ambientes das subestações e cabines primárias. Estes serviços, apesar de estarem em estágio incipiente, são de extremo interesse para empresas de energia elétrica. Este projeto está baseado no estado da arte de componentes da eletrônica analógica e digital, onde destacam-se conversores analógico/digital (A/D), microprocessadores, osciladores, FPGA e técnicas computacionais para processamento digital de sinais. São apresentadas as formas de implementação tanto em hardware como em software para esta unidade eletrônica de forma a atender aos requisitos funcionais especificados e às normas do INMETRO e normas internacionais equivalentes para aplicações metrológicas. A validação é baseada em testes comparativos dos fasores na frequência fundamental dos sinais obtidos, analisando os valores de amplitude (para cálculo de erro de relação) e de fase ( para cálculo de erro de fase) entre transformadores ópticos e convencionais, sendo que estes últimos podem ser de referência ou não. / The high losses in the electricity sector have caused concern in distribution companies, together with the growing need for sustainable economic development. In this scenario the periodic calibration of instruments intended for measurement (including instrument transformers) become essential and such procedures are provided for in the new model of operation of the electric sector. However, the logistical and operational difficulties of transportation to accredited metrological laboratories make it difficult to perform such services. The techniques and methods developed in this work are aimed at the implementation of an electronic unit capable of acquiring and processing data from instrument transformers of an inductive (conventional) and optical nature, as well as its supporting subsystems, such as portable and mobile measuring and calibration tools for the execution of on-site metrological services in the substations and primary cabins. These services, although in an incipient stage, are of extreme interest to electric energy companies. This project is based on the state-of-the-art components of analog and digital electronics, including analog/digital (A/D) converters, microprocessors, oscillators, FPGA and computational techniques for digital signal processing. The forms of implementation in both hardware and software for this electronic unit are presented in order to meet the functional requirements specified and the standards of the Instituto Nacional de Metrologia (INMETRO) and equivalent international standards for metrological applications. The validation is based on comparative tests of the phasors at the fundamental frequency of the obtained signals, analyzing the amplitude (for ratio error calculation) and phase (for phase error calculation) between optical and conventional transformers, the last one can be reference or not. Read more
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Unidade eletrônica microprocessada para tratamento de sinais de transformadores de instrumentação ópticos e convencionais para aplicações metrológicas in situ. / Microprocesse electronic unit for signal treatment from optical and conventional instrument transformersmfor on-site metrological applications.Shigueru Nagao Junior 27 January 2017 (has links)
As elevadas perdas existentes no setor elétrico tem causado preocupação nas empresas de distribuição, aliadas ainda a necessidade crescente de um desenvolvimento econômico sustentável. Neste cenário a calibração periódica dos instrumentos destinados a medição (entre eles os transformadores de instrumentos) tornam-se essenciais e tais procedimentos encontram-se previstos no novo modelo de operação do setor elétrico. Porém, as dificuldades logísticas e operacionais de transporte a laboratórios metrológicos credenciados dificultam a execução de tais serviços. As técnicas e métodos desenvolvidos nesse trabalho visam a implementação de uma unidade eletrônica capaz de aquisitar e processar dados provenientes de transformadores de instrumentos, de natureza indutiva (denominado de convencional) e ópticos, bem como seus subsistemas de apoio, como ferramentas de medição e calibração portátil, móvel, para execução dos serviços metrológicos in situ nos ambientes das subestações e cabines primárias. Estes serviços, apesar de estarem em estágio incipiente, são de extremo interesse para empresas de energia elétrica. Este projeto está baseado no estado da arte de componentes da eletrônica analógica e digital, onde destacam-se conversores analógico/digital (A/D), microprocessadores, osciladores, FPGA e técnicas computacionais para processamento digital de sinais. São apresentadas as formas de implementação tanto em hardware como em software para esta unidade eletrônica de forma a atender aos requisitos funcionais especificados e às normas do INMETRO e normas internacionais equivalentes para aplicações metrológicas. A validação é baseada em testes comparativos dos fasores na frequência fundamental dos sinais obtidos, analisando os valores de amplitude (para cálculo de erro de relação) e de fase ( para cálculo de erro de fase) entre transformadores ópticos e convencionais, sendo que estes últimos podem ser de referência ou não. / The high losses in the electricity sector have caused concern in distribution companies, together with the growing need for sustainable economic development. In this scenario the periodic calibration of instruments intended for measurement (including instrument transformers) become essential and such procedures are provided for in the new model of operation of the electric sector. However, the logistical and operational difficulties of transportation to accredited metrological laboratories make it difficult to perform such services. The techniques and methods developed in this work are aimed at the implementation of an electronic unit capable of acquiring and processing data from instrument transformers of an inductive (conventional) and optical nature, as well as its supporting subsystems, such as portable and mobile measuring and calibration tools for the execution of on-site metrological services in the substations and primary cabins. These services, although in an incipient stage, are of extreme interest to electric energy companies. This project is based on the state-of-the-art components of analog and digital electronics, including analog/digital (A/D) converters, microprocessors, oscillators, FPGA and computational techniques for digital signal processing. The forms of implementation in both hardware and software for this electronic unit are presented in order to meet the functional requirements specified and the standards of the Instituto Nacional de Metrologia (INMETRO) and equivalent international standards for metrological applications. The validation is based on comparative tests of the phasors at the fundamental frequency of the obtained signals, analyzing the amplitude (for ratio error calculation) and phase (for phase error calculation) between optical and conventional transformers, the last one can be reference or not. Read more
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PMU based situation awareness for smart distribution grids / Unités de mesure de phaseur dans le cadre des réseaux de distribution électrique intelligentsFrazao, Rodrigo José Albuquerque 14 October 2015 (has links)
Une infrastructure robuste de surveillance basée sur des mesures numériques classiques est souvent utilisée pour permettre une gestion efficace du réseau de distribution électrique, néanmoins les mesures de phaseurs synchronisés, également connu comme synchrophaseurs, sont particulièrement efficaces pour améliorer la capacité de gestion et la surveillance de ces réseaux. Le synchrophaseur est un phaseur numériquement calculé à partir des échantillons de données en utilisant une source temporelle absolue pour un horodatage extrêmement précis des mesures effectuées.De ce fait, les applications des synchrophaseurs sont très nombreuses dans les réseaux électriques, en particulier dans les réseaux de transport. Ils permettent notamment de mesurer la différence angulaire entre les noeuds, l'estimation d'état linéaire, détecter l'îlotage, surveiller la stabilité oscillatoire, et détecter et identifier les défauts. Ainsi, nous pourrions être amenés à croire que pour apporter les avantages bien connus des mesures synchronisées vers les réseaux de distribution électriques, il serait seulement nécessaire de placer les Unités de Mesure de Phaseur, également connu par l'abréviation anglophone PMU, d'une manière directe dans l'environnement de la distribution électrique. Malheureusement, cette tâchen'est pas aussi évidente qu'elle n'y paraît.Les réseaux de distribution électriques et les réseaux de transport ont des caractéristiques opérationnelles différentes, donc les PMUs dédiées aux réseaux de distribution doivent avoir des caractéristiques différentes de celles consacrées aux réseaux haute tension. Les réseaux de distribution intelligents possèdent des longueurs de ligne plus courtes en produisant une ouverture angulaire plus petite entre les noeuds adjacents. En outre, le contenu harmonique élevé et la déviation en fréquence imposent aussi des défis pour l'estimation des phaseurs. Les appareils synchronisés avancés dédiés pour la surveillance du réseau de distribution doivent surmonter ces défis afin de mener la précision des mesures au-delà des exigences actuelles.Cette problématique globale est traitée et évaluée dans la présente thèse. La précision de l'estimation de phaseur est directement liée à la performance de l'algorithme utilisé pour traiter les données. Une grande robustesse contre les effets pernicieux qui peuvent dégrader la qualité des estimations est fortement souhaitée. De ce fait, trois algorithmes adaptifs en fréquence sont présentés en visant l'amélioration du processus d'estimation des mesures de phaseurs dans les réseaux de distribution actifs. Plusieurs simulations en utilisant des signaux corrompus sont réalisées pour évaluer leurs performances dans des conditions statiques et/ou dynamiques.Prenant en compte l'estimation précise des phaseurs, quatre applications potentielles sont présentées pour augmenter la perception, la compréhension et la projection des actions dans les réseaux de distribution. Des contributions sont apportées concernant le circuit équivalent de Thévenin vu par le point de couplage commun (PCC) entre la production décentralisée et les réseaux de distribution. Des contributions sont également apportées pour les équivalents dynamiques externes et l'évaluation de la chute de tension dans les réseaux moyenne-tension radiaux, ainsi que l'évaluation de la problématique des harmoniques pour l'amélioration de la méthode classique nomée PH (puissance active harmonique) pour détecter à la fois la principale source de pollution harmonique et le vrai flux de puissance harmonique sous déviation en fréquence.Le sujet des mesures de phaseurs synchronisés dans le réseaux électrique de distribution est encore peu exploré et les questionnements quant à son applicabilité sont communs, néanmoins cette thèse vise à fournir des propositions pour contribuer à l'avènement de mesures de phaseurs dans l'environnement de la distribution électrique. / Robust metering infrastructure based on classical digital measurements has been used to enable a comprehensive power distribution network management, however synchronized phasor measurements, also known as synchrophasors, are especially welcome to improve the overall framework capabilities. Synchrophasor is a phasor digitally computed from data samples using an absolute and accuracy time source as reference. In this way, since the absolute time source has sufficient accuracy to synchronize voltage and current measurements at geographically distant locations, it is possible to extract valuable informations of the real grid operating status without full knowledge of its characteristics.Due to this fact, applications of synchronized phasor measurements in wide-area management systems (WAMSs) have been achieved. Angular separation, linear state estimation, islanding detection, oscillatory stability, and disturbance location identification are some of the several applications that have been proposed. Thus, we could be lead to believe that to bring the well-known benefits of the synchronized measurements toward electric distribution grids it is only required to place in a straightforward manner conventional Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) into the electric distribution environment. Unfortunately, this is not as simple as it seems.Electric power distribution systems and high-voltage power systems have different operational characteristics, hence PMUs or PMU-enabled IEDs dedicated to distribution systems should have different features from those devoted to the high-voltage systems. Active distribution grids with shorter line lengths produce smaller angular aperture between their adjacent busbars. In addition, high harmonic content and frequency deviation impose more challenges for estimating phasors. Generally, frequency deviation is related to high-voltage power systems, however, due to the interconnected nature of the overall power system, frequency deviation can be propagated toward the distribution grid. The integration of multiple high-rate DERs with poor control capabilities can also impose local frequency drift. Advanced synchronized devices dedicated to smart monitoring framework must overcome these challenges in order to lead the measurement accuracy beyond the levels stipulated by current standard requirements.This overall problematic is treated and evaluated in the present thesis. Phasor estimation accuracy is directly related to the algorithm's performance used for processing the incoming data. Robustness against pernicious effects that can degrade the quality of the estimates is highly desired. Due to this fact, three frequency-adaptive algorithms are presented aiming to boost the phasor estimation process in active distribution grids. Several simulations using spurious and distorted signals are performed for evaluating their performances under static and/or dynamic conditions.Taking into account accurate phasor estimates, four potential applications are presented seeking to increase situational awareness in distribution environment. Contributions are presented concerning online Thévenin's equivalent (TE) circuit seen by the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) between DERs and the grid side, dynamic external equivalents and online three-phase voltage drop assessment in primary radial distribution grids, as well as assessment of harmonic issues for improving the classical PH method (harmonic active power) to detect both the main source of harmonic pollution and true power flow direction under frequency deviation.The issue of synchronized phasor measurements in electric power distribution systems is still underexplored and suspicions about its applicability are common, however this thesis aims to provide propositions to contribute with the advent of phasor measurements in electric distribution environment. Read more
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Métodos determinísticos para detecção e localização por área de faltas monofásicas de alta impedância sustentadas nos circuitos primários de sistemas de distribuição desequilibradosVianna, João Tito Almeida 05 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-04-11T15:15:34Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-09-05 / O presente trabalho tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento de alternativas para detecção de faltas de alta impedância (HIFs) sustentadas em sistemas de distribuição. Como a maioria destas faltas é monofásica, enfoque foi dado para este tipo de falta no desenvolvimento do trabalho. Devido ao desequilíbrio e a variação da carga dos sistemas de distribuição, a proteção tradicional dos mesmos apresenta dificuldades na detecção destas faltas, que acabam se sustentando no sistema. Isso acarreta um risco de segurança pública, na medida em que estruturas externas ao sistema elétrico são mantidas energizadas representando risco a vidas que entrem em contato com elas. Características da topologia típica de sistemas de distribuição brasileiros (conhecida como do “tipo europeu”) foram exploradas de forma a se elaborar duas propostas de métodos de detecção e localização de HIFs. Ambos os métodos se baseiam na alocação de medidores alocados ao longo do sistema de distribuição, cujas medidas são integradas a uma central de dados via rede de comunicação. Nesta central, as medidas recebidas são analisadas de forma a diagnosticar a presença e localização de faltas monofásicas de alta impedância no sistema e emitir alarmes que descrevam a situação atual do mesmo. O primeiro método, o PDSZ, baseia-se em medições fasoriais sincronizadas e, além da detecção e localização, conta com um algoritmo de classificação das fases envolvidas na falta. Já o segundo (PQDSZ) baseia-se em medições não fasoriais e não possui esta última funcionalidade. Ambos os métodos são implementados em laboratório e simulados com o uso de um Simulador Digital de Tempo Real (RTDS), o que permite uma validação bem próxima da aplicação dos métodos em um sistema real. Tais simulações comprovam a aplicabilidade dos métodos propostos e todos os resultados são analisados de forma a confirmar este fato. / This work aims to develop alternatives for the detection of sustained high impedance faults (HIFs) on distribution power systems. As the majority of these faults are single phase ones, the development was focused on this kind of fault. Due to load unbalance and variation of the distribution systems, the traditional protectiontechniques presents problems on detecting these faults, which are kept sustained on the system. This situation represents a serious public hazard, because the external electrical system structure remains energized, representing a risk to lives that eventually get in touch with it. There is also the risk of starting a fire from this fault point. Topologycal features of Brasilian distribution systems (known as “european type”) were exploited in order to elaborate two methods for detection and localization of HIFs. Both methods are based on the use of meters alocated along the distribution system, whose measurements are sent to a central data concentrator, through a network communication. Then, the received measurements are analysed in order to diagnose the ocurrence of single phase high impedance faults on the system and send alarms that describe the current system situation. The first method, named PDSZ, is based on Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) and besides detecting and locating the fault, can also classify it, showing which phaseis involved. The second one, the PQDSZ, is based on non-synchronized measurements and can not classify the fault. Both methods were implemented on laboratory and tested using real equipament and a Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS), which allows a very precise evaluation of the proposed methods, emulating conditions very similar the real ones. The simulations prove the aplicability of the proposed methods and the results are analysed in order to show the effectiveness of the proposed methods. Read more
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Proposta e implementação de uma Micro-PMUAleixo, Renato Ribeiro 01 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2018-04-10T14:04:24Z
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renatoribeiroaleixo.pdf: 11717772 bytes, checksum: 92418eff47ec8bfa0e099a19d849c068 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-04-10T14:22:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
renatoribeiroaleixo.pdf: 11717772 bytes, checksum: 92418eff47ec8bfa0e099a19d849c068 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-10T14:22:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
renatoribeiroaleixo.pdf: 11717772 bytes, checksum: 92418eff47ec8bfa0e099a19d849c068 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-03-01 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho tem como objetivo a proposta de uma Unidade de Medição Fasorial (do inglês, Phasor Measurement Unit)(PMU), de baixo custo, voltada para o monito-ramento da distribuição de energia elétrica. O medidor proposto pode ser conectado à rede de baixa tensão, possibilitando assim o monitoramento dos sistemas de dis-tribuição e transmissão de energia. O algoritmo de estimação fasorial que compõe o software embarcado do equipamento faz uso do filtro Savitzky-Golay como aproxima-ção da derivada, necessária no processo de estimação da frequência do componente fundamental do sinal. O hardware utilizado é composto pelo microprocessador ARM TM4C1294NCPDT da Texas Instruments, um módulo GPS NEO-6M da uBlox, um módulo Wi-Fi ESP8266, além de um circuito de condicionamento do sinal analógico. O sincronismo das medições realizadas é garantido graças ao sinal composto por um pulso por segundo fornecido pelo GPS. Para o envio dos dados gerados pelo medidor pro-posto, o protocolo definido na norma vigente para PMUs foi utilizado. As estimações podem ser armazenadas e vizualizadas em tempo real através de um software monitor de dados de sincrofasores. Os resultados contemplam os testes exigidos pela norma, avaliando-se o erro total da estimação do fasor, o erro de frequência e o erro de taxa de variação da frequência. Por último, a fim de se reafirmar o sincronismo existente entre as medições realizadas por mais de um equipamento, estimou-se os fasores e a frequência em pontos distintos do sistema 4 Barras do IEEE, simulado em tempo real no RTDS, onde pode-se observar a estimação correta da defasagem entre duas barras desse sistema. / The present work proposes of a low cost Phasor Measurement Unity (PMU), for monitoring the power distribution system. The proposed meter can be connected at the low voltage level, making possible the monitoring of the distribution system and the transmission system. The algorithm used to compute the phasor estimation that composes the embedded software in the equipment uses the Savitzky-Golay filter to approximate the differentiation process, necessary in the frequency estimation of the fundamental component of the signal. The hardware of the equipment is composed by a microprocessor AMR TM4C1294NCPDT of Texas Instruments, a uBlox GPS NEO-6M module, a Wi-Fi ESP8266 module and an analog conditioning circuit. The synchronism of the measurements is guaranteed due to a pulse per second signal from the GPS module. For the transmission of the data generated by the PMU, the protocol suggested by the standard is used. The estimated parameters can be visualized in real time through the Synchrophasor Data Monitor Software. The results contemplate the tests required by the IEEE standard C37.118.1 and the analyses of the total vector error, frequency error and rate of change of frequency error. Finally, to attest the synchronism between different PMUs, a test in a Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS) was made, where the 4 bus IEEE system was simulated. The difference of the angles estimated for different buses was computed and the obtained values were according to the expected. Read more
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