Spelling suggestions: "subject:"T& uml""
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A Democratisation Project In The Age Of Neoliberalism: The Historical Specificity Of The Tusiad ReportsGuveloglu, Nazim 01 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
By the late 1990s, a democratisation project has come to the agenda in Turkey in relation to a possible membership to the European Union. This thesis analyses this democratisation project with special reference to the reports published by TÜ / SiAD accordingly. Within the scope of the thesis, as well as the theoretical bases of the reports, the motives behind TÜ / SiAD& / #8217 / s support for this project will also be dealt with. It will be argued that, in order to grasp the specificity of both the democratisation project and TÜ / SiAD& / #8217 / s support for it, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the historical process that these take place in / and, some key developments at the national and international contexts will be investigated in this direction. For this investigation, a relational approach based upon Nicos Poulantzas& / #8217 / s state theory and Bob Jessop& / #8217 / s conceptualisation of hegemonic project will be made use of. The implications that the subject matters have for the form of state, form of regime, and class relations will be elaborated on.
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Friedrich List, Ziya Gokalp And The National Economy Thesis In The Ottoman EmpireUnal, Huseyin Safa 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This study compares the National Economy concept as it is employed in Friedrich List&rsquo / s works with its theoretical reflections among Ottoman intelligentsia, particularly in Ziya Gö / kalp. The effects of National Economy on the Ottoman thought is examined by bearing in mind two journals: Tü / rk Yurdu and Iktisadiyat Mecmuasi. The field of application of National Economy is explicated by an analysis of the first steps towards industrialization, especially after the Young Turk Revolution of 1908. It attempts to find answers to the questions as to how and to what degree the theoretical development of National Economy affected the Ottoman economic policies implemented.
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Cyprus Policy Of Turkey In The 2000s: Has The " / national Cause" / Become An " / impediment To Progress" / ?Yaka, Ozge 01 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This study claims that there has been realized an obvious transformation in the way in which the Cyprus question is perceived and handled in Turkey, both in official state policy and popular opinion, during 2000s. It is aimed in this study to depict this transformation with its different dimensions and analyze this transformation with a historical perspective in terms of the actors and dynamics involved. The social and political dynamics which brought about such a transformation are investigated and the positions and attitudes of certain social actors, with special reference to big capital and its representative TÜ / SiAD, are disclosed within the scope of this study.
It is maintained in this study that in order to understand and analyze the transformation in the Cyprus policy of Turkey and the public opinion, it is necessary to relate this process with general political atmosphere of the country as well as the hegemonic visions/projects/opinions of the period. In this case, it is actually impossible to understand and analyze the transformation of the official policy and public opinion on Cyprus separate from the EU membership project specifically in 2000s. This study analyzes this transformation as a dimension of a general process that is the construction of EU membership objective as a hegemonic project. Antonio Gramsci&rsquo / s theory of hegemony and Bob Jessop&rsquo / s conceptualization of hegemonic project have been utilized in this analysis.
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Viable Higher Derivative TheoriesOzonder, Sener 01 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, higher derivative theories are investigated. Ostrogradskian instability of higher derivative theories is examined both at the classical and quantum levels.
It is shown that avoiding the instability in nondegenerate higher derivative theories is impossible. Moreover, the degenerate model of relativistic particle with a curvature
term is studied as a viable higher derivative theory.
Most of the work we present here is not original. We give a review of the literature and compile various detached works that already exist.
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Edimentology And Stratigraphy Of Turbeyani Marl Sequences And Inpiri Limestones (late Barremian - Albian): Implications For Possible Source And Reservoir Rocks (nw Turkey)Nabiyev, Anar 01 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Anar Nabiyev
M.Sc., Department of Geological Engineering
Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. i. Ö / mer Yilmaz
April 2007, 105 pages
Sedimentology, cyclostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy of the Tü / rbeyani
Marls (Albian) and the inpiri Limestone (Upper Barremian-Albian) members of Ulus
Formation (incigez, Bartin, Amasra) were interpreted in this study.
In the Tü / rbeyani Marls total of five different facies were defined. Marl and
limestone facies are the most abundant in the succession. The depositional
environment of the succession was defined as an outer shelf area. Within the pelagic
marls 39 smaller order and 9 higher order cycles were recognized. These cycles
correspond to the parasequences and parasequence sets of sequence stratigraphy,
respectively. In the measured section only one type-3 sequence boundary was
In the inpiri Limestones great variety of limestone facies are represented.
Bioclastic, peloidal, intraclastic wackestone-packstone-grainstone facies are the most
abundant. Moreover, occurrence of lime mudstone, fenestral limestone, ooid
packstone-grainstone, and sandstone facies are present as well. In the measured
section of the inpiri Limestones 25 fifth order and 6 fourth order cycles were defined.
These cycles correspond to the parasequence sets and systems tracts of the sequence
stratigraphy, respectively. Total of three transgressive and three highstand systems
tract were defined. Only one type 2 sequence boundary was identified in the measured
section, the rest of them are interrupted by covers.
This study revealed that the Tü / rbeyani Marls and the inpiri Limestones are not
economically valuable as petroleum source and reservoir rocks, respectively. The total
organic carbon (TOC) values of marl facies of the Tü / rbeyani marls are very low, and
the pore spaces observed in the inpiri Limestone are cement filled making it
unsuitable reservoir rock.
Keywords: sedimentology, cyclostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy, Tü / rbeyani Marls,
inpiri Limestones, Albian, Upper Barremian, Amasra, Bartin.
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Wind And Wave Climate In Eastern Mediterranean BasinKislakci, Ahmet Umud 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The wind and wave (wind wave/swell wave) climate has an important role in the design and operation of coastal and marine structures, harbors and ports. The objective of this study is to identify the statistical characteristics of the winds, wind waves and swell waves in Eastern Mediterranean, and coastline of Tü / rkiye. For this purpose, the data of wind speed and direction, swell and wind wave height, period and direction for a certain duration with the six hours time intervals are obtained from ECMWF for the wind and wave climate computations. The data covers the area of eastern
Mediterranean region. In order to compute the wind and wave climate at any selected coastal location, a software is developed by Serhan Aldogan in his MSc thesis. For every location, the wind wave roses, significant height of wind wave and swell wave versus mean period of primary wind directions, extreme probability analysis and distribution, and log-linear cumulative probability analysis and distributions is presented, compared and discussed. By the help of the specifically developed software, it is possible and convenient to analyze the wind and wave climate using ECMWF data at any coordinate.
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A Case Study Of Impact Analysis: Tubitak Research Support ProgrammesTanrikulu Erden, Ilkay 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey is the major academic research management and funding agency in Turkey. As a policy-maker, the council has undertaken very important responsibility in designing a science and technology policy of Turkey. By means of impact analysis, evaluating the ongoing research support programmes is important for designing more effective ones. However, impact of academic research are widely disseminated, journal articles being published and cited, number of academic staff involved in the supported projects, patents, and prototypes could be used as an evaluation instrument for impact analysis. In this study first time, we have figured out the social benefits (in 2008 TL fixed prices) of academic research projects, specifically physics academic research projects that were supported during 1998-2008 by TÜ / BiTAK. Return of funds of TÜ / BiTAK supported physics projects during 2005-2008 was calculated as 142%, when rate of return was taken 28%.
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Nickel Resource Estimation And Reconciliation At Turkmencardagi Laterite DepositsGencturk, Bilgehan 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In recent years nickel is mostly produced from lateritic ore deposits such as nontronite, limonite, etc. Resource estimation is difficult for laterite deposits as they have a weak and heterogeneous form. 3D modeling software are rather suitable for deposits having tabular or vein type ores. In this study the most appropriate estimation technique for resource estimation of nickel laterite deposits was investigated.
One of the known nickel laterite deposits in Turkey is located at Tü / rkmenç / ardagi - Gö / rdes region. Since the nickel (Ni) grade recovered from drilling studies seem to be very low, a reconciliation pit having dimensions of 40 m x 40 m x 15 m in x-y-z directions was planned by Meta Nikel Kobalt Mining Company (META), the license owner of the mine, to produce nickel ore.
13 core drilling and 13 reverse circulation drilling (RC) and 26 column samplings adjacent to each drillholes were located in this area. Those three sampling results were compared to each other and as well as the actual production values obtained from reconciliation pit. On the other side 3D computer modeling was also used to model the nickel resource in Tü / rkmenç / ardagi - Gö / rdes laterites. The results obtained from both inverse distance weighting and kriging methods were compared to the results of actual production to find out the applicability of 3D modeling to laterite deposits.
Modeling results showed that Ni grade of the reconciliation pit in Tü / rkmenç / ardagi - Gö / rdes, considering 0.5% Ni cut-off value, by using drillholes data, inverse distance weighting method estimates 622 tonnes with 0.553% Ni and kriging method estimates 749 tonnes with 0.527% Ni. The actual production pit results provided 4,882 tonnes of nickel ore with 0.649% Ni grade. These results show that grade values seem to be acceptable but in terms of tonnage, there are significant differences between theoretical estimated values and production values.
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Numerical And Experimental Analysis Of Dissipative Silencer Coupled With Quarter Wave TubeDincer, Ayse 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The study deals with investigation of acoustical characteristics of a hybrid silencer made up of a dissipative silencer and a quarter wave tube resonator. The theoretical and experimental analyses are performed to define acoustic characteristics of a simple expansion chamber and reactive perforated silencer, while the numerical and experimental solutions are presented for dissipative perforated silencer. Furthermore, the experiments and numerical solutions are extended to the hybrid silencer to find the effect of quarter wave tube resonator on the silencer performance. The experimental results of dissipative silencer are verified with theoretical solutions. The empirical expressions for acoustic impedance of perforation and filling material are presented in this study for use in a three-dimensional boundary element method (BEM). Besides, an experimental setup is also established to find the characteristic impedance and wavenumber of absorbing material to import BEM solution when the empirical expression cannot be used. The results found with BEM are compared by analytical and experimental results favorably.
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