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Effektiv applikationsutveckling med TDD – Test Driven DevelopmentGoralczyk, Pawel, Nyström, Anders January 2008 (has links)
<p>Test Driven Development (TDD) är en utvecklingsteknik där testning ses som en</p><p>naturlig del i utvecklingsprocessen och där tillvägagångssättet hjälper utvecklaren att</p><p>sektionera upp programkoden till mindre och mer hanterbara delar. På så sätt ger</p><p>TDD utvecklare ett stöd under programmeringsfasen så att de får fram ren och</p><p>flexibel kod som är enkel att ändra och felsöka. TDD som teknik underlättar även</p><p>möjligheterna att utveckla koden inom den tidsram som finns i och med att</p><p>betungande testfaser, som i traditionella metodiker och tekniker kan bli</p><p>tidsavgörande, istället integreras som en naturlig del i utvecklingsprocessen. Syftet</p><p>med denna uppsats är att belysa de fördelar som finns med att använda TDD vid</p><p>utveckling av nya applikationer. Vi ska ge utvecklarna som är involverade i</p><p>programmeringsfasen argument till varför TDD bör tillämpas vid utveckling av</p><p>applikationer och hur TDD kan vara ett hjälpmedel för att uppnå en bättre</p><p>kodstruktur/design för applikationen. Vi gjorde undersökningen genom att ta fram</p><p>teori inom området och utföra intervjuer baserade på den framtagna teorin. Efter att</p><p>intervjuerna hade utförts, analyserades det material som framkommit. Slutligen</p><p>presenteras ett antal viktiga argument kring varför de tillvägagångssätt som beskrivs</p><p>inom TDD kan utgöra effektiviseringar under utvecklingsprocessen. Ett av</p><p>argumenten är att användandet av omfaktorering ger utvecklaren möjlighet att städa</p><p>upp och rensa sin kod, vilket minskar risken för onödig komplexitet i koden och gör</p><p>den mer lättförståelig. Andra utvecklare kan enkelt sätta sig in i koden och</p><p>vidareutveckla den, vilket medför värdefull transparens. Omfaktorering gör med</p><p>andra ord koden enklare och tydligare att läsa, både för den som har utvecklat koden</p><p>och för dem runtomkring.</p>
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Effektiv applikationsutveckling med TDD – Test Driven DevelopmentGoralczyk, Pawel, Nyström, Anders January 2009 (has links)
Test Driven Development (TDD) är en utvecklingsteknik där testning ses som en naturlig del i utvecklingsprocessen och där tillvägagångssättet hjälper utvecklaren att sektionera upp programkoden till mindre och mer hanterbara delar. På så sätt ger TDD utvecklare ett stöd under programmeringsfasen så att de får fram ren och flexibel kod som är enkel att ändra och felsöka. TDD som teknik underlättar även möjligheterna att utveckla koden inom den tidsram som finns i och med att betungande testfaser, som i traditionella metodiker och tekniker kan bli tidsavgörande, istället integreras som en naturlig del i utvecklingsprocessen. Syftet med denna uppsats är att belysa de fördelar som finns med att använda TDD vid utveckling av nya applikationer. Vi ska ge utvecklarna som är involverade i programmeringsfasen argument till varför TDD bör tillämpas vid utveckling av applikationer och hur TDD kan vara ett hjälpmedel för att uppnå en bättre kodstruktur/design för applikationen. Vi gjorde undersökningen genom att ta fram teori inom området och utföra intervjuer baserade på den framtagna teorin. Efter att intervjuerna hade utförts, analyserades det material som framkommit. Slutligen presenteras ett antal viktiga argument kring varför de tillvägagångssätt som beskrivs inom TDD kan utgöra effektiviseringar under utvecklingsprocessen. Ett av argumenten är att användandet av omfaktorering ger utvecklaren möjlighet att städa upp och rensa sin kod, vilket minskar risken för onödig komplexitet i koden och gör den mer lättförståelig. Andra utvecklare kan enkelt sätta sig in i koden och vidareutveckla den, vilket medför värdefull transparens. Omfaktorering gör med andra ord koden enklare och tydligare att läsa, både för den som har utvecklat koden och för dem runtomkring.
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Busy burst technology applied to OFDMA-TDD systemsGhimire, Birendra January 2010 (has links)
The most significant bottleneck in wireless communication systems is an ever-increasing disproportion between the bandwidth demand and the available spectrum. A major challenge in the field of wireless communications is to maximise the spatial reuse of resources whilst avoiding detrimental co-channel interference (CCI). To this end, frequency planning and centralised coordination approaches are widely used in wireless networks. However, the networks for the next generation of wireless communications are often envisioned to be decentralised, randomly distributed in space, hierarchical and support heterogeneous traffic and service types. Fixed frequency allocation would not cater for the heterogeneous demands and centralised resource allocation would be cumbersome and require a lot of signalling. Decentralised radio resource allocation based on locally available information is considered the key. In this context, the busy burst (BB) signalling concept is identified as a potential mechanism for decentralised interference management in future generation networks. Interference aware allocation of time-frequency slots (chunks) is accomplished by letting receivers transmit a BB in a time-multiplexed mini-slot, upon successful reception of data. Exploiting channel reciprocity of the time division duplex (TDD) mode, the transmitters avoid reusing the chunks where the received BB power is above a pre-determined threshold so as to limit the CCI caused towards the reserved chunks to a threshold value. In this thesis, the performance of BB signalling mechanism in orthogonal frequency division multiple access - time division duplexing (OFDMA-TDD) systems is evaluated by means of system level simulations in networks operating in ad hoc and cellular scenarios. Comparisons are made against the state-of-the-art centralised CCI avoidance and mitigation methods, viz. frequency planning, fractional frequency reuse, and antenna array with switched grid of beams, as well as decentralised methods such as the carrier sense multiple access method that attempt to avoid CCI by avoiding transmission on chunks deemed busy. The results demonstrate that with an appropriate choice of threshold parameter, BB-based techniques outperform all of the above state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, it is demonstrated that by adjusting the BB-specific threshold parameter, the system throughput can be traded off for improving throughput for links with worse channel condition, both in the ad hoc and cellular scenario. Moreover, by utilising a variable BB power that allows a receiver to signal the maximum CCI it can tolerate, it is shown that a more favourable trade-off between total system throughput and link throughput can be made. Furthermore, by performing link adaptation, it is demonstrated that the spatial reuse and the energy efficiency can be traded off by adjusting the threshold parameter. Although the BB signalling mechanism is shown to be effective in avoiding detrimental CCI, it cannot mitigate CCI by itself. On the other hand, multiple antenna techniques such as adaptive beamforming or switched beam approaches allow CCI to be mitigated but suffer from hidden node problems. The final contribution of this thesis is that by combining the BB signalling mechanism with multiple antenna techniques, it is demonstrated that the hybrid approach enhances spatial reusability of resources whilst avoiding detrimental CCI. In summary, this thesis has demonstrated that BB provides a flexible radio resource mechanism that is suitable for future generation networks.
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Testdriven utveckling – En utvärdering av Jordbruksverkets metod för systemutvecklingBjörk, Marie January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Soporte para el desarrollo incremental en eclipse:|buna implementación robusta de GhostsJacas Franzoy, Ricardo Manuel January 2014 (has links)
Ingeniero Civil en Computación / Los ambientes de desarrollo, o IDE por su sigla en inglés, representan una ayuda fundamental para el programador. La mayoría de estos ambientes suelen integrar un sin fin de herramientas para facilitar el trabajo, como son el reporte estático de errores y los asistentes de autocompletado de código. Dentro de los ambientes de desarrollo disponibles para Java, Eclipse destaca por ser uno de los ambientes más completos. Eclipse, al igual que muchos entornos de desarrollo, cuenta con alertas de error en tiempo de compilación, alertas que permiten que el programador no incurra en errores por omisión de código.
En la actualidad es frecuente el uso de metodologías ágiles para el desarrollo de aplicaciones. Dentro de estas metodologías destacan las técnicas orientadas al buen diseño, como son el Desarrollo Guiado por Pruebas (o TDD) y la programación Top-Down, técnicas en las cuales se definen las interfaces mediante las que se utiliza el código de manera previa a la implementación real del funcionamiento. Estas técnicas permiten reducir la tasa de error del código generado al estar enfocado primero en el objetivo (¿Qué funcionalidad provee?,¿Cómo se usa?) y luego en la implementación (¿Cómo realizar dicha funcionalidad?).
Desgraciadamente, la programación Top-Down y TDD no están soportadas de manera adecuada en los IDE cotidianos, como Eclipse, puesto que el reporte de errores estático suele interferir fuertemente con la estructuración de código previa a su implementación, reportando al usuario muchos errores de los cuales está perfectamente consciente y que no aportan, errores del estilo dicha entidad no existe''. Estos errores además oscurecen o deshabilitan por completo el reporte de otros errores que sí son de interés para el programador, como lo es el uso inconsistente de una interfaz.
Durante el transcurso de esta memoria se continuo el desarrollo de un plug-in para Eclipse, llamado Ghosts, que se encarga de atacar esta problemática, entregando un ambiente preparado para el uso de técnicas que requieren pensar primero en la interfaz y luego en la implementación. Este plug-in está basado en la noción de detectar aquellas entidades no definidas en el código y ordenar correctamente la información contextual que se puede recabar de ellas, utilizando únicamente el código provisto por el programador. Además de su desarrollo, el presente trabajo concluye con una versión que soluciona parcialmente el problema, dejando de lado exclusivamente las características más modernas del lenguaje Java, y se presentan las posibles alternativas de extensión y sus ventajas comparativas de acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos.
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Migrace na Angular 6 v projektu InfiSpectorVeškrna, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
The primary goal of this diploma thesis is to migrate project InfiSpector to anewer version of Angular framework. In the begining is described project InfiSpec-tor itself followed by an analysis of Angular framework, Druid database, streamingplatform Kafka and Test Driven Development process. Metodology chapter presentsan outline of theoretical plan for a practical part. The practical part describes theprocess of project InfiSpector migration and presents solutions for obstacles met onthe way. The conclusion summarizes thesis results.
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Padrões de testes automatizados / Automated Test PatternsBernardo, Paulo Cheque 04 July 2011 (has links)
A qualidade dos sistemas de software é uma preocupação de todo bom projeto e muito tem se estudado para melhorar tanto a qualidade do produto final quanto do processo de desenvolvimento. Teste de Software é uma área de estudo que tem crescido significativamente nos últimos tempos, em especial a automação de testes que está cada vez mais em evidência devido à agilidade e qualidade que pode trazer para o desenvolvimento de sistemas de software. Os testes automatizados podem ser eficazes e de baixo custo de implementação e manutenção e funcionam como um bom mecanismo para controlar a qualidade de sistemas. No entanto, pouco conhecimento sobre a área e erros comuns na escrita e manutenção dos testes podem trazer dificuldades adicionais aos projetos de software. Testes automatizados de baixa qualidade não contribuem efetivamente com o controle de qualidade dos sistemas e ainda demandam muito tempo do desenvolvimento. Para evitar esses problemas, esta dissertação apresenta de forma crítica e sistemática as principais práticas, padrões e técnicas para guiar o processo da criação, manutenção e gerenciamento dos casos de testes automatizados. Inicialmente, são feitas comparações entre a automação de testes e outras práticas de controle e garantia de qualidade. Em seguida, são apresentados os problemas e soluções mais comuns durante a automação de testes, tais como questões relacionadas a tipos específicos de algoritmos, sistemas com persistência de dados, testes de interfaces de usuário e técnicas de desenvolvimento de software com testes automatizados. Para finalizar, a dissertação traz uma reflexão sobre o gerenciamento e a abordagem da automação de testes para tornar o processo mais produtivo e eficaz. / The quality of software systems is a concern of every good project and much has been studied to improve the quality of the final product and process development. Software Testing is an increasing area, especially test automation, which is in evidence due to the speed and quality that it may bring to the development of software systems. Automated tests can be effective and can have a low cost of implementation and maintenance to ensure and control the quality of the systems. However, little knowledge about the area and common errors in writing and maintaining tests may bring additional difficulties to the software projects. Low quality automated tests do not contribute effectively to quality control systems and still take a long time of development. To avoid these problems, we present critically and systematically the core practices, standards and techniques to guide the process of creation, maintenance and management of automated test cases. Initially, comparisons are made between the test automation, other control practices, and quality assurance. Next, we present the most common problems and solutions for the automation of tests, such as issues related to specific types of algorithms, systems with data persistence, testing user interfaces and techniques for software development with automated tests. Finally, this essay reflects on the management and approach to test automation to make the process more productive and effective.
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Padrões de testes automatizados / Automated Test PatternsPaulo Cheque Bernardo 04 July 2011 (has links)
A qualidade dos sistemas de software é uma preocupação de todo bom projeto e muito tem se estudado para melhorar tanto a qualidade do produto final quanto do processo de desenvolvimento. Teste de Software é uma área de estudo que tem crescido significativamente nos últimos tempos, em especial a automação de testes que está cada vez mais em evidência devido à agilidade e qualidade que pode trazer para o desenvolvimento de sistemas de software. Os testes automatizados podem ser eficazes e de baixo custo de implementação e manutenção e funcionam como um bom mecanismo para controlar a qualidade de sistemas. No entanto, pouco conhecimento sobre a área e erros comuns na escrita e manutenção dos testes podem trazer dificuldades adicionais aos projetos de software. Testes automatizados de baixa qualidade não contribuem efetivamente com o controle de qualidade dos sistemas e ainda demandam muito tempo do desenvolvimento. Para evitar esses problemas, esta dissertação apresenta de forma crítica e sistemática as principais práticas, padrões e técnicas para guiar o processo da criação, manutenção e gerenciamento dos casos de testes automatizados. Inicialmente, são feitas comparações entre a automação de testes e outras práticas de controle e garantia de qualidade. Em seguida, são apresentados os problemas e soluções mais comuns durante a automação de testes, tais como questões relacionadas a tipos específicos de algoritmos, sistemas com persistência de dados, testes de interfaces de usuário e técnicas de desenvolvimento de software com testes automatizados. Para finalizar, a dissertação traz uma reflexão sobre o gerenciamento e a abordagem da automação de testes para tornar o processo mais produtivo e eficaz. / The quality of software systems is a concern of every good project and much has been studied to improve the quality of the final product and process development. Software Testing is an increasing area, especially test automation, which is in evidence due to the speed and quality that it may bring to the development of software systems. Automated tests can be effective and can have a low cost of implementation and maintenance to ensure and control the quality of the systems. However, little knowledge about the area and common errors in writing and maintaining tests may bring additional difficulties to the software projects. Low quality automated tests do not contribute effectively to quality control systems and still take a long time of development. To avoid these problems, we present critically and systematically the core practices, standards and techniques to guide the process of creation, maintenance and management of automated test cases. Initially, comparisons are made between the test automation, other control practices, and quality assurance. Next, we present the most common problems and solutions for the automation of tests, such as issues related to specific types of algorithms, systems with data persistence, testing user interfaces and techniques for software development with automated tests. Finally, this essay reflects on the management and approach to test automation to make the process more productive and effective.
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MIMO Massif : transformer le concept en réalité en exploitant la réciprocité du canal / Massive MIMO : turning concept into reality by exploiting the channel reciprocityJiang, Xiwen 04 October 2017 (has links)
Entrées multiples, sorties multiples (MIMO) massif est considéré comme l'une des technologies clés de la prochaine génération de communications sans fil. Afin d'effectuer des algorithmes de formation de faisceau en liaison descendante (DL) avec un grand réseau d'antennes, le plus grand défi est l'acquisition d'informations précises d'état de canal à l'émetteur (CSIT). Pour relever ce défi, le duplex à division temporelle (TDD) est favorable aux systèmes MIMO massif grâce à sa réciprocité de canal de la DL et la liaison montante (UL). Cependant, alors que le canal physique dans l'air est réciproque, les front-ends de radiofréquence (RF) dans les émetteurs-récepteurs ne le sont pas ; par conséquent, la calibration devrait être utilisée dans des systèmes pratiques pour compenser l'asymétrie matérielle RF. Dans cette thèse, nous nous efforçons de transformer le concept MIMO massif en réalité en utilisant la calibration de la réciprocité TDD. Les contributions peuvent être résumées comme suit. Tout d'abord, nous proposons un cadre unifié pour la calibration de la réciprocité, qui généralise diverses méthodes de calibration existant dans la littérature, offrant une vue supérieure sur le problème de calibration ainsi que l'ouverture de nombreuses innovations sur les méthodes de calibration. Deuxièmement, sur la base de cette représentation générale, nous proposons trois nouveaux schémas de calibration : une méthode de calibration rapide basée sur le groupement d'antennes, un schéma de calibration pour l'architecture hybride de formation de faisceau, ainsi qu'un mécanisme de suivi des paramètres de calibration et de surveillance de la santé du système qui permet une détection rapide du changement de paramètre. Troisièmement, nous avons effectué des mesures des paramètres de calibration sur une plate-forme réelle afin de révéler les propriétés matérielles. Quatrièmement, nous étudions, du point de vue du système, avec quelle précision un système MIMO massif TDD devrait être calibré. Enfin, grâce à la calibration de réciprocité TDD, nous avons construit un banc d’essai pour MIMO massif, qui est compatible avec l'évolution à long terme (LTE) basé sur la plate-forme « open source » OpenAirInterface, et peut directement fournir un service Internet à un appareil commercial. Le banc d'essai démontre la faisabilité d'intégrer le MIMO massif dans les normes actuelles du projet de partenariat de troisième génération (3GPP) et son utilisation dans le 5G peut être une évolution à partir des systèmes 4G actuels. / Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) is considered as one of the key technologies that will enable the next generation of wireless communications. In order to perform downlink (DL) beamforming algorithms with large antenna arrays, the biggest challenge is the acquisition of accurate channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT). To take up this challenge, time division duplex (TDD) is favorable to massive MIMO systems thanks to its channel reciprocity in DL and uplink (UL). However, while the physical channel in the air is reciprocal, the radio-frequency (RF) front-ends in transceivers are not; therefore, calibration should be used in practical systems to compensate the RF hardware asymmetry. In this thesis, we focus on turning massive MIMO concept into reality based on TDD reciprocity calibration. The contributions can be summarized as follows. First, we propose a unified framework for reciprocity calibration, which generalizes various calibration methods existing in literature, providing a higher level view on the calibration problem as well as opening up possibilities of numerous innovations on calibration methods. Second, based on this general representation, we propose three new calibration schemes: a fast calibration method based on antenna grouping, a calibration scheme for hybrid beamforming architecture, as well as a calibration parameter tracking and system health monitoring mechanism which allows fast detection of parameter change. Third, we carried out measurements of calibration parameters on a real platform in order to reveal the hardware properties. Fourth, we study, from a system point of view, how accurately a TDD massive MIMO system should be calibrated. Last but not least, enabled by TDD reciprocity calibration, we build up an open source long term evolution (LTE) compatible massive MIMO testbed based on the OpenAirInterface platform, which can directly provide Internet service to a commercial device. The testbed demonstrates the feasibility of integrating massive MIMO into current 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standards and its usage in 5G can be a smooth evolution from current 4G systems.
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Test First Model-Driven DevelopmentShappee, Bartlett A 26 April 2012 (has links)
Test Driven Development (TDD), Model-Driven Development (MDD), and Test Case Generation with their associated practices and tools each in their own right promise to deliver robust higher quality code more economically then other approaches. These process are not mutually exclusive but are not typically used together. This thesis develops a combined approach using complimentary aspects of each of the above three process. Test cases are described, generated, and then injected back into the model, which is then used to produce the test and production code. We have enhanced a model-driven tool to support the approach, adding a test case generator, capable of understanding augmented MDD software model and utilizing the constraints captured in our test-centric language to generate model-level test cases back into the model. Our results show that, with a reduction in overall effort one can produce a tested model-based system in which its test and implementation for multiple platforms such as C and Java, using one of multiple test xUnit frameworks.
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