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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study of the Self-Efficacy of Personalized Learning as a Remediation Tool in Algebra

January 2015 (has links)
abstract: Over the past 25 years, efforts have been made to integrate technology into teaching and learning. In particular, the personalized learning approach has sought to leverage technology to deliver instruction that is adaptive to the learner and personalized learning environments were used as tools in tailoring instruction to match learner needs. Typically, personalized instruction has been delivered using technology, such as the computer. However, little research has focused on using personalized learning as a tool for remediation. The goal of this study was to empirically investigate the efficacy of personalized learning in Algebra as a remediation tool. This study used a mixed-methods approach to analyze satisfaction with the learning environment, perception of and attitudes toward the content being delivered, and the reported overall experience and the personalized experience in the context of two versions of a computer-based multimedia Algebra learning environment. A total of 117 high school students in grades 10 through 12 participated on a voluntary basis. They had previously taken an introductory Algebra course and were now enrolled in a different math course. The students were assigned to one of two conditions: (a) the computer-based multimedia learning environment on the personalized learning platform known as Personalized Learning and (b) the same learning environment without the Personalized Learning platform. In addition to completing a pre- and post-test, participants were administered attitudinal surveys. Results indicated no knowledge gains in either group at the post-test assessment. Further, analyses by gender and race also did not reveal any significant differences among the groups. However, survey results indicated one significant finding: the students exposed to the personalized learning environment had more positive perceptions towards personalized learning than towards the overall experience with the learning environment. Implications for these results and further goals for this line of research are discussed in greater detail within the context of personalized learning, user experience, and social aspects of learning. This work also provides opportunities in helping educators choose adequate tools for teaching and delivering instruction tailored to learners’ needs. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Educational Technology 2015

Concussion Awareness Education: A Design and Development Research Study

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: This research study looks at the design and development of an online concussion awareness education module. The Keep Your Head in the Game: Concussion Awareness Training for High School Athletes, or Brainbook, is a stand-alone e-learning module designed to run for fifty minutes and to be highly interactive using short video clips with associated comments as well as polling features to allow students to experience the content as they are learning. It was designed to provide the instruction through a framework that resembles social networking to increase relevance and engagement to the high school student-athlete population it was created for. The content is delivered through the presentation of an online conversation or a "feed" where characters with varying attitudes towards concussion, with contributions from a doctor and professional athlete, discuss concussions from their experiences and beliefs. The instructional goals of the module are to increase the athletes understanding and personal application of the causes and effects of concussions, and to motivate a change in attitude and behavior related to the perception, recognition, and care of head injuries. The design and development of this online educational module followed the tenets of design and development research as determined by Richey and Klein (2007), where the tasks of completing the design and development of the product were combined with studying the process. The study focused on what could be learned during the phases of design and development, identifying challenges that were encountered designing education that resembles social networking, testing the effectiveness of the module in relation to meeting the instructional objectives, and creating guidelines and best practices that contribute to the field of instructional design. This design and development project was found to be a success by the design team, the client, and outside entities. Findings of the study include a breakdown of the most impactful decisions made by the design team in the design and development process, the results of the team member and client interviews to provide additional insight into the process, and results from the student athlete post-module design and attitude surveys informing if attitude change indeed occurred as a result of this educational intervention. Brainbook also received much coverage in the media and has progressed on to version 2.0, additional measures of success of the project. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Educational Technology 2016

Building Adaptation and Error Feedback in an Intelligent Tutoring System for Reading Comprehension of English Language Learners

January 2017 (has links)
abstract: Many English Language Learner (ELL) children struggle with knowledge of vocabulary and syntax. Enhanced Moved by Reading to Accelerate Comprehension in English (EMBRACE) is an interactive storybook application that teaches children to read by moving pictures on the screen to act out the sentences in the text. However, EMBRACE presents the same level of text to all users, and it is limited in its ability to provide error feedback, as it can only determine whether a user action is right or wrong. EMBRACE could help readers learn more effectively if it personalized its instruction with texts that fit their current reading level and feedback that addresses ways to correct their mistakes. Improvements were made to the system by applying design principles of intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs). The new system added features to track the student’s reading comprehension skills, including vocabulary, syntax, and usability, based on various user actions, as well as features to adapt text complexity and provide more specific error feedback using the skills. A pilot study was conducted with 7 non-ELL students to evaluate the functionality and effectiveness of these features. The results revealed both strengths and weaknesses of the ITS. While skill updates appeared most accurate when users made particular kinds of vocabulary and syntax errors, it was not able to correctly identify other kinds of syntax errors or provide feedback when skill values became too high. Additionally, vocabulary error feedback and adapting the complexity of syntax were helpful, but syntax error feedback and adapting the complexity of vocabulary were not as helpful. Overall, children enjoy using EMBRACE, and building an intelligent tutoring system into the application presents a promising approach to make reading a both fun and effective experience. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Computer Science 2017

Fyysisen aktiivisuuden mittausmenetelmien testaus ja käytettävyys ikääntyneillä

Jussi-Pekka, R. (Reetta) 23 March 2017 (has links)
Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena oli selvittää, mitkä fyysisen aktiivisuuden mittausmenetelmät soveltuvat käytettävyydeltään parhaiten ikääntyneille. Tavoitteena oli saada käyttäjäkokemuksia ikääntyneiltä tutkimuksessa käytettävistä fyysisen aktiivisuuden mittausmenetelmistä. Tutkimukseen osallistui seitsemän yli 65-vuotiasta testihenkilöä. He osallistuivat kolmen päivän tutkimusjaksolle, jonka aikana he käyttivät oman arkensa keskellä Polar Loop -aktiivisuusmittaria, Accupedo-älypuhelinsovellusta ja Omron walking style 3 -askelmittaria. Lisäksi tutkimuksen kohdejoukko täytti päiväkirjaa ja vastasi alku- ja loppukyselyyn. Kyselyn avulla selvitettiin fyysisen aktiivisuuden mittausmenetelmien käytettävyyttä ja testihenkilöiden käyttäjäkokemuksia mittausmenetelmistä. Kohdejoukon keski-ikä oli 74,9 vuotta (SD 4,9). Naisten osuus oli 57 %. Aktiivisuusmittarin, älypuhelinsovelluksen ja askelmittarin välillä oli huomattavia eroja mitattujen askelmäärien välillä. Aktiivisuusmittari antoi suurimman askelmäärän 81 % kaikista tutkimusjakson päivistä. Tutkimukseen osallistujat arvostivat käytettävyydeltään ja luotettavuudeltaan eniten Polar Loop -aktiivisuusmittaria. Aktiivisuusmittari oli ominaisuuksiltaan ja käytettävyydeltään ikääntyneille sopivin fyysisen aktiivisuuden mittausmenetelmä. Askelmittari ja älypuhelinsovellus olivat ikääntyneille haastavia käyttää ja niitä pidettiin yleisesti epäluotettavina. / The main object of this study was to find out which activity measurement methods have the best usability among elderly. The aim was to collect user experience data from elderly on the selected activity measurement methods used in this study. Seven participants aged over 65 years participated this study. All of them attended a three-day trial period, during which they used the following measurement methods to follow their normal daily life activity: Polar Loop activity meter, Accupedo smartphone application and Omron walking style 3 pedometer. In addition, the participants filled out a diary and answered a questionnaire on usability and personal experiences of the measurement methods. Average age of the participants was 74,9 (SD 4,9) years and 57% were woman. There were significant differences in the number of steps measured by activity meter, smartphone application and pedometer. The activity meter gave the biggest number of steps in 81% of the cases. The participants appreciated most the usability and reliability of the Polar Loop activity meter. The activity meter was found to be the most suitable physical activity measurement method for elderly by its properties and usability. Pedometer and smartphone application were experienced challenging to use and unreliable.

Fyysinen aktiivisuus terveyttä edistävänä tekijänä:terveysteknologisten sovellusten vaikutus

Karjalainen, K. (Katja) 08 July 2013 (has links)
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää valmisteilla olleen laajan väestötasoisen liikuntatutkimuksen toteutettavuutta pilottitutkimuksen avulla. Tavoitteena oli määritellä mittausproseduurin resurssitarvetta erilaisilla mittauskokoonpanoilla sekä arvioida seuranta-palautejärjestelmän toimivuutta ja käyttökelpoisuutta kuuden kuukauden liikuntaintervention aikana. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli tutkia eri monitorointilaitteiden (syke-, askel- ja aktiivisuusmittari), seuranta-palautejärjestelmän eri vastaustapojen (sähköposti tai matkapuhelimen tekstiviesti) ja eri raportoimisaikojen (1 viikko tai 3 viikkoa) sekä käyttäjän saaman palautteen vaikutusta liikunta-aktiivisuuteen ja kehon antropometrisiin muuttujiin. Tutkimukseen osallistui 60 vapaaehtoista testihenkilöä. Heidät jaettiin satunnaisesti ryhmiin raportoimisajan, monitorointilaitteen, vastaustavan sekä palaute/ei palautetta mukaisesti. Testihenkilöille suoritettiin tutkimuksen alussa ja lopussa mittaukset (aerobinen kestävyyskunto, paino, vyötärön ympärys, lantion ympärys, verenpaine, puristusvoima) sekä pyydettiin arvio omasta kunnosta ja terveydentilasta. Lisäksi tutkittavat saivat kuntoarviotaan vastaavan liikuntaohjeen, päiväkirjataulukon sekä laiteopastuksen monitorointilaitteeseensa. Testihenkilöt saivat monitorointilaitteen käyttöönsä tutkimuksen (6kk) ajaksi. Seuranta-palautejärjestelmän henkilökohtaisen sivun avulla testihenkilöt pystyivät tarkastelemaan liikuntasuorituksiaan ja vertaamaan suorituksiaan toisiin ryhmätasolla. Järjestelmän seurantajakson pituus oli kolme viikkoa. Seuranta-palautejärjestelmä lähetti palautteen viikossa kertyneiden liikuntasuoritusten lukumäärä perusteella. Tutkimuksessa saatiin lupaavia tuloksia vähän liikkuvien osalta. Fyysinen aktiivisuus (MET-min/vko) kasvoi LOWACT-ryhmällä 180 % ja MODACT-ryhmällä 30 %. HIGHACT-ryhmällä fyysinen aktiivisuus laski 29 %. Aerobinen kunto (VO₂max) kasvoi 6 % LOWFIT-ryhmässä ja laski 4 % HIGHFIT-ryhmässä. Tutkimuksen perusteella vaikuttaa, että monitorointilaitteiden sekä seuranta- ja palautejärjestelmän muodostama konsepti on toimiva ja sillä voi olla kansanterveydellistä merkitystä väestötason liikunta-aktiivisuuden lisäämiseksi. / The purpose of this pilot study was to investigate the feasibility of a larger population based physical activity intervention study. The aims were to define the resources needed for measurement procedure in different measurement settings and to assess functionality and usability of the questionnaire and feedback system during a 6-month health-promoting exercise training program. Also aim was to study how the different monitoring devices (heart rate monitor, pedometer, activity meter), reporting methods (e-mail or text message), reporting intervals (1 week or 3 weeks) and feedback influenced on the level of physical activity and antropometric variables. The study population consisted of 60 voluntary healthy subjects. The subjects were randomized to subgroups based on reporting interval, monitoring device, reporting method and feedback. Measurements of aerobic fitness, weight, waist circumference, hip circumference, blood pressure and hand grip force were performed to study subject in the beginning and in the end of the study. Also self-reported physical fitness level and health status were gathered. The subject were given exercise training program corresponding to their reported fitness level, diary in which to mark their physical activity and were taught how to use their monitoring device. The monitoring device was given to study subjects for the duration of the study (6 months). The study subjects were able to observe their own physical activity and compare their activity with that of others in the study population with the aid of the feedback systems personal web page. The length of the feedback systems follow up period was three weeks. The feedback system sent feedback to the study subjects based on the number of physical activity events accumulated during one week. The study gave promising results in the low physical activity subgroup. Physical activity (MET-min/week) increased by 180 % in the LOWACT group compared to 30% in the MODACT group. In the HIGHACT group physical activity decreased by 29%. The subjects in the LOWFIT group increased their aerobic fitness (VO₂max) by 6%, whereas aerobic fitness decreased 4% in the HIGHFIT group. Based on the study, it appears that the concept consisting of a combination of monitoring devices and feedback system is feasible and may have significance to public health in promoting physical activity in the general population.

A study of scalp ringworm in the Western Cape

Neil, Gail January 1991 (has links)
Thesis (Masters Diploma (Medical Technology)) -- Cape Technikon, Cape Town, 1991 / Scalp ringworm, a potentially disfiguring and emotionally traumatic disease of childhood, appears to have attained an unacceptably high incidence in the southern and Western Cape. This study examined aspects of tinea capitis and was undertaken in four distinct sections, each evolving from the prior study. Attempts were made to establish the local incidence, the clinical presentation and the causative dermatophytes; to ascertain the effects of geographical influences on this spectrum of organisms; to determine the number of fungal carriers within certain communities and to examine both in-vivo and in-vitro effects of easy-to-use, topical preparations on this group. On examining the incidence, it was shown that approximately 3% of children seen at the Red Cross Children's Hospital in Rondebosch attend specifically for scalp ringworm but many more, particularly of low socio-economic backgrounds remain untreated (Neil, 1987). Random visits to primary schools along the West Coast and to childcare institutions in the Cape Peninsula revealed an infection rate as high as 53% and 29% respectively. Following examination of the varied clinical presentations evoked by infection with T.violaceum, the predominant manifestation of disease was shown to be various degrees of scalp scaling. The findings highlighted the often subtle and easily overlooked clinical presentations which presumably contributed to the high prevalence of this disease amongst the community. Laboratory investigation revealed the major aetiological agent to be the anthropophilic fungus, T.violaceum (92%). This was followed by M.canis and M.audouinii constituting only 2,8% and 1,7% of isolates respectively. Small numbers of seven other dermatophytes, including T.verrucosum, T.yaoundei, T.mentagrophytes, T.schoenleinii, T.tonsurans, M.gypseum and E.floccosum, were also isolated. Examination of geographical influences showed that none of the associated factors, with particular reference to altitude and climate, appeared to exert any discernible effect on the prevailing dermatophyte species in any particular region.

Prophylaxis against adenovirus pneumonia : a laboratory investigation

Lambrick, Maureen January 1991 (has links)
Thesis (Masters Diploma Technology (Medical Technology)) -- Cape Technikon, Cape Town, 1991 / Adenovirus type 7 (Ad?) is the sub-species of adenovirus most frequently associated with serious illness. In Cape Town, the strain predominantly responsible for infantile pneumonia due to adenovirus is adenovirus type 7c (Ad7c), and it has been the cause of several outbreaks of nosocomial infection in the respiratory unit at the Red Cross War Memorial Hospital for Children.. This study explored two strategies which could possibly assist in the prevention of the spread of adenovirus infection in the hospital environment. The guanosine analog, 9-(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl) guanine (DHPG) is a highly effective antiviral agent against herpesviruses. It has also been reported that this drug could have therapeutic potential with regard to adenovirus infections. Based on this postulate, it was decided to perform in vitro studies to evaluate the antiviral activity of DHPG against Ad7c. DHPG was tested for it's inhibitory potential against the replication of Ad7c in cell culture. The virus was propagated in the presence of drug concentrations ranging from 2 pM to 150 pM and the manifestation of cytopathic effect was monitored. Ad7c replication in cell culture was not inhibited by the drug at those concentrations that were tested, although growth ~f herpes simplex virus, used as a control, was significantly impaired. The value of passive immunization in the prevention or amelioration of disease has been well recognized. Commercial preparations of immunoglobulin are not routinely monitored for the presence of antibodies to Ad7c. In this study, 17 batches of intramuscular and intravenous globulin were tested for the presence of neutralizing antibodies specific for Ad7c. The batches, which were randomly selected, were all found to contain high levels of neutralizing antibodies to Ad7c. The conclusions reached were that DHPG will not be an efficacious antiviral agent for treatment of Ad7c infections, but that the implementation of passive immunization to children who are infected or exposed to Ad7c in a hospital ward, may be of help to control the spread of nosocomial infections.

Potassium Release to the Gas Phase during Wood Chip Combustion : Motivated by Small-scale Externally-fired Gas Turbine Power Generation

Ma, Charlie January 2012 (has links)
Validerat; 20120123 (anonymous)

Can the analytical hierarchy process model be effectively applied in the prioritization of information assurance defense in-depth measures? - a quantitative study

Alexander, Rodney T. 17 March 2017 (has links)
<p> Organizational computing devices are increasingly becoming targets of cyber-attacks, and organizations have become dependent on the safety and security of their computer networks and their organizational computing devices. Business and government often use defense in-depth information assurance measures such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and password procedures across their enterprises to plan strategically and manage IT security risks. This quantitative study explores whether the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) model can be effectively applied to the prioritization of information assurance defense in-depth measures. In response to these threats, the President, legislators, experts, and others have characterized cybersecurity as a pressing national security issue. The methods used in this study consisted of emailing study participants a survey requesting that they prioritize five defense in-depth information assurance measures, anti-virus, intrusion detection, password, smart-cards, and encryption, with a range of responses from 1-5 using a Likert scale to consider standard cost, effectiveness, and perceived ease of use in terms of protection of organizational computing devices. The measures were then weighted, based on ranking. A pair-wise comparison of each of the five measures were then made using AHP to determine whether the Likert scale and the AHP model could be effectively applied to the prioritization of information assurance measures to protect organizational computing devices. The findings of the research reject the H0 null hypothesis that AHP does not affect the relationship between the information technology analysts&rsquo; prioritization of five defense in-depth dependent variables and the independent variables of cost, ease of use, and effectiveness in protecting organizational devices against cyber-attacks.</p>

An Examination of CIO Leadership Style and Business Strategy for Business-IS Strategic Alignment| A Correlational Study

Berepiki, Clifford Olobo 10 January 2018 (has links)
<p> Business leaders rely on information technology (IT) and information systems (IS) to stay competitive, and experts agree that the Chief Information Officer (CIO), as the individual responsible for technology optimization, is essential to business success. Based on this understanding, for over 40 years, researchers have invested valuable resources in examining strategic alignment and its antecedents. Although past scholars hint at the likelihood that leadership style influences strategic alignment, no researcher has verified influence in such a relationship. The purpose of this nonexperimental cross-sectional correlational study was to examine the relationship between a CIO&rsquo;s leadership style and strategic alignment when moderating for business strategy. In this research, 145 IT managers who work in the United States completed surveys to share their perceptions of their CIOs&rsquo; leadership style and the realized business and IS strategies. Correlational statistical analyses supported examination of the relationship between three leadership styles (transactional, transformational, and mixed) and strategic alignment for three business strategy types (defender, prospector, and analyzer). Initial findings showed that the leadership style of a CIO had a statistically significant influence on strategic alignment. Following moderation of the relationship by business strategy type, a statistically significant correlation existed between transactional leadership and strategic alignment for analyzer business strategy. However, no statistically significant evidence supported the CIO&rsquo;s leadership style suited for defender and prospector business strategies. In practice, organizations could use the insights from this study to select or develop CIOs with a particular leadership style to match their business strategy in order to increase the chance of success in achieving strategic alignment. Recommendations for further studies included the use of adequate samples for all statistical analysis and the use of a validated model for leadership style assessment.</p><p>

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