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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Redesign av gallervält för Svea Redskap AB : Examensarbete, produktutveckling

Pettersson, Oscar January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

System for Mine Prodding Monitoring

Lindstrand, Johan January 2008 (has links)
Prodding is a procedure which is normally employed in the process of demining. Itis performed by probing the ground in order to detect the presence of sub-surfacemines and/or unexploded ordnances.The Swedish Armed Forces via SWEDEC runs a demining school in Eksjö.The demining school educates personnel from amongst others the Swedish PoliceService and the Swedish Armed Forces in courses involving demining. Prodding isa vital part of their training. The school has experienced problems with teachinggroups of students in prodding. This thesis is a system development of a proddingmonitoring system that will facilitate the teaching of the prodding method bysupervising groups of students individual prodding performances. The monitoringsystem is based on equipping prodders with sensors measuring their motion. Themeasured information is continuously and wirelessly sent from the sensors to asoftware system that visualizes and stores it in a database. / Minpikning är en aktivitet som normalt innefattas som en del av en minröjningsprocess. Minpikning innebär att man lokaliserar landminor eller oexploderad ammunition genom att försiktigt känna sig för i marken med ett spetsigt föremål. Försvarsmakten driver genom SWEDEC amröjskolan i Eksjö. Amröjskolan utbildar personal från bl.a. polisen och försvarsmakten i kurser rörande minröjning och ammunitionsröjning. Ett vitalt moment i utbildningen är att lära ut minpikning, något som de har upplevt svårigheter att lära ut i grupp. Det här examensarbetet är en systemutveckling av ett övervakningssystem som ska underlätta undervisningen i minpikning genom att övervaka en grupp elevers enskilda minpikningsutföranden. Övervakningssystemet bygger på att utrusta minpikar med sensorer som mäter dess rörelser. Den uppmätta informationen förs kontinuerligt och trådlöst från sensorerna till ett mjukvarusystem som visualiserar samt lagrar den i en databas.

Askdeponi i bergrum : Metoder för slurrytillverkning / Deposit of Ashes in Rock Shelters : Methods for Slurry Production

Johansson, David January 2009 (has links)
This thesis work has been carried out at the consultant company Pöyry Sweden AB in Norrköping, whom performs the task for E.ON heating Sweden AB, Händelöverket in Norrköping. The report shows methods to manufacture slurry consisting of fly ash and water. The slurry shall be pumped into several former oil storage rock shelters that E.ON has put into operation for the specific purpose. The ash mixture also develops hydrogen gas in contact with water.The work has aimed to produce different suggestions of methods and equipment that can be used for the objective. Mixing method and security issues were in centre while working with the suggestions. Parts which only indirectly are involved in the slurry manufacturing have been left out.Information has first and foremost been obtained from the Internet and company websites, but also later on through contact with salesmen and persons with knowledge in ash handling. Several references have been investigated. A close visual inspective and thought-provoking educational visit was also conducted.The results of the work are three well-tried main suggestions and one suggestion where a totally different mixing technique is used. Comparable industrial mixing activities are discussed in the beginning of the result chapter, along with some theory in three different mixing technologies. Examples of pumping equipment have also been put together.In the future a lot of work remains. An evaluation of this thesis report should be conducted before the choice of mixing method and equipment is done. Also coordination concerning all sorts of practical and technical details regarding construction work, purchasing and so on, belongs to the work that lies ahead.

Hur elpris och värmelast påverkar fjärrvärmesystem : fallet Göteborg Energi och Volvo Cars

Alsbjer, Markus January 2009 (has links)
Rapporten betraktar energisystemen vid Göteborg Energi (GE) och Volvo Cars, Torslanda. De två systemen integreras som ett system och inverkan av olika åtgärder betraktas. Huvudsyftet är att minska systemkostnaden för det totala systemet. Arbetet är genomfört med kraftbonusmetoden, en marginalsyn på el där all ny elproduktion beräknas ersätta kolkondensproducerad el. Allokeringen för utsläpp vid kraftvärmeproduktion är också beräknad med kraftbonusmetoden. För simulering har optimeringsprogrammet Modest använts. En konstruktion av datormodeller av energisystemen vid Göteborg Energi och Volvo Cars har gjorts. Systemen kan kopplas mot varandra och hur åtgärder som introduceras på det ena systemet påverkar det andra kan studeras. Åtgärder som studerats med hjälp av simuleringsmodellerna: Elpris höjt till europeisk nivå En sammankoppling av fjärrvärmenäten vid Volvo Cars och Göteborg Energi Fjärrvärmekonverteringar vid Volvo Cars Viktiga slutsatser av arbetet: Höjt elpris både ökar vinsten ordentligt och minskar de globala utsläppen för energisystem med både el- och värmeproduktion Sammankoppling av två system är ekonomiskt lönsamt då de ligger nära varandra Fjärrvärmekonverteringar på Volvo lönar sig inte ekonomiskt i dagsläget men blir betydligt mer intressant om elpriset i Sverige ökar till europeiskt elpris Det räcker med att det svenska elpriset ökar till dagens europeiska nivå för att skuggpriset på fjärrvärme skulle bli negativt under sommarmånaderna. Detta under förutsättning att ett kraftvärmeverk ligger på marginalen för värmeproduktion / This report observes the energy systems at Göteborg Energi and Volvo Cars, Torslanda. The systems are integrated as one system and the influence of different measures is evaluated. The main purpose is to reduce the total cost of the integrated system. This work use the power bonus method, a margin perspective view where all additional electricity production is calculated to replace condense power. The allocation for emissions at a combined heat and power plant is also calculated with the power bonus method. The data is simulated with the optimisation program Modest. Using computer models for the energy systems at Göteborg Energi and Volvo Cars the systems have been connected. The results from measures on one of the systems can be evaluated in the complete system. Evaluated measures using the computer models: Electricity price raised to European levels A connection between the district heating networks at Göteborg Energi and Volvo Cars Conversions to district heating in Volvo Cars network Important conclusions in this report: Raised electricity prices increases the profit vastly and reduces the global emissions for energy systems with combined heat and power production Connecting two nearby district heating networks is profitable Conversions to district heating at Volvo Cars is not profitable in the present situation but gains interest if electricity prices in Sweden increases to a European level An electricity price on the present European level is enough to make the shadow prices for heat negative during the summer months if a combined heat and power plant is on the margin for heat production

Designing Emergency Management Training Sessions for C3Fire – Prioritization & Information Searching

Arshad, Muteer, Pervaiz, Tehman January 2009 (has links)
C3Fire is an emergency management system. The purpose of this simulation system is to develop teamdecision making skills and to provide an opportunity for researchers to perform research in a controlledenvironment. Training is a crucial task for developing skills to tackle with emergency situation. Thepurpose of this thesis is to develop decision making by keeping focus on two major areas, namely;making prioritizations and information searching using UAV & Non UAV. Success of dealing withemergency management situation mostly depends on these training factors.The methodology which we adapt to achieve these two training goals are as follow; first we designtraining sessions based on the literature study and research work. These training sessions are fullycapable of achieving desired goals (i.e. prioritization & information searching). Finally we test thesession by playing game with the participants from the real life. In this thesis, theory part discusses literature about C3Fire and theoretical framework explains differentterminologies and methods used in emergency management. Training sessions and their analysis isexplained using theoretical framework. Better ways of communication and prioritization while takingdecisions in emergency situation are discussed. Keywords: C3Fire, Simulation System, Micro World, Teamwork, Situational Awareness, OODA,Prioritization, Information Searching, UAV, Non-UAV

Styrsystem : För en forskningsutrustning

Karlsson, Oskar January 2009 (has links)
The division of Engineering Materials at Linköping University, department of Management and Engineering, conducted a research project concerning Fatigue life of thermal barrier coatings during 2009. During this project equipment to provoke these fatigue failure by rapidly heating and cooling test subjects in cycles, was ordered. Design and manufacturing of the equipment was handled internally at LIU. The equipment was built using a furnace that is lowered and raised over the table where the test subject is placed. To keep the temperature of the furnace a lid slides in place to close the downward facing opening of the furnace when it is in the raised position. On this door there is nozzle that is used to cooling of the test subject by air. To make sure that the equipment can work independently you need an automation controller that can evaluate if movement can occur without danger of collisions. The control system also needs to monitor that all elements are performed according to plan. This degree project is based on a modular system from OPTO 22 and includes the configuration of a PLC that will be supplied with logic and a user interface. The degree project resulted in a graphic interface in which a user can set desired values for different parameters and get information about current values for them. Using the interface the user could also start and stop the running of cycles. An analog interface consisting of a start and stop button is also handled in the project. Logic has been created and tested using simulations of incoming signals. During these tests it managed to transform the equipment from standby to starting position for running cycles, running cycles that can be adapted by the user and to put the equipment in standby position when the user want to power down the system. Apart from this there is also routines to monitor that movements is actually done according to plan and communicates with external systems capable of sending signals. A routine that both transform digital alarms and translate numerical values representing different choices to text messages in the graphic interface has been created.

Computerized maintenance management system

Ruud, Niklas January 2009 (has links)
In this thesis have an implementation of a maintenance program called Computerized Maintenance Management System that has been developed together with the personal from SKF. The work has been conducted for 10 weeks at Sapa Thermal Heat Transfer (Shanghai) Ltd on the maintenance department. Sapa manufacture, sell and deliver to the automobile market. The goal has been to understand and learn how to use the new computer system CMMS. It shall help Sapa to save on doing unnecessary maintenance and make it easier to order spare part, scheduled maintenance and to see the problems and the solution the problems in the CMMS database. My report is limited to parts of the CMMS. The edge guides critical points that are the position transducer and the vertical roller bearing. I describe the failures that can occur and recommend some solutions to the problems. With the creation of different concepts, explanations are given to guide you to the right solution. I give a short introduction to the current maintenance in Sapa and how to update the database through the creating of a user manual directed to Sapa. Interviews have been conducted at Sapa maintenance department with SKF and API Pro personal. The biggest helping tool has been from the CMMS there I have been able to read about current problems with the edge guide. Fact has also been taken from the Internet and material provided by Sapa The report shows a few recommendations and helping tools for how to continue the update in the CMMS for the new hot mill. Optimize the maintenance to the smallest component with the goal of saving money and production time. The reason is that CMMS shall contribute to manage the maintenance so much that the machine should have availability above 90 percent.

Kapacitetsanalys av CFB-pannan vid SCA Packaging Munksund AB / Capacity analysis of the CFB-boiler at SCA Packaging Munksund AB

Elvemo, Kristian January 2009 (has links)
Kraftvärmeverket vid SCA Packaging Munksund AB är ett samarbete mellan SCA och Vattenfall och det består av en ångpanna av typen cirkulerande fluidiserad bädd som togs i drift 2001. Man vill nu genomföra en undersökning om CFBpannans prestanda har förändrats sedan starten, samt en undersökning av pannans maximala kapacitet. Examensarbetet har då bestått av att utföra ett prestandaprov samt ett prov för maximal kapacitet. Arbetet har även innefattat att utarbeta en algoritm för att fiktivt beräkna ingående bränslets fukthalt via rökgasparametrar. CFB-pannan är dimensionerad mot en termisk effekt på 98MW, vid en bränslekvalitet på 55 % fukthalt och värmevärdet 7,3 MJ/kg. Vid denna driftpunkt garanterar panntillverkaren Foster Wheeler en verkningsgrad på minst 90,57 %. Prestandaprovet från 2002 visade på en verkningsgrad på 91,1 %. Resultatet från dessa observationer visade på en verkningsgrad på 92,07 %, att notera är att bränslekvaliteten legat på fukthalten 50 % och värmevärdet 8,48 MJ/kg. Vid framtida produktionsökningar i pappersbruket kommer man samtidigt behöva öka produktionen av processånga. Man har sedan tidigare drifterfarenheter påpekat att man har haft problem med pannans luft/rökgassytem vid höga laster. Resultatet från maxkapacitetstesterna var att pannan primärt begränsas av kvaliteten på bränslet, då detta sätter en begränsning på hur mycket energi som finns tillgängligt. Processmässigt så blev resultatet att motorn till rökgasfläkten samt sandåterföringen var de begränsande enheterna. Vid testet var bränslefukthalten 45 % och man uppnådde då ett ångflöde på 146 ton/h. Det kom även fram att sekundärfläkten inte körts enligt panntillverkarens rekommenderade motorhastighet på 1765 varv/min, den aktuella inställningen har ett synkront varvtal på 1500 varv/min. Att utreda hur mycket effekt som dessa begränsningar låser fast har varit oerhört svårt att ge svar på, och vad gäller tidsramen för arbetet så har det inte kunnat grävas djupare i denna problemställning. En teoretisk analys har däremot utförts på maximal kapacitet vid olika bränslefukthalter, se Figur 33 och Figur 34 på sidan 78. Dessa figurer belyser hur viktig kvaliteten på bränslet är för att pannan skall kunna ha en möjlighet att leverera en hög last. Då hanteringen av bränslet för att minimera kvalitetsförluster är något man kan påverka med enklare metoder, är rekommendationen att man startar en projektgrupp som ser över bränslehanteringen för att minimera kvalitetsförluster vid egen kortvarig lagring. / The combined heat and power plant at SCA Packaging Munksund AB is a collaboration between SCA and Vattenfall and it consists of a steam boiler with a circulating fluidized bed which was taken in to service in 2001. Today the company wants to make an evaluation about if there is any changes in the CFPboilers performance since the start, they would also like an evaluation about the maximum capacity. The examination work has then been about executing a performance test and a maximum capacity test. The work has also included the construction of an algorithm that would fictively calculate the content of moisture for the in fed biofuel through the fluegas parameters. The CFB-boiler is dimensioned to have a thermal effect of 98 MW, with the quality of the biofuel having a content of moisture at 55 % and the heating value of 7,3 MJ/kg. At this operation point the boiler constructor guarantees an efficiency of 90,57 %. Evaluations made in 2002 concluded an efficiency at 91,1 %. The results from this report showed an efficiency at 92,07 %, one should then note that the biofuel quality then had a content of moisture at 50,05 % and a heating value at 8,48 MJ/kg. Future increases in the mills production will mean that they also need to increase the steam production as well. From earlier experiences with the boilers capacity, operators have countered problems with the air/fluegas-system at high loads. The primary result from the maximum capacity test is that the quality of the biofuel sets the limit for how well the boiler can perform. The secondary results indicate that the motor for the fluegasfan and that the bedmaterialreentrysystem are the narrow sections. For the test the contest of moisture was 45 % and the produced steam reached 146 ton/h. Something else that surfaced during the report was that the motor for the secondary air fan was not running at the boiler manufacturer dimensioned speed at 1765 rpm, the actual settings had a maximum synchronous speed at 1500 rpm. To investigate how much production capacity that is tied up in the narrow sections is extremely difficult to answer, the timeframe for the report limited the digging for an answer for this question. Instead a theoretical analysis was made on the maximum capacity from a perspective of different contests of moisture for the biofuel, watch Figur 33 and Figur 34 on page 78. These figures cast a light on the importance on the quality of the biofuel, so that the boiler has the ability to deliver high loads. Handling of the biofuel to minimize the loss of quality is something that can be affected with relatively simple methods, the recommendation is that a project group is started that looks over the handling of the biofuel to minimize the quality losses during short time storage.

Handling of Environmental Related Requirements : Awareness and Ability to Act at Small and Medium Sized Electric and Electronic Companies

Lin, Han-Hsuan January 2008 (has links)
Environmental related product requirements are increasing worldwide from government authorities, customers and other stakeholders. For small and medium sized companies manufacturing electric and electronic products it is more difficult compared to bigger companies to meet new product related requirements due to smaller budget, resources and knowledge. This research studies the awareness and ability to act upon changes when small and medium sized companies in Sweden face environmental related requirements. The result is compared to previous conducted studies in a number of Asian countries. The study has been conducted through face-to-face interviews (12 companies), phone interviews (6 companies), and questionnaires (50 companies). After a preliminary literature study and targeting of objective companies interviews were made at first with the questionnaire study based on results from the interviews. In total, respondents from 68 companies participated in this research. Results from the study reveal that companies both in Sweden and Asia experience the same directives from EU and that WEEE and RoHS have had the biggest impact upon companies. Outside the EU market, companies do not comply with the legislations in the same way. There is a difference in how Swedish companies choose to treat environmental related product requirements as compared to electric and electronic companies in Asia. Furthermore, legislations are a very effective form to affect companies’ environmental work and adaptations, especially if it is imposed directly on the product itself. Both Swedish and Asian companies feel they need more education, more information about environmental related product requirements and more support from government authorities in order to cope with increasing demands from customers and legislations.

Motion-based segmentation of image sequences

Farnebäck, Gunnar January 1996 (has links)
This Master's Thesis addresses the problem of segmenting an image sequence with respect to the motion in the sequence. As a basis for the motion estimation, 3D orientation tensors are used. The goal of the segmentation is to partition the images into regions, characterized by having a coherent motion. The motion model is affine with respect to the image coordinates. A method to estimate the parameters of the motion model from the orientation tensors in a region is presented. This method can also be generalized to a large class of motion models. Two segmentation algorithms are presented together with a postprocessing algorithm. All these algorithms are based on the competitive algorithm, a general method for distributing points between a number of regions, without relying on arbitrary threshold values. The first segmentation algorithm segments each image independently, while the second algorithm recursively takes advantage of the previous segmentation. The postprocessing algorithm stabilizes the segmentations of a whole sequence by imposing continuity constraints. The algorithms have been implemented and the results of applying them to a test sequence are presented. Interesting properties of the algorithms are that they are robust to the aperture problem and that they do not require a dense velocity ¯eld. It is finally discussed how the algorithms can be developed and improved. It is straightforward to extend the algorithms to base the segmentations on alternative or additional features, under not too restrictive conditions on the features.

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