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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mechanical Fatigue And Life Estimation Analysis Of Printed Circuit Board Components

Genc, Cem 01 August 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, vibration induced fatigue life analysis of axial leaded Tantalum &amp / Aluminum capacitors, PDIP and SM capacitors mounted on the printed circuit boards are performed. This approach requires the finite element model, material properties and dynamic characteristics of the PCB. The young modulus of the PCB material is obtained from 3 point bending tests, resonance frequencies are obtained from modal tests and transmissibility&amp / #8217 / s of the PCB are obtained from transmissibility tests which are used as fatigue analysis inputs. Step Stress Tests are performed to obtain failure times of the tested electronic components which are also used as the numerical fatigue analysis inputs. Consecutively, fatigue analysis of a sample PCB used in military systems is aimed since it is important to compare the calculated fatigue damage to estimated life limits in order to determine which component(s), if necessary, must be moved to positions of lower damage . For this purpose, power PCB of the power distribution unit used in Leopard 1 battle tank is examined. Numerical fatigue analysis coupled with accelerated life test whose profile is convenient to military platforms is performed. Furthermore, the effects of eccobond and silicone on the fatigue life of the components are also surveyed since these techniques are common in electronic packaging. In addition, mean-time-to-failure values are obtained for the tested components by using Weibull distribution. Finally, sensitivity analysis is performed to indicate the effect of certain parameters on the fatigue life of a sample axial leaded capacitor.

Acoustical Analysis And Design Of Horn Type Loudspeakers

Unal, Ayhun 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Computer aided auto-construction of various types of folded horns and acoustic analysis of coupled horn and driver systems are presented in this thesis. A new procedure is developed for auto construction of folded horn shapes. Linear graph modeling technique is employed for specification of horn driver output in terms of diaphragm velocity or throat pressure. In the final phase of the design procedure, acoustic analysis of folded horns is carried by means of finite element analysis. A commercial software package MSC.ACTRAN is used to calculate directivity patterns and resulting acoustic pressure in the free field. Horn geometry consisting of linear, exponential, hyperbolic and tractrix shapes is automatically constructed by parallel working of Delphi and finite element analysis program. The enclosure bordering the horn contours are considered rigid in the analyses. Maximum number of folding is limited to two. This study is made possible to evaluate the performance of these four types of horn contours for a specified range of frequencies.

Analysis Of Grain Burnback And Internal Flow In Solid Propellant Rocket Motor In 3-dimensions

Yildirim, Cengizhan 01 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, Initial Value Problem of Level-set Method is applied to solid propellant combustion to find the grain burnback. For the performance prediction of the rocket motor, 0-D, 1-D or 3-D flow models are used depending on the type of thre grain configuration.

Development Of A Methodology For Prediction Of Surface Roughness Of Curved Cavities Manufactured By 5-axes Cnc Milling

Celik, Kazim Arda 01 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The surface quality is identified by surface roughness parameters. The average surface roughness (Ra) is used in this study, as it is the most commonly used roughness parameter in the industry. A particular curved cavity of a forging die is selected for the experimental study. Different milling methods are tested. The comparison studies are conducted between 3-axes and 5-axes milling, linear and circular tool path strategies and down and up milling. According to the experimental study, appropriate method is determined for the milling of a particular curved cavity of a forging die. The experimental analysis based on design of experiments (DOE) has been employed by considering cutting speed, feed per tooth and stepover parameters. Multiple linear regression technique is used by which a mathematical formula has been developed to predict the Ra values for milling parameters. The results of the mathematical formula are controlled by conducting test experiments and good correlations are observed between the results of the formula and the results of test experiments.

Development Of An Educational Cfd Software For Two Dimensional Incompressible Flows

Nakiboglu, Gunes 01 August 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The main purpose of this research is to develop a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software to be used as an educational tool in teaching introductory level fluid mechanics and CFD courses. The software developed for this purpose is called Virtual Flow Lab. It has a graphical user interface (GUI) that enables basic pre-processing, solver parameter and boundary condition setting and post-processing steps of a typical CFD simulation. The pressure-based solver is capable of solving incompressible, laminar, steady or time-dependent problems on two-dimensional Cartesian grids using the SIMPLE algorithm and its variants. Blocked-cell technique is implemented to extend the types of the problems that can be studied on a Cartesian grid. A parametric study is conducted using a number of benchmark problems in order to test the accuracy and efficiency of the solver and successful results are achieved.

A Finite Elements Based Approach For Fracture Analysis Of Welded Joints In Construction Machinery

Karagoz, Taner 01 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This study aims to develop a computer program to perform finite elements based fracture mechanics analyses of three dimensional surface cracks in T-welded joints of construction machinery. The geometrical complexity of the finite elements models and the requirement of large computer resources for the analyses necessitate the use of shell elements for general stress distribution optimization. A sub-modeling technique, together with a shell to solid conversion method, enables the user to model a local region and analyze it by defining the weld and crack parameters. It is assumed that the weld material is the same with the sheet metal material and the surface cracks are considered to occur on two weld toes and weld root. The surface cracks are assumed to have a semi elliptical crack front profile. In order to simulate the square-root strain singularity around the crack front, collapsed 20-node three dimensional brick elements are utilized. The rest of the local model is modeled by using 20-node three dimensional brick elements. The main objective of this work is to calculate the mixed mode energy release rates around the crack front for a sub-model of a global shell model by using J-integral method.

Mixed-mode Fracture Analysis Of Orthotropic Fgm Coatings Under Mechanical And Thermal Loads

Ilhan, Kucuk Ayse 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, it is aimed to investigate the mixed-mode fracture behavior of orthotropic functionally graded material (FGM) coatings bonded to a homogeneous substrate through a homogeneous bond-coat. Analytical and computational methods are used to solve the embedded cracking problems under mechanical or thermal loading conditions. It is assumed that the material property gradation of the FGM coating is in the thickness direction and cracks are parallel to the boundaries. The principal axes of orthotropy are parallel and perpendicular to the boundaries. A single embedded crack in the orthotropic FGM coating is investigated analytically assuming that crack surfaces are subjected to either uniform normal or uniform shear stresses. Using Fourier transformations, the problem is reduced to a couple of singular integral equations that are solved numerically to obtain the mixed-mode stress intensity factors, energy release rate and crack opening displacements. To investigate the analytically untractable problems without restrictive assumptions, a computational approach is employed. The adopted computational approach is based on finite element method and displacement correlation technique. Using the computational approach, fracture parameters are obtained considering single and periodic embedded cracking conditions in the orthotropic FGM coatings under mechanical or thermal loads. The results obtained in this study show the effects of material nonhomogeneity, material orthotropy and geometric variables on the fracture behavior of the structure.

Design And Thermo-mechanical Analysis Of Warm Forging Process And Dies

Sarac, Sevgi 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Forging temperature is one of the basic considerations in forging processes. In warm forging, the metals are forged at temperatures about the recrystallization temperature and below the traditional hot forging temperature. Warm forging has many advantages when compared to hot and cold forging. Accuracy and surface finish of the parts is improved compared to hot forging while ductility is increased and forming loads are reduced when compared to cold forging. In this study, forging process of a part which is currently produced at the hot forging temperature range and which needs some improvements in accuracy, material usage and energy concepts, is analyzed. The forging process sequence design with a new preform design for the particular part is proposed in warm forging temperature range and the proposed process is simulated using Finite Element Method. In the simulations, coupled thermal mechanical analyses are performed and the dies are modeled as deformable bodies to execute die stress analysis. Experimental study is also carried out in METU-BILTIR Center Forging Research and Application Laboratory and it has been observed that numerical and experimental results are in good agreement. In the study, material wastage is reduced by proposing using of a square cross section billet instead of a circular one, energy saving and better accuracy in part dimensions is achieved by reducing the forging temperature from the hot forging to the warm forging temperature range.

Effects Of Induction Heating Parameters On Forging Billet Temperature

Durukan, Ilker 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Induction heating is one of the efficient and modern technique for heating raw materials for hot forging process. The induction heating furnaces use electro-magnetic field to transfer energy to the metal workpiece and heat is generated inside the material. The magnetic field can be provided by using induction coil. The power supplied to induction coil, the moving speed of the billet that is called conveyor speed and the coil box hole diameter are the factors affecting the resultant temperature of the heated billet. In this study, AISI 1045 type steel billets with a diameter of &Oslash / 30 mm and length of 100 mm have been heated in a particular induction heater. During heating, effects of different levels of power, conveyor speed and the coil boxes with different hole diameters are investigated. The 125 KW 3000 Hz induction heater which is available in METU-BILTIR Research and Application Center Forging Laboratory is used in experiments. The heating experiments are designed according to 23 Factorial Design of Experiment Method. Multiple linear regression technique is used to derive a mathematical formula to predict the temperature of the heated billet. A good correlation between the measured temperatures that are the results of different sets of induction heating parameters and the predicted temperatures that are calculated by using temperature prediction formula has been observed.

Computational Analysis Of Advanced Composite Armor Systems

Basaran, Mustafa Bulent 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Achieving light weight armor design has become an important engineering challenge in the last three decades. As weapons becoming highly sophisticated, so does the ammunition, potential targets have to be well protected against such threats. In order to provide mobility, light and effective armor protection materials should be used. In this thesis, numerical simulation of the silicon carbide armor backed by KevlarTM composite and orthogonally impacted by 7.62mm armor piercing (AP) projectile at an initial velocity of 850 m/s is analyzed by using AUTODYN hydrocode. As a first step, ceramic material behavior under impact conditions is validated numerically by comparing the numerical simulation result with the test result which is obtained from the literature. Then, different numerical simulations are performed by changing the backing material thickness, i.e. 2, 4, 6 and 8mm, while the thickness of the ceramic is held constant, i.e. 8mm. At the end of the simulations, optimum ceramic/composite thickness ratio is sought. The results of the simulations showed that for the backing thickness values of 4, 6 and 8mm, the projectile could not perforate the armor system. On the contrary, the projectile could penetrate and perforate the armor system for the backing thickness value of 2mm and it has still some residual velocity. From these results, it is inferred that the optimum ceramic/composite thickness ratio is equal to about 2 for the silicon carbide and kevlar configuration.

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