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Rekonstitution der prämaturen Immunoseneszenz-Parameter unter anti-TNF-alpha-Therapie bei juveniler idiopathischer Arthritis / Reconstitution of Premature Immunosenescence in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis treated with TNFα InhibitorsMutterer, Angelika Christina January 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Bei juveniler idiopathischer Arthritis konnte eine prämature Immunoseneszenz nachgewiesen werden. Ein Erklärungsmodell ist, dass die prämature Immunoseneszenz den primären Defekt darstellt, der das Immunsystem zum Versagen der Selbsttoleranz führt. Eine andere Deutungsmöglichkeit stellt die prämature Immunoseneszenz als Folge von chronischer Stimulation und Aktivierung des Immunsystems durch die Autoimmunerkrankung selbst dar.
In dieser Arbeit wurden die Immunoseneszenz-Parameter (naive T-Zellen, RTE, IL-7-Level, TRECs, relative Telomerlänge, Ki-67-Expression) von JIA-Patienten - unterteilt in eine DMARD-Gruppe und eine TNFα-Inhibitor-Gruppe - mit denen von gesunden Vergleichsprobanden verglichen.
Eine fortgeschrittenere Immunoseneszenz bei den Gesunden könnte möglicherweise durch vermehrte chronische Virusinfekte erklärt werden, die jedoch in dieser Arbeit nicht erfasst wurden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte eine potenzielle Rekonstitutionsfähigkeit mit Verbesserung der Immunoseneszenz-Parameter bei DMARD-Therapie demonstriert werden. So trat ein höherer Anteil an naiven T-Zellen und an RTE auf, was vermuten lässt, dass der fortschreitende Verlust der Thymusfunktion bei Patienten mit Autoimmunerkrankung reversibel sein könnte.
Bei Vergleich der TNFi-Patienten mit der DMARD-Gruppe konnte eine weiter fortgeschrittene Immunoseneszenz festgestellt werden. Dies könnte durch die Ansammlung von schwereren, DMARD-refraktären Patienten, aber auch durch die unterschiedliche, aber nicht-signifikante Altersverteilung bedingt sein. Bei längerer Einnahmedauer des TNFα-Inhibitors zeigte sich ein tendenziell stärkeres Auftreten von naiven T-Zellen und RTE, kombiniert mit geringeren Anteilen differenzierterer Subpopulationen. So scheinen TNFα-Inhibitoren die Fähigkeit zu besitzen, die prämature Immunoseneszenz positiv zu beeinflussen oder zumindest eine Verlangsamung des prämaturen Alterungsvorgangs zu bewirken. / In juvenile idiopathic arthritis, a premature immunosenescence was shown. One possible explanation is that premature immunosenescence causes the primary defect which leads to the break-down of self-tolerance. Another possibility is that premature immunosenescence is the consequence of chronical stimulation and immune activation through the disease itself.
For this dissertation, parameters of premature immunosenescence (namely naive T-cells, RTE, IL-7, TREC, RTL, expression of Ki-67) were determined in JIA patients - divided into two distinct groups with and without TNF alpha inhibitor (“DMARD”, “TNFi”) - and compared to healthy controls.
More advanced immunosenescence in healthy subjects might be due to increased occurrence of chronic viral infections, which were not examined here. In DMARD, potential reconstitution with improvement of aging parameters was demonstrated. Higher percentages of naive T-cells and RTE could lead to the hypothesis that the progressive loss of thymic function might be reversible in patients with autoimmune diseases.
In TNFi, parameters indicated more advanced immunosenescence. This could be explained by more severe cases of JIA, refractory to conventional treatment, or slightly, not-significant differences in the age distribution. With longer intake of TNFi, increased percentages of naive T-cells and RTE with decrease of further differentiated subsets were shown. Hence, TNFα inhibitors seem to have the ability to influence the immune system positively or to lead at least to a deceleration of the premature aging process.
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Microbiote intestinal et inflammation : prédiction de la réponse aux anti-TNFα dans les maladies inflammatoires chroniques et modulation de la croissance bactérienne in vitro en réponse au TNFα / Gut microbiota and inflammation : prediction of anti-TNFα response in chronic inflammatory diseases and modulation of bacterial growth in vitro in response to TNFαBazin, Thomas 18 December 2018 (has links)
L’interface hôte/microbiote intestinal est un système d’interactions complexes dont le déséquilibre est associé au développement des maladies inflammatoires chroniques. Les traitements anti-TNFα sont très efficaces dans ces maladies, mais seulement chez certains patients. L’objectif de ce travail était de rechercher un lien entre composition du microbiote intestinal et réponse aux traitements anti-TNFα dans deux types de maladies inflammatoires chroniques, les spondyloarthrites et les maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l’intestin. Nous avons retrouvé des variations de la composition du microbiote intestinal après traitement par anti-TNFα chez des patients atteints de spondyloarthrite et avons identifié un nœud taxonomique prédictif de la réponse thérapeutique à trois mois. Ce nœud taxonomique, l’ordre des Burkholderiales, étant ainsi un biomarqueur potentiellement utilisable en pratique clinique, nous avons déposé une demande de brevet européen, qui est en cours d’instruction. Ce travail a été poursuivi par un nouveau protocole de recherche clinique incluant des patients atteints de spondyloarthrites mais aussi de maladies inflammatoires chroniques intestinales. Ce protocole est financé par le CHU de Bordeaux dans le cadre de l’Appel d’Offre Interne. Il permettra de valider les hypothèses de notre premier travail, en réalisant notamment des PCR quantitatives utilisant des amorces spécifiques de l’ordre des Burkholderiales. Nous avons de plus retrouvé in vitro pour la première fois à notre connaissance une modulation de la croissance bactérienne chez Bacteroides fragilis en réponse au TNFα humain. / The host/gut microbiota interface is a system of complex interactions whose imbalance is associated with the development of chronic inflammatory diseases. Anti-TNFα treatments are very effective in these diseases, but only in some patients. The purpose of this work was to find a link between the composition of the intestinal microbiota and clinical response to anti-TNFα treatments in two types of chronic inflammatory diseases, spondyloarthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. We found variations in the composition of the intestinal microbiota after treatment with anti-TNFα in patients with spondyloarthritis and identified a taxonomic node predictive of the therapeutic response at 3 months. This taxonomic node, the Burkholderiales order, being a biomarker potentially usable in clinical practice, we have filed a European patent application, which is currently under investigation. This work was continued by a new clinical research protocol including patients with spondyloarthritis but also with inflammatory bowel diseases. This protocol is funded by the Bordeaux University Hospital as part of the internal call for tenders. It will validate the hypotheses of our first work, notably by performing quantitative PCRs using specific primers targeting the order of Burkholderiales. In vitro, we have also found for the first time, to our knowledge, a modulation of bacterial growth in Bacteroides fragilis in response to human TNFα.
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Introduction: Current medical treatment for individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia (SCHZ) primarily relies on the inhibition of the dopamine D2 receptor that has been shown to be supersensitive in these patients. Treatment occurs through the use of antipsychotic medication which leads to a number of debilitating dose-dependent side effects, such as weight gain, agranulocytosis, and seizures. Patients diagnosed with SCHZ have also been shown to have increased inflammation in their central nervous system (CNS), particularly within specific brain regions such as the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus. This is in large part due to the interaction between a pro-inflammatory cytokine called tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFa) and microglia, which are resident CNS defense cells. TNFa is a cell-signaling protein, regulates a variety of immune cells, and is involved in the acute phase reaction of inflammation. Upon activation by TNFa secretion, microglial cells switch from being anti-inflammatory (M2) to pro-inflammatory (M1), thereby resulting in neuroinflammation as well as synaptic loss and neuronal death. In this project, we hypothesized oral administration through the diet of a novel TNFa modulator (PD2024) developed by P2D Biosciences, Inc. (Cincinnati, OH) would significantly reduce microglia activation in rats neonatally treated with Polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid (poly I:C). Methods and Results: To test our hypothesis, four groups (Neonatal Poly I:C/TNFa, Neonatal Poly I:C/Control, Neonatal Saline/TNFa, and Neonatal Saline/Control) were intraperitoneally injected with either poly I:C or saline during postnatal days (P)5-7. Poly I:C is an immunostimulant that mimics neonatal infection in humans, which also has been found to be a factor for the development of SCHZ later in life. Between days (P)30-(P)60, the Neonatal Poly I:C/TNFa and Neonatal Saline/TNFa groups were orally administered PD2024 through the diet. After (P)60, brain tissue was evaluated by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and confocal microscopy. Immunohistochemistry was used to label microglial cells in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus with a green fluorescent dye attached to Iba1, a protein that specifically binds to these cells. Upon completion of IHC, tissue was evaluated using a confocal microscope and then analyzed with NIH ImageJ software. Analysis parameters included cell count, sampled cell body fluorescence, and overall image fluorescence. The results obtained showed a significant decrease in microglia activation for the Poly I:C/TNFa group when compared to the Poly I:C/Control group, as well as similarities in activation levels with the Saline/Control group. These results were demonstrated in both sampled cell body fluorescence and overall image fluorescence measurements. Conclusion: This data supports the hypothesis that PD2024 is successful in reducing microglia activation through the modulation of TNFa. Therefore, treatment with a TNFa modulator such as PD2024 alongside of current antipsychotic medication could mediate neuroinflammation and reduce the dose-dependent side effects. This approach could be a promising therapeutic treatment option for those diagnosed with schizophrenia, as well as potentially for other neurocognitive and behavioral disorders.
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