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Larmöverföring via SMSSylvan, Tomas January 2011 (has links)
För många med en inbrottscentral hemma eller på sitt företag kan det vara intressant att i realtid kunna få information om statusförändringar. I vanliga fall kontaktas man av larmcentralen som man är ansluten till, men då oftast enbart vid allvarliga händelser som t.ex. larm eller sabotage och oftast med någon minuts fördröjning.I detta arbete visar jag hur man med enkla medel kan utöka funktionaliteten på sitt larmsystem genom att använda sig av en mikroprocessor och en mobiltelefon. Arbetet resulterar i en fungerande konceptuell enhet med förslag till enkla förändringar för utökad funktionalitet och säkerhet.
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Analysis of the Tropical Tropopause Layer Cirrus in CALIPSO and MLS Data - A Water PerspectiveWang, Tao 2011 May 1900 (has links)
Two mechanisms appear to be primarily responsible for the formation of cirrus clouds in Tropical Tropopause Layer (TTL): detrainment from deep convective anvils and in situ initiation. Here we propose to identify TTL cirrus clouds by analyzing water content measurements from the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) and Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS). Using ice water content (IWC) and water vapor (H2O) abundances we identify TTL cirrus clouds that contain too much ice to have been formed in situ — and therefore must be of convective origin. We use two methods to infer amounts of water vapor available for in situ formation. Clouds with IWC greater than this threshold are categorized as being of convective origin; clouds with IWC below the threshold are ambiguous — they could either form from in situ or still be of convective origin. Applying the thresholds from December 2008 to November 2009, we found that at least 19.2% of tropical cirrus were definitively of convective origin at the tropopause (375 K) during boreal winter. At each level, we found three maxima in the occurrence of convective cirrus: western Pacific, equatorial Africa, and South America. Averaged over the entire tropics (30oS to 30oN), we found convective cirrus occurs more frequently in boreal winter and less frequently in boreal summer, basically following the a decreasing trend from DJF, MAM, SON, to JJA. During boreal summer, we found that only 4.6% of tropical cirrus come from convection. Sensitivity tests show that the thresholds derived at 390 K have the largest uncertainty. At lower levels, especially 375 K, our thresholds are robust.
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Funkce genů rodiny TTL a jejich vliv na tvorbu postranních kořenů Arabidopsis / Funkce genů rodiny TTL a jejich efekt na tvorbu postranních kořenů u ArabidopsisHilgert Delgado, Alois Antonín January 2011 (has links)
The work is focused on the lateral roots, which are an indispensable part of the root system and play a key role in communication with rhizosphere and the efficient exploitation of natural resources. Tetratricopeptide-repeat Thioredoxin-like 3 gene (TTL3) was identified by forward screening based on its gene expression pattern in the search for genes associated with the development of lateral roots in Arabidopsis thaliana. TTL3 also known as VIT (VH1 interacting TPR containing protein), belongs to a family of four paralogues in Arabidopsis showing a very similar arrangement of domains. It seems that this type of proteins is widespread in plants and provides protein-protein signaling as an important component of phytohormone response pathways. The presented diploma thesis is focused on characterization and comparison of expression patterns of the four members of TTL family, through creation of pTTL::uidA (GUS) transcriptional fusions. The promoter area was estimated to be contained in about 2000bp upwards the TTLs coding sequences and transcriptional fusions with uidA gene were individually constructed and transformed into Arabidopsis via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The expression patterns of analyzed genes were microscopically confirmed and allowed comparison among members of TTL gene family with regard...
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Vertical profiling in the west Pacific warm poolNewton, Richard January 2018 (has links)
This thesis consists of three distinct parts of CAST, CONTRAST and ATTREX, which were aircraft and field campaigns in the West Pacific in January-March 2014. The first section comprises of ozonesonde measurements from Manus Island, Papua New Guinea. A contamination issue affected the first 14 ozonesondes, and so particular care was required to characterize the background current, and as a result, a 'hybrid' background current correction was developed, which combines a constant correction with a pressure dependent correction. Collocated measurements with the CONTRAST aircraft - the NCAR Gulfsteam V - suggests the new hybrid correction produces better ozonesonde profiles than the other corrections that are found in the literature. The results of the ozonesonde measurements revealed a low-ozone event, with minimum ozone concentrations of ~12 ppbv, which was coincident with an easterly jet, and traced back to an area of deep convection: clean marine boundary layer air was uplifted into the tropical tropopause layer (TTL) and then advected in the easterly jet across to Manus Island. The second section attempted to find more examples of low-ozone conditions in the TTL from the aircraft data. The ATTREX aircraft - the NASA Northrop Grumman Global Hawk - observed ozone concentrations of ~10 ppbv in the Southern Hemisphere in proximity of tropical storm Lusi. Whole air samples from all three aircraft suggests the low-ozone air had recently encountered the boundary layer, with enhanced concentrations of surface-generated very short lived substances (VSLSs) compared to air with higher ozone concentrations. No low-ozone events were found in the Northern Hemisphere, even in the vicinity of tropical cyclone Faxai. The third section explores the low-ozone events in the WRF-Chem (Weather Research and Forecasting - with chemistry) in order to see whether the model was capable of recreating the low-ozone event measured by the ozonesondes on 21-23 February as a case study. The WRF-Chem simulation did correctly reproduce the large convective storm in a similar area to that observed by satellites, and surface tracers were uplifted in large quantities as hypothesized. However, no evidence of injection of air into the stratosphere was found in the simulation, and, rather than uplift directly from the surface, mixing of air in the boundary layer followed by uplift into the TTL was the main mechanism for producing the low-ozone event.
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Aerosol in the tropical tropopause layerWaddicor, David Alan January 2011 (has links)
This thesis details the ACTIVE campaign in the tropics of northern Australia during 2005-2006 (based in Darwin). The focus of the campaign was to find the influence of tropical convection on the aerosol and chemical content of the Tropical Tropopause Layer [TTL] and the cirrus cloud cover in the area, which is important for the global energy budget. This study details the background climatology of the Darwin region with statistical categorisation of the trace gases and particles. The TTL had regions of extremely high aerosol number concentration, much higher than that of the PBL. The 10 to 1000 nm particle concentrations were as high as 25,000 cm-3 and 100 to 1000 nm were as high as 1000 cm-3. High aerosol concentrations were usually found in cloud-free conditions; cloudy regions were typically low in aerosol number. Wind data and trajectories (BADC) were used to find the origin of the high particle concentrations. Aerosols were found to be nucleating in outflow regions of convective anvils. SO2 oxidation to H2SO4 is a widely accepted mechanism for nucleation. A binary mechanism (H2O-H2SO4), with SO2 as the precursor, was found to be inadequate in explaining the nucleation and growth rates -- tested using an aerosol sectional model. However, it was found, via back trajectory analysis, that the climatology of Darwin was influenced by local and long-range sources, including advection from Indonesia and the Tropical Warm Pool. These distant sources could have introduced condensable matter, with aerosol precursor properties (certain organic compounds). The aerosol model found a condensable precursor concentration of at least 300 pptv was necessary to replicate the observations.
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Komunikační systém malého mobilního robotu / Communication System of Small Mobile RobotPetrov, David January 2012 (has links)
This thesis addresses the problem of wireless transmission between the operator station and the robot. There is a solution presented by way of testing the parameters of wireless modules, compare them in the environment and the draft protocol.
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Komunikační systém malého mobilního robotu / Communication System of Small Mobile RobotPetrov, David January 2012 (has links)
This thesis addresses the problem of wireless transmission between the operator station and the robot. There is a solution presented by way of testing the parameters of wireless modules, compare them in the environment and the draft protocol.
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Signální mechanismy regulace rozvoje postranních kořenů v odpovědi na dostupnost živin v prostředí. / Lateral root development in response to mineral nutrients; signal mechanisms and pathways.Halamková, Daniela January 2013 (has links)
TTL3 gene was identified by forward screening of genes involved in lateral root development in Arabidopsis thaliana based on its expression pattern. TTL3 belongs to the TTL (TETRATRICOPEPTIDE-REPEAT THIOREDOXIN-LIKE) gene family. The diploma thesis is aimed on characterisation of changes in TTL1, TTL3 a TTL4 promotor activities in response to external conditions (availability of nitrogen or phosphorus) that affect root growth. Obtained data should elucidate possible relation among TTL gene expression activities, root growth rate, and apical meristem activity. Nitrogen or phosphorus deficiency triggered changes in root growth and root system morphology of experimental plants. Short-term nitrogen deficiency stimulated root growth. Short-term phosphorus deficiency induced gradual growth cessation in main root and long laterals. Long-term deficiency reduced root growth of both N-deficient and P-deficient plants compared to control. The root system size of N-deficient and P-deficient plant was almost similar. Determination of promotor activity using β-glucuronidase reporter gene showed changes in expression activity and its localization in response to root growth intensity. TTL4 gene promotor activity was the most responsive. Its activity was generally higher in slowly growing roots, particularly under...
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Ondes et turbulence à la tropopause tropicale et impacts sur les cirrus / Waves and turbulence at the tropical tropopause and their impacts on tropical tropopause layer cirrusPodglajen, Aurélien 30 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse aux ondes de gravité et à la turbulence dans la région de la tropopause tropicale (TTL pour tropical tropopause layer, entre 14 et 18 km d’altitude), et à leurs impacts sur les cirrus.Dans un premier temps, les fluctuations de température et de vent vertical induites dans la TTL par les ondes de gravité sont quantifiées et caractérisées à partir de mesures provenant de vols de ballons stratosphériques longue durée. Les perturbations observées sont comparées aux champs de fluctuations résolues par différents modèles atmosphériques globaux. À la lumière des observations, différentes méthodes de paramétrisation des fluctuations de température sont discutées.Dans un second temps, l’influence des ondes équatoriales et de gravité sur la microphysique des cirrus est étudiée. On considère d’abord l’impact des ondes de gravité de haute fréquence sur la nucléation des cristaux de glace. La question du rôle des anomalies de vent vertical induites par les ondes de basse fréquence sur le transport de la glace est ensuite abordée et son impact quantifié à l’aide d’observations in situ. Enfin, on étudie la formation et l’évolution d’un cirrus de grande échelle à l’aide de simulations numériques. Parmi les différents processus en jeu (radiatifs,...), on montre l’importance d’une onde équatoriale de grande échelle dans la structuration et l’évolution du champ nuageux.Dans une dernière partie, les fluctuations de vents de petite échelle dans la TTL, interprétées comme de la turbulence, sont étudiées à partirdes observations avion de la campagne ATTREX au-dessus de l’océan Pacifique. Leur impact sur le transport vertical de différents traceurs est quantifié. Il est inférieur à l’impact de l’upwelling équatorial de grande échelle mais néanmoins significatif. / Atmospheric waves and turbulence and their impacts on cirrus clouds in the Tropical Tropopause Layer (TTL, 14-18 km altitude) are studied using in situ observations, numerical simulations and theoretical approaches.First, long-duration stratospheric balloon measurements are used to analyze Lagrangian temperature and vertical wind fluctuations induced by gravity waves at the tropical tropopause. The amplitude and intermittency of wave fluctuations are assessed, and the observations are compared with resolved wave fluctuations in atmospheric models. Methods to parameterize Lagrangian temperature fluctuations are then discussed.Then, some impacts of waves on cirrus clouds microphysics are examined. We first consider the influence of high frequency gravity waves on the ice nucleation process. Next, we explore the interplay between ice crystal sedimentation and advection by the wind perturbations induced by low frequency waves. At last, we use numerical simulations to investigate the formation of a large-scale cirrus in the TTL. We demonstrate the role of large-scale equatorial waves and quantify the relevance of different processes (dynamics, radiative heating,...) in the cloud evolution.Finally, small-scale wind fluctuations, interpreted as turbulent bursts, are characterized using aircraft measurements from the ATTREX campaign in the tropical Pacific. The impact of the fluctuations on vertical mixing and on the TTL tracer budget is quantified. The vertical transport induced by turbulent mixing is found to be smaller than that induced by mean tropical upwelling, but nonetheless significant.
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Univerzální převodník spojitých analogových signálů / General purpose analog signal converterStrážnický, Martin January 2021 (has links)
This work deals with the design of a galvanically isolated converter of continuous analog signals and the design of a galvanically separated converter of digital TTL signals to HTL signals. The device is complemented by a STM32 microprocessor, which ensures the connection of analog input and output. The result of the work is the circuit structure of individual units, the results of simulations of important units, complete data for the production of device and measured values of individual units.
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