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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A telenovela e a produção de sentidos de identidade brasileira no discurso de imigrantes brasileiros no Japão / The Telenovela and the production of senses of Brazilian identity in the discourse of Brazilian immigrants in Japan

Suzuki, Helen Emy Nochi 16 December 2014 (has links)
A pesquisa investigou a produção de sentidos de identidade brasileira construídos no cotidiano dos brasileiros residentes no Japão com base na análise dos discursos por eles produzidos sobre os temas abordados na telenovela Amor à Vida. O quadro teórico baseouse nos Estudos Culturais (Hall, 2006, 2009, 2012; Bhabha, 1998), na abordagem das Mediações (Martín-Barbero, 2008) e no estudo dos discursos com base nos estudos de linguagem de Bakhtin (2003, 2010). Tratou-se de uma pesquisa de recepção de enfoque qualitativo que adotou como técnica a observação participante. Na pesquisa de campo, foram observadas etnograficamente imigrantes brasileiros no Japão em sua rotina de assistir às telenovelas brasileiras exibidas pelo canal Globo internacional. Com base na análise dos discursos produzidos pelos sujeitos da pesquisa, investigou-se como a telenovela produz sentidos identitários de brasilidade para os brasileiros emigrados que moram em situação, muitas vezes, de não pertencimento social. Analisou-se de que forma os valores, tensões e pautas apresentados na/pela telenovela brasileira constituem-se como influência nas zonas de enfrentamentos e negociações no cotidiano dos sujeitos da pesquisa. A pesquisa demonstrou a centralidade da telenovela como elemento de construção identitária que funciona tanto em nível pessoal quanto em nível de nacionalidade. Os discursos analisados deixam entrever que o fato de os sujeitos da pesquisa viverem há tanto tempo no Japão faz com que eles não apenas se lembrem e se recordem do Brasil através da telenovela, mas também reconheçam nela elementos que os identificam por meio da comparação e da reflexão como brasileiros frente à cultura japonesa na qual estão imersos. Nesse sentido, a análise realizada desvelou que os brasileiros que assistem à telenovela no Japão manifestam em seus discursos sentidos e valores que foram construídos com base em sua matriz cultural brasileira. Porém, tais sentidos e valores são sistematicamente reconfigurados pela situação em que se encontram, divididos entre dois lugares, o de nascimento e o de moradia, entre o Ocidente e o Oriente. / The research investigated the production of senses of Brazilian identity constructed in the daily life of Brazilians living in Japan based on the analysis of the discourse produced for they about the topics covered in the telenovela Amor à Vida. The theory is based on Cultural Studies (Hall, 2006, 2009, 2012; Bhabha, 1998), Mediation approach (Martín- Barbero, 2008) and the analysis of discourse based on the language studies of Bakhtin (2003, 2010). This was a survey of reception of qualitative approach which adopted the technique the participant observation.It was reception research of qualitative approach that used participant observation as method. In the field research Brazilian immigrants living in Japan were observed during their routine of watching Brazilian telenovelas from Globo International television channel. Based on the analysis of discourses from the participants, how the telenovela creates Brazilian identity sense in emigrated Brazilians living in a, most of the time, not belonging situation was investigated. How values, tensions and other topics were presented in the Brazilian telenovela influences in conflicts and daily life of participants was analyzed. The research showed the centrality of the telenovela as an element of identity construction that works both on a personal level as on a national level. The analysis of the discourse showed that the participants are living such a long time in Japan that they not only remember Brazil through the telenovela, but also recognize elements of self identification through comparisons and reflection as Brazilians dealing with the Japanese culture, in which they are immersed. In this sense, the analysis unveiled that Brazilians who watch telenovelas in Japan showed in their discourse meanings and values that were made based in their Brazilian cultural matrix. However, these meanings and values are systematically reconfigured by the situation in which they are living, divided between two places, of birth and of living, West and East.

A telenovela e a produção de sentidos de identidade brasileira no discurso de imigrantes brasileiros no Japão / The Telenovela and the production of senses of Brazilian identity in the discourse of Brazilian immigrants in Japan

Helen Emy Nochi Suzuki 16 December 2014 (has links)
A pesquisa investigou a produção de sentidos de identidade brasileira construídos no cotidiano dos brasileiros residentes no Japão com base na análise dos discursos por eles produzidos sobre os temas abordados na telenovela Amor à Vida. O quadro teórico baseouse nos Estudos Culturais (Hall, 2006, 2009, 2012; Bhabha, 1998), na abordagem das Mediações (Martín-Barbero, 2008) e no estudo dos discursos com base nos estudos de linguagem de Bakhtin (2003, 2010). Tratou-se de uma pesquisa de recepção de enfoque qualitativo que adotou como técnica a observação participante. Na pesquisa de campo, foram observadas etnograficamente imigrantes brasileiros no Japão em sua rotina de assistir às telenovelas brasileiras exibidas pelo canal Globo internacional. Com base na análise dos discursos produzidos pelos sujeitos da pesquisa, investigou-se como a telenovela produz sentidos identitários de brasilidade para os brasileiros emigrados que moram em situação, muitas vezes, de não pertencimento social. Analisou-se de que forma os valores, tensões e pautas apresentados na/pela telenovela brasileira constituem-se como influência nas zonas de enfrentamentos e negociações no cotidiano dos sujeitos da pesquisa. A pesquisa demonstrou a centralidade da telenovela como elemento de construção identitária que funciona tanto em nível pessoal quanto em nível de nacionalidade. Os discursos analisados deixam entrever que o fato de os sujeitos da pesquisa viverem há tanto tempo no Japão faz com que eles não apenas se lembrem e se recordem do Brasil através da telenovela, mas também reconheçam nela elementos que os identificam por meio da comparação e da reflexão como brasileiros frente à cultura japonesa na qual estão imersos. Nesse sentido, a análise realizada desvelou que os brasileiros que assistem à telenovela no Japão manifestam em seus discursos sentidos e valores que foram construídos com base em sua matriz cultural brasileira. Porém, tais sentidos e valores são sistematicamente reconfigurados pela situação em que se encontram, divididos entre dois lugares, o de nascimento e o de moradia, entre o Ocidente e o Oriente. / The research investigated the production of senses of Brazilian identity constructed in the daily life of Brazilians living in Japan based on the analysis of the discourse produced for they about the topics covered in the telenovela Amor à Vida. The theory is based on Cultural Studies (Hall, 2006, 2009, 2012; Bhabha, 1998), Mediation approach (Martín- Barbero, 2008) and the analysis of discourse based on the language studies of Bakhtin (2003, 2010). This was a survey of reception of qualitative approach which adopted the technique the participant observation.It was reception research of qualitative approach that used participant observation as method. In the field research Brazilian immigrants living in Japan were observed during their routine of watching Brazilian telenovelas from Globo International television channel. Based on the analysis of discourses from the participants, how the telenovela creates Brazilian identity sense in emigrated Brazilians living in a, most of the time, not belonging situation was investigated. How values, tensions and other topics were presented in the Brazilian telenovela influences in conflicts and daily life of participants was analyzed. The research showed the centrality of the telenovela as an element of identity construction that works both on a personal level as on a national level. The analysis of the discourse showed that the participants are living such a long time in Japan that they not only remember Brazil through the telenovela, but also recognize elements of self identification through comparisons and reflection as Brazilians dealing with the Japanese culture, in which they are immersed. In this sense, the analysis unveiled that Brazilians who watch telenovelas in Japan showed in their discourse meanings and values that were made based in their Brazilian cultural matrix. However, these meanings and values are systematically reconfigured by the situation in which they are living, divided between two places, of birth and of living, West and East.

La sériephilie en France. Processus de reconnaissance culturelle des séries et médiatisation des discours spécialisés depuis la fin des années 80 / French sériphilia. The cultural recognition of a genre : The discourses on series and their publicisation since the late 80s

Béliard, Anne-Sophie 02 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le développement d’un mouvement sériephile visant la reconnaissance culturelle des séries en France, depuis la fin des années 1980 jusqu’au début des années 2010. Elle propose, dans une approche de socio-histoire des médias, de saisir les logiques d’engagement des acteurs telles qu'elles apparaissent en entretien et à travers les principaux supports de valorisation des séries. Le croisement d’une étude compréhensive des carrières de ceux et celles qui initient des actions de promotion avec l’analyse du contenu de leurs discours permet de tracer la trajectoire du mouvement de défense des séries. Celui-ci s’organise autour de trois moments qui identifient trois « générations ». A la fin des années 1980, dans un contexte de mépris de la télévision, des amateurs de séries qui constituent la première génération entament des carrières de défenseurs qu’ils poursuivent dans les années 1990. On assiste alors à une répartition progressive des sériephiles entre un pôle professionnel et un pôle amateur qui se cristallise autour de l’émergence d’un domaine de presse spécialisé. Une deuxième génération émerge au cours de cette décennie, au travers notamment de collaborations avec la précédente et de nouvelles formes d'actions, qui défend les séries télévisées en lien avec l’idée de culture populaire. La montée, dans les années 2000, des commentaires « profanes » sur les séries et le déclin de la presse spécialisée caractérise le contexte dans lequel émerge une troisième génération. Ce moment voit une inversion des logiques d’engagement envers les séries, entre le « vivre pour » et le « vivre de », et le déplacement des hiérarchies culturelles non plus entre séries et cinéma mais au sein des séries elles-mêmes. / The thesis deals with the "sériephile" mobilization, i.e. the movement for the recognition of series in the French media, from the 80s to the early 2010s. It aims at understanding the logics of action of the main protagonists through semi-structured interviews, while also paying careful attention to a variety of publishing mediums they used. Through a detailed analysis of the careers of those who promoted series and of what they say, we identified three "generations" that structured this mobilization.A first generation came out at the end of the 80s, they promoted series at a moment when TV was broadly stigmatized in France. Throughout the 90s, different mediums are tried out, leading to a gradual specialization between amateurs and professionals, in collaboration with new, younger series lovers. This second generation stood up for series in new ways and advocated the need for a defense of popular culture at large. In the 2000s, a third generation appears, that faces a proliferation of analyses on series through the Internet and the death of the specialized press. While previous generations "lived for" series before they "live on" it, it is now the other way around. At the same time, cultural hierarchies reappear, not between TV series and cinema anymore but within series themselves.

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