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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

School-focussed staff development: opportunities and challenges: a case study

Meer, Naeem Suliaman 28 May 2014 (has links)
This report sets oat to establish the need for a school-focussed staff development programme within South African schools given the changing educational imperatives in teacher education. It challenges the notion that a person with a university degree or teaching certificate is equipped for lifelong service as a teacher, by addressing the role that institutions can play in promoting professional development. The study focuses on the experiences of one school to evince teacher enhancement strategies. The methodology employs observation, interviews and a questionnaire pertaining to both the success of and the need for school-focussed staff development. The study found that the importance o f staff development increases as teachers develop new rationales and create new strategies to fit their particular context and needs. It further found that giving teachers the opportunity to make instructional innovations enhanced whole school development It stresses the need tor educational authorities to devolve more autonomy to schools, by supporting initiatives which integrate staff development and problem-solving approaches. Lastly, it makes recommendations on the induction o f professional dev elopment to facilitate structural and ideological evolution within schools. By locating this within the case study school, it found links between staff development and school achievement. Finally it stresses the need for schools to design programmes to suit fheir particular context. The study concludes by encouraging further research in the area of school-focussed staff development applicable to the South African context

An evaluation of a model of teacher professional development in a science and mathematics intervention programme for teachers and learners

Fair, Andrew George 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa is in the midst of a mathematics and science education crisis that challenges all key role-players. The Institute for Mathematics and Science Teaching at the University of Stellenbosch (IMSTUS), was involved in several university-school partnership (systemic intervention) projects that sought to provide continuing professional development to mathematics and science teachers and to help them make a greater impact on the learners that they teach. One of these intervention projects was the Sciences and Mathematics Initiative for Learners and EducatorS (SMILES) that targeted mathematics and science teachers and learners in under-resourced schools in the Western Cape. The effects of an intervention aimed at supporting and enhancing teacher professional development will only be seen in the learners once teachers have accepted and mastered the pedagogies proposed. Professional development that does not “enthuse, support, train and renew, and encourage” will probably fail. When considering this, the question that must be asked is whether the SMILES project was in fact enthusing, supporting, training, renewing and encouraging. The purposes and aims of the SMILES project with specific reference to professional development of science teachers were to enhance teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge and address the critical issues confronting science education of which three are: constructivist teaching, understanding the nature of science, and scientific argumentation. The characteristics of effective professional development, the core features of professional development and the theoretical constructs to evaluate professional development of teachers were used in this study to evaluate the effectiveness of the model used in the SMILES project. A concurrent version of the mixed method approach was adopted for the collection and analysis of the data. Although causality is always difficult to prove in a school setting because of the many variables that affect student performance, improved student achievement is the ultimate litmus test for teacher professional development effectiveness. Analysis of the National Senior Certificate results of the project schools compared with the National and Provincial results indicated that the project schools on the whole fared better than the National results. The project schools outperformed the national and provincial results for Life Sciences in 2011, 2012 and 2013 by at least four percentage points. The highest result achieved was 85,5% in 2011. In 2012 and 2013 these results were 82,7% and 83,0% respectively. In Physical Sciences the project schools started with results below that achieved nationally (34,7%) and then ended up with a pass percentage within half a percentage point of the provincial result (72,1%). The Mathematics results were not as positive. The project schools started by achieving a 63,4% pass rate and ended with a percentage pass rate of 63,3% having initially taking a dip down to 51,3%. At the end of the intervention the Mathematics results were better than the national results but were 10% lower than the Provincial average. Although it is difficult to pin down the results solely to the effects of the intervention, the comparison with provincial and national results reasonably controls for most of the extraneous variables including variations in enrolments in these subjects. On the affective side it is almost certain that the attitude of the learners and the teachers toward their respective subjects improved during the tenure of the project. This could have had a positive effect on the National Senior Certificate results achieved by the project schools. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika is midde in 'n wiskunde en wetenskap onderwyskrisis wat alle sleutelrolspelers uitdaag. Die Instituut vir Wiskunde en Wetenskaponderwys aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (IWWOUS), was betrokke by verskeie universiteit-skool vennootskapsprojekte (sistemiese intervensie) wat gepoog het om voortgesette professionele ontwikkeling te bied aan wiskunde en wetenskap onderwysers en hulle te help om 'n groter impak op die leerders wat hulle onderrig, te maak. Een van hierdie intervensie-projekte was die Wetenskappe en Wiskunde-inisiatief vir leerders en opvoeders (SMILES) wat wiskunde en wetenskap onderwysers en leerders, in hulpbronarm skole in die Wes-Kaap, geteiken het. Die impak van 'n intervensie wat daarop gemik is om onderwyser professionele ontwikkeling te ondersteun en bevorder, sal eers in die leerders waargeneem kan word, wanneer onderwysers die voorgestelde pedagogieë aanvaar en bemeester. Professionele ontwikkeling wat nie "begeester, ondersteun, oplei en vernuwe asook aanmoedig” nie, sal waarskynlik misluk. Hierdie stelling in ag genome, is die vraag wat gevra moet word, of die SMILES-projek werklik onderwysers begeester, ondersteun, opgelei, vernuwe en aangemoedig het. Die doelstellings en doelwitte van die SMILES projek, met spesifieke verwysing na die professionele ontwikkeling van Wetenskap-onderwysers, was om onderwysers se pedagogiese inhoudelike kennis te versterk en om kritieke kwessies waarmee wetenskap-onderwys gekonfronteer word, aan te spreek. Drie van hierdie kwessies is, konstruktivistiese onderrig, begrip van die aard van wetenskap en wetenskaplike argumentering. Die eienskappe van effektiewe professionele ontwikkeling, die kern kenmerke van die professionele ontwikkeling en die teoretiese konstrukte om professionele ontwikkeling van onderwysers te evalueer, is in hierdie studie gebruik om die doeltreffendheid van die model wat in die SMILES-projek gevolg is, te evalueer. 'n Gelyklopend gemengde-metode benadering is gevolg vir die insameling en ontleding van die data. Hoewel oorsaaklikheid altyd moeilik is om in 'n skoolopset te bewys, as gevolg van die baie veranderlikes wat studente se prestasie beïnvloed, is verbeterde studente prestasie die uiteindelike lakmoestoets vir doeltreffendheid van professionele onderwyser-ontwikkeling. Ontleding van die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat-uitslae van die projek-skole, in vergelyking met die nasionale en provinsiale resultate, dui daarop dat die projek-skole oor die algemeen beter gevaar het as die nasionale uitslae. Die projek-skole het die nasionale en provinsiale skole se resultate vir Lewenswetenskappe in 2011, 2012 en 2013 met ten minste vier persentasie punte oortref. Die hoogste resultaat behaal was 85,5% in 2011. In 2012 en 2013 was hierdie uitslae onderskeidelik 82,7% en 83,0%. In Fisiese Wetenskappe het die projek-skole met resultate onder wat nasionaal behaal was (34,7%) begin, en geëindig met ʼn uiteindelike slaagpersentasie binne 'n halwe persentasiepunt van die provinsiale resultate (72,1%). Die wiskunde-uitslae was nie so positief nie. Die projek-skole het begin met 'n 63,4% slaagsyfer en geëindig met 'n slaagpersentasie van 63,3% na ʼn aanvanklike insinking na 51,3%. Aan die einde van die intervensie was hul Wiskunde-resultate beter as die nasionale resultate, maar 10% laer as die provinsiale gemiddelde. Alhoewel dit moeilik is om die resultate slegs vas te pen aan die gevolg van die intervensie, dien die vergelyking met provinsiale en nasionale resultate as redelike kontroles vir meeste van die eksterne veranderlikes insluitend variasies in inskrywings in hierdie vakke. Op die affektiewe vlak is dit byna seker dat die gesindheid van die leerders en die onderwysers ten opsigte van hul onderskeie vakke verbeter het tydens die projek. Dit kon moontlik 'n positiewe uitwerking op die projek-skole se Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat resultate gehad het.

Supporting foundation phase professional development : a self-study of a Head of Department.

Khan, Rashida Bebe. January 2012 (has links)
This personal history self-study focuses on supporting Foundation Phase teacher learning through professional development in an Independent school context in South Africa. In engaging in this study I am the main research participant who takes the reader through the passages of my early childhood experiences, my schooling, and my training as a student teacher and my practice of being a teacher and a Head of Department at an Independent Muslim School. I investigate how I can use a deeper understanding of my personal history to enhance my understanding of my professional practice and thus to better support Foundation Phase teacher learning through professional development strategies and initiatives in my particular Independent school context. Through this process of deliberate remembering, I uncover many hidden experiences of my early learning, and of becoming a professional, which have impacted on my present practices as teacher and Foundation Phase Head of Department. Key themes that emerge are: a) guidance and inspiration from family; b) evolving from teacher centredness to learner centredness; c) deep-rooted intrinsic motivation; d) teacher mentoring and collaboration; and e) developing greater self esteem and freedom of expression. From these themes I develop questions to spur me on in supporting teacher learning through professional development initiatives in my school context, allowing me to revisit my existing practice. This study illustrates how our lived experiences have helped to shape and continue to reshape our practices as teachers and school managers. The study also shows how we can learn from our personal histories in order to enable us to develop our pedagogical and managerial capacities. / Thesis (M.Ed.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2012.

A critical investigation into the process of negotiating a mathematics education curriculum with pre-service teachers

Westaway, Lise January 2005 (has links)
It's almost like a dinner party and a buffet. A dinner party you get dished up stuff and you eat it and a buffet you can choose what you want out of a range of stuff. I mean think about it when you go to a dinner party- they always dish up something you don't like and you don't want to eat it anyway. It's the same if you have a lecturer in the front that just dishes out what you're going to learn, ... you have to learn it. But in terms of the curriculum negotiation process, I've got to choose what I wanted to leam. (Melissa II 27/11/01: 3) This thesis focuses on the process of negotiating the curriculum with twelve pre-service teachers registered for the Bachelor of Education (Primary) Degree during their Mathematics Education Course in their third year of study. The research is presented methodologically as an action research located within two paradigmatic positions, interpretive and critical. The research attempted to understand, interpret and critique the process of curriculum negotiation within the context of teacher education in South Africa In order to understand the negotiated curriculum process, experiences of the participants are presented through the use of their voices within the thesis. The interpretation is based on the construction and reconstruction of meaning during the enactment of the negotiated curriculum process and during the writing and reviewing of this thesis. The critique is rooted in the historical, cultural and social contexts of both the students and the author. The main contention of this thesis is that curriculum negotiation is not necessarily a suitable vehicle for developing a critical pedagogy in pre-service teacher education when all the participants form a homogenous group in this case, white middle-class women. The democratic values promoted within the context of our curriculum negotiation were fraught with dilemmas and entrenched the values of western liberalism. At most, the curriculum negotiation process and the development of a democratic learning environment, promoted a conscientisation at an individual level, namely a ' transformation of consciousness' . The democratic values promoted in our pedagogy were not sufficient in bringing about social change, a 'transformation for social action'.

Creativity in the teaching of English during the junior primary phase : an analysis of the training programme at the Springfield College of Education

Singh, Selvum 06 1900 (has links)
An emphasis ·on creativity as well as its implications for teacher education is significant for the South African education system. In this study some relevant issues related to the creative teaching of English in the· Junior Primary phase of schooling as well as to the training of teachers are highlighted. The transitional changes that are taking place currently, present a challenge for all educators, particularly language educators. It is evident that teachers need to acquire competencies which would enable them to function effectively in a multicultural, multilingual society. They need to be a skilled, flexible and innovative work-force. The main area of focus. is the training programme used at Springfield College of Education. An analysis of the Junior Primary English Syllabus reveals that there is a need for the programme to be orientated towards the development of creative teachers. This study includes some recommendations for teaching practice and teacher training. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Didactics)

A SCORM compliant e-learning content prototype for the training of OBE mathematics educators in the context of developing countries

Piyose, Xolisa January 2010 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the Master's Degree of Technology: Information Technology, Durban University of Technology, 2010. / The main purpose of this study was to examine how e-learning can help resolve some of the most acute problems that are specific to the nature of the outcomes-based education (OBE) system in developing countries. This was accomplished by investigating the relevant literature on OBE and by designing an e-learning content prototype for the South African version of OBE, with the focus on the training of Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy educators. OBE is an education system centred on the theory of mastery of learning introduced by Bloom in the 1950s. It has been implemented worldwide in primary and secondary schools and also in tertiary institutions. Some studies have shown that OBE is problematic, and that both educators and learners are opposed to this system of education. Existing research also reports that the quality of education in OBE is very poor as compared to that of the traditional education system. This study was an attempt to identify the most acute problems experienced by educators and learners in the OBE context and to design a prototype for e-learning content that can be used in courses in an attempt to solve these problems. The research population of the perceptions survey consisted of Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy educators and learners from the 6 000 primary and secondary schools of the KwaZulu- Natal (KZN) province of South Africa. Eighteen schools formed part of the research sample, with an average of two schools per region (the KZN province is divided into nine regions). Both private and public schools were included in the study. Data for the study were collected from March 2007 to August 2007 in the form of a perceptions survey of 104 educators and 288 learners, yielding an average of six educators and sixteen learners for each randomly selected school. Results from the perceptions survey show that educators and learners do not understand OBE terminology. In addition, educators claim that they are not sufficiently trained for OBE. Research iii participants also report that schools’ basic infrastructure is unsatisfactory, and that their classrooms are overcrowded. Mathematics is perceived as the most difficult subject by both educators and learners. The survey also reveals that most public schools do not have computers and that neither educators nor learners have access to computers in their public libraries. A SCORM- (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) compliant e-learning course was developed in this study to address the most acute problems identified by the survey, based on the Software Engineering Unified Model. The designed e-course contains OBE terminology such as learning outcomes, OBE principles, assessment standards, assessment methods, national curriculum statement and learning fields. The e-learning course content also contains the Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy curriculum for grades 11 and 12. It was constructed using 16 documents extracted from the National Department of Education’s website: 7 documents under Further Education and Training, 4 under Teacher Guide, and 5 under General Education and Training. The evaluation of the e-learning content prototype was conducted through a survey among 36 educators from different primary and secondary schools of the Mnquma Municipality of the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. They were trained in the SCORM-compliant e-learning course content at the Walter Sisulu University’s Butterworth campus. The training took place from 10 to 13 November 2009. After the training, educators filled out a questionnaire on their perceptions of the effectiveness of the proposed e-learning content prototype with regard to the practice of OBE. Results from the SCORM e-course evaluation survey showed that the proposed SCORM software artefacts allow educators to have a better understanding of OBE terminology. The proposed software artefact is user-friendly and educators recommended its use not only for Mathematics but for all subjects.

Ondersoek na ‘n effektiewe metode van indiensopleiding vir Kuns en Kultuuronderwysers in Suid-Afrika

Fourie, Chantal 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMus (Music))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / In 1994 the first democratic election took place in South Africa. Since then large initiatives have been undertaken on national level to redress the inequalities of the past. One of these areas where drastic transformation was needed, is the education system of the country. A National Qualifications Framework was created and Outcomes Based Education was used to implement a new curriculum. This required a total paradigm shift of teachers in terms of how they thought about education as well as changes in their teaching practice. The learning area Arts and Culture was included in the new curriculum to provide all learners with equal opportunities to take part in and enjoy the arts, cultural expression and conservation of heritage as a basic human right. The learning area however brought about unique problems for the teacher, as it is multidisciplinary and most teachers were not trained to facilitate it. Initially it was given to teachers who were specialists in one or the other of the arts disciplines, but these teachers progressively left the education system, and since then the learning area has fallen into the hands of nonspecialists. The Department of Education has launched various training opportunities to empower teachers, but without much success. Teachers remain inadequately qualified regarding subject knowledge and skills to bring the learning area to fruition and to reach the goals of the curriculum. In the process learners are deprived of important opportunities for experiences in the arts and teachers become increasingly demotivated. Thus, in South Africa there exists a dire need for effective in-service training and professional development of Arts and Culture teachers in order to empower them to take their place in the unlocking and transmission of the spiritual goods of the human race to our youth. This study investigates the true problems of Arts and Culture teachers in South Africa by placing the process of transformation in the education system after 1994 into context and viewing Outcomes Based Education, the learning area Arts and Culture and the development of teachers through the looking glass. Three forms of training for teachers are compared to try and find a possible best way to address these problems and to determine whether effective in-service training of Arts and Culture teachers leads to professional development, empowerment, a more positive vocational disposition and motivation. Training on a one-to-one basis lead by a specialist teacher emerges as the most effective alternative form of training.

Kritiese elemente in die opleiding van onderwysers ten opsigte van opvoeding vir vrede

Johannes, Delphine 12 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South African society is currently undergoing a process of reconstruction and development, in social, economic and various other areas. South Africa struggles with problems such as unemployment and crime, which is also the case in many other countries. Socio-political and cultural factors, for example, poverty, unemployment, hunger and a shortage of housing, lends itself favourably towards criminal activities. These individual problems are regarded as reasons for the escalating crime in the country. The statistics pertaining to violence reflect that the level of acceptance of crime is embedded in the South African culture. As a result of the high crime figures, only the minority of the South African population have peace of mind. This situation influences the learners of the country because the school is directly connected to their society. Without peace, South Africa will be unable to prosper on any level and therefore it is essential that the present generation of learners be taught to resolve conflict in a peaceful manner. The statistics in respect of crime indicates that learners are influenced negatively and because of the democratic values of the country the various aspects of the rights of children do not carry any weight. The process of democracy has led to a total transformation at the educational level. A teaching system has evolved whereby teaching is more developmental, thereby stimulating people physically, emotionally, critically, aestheticaely and mentally. Outcomes Based Education is therefore regarded as a valuable shift in the direction for a better educational system. This education system strives to breach the social and historical inequalities. Aspects such as freedom, equality and peace which connect strongly to the process of Continuous Learning is emphasised in the White Paper of Education and Training (1995). The new education system requires that crime in schools be resisted and that education be utilised as an instrument for the promotion of peace in the country. The teaching of values and skills to handle conflict, conflict resolution, mediation, tolerance and co-operation can promote stability and peace within schools. These critical elements form part of Education for Peace. According to the literature, Education for Peace is seen both nationally and internationally as a possible solution to crime. Outcomes Based Education has made a tremendous impact on schools and educators. The National Qualification Framework requires of the educator to be a facilitator, which changes the task and nature of the teacher. The teacher must realise that change is an ongoing process and that the process of empowerment is necessary. Empowerment in Outcomes Based Education system and also in respect of Education for Peace demands a prominent role from the teacher as curriculum agent and developer. The development of an effective curriculum is rather difficult and demands dynamic teachers that can positively handle these changes. The teacher is regarded as the stimulant of behavioural changes within the learner. Teachers are therefore responsible to empower learners within the school context to think critically about social problems, conflict and crime. In this study acknowledgement is given to the importance of participation of the teachers in decision making. The opinions of teachers with regard to Education for Peace are obtained by an empirical investigation through interviews and questionnaires. Responding teachers have indicated that there is a vacuum in respect of Education for Peace. In this study teachers have: taken cognisance of Education for Peace and highlighted its critical elements; declared that Education for Peace (and the critical elements within) be applied as a mechanism to combat crime; determined that Education for Peace is essential within Outcomes Based Education and that specific skills be carried over to learners and that certain critical outcomes be reached. In response teachers have indicated that South Africa is not a peaceful country and that each teacher and learner make a personal contribution to the attainment of peace in schools, as well as in the community. Through Education for Peace learners can realise that they have an important role to playas peace makers in South Africa. This research has led to the compilation of a theoretical curriculum framework which has specific critical elements of Education for Peace as its foundation. The curriculum framework can be changed or adapted according to the needs of the learner and the community. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika is tans op ekonomiese, sosiale en ander terreine in 'n proses van heropbou en ontwikkeling. Soos baie ander lande worstel Suid-Afrika ook met probleme soos werkloosheid en misdaad. Sosio-politieke en kulturele faktore, byvoorbeeld armoede, hongersnood werkloosheid en 'n tekort aan huise, verskaf 'n ideale omgewing vir kriminele aktiwiteite. In hierdie studie word enkele van die probleme as agtergrond vir die toenemende geweld in die land aangedui. Die statistiek ten opsigte van geweld toon aan dat die aanvaarding van geweld diep gewortel is in die Suid-Afrikaanse kultuur. As gevolg van die hoë misdaadsyfer het slegs 'n klein persentasie van die Suid-Afrikaanse bevolking algehele gemoedsrus. Hierdie situasie beïnvloed die leerders van die land omdat die skool inherent deel ls van die samelewing. Sonder vrede kan Suid-Afrika nie op enige terrein vooruitgaan nie en daarom is dit so essensieel dat die huidige generasie leerders geleer moet word om konflik vreedsaam op te los. Die statistiek ten opsigte van geweld dui egter daarop dat die leerders van die land nadelig beïnvloed word omdat die demokratiese waardes en die regte van kinders nie gewig dra nie. Die proses van demokrasie het gelei tot 'n totale verandering op opvoedkundige gebied. 'n Onderwysstelsel is gevestig waar onderwys tans in 'n ontwikkelingsproses is en sodoende mense verstandelik, fisies, emosioneel, krities en esteties ontwikkel. Uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys word daarom beskou as 'n waardevolle skuif in die rigting van 'n beter onderwysstelsel. Met hierdie onderwysstelsel word daarna gestreef om die sosiale en historiese ongelykhede in gemeenskappe te oorbrug. Aspekte soos vryheid, gelykheid en vrede wat aansluit by die proses van lewenslange leer, word in die Witskrif oor Onderwys en Opleiding (1995) beklemtoon. Die nuwe onderwysstelsel vereis dat geweld in skole teengestaan moet word, en dat opvoeding benut kan word as 'n instrument vir die bevordering van vrede in die land. Die onderrig van waardes en vaardighede in konflikhantering, konflikresolusie, mediasie, verdraagsaamheid en samewerking kan vrede en stabiliteit in skole bevorder. Hierdie kritiese elemente vorm deel van Opvoeding vir Vrede. Volgens die literatuur word Opvoeding vir Vrede, internasionaal sowel as nasionaal, as 'n moontlike oplossing vir geweld gesien. Uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys het 'n geweldige impak op skole en die onderwyser. Omdat die Nasionale Kwalifikasieraamwerk van die onderwyser verwag om 'n fasiliteerder te wees, verander die aard van die onderwyser se taak. Die onderwyser moet besef dat verandering 'n voortdurende proses is en dat die proses van bemagtiging noodsaaklik is. Bemagtiging in 'n uitkomsgebaseerde onderwysstelsel, en ook ten opsigte van Opvoeding vir Vrede, vereis dat die onderwyser as kurrikulumagent en ontwikkelaar In groter rol moet speel. Die ontwikkeling van 'n effektiewe kurrikulum is uiters moeilik en vereis dinamiese onderwysers wat hierdie veranderinge positief kan hanteer. Die onderwyser word beskou as die stimuleerder van gedragsverandering in die leerder, en is daarom verantwoordelik om leerders binne die skoolkonteks te bemagtig om krities oor sosiale probleme, konflik en geweld te dink. In hierdie studie word gefokus op die belangrikheid van die onderwyser se deelname aan besluitneming. Die menings van onderwysers ten opsigte van Opvoeding vir Vrede word in "n empiriese ondersoek uit onderhoude en vraelyste verkry. Responderende onderwysers het aangedui dat daar "n leemte is ten opsigte van Opvoeding vir Vrede. In die ondersoek het responderende onderwysers: bepaalde gebreke ten opsigte van kennis en vaardighede met betrekking tot Opvoeding vir Vrede getoon en is bepaalde kritiese elemente daarin geïdentifiseer; verklaar dat Opvoeding vir Vrede (en die kritiese elemente daarin) aangewend kan word as "n meganisme om geweld te bekamp; bepaal dat Opvoeding vir Vrede essensieel is binne uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys. Bepaalde vaardighede word op hierdie wyse aan leerders oorgedra en sekere kritiese uitkomste kan bereik word. Responderende onderwysers het aangedui dat Suid-Afrika nie "n vreedsame land is nie en dat elke onderwyser en leerder "n persoonlike bydrae kan lewer tot die verkryging van vrede in die skole, asook in die gemeenskap. Deur Opvoeding vir Vrede kan leerders besef dat hulle "n belangrike rol as vredemakers in Suid-Afrika het. Hierdie navorsingsondersoek het gelei tot die opstel van "n teoretiese kurrikulumraamwerk wat die geïdentifiseerde kritiese elemente van Opvoeding vir Vrede as onderbou neem. Die kurrikulumraamwerk kan verander en aangepas word na gelang van die behoeftes van die leerder en die betrokke gemeenskap.

PSP’s support of science education through teacher development : a case study

Dharsey, Zorina 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An analysis of a teacher development programme known as the Cluster Project is central to this research. Study of the form, processes and outcomes of the project model draws attention to teacher professional development (TPD) as a critical strategy for improving science education in primary schools. High quality teaching at the foundational level supports children develop the appropriate level of knowledge that would allow them to take up and succeed at science at higher levels. With the object of strengthening primary science education the Primary Science Programme (PSP) implements a Cluster Project in Western Cape schools. The project model offers training workshops, classroom guidance and essential resources to support teachers develop both their knowledge and teaching competencies to teach science well. Training workshops are designed to build teachers’ understanding of critical science concepts, improve science content knowledge, and offers guidance with curriculum implementation and assessment of learning. In-classroom support and team-teaching, supported with teaching and learning materials and other resources, assists with improving teaching practice in context. This interpretive case study analyses the Cluster Project model and its processes within three theoretical frames: activity theory, complexity theory, and a research-developed qualitative framework to trace teacher professional development. Activity theory is applied to the purpose, organization and function of the Cluster Project, while complexity theory probes the meaning and implications of educational change for teachers and TPD. The qualitative framework with its five critical indicators of autonomy, knowledge, practice, and collaboration and continuing development analyses empirical evidence of TPD with respect to six teacher participants. Activity theory draws attention to the use of flexible adaptive teacher professional learning models which can accommodate frequent change to curriculum and context, and further highlights the importance of promoting collaboration and reducing contradictions in order to improve learning outcomes. Complexity theory expands understanding of teacher professional learning through its focus on the critical concepts of pedagogy, holism, learning as a nonlinear process, the unpredictability of teaching and learning, networking and connectedness, change by emergence and self-organization, changing environments, and teacher development programmes as open, complex adaptive systems. This research observed the six teacher participants were able to improve aspects of their teaching of science, thereby achieving a measure of professional development, although this was not a general observation within the Cluster Project teacher population. Research findings show that teachers’ active participation in meaningful practical science experiences promotes teacher learning, improves practical science in the classroom, and encourages the ready take-up of helpful and innovative science teaching ideas and strategies. This research recommends that practical science teaching, integrated with language and mathematics teaching, should form an essential part of education and training programmes for both pre-service and in-service primary and high school science teachers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die analise van`n onderwyser-ontwikkelingsprogram, bekend as die Groepsondersteunings Projek, is die kern van diè navorsing. Studie van die vorm, prosesse en uitkomste van die projekmodel, vestig die aandag op onderwysers se professionele ontwikkeling as `n kritiese strategie vir die verbetering van wetenskaponderrig in primêre skole. Hoë gehalte onderwys in die grondslagfase, ondersteun die kinders se ontwikkeling op `n geskikte vlak van kennis wat hulle in staat sal stel om wetenskap verder te neem en daarvan `n sukses te maak op senior vlak. Met die doel om wetenskaponderrig te versterk in die primêre skool, implimenteer die Primêre Wetenskap Program (PSP) tans `n Groepsondersteunings Projek in die Wes-Kaapse skole. Die model voorsien opleiding deur slypskole, klaskamerleiding en noodsaaklike leerhulpmiddels om onderwysers se kennis en onderrigvaardigheid, om wetenskap as vak goed te onderrig, te ontwikkel. Opleidingsslypskole fokus daarop om onderwysers se begrip van kritiese wetenskaplike konsepte en opgradering van wetenskapinhoudskennis op te bou en ook om te help om die kurrikulum te implimenteer en kinders se leerwerk te assesseer. Klaskamer ondersteuning en span-onderrig, met die hulp van onderrig-en leerhulpmiddels, help met die verbetering van die onderwyspraktyk in konteks. Diè interpreterende gevallestudie analiseer die Groepondersteunings Projek model en die prosesse binne drie teoretiese raamwerke, die aktiwiteits-teorie, kompleksiteits-teorie en `n stel aanwysers wat ontwikkel is om bewyse van onderwysers se professionele ontwikkeling te ontleed. Die aktiwiteits-teorie is toegepas op die doel, organisering en funksie van die Projek, terwyl die kompleksiteits-teorie die betekenis en implikasies van die opvoedkundige verandering vir onderwysers en onderwysers se professionele ontwikkeling ondersoek. Die stel aanwysers met vyf kritiese fokuspunte: outonomie, kennis, praktyk, samewerking en voortdurende ontwikkeling, lei die analise van ses onderwyser-deelnemers se professionele ontwikkeling. Die aktiwiteits-teorie beklemtoon die belangrikheid van aanpasbare professionele leermodelle wat gereelde verandering aan die konteks en kurrikulum kan akkommodeer, en beklemtoon ook die belangrikheid om samewerking bevorder, teenstrydigheid te verminder en om sodoende die leeruitkomste te versterk. Die kompleksiteits-teorie verbreed die insig van onderwyser se professionele leer deur die fokus te plaas op die kritiese konsepte van pedagogiek; holisme; leer as `n nie-lineêre proses; die onvoorspelbaarheid van onderrig en leer; netwerk en aaneenskakeling; verandering deur die ontstaan en self-organisasie; veranderende omgewings en onderwyser-ontwikkelingsplanne as oop, komplekse aanpasbare stelsels. Diè navorsing het waargeneem dat die ses onderwyser-deelnemers in staat was om aspekte van hul wetenskap-onderrig te verbeter en sodoende was hulle in staat om `n mate van professionele ontwikkeling te behaal alhoewel dit nie `n algemene waarneming binne die Groepsondersteunings Projek se onderwyspopulasie was nie. Navorsingsbevindings dui aan dat onderwysers se aktiewe deelname aan betekenisvolle, praktiese wetenskapondervindings, leer kan bevorder en begrip kan bevorder van `n praktiese implimentering daarvan in die klaskamer en moedig die geredelike opname van nuttige en innoverende leer-idees en strategieë aan. Die navorsing beveel aan dat praktiese wetenskap-onderrig, integreer met tale en wiskunde, `n noodsaaklike deel moet vorm van onderwys-en opleidingsprogramme vir voor-diens en in-diens primêre en hoërskool wetenskaponderwysers.

Towards academic staff development in the faculty of arts at the University of Durban-Westville

Essack, Shaheeda 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to investigate .the need for a staff development programme for academics in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Durban-Westville. This thesis has five chapters. Chapter One is the introductory chapter and examines the nature of the study in relation to the aims of the study, sub-problems, various definitions of staff development and formulates a hypothesis. The hypothesis states that: "There is a definite need for an academic staff development programme in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Durban-Westville." This hypothesis is then followed by a motivation and rationale of the study followed by a discussion of background studies on staff development. The limitations, strengths and scope of the study are presented followed by some preliminary considerations. Chapter Two provides an in-depth examination of staff development. It begins with a critical discussion of the various philosophies that underpin staff development practices. These philosophies include positivism, hermeneutics and the political nature of staff development. This is followed by a discussion on the goals of higher education and its link to staff development. Special reference is made to the South African context, quality assurance in South African universities and staff development programmes at the Historically Black Universities. Thereafter, an in-depth discussion of the link between teaching and learning is presented. This is accomplished by referring to theories of teaching and learning in higher education. Once this is completed, the entire spectrum of staff development activities is presented. This discussion begins with a description of the various competencies of the lecturer followed by a presentation of two models on staff development. The following staff development practices are then discussed in detail: induction programmes, seminars and workshops, reflective teaching and self-directed practice, mentoring, consultation, personal growth contracts, the cascades method and micro-teaching. This discussion is consolidated by presenting the case of the University of Durban- Westvi11e and motivating for the need for academic staff development in the Faculty of Arts. Chapter Three presents the research design and methodology - it outlines the steps undertaken in the current study. Both qualitative and quantitative methods of research were utilized. The primary means of collecting data was the survey which included the dissemination of questionnaires to both third year students and lecturers in the Faculty of Arts. Students were selected from the population of third year students in the Faculty of Arts. A proportional stratified randomized sampling procedure was applied to both the population of staff and students. Chapter Four presents the analysis of the data in a systematic way. The student questionnaire is analyzed followed by an analysis of the staff questionnaire. These results are presented in table form, followed by a discussion. There are 38 tables in this chapter. Chapter Five is the final chapter that presents the conclusions drawn from the study and provides recommendations for the establishment of a staff development programme. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om die behoefte te bepaal vir 'n personeelontwikkelingsprogram vir akademici in die Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe aan die Universiteit van Durban-Westville. Hoofstuk Een is die inleidende hoofstuk en ondersoek die aard van die navorsing in verhouding tot die doelwitte daarvan, subprobleme, verskeie definisies van personeelontwikkeling, en formuleer 'n hipotese. Die hipotese stel dit so: ''Daar is 'n besliste behoefte aan 'n personeelontwikke1ingsprogram in die Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe aan die Universiteit van Durban-Westville." Hierdie hipotese word dan gevolg deur 'n motivering en 'n grondrede vir die navorsing. 'n Bespreking van die agtergrondstudies oor personeelontwikkeling volg daarop. Die beperkinge, sterk punte en omvang van die navorsing word dan voorge1e. Daarna volg 'n paar inleidende beskouinge. Hoofstuk twee bied 'n diepgaande ondersoek na personeelontwikkeling. Dit begin met 'n kritiese bespreking van die verskillende filosofiee wat onderliggende is aan personeelontwikkelingspraktyke. Hierdie filosofieë sluit positivisme, hermeneutiek en die politieke aard van personeelontwikkeling in. Dit word gevolg deur 'n bespreking van die doelwitte van hoër onderwys en die verband wat dit met personeelontwikkeling het. Daar word in die besonder verwys na die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, gehalteversekering in Suid-Afrikaanse unversiteite en personeelontwikkelingsprogramme by Histories Swart Universiteite. Daarna volg 'n diepgaande bespreking van die verband tussen onderrig en leer, waartydens daar na onderrig en leer-teorieë in die hoër onderwys verwys word. Vervolgens word die totale spektrum van personeelontwikkelingsaktiwiteite ondersoek. Hierdie bespreking begin met 'n beskrywing van die verskillende bevoegdhede waaraan dosente moet voldoen, en word gevolg deur 'n voorlegging van twee personeelontwikkelingsmodelle. Die volgende personeelontwikkelingspraktyke word dan in besonderhede bespreek: orientingsprogramme, seminare en werkswinkels, reflektiewe onderwys en selfgerigte praktyk, mentorskap, konsultasie, persoonlike ontwikkelingskontrakte, die "cascades method" en mikro-onderrig. Hierdie bespreking word dan saamgevat deur die saak van die Universiteit van Durban-Westville te stel. Die behoefte aan personeelontwikkeling vir akademici in die Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe, word gemotiveer. In Hoofstuk drie word die navorsingsontwerp en -metodologie uiteengesit. Dit verduidelik die prosedure wat gevolg is in die navorsing. Beide kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe ondersoekmetodes is gebruik. Die primere metode om data in te samel, was die meningsopname wat die uitstuur van vraelyste vir beide derdejaarstudente en dosente in die Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe ingesluit het. Studente is gekies uit die derdejaarstudente in die Fakultiet Geesteswetenskappe. 'n Proporsioneel gestratifiseerde ewekansige monsternemingsprosedure is toegepas op beide die personeel en die studente. Hoofstuk Vier bied 'n sistematiese ontleding van die response op die vraelyste. Die studente se response op die vraelyste is ontleed en daarna is 'n ontleding van die personeel se vraelyste gedoen. Die uitslae hiervan word in tabelvorm voorgelê en word daarna bespreek.

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