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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Attaining a system of quality teaching and learning through effective teacher evaluation in selected schools in Limpopo Province

Nziyane, Linneth Ntombhana 06 1900 (has links)
This research investigated the role of teacher evaluation in enhancing quality teaching and learning and the extent to which teacher evaluation in Bushbuckridge schools enhances the quality of teaching and learning. It also set out to investigate how the teachers (CS1, HODs, deputy principals and principals) perceived the evaluation system to which they were subjected. The researcher used a qualitative research approach and data was collected by means of semi-structured interviews from a convenient, comprehensive and purposive sample. The sample consisted of twenty-six teachers from three schools in the Dwarsloop Circuit. These schools were chosen purposely on the grounds that all the teachers in these schools had been evaluated successfully. In addition, these schools were within easy reach of the researcher and she also knew most of the respondents. All the interviews were audio-taped and transcribed verbatim. Data analysis was carried out simultaneously with the data collection process. Each interview was transcribed and labelled as soon as it was finished. The researcher used a process called coding during data analysis. By means of this process, data was compiled, labelled, separated and organised into categories and sub-categories. Subsequently, these categories formed the basis upon which the findings were made. Among several other findings, it emerged that teacher evaluation enables the educator to create a climate that supports quality teaching and learning, leads to better lesson preparation and presentation in addition to enabling better learner assessment. Respondents also held the view that evaluation encourages teachers’ professional development. Despite these findings, the respondents indicated that in their specific cases, evaluation did not lead to the desired results due to a number of reasons that included incompetent evaluators and an inflexible and unfair evaluation system. Based on the aforementioned findings, a number of recommendations were made. / Education Management / Thesis (M. Ed. (Eucaton Management))

The effect of teaching methods used as experienced and perceived by student nurses at a nursing college in the Western Cape province

Furst, Laetitia Nicole 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCur)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The 21st century teaching environment is unique in its diversity, and challenges academic staff to create a teaching environment that is conducive to all current learners. Various teaching methods are available and affordable, but technology remains an essential investment for the future of higher education institutions. The goal of the study was to evaluate the perceptions of student nurses regarding the effectiveness of the teaching methods which they experienced at a nursing college in the Western Cape Province. The objectives included an evaluation of the effectiveness of teaching methods as perceived and experienced by students of: - The traditional (green/whiteboard) lecture - Group activity - Self-activity - The use of technology such as PowerPoint presentations and video clips. An explorative descriptive research design was applied with a quantitative approach. The target population (N=1238) consisted of nursing students following the programme leading to registration as a professional nurse. Stratified random sampling was used to select the sample of participants (n=267). Data was collected personally by the researcher with a self-administered questionnaire which consisted of predominantly closed questions. Ethics approval to conduct this study was obtained from Stellenbosch University including permission from all other relevant parties. Reliability and validity of the study were assured through a pilot study, consultation with experts in nursing, education and statistics. The reliability of the questions were tested using the Cronbach alpha coefficient test which varied between .89 and .94. The data was analysed with the support of a statistician and was expressed as frequencies in tables and histograms. Descriptive statistics and post-hoc analyses including tests for statistical associations were performed. Results include a significant difference in generation X participants and the green/whiteboard teaching methods (Spearman p-value = 0.02) and their preference of the traditional lecture as a teaching method (Spearman p-value = <0.01). The perceived effectiveness of the teaching methods on student performance varied between very helpful and not helpful. Only (n = 49/19%) of participants experienced the traditional lecture as being very helpful on their general academic performance, in comparison to the effect of group work (n = 69/26%) and self-activity (n = 102/39%). Furthermore, no significant results were obtained between the participants and the perceived effect of the teaching methods. Open-ended questions showed that participants regarded the teaching strategies as boring and ancient and that much of the unhappiness expressed stems from the difference in the needs of millennials and the lack of change and obstinacy existing amongst academics. Recommendations include an increase in the use of technology, a blended approach to teaching, the re-training of academic staff, measures in counteracting a boring classroom environment, orientation for neophyte academics and students, workload perception of students and class size. In conclusion should recommendations be implemented a complete transformation of the college under study will result. It may force the education institution to move out of complacency, to a more vigorous and dynamic education environment that enables them to emerge as an Higher Education Institution (HEI) of good standing. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die een-en-twintigste-eeuse onderwysomgewing is uniek wat betref diversiteit en daag akademiese personeel uit om teenswoordig ’n onderwysomgewing te skep wat bevorderlik is vir alle leerders. Verskeie onderwysmetodes is beskikbaar en bekostigbaar, maar tegnologie bly ’n noodsaaklike belegging vir die toekoms van hoër onderwysinstansies. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die effektiwiteit van die gebruik van onderwysmetodes wat waargeneem en ondervind word deur studentverpleegkundiges by ’n spesifieke Verpleegkollege in die Wes-Kaap, te evalueer. Die doelwitte sluit in die evaluering aangaande die effektiwiteit soos waargeneem en ondervind deur studente van die volgende onderwysmetodes: - Die tradisionele groen/witbord lesing - Groepaktiwiteit - Selfaktiwiteit - Die gebruik van tegnologie soos PowerPoint-aanbiedings en video-insetsels. ’n Ondersoekende, beskrywende navorsingsontwerp met ’n kwantitatiewe benadering is toegepas. Die teikengroep is (n=1238) wat uit verpleegstudente bestaan wat die program vir die van ’n geregistreerde professionele verpleegster volg. ’n Gestratifieerde ewekansige steekproef is gebruik om die deelnemers (n=267) te selekteer. Data is self deur die navorser ingesamel deur gebruik te maak van ’n selfgeadministreerde vraelys wat hoofsaklik uit geslote vrae bestaan het. Etiese goedkeuring om die studie na te vors, is verkry van die Universtiteit van Stellenbosch, asook die van al die betrokke partye. Betroubaarheid en geldigheid van die studie is verseker deur ’n loodsondersoek, sowel as raadpleging met deskundiges op die gebied van Verpleging, Opvoedkunde en Statistiek. Die betroubaaarheid van die vrae is getoets deur gebruik te maak van die Cronbach-alpha koëffisiënt toets wat tussen .89 en .94 gevarieer het. Die data is geanaliseer met die ondersteuning van ’n statistikus en word voorgestel as frekwensies in tabelle en histogramme. Beskrywende statistieke en post-hoc analises, insluitende toetse vir statistiese assossiasies, is uitgevoer. Resultate sluit in ’n beduidende verskil in generasie x-deelnemers en die groen- of witbord onderwysmetodes (Spearman p-waarde = 0.02) en hul voorkeur vir die tradisionele lesing as ’n onderrigmetode (Spearman p-aarde >0.01). Die effektiwiteit van die onderwysmetodes op studenteprestasies wat waargeneem is, varieer tussen baie waardevol en van geen waarde nie. Slegs (n=49/19%) van die deelnemers het die tradisionele lesing as baie waardevol vir hul algemene akademiese prestasie ervaar, in vergelyking met die effek van groepwerk (n=69/26%) en self-aktiwiteit (n=102/39%). Vervolgens, is geen beduidende resultate verkry tussen die deelnemers en die effek van die onderrigmetodes wat waargeneem is nie. Ope vrae bewys dat deelnemers die onderwysstrategieë as vervelig en verouderd beskou en dat baie van die ongelukkigheid wat deurgevoer is, voortspruit uit die verskil in die behoeftes van die milleniums en die gebrek aan geneentheid, asook halsstarrigheid by akademici om te verander. Aanbevelings sluit in ’n toename in die gebruik van tegnologie, ’n saamgestelde benadering tot onderrig, die heropleiding van akademiese personeel, maatstawwe om ’n vervelige klaskameratmosfeer teen te werk, oriëntering vir neofiet akademici en studente se persepsie van werklading en klasgrootte. Ten slotte, indien aanbevelings geïmplementeer word, sal ’n volslae transformasie van die kollege onder die soeklig, plaasvind. Dit mag die opvoedkundige instansie forseer om te beweeg vanuit ’n toestand van gemaksugtigheid na ’n meer ondernemende en dinamiese onderrigomgewing wat in staat sal wees om as ’n Hoër Onderwysinstansie van formaat te funksioneer.

Perceptions of academic workload with particular reference to research : a cross sectional survey of lecturing staff at the Port Elizabeth Technikon

Ruscheniko, Iona Helen Felicity 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Change characterises life in the early twenty first century and higher education is no exception. Higher education in South Africa is currently in a considerable state of flux which ultimately is actualised at institutional level. It is academic staff who encounter these changes first hand. Technikon lecturers, in particular, are faced with additional challenges not faced by their university counterparts - they have been called upon to change from a primarily vocational to an academic alignment as a result of technikons being given the right to award degrees. This study conducts a cross sectional survey of academic staff at the Port Elizabeth Technikon to identify their academic workload, with particular reference to their research function. It also seeks to establish whether lecturers consider themselves to be adequately prepared for their research function. A review of the literature reveals that lecturers in higher education are involved in a wide variety of activities, the main ones being teaching, research, service, and scholarship. The literature review also shows that in overseas institutions with missions similar to the technikons, lecturers experienced changes to their workload as a result of the restructuring of higher education. The empirical study shows that academic staff at the Port Elizabeth Technikon have much in common with their international peers in terms of the changes and pressures that have been experienced. The work reality for lecturers at the named institution includes all the traditional elements associated with being academic: teaching, research, service and scholarship. Although research is a new function, this has been positively embraced by most staff and that in most cases lecturers consider themselves to be adequately prepared for this function. The empirical study also shows that more than one third of the respondents do not support the institutional vision of becoming "the first choice technological university of South Africa". Further, the study shows that, in common with other studies, staff were of the opinion that the institution undervalues teaching and that research attracts more recognition and rewards. Finally, it shows that significant numbers of staff work in excess of 50 hours per week and carry teaching loads that are greater than the institutional guidelines. Recommendations are made on the basis of these findings and a further avenue of research is suggested. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verandering is 'n kenmerk van die lewe in die vroee een-en-twintigste eeu en hoer onderwys is geen uitsondering nie. Hoer onderwys in Suid-Afrika ervaar tans 'n besonderse toe stand van veranderlikheid, maar dit is uiteindelik op onderwysinrigtingvlak wat did tot verwerkliking kom. Dit is akademiese personeel wat hierdie veranderings eerstehands ondervind. In die besonder word Technikonpersoneel gekonfronteer met uitdagings waaraan hulle universiteitsewekniee nie blootgestel word nie - daar word van hulle vereis om van 'n primere beroeps-orientering oor te skakel na 'n akademiese ingesteldheid as gevolg van die feit dat technikons die mandaat verkry het om grade toe te ken. Hierdie studie het 'n opname onder akademiese personeel aan die Port Elizabethse Technikon gedoen om vas te stel wat die personeel se akademiese werkslading is, met besondere verwysing na hulle navorsingsfunksie. Die ondersoek poog ook om vas te stel of lektore van mening is dat hulle genoegsaam voorberei is vir hulle navorsingsfunksie. 'n Literatuuroorsig toon dat lektore in hoer onderwys betrokke is by 'n bree verskeidenheid aktiwiteite, waarvan die belangrikste onderrig, navorsing, dienslewering en vakkundigheid (scholarship) is. Die literatuurstudie toon ook dat in ander lande aan inrigtings met soortgelyke doelstellings as die technikons, lektore veranderings in hulle werksladings ondervind het as gevolg van die herstrukturering van hoer onderwys wat teen die einde van die twintigste eeu plaasgevind het. Die empiriese studie toon dat akademiese personeel aan die Port Elizabethse Technikon met betrekking tot die veranderings en druk wat ondervind word veel in gemeen het met hulle intemasionale ewekniee, Die realiteit in die werkplek vir lektore by genoemde inrigting sluit al die tradisionele elemente in wat verband hou met die akademie: onderrig, navorsing, diens en vakkundigheid (scholarship). Alhoewel navorsing 'n nuwe funksie is, is dit deur die meerderheid personeel positief aanvaar en in die meeste gevalle is lektore van mening dat hulle vir hierdie funksie voldoende voorberei is. Die empiriese studie toon ook dat meer as een derde van die respondente nie die institusionele visie om "die eerste-keuse tegnologiese universiteit van Suid-Afrika te wees" ondersteun rue. Voorts toon die studie soos ook in ander studies, dat personeel van mening was dat die inrigting onderrig geringskat en dat meer erkenning en belonings aan navorsing gegee word. Laastens toon dit dat 'n beduidende aantal personeellede meer as 50 uur per week werk- en onderrigladings dra wat meer is as die riglyne van die inrigting. Op grond van hierdie bevindings word aanbevelings gemaak en 'n verdere navorsingsrigting voorgestel.

Toward a systematic evaluation of evaluating favorable conditions in a parent training program: The pursuit of happiness.

Broome, Jessica L. 08 1900 (has links)
Research has shown that parents of children with disabilities, such as autism, experience significantly higher stress levels than parents of typically developing children. It has been suggested that parent education programs, in particular naturalistic communication training, will reduce parental stress. Most of the literature in this area has relied on parental reports and has only focused on decreasing stress and has not directly addressed increasing alternate feelings, such as happiness. In different but related areas of behavior analysis, an emphasis has been placed on the importance of happiness as a quality of life indicator and that the development of multileveled assessment is sorely needed. This study was designed to analyze one set of measures within a data-based intervention program for parents of toddlers with autism. The Family Connections Project (FCP) is a parent training project designed to enhance the quality of relationships for families who have toddlers with autism. Within this project parents are taught to identify and arrange opportunities to interact with their children in ways that will increase motivation and social responsivity. This study looked at the collateral effects of this training program and investigated if FCP affected the relationship between parents and their toddlers; of particular interest was parental happiness. Video taped assessments were used as a direct measure to collect indices of parental affect/happiness (e.g., smiles). Independent judges' ratings were used in comparison with a controlled parent-child dyad. Furthermore, pre and post parental goals, descriptions, and satisfaction surveys were analyzed in the context of the parental happiness indices. Results were evaluated in a multiple baseline design across child skills and are discussed in the context of parent and child's targeted behavior changes and collateral outcome measures.

Evaluating a positive parenting curriculum package: An analysis of the acquisition of key skills.

Berard, Kerri P. 08 1900 (has links)
With the increase in survival for children with cancer, part of the focus of current research is aimed towards evaluating how these children are adapting psychosocially. Neurocognitive deficits have been well established. However, there are multiple facets encompassing quality of life, including general mental health, lifestyles and health behaviors, and academic and cognitive functioning. The relationship between neurocognitive and psychosocial functioning has yet to be thoroughly evaluated. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between neurocognitive and psychosocial functioning in survivors of brain tumors and acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Data was collected from existing archival database comprised of patients of the at Cook Children's Medical Center in Texas. The sample consisted of 177 patients between the ages of 3 and 12 who were at least two years post-diagnosis. Measures used included the NEPSY and the Behavioral Assessment for Children. Statistical analyses included a several one-way analysis of variances, an independent samples t-test, a univariate analysis of variance, a hierarchical multiple regression, and odds ratio analyses. Results indicated survivors treated with neurosurgery alone appear to be less at risk for developing behavior problems than other treatment modalities. Also, brain tumor survivors demonstrate more problematic behaviors than survivors of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Visuospatial functioning, diagnosis, and type of treatment were found to be predictive variables of behavior problems. Attention, and perhaps language, deficits may predispose children to more problems in their behavior. It is concluded that there are other factors affecting behavior in this population that were not accounted for in this analysis. It is recommended for future studies to research the individual clinical scales of the Behavior Assessment System for Children, obtain information from multiple informants, study this relationship longitudinally, and research additional factors that may be influencing the relationship between neurocognitive and psychosocial functioning. This provides evidence of risk factors that should be monitored as the child returns home and to school.

Systém hodnocení učitelů na FTVS UK / System of Teachers Evaluation at FTVS UK

Veselá, Anna January 2012 (has links)
Title: System of Teachers Evaluation at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, UK Objectives: The goal is to identify the functionality of the evaluation system at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport. Based on the information, the thesis should develop an evaluation system and its application in practice. The first part of the evaluation system is focused on the evaluation of the boss-subordinate relationship. The second part focuses on the creation and application of the evaluation questionnaire. Methods: In this thesis I used the method of interviews. Guided interviews I led with the managers of departments. I also used an evaluation questionnaire at the treatment I have used the frequency and the percentage frequency of responses. For graphical illustration I used the pie and bar charts. Results: I discovered that on our faculty is not introduced any evaluation system, in which are university teachers periodically evaluated by their boss. The university teachers are evaluated only on the base of salary tables. Teachers are not evaluated by students, which is contrary to the Order of evaluation of teaching by students at Charles University in 2001. Key words: Evaluation, Teaching, System of Evaluation, University Teacher

Gender Bias in Teaching Evaluations

Kaylyn Kim (6900950) 14 August 2019 (has links)
End-of-the-semester teaching evaluations hold consequential weight in professors’ career outcomes, which can be problematic if these evaluations are affected by gender bias. This research sought to examine gender bias in evaluations of professors through two experimental studies (via a 15-minute online lecture and a university-sanctioned online course), offering two ecologically valid manipulations of professor gender. Student gender and field of study were examined as moderators of this gender bias, as effects may be more pronounced among male raters compared to female raters, or among raters in majors that underrepresent women compared to raters in other majors. Findings revealed an effect of professor’s gender in the opposite direction: On average, students rated female professors more positively than they did male professors. Student gender and field of study did not affect professor ratings, nor did they moderate the effect of professor gender.

Evaluation of a microcomputer training program for in-service secondary school teachers.

January 1987 (has links)
by Li Shek Hoi. / Chinese title in romanization: Yi ge wei zai zhi jiao shi er she di wei xing dian nao xun lian ke cheng di ping jian. / Thesis (M.A.Ed.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1987. / Bibliography: leaves 69-72.

A study of pedagogical approaches to teaching problem solving

Snyder, Brian Lyn January 2010 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries / Department: Computer Science.

Current State of Online Teaching Evaluation Processes in Post-Secondary Institutions

Thomas, Jon E. 01 July 2018 (has links)
This is a multi-article dissertation that seeks to address the current state of online teaching evaluation processes in post-secondary institutions. The last two decades have seen a dramatic increase in enrollment in online courses at post-secondary institutions. Unfortunately, evaluating online instructors has been a neglected field of research leaving many post-secondary institutions to develop their own evaluation systems. A deeper analysis of the current practices of online instructor evaluation will help administrators to strengthen their evaluation processes, thereby providing more effective online teaching. The first article is a literature review that explores common practices of post-secondary institutions. By performing an extensive review of the literature, it is clear that very little research has been done to address online instructor evaluation beyond student evaluations. The second article compares different approaches to online instructor evaluation in various post-secondary institutions. By performing interviews with administrators, we found that many institutions are using a variety of types of evaluations and not just student evaluations to evaluate online teaching. The third article is a study that explores how well institutions that utilize a master course model evaluate online teaching competencies. This is done by performing a content analysis of their observational rubrics.

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