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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A implementaÃÃo do Programa de ExpansÃo e ReestruturaÃÃo das Universidades Federais (REUNI) na UFC (2007â2009) â um estudo de caso sob a perspectiva da qualidade do ensino / The implementation of the Program of Expansion e Reorganization of the Federal Universities (REUNI) in the UFC (2007-2009) - a study of case under the perspective of the quality of education

Margarida Maria Dias Monteiro GonÃalves 15 January 2010 (has links)
nÃo hà / Este estudo sobre a implementaÃÃo do Programa de ExpansÃo e ReestruturaÃÃo das Universidades Federais (REUNI) na UFC (2007â2009) â Um Estudo de Caso sob a Perspectiva da Qualidade do Ensino Superior buscou analisar a efetivaÃÃo do Programa REUNI instituÃdo pelo Governo Federal, a partir da proposta de adesÃo ao Programa pela InstituiÃÃo. Tal estudo teve como referÃncia pesquisas relacionadas à qualidade do ensino superior na legislaÃÃo brasileira, as anÃlises das dimensÃes propostas ao MinistÃrio da EducaÃÃo (MEC) pela UFC e a avaliaÃÃo da polÃtica de expansÃo da Universidade Federal do Cearà no tocante ao comprometimento da qualidade do ensino de acordo com as estratÃgias adotadas. Do ponto de vista epistemolÃgico, o estudo classifica-se como qualitativo e exploratÃrio. Os procedimentos metodolÃgicos sÃo de natureza documental e bibliogrÃfica. As fontes foram artigos de jornais, revistas, livros, artigos de periÃdicos, relatÃrios de pesquisa, documentos on line, consultas a teses e dissertaÃÃes pertinentes Ãs temÃticas da educaÃÃo superior. Com base na concepÃÃo de Demo (1995) a qualidade à competÃncia inovadora e humanizadora que prepara o sujeito de forma a saber manejar e produzir conhecimento tanto para ser competitivo, como para ser cidadÃo. Nas anÃlises buscou-se entender o REUNI e seus aspectos na construÃÃo da qualidade de ensino, durante o perÃodo de 2007 a 2009 na UFC. Segundo o relatÃrio preliminar âExpansÃo da UFC em tempos de REUNIâ, sua execuÃÃo se estabeleceu primordialmente no aspecto quantitativo, que à um meio para atingir a missÃo, na promoÃÃo de um ensino de qualidade. Apesar do REUNI desempenhar um papel na construÃÃo do ensino, hà opiniÃes divergentes sobre o assunto. Faz-se necessÃrio estabelecer critÃrios de avaliaÃÃo permanente, baseados na qualidade, para dar continuidade as diretrizes e dimensÃes educacionais, considerando a temporalidade deste programa. Este estudo mostrou que partir do REUNI, à necessÃrio estabelecer um planejamento que facilite e permita a continuidade das aÃÃes de expansÃo, assegure sua sustentabilidade nos aspectos a ela inerentes, e garanta a qualidade do ensino superior na UFC, apÃs os cinco anos estabelecidos no contrato de adesÃo ao Programa. / This study on the implementation of the Program of Expansion and Reorganization of the Federal Universities (REUNI) in the Federal University of Cearà (UFC) (2007-2009) - a Case Study under the Perspective of the Quality of Higher Education aims to analyze the elaboration of the REUNI Program set up by the Federal Government from the proposal adhesion to the Program by the Institution concerned. Such a study had as reference research related to the quality of higher education in the Brazilian legislation, the analyses of the dimensions for the UFC proposed to the Ministry of Education (MEC) and the evaluation of the expansion policy of the Federal University of the Cearà in terms of jeopardizing the quality of education in accordance with the adopted strategies. From the epistemological point of view, the study is classified as qualitative and exploratory. The methodological procedures are of bibliographical and documentary nature. The sources were newspapers articles, magazines, books, periodicals articles, research reports, on line documents, consultations to theses and dissertations concerning the higher education topics. Based on the conception of Demo (1995), the quality is an innovative and humanizing ability that prepares the actor so as to manage and produce knowledge in such a way to become competitive as well as to become citizen. In the analyses, the aim was to understand REUNI and its features in building on the quality of education in UFC during the period of 2007 to 2009. According to preliminary report âExpansion of the UFC in times of REUNIâ, its execution was mainly established in the quantitative aspect, which is a way to reach the mission in promotion of a quality education. Despite the role REUNI plays in building on education, there are divergent views on the subject. It is required to establish criteria of permanent evaluation, based on quality, to give continuity to the educational aspects and guidelines, considering the temporality of this program. This study demonstrated that from REUNI it is necessary to set up a planning that makes it easier and allows continuity of the expansion actions, to assure its sustainability in the inherent aspects, and guarantees the quality of higher education in the UFC after the five years time limit established in the adhesion contract to the Program.

Ефекти примене мултимедије у настави физике у првом разреду средње стручне школе / Efekti primene multimedije u nastavi fizike u prvom razredu srednje stručne škole / Effects of multimedia application on teachingphysics in the first grade of secondary vocational school

Radlović-Čubrilo Danijela 22 May 2015 (has links)
<p>У раду су приказани резултати истраживања спроведеног са циљем да се испитају свеукупни ефекти примене мултимедије у настави физике у првом разреду средње стручне школе. У оквиру првог дела истраживања испитан је утицај примене мултимедије у настави физике на квантум и квалитет знања ученика, као и њихову ретенцију у односу на традиционални облик извођења наставе. Други део истраживања је за циљ имао испитивање ставова ученика према мултимедијалној настави физике. Истраживање је спроведено на узорку од 140 ученика првог разреда Техничке школе у Кикинди.</p><p>Први део истраживања реализован је&nbsp; експерименталном методом&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; експеримент&nbsp; са паралелним групама. Независна варијабла истраживања била је&nbsp; <em>мултимедијална настава</em>, док су зависне варијабле биле&nbsp; <em>квантум</em>&nbsp; и <em>квалитет&nbsp; </em>знања ученика.&nbsp; Квалитет знања&nbsp; ученика разматран је према Блумовој таксономији у три&nbsp; категорије когнитивног домена:&nbsp; знање (памћење), разумевање и примена.&nbsp; За испитивање утицаја главних ефеката&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; групе (облика наставе) и времена, као и њихове интеракције на квантум и<br />квалитет знања ученика&nbsp; употребљена је анализа варијансе са поновљеним мерењима, док је за испитивање разлика у квантуму и квалитету знања између група у индивидуалним&nbsp; временским моментима&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; иницијалном, финалном и ретенционом употребљена униваријантна анализа варијансе.&nbsp; Утврђено је да је примена мултимедије у настави физике резултовала статистички значајним повећањем квантума и квалитета знања&nbsp; ученика у свим категоријама, као и ретенције знања у категорији примена у односу на традиционални облик извођења наставе.</p><p>Други део истраживања реализован је анкетирањем&nbsp; ученика упитником о мултимедијалној настави физике у форми Ликертове петостепене скале&nbsp; за мерење ставова.&nbsp; Факторском анализом упитника издвојене су три димензије ставова према мултимедијалној настави физике које су назване:&nbsp; <em>Повећано интересовање&nbsp; </em>за мултимедијалну наставу,<em>&nbsp; Олакшано учење</em>&nbsp; путем мултимедијалне наставе и&nbsp;<em> Тешкоће у праћењу&nbsp; </em>мултимедијалне наставе.&nbsp; Резултати анкетирања потврдили су да ученици имају генерално позитивне ставове према мултимедијалној настави физике. Истраживањем је такође утврђено да се ставови ученика који су били потвргнути различитом експерименталном третману не разликују, као и де не постоји повезаност<br />ставова ученика према мултимедијалној настави физике са оценом из физике и<br />општим успехом ученика.</p><p>Резултати истраживања указују на оправданост примене мултимедије у&nbsp; наставној пракси са циљем да се&nbsp; развијају позитивни&nbsp; ставови&nbsp; према учењу физике&nbsp; и&nbsp; поспеши разумевање фундаменталних физичких концепата и закона,&nbsp; те самим тим повећа ефикасност наставе физике.</p> / <p>U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja sprovedenog sa ciljem da se ispitaju sveukupni efekti primene multimedije u nastavi fizike u prvom razredu srednje stručne škole. U okviru prvog dela istraživanja ispitan je uticaj primene multimedije u nastavi fizike na kvantum i kvalitet znanja učenika, kao i njihovu retenciju u odnosu na tradicionalni oblik izvođenja nastave. Drugi deo istraživanja je za cilj imao ispitivanje stavova učenika prema multimedijalnoj nastavi fizike. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 140 učenika prvog razreda Tehničke škole u Kikindi.</p><p>Prvi deo istraživanja realizovan je&nbsp; eksperimentalnom metodom&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; eksperiment&nbsp; sa paralelnim grupama. Nezavisna varijabla istraživanja bila je&nbsp; <em>multimedijalna nastava</em>, dok su zavisne varijable bile&nbsp; <em>kvantum</em>&nbsp; i <em>kvalitet&nbsp; </em>znanja učenika.&nbsp; Kvalitet znanja&nbsp; učenika razmatran je prema Blumovoj taksonomiji u tri&nbsp; kategorije kognitivnog domena:&nbsp; znanje (pamćenje), razumevanje i primena.&nbsp; Za ispitivanje uticaja glavnih efekata&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; grupe (oblika nastave) i vremena, kao i njihove interakcije na kvantum i<br />kvalitet znanja učenika&nbsp; upotrebljena je analiza varijanse sa ponovljenim merenjima, dok je za ispitivanje razlika u kvantumu i kvalitetu znanja između grupa u individualnim&nbsp; vremenskim momentima&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; inicijalnom, finalnom i retencionom upotrebljena univarijantna analiza varijanse.&nbsp; Utvrđeno je da je primena multimedije u nastavi fizike rezultovala statistički značajnim povećanjem kvantuma i kvaliteta znanja&nbsp; učenika u svim kategorijama, kao i retencije znanja u kategoriji primena u odnosu na tradicionalni oblik izvođenja nastave.</p><p>Drugi deo istraživanja realizovan je anketiranjem&nbsp; učenika upitnikom o multimedijalnoj nastavi fizike u formi Likertove petostepene skale&nbsp; za merenje stavova.&nbsp; Faktorskom analizom upitnika izdvojene su tri dimenzije stavova prema multimedijalnoj nastavi fizike koje su nazvane:&nbsp; <em>Povećano interesovanje&nbsp; </em>za multimedijalnu nastavu,<em>&nbsp; Olakšano učenje</em>&nbsp; putem multimedijalne nastave i&nbsp;<em> Teškoće u praćenju&nbsp; </em>multimedijalne nastave.&nbsp; Rezultati anketiranja potvrdili su da učenici imaju generalno pozitivne stavove prema multimedijalnoj nastavi fizike. Istraživanjem je takođe utvrđeno da se stavovi učenika koji su bili potvrgnuti različitom eksperimentalnom tretmanu ne razlikuju, kao i de ne postoji povezanost<br />stavova učenika prema multimedijalnoj nastavi fizike sa ocenom iz fizike i<br />opštim uspehom učenika.</p><p>Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na opravdanost primene multimedije u&nbsp; nastavnoj praksi sa ciljem da se&nbsp; razvijaju pozitivni&nbsp; stavovi&nbsp; prema učenju fizike&nbsp; i&nbsp; pospeši razumevanje fundamentalnih fizičkih koncepata i zakona,&nbsp; te samim tim poveća efikasnost nastave fizike.</p> / <p>The paper presents the results of research conducted in order to examine the overall effects of<br />the multimedia application in teaching physics in the first grade of seco ndary vocational<br />school. In the first part of the research, the impact of multimedia application in teaching<br />physics to quantum and quality of students&rsquo; knowledge was examined, as well as their<br />retention compared to the traditional method of teaching. The&nbsp; aim of the second part of the<br />research was to examine students&rsquo;&nbsp; attitudes to multimedia in teaching physics. The research<br />was carried out on a sample of 140 students of the first grade of Technical School in Kikinda.<br />The first&nbsp; part of the research&nbsp; was conducted&nbsp; by the experimental method&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; the&nbsp; experiment<br />with parallel groups.&nbsp; The research independent&nbsp; variable was&nbsp; <em>multimedia&nbsp; teaching</em>,&nbsp; while&nbsp; the<br />dependent variables were&nbsp;<em> quantum</em>&nbsp; and&nbsp; <em>quality&nbsp;</em> of students&rsquo;&nbsp; knowledge.&nbsp; The quality&nbsp; of<br />students&rsquo;&nbsp; knowledge&nbsp; was&nbsp; tested&nbsp; in accordance&nbsp; with&nbsp; Bloom&#39;s taxonomy in&nbsp; three categories&nbsp; of<br />the&nbsp; cognitive&nbsp; domain:&nbsp; knowledge&nbsp; (memory),&nbsp; comprehension and application.&nbsp; Analysis&nbsp; of<br />variance&nbsp; with&nbsp; repeated measurements&nbsp; was used to examine the influence of major&nbsp; effects&nbsp; &ndash;<br />groups&nbsp; (teaching methods)&nbsp; and time,&nbsp; as well as&nbsp; their interactions&nbsp; on&nbsp; quantum&nbsp; and quality&nbsp; of<br />students&rsquo;&nbsp; knowledge,&nbsp; while univariate&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; of variance&nbsp; was&nbsp; used in&nbsp; testing&nbsp; the difference<br />in quantum and quality of knowledge between groups in individual moments of time - initial,<br />final and&nbsp; retention.&nbsp; It was found&nbsp; that the use&nbsp; of multimedia in&nbsp; teaching physics&nbsp; resulted in&nbsp; a<br />statistically&nbsp; significant increase in&nbsp; the quantity&nbsp; and&nbsp; quality of students&rsquo; knowledge&nbsp; in all<br />categories,&nbsp; as well as the&nbsp; retention&nbsp; of knowledge&nbsp; in the category of&nbsp; application&nbsp; compared to<br />the traditional teaching method.<br />In the second part of research the students were surveyed by a questionnaire about<br />multimedia in teaching physics in the form of the Likert-Type five-point scale for measuring<br />attitude.&nbsp; Factor analysis&nbsp; of the questionnaire&nbsp; identified three&nbsp; dimensions&nbsp; of attitudes toward<br />multimedia&nbsp; teaching in physics,&nbsp; called:&nbsp; <em>Increased&nbsp; interest</em>&nbsp; in&nbsp; multimedia&nbsp; teaching,&nbsp; <em>Learning<br />facilitated&nbsp;</em> through&nbsp; multimedia&nbsp; teaching and&nbsp; <em>Difficulties&nbsp; in&nbsp; following&nbsp;</em> multimedia<br />presentations.&nbsp; The survey results&nbsp; confirmed that&nbsp; students&nbsp; generally had&nbsp; positive attitudes<br />toward&nbsp; multimedia&nbsp; in teaching physics.&nbsp; The survey&nbsp; also&nbsp; found that the&nbsp; attitudes of students<br />who&nbsp; have been subjected to&nbsp; different&nbsp; experimental&nbsp; treatment&nbsp; did not differ, and&nbsp; that&nbsp; there<br />was no&nbsp; correlation between&nbsp; students&#39; attitudes&nbsp; toward&nbsp; multimedia in&nbsp; teaching physics&nbsp; with<br />the grade in physics and general achievement of students.<br />The research results indicate the validity of multimedia application in teaching practice with<br />the aim of&nbsp; developing&nbsp; positive attitudes&nbsp; towards learning&nbsp; physics and&nbsp; enhancing<br />understanding of fundamental physical concepts and laws, and thus increasing the efficiency<br />of teaching physics.</p>

Achieving quality education : a study of secondary school principals' and teachers' perception and strategies for promoting quality in their schools /

Leung, Pui-ling. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (M. Ed.)--University of Hong Kong, 2001. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 106-107).

Achieving quality education a study of secondary school principals' and teachers' perception and strategies for promoting quality in their schools /

Leung, Pui-ling. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed.)--University of Hong Kong, 2001. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 106-107). Also available in print.

A implementação do Programa de Expansão e Reestruturação das Universidades Federais (REUNI) na UFC (2007–2009) – um estudo de caso sob a perspectiva da qualidade do ensino / The implementation of the Program of Expansion e Reorganization of the Federal Universities (REUNI) in the UFC (2007-2009) - a study of case under the perspective of the quality of education

GONÇALVES, Margarida Maria Dias Monteiro January 2010 (has links)
GONÇALVES, Margarida Maria Dias Monteiro. A implementação do Programa de Expansão e Reestruturação das Universidades Federais (REUNI) na UFC (2007–2009): um estudo de caso sob a perspectiva da qualidade do ensino. 2010. 153 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Políticas Públicas e Gestão da Educação Superior) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Políticas Públicas e Gestão da Educação Superior, Fortaleza-CE, 2010. / Submitted by moises gomes (celtinha_malvado@hotmail.com) on 2012-06-21T14:53:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2010_dis_MMDMGoncalves.pdf: 4192875 bytes, checksum: 882f82b3ab00ec31528b516ba23e91ab (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Josineide Góis(josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-06-21T14:59:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2010_dis_MMDMGoncalves.pdf: 4192875 bytes, checksum: 882f82b3ab00ec31528b516ba23e91ab (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-06-21T14:59:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2010_dis_MMDMGoncalves.pdf: 4192875 bytes, checksum: 882f82b3ab00ec31528b516ba23e91ab (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / This study on the implementation of the Program of Expansion and Reorganization of the Federal Universities (REUNI) in the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) (2007-2009) - a Case Study under the Perspective of the Quality of Higher Education aims to analyze the elaboration of the REUNI Program set up by the Federal Government from the proposal adhesion to the Program by the Institution concerned. Such a study had as reference research related to the quality of higher education in the Brazilian legislation, the analyses of the dimensions for the UFC proposed to the Ministry of Education (MEC) and the evaluation of the expansion policy of the Federal University of the Ceará in terms of jeopardizing the quality of education in accordance with the adopted strategies. From the epistemological point of view, the study is classified as qualitative and exploratory. The methodological procedures are of bibliographical and documentary nature. The sources were newspapers articles, magazines, books, periodicals articles, research reports, on line documents, consultations to theses and dissertations concerning the higher education topics. Based on the conception of Demo (1995), the quality is an innovative and humanizing ability that prepares the actor so as to manage and produce knowledge in such a way to become competitive as well as to become citizen. In the analyses, the aim was to understand REUNI and its features in building on the quality of education in UFC during the period of 2007 to 2009. According to preliminary report “Expansion of the UFC in times of REUNI”, its execution was mainly established in the quantitative aspect, which is a way to reach the mission in promotion of a quality education. Despite the role REUNI plays in building on education, there are divergent views on the subject. It is required to establish criteria of permanent evaluation, based on quality, to give continuity to the educational aspects and guidelines, considering the temporality of this program. This study demonstrated that from REUNI it is necessary to set up a planning that makes it easier and allows continuity of the expansion actions, to assure its sustainability in the inherent aspects, and guarantees the quality of higher education in the UFC after the five years´ time limit established in the adhesion contract to the Program. / Este estudo sobre a implementação do Programa de Expansão e Reestruturação das Universidades Federais (REUNI) na UFC (2007–2009) – Um Estudo de Caso sob a Perspectiva da Qualidade do Ensino Superior buscou analisar a efetivação do Programa REUNI instituído pelo Governo Federal, a partir da proposta de adesão ao Programa pela Instituição. Tal estudo teve como referência pesquisas relacionadas à qualidade do ensino superior na legislação brasileira, as análises das dimensões propostas ao Ministério da Educação (MEC) pela UFC e a avaliação da política de expansão da Universidade Federal do Ceará no tocante ao comprometimento da qualidade do ensino de acordo com as estratégias adotadas. Do ponto de vista epistemológico, o estudo classifica-se como qualitativo e exploratório. Os procedimentos metodológicos são de natureza documental e bibliográfica. As fontes foram artigos de jornais, revistas, livros, artigos de periódicos, relatórios de pesquisa, documentos on line, consultas a teses e dissertações pertinentes às temáticas da educação superior. Com base na concepção de Demo (1995) a qualidade é competência inovadora e humanizadora que prepara o sujeito de forma a saber manejar e produzir conhecimento tanto para ser competitivo, como para ser cidadão. Nas análises buscou-se entender o REUNI e seus aspectos na construção da qualidade de ensino, durante o período de 2007 a 2009 na UFC. Segundo o relatório preliminar “Expansão da UFC em tempos de REUNI”, sua execução se estabeleceu primordialmente no aspecto quantitativo, que é um meio para atingir a missão, na promoção de um ensino de qualidade. Apesar do REUNI desempenhar um papel na construção do ensino, há opiniões divergentes sobre o assunto. Faz-se necessário estabelecer critérios de avaliação permanente, baseados na qualidade, para dar continuidade as diretrizes e dimensões educacionais, considerando a temporalidade deste programa. Este estudo mostrou que partir do REUNI, é necessário estabelecer um planejamento que facilite e permita a continuidade das ações de expansão, assegure sua sustentabilidade nos aspectos a ela inerentes, e garanta a qualidade do ensino superior na UFC, após os cinco anos estabelecidos no contrato de adesão ao Programa.

Podpora profesního rozvoje učitelů jako nástroj zvyšování kvality školy / School Improvement: Supporting School-Based Teacher Professional Development

Breníková, Jana January 2020 (has links)
The dissertation explores teacher professional development as a strategy for improving school performance. The theoretical part defines school quality, teacher quality, and instruction quality. It further talks about teacher professional development, specifically strategies that involve teacher's reflective practices and teacher collaboration. The practical part of the dissertation examines the characteristics and impact of a five year support model of school based teacher professional development. The process was closely observed through case studies of four subjects in a particular school. The findings reveal that the implemented model contributed to the changes in the principal's leadership style, school culture and climate the most. KEYWORDS Teacher professional development, school quality, teacher quality, instruction quality, teacher collaboration, teacher coach, team teaching.

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